14 Outcomes Homework Sha

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Alabang-Zapote Road, Pamplona 3, Las Piñas City, Metro Manila 1740, PHILIPPINES

www.perpetualdalta.edu.ph +63(02) 871-06-39

Belarmino, Shari’a Mica B.



1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural,and health sciences and humanities in the practice of
 Through the four years of studying nursing here in UPHSD I was able to apply my
knowledge through physical, social, and natural and health sciences and humanities in the
practice of nursing by having clinical exposures in different areas.

2. Perform safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups, and community
utilizing nursing process.
 Being a nursing student here in UPHSD, I can confidently say that we perform safe,
appropriate and holistic care to every individual, by using evidence-based practice as well
as having a great guidance from our clinical instructors.

As a 4th year student we have been in different clinical rotations, and during those times we were
able to implement holistic care to every individual, not only the patients but also the family

3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care

 We apply guidelines as well as principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of
care by researching on the latest trends also new researches that have accurate results.

4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal ethical, and moral principles:
 In practicing nursing, we follow different laws, even though I’m not a nurse yet, we still
practice existing laws such as the Philippine Nursing Law which includes “Non-
Maleficence” which means “Do no Harm” as well as “Beneficence” which is Doing good
is thought of as doing what is best for the patient.
Alabang-Zapote Road, Pamplona 3, Las Piñas City, Metro Manila 1740, PHILIPPINES
www.perpetualdalta.edu.ph +63(02) 871-06-39

5. Communicate effectively in speaking , writing and presenting using culturally appropriate language;
 One of the nurse’s roles is being an advocate, so as a nursing student for us to fulfill this
role in the future we need to be able to be a good communicator, either be
speaking,writing or presenting.

Here in UPHSD we were able to practice communicating effectively by having group discussion
in order to enhance our communicating skills.

6. Report/Document client care accurately and comprehensively;

 During our exposure in different areas, we were taught on how to accurately Report and
document all client care in the nurses notes, how it should be properly addressed and as
well as how we should formulate it.

7. Collaborate effectively with inter-, intra- and multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
 In the college of nursing, Filipinos aren’t only the nationality in this program, this includes
different cultures as well. Here in UPHSD we were able to work with multi-cultural teams
with the best way we can.

Learning how to collaborate early in our program is a great advantage especially in our
profession, collaboration is important.

8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in the delivery of client
 I have been one of the leaders for the past 3 years here in the college of nursing, and I can
say that I was able to use this especially during time management for the delivery of client

Also, because of our requirement for NCM 107: Leadership and Management is to make a
seminar, I was able to learn a lot on how to completely apply our knowledge on how to
implement what we have learned throughout the course.

9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher

 The research that me and my groupmates have completed with the help of our Research
advisers Ma’am Ma. Cecilia Vico RN MAN and Ma’am Bernadette Ilagan RN MAN LPT
PhD “Factors influencing the motivation of 2nd year nursing students: Basis for an Action
plan” taught us how to be patient with every step of the research, we’ve done surveys for
the respondents as well as researched for different related literatures that helped us to
complete the Nursing Research.
Alabang-Zapote Road, Pamplona 3, Las Piñas City, Metro Manila 1740, PHILIPPINES
www.perpetualdalta.edu.ph +63(02) 871-06-39

10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current the national and global developments in
general, nursing and health developments in particular.

 One of the lessons I’ve learned here in Nursing school is do everything with passion, and
love what you are doing, that’s why in everything that I do, whether will it be a return
demo or in a real person I try my best to do it with care.

Also, practicing continuous learning for development is one of the ways to be globally

11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino

 One of the best ways to explain this is being able to be a volunteer in every event that has
a connection with health, especially during the latest event that the whole college of
nursing participated is “Synchronized Polio Vaccination” and the Blood Letting event of

12. Apply techno intelligent care system and process in health care delivery
 The college of nursing is trying its best to keep pace with the growing technological era as
well as PHMC is trying too.

13. Display Nursing core values in practice of the profession

 As a future nurse, it is important that as nursing students we need to learn and master the
Nursing core values especially the most unique value of every nurse, which is caring. As a
nursing student, I was able to display the core values every nurse should have, and
ofcourse as time goes by it also needs more improvement

14. Apply intrapreneurship skills in nursing care

 Intrapreneurship means “taking risks” and this is one of the important skills that I believe
every nursing student should improve on, stepping out of his/her comfort zone

Being in nursing school especially here in UPHSD made me improve my intrapreneurship

skills, as a student leader in my organization as well as a leader in my group in my RLE.
Alabang-Zapote Road, Pamplona 3, Las Piñas City, Metro Manila 1740, PHILIPPINES
www.perpetualdalta.edu.ph +63(02) 871-06-39

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