The patient is at risk for constipation after a cesarean section. The nurse's short term goal is for the patient to demonstrate behaviors to prevent constipation within 8 hours. Nursing interventions include encouraging fluid intake, fiber-rich foods, and ambulation. The long term goal is for the patient to maintain their usual bowel pattern within 3 days through lifestyle changes and medical management if needed.
The patient is at risk for constipation after a cesarean section. The nurse's short term goal is for the patient to demonstrate behaviors to prevent constipation within 8 hours. Nursing interventions include encouraging fluid intake, fiber-rich foods, and ambulation. The long term goal is for the patient to maintain their usual bowel pattern within 3 days through lifestyle changes and medical management if needed.
The patient is at risk for constipation after a cesarean section. The nurse's short term goal is for the patient to demonstrate behaviors to prevent constipation within 8 hours. Nursing interventions include encouraging fluid intake, fiber-rich foods, and ambulation. The long term goal is for the patient to maintain their usual bowel pattern within 3 days through lifestyle changes and medical management if needed.
The patient is at risk for constipation after a cesarean section. The nurse's short term goal is for the patient to demonstrate behaviors to prevent constipation within 8 hours. Nursing interventions include encouraging fluid intake, fiber-rich foods, and ambulation. The long term goal is for the patient to maintain their usual bowel pattern within 3 days through lifestyle changes and medical management if needed.
No subjective cues Risk for Short Term INDEPENDENT After 8 hours of
constipation r/t Goal: INTERVENTIONS: nursing Objective Cues: post pregnancy Ascertain normal This is to interventions, the Patient has cesarean Within 8 hours bowel functioning of determine the patient was able not yet section of nursing the patient, about normal bowel to identify eliminated interventions, how many times a pattern measures to since day does she the patient will prevent infection delivery defecate To increase the be able to Encourage intake of as manifested by Absence of bulk of the bruit sounds demonstrate foods rich in fiber stool and client’s Normal behaviors or such as fruits facilitate the verbalization of: pattern of lifestyle changes passage “Iinom ako ng bowel has to prevent through the maraming tubig not yet developing colon at kakain ng returned problem Promote adequate To promote prutas para fluid intake. moist soft stool makadumi ako.” Long Term Goal: Suggest drinking of warm fluids, especially in the Within 3 days of Within 3 days of morning to nursing stimulate peristalsis nursing To stimulate interventions, Encourage interventions, the contractions of the patient will ambulation such as the intestines patient was able be able to walking within and prevent to maintain usual maintain usual individual limits post operative pattern of bowel pattern of bowel complications functioning functioning However, since she To avoid stress has had cesarean, on the also encourage cesarean adequate rest incision/ wound periods
Administer bulk- To promote
forming agents or defecation stool softeners such as laxatives as indicated or prescribed by the physician
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