Nike Report
Nike Report
Nike Report
For the last 15 years, Neil tirelessly represented labor to Nike on global supply chains. He taught us
some of our most valuable lessons, sometimes painfully, but always constructively and with fairness.
Neil’s career and life will forever reflect the story of globalization and the evolution of corporate social
responsibility from unknown practice to mainstream business model redesign.
I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt or when the self becomes too much with you, apply
the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and weakest man whom you may have seen and ask
yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he gain anything by it? Will it
restore him to control over his own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to Swaraj for the hungry
and starving millions? Then you will find your doubt and yourself melting away.
— Gandhi
Neil Kearney’s Facebook profile tells us this was his favorite quote. We’re not surprised. In the 15 years that
we knew him, he circled the world perhaps hundreds of times to fight for workers’ rights. The nameless,
powerless women workers in Bangladesh, Columbia, Egypt, Honduras, Senegal and Turkey. He was their
advocate, their champion, their voice. On their behalf he lectured companies and governments, pushed the
ILO and the EU, all from a small office in Brussels when he wasn’t on a plane. In those early days, when codes
of conduct were the debate, the Ethical Trading Initiative a dream, CSR a strange fictional name only a few
had started to talk about, and CR Reports almost inexistent, Neil’s voice helped shape what we now take
for granted.
In those early days, Neil harangued us. But from that rocky beginning, we learned to see that his voice
was our mirror. Because of that, his was a voice of a true friend: a friend to the worker, but also to those
companies struggling to find solutions to the issues he raised. He knew that what he asked of us was
difficult. He always gave us recognition when we’d moved something or made a difference. But he never
let us forget that his expectations of us were always greater, always focused on a day when no worker in
the world would face injustice or be unable to speak their mind.
First I was an athlete. Then a designer. Now a CEO. But I’m coach us. In those days the Internet was brand new, but we
still an athlete and a designer. Like everyone, I view the world began to see the power of instantaneous information and
through the lens of my experiences. And so I’ll talk about a few new communities enabled on a global scale. We suspected
things I’ve learned along the way and why I am committed to that a new model was being born – one that would tap into
building a more sustainable company and future. the wisdom of diverse contributors, where collaboration
was more important than proprietary secrets. We learned to
Designers are curious. They scan and observe and notice what view transparency as an asset, not a risk.
is unique rather than what is obvious. Their curiosity often shows
an object or process to suffer some deficit – a lack of function 2. Another hard lesson came after years of pushing our
or performance or style or relevance - and they are compelled suppliers with monitoring and policing tools. We thought
to improve it. Just as often, designers see not a flaw but an that we could be a unilateral force for systemic change.
opportunity – and they feel compelled to seek solutions. Instead, we learned that meaningful reform was not going
to come from external pressure alone. Awareness and
Innovators are composers. They see connections where others monitoring of any mandated Code of Conduct had to be
see only dots. It’s all about relationships and possibilities. They embraced and enforced at the local level. And it had to be
understand that the elements of invention are not the notes of based on real business-based solutions driven by strong
the song but rather the spaces in between – new technologies, market signals. If we are to enable systemic change, we
unique behaviors and unusual partnerships. And they have can’t do it alone. We need partners. We need collaboration
absolutely no fear of failure in exploring these possibilities. from industry, civil society and government. And we need
to show the real benefits of lean manufacturing and human
Sports created Nike, but design and innovation made it grow. resource management.
Our challenge – and our opportunity – is to use all three to help
people reach their true potential. 3. For years we used SF6, a global warming gas, in our Air
Soles. It was a legacy technology that had to change going
We have always obsessed over performance – make it lighter, forward. But it was incredibly difficult to engineer a solution
faster, tougher, more relevant – all to enhance the experience of that replaced SF6 with a benign gas without sacrificing the
sport for all. In the early days our “systems” consisted of only performance of our products. After much trial and error over
those things that helped us build better shoes and shirts, and several years, the Nike R&D team devised a way to replace
ads and events. We are, after all, a consumer products company. SF6 with nitrogen, which virtually eliminated the release
of CO2 equivalent and actually improved the performance
It took us a while, but we finally figured out that we could apply of our Air Soles. It was a moment of clarity that showed
these two core competencies – design and innovation – to bring us a risk could become an innovation. It launched us on
about environmental, labor and social change. We opened the a continual search for similar advances in sustainable
aperture of our lens and discovered our potential to have a technology and performance.
positive influence on waste reduction, climate change, managing
natural resources, renewable energy and factory conditions. We 4. As we thought about how to reduce the environmental
saw that doing the right thing was good for business today – impacts of our products, we realized it had to start with
and would be an engine for our growth in the near future. With our design community. So we worked back upstream from
each new discovery and partnership, we willingly gave up old the finished product to the earliest stages of design and
ideas to shift our thinking toward a better, smarter, faster and development. From the first glimmer of a product concept,
ultimately more sustainable future – financially, environmentally we would consider everything involved in bringing a shoe to
and socially. market – from raw materials sourcing to transportation – all
aimed at minimizing our environmental impact. This gave
There were many teachable moments along the way. I’ll offer six: birth to our Considered Index that measures the effective
use and management of resources. The focus on design
1. In the early ’90s, we came under intense scrutiny for labor as a key enabler of system change taught us that, while
conditions in our supply chain. Our critics were smart (and retrofitting the past or the present yields significant benefits,
right) to focus on the industry leader. Our first reaction was prototyping the future can unleash disruptive and scalable
to defend the practices prevalent in developing economies. innovation.
Soon, however, we learned that the path to change that status
quo is paved by collaboration with multiple stakeholders. 5. These successes prove that Nike can be a catalyst with
We had a lot to learn, and there were people who could significant ripple effect. We have ambitious goals around
I grew up in design and innovation. I grew up at Nike. And for all Mark Parker
the athletic and cultural and financial successes of the company, President and CEO, NIKE, Inc.
Reporting Practices 13
Board of Directors, Corporate Responsibility
Committee and CR Leadership 14
Ethics and Conduct 14
Stakeholder Engagement and
Report Reviews 14
Assurance 17
Reporting Recognition 18
Reporting Guidance 19
This section includes facts and figures on NIKE, Inc., and • Converse Inc., which designs, markets and distributes
its operations that provide perspective on our scope, scale, athletic footwear, apparel and accessories
influence and impacts.
• Hurley International LLC, which designs, markets and
distributes action sports and youth lifestyle footwear,
apparel and accessories
$18,627 $19,176
*Five-Year Compound annual Growth Rate (CAGR) based on Fiscal Year 2004 Revenue of
$12,253 million
23.2% 22.6% 22.0%
*Return on Invested Capital calculation available in the financials section of our Investor Relations
Web site,
*Five-Year Compound annual Growth Rate (CAGR) based on Fiscal Year 2004 diluted EPS of $1.75
** EPS amounts prior to Fiscal Year 2007 have been restated to reflect the two for one stock split
that occurred in April 2007
***Reported EPS amounts include certain non-recurring expensese and benefits, such as
impairment and restructuring charges, tax settlements and other items. To see comparable
annual EPS amounts, please refer to our prior press releases and SEC filings.
*Performance of the S&P 500 and NKE stock is calculated by comparing the relative price of
each as of 5/29/2009 to 5/28/2004, amounts do not take into consideration reinvestments
of dividends.
37% 34%
U.S. U.S.
2005 2009
50% 53%
International International
*The segment labeled “Other Businesses” for Fiscal 2005 represents revenues from Cole Haan, Converse Inc., Exeter Brands Group LLC,
Hurley International LLC., Baur Hockey Inc., and NIKE Golf. Fiscal 2009 includes revenues for Cole Haan, Converse Inc., Hurley
International LLC., NIKE Golf and Umbro Ltd. Bauer Hockey Inc., and Exeter Brands Group LLC. are not included in Fiscal 2009 as Bauer
Hockey and the Starter Brand were sold in Fiscal 2008.
The Netherlands
NIKE, Inc.
Beaverton, OR European
NIKE, Inc. (EHQ)
World Headquarters
International branch offices and subsidiaries of NIKE, Inc. are located in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Chile,
Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Norway, the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, Poland,
Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab
Emirates, the United Kingdom, Uruguay and Vietnam.
NIKE, Inc. European Headquarters (EHQ) is located in leased FY09: China (36 percent), Vietnam (36 percent), Indonesia (22
office space of nearly 500,000 square feet in Hilversum, percent) and Thailand (6 percent)
The Netherlands. There are also manufacturing agreements with independent
factories in Argentina, Brazil, India and Mexico to manufacture
footwear for sale primarily within those countries. Our largest
single footwear factory accounted for approximately 5 percent
DISTRIBUTION of total fiscal 2009 footwear production.
FY09: 34 countries
Most production occurred in China, Thailand, Indonesia,
MANUFACTURING Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Taiwan, El
Salvador, Mexico, India and Israel. The largest single apparel
factory accounted for approximately 5 percent of total fiscal
• Nike Air-Sole cushioning materials and components
2009 apparel production.
are manufactured at Nike IHM, Inc. manufacturing
facilities located in Beaverton, Oregon, and St.
Charles, Missouri, and Nike (Suzhou) Sports Company,
Ltd., facilities in the People’s Republic of China. OTHER
• Approximately six production offices outside the
THE VALUE OF REPORTING Consistent with our previous reporting, for FY07-09 we focus
primarily on activities and data related to the Nike brand, which
NIKE, Inc. sees reporting as an important means of sharing
comprised approximately 87 percent of NIKE, Inc. revenue at
information about its corporate responsibility strategy, targets,
the end of FY09. The majority of the company’s growth going
approach and performance. We prepare and report information,
forward is expected to come from the seven key categories in
taking account of our business impacts and the desires of
the Nike brand.
stakeholders, to provide an open, clear picture about our aims
and progress in incorporating responsible practice into our
Except where noted, this report does not cover information
operations. We also believe that reporting provides an indicator –
related to the following NIKE, Inc. affiliates: Cole Haan, Converse,
to ourselves and others – of our ability to succeed and thrive as a
Hurley International and Umbro. As we stated in FY05/06 we
company. We use sustainability as a lens to how we systemically
have a long-term goal of incorporating affiliate companies into
address risk management, efficiencies, innovation and future-
our efforts and reporting.
looking efforts all critical in positioning NIKE, Inc. for long-
term growth.
NIKE, Inc. has a code of ethics for all employees called Inside the
NIKE, Inc.’s Board of Directors is responsible for corporate
Lines. It defines the standards of conduct we expect employees
governance in compliance with the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act and
to follow and includes a range of topics on employee activity,
other laws, and representing the interests of our shareholders. As
ethical behavior, product safety, legal compliance, competition
of November 19, 2009, the board was composed of 13 members,
and use of resources.
11 of whom are considered independent, non-executive directors
under the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange.
Each year, all NIKE, Inc. employees are required to verify that
For a full description of the Board membership, oversight and
they have read and understand Inside the Lines. NIKE, Inc. also
activity, please refer to Corporate Governance Guidelines.
operates a global toll-free line called Alertline for employees
to confidentially report any suspected violations of the law or
The Corporate Responsibility Committee of the Board of
our code of ethics. Any reported concerns around accounting,
Directors was established in 2001 to review significant policies
auditing or internal control are communicated to the Board’s
and activities and make recommendations regarding labor
audit committee, which determines appropriate action.
and environmental practices, community affairs, charitable
and foundation activities, diversity and equal opportunity, and
We expect our suppliers to share our standards and operate
environmental and sustainability initiatives. Either the company
in a legal and ethical manner. While Inside the Lines addresses
chairman or the chief executive officer attends the Corporate
the behavior of NIKE, Inc. employees, the Code of Conduct
Responsibility Committee meetings. The Committee met three
addresses contractors that manufacture Nike-branded products.
times each year to review strategies and plans for corporate
It directs them to respect the rights of their employees and to
responsibility in FY07-09. Beginning in FY10, it will meet four
provide them with a safe and healthy work environment.
times each year.
NIKE, Inc. first held a formal multi-stakeholder forum in February • Anne Kelly, director of governance programs, CERES
2004. We have continued that type of engagement through a • David Chen, founder and managing director,
number of meetings, some casually on specific topics, and some Equilibrium Capital; chair, Oregon Innovation Council
formal and facilitated.
• Garrett Brown, compliance officer, Cal/OSHA;
One such meeting was held in December 2007, involving 13 coordinator, Maquiladora Health & Safety Support
participants from a range of nongovernmental organizations, Network
government, academic, investor and business perspectives • Helio Mattar, president, Akatu Institute
around Nike’s energy and climate strategy. Participants met
• Jason Morrison, program director, Pacific Institute
with Nike leadership to discuss themes including supply chain,
public policy, disclosure and engaging consumers. They also • Kavita Ramdas, CEO, Global Fund for Women
encouraged the company to focus on target setting. Feedback • Kevin Carroll, author, speaker and agent for social change
from the session helped Nike establish long-term energy and
climate targets. • Ma Jun, director, Institute of Public & Environmental
We continued to formalize stakeholder feedback in 2007 as • Melissa Brown, director, IDFC Global Alternatives
we brought together a range of interests to review and provide (Hong Kong) Ltd.
insight on our FY05/06 Corporate Responsibility Report. This
• Paul Gilding, writer, advisor and advocate on climate
committee was instrumental in providing feedback about the
change and sustainability
ambitious FY11 corporate responsibility business targets we set
and have continued to manage against and report upon. • Peter Graf, chief sustainability officer, SAP
• Tim Brown, president and CEO, IDEO
• Todd Moss, senior fellow and director of The Emerging
STAKEHOLDER REVIEW PANEL Africa Project, Center for Global Development
Sharon Burrow, president, ITUC / ACTU, and Neil Kearny, general
NIKE, Inc. engaged Business of Social Responsibility (BSR) to secretary, ITGLWF, were invited to participate in this process
facilitate a stakeholder engagement process around its FY07- in order to include a labor union voice. However, schedule
09 Corporate Responsibility Report (with performance data from misalignments prevented their participation in this process,
May 31, 2007 through May 31, 2009) in order to enhance the despite several attempts to seek their input. Since then, Neil’s
credibility of its report. life was tragically cut short. This report is dedicated to him.
Validate and document key • We now track relevant KPIs owned both by the SB&I team and businesses with quarterly scorecards.
performance indicators (KPIs). Work is continuing in this area.
• Moved to tracking through formal data requests and regular monitoring, store centrally and apply
ongoing improvements to the process.
• Broader ownership within business as part of regular operations, less reliant on key personnel.
• Defining and implementing data retention policies to ensure quality trend and other possible analysis.
Address risks identified during • Internal audit tested specific KPIs. Ongoing assessment is designed to mitigate
review testing. errors and eliminate poor decisions or inaccurate reporting.
Formalize selection and • For our FY07-09 report we worked with Business for Social Responsibility to select a
process for Report Review group of stakeholders that represent geographic and subject matter diversity that
committed. appropriately reflect NIKE, Inc. We asked for feedback around specific business
targets and our draft reporting.
Engage investor relations in • Met with investor relations to understand better the issues raised by shareholders,
lifecycle of report. investors and analysts. Their input is invaluable in addressing the range of issues we
face and the balance of business benefit. We continue to work with this department
and others in areas including corporate responsibility strategic planning, reporting
and reviewing the future of transparency.
Document general computer • Some controls were found to be out-of-date or nonexistent. We have committed resources in many
controls. of these areas. Areas of investment include:
- Development of a community database tracking from request through the completion of grants.
- Analysis of energy use tracking across all operations and development of a robust system for
tracking and measuring.
Document IT system • New IT platforms have been developed since the audit. Ongoing evaluation of IT
requirements. architecture and systems requirements needed to support our operations.
Years ago, when we started working to improve the labor, we look ahead, we know that consumers across the world are
environmental and social impacts of our business model, creating new markets and demanding new services that require
we were largely driven by a need to manage risk. Today, our us to focus on getting close to market, to create new, digital
corporate responsibility approach has evolved from focusing solutions and to customize products for consumers more quickly
on risk management, philanthropy and compliance to one that than ever before.
utilizes our natural focus on innovation to transition NIKE, Inc.
into a business that is more sustainable, by which we mean To fulfill these demands, we must succeed in a world where
that it brings people, planet and profits into balance for lasting natural and human resources are constrained. In the future,
success. issues ranging from peaking oil prices, climate change mitigation
and population growth to the decreasing availability of natural
To be the leading athletic brand in the world – today and into resources could impact our consumers and our business. As the
the future – we have to deliver innovative new products and world moves to a low-carbon economy, we see potential impact
experiences in a more sustainable way. For NIKE, Inc., this is to labor forces, working conditions, communities, development,
not about trading one business challenge for another. It’s about youth, sport, supply chains, products and more.
recognizing that sustainability is a route to future profitability. As
Over the past few years, we’ve achieved much success with our
efforts and are on track with the ambitious goals that we set for
ourselves. It’s clear however, that the more we achieve and the
more we look ahead, the more opportunity we see for progress.
We invite you to join us in this journey.
*Targets have been clarified or redefined from what was presented in FY05/06. For full discussion of targets, progress
and our work in these areas please explore the relevant section.
Considered Design Index On track. 10 percent of spring 09
100 percent of all footwear
models and 17 percent of seasonal
products, newly developed
production volume achieved
out of WHQ, will reach
baseline Considered ranking.
baseline Considered
standards by FY11.
**At a minimum, top-volume product includes socks, bags, inflatable balls and gloves.
Facilities & Business Travel Nike brand facilities and Progress made but
business travel climate neutral rethinking goal as part of
by FY11; NIKE, Inc facilities larger Climate & Energy
climate neutral by FY15. strategy.
Let Me Play/Social Impact Social Impact: Nike will set Missed target. In FY07 we
targets and metrics around defined a measurement and
programs for excluded youth evaluation framework
around the world by January designed to assess and
FY08. communicate social impact of
investments, in consultation
with internal and external
stakeholders. In FY08-09 we
developed and piloted the
Women’s Funding Network’s
Making the CaseTM tool.
Brand and Factories Collaborate on
Environment, Safety and Health 72
Overview 56
Hytex, Malaysia 73
Our Approach 56
Interview with Whanil Jeong,
On the Horizon 57
Chairman of Chang Shin Inc. 74
Footwear Factories Save Energy and Money 76
HRM in Action 77
The three main product lines of the Nike brand — footwear, and confidence to consistently produce quality products. We
apparel and equipment — are made in approximately 600 believe our lean manufacturing approach holds great promise for
contract factories that employ more than 800,000 workers in 46 worker empowerment and for building a more skilled and
countries around the world. equitable work force.
Our overarching goal is to help build an equitable and empowered We are also moving toward a more integrated approach to
work force. We have worked toward this goal for nearly a decade, managing the complexity of our supply chain by merging our
pioneering a variety of approaches to influence positive change lean, energy, water, waste and compliance teams into a single
in our supply chain. We’ve learned from our successes and our effort: sustainable manufacturing and sourcing.
shortcomings, and shared those findings through these reports
and other means. And while we can point to many examples of Our vision of sustainability remains the same as it always has:
improvements, challenging issues remain for our company and to bring people, planet and profits into balance. For Nike, this is
our industry in systemically identifying and tackling how to affect not about trading one off against the other. It’s about recognizing
long-term system-wide change. We have begun to identify these that sustainability is a route to future profitability, and that a
root causes in our work and continue working to address them sustainable economy or business model must lead to equitable
with contracted manufacturers and other brands. supply chains: if we attend to the needs of the environment or
profits, but not supply chains, we will not have succeeded.
Today we’re in the starting blocks of a transformation in how
we manage sustainability issues for our company and within our
supply chain. We are working with contract factories to apply
lean manufacturing processes, an approach that delivers the
highest-quality product while eliminating all types of waste,
including lost time and material.
As we began this substantial transition, the global economic In this report, as we update our progress against these, it’s
crisis and recession kicked in. Our efforts began to take place important to note that while we did not meet all of our targets, in
against the backdrop of the economic downturn, which has some cases, we realized our targets were measuring the wrong
resulted in substantial job losses across the industry. Official things – what we learned and how we adjusted our targets are
figures from the International Textile, Garment and Leather discussed here within.
Workers’ Federation report around 14 million jobs lost globally in
2009. In response to the labor crisis before us, Nike and the Multi
Fibre Arrangement Forum helped kick start the Sustainable
Apparel and Footwear Initiative, designed to mitigate immediate FY07-09 EVOLVING
negative impacts to the industry as well as lay the groundwork
for a new approach to competitiveness, founded in sustainability. BEYOND MONITORING
This section provides an overview of key issues in our supply As we address the key issues we’ve identified, other issues
chain, including wages and freedom of association, and in- continue to emerge. We were challenged in FY09 by migrant
depth discussion of the issues for which we set targets in labor issues at a factory in Malaysia. And while contracted
FY05/06: excessive overtime, building supplier human resources manufacturers have made progress in worker safety, a range
management capacity and collaborating with others in the of health and environmental issues are becoming increasingly
industry. We also discuss how our approach has evolved and important. We need to continue to adapt our approach to
report on our progress in monitoring factory conditions, and emerging challenges.
provide examples of our work on the ground in supplier factories
around the world. We have long believed that, when it comes to improving
conditions for workers, monitoring alone is not the answer.
Traditional monitoring — including the mindset behind some
of our targets in this area — audits symptoms, rather than root
KEY ISSUES causes. In evaluating where our targets fell short, we saw a
consistent pattern: a focus on auditing against a set of criteria
Like almost every other global supply chain, Nike’s global sometimes results in on-the-ground improvements for workers,
supply chain is a complex network that directly connects and but it rarely produces systemic change in the area of concern. On
impacts a wide range of people around the globe: consumers, further reflection, we realized that, if we want to make sustainable
buyers, suppliers, workers and communities. Each of these improvements for workers, we need to significantly change the
groups is vitally important to our success. In turn, we believe way we engage and interact with our supply chain as a whole.
Nike has a powerful opportunity to engage with each of these
stakeholders in working to create positive economic, social and There will always be a need for monitoring to protect the most
environmental change. vulnerable workers in our supply chain and identify areas of
particular risk. However, we continue to find that by focusing on
At the center of our footprint stand more than 800,000 workers problems alone, we are not able to create models that lead to
in our contracted supply chain. Most of these workers are young sustained, long-term improvements. As such, we are committed
women, many of whom are the first women in their family to work in to decreasing the emphasis we place on monitoring in the
the formal economy. This phenomenon has the potential to lead to coming years, directing increased resources to capacity building,
significant social change in families and their communities, yet these establishing broad-based partnerships with a consolidated
workers are typically poorly educated, living against a precarious contracted manufacturing base and others who can partner with
backdrop of poverty and insecurity within emerging economies. us in these goals.
By monitoring conditions in the supply chain and engaging
with a range of stakeholders, we have identified several key We call this approach responsible competitiveness, and it has
issues as the focus for our efforts to improve conditions in our been an area of evolution at Nike for the last three years. It is
supply chain. In our FY05/06 report, we set targets relating to based on our belief that:
excessive overtime and freedom of association. We also set
targets to help improve the capacity of suppliers to manage their 1. We need to go beyond issues and understand root causes.
human resources. We believe better management and stronger
two-way communication will help address a wide range of 2. We need to aim for systemic change, not just the resolution
worker concerns. of incidents.
The suppliers themselves also face challenges including mixed 3. We need to foster systemic change by building responsible
messages and overlapping or conflicting requirements from competitiveness into our entire business model and enabling
diverse customers. To accelerate improvements in supply chain a win-win for workers’ rights, and for growth and profitability
across our supply chain.
Generation I: Generation 2: Generation 3: Generation 4:
June 2006:
March 2005: Management
January 2006: Compliance visit
audit follow up –
Audit reveals focuses on wage
improvement on minor
factory wage issue. Factory has
revised systems,
A structure not
workers provide
fully compliant
positive feedback. December 2007:
with law.
January 2005: Audit finds
Factory undergoes Sept/Dec 2006: critical issues
audit. Compliance conducts on hours
B follow up visit and audit. worked,
Factory has resolved payment and
wage issues. training wages.
December 2006:
January 2008:
Factory failed to
Compliance audit
A sustain remediation
reveals continued
critical errors in
working hours, April 2008: Return
timekeeping visit shows factory
May 2006: Critical systems and failure to address
B issues appear to be training pay. critical issues.
resolved. Factory
rated C.
December 2004:
Audit reveals critical
C working hours and
pay issues.
Interim: Critical issues June 2007: Audit reveals hours December 2007: Critical
addressed and rectified. of work and timekeeping environmental, safety and
system errors. health issues identified.
Note: One Nike-contracted factory monitored over three years had nine different monitoring visits. Even with monitoring, it failed to make
sustained improvements.
Desired Result
December 2011:
Compliance audit
July 2011: Field team meets reveals only minor
with factory management at issues for both labor
A May 2010: Follow-up
liaison office to discuss and ESH. Factory
progress against action plans. remains B.
labor audit reveals
that critical issues
appear to be
resolved. Factory
B rated C.
Note: factory engaged in systems management capacity building over a multiple-year period. With capacity building and measuring impact
against consistent base assessment, factory achieves sustainable improvement and performance. Factory is able to move to a model of
self governance in which oversight is characterized by less policing, and more checks and balances (supplemented with worker surveys and
“checks” though qualified third parties and brand collaboration partnerships). Nike believes HRM training linked to lean has the best potential for
accelerating these results.
20 4 12
14 2
Note: The Human Resource Management program was mostly in pilot phase during FY09 and implemented in FY10 with
plans to scale up the number of factories through FY11. Therefore, only 16 factories are included for FY09. We present this
data as a baseline for HRM factories for comparison to future years. We began the HRM program with high-performing
factories but will need to consider whether this approach continues to make sense as we move forward, as the current
criteria assumes that participating factories have basic HRM systems in place.
We envision a future state where all of these areas are
intertwined and interdependent. Lean creates an empowering
work environment where workers are able to reap the rewards of
management investment strategies that emphasize skill building,
teamwork, environment and quality over quantity. Compensation
structures in lean factories evolve, with bonuses reflecting
skills in quality and teamwork rather than just hours worked
and overtime. Managers value workers and do what they can
to retain and listen to them. Waste is removed from processes.
Fossil fuels are seen as costs on both current and future balance
sheets and drive new solutions in efficiencies and retrofits as well
as incorporation of solar, wind and hydro.
• Profile of Factories 2. Build a strong and sustainable sourcing base for greater
operational efficiencies and future growth.
• Profile of Workers
3. Align with contract manufacturing groups best positioned
• Factory Monitoring and Results to deliver performance product and innovation that Nike
consumers have come to expect.
Nike Brand Factories by Region and Product (at FY close, May 31 each year)
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
EMEA 4 2 2 2 59 58 45 37 18 19 16 14 81 79 63 53
N Asia 39 35 38 38 138 141 149 134 108 107 117 102 285 283 304 274
TOTAL 73 76 74 71 437 432 440 391 177 171 176 156 687 679 690 618
Note: Nike contracted with 618 factories to manufacture product in FY09, down from previous years and reflective of our consolidation strategy
that focuses on contract manufacturing group optimization to build a long-term sustainable sourcing base capable of delivering product,
innovation and reinforcing relationships with factories committed to our corporate responsibility principles.
• Country in which the factory is located In March of 2009, Nike announced it would discontinue orders
• Factory worker population with four footwear factories and a number of apparel factories
• Type of factory operation within the year. In apparel contract factories, Nike is often one
• Manufacturing process of several buyers and therefore does not comprise a majority
• Management and environmental, safety and health buyer at any one factory. We anticipate further consolidation will
(ESH) compliance performance occur across all product areas. As we implement these plans
and respond to new and changing business needs, we continue
This index has evolved from FY05/06, as we continue to refine our orders over six to 12 months as we engage with stakeholders and
approach to assessing risk. To further understand the full range government on a responsible transition out of these factories.
and nature of risks across the NIKE, Inc., supply chain, in 2009
we partnered with Maplecroft, a firm specializing in global risk To evaluate where to discontinue orders, Nike considers a variety
assessment around areas such as climate change, pandemics, of factors such as innovation, overall performance, management,
resource security, terrorism and human rights. The Maplecroft strategic capabilities, productivity, quality, craftsmanship and
commitment to Nike’s corporate responsibility principles.
• Fully compliant • Isolated violations of M standards which do not rise to the level of "Serious" or "Critical" issues
A • Demonstrates best practices • No more than five minor issues outstanding on the Master Action Plan (MAP)
• Considered a leader
• Mostly compliant • Isolated violations of M standards which do not rise to the level of "Serious" or "Critical" issues
• Noncompliant • Factory not providing basic terms of employment (contracts, documented training on terms of
• Noncompliant • Management specifically refuses, or continues to demonstrate it is not willing to comply with Nike
D • Demonstrates general
disregard for Nike codes and
• Any denial of access to authorized compliance inspectors
standards • Management provides false information (statements, documents or demonstrates coaching)
• Unwilling or unable to drive • Factory outsources to an unapproved or unauthorized facility or issues homework to employees
important change
• Any use of bonded, indentured or prison labor
• Deliberately misleads
• Use of force to compel illegal work hours
• Systemic use of workers under the minimum legal age for work
• Audit shows critical
systemic and repeated • Factory denies workers freedom of association
problems • Systemically not paying the legally mandated minimum wage or not providing legally required
income related benefits
• Factory conducts pregnancy testing as a condition of employment
• Systemically not providing legally required maternity leave
• A confirmed serious incident of physical or sexual abuse; or systemic harassment and abuse and/or
failure to timely respond to complaint(s)
• Critical violation of hours of work standard: lack of verifiable timekeeping system results in
workers not having hours or work accurately recorded; more than 10 percent of employees exceed
daily work hour limits, work more than 72 hours each week or work 14 or more consecutive days
without a break
• Not enough current • Not enough current information to measure compliance performance
E information to measure
compliance performance
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
B 284 261 225 227 224 206 214 214 213 221 245 210
C 151 143 125 124 137 132 134 156 162 161 156 100
D 37 38 31 26 26 35 38 35 25 30 21 22
E 34 85 181 199 192 205 207 190 166 157 145 172
Notes: Factories contracted to manufacture product for Nike receive letter-grade ratings on their management and
environmental, health and safety practices. Factories rated C or D on any element develop an action plan and are assessed
against their progress in implementing it. Most factories contracted to Nike received B ratings in FY07-09. Factories
receiving an E rating had insufficient information to rate the factory.
Olympic Games. In FY09 the number of MAV audits was 33. The
Management Audit Verification (MAV) majority of audits were conducted in North Asia and in apparel
Tool factories, reflecting the substantial number of apparel factories
in the supply chain. The MAV audits themselves reflect the
In addition to periodic management audits, Nike conducts highest level, most in-depth analysis we conduct with factories,
deeper studies called Management Audit Verifications (MAV), executed based on issues identified. The outputs of MAV audits
which are both an audit and verification built into one tool. are identification of specific compliance issues and a qualitative
MAV covers the full worker experience, delving deep into four analysis of root causes of compliance issues identified. A finding
core areas: hours of work, wages and benefits, labor relations of noncompliance with Nike’s Code Leadership Standards or
and grievance systems. We developed the tool to help better local law requires development of an action plan and subsequent
understand and address both root causes and impact analysis of reviews to monitor progress against the plan.
areas of noncompliance in labor management. Following visits,
Nike and contract factories create action plans to remediate These monitoring efforts are backed by ongoing interaction with
noncompliance issues according to local law and Nike’s Code factories, including capacity building visits, remediation work
Leadership Standards. and other activities. It is worth noting that our data only reflects
the activity of our compliance team and may understate the level
In FY07 we added the MAV tool to the various monitoring of engagement we have with contract factories. For example,
approaches and replaced some management audits. In that year we have staff in many factories and other business functions
we applied existing and revised tools, and the total number of are frequently on-site as well. These businesspeople work with
audits conducted was lower as we made the transition. In FY08, factories and the dedicated compliance team to resolve issues.
Nike conducted 82 MAV audits in 80 factories, with the increase
in audits corresponding to an increase in manufacturing for the
Note: Nike conducted 33 MAV audits in FY09. Audits cover the full worker experience, delving deep into four core areas: hours of
work, wages and benefits, labor relations and grievance systems. Nike has made this tool available for download.
Countries with the highest number of noncompliance issues MAV Audits were lack of systems, lack of knowledge and lack of
arising were China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brazil in FY07; commitment, with lack of systems surpassing lack of knowledge
Malaysia, China, Indonesia and Turkey in FY08 and Indonesia, for the top spot.
Turkey and Moldova in FY09. Overall, the top issues identified in
Note: A finding of noncompliance with Nike’s Code Leadership Standards or local law requires development of an
action plan and subsequent reviews to monitor progress against the plan.
Note: Overall, the top issues identified in management audits of Nike-contracted factories were lack of systems,
lack of knowledge and lack of commitment, with lack of systems around empowerment of compliance and HR staff
the most often-cited issue in FY08.
Our audit protocol focuses on the areas of greatest risk to workers and
the environment, assessing both relevance and overall performance
on the most critical environment, safety and health issues.
Audits show that the top environment, safety and health issues
within contract factories generally reflect those areas where there
is a lack of local laws or regulations. In some cases, Nike’s Code
Leadership Standards introduce ESH management standards to
contract factories where regulation or practice have been absent,
thus improving the capacity of factories to manage these issues
effectively. Three such issues are managing confined space
with a task permit required by Nike that assures basic working
conditions and established procedures to provide protection
from hazards; controlling hazardous energy, such as is found in
machines or equipment, where we require control procedures,
employee training and periodic inspections; and incorporating
contractor safety into factories’ assessments and responsibility.
Note: Nike implemented a new Environment, Safety and Health auditing methodology in FY07, conducting 48 audits in FY07, 302 in FY08, and 267
in FY09.
Hazardous Materials
Non-ionizing Radiation Electrical Safety
Heat Stress Bloodborne Pathogens
PMV Fire Safety Management
Canteen Sanitation
Note: FY09 results show a significant improvement in the management of the chemical management issues. Chemical Management, after two
straight years as the number-one noncompliance issue, has dropped to number five. Factories are spending more resources to communicate the
hazards of chemicals to their employees. Additionally, they’re educating these employees on how to best protect themselves from the hazards
associated with those chemicals. Among the successes, there is always room for improvement as is the case with wastewater noncompliance
issues, which crept back onto the top-10 list in FY09 after falling off in FY08. Although factories generally are improving year after year, they must
be vigilant in establishing sustainable systems to maintain momentum in identifying and managing their risks. Many factories were audited for the
first time in FY09, one reason for the reduction in performance in fire safety, emergency action, drinking water, sanitation and occupational health
management. For many of these factories, this audit was the first customer audit of their ESH performance
FY06 30,692 FY06 25,766 FY06 122,236 FY06 165,539 FY06 344,233
FY07 29,426 FY07 25,718 FY07 134,978 FY07 161,499 FY07 351,261
FY08 29,157 FY08 22,441 FY08 138,880 FY08 152,949 FY08 343,427
FY09 32,073 FY09 20,156 FY09 128,045 FY09 150,516 FY09 330,790
FY06 8,620 FY06 3,287 FY06 57,552 FY06 14,246 FY06 83,705
FY07 9,159 FY07 3,672 FY07 59,683 FY07 10,830 FY07 83,344
FY08 7,848 FY08 3,011 FY08 70,352 FY08 11,888 FY08 93,099
FY09 8,075 FY09 3,003 FY09 70,905 FY09 21,976 FY09 103,959
FY06 10,422 FY06 805 FY06 242,467 FY06 90,469 FY06 344,136
FY07 14,186 FY07 1,398 FY07 250,053 FY07 90,959 FY07 356,569
FY08 12,095 FY08 1,313 FY08 291,618 FY08 93,209 FY08 398,235
FY09 11,456 FY09 1,208 FY09 291,720 FY09 83,893 FY09 388,277
FY06 49,734 FY06 29,858 FY06 422,255 FY06 270,254 FY06 772,101
FY07 52,771 FY07 30,788 FY07 444,714 FY07 263,288 FY07 791,561
FY08 49,100 FY08 26,765 FY08 500,850 FY08 258,046 FY08 834,761
FY09 51,604 FY09 24,367 FY09 490,670 FY09 256,385 FY09 823,026
*Europe/Middle East/Africa
Note: Nike-contracted factories employed more than 820,000 workers in FY09. Sixty percent of that work force was in North Asia and 47
percent manufactured footwear.
Throughout our contract manufacturing base, we see the
potential and promise of delivering improvements in product
and for workers as we work with contract factories to implement
business improvement processes, such as lean, and we
focus on sustainable manufacturing. This approach is helping
us to address additional issues, including water and waste
management, comprehensively and throughout our supply chain.
Note: In our FY05/06 report we released a target of zero excessive overtime identified in contract factories. As we started
working toward that goal we realized that this goal was measuring the wrong thing. The target of eliminating “identified”
overtime could be achieved by incentivizing lower levels of identification and reporting whereas our overarching aim is to
increase tracking and transparency. While we seek to reduce excessive overtime across the industry, the only items we can
directly influence are those caused by Nike.
*Note: See page 44 for explanation of ratings. This information does not establish a baseline against which we can measure Nike-caused incidents
of excessive overtime. These figures provide information on all incidents of excessive overtime among our contracted manufacturing base.
Americas 3 2 2
EMEA 7 8 7
N ASIA 36 46 49
S ASIA 91 93 92
Footwear 10 11 13
Equipment 24 31 33
*Note: See page 44 for explanation of ratings. This information does not establish a baseline against which we can measure
Nike-caused incidents of excessive overtime. These figures provide information on all incidents of excessive overtime
among our contracted manufacturing base.
We believe we have a choice. We can continue to chase after
occurrences of excessive overtime and perhaps – if we catch it
in time – eliminate it while it’s happening. Or we can accelerate
activity to address the root causes. We believe we can ramp
up this effort in two areas: in policies and education with input
from our new sustainable audit function and in partnership
with the business units as we move to lean manufacturing
and support broader goals of reducing the total number of
unique shop keeping units (SKUs) of merchandise we produce.
Wages 2. In the mid term, we are exploring ways to partner with local
nongovernmental organizations to assess the community
development needs in targeted factory communities. We
aim to determine whether Nike, in collaboration with others,
OVERVIEW might play a role in helping to tackle significant challenges
that will further enable factory communities to thrive. With
Worker wages is a critical issue along the supply chain and we research still needed to be finalized, it is our belief that
are working to address it. wages can go even further if significant obstacles, such
as access to health care and clean water, are removed for
Nike requires suppliers to pay workers at least the locally- contract factory workers and their communities.
mandated minimum wage and benefits, and any additional
benefits outlined in individual employee contracts or collective 3. Overarching both the first and second workstreams is
bargaining agreements. We require contracted manufacturers to Nike’s long-term aim, which is that contract factory workers
comply with a standard against which we can audit consistently. in the supply chain should be rewarded with compensation
Where factories are found not to have met these standards, we that is equitable, competitive and locally relevant. Yet we
require remediation action. also acknowledge that the definition of what constitutes
an “equitable” wage varies greatly from country to country.
The issue of wages elicits debate on multiple fronts. There is The issue of wages continues to be a source of discussion
debate on what constitutes fair, competitive wages around the and debate within the footwear and apparel industry and
world, and there is debate on how those wages are then paid other industries, as well as at the national and international
in a way that does not negatively impact growth and jobs. The levels. There is no single definition of a living wage that is
last 18 months of the global recession, and the peak in oil and commonly accepted or auditable; making an industry-wide
commodity prices before that, both added new complexity and approach challenging.
dynamics to that discussion.
Among the factors affecting the wage debate are the competing
The global economic crisis has had a devastating impact on concerns of various constituents. Shareholders want to see
worker welfare across the globe. In the apparel and footwear strong returns on their investments. Consumers want products
industry, millions of jobs have been lost. For those fortunate at competitive prices. Manufacturers need to earn a profit to
enough to maintain employment, many have seen their income sustain their business and grow. Governments want to attract
decline. Industry-wide overtime work (and subsequently overtime and retain investment in order to fuel growth, jobs and revenue.
pay) has often not been available due to decreasing orders. In an Most important, workers want to earn wages that meet their
effort to control costs, some factories have eliminated optional basic needs and enable their families to take advantage of
benefits, such as transportation allowances or attendance growing educational and economic opportunities.
bonuses. These have so far been short-term, recession-based
industry trends; we are hopeful that many of these benefits can Nike believes that local wage setting is best done by negotiations
be regained through the ongoing economic recovery. between workers, labor representatives, the employer and the
government. Because the success of this process varies by
country, Nike increasingly sees the need for further regional and
global discussions among suppliers, governments, NGOs and –
OUR APPROACH importantly – workers, about the degree to which wages across
the industry are meeting workers’ needs.
We see four complementary work streams; three now and one
into the future (see below): We believe there is ample room for innovation in this area,
and that progress must occur throughout the industry, and at
1. In the short term, Nike has been working with other brands, the governmental level, not only in Nike’s supply chain. In the
NGOs, MSI’s and trade union representatives to advocate meantime, we are committed to deepening our understanding
for the importance of the apparel industry to the global of workers’ challenges and exploring different mechanisms
development agenda. While the Sustainable Apparel and for improving their welfare through new industry collaboration,
Footwear Initiative of MFA Forum has not been able to public policy advocacy and other efforts aimed at positively
deliver programs that extend employment through supplier impacting workers’ ability to save and thrive.
assistance and social protection in the short term, the
group’s work has catalyzed renewed focus on the sector
and critical employment issues.
Freedom of Association
Freedom of Association Target
Note: We measure performance based on focus factories taking part in human resources management training that
incorporates a segment on Freedom of Association.
Going forward, the three targets tied to Human Resource Management training will be assessed with a single metric
tracking the number of focus contract factories that have completed training.
Note: In FY05/06, we shared a target that would include tailored human resources management programs for factories.
The tailored aspect of that training is crafted as a follow up based on factors including the worker survey and results of
findings during the training. The target has been revised to reflect this.
Worker Survey
Note: In FY05/06 we shared a target that 100 percent of workers in focus factories would be surveyed. However, due to
worker turnover and best-case response rates, we realized that 100 percent participation was not possible. We created a
survey for factories to measure a statistically valid sampling of workers and revised the target accordingly. Surveys must
be complete in advance of participating in HRM training and are referenced in the training.
Today, that view is going through a fundamental shift, and Our work with manufacturers to promote lean manufacturing is
Nike’s supply chain is taking a lead on this transformation. part of our fundamental shift away from monitoring and toward
We are working with contract manufacturers to apply lean building manufacturing capacity for self-management. We believe
manufacturing, an approach that delivers the highest-quality this will ultimately be a more successful and sustainable approach
product while eliminating all types of waste, including lost time to stimulating systemic change and improving the lives of workers.
and material.
Note: The HRM curriculum is based on the Culture of Empowerment Model, adopted from Toyota’s Human Systems Model as described in “Toyota
Culture, the Heart and Soul of the Toyota Way” (Jeffrey Liker and Mike Hoseus, 2008).
The curriculum contains 10 modules that each focus on a key area of the Culture of Empowerment Model. Each module is designed to share HRM best
practices related to lean manufacturing, and contains interactive exercises that allow factory managers to assess their current state and identify
improvement opportunities in areas including recruiting, selection, employee development, performance management, worker-management
communication and retention.
The curriculum also contains instruction and exercises on lean problem solving and planning tools including PDCA (plan, do, check, act) and A3
reports, which facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration in a concise document. These tools are used throughout the capacity building to
define follow-up projects that factory managers implement after completing the training.
INTEGRATE FY08/09 • Revise Nike’s Code Leadership Standards, factory rating criteria
LEARNINGS and assessment tools to align with HRM
IMPLEMENT FY10/11 • Conduct HRM for Lean Manufacturing Workshops with all strategic
contract factories
One important first step in improving the lives of factory workers A third-party provider administers the survey through an on-
is for factory management to hear directly from them. We have site questionnaire, employee interviews and a factory tour.
integrated worker surveys into our HRM training. Results are reported confidentially to factory management and
in aggregate to Nike.
In advance of the training, factories conduct a statistically
relevant survey among workers that asks 70 questions about In FY09, 24 factories in China and Vietnam participated in
demographic information, employees’ perception of pay and the training and conducted the worker surveys in advance of
benefits, health and safety, management culture, hours worked, the training.
their empowerment as employees and general job satisfaction.
• Living conditions
• Working environment
• Performance management
• Worker-management communication
»»Results Analysis
Overall analysis was conducted on the satisfaction scores of
issues contained in the survey, and the correlation between
these issues and overall employee satisfaction. The result can
be summarized in order of priority as follows:
Communication Training and development
Current Income Level
III IV Health & safety
Uniform clothing
Issues of High Satisfaction & High Importance Issues of Low Satisfaction & Low Importance
(Quadrant I) (Quadrant III)
Quadrant I covers the issues that the workers are quite satisfied Quadrant III covers issues of low scores regarding satisfaction
with and need to be maintained, and they are also quite and low correlation to overall employee satisfaction such as
related to overall satisfaction. The issues include training and night shift meal, food in the canteen and service attitude of
development, that is, job skill training, supervisory skill training, factory clinic.
training on factory rules and regulations and environment, health
and safety training. Issues of High Satisfaction & Low Importance
(Quadrant IV)
Issues of Low Satisfaction & High Importance Quadrant IV covers the issues that workers were very satisfied
(Quadrant II) with, but had a lower correlation to overall satisfaction such as
Quadrant II, representing the highest priority, covers the issues safety and health, training on factory rules and regulations and
that the workers are not very satisfied with but highly related to recreation facilities.
overall satisfaction. Making improvement on these issues helps
to enhance worker satisfaction. The issues include: behaviors
of direct supervisor, communication between workers and
management and living conditions.
Before Training • Factories engage workers in surveys to better understand worker perspectives
and develop programs to improve the working environment.
Training • Two-week on-site training where factory management from different functions
works together, often for the first time.
• Training modules include hiring practices, worker training and development, worker
empowerment and retention, worker-management communication,
compensation/performance management and building a strong HR function.
Post Training • Factories work with Nike NOS and compliance teams to establish further training on
areas in most need of improvement.
In 2005 we took the bold step of disclosing our supply chain. We In an informal poll of suppliers manufacturing for Nike in Thailand
anticipated this disclosure would spark collaboration between and China, manufacturers said they responded to approximately
brands in the oversight of supply chains. We established a goal 12 audit requests each year. One supplier in Thailand, however,
of increasing collaboration with other brands to cover 30 percent reported accommodating 48 audits in a single year and we do not
of Nike-contracted factories by FY11. think this is unique. Extrapolate the impacts of this inefficiency to
hundreds of suppliers for Nike.
While 30 percent may appear to be a small number, it is a realistic
target given that some contract factories produce solely for Nike Cost is not the only inefficiency. Not only are brands duplicating
and many factories serve other buyers that currently lack a robust efforts through multiple audits, but we also are undermining
compliance program, making a mutual exchange of information each others’ efforts to promote compliance by providing
or partnership in capacity building unfeasible. conflicting standards and proposed remediation approaches to
factories. Finally, supplier support of industry collaboration is
also undermined by differing business philosophies across the
Though the industry has taken steps toward transparency and
Nike’s strategy for auditing focuses internal resources and cooperation, the pace has been slow and cautious. Not all buyers
our deepest expertise on contract factories that represent a share the same level of commitment to advancing workers’
significant portion of Nike business by volume, dollar value and rights in the global supply chain. Brands that have invested in a
worker populations. We still seek, however, to have reliable, decade’s worth of work in monitoring, like Nike, have developed
accurate data about all factories manufacturing branded, finished strong views about what works and what does not in the field.
goods, so that these factories are held equally accountable for
their compliance performance. In order to meet this need for Nike works to share resources with brands that share our aims
information, licensees and agents are required to oversee their of assessing management systems, have high compliance
suppliers (either through dedicated internal compliance teams expectations for suppliers and are committed to partnership
or third-party monitors) and Nike engages third-party monitors and rewarding continuous improvement. While it is fairly easy
directly to provide audit information about non-focus factories for us to provide audit information to interested brands, we are
that provide product directly to Nike. more challenged to fully leverage the scope of audits currently
taking place in our supply chain. Given the importance placed
on factory compliance ratings in our overall sourcing strategy, we
use audits from other brands only after robust dialogue ensures
URGENT NEED FOR EFFICIENCY us that they comprise a similar standard to our own. Furthermore,
to ensure consistency, we also apply our own standards to any
In the apparel industry, where working with multiple buyers is
data collected and shared with us by other brands.
the norm for most factories, the collective costs of monitoring
activities for both brands and suppliers have become exorbitant.
ADDRESSING ONGOING 1. Facilitate trade finance for suppliers that are getting orders,
but have difficulty accessing credit, to protect current
SHIFTS IN THE APPAREL employment opportunities
We share a common aim; have audits that deliver confidence • Improve systems for sharing information. New platforms
in management processes and performance. But some for managing information have emerged with broad
improvements are needed to realize the benefits of collaboration: differences. Ultimately a single system or mechanism for
linking systems would assist in promoting cooperation
• A higher level of commitment across a wider set of across the industry
players in the industry
• Alignment in philosophies as well as audits (depth and Nike is proud to participate in one program showing encouraging
detail) and remediation signs of taking collaboration to scale: the International Labour
Organization’s (ILO) Better Work program. Building on the
• Improvements in measuring impact. Evaluation of the experiences of its Better Factories program in Cambodia and the
benefits – to buyers and suppliers – of fewer audits, Factory Improvement Program in countries such as Sri Lanka,
fewer auditors and improved quality will help make the Vietnam and South Africa, the ILO is now merging a single
case to others in the industry approach to monitoring with critical capacity building activities for
apparel factories in several key manufacturing countries.
• Development of master audit oversight calendars
of shared suppliers. Detailed planning and shared Our own role in collaborative auditing may change as well, as
calendars would allow brands to shift activities as a we continue consolidation in our supply chain. Though this
result of other brands’ work consolidation may decrease opportunities for sharing audits, we
still believe that alignment on best practices in remediation and
• Creation and application of consistent expectations for capacity building across the industry are important positive steps.
professional auditing firms about the scope, quality and
approach to social and environmental audits
Nike has learned a great deal from the Hytex experience. Though
CONDITIONS AT we have worked for more than a decade at improving labor
conditions in contracted factories, we recognize significant work
CONTRACTED FACTORY remains to be done. For one, Hytex highlighted the fact that Nike
did not have internal policies specific to migrant labor. As a direct
In July 2008, an Australian television station reported that Hytex result of this experience, we do now.
Apparel, Ltd., a Nike-contracted apparel factory in Malaysia,
employed hundreds of migrant workers in unacceptable Engaging with a range of stakeholders, especially local groups
conditions. The report stated that workers from Bangladesh, on the ground, is critical for us to determine the treatment of
China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam, were workers at contract factories. Robust engagement plays an
housed in dormitories with overcrowded sleeping quarters, important role in enhancing our factory auditing process.
unhygienic toilet facilities and poor kitchen sanitation. It also Moreover, we recognize our responsibility to advocate for greater
reported on migrant workers’ complaints that their wages had local government engagement in our efforts to monitor contract
been garnished to pay for work permits, their passports taken factory conditions, both in Malaysia and globally.
and withheld by factory managers, and that they were not given
a copy of their labor contracts in their local languages – all We believe this experience has strengthened our overall work
required by Malaysian law and expressed in the source country’s commitments to improve conditions for workers in our supply
memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Malaysia. chain around the world. To help ensure the above corrective
actions are maintained, Nike implemented a robust migrant
Nike investigated. Though the factory’s hiring practices and worker policy that covers not only the issues found in Malaysia,
safekeeping of passports were within bounds of Malaysian but the employment of migrant workers throughout our global
Immigration regulations, Nike found the overall situation to be supply chain.
unacceptable, especially the workers’ temporary living conditions
and the garnishing of wages to pay for permits. We aren’t the only ones learning from the experience. The
government of Malaysia is now much more acutely aware of
Nike met with factory management to evaluate the allegations and the expectations of major global customers and brands related
found serious breaches of its code of conduct. Nike immediately to providing fair and reasonable treatment to workers. The
demanded action to resolve these serious violations. Immediate government witnessed the response of a buyer, heard from
corrective actions included providing workers free access to local factories, and participated in several meetings with Nike.
their passports, ceasing all deductions in connection to workers’ These three channels of information provided them with valuable
levy/work permit fees, improving dormitory conditions and insight and perspective about how seriously we take the issue of
implementing a system to reimburse migrant workers what they treatment of workers when our standards are not met.
paid agents for recruitment. Nike also provided workers the
phone number of its local compliance team if they experienced
further difficulties. Hytex began repayment of garnishes for work
permit levies through an installment plan which began July 2008
and is expected to be complete in 2010.
It was about 11 years ago. We had factories in Vietnam and China Along the way, we have been very lucky in getting good advice in
and we were in bad shape; poor product quality, late deliveries – terms of deciding how to invest in facilities and employee training
it wasn’t comfortable. At a manufacturing seminar, an electronics based on lean concepts. We changed a lot of our layout and
company introduced me to a concept they’d learned from the machinery based on the lean concept. We had to shed the old
Toyota automobile company, and I thought it might be applicable attitude that bigger and stronger was better. Now we have as
to the footwear industry. This of course, turned out to be lean little inventory as possible and the smallest machines possible.
manufacturing. Instead of purchasing big machines, we collaborated with
machine vendors to design and purchase machines that were
I learned more about it by reading a lot of books, and we went properly sized, which saves energy and reduces waste. It also
to Toyota to see first hand how it works. It was amazing. On our makes our production lines more flexible.
first visit we mainly paid attention to the tools of lean, such as 5S,
Kanban, standardization, production line layout and changeover.
We thought lean was about the use of these tools. We totally did »»So after 10 years on this journey, how would you describe
not understand the culture changes required, but it was a first the benefits of lean to your business?
We are certainly not the same company we were 10 years ago.
We have had a 154-percent increase in orders. We’re up 23
»»What did you think the initial benefits of incorporating lean percent in productivity, which is pretty good considering the
higher-tech models we’re making and the variety of models we’re
into your business might be back then? making now.
We were thinking primarily about cost reduction as our initial Defective returns from our customers are down 67 percent, and
benefit. We thought we could also increase quality and decrease B and C grade (lower quality) are down 82 percent.
waste. We didn’t know how much lean could impact these, but
we knew we had to reduce costs and improve quality to make a In terms of worker empowerment, we get 500,000 suggestions a
profit and be competitive. year from our employees to make us more efficient. That averages
to 17 suggestions per employee per year. These suggestions have
»»What were the challenges of implementing lean into your helped us save over $2 million in one factory last year. Employees
get a share of the money saved as a bonus. Also, various other
»»How has Nike played a part in your journey? • Standardize. Routine cleaning becomes a way of
life. Preventative maintenance is routinely performed,
Nike played a very powerful role. We were a small company and perhaps with planning and scheduling and some
lean was a new tool in the footwear business. We were an early responsibilities done by your central maintenance
example of lean benefits. Nike was trying to find an efficiency department, and as much routine maintenance as
program and they partnered with us to open the NITC (NOS possible performed by the people that know that work
Innovation and Training Center). The NITC is a training center center better than anyone else.
open to all Nike contract factories and gives them in-depth
training on how lean principles can enhance their business. We • Sustain. When 5S becomes a routine way of life.
had a lot of our workers attend this training and it has been a very Root causes are routinely identified and dealt with.
strong engine for building our lean efforts. We also share ideas This includes both supervisors and the workers who
with other Nike factories to learn what is working well. We are have come to appreciate the benefits of 5S and
open with our information and are helping each other to improve. lean methods.
For both factories – and all those participating in the training – each
step in the process had clear goals, responsibilities, timelines and
methods for tracking progress.
Index Overview 84
Environmentally Preferred Materials 89
Waste 95
Petroleum-Derived Solvents 100
Restricted Substance List 101
Minimize the Provide Borrow water Product Enable all our Educate,
impact of leadership responsibly and creation to stakeholders challenge and
product toward climate return it clean allow for along our value empower
ingredients stability to communities material chain to meet athletes to
throughout the recovery or their needs and join the
life cycle safe return to lead fulfilling sustainability
nature lives journey
Product Design:
Considered Design Index
The Considered Design Index: Footwear Target
Note: This report provides further clarification of our Considered targets. The Considered Index tool helps Nike designers
make good environmental choices when designing product, therefore it applies to newly designed product, rather than
existing product lines.
Nike completed its inaugural Considered Footwear Index for In FY07/08, Nike created interim, manual indexes for fall 2008,
spring 2009. Other activity in FY07-09 included sharing the index spring 2009 and holiday 2009 product lines. In FY09, we rolled
with senior leadership and rolling it out to all product categories, out the online, full Index to leadership, product creation teams
liaison offices and the footwear manufacturing base. We also and liaison offices. Spring 2010 will mark the first apparel product
trained all Nike global footwear development staff in the use of in the marketplace developed using the new, online Considered
the Index. Index as well as progress reporting.
Pegasus 25
Swift Suit
Trash Talk
Air Rejuven8
All Categories
Nike N7
Reuse-A-Shoe 21m
C02 goals
ACG Considered
Considered Ethos
Renewable Energy
Marc Newson Shoe
IDSA Considered Boot
WFF Environmentally
PVC Phase Out Preferred
Organic Cotton Rubber
SF6 Phase Out
Pollution Prevention
Reuse-A-Shoe VOCs
In FY08 we began assessing the need for an equipment index, Our Considered journey builds on foundational programs dating
including the challenges of vastly different products (from soccer back to the early 1990s. We are now realizing benefits from
balls to watches to golf clubs). We are working on the creation of integration into the business with new processes and products.
a Universal Product Index for equipment.
It is our design ethos that elevates Nike’s approach. In order for
a product to be identified as “Considered” it has to earn the label
BACKGROUND by meeting specific requirements. To measure how sustainable a
product is we’ve created the Nike Considered Index. The Index
Nike’s Considered Design ethos combines the highest aspiration
metrics are based on more than a decade of innovation and
for sustainable design with detailed measurement to ensure
research on materials, solid waste, fabric treatments and solvent
that what we design and create, both as individual products
use. It not only evaluates product sustainability, it serves as an
and across our entire product line meet the exacting standards
educational tool for Nike’s product creation teams. Environmental
required to earn the Considered label. We know that one good
issues can be extremely complex and the Considered Index
waste-reduction effort or recycled-content shoe is not good
enables our teams to focus on understanding the impacts their
enough. We’re held accountable for making progress and
product components have on the environment and how they can
applying sustainable innovation in every product.
be reduced.
Intensity of use of solvent-based
cleaners, primers and solvents in
footwear assembly and decorative
applications. Based on the
manufacturing process, on a model by
model basis.
Footwear, evaluated by model waste generated
in the manufacturing processes for: Material cutting,
Midsoles, Sockliners, Decorative applications, and
Tooling use. Apparel evaluates the waste footprint
created in fabric cutting scrap at the garment
factory, for each product/style scored.
Based on a life-cycle analysis of each material used,
considering growing and extraction practices, chemistry,
energy intensity, energy source, water intensity, waste,
recycled content and end-of-life for both footwear and
apparel. Materials scores are extracted from Nike R&D’s
online database. Index scores are automatically applied to
the product based on the materials used.
Garment Treatments
The use of energy, water, and
chemical-intensive post-assembly garment
treatments in apparel, such as garment
laundering, distressing and garment dyeing.
Index points are deducted from product
undergoing these treatments.
Significant new solutions to product-related
environmental impact issues that are not
currently captured in the Index criteria for both
footwear and apparel. Innovation points are
applied for by product creation teams and
awarded by a Considered product panel.
The Considered standard is achieved by products with scores We share what we have developed, as we have with breakthroughs
that significantly exceed the baseline. These products earn the such as formulations for environmentally preferred rubber. And
Considered designation. we encourage others to share their insights and developments,
to take ideas and run with them, to let us – and others – know
what they’ve learned.
Every season brings new learnings and feedback from our
product creation teams on how we can improve the Considered
Index from both interface and content standpoints. We anticipate
the future will bring continual enhancement of the current index,
as well as development of a more universal tool for evaluating the
environmental aspects of all Nike products.
FY08 4.2% __
FY15 20%
Strategically manage material supply planning, optimize production efficiencies and leverage
volumes to deliver the best possible price and value.
Nike Restricted
Ensure Nike RSL/PRSL compliance for materials and finished products.
Substance Program
Proactivity invest in research and development of Nike EPM alternatives. Actively develop
EPM R+D closed-loop material/product take-back systems.
Supplier Footprint Understand the origin, environmental footprint and impacts of raw materials you source.
Ensure traceability of materials throughout the supply chain from raw material origin through
Track + Trace finished product.
FY99 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
% of cotton
22 47 47 52 76 83 86 100
5% organic
% of cotton
fiber used
that is 2 4 5 7 10 14
cotton kg 975,000 1,745,000 2,645,000 4,306,000 6,436,000 9,603,000
cotton lb 2,150,000 3,847,000 5,830,000 9,493,000 14,189,000 21,171,000
% of polyester
garments containing 0.00 0.32 0.75 1.58 1.36 2.74
recycled polyester
Recycled polyester as
< 1% < 1% < 1% < 1% < 1% 1.6%
a % of total polyester
72% 76%
60 50%
Stated as FY07 baseline and 155 gpp target in FY05/06 report. Reviewing data and matching reduction target and
percentages revealed an error. Target should be, and has been restated as, a comparison to the FY06 baseline.
Apparel Target
Packaging Target
Note: Point-of-purchase means the packaging the consumer takes home with the product. The vast majority
of our consumer packaging is corrugated cardboard, this caused us to focus the 2007 reduction target on
corrugated cardboard point-of-purchase packaging, where our standard shoebox is already composed of
100-percent recycled cardboard. Corrugated cardboard is also used for all shipping packaging. We have now
expanded on the original target to include a reduction in the weight of shipping cartons .
Environment 1%
Footwear 32%
Manufacturing Shipping/Packaging
Note: Nearly one-third of our waste footprint comes from retail packaging and the same amount from shipping and packaging. Nike is focusing
effort on reducing all waste streams, especially in the greatest areas of impact.
»»Closed-Loop Materials
The waste management centers consolidate factory waste of
more than 50 materials that are shipped to the materials vendors
to be recycled back into the materials that we buy. Nike has
worked with seven vendors to create closed-loop materials used
in footwear manufacturing including heel counters, toe boxes,
strobels and lining. Between FY06 and FY09, closed-loop
materials and take-back programs within footwear increased
by 51 percent, to a total of more than 4.6 million kilograms. In
FY09, 11 percent of manufacturing waste was recycled back into
closed-loop materials.
109 100 97
61 57 57
Recycled waste
Our experience in measuring, managing, recycling and eliminating
proves what we’ve said before regarding our sustainability efforts:
there is no finish line. We can always improve. We can continually
improve every process: in design we can use materials more
efficiently; in packaging we can further reduce or find ways to
eliminate over time. These are incremental improvements. We
also continue to work on more radical approaches to reach
our North Star: What are the ideal materials, ones that can be
created in ways that allow them to become the feedstock for
future products? How can we get just the pieces and parts that
we need, without cutting them from a roll of material? What
closed-loop systems are needed in a society where waste is not
acceptable and how do we help to develop them? We are asking
these questions and seeking out answers, in our business and in
our industry to help move toward a sustainable society.
Note: In one place in Nike’s FY05/06 report, the incorrect baseline was used. The 340 grams per pair baseline from 1995 is
340 41.8 15.3 14.8 13.6 13.4
(grams per pair)
The use of Petroleum-Derived Solvents (PDS) in manufacturing That insight has helped us to direct our efforts toward innovations
can expose workers to potentially harmful chemicals and often that will deliver the greatest reductions for time invested.
requires them to use expensive and uncomfortable personal
protective equipment. If released to the environment, these For example, the carbon fiber shank in our iconic Jordan XX3
solvents also have undesirable environmental impacts. shoe would normally require assembly with priming and solvent-
based cements. We encouraged the shank vendor to innovate to
PDS are a processing aide used to manufacture products, not reduce solvent use. They developed a dry adhesive film system
the products themselves. To better understand our potential that allowed water-based assembly. We have applied this solvent-
for reducing solvents in footwear manufacturing, we undertook reducing process in the assembly of some cleated and other
a study in 2008 to determine where in the assembly process basketball footwear products as well and will continue to work
solvents are most used, with the aim of designing processes to with other suppliers to develop new processes and approaches.
eliminate solvents at the source.
In addition to our efforts in footwear, we are working with
We found the most solvents were used in primer and cleaning equipment manufacturers to assess areas for reducing PDS in
processes [see chart]. other product.
Other Plastic
Plastic Primers 2%
Midsole Primer 5%
Solvent for
Other Solvent Cleaners 7%
Cleaning in
Stockfit and
Climate and
To ensure faster and more long-standing impact, we have
reestablished the way we organize and manage our climate
and energy work to align with NIKE, Inc.’s value chain and
the way our business operates. We also recognize the
widely different strategies and tasks involved in reducing the
footprint we own compared to the footprint we influence.
Collaboration and partnerships, both in and outside the
company and the industry, will be critical to our success.
NIKE, Inc. has evolved the way we address the climate change We have evaluated our overall energy use and our overall
issue and where we spend our time and resources. In FY02 greenhouse gas emissions. We have also drawn a distinction
we assessed our footprint and set out to meet ambitious between what we own and control and what we can influence.
goals around the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We
eliminated the potent greenhouse gas SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride) This insight has helped us identify the areas of greatest emissions
from our footwear. We achieved our World Wildlife Fund Climate and focus our efforts where they will have the greatest impact:
Saver’s Program goal of reducing CO2 by 18 percent in owned in manufacturing, logistics and the materials that make up
facilities and business travel from 1998 to 2005 – even as facilities our products.
grew by 6 percent. In FY07-09 we began focusing deeper in our
value chain.
Inbound Logistics 7%
Manufacturing 26%
Packaging 2%
Materials 46%
Design 1%
Retail 5%
Notes: Facilities data is only included in FY07 thru FY09, making up 8 percent of total annual usage.
5% Facilities
3% Business Travel
2% Equipment Manufacturing
6% Apparel Manufacturing
Notes: Reporting aligns to WWF Climate Savers structure and uses the Climate Savers emissions factors for business travel, facilities and inbound
*Facilities based on calendar year figures, all others on fiscal year. Facilities include corporate offices as well as Niketown and employee stores, but
not Nike Factory Stores. FY09 includes energy data from additional distribution centers (Japan, Northridge, Mexico, Canada, Golf, and Cole Haan).
**Footwear emission totals were calculated based on actual energy use and fuel types reported by contracted factories, using a tool developed
by the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Initiative team (,), based in part on relevant aspects of the first edition of the “CO2
emissions from stationary combustion” calculation tool and guidance document. Apparel and Equipment totals were calculated by applying a factor
to production numbers, rather than actual energy and emission figures.
business travel
and-operated 0.13 and
operations* logistics** 1.32
and business 0.12 1.25
0.11 0.11
0.10 0.10
Manufacturing 1.43 1.50 1.41
and-operated 0.13 and
operations* logistics** 0.77
and business 0.12 1.25
travel FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
0.11 0.11
0.10 0.10
FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
+ + + =
1.53 1.60
1.35 1.42
1.20 1.53
FY97-98 FY03 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08FY03
FY97-98 FY09FY05 FY06 FY97-98
FY07 FY03
FY08 FY05
FY09 FY06 FY97-98
FY07 FY08 FY03
FY09 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
Note: Reporting aligns to WWF Climate Savers structure and uses Climate Savers emissions.
*Owned operations covers U.S. corporate facilities, distribution centers and Niketown stores but does not yet cover Nike Factory Stores. FY09
includes energy data from additional distribution centers (Japan, Northridge, Mexico, Canada, Golf and Cole Haan).
**Footwear emission totals were calculated based on actual energy use and fuel types reported by contracted factories, using a tool developed by
the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Initiative team (, based in part on relevant aspects of the first edition of the “CO2 emissions
from stationary combustion” calculation tool and guidance document. Apparel and Equipment totals were calculated by applying a factor to
production numbers, rather than actual energy and emission figures.
The logistics footprint is for CO2 only. ***Nike eliminated SF6 and PFP from product in 2006. ****Discrepancy due to rounding
Note: Emission totals were calculated based on actual energy use and fuel types reported by contracted factories,
following the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol (
In 2007 and early 2008, we conducted detailed evaluations Assuming that nonparticipating contract manufacturing
of the energy use at two footwear factories to understand groups operated at the same level of efficiency in FY09 as
the opportunities for cost savings and CO2 reduction. they did in FY08, we estimate that our total footwear energy
These pilot projects revealed significant potential to use footprint decreased from FY08 to FY09 by 4 percent.
Energy from
Production 9.4
kWh/pair 9.1
CO2 from
Production 983,000
in tonnes
Note: Footwear emission totals were calculated based on actual energy use and fuel types reported by contracted
factories, following the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol (
The reported values are estimates calculated every other year based on our best available information at the time.
The FY08 scope changed as more information became available. FY04 and FY06: Inline production for Thailand,
Vietnam, China and Indonesia. FY08: Global production, excluding B-grades, overruns and promo orders.
Our overall aim for logistics is to improve the carbon intensity of We need to be able to understand the carbon impact of decisions
our operations — in other words, achieving growth in revenue we make as part of forecasting. And to realize our goal of an
and units while decreasing emissions. Our aim is for each of absolute reduction, we need to do more.
Nike’s geographical business units to thoroughly understand
and take responsibility for the climate impact of its logistics. In addition to realizing CO2 reductions by using better forms of
We also ask business units to provide data so that we have travel, we can reduce or eliminate emissions by shipping smarter.
central oversight and the ability to note trends and shape the That includes optimizing the use of containers. In FY09 our U.S.
way we operate. It’s an ambitious task, given that this requires group realized more than $8.2 million in savings through better
local ownership, coordinated efforts, collaboration with transport container utilization, eliminating unnecessary trips and reducing
partners in our supply chain and new systems for tracking all air freight.
variables in shipping decisions.
Because we work closely with shipping partners and others to
get product from A to B to C, we do not control all the impacts
in our logistics operations. To make real change, we need to
collaborate with key partners who share our commitment to
carbon reductions. We have affirmed this commitment with each
of our key logistics providers.
We expect further advances in measurement and reporting tools.
We are actively working with key partners on next-generation
tools that will improve our ability to measure and report emissions
from outbound logistics. We are working collaboratively with key
logistics partners on long-range road maps which will outline
specific projects aimed at reducing emissions. In addition,
we will continue to use productive industry working groups
to solidify a common set of measures and accountabilities for
carbon reductions, and reporting, and we will work to integrate
emissions metrics into our scorecards and reward business, in
part, on reduction results.
Notes: *Facilities data includes information from WHQ, U.S. Niketown retail stores, and Nike’s 10 larger DC’s over 20,000 squsre feet. FY09 includes
energy data from additional DC’s (Japan, Northridge, Mexico, Canada, Golf and Cole Haan).
The net carbon impact of NIKE, Inc.’s owned facilities from FY07 to FY09 declined 15 percent even as the reported square footage of facilities grew
41 percent.
Business Travel
17,352 18,263 0
Notes: Data captured by Nike’s global travel vendor and includes global business travel. Business travel emissions were externally verified by David
Shearer, chief scientist at California Environmental Associates.
NIKE, Inc.. emissions from business travel increased 7 percent from FY07 to FY09. The net impact increased 88 percent from FY07 to FY09 with the
cessation of travel offset purchases in FY09.
• Upgraded lighting in three main buildings at NIKE, This facility features many environmental
Inc.’s world headquarters (WHQ) with high-efficiency, innovations, including:
low-mercury bulbs. The lighting change resulted in no
effect in productivity or lighting quality but delivered • high-efficiency lighting and environmental controls
significant energy savings. • roofing material that reflects sunlight while better
insulating the building
• The C. Vivian Stringer Center, a new childcare facility • recycled denim for insulation in the walls
at Nike’s WHQ, was designed incorporating energy • solar-tracking sky lighting
efficiency measures and solar panels that reduce the • a water management system that reclaims ground
total energy needed for the building by 35 percent, water for site irrigation
as well as recycled materials, a heat recovery system
and a system that recycled 85 percent of construction Where possible, we are retrofitting existing apparel and
waste. It is expected to earn a LEED-NC platinum footwear distribution facilities in Tennessee with improvements
rating for green building design, the highest possible demonstrated in the Northridge facility. The results from
rating, joining the WHQ’s LEED-EB gold-certified Ken sustainability projects from FY06 to FY09 at U.S. distribution
Griffey, Jr. building. centers are an achievement considering a 23-percent net increase
in square footage: energy consumption levels increased only 3
• Nike built and opened a new footwear distribution percent, CO2 emissions increased 5 percent and carbon intensity
center in Memphis, Tennessee, using 40 percent less (CO2 emissions per unit processed) improved 14 percent.
energy than older facilities. We have taken insights
from the newly-built center to retrofit our existing We now operate four distribution facilities in the U.S. that
apparel and equipment distribution center where collectively have a much higher capacity for growth. We saw
lighting and HVAC systems have been upgraded to significant reductions in each of our centers, due to projects
high-efficiency equipment. aimed at reducing our consumption of energy and other
• We installed hybrid solar thermal/solar electric panels
onto the WHQ’s Lance Armstrong Fitness Center Retail
which both heat water for the swimming pool and Nike-owned retail, including Niketown and employee stores,
provide some of the electricity needed to power the has also made progress, though our tracking to date does not
building. incorporate factory stores. In Nike retail stores, we have worked
to adopt and incorporate energy-efficiency measures in both
• NIKE, Inc. has purchased renewable energy newly-built and existing facilities.
certificates from Sterling Planet to balance the carbon
footprint of WHQ to net zero. RECs were purchased to In Houston, we built a new Niketown to LEED-CI (commercial
balance emissions from distribution centers in the U.S. interiors) certification standards. Measures incorporated into
for FY07 and FY08. the design and construction delivered sizable reductions from
standard plans: 45 percent less water use and 25 percent
• Nike’s European distribution center in Laakdal, less energy. In addition, 96 percent of construction waste was
Belgium, produces electricity from six on-site wind recycled and we used low-VOC paint and finishes throughout.
turbines that generate power equivalent to the use of We are beginning to apply what we have learned to other newly-
the 2 million-square-foot facility. built Niketown and factory stores.
• NIKE, Inc.’s European Headquarters in Hilversum, The We participated in the LEED-CI for Retail Portfolio program with
Netherlands, runs on 100 percent renewable energy. the goal of integrating LEED standards into our factory store
construction program. We are still working to fully integrate
LEED documentation requirements into the program and are
continuing work with our key partners to implement the program
across the U.S.
*Other water use is related to fabric production for other brands, fibers other than cotton and polyester, manufacturing processes
other than dyeing and finishing, and production of miscellaneous sundry items.
Note: Suppliers participating in Nike’s Water Program report all their water use, including that not directly related to Nike product.
In contrast to water-intensive textile processing, most water use 0
at contract footwear facilities is for domestic purposes. In our FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
last report, we shared some details about the ongoing footwear
fully compliant with all parameters for local wastewater discharge Partial Compliance:
Meets local/national wastewater discharge standards, but does not meet
stricter Nike Water Quality Guidelines.
standards. Every Nike-contracted footwear factory is required
to have an on-site wastewater treatment plant or to discharge Noncompliance:
Does not meet all parameters for local or national wastewater
discharge standards.
wastewater to a central wastewater treatment facility.
In the years ahead, Nike’s Water Program will continue to monitor
the performance of apparel supplier facilities and increase
participation of other textile producers supplying footwear
and affiliates in order to make our company-wide water use
analysis more complete. We will conduct targeted facility audits
Number of Contract Footwear Factories
to evaluate the validity of supplier-reported data and develop a Compliant
45 with Local Wastewater Standards
strategy to achieve measurable overall improvements in water 40
efficiency. We will identify suppliers that face the greatest water-
related risks and share best practices for water management.
Finally, increasingly accurate benchmarking data will help us 30
evaluate emerging wastewater treatment and recycling methods, 25
and pursue innovation in water-efficient textile processing to
further reduce our impact on water resources. 20
FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
Full Compliance: Meets all parameters for local wastewater discharge standards.
Partial Compliance: Does not meet all parameters for local wastewater discharge standards.
Nike will begin using these shoe boxes in 2011, saving the
equivalent of 200,000 trees annually.
Over many years of working on sustainability, NIKE, Inc. has shareable across a large set of companies — sometimes even
come to understand the value of collaboration and shared including competitors — but lack the business infrastructure to
knowledge. Without it, companies replicate efforts, reinvent make those patents available for wider use.
wheels and often only make incremental progress. NIKE, Inc.
and collaboration nonprofit Creative Commons believe in Existing attempts to address this problem rarely address the
the power of open innovation and share a vision of creating a desires of patent owners to receive credit for their work, or the
digital platform and system that promotes the creation, sharing need to create sustainable revenue streams to fund new green
and adoption of technologies that have the potential to solve technology development.
important global or industry-wide sustainability challenges. We
call it the GreenXchange. GreenXchange (GX) provides solutions
to these issues:
GreenXchange was born in conversation leading up to the
World Economic Forum in Davos in 2009, and will launch in
2010. By using a set of standardized, free, legal tools, patent
• The license tool kit requires attribution.
owners can make portions of their intellectual property portfolio
available under a set of terms between the current choices of “all
• It enables the creation of sustainable revenue streams
that are friendly to entrepreneurs and that work for use
rights reserved” and “no rights reserved.” With GreenXchange
in the developing world.
patent licensing tools, patent owners open up a wide swath
of technologies for research, development and innovative
commercial uses. Patent users receive the rights they need to
• Over time the GX will create a pool of patents available
under a “some rights reserved” system, where
innovate, and patent owners receive credit for their works — as
innovators can investigate the early stages of research
well as the option to receive annual licensing payments.
for their markets and calculate what their costs will be
if successful, or where companies can easily perform
GreenXchange builds on a culture to create common spaces for
gap analysis and identify areas of green tech in need
innovative reuse, as well as standardization efforts for biological
of collaborative investment in new technology.
materials and scientific data. It also bridges some key gaps in the
way that green technologies are developed and utilized.
The GreenXchange provides an infrastructure for the goal of
creating and scaling innovations focused on sustainability. To
Many active R&D companies create green technologies that are
learn more, read the GreenXchange booklet.
not core to their business: they may represent good practices
Over the past five years, Global Procurement has partnered with
several NIKE, Inc. functions to increase the sustainability of the
goods and services they buy. The team leverages NIKE, Inc.’s
Through these projects, we learned that one of our biggest
purchasing power by communicating sustainability objectives to
challenges has been a lack of common indicators to evaluate
suppliers and potential suppliers, and challenges them to deliver
potential suppliers. Though each category and project has unique
innovative goods and services to meet our objectives.
attributes, we needed a consistent process for ranking suppliers’
sustainability performance in order to fairly and systematically
We think this is an important way to help build markets for more
integrate sustainability as a factor in our procurement process.
sustainable – and affordable – choices. We saw this dynamic play
out in a multi-year project to shift toward more environmentally
To achieve this goal, we developed a supplier scorecard to
friendly materials and processes in Nike’s retail bag program in the
assess the match between Nike’s CR values and those of
United States. Building on this and other lessons learned, we began
existing and potential suppliers. Several yes/no questions ask
evaluating the CR performance of current and prospective suppliers.
about the policies, metrics, goals and performance on relevant
topics, including: compliance, Considered, climate, community
and competition. The competition section, for example, asks
A BETTER BAG about employee and supplier diversity practices.
When we began looking into improving the sustainability of Questions are universal enough to apply to all suppliers and are
retail bags, we first awarded business only to printers that were provided online, enabling us to review each supplier’s profile and
third-party certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). At establish baselines for peer groups and our overall supply base.
that time, FSC-certified paper was available but too costly. We
encouraged printers to work on Nike’s behalf to find acceptable This process is helping us to establish a baseline of Nike’s current
FSC-certified materials. non-product goods and service suppliers, evaluate potential new
suppliers against that baseline, and analyze and learn from the
Four years have passed since this process started, and we now collected data to inform future purchasing decisions.
source bags using 100-percent FSC-certified paper printed at Through FY09, we had requested more than 100 suppliers to
FSC-certified printers using soy-based inks and distributed by an complete the survey. To date, responses have showed wide
FSC-certified fulfillment company. The complete chain of custody variation in the effort on the part of suppliers and reveal significant
allows Nike to use the FSC certification number and logo on all differences between large and small companies. Only one large
retail bags in North America and Singapore. We will roll other company indicated they had no corporate responsibility strategy
regions into the program as materials and providers are available. or plan, compared to half of the small suppliers.
With a dedicated following of elite and everyday runners, the Speaking of Nike Air-Sole units, by designing a hyper-efficient,
Pegasus has been an iconic, top-selling shoe for 25 years. The “nested” pattern for Air-Sole production, we were able to further
challenge with the Pegasus was how to make it better. The reduce post production waste. And we didn’t stop innovating with
answer was to make it Considered. the Air-Sole material and manufacturing process; we developed
a more sustainable way to install them too. By using best-
A big focus of Nike’s Considered Design philosophy is reducing practice manufacturing, the Air-Sole and midsole components
materials – both in the final product and in the material left over. of the Pegasus 25 are attached using water-based adhesives.
With the Pegasus 25, fewer materials in the upper reduced the
shoe’s weight by 1.4 ounces, making it an impressive 13-percent From elite running champions to your next-door neighbor, the
lighter than the previous Pegasus. Less weight means less waste; Pegasus has been a favorite performance running shoe for more
less wasted material when it is made; less wasted energy when than a quarter century. The Pegasus 25 continues that tradition of
it is used. And that’s a win for sustainability and performance. leading – both on the track and as an example of how Considered
innovation can drive both sustainability and performance.
Co-investment funds
Cause marketing
Community Investment
In FY07, our total community investment totaled $51.3 million, In FY08 we began developing new processes for engaging the
in FY08 our total was $58.6 million and in FY09, $58.9 million, more than 30,000 people who work for NIKE, Inc. worldwide. We
including contributions of product, cash and in-kind services. piloted a system that links employees to causes and programs
The greatest percentage growth during the period FY07-09 was that matter most to them, providing direct opportunities for them
in what was then our Asia region and in Affiliates and “global” in a way that allows Nike to support their efforts. This initiative is
giving, which includes funds for programs that span multiple a true evolution in the way we support our employees’ passion
regions. From FY07-09, our cash contributions decreased and commitment to communities globally.
slightly and in-kind/product contributions increased.
One way we’re leveraging employees’ skills as well as company
commitment is through the Nike School Innovation Fund (NSIF),
which complements and builds on our larger advocacy strategy
OUR APPROACH around funding and support for public schools in our backyard
community. The fund launched in 2007 as a five-year, $9 million
A more indicative measure of the effect we are having is the commitment to help school districts near the company’s world
outputs and their impacts, resulting from what is invested. headquarters in Oregon. Strong public schools in healthy, vibrant
Measuring impacts is very difficult. However, in 2007 we began communities help businesses attract and retain executives and
creating a system for evaluating and measuring the social impact a diverse, creative employee base. The fund supports innovation
of the donations that we make. in education and leadership.
In addition to the financial investment, we report on the broader School funding has been relatively unstable in many Oregon
support given through: school districts, given Oregon’s dependence on personal income
tax to fund schools and efforts to equalize funding across
• Employees districts in the state. This instability has impacted schools’ ability
• Our product and brand to innovate, provide additional assistance to students in need,
• Programs and provide high levels of support for teachers, principals and
• The Nike Foundation leadership teams.
In the 07/08 and 08/09 school years, the NSIF provided $3.3
million over the two-year period for initiatives that:
1. Create and fund summer academic programs to assist more
One of our most powerful assets is our people. NIKE, Inc.
than 1,500 young students (kindergarten through second
employees regularly participate in delivering inspiration by
grade) who needed extra assistance to be successful in
donating their time and talent to community organizations.
In FY09, NIKE, Inc. employees volunteered more than 74,000
2. Fund leadership academies for teachers, principals and
hours in their communities. U.S.-based employees also
school leadership teams, as well as funding an aspiring
contributed more than $2.4 million, generating company-matched
leader program to support more diverse leadership in
contributions of $3 million to more than 1,500 organizations.
NIKE, Inc. employees contribute time and money to community
3. Pilot an innovative school business manager program in
causes important to them. Many contributions qualify for a
Portland high schools that provided principals with more time
corporate match.
to be the instructional leaders and coaches in their schools.
»»Stand Up Speak Up (SUSU) migrants and the urban population by engaging hundreds of
university students annually as volunteer PE teaching assistants.
The program, and Nike’s involvement of renowned athletes such
Nike cosponsored the “Stand Up Speak Up” campaign to as LeBron James, has raised awareness about the situation for
empower soccer fans to voice their opposition to racism in and migrant youth and the power of sport to help them.
around the game of football (“soccer” in the U.S.).
The program is well received by the local Education Bureaus
Nike mobilized resources in retail, marketing and with our for improving the youths’ confidence, communications and
athletes from top leagues across Europe to fight racism in teamwork skills, creativity and gender equity. The Ministry of
soccer. The symbol of this support was created in the form of Education has also acknowledged that 让我玩 s (Let Me Play) is
two interlocking wristbands; one black, one white to symbolize helping to meet the unique needs of migrant youth.
the connectivity of our communities.
»»Let Me Play in China have been supported by similar programs, including the Kalusha
Bwalya Foundation in Zambia, The Kids League in Uganda,
AKWOS in Rwanda, the Mathare Youth Sports Association in
China’s more than 200 million migrant workers have contributed Kenya and other partnership programs in these same countries
to the nation’s economic miracle. However, under the Hukou as well as in Liberia, Ghana and Egypt.
(residency registration) system, migrants cannot access public
welfare or subsidized housing, and receive substandard health
care and education.
Note: Global includes contributions from NIKE, Inc. to the Nike Foundation, the Lance Armstrong Foundation
and a portfolio of partnerships and programs managed by the Nike community investment.
U.S. employee
$3.2 $2.6 $3.6 $3.9 $2.4
76,000 81,200 133,800 171,700 74,300
United Nations High Nike, Inc. Employee Matching China Children and Teenager’s
Commission for Refugees Gift Fund
6 Jordan Fundamentals The Boys and Girls Club Nike School Innovation Fund
City of New Orleans China Foundation for Poverty United Nations High
Alleviation Commission for Refugees
Note: NIKE, Inc. employees contribute time and money to community causes important to them. Many contributions
qualify for a corporate match.
We recognize that lasting change requires more than investment.
It requires results. That’s why we aim to measure the social
impact of our community investments. We aim to move away We are working on understanding how to be sure that we
from measuring inputs and outputs alone. are bringing about real change where it matters most: at the
individual and community level with long-term, tangible results.
We had expected that during the two years since we announced We want to comprehend the full impact that sport can have, and
our intent to create social impact targets we would have been why it has such an impact.
able to uncover the learning needed to universally apply valid
targets and metrics to our social impact work around the world. Our work to measure impact and demonstrate value has focused
Though we are heartened that many experts around the world on creating best-of-class assessments of social impact. We also
are working to better define social impact, we are disappointed wanted to grasp the impact that any such assessment has on
in missing this target. our partners, who are often not resourced to handle the burden
of new reporting or tracking requests. We sought solutions that
In our work to develop better metrics for our community could serve as tools to help our partners discern their impacts
investments, we sought the counsel of NGOs, academics and and tell the story around their success, as a tool for capacity
other experts in the field. Many offered valuable suggestions. building. Possible solutions could include further Nike funding or
Nevertheless, from our work and these meetings we realized that reaching out to a broader audience of contributors and partners.
there is to date no common methodology that we could adopt
and apply to our work. As we continue to wrestle with the best We have made strides in developing a global measurement and
ways to define and capture our social impacts, we believe that evaluation framework for our community investment that we
our investment in tracking systems and ongoing work with our believe holds great potential for future measurement. We created
partners and grantees during FY07-09 will ultimately yield fruit a high threshold for the system: one that would help us manage
and increased understanding as we measure results over time. the way from grant request or idea inception to results.
+ + + + =
In FY07 we identified a measurement and evaluation framework shift categories. We are working toward the goal of assessing
created by the Women’s Funding Networks’ Making the Case™. information from all our partners to see what meta-trends are
We launched a global pilot with grantees in FY08. emerging, what can be applied across our investment strategy,
what lessons we could share between partners and what we
This framework allows us to: can share more broadly to improve global knowledge around
effective and impactful business and community partnerships.
• Provide our partners a methodology to communicate
their accomplishments, needs, impact and stories
using a common or shared language
• Standardize evaluations to more effectively manage
Through the end of FY09, we completed 53 Making the CaseTM
our social investment portfolio
formal evaluations of key Nike-supported programs. The greatest
measurable shifts occurred within behavior and engagement, the
• Assess our global portfolio for its overall impact
least in policy.
• Communicate and share the social impact created
Three key examples help to illustrate our journey of social impact
through our investments and the work of our partners
and how we’ve adapted our strategy while seeking to remain
relevant locally:
• Consider a diverse body of work (i.e. social
investments spanning a wide range of issues)
• Share learning among and between our partners and PARTNERING WITH THE LA84
our organization
• Evaluate programmatic, operational and
capacity-building investments Writing checks alone is easy but not sustainable, neither for Nike
nor for our partners. When we mobilize our other Nike resources
– athletes, brand building and marketing – our partners are able
Social change is complex and includes many variables. It can to reach new populations and gain visibility and exposure for our
bring about both expected and unexpected results. We have programs that will encourage other partners to support the work. A
sought to find a way to capture both planned and unplanned great example is our work with the LA84 Foundation in Los Angeles.
results, believing we can learn from both. These results can be
captured/categorized into five indicators of social change, or In July 2007 we began working with the foundation, which
shifts, the core of the Making the Case™ framework. (See chart engages low-income and at-risk youth through sport, and
on following page). increases knowledge of sport and its impact on people’s lives.
We partnered with the Foundation to transform 22 sport surfaces
These five shifts provide a way to consistently and effectively across the city of Los Angeles using Nike Grind™ surfaces, made
measure and communicate the impact. from shoes recycled through Nike’s Reuse-A-Shoe program. In
addition to financial and product support, Nike engaged star
Our measurement system involves grantees reporting on the athletes including Serena Williams, Paul Rodriguez and Kobe
details of their programs and expected results, catalogued in the Bryant to inspire young people and raise awareness.
Shift in Definition The issue is defined differently in Help communities see that urban dance is an art
the community or larger society. benefiting children. Advocate that premises owned
by authorities and local associations allow dance
lessons to occur in their facilities to expand access
to local children. Dance is reframed or redefined.
Shift in Behavior People are behaving differently in In a community where women are rarely seen
the community or larger society. unaccompanied outside of the home and who suffer
from diseases related to lack of physical activity, a
partnership created and launched a weekly running
program. Over time, women encouraged their
neighbors to join the one-hour program. In addition
to learning to exercise, the group has taken on an
influential peer role — encouraging women to take
control of their lives and health.
Shift in Engagement People in the community or larger Professionally produced videos position
society are more engaged. participants as subjects rather than creators. Films
made by people in their own voice and engaging
them in the process build self-esteem and positive
attitudes. It allows participants to play an active
role in improving the quality of their own lives as
they redefine issues for themselves and others.
Participants engage in the process directly, allowing
them to realize positive and effective outcomes.
Shift in Policy An institutional, organizational, or To help young people recover from the traumatic
legislative policy or practice has effects of emergencies, community leaders provide
changed. a sports kit and training alongside other relief and
recovery efforts. The organized sports programs
promote healthy physical, social and emotional
development essential to rebuilding communities
affected by emergency and disaster. The toolkit
supports mainstream approaches to emergency
response programming.
Maintaining Past Gains Past gains have been maintained, More than 250,000 children have taken part in
generally in the face of opposition. sports programs in the past three years.
Participation has broken down barriers and allowed
kids from different social, economic and religious
backgrounds and life circumstances to interact
through play while learning about health and
education. To maintain these gains, we now are
focusing on a school-based program to help
institutionalize sports programs while generating
revenues that will fuel program expansion. A
practice is institutionalized to maintain past gains.
• Strengthening the capacity of community Ninemillion’s capacity to have a major social impact on children
organizations to design, implement and monitor in refugee camps is growing; in 2010-2011, ninemillion aims to
children’s programming expand into nine more countries and will target approximately
124,000 girls in refugee camps.
Yet it’s been shown that when a girl gains educational and Events and Building the Girl Knowledge Base: The Nike
economic opportunities, the benefits ripple beyond her - to her Foundation actively advocates for investment in adolescent
brothers, her sisters, her parents, her community, her future girls through a number of mediums. These include participation
children and grandchildren. Girls and women tend to give back to in events such as the World Economic Forum and the Clinton
their families and communities a significantly larger percentage of Global Initiative.
what they earn than their male peers. So this potential is unique
to girls and is practically untapped. From 2005-2006, Official In 2008, the Nike Foundation, in partnership with the NoVo
Development Assistance figures show that less than two cents Foundation, launched the Girl Effect on The Girl
of every international aid dollar was directed to supporting girls. Effect is a communications platform that describes how the 600
million girls in the developing world have the power to transform
The Nike Foundation’s mission is to change that picture through their societies.
innovative programs that offer solutions on the ground for girls,
amplifying their results to the broader international aid community, Over the last three years, the Nike Foundation has also supported
and partnering with larger organizations and agencies to get the publication of extensive research on adolescent girls, their
girls’ issues on the international agenda and mobilize resources lives, and the critical interventions needed to ensure girls reach
to support them. their potential as economic agents of change. This work can be
found at
Our Investors and Investments: In addition to the contributions
Our Workforce
NIKE, Inc. directly employs more than 30,000 people across the Every two years we conduct a global employee survey to measure
globe, from designers and marketers, to compliance monitors what motivates and engages employees. Our last survey was
and accountants, to retail employees. In addition, Nike contracts conducted in FY09 (October 2008) and focused on measuring
with manufacturers that employ more than 800,000 workers. employee engagement and manager effectiveness. All NIKE, Inc.
employees were invited to participate in the Web-based survey,
At the end of FY09, NIKE, Inc. employed 32,800 people. From which was available in 29 languages.
FY06 to FY09, our global work force grew by 16 percent.
14,002 14,947 16,304 15,858
1,256 1,347 1,421
Europe/Middle East/Africa
6,847 6,863 7,311 7,710
3,643 3,991 4,283 4,124
2,558 3,050 3,136 3,723
Looking ahead, key areas of focus for NIKE, Inc. include helping
employees and managers understand how to build successful
careers through formal and informal training and development,
improving management development, and welcoming new ideas.
Human Resources
NIKE, Inc. has unlimited opportunities to fuel profitable growth
and to drive competitive advantage. Our leaders work every day
to ensure NIKE, Inc. realizes its potential by inspiring every one
of our more than 30,000 employees to realize their potential.
Human Resources professionals at NIKE, Inc. operate as
stewards of organization effectiveness, talent and change. The
function works to ensure that NIKE, Inc. has talented, diverse
and inclusive teams organized effectively against our biggest
opportunities of driving innovation and business performance.
• Providing Business Consultation 2. Embrace a Culture Remix. Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are
keys to amplifying Nike’s creativity and innovation. One way
• Developing Innovative Tools, Models and Designs we do this is by creating venues and environments for open
dialogue that encourage diverse opinions and a multitude of
To broaden this work across all brands and corporate functions, perspectives. For example, in FY08, the D&I team created an
in 2009, the VP of Diversity and Inclusion moved from reporting experience we call “Culture as Offense” (CAO). CAO started
to the Nike brand president to reporting directly to the CEO out as an exploration of how we leverage Nike culture as a
of NIKE, Inc. The position works in partnership with the VP of competitive advantage. It began with a full-day workshop
Human Resources to ensure diversity is considered in all talent with the members of the Corporate Strategy Review team
decisions. The approach of focusing on culture and innovation and a group of young NIKE, Inc. employees in the early
has been lauded by external diversity professionals as a best stages of their careers with us dubbed the “New Crew.”
# % # % # %
Unknown 168 6% - - - -
Unknown 1 0% - - - -
Unknown 169 1% - - - -
Note that all of the numbers in the charts above represent aggregated raw data and not a statistical analysis. Variations will occur when
comparing like jobs within the general categories mentioned and the numbers do not consider work force ability.
*The region-based structure was reorganized into business units during the FY07-09 reporting period. Reporting by region is provided to reflect
operations during the majority of this reporting period. Future reporting will be aligned to NIKE, Inc.’s structure.
Changes in systems allowed more sophisticated global management tracking beginning in FY09.
Female 2 2 2 1
Male 9 9 10 10
Percentage 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
American Indian
Figure 91 79 95 152 146
Asian/Pacific Percentage 10% 9% 9% 9% 9%
Islander Figure 1,286 1,340 1,405 1,540 1,457
Percentage 10% 11% 11% 12% 13%
Figure 1,355 1,499 1,702 1,965 1,998
Percentage 19% 20% 21% 22% 22%
African American
Figure 2,420 2,798 3,096 3,585 3,458
Percentage 60% 59% 58% 56% 55%
Figure 7,828 8,286 8,649 9,062 8,799
354/ 412/ 376/ 1,450/ 1,504/ 1,345/ 1,804/ 1,916/ 1,721/
84% 82% 83% 75% 72% 71% 77% 74% 73%
(non-Hispanic) 28/ 33/ 34/ 200/ 254/ 231/ 228/ 287/ 265/
7% 7% 7% 10% 12% 12% 10% 11% 11%
Hispanic 15/ 19/ 18/ 151/ 163/ 177/ 166/ 182/ 195/
4% 4% 4% 8% 8% 9% 7% 7% 8%
Asian Pacific
21/ 32/ 24/ 123/ 138/ 127/ 144/ 170/ 151/
5% 6% 5% 6% 7% 7% 6% 7% 7%
1/ 5/ 4/ 8/ 14/ 13/ 9/ 19/ 17/
0% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 1% 1%
TOTAL 419/ 501/ 456/ 1,932/ 2,073/ 1,893/ 2,351/ 2,574/ 2,349/
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Percentages are rounded to achieve 100 percent. Actuals for American Indian ethnicity in FY07 are: 0.2% for Execs; 0.4% for Managers; 0.3% for Total.
Hispanic 0 0 0 0
African American 1 1 2 2
Caucasian 10 10 10 9
While numbers help to reflect the profile of our global work force, a result, this program yielded approximately $17.5 million for a
our work focuses less on diversity numbers and more on creating total of $88 million in diverse spend.
an inclusive culture that leverages diversity and mines the wealth
of talent and experience across the organization. During the period from 2007, NIKE, Inc. has been named top
company for GLBT workers by the Human Rights Campaign,
has been nominated as Supplier of the Year by the Fulfillment
Corporation of America, rated three consecutive years by
SUPPLIER DIVERSITY as America’s top organization for
multicultural business opportunities, awarded Corporation of the
NIKE, Inc.’s commitment to diversity extends beyond its year by the Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs, won
employee base to the work we undertake with our suppliers. Our the Pioneer Award from the Northwest Minority Business Council
U.S. Supplier Diversity Program supports U.S. supply purchases and was one of 142 American companies cited as best place
from women and minority business owners including sexual to work for GLBT employees by the Human Rights Campaign
minorities (GLBT). NIKE, Inc. works with several national and Foundation.
regional partners on its supplier efforts, including the National
Minority Supplier Development Council, the Oregon Association
of Minority Entrepreneurs and the Women’s Business Enterprise
National Council. To help expand our minority and woman- ON THE HORIZON
owned business enterprises (MWBE) and GLBT supplier base
Nike also engages several chambers of commerce. This program Our work in diversity and inclusion in the years ahead focuses
provides NIKE, Inc. better visibility to MWBE and GLBT-owned on building a common platform where leaders, employees and
businesses that provide goods and services at competitive partners will see the value in leveraging surprising combinations,
prices, and an opportunity to support a variety of businesses. connections and intersections to solve everyday business
challenges. We will measure key shifts in definitions of diversity
We have seen and expect to continue to see significant progress and inclusion. In FY10, the team will launch programs that reward
in the area of supplier diversity. To assess the proportion of our and recognize employees who consistently create welcoming
business and financial impact on minority suppliers, we evaluate and inclusive environments where a rich diversity of people and
the amount of addressable spend on indirect goods and services ideas lead to greater innovation. From a quantitative perspective,
– that which our procurement department is able to influence we will measure these shifts in relation to future cultural
directly, such as general office supplies – and the proportion of assessment results.
that spend that goes to MWBEs. NIKE, Inc. spends approximately
$3.7 billion annually in the U.S. on indirect goods and services,
of which $1.4 billion is classified as addressable spend. In FY09,
NIKE, Inc. spent approximately $97 million (of which $33 million
is attributed to one direct supplier whom we influence), or 5.8
percent of total addressable spend, with MWBEs. Our second-
tier supplier diversity program strongly encourages our primary
suppliers to subcontract with GLBT, woman- and minority-
owned suppliers for goods and services supplied to Nike. As
Despite calls by G-20 leaders to avoid protectionist measures We believe the discussion, while vigorous, has been unfortunate
during the economic crisis, the World Trade Organization and unnecessary. The difficulty we see in the past debates is that
reports that most developed and developing countries have the proposed remedy for failure to enforce tends to be sanctions:
implemented broad measures that either bail out significant if the developing country has poor enforcement, the developed
sectors with government subsidies and/or loans, or protect country has the right to trade retaliation. While many countries do
domestic sectors from import competition through imposition of not fully enforce their labor and environmental laws, the reasons
a wide range of trade restrictions. These trends in global trade for them not doing so are more complex. Many countries don’t
policy impact many sectors, including global manufacturing and have the resources, expertise or, in some cases, the desire (such
sporting goods. as countries with high unemployment that are working to attract
foreign investment for job creation). Imposition or threat of
Along with protectionism, trade-liberalizing measures such sanctions won’t change this; in fact, they are counterproductive.
as bilateral trade agreements or multilateral negotiations
remain mired down in political uncertainty and, in some cases, NIKE, Inc. has long believed that the debate needs to be turned
controversy. on its head. Rather than sanctions, trade incentives ought to be
used for enforcement.
We remain active in the trade debate for two primary reasons:
to challenge protectionism that impacts our business and We don’t have many answers yet, but would like to be part of a
to advocate for trade liberalization. We do so by arguing our broader discussion with a wide-ranging group of stakeholders
firm belief that the greatest driver for economic growth and about how governments can include strong labor and
prosperity is when producers and consumers have open access environmental standards in trade agreements and, instead of
to goods and services on a global basis. We believe that open trade restrictions, develop incentives for countries to abide by
access creates an economic climate that encourages growth, those standards. Some possibilities include greater development
investment and innovation – all key factors in moving the global aid, capacity building or training, or greater market access for
economy forward. those who take enforcement seriously. Additionally, we believe
that governments from developed countries ought to be more
Our challenge is to ensure that all stakeholders are willing to creative in how they fashion their unilateral trade preference
promote and commit to open trade in a way that also improves programs while providing greater market access to those
people’s lives, encourages long-term sustainability and delivers developing countries that have mechanisms in place and have
environmental benefits. the desire to enforce core labor and environmental standards.
Finally we would like to find creative ways, consistent with the
We recognize that we must comply with all tax laws and • Work toward more coherent, consistent and “joined
regulations. However, we are proactive where we believe that up” IP policy at national, regional and global levels.
legislation or practice unfairly impacts NIKE, Inc. Nike believes there is a strong need for policymakers
to take a broader, holistic view of IP, brands and their
As such, we seek to support efforts to create an efficient tax overall socioeconomic significance, and contribution
system by identifying and securing tax legislation that allows to economic growth and innovation.
Nike to be competitive in the global marketplace. Part of this
effort includes analyzing and utilizing incentive-based or other • Recognize of IPR as a cornerstone of the knowledge-
programs. We understand that taxes on corporations such as based economy. IP protection is one the core enabling
Nike ultimately fall as a burden on working families in the form of conditions for creativity, innovation and development
higher prices of our products. Our objective is to minimize these of the information society and digital economy. To this
costs and, as a result, benefit our consumers, employees and end, we have partnered with Creative Commons to
shareholders. develop the GreenXchange, a platform for sharing IP
for innovation.
In all of our efforts to promote tax efficiency, we prefer to work
in broad coalitions with other businesses and through trade • Support policymakers’ efforts to create a supportive,
associations where our views are aligned. Some recent examples consistent global legislative framework to fight
of such efforts include work with Retail Industry Leaders counterfeiting and piracy across the globe. The
Association (RILA), Oregon Business Association, Smart Growth economic and social impacts of counterfeiting and
Coalition, and American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) in piracy have taken on a phenomenal global dimension
the Netherlands. in the past decade. Trade in counterfeit and pirated
goods now represents an estimated 7 percent of
world trade.
Disclosure/Transparency in the
Government World
As part of our advocacy work in the United States, NIKE, Inc. INITIATIVE
makes federal-, state- and local-level political contributions.
As part of its ongoing efforts to improve transparency,
At the state and local level, the primary focus of NIKE, Inc.’s accountability and public confidence, the European Union’s
political giving to both issue ballot measures and candidates is European Commission has launched a voluntary online register
in Oregon, the state where our World Headquarters is located. for interest representatives (groups and bodies who seek to
Oregon law requires full and timely reporting by all candidates influence policy formulation and decision-making processes
as well as all ballot measure campaigns receiving contributions. of EU institutions). NIKE, Inc. has been strongly committed to
Oregon contribution reporting can be found at www.sos.state. transparency in government advocacy for many years. As such, On a limited basis, NIKE, Inc. also contributes to some we view this initiative as an opportunity to encourage greater
state and local candidates and to ballot measure campaigns in transparency and we registered on December 18, 2008.
California, Missouri, Tennessee and Washington when there have
been particular business issues in those states that potentially
impact NIKE, Inc.
On the Horizon
The public policy work we do becomes increasingly important
in the light of fast moving changes and trends. Three key trends
that cause us to pause and think about how we elevate public
policy work to be a key strategic asset for NIKE, Inc.:
AFIRM Apparel and Footwear International RSL (Restricted Substances List) Management
CR Corporate responsibility
EU European Union
G-20 Group of 20
GX GreenXchange
HR Human resources
IT Information technology
J-PAL Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
kWh Kilowatt-hour
NOS (lean)
PFP Perfluoropropane
RAS Reuse-A-Shoe
Baseline Standard A measured level of performance, across certain criteria, at a given point in time.
Business Unit A part of the business that performs specific tasks, develops strategies, and
manages performance.
Closed-Loop Closed-loop products are designed and built for reuse and recycling. Imagine running
shoes made with only environmentally preferred materials that can be disassembled
into their parts, recycled into new materials and used to produce new running shoes.
Considered Design A company-wide design ethos and a team focused on sustainable product innovation,
Considered Index Evaluates Nike product against Considered Design Ethos on five criteria: materials,
Creative Commons Nonprofit organization that increases sharing and improves collaboration; NIKE, Inc’s
Culture of Empowerment A cornerstone of lean manufacturing, pioneered by Toyota. Model illustrates overlap in
those areas identified for creating a culture of empowerment and those showing the
Embedded energy Energy investment in a product; energy used in the work of making a product
Funnel The Natural Step visual construct demonstrating the transition from today’s economy
to a sustainable economy.
Lean A philosophy of delivering the most value to the customer while consuming the
fewest resources.
Let Me Play Nike programming for global youth excluded from access to sport.
Making the CaseTM Measurement and evaluation framework created by the Women’s Funding Network
The Natural Step A nonprofit environmental education organization working to build an ecologically and
Nike Grind Material used in sports surfaces, playgrounds and other product made from recycled
North Star Our aim, defining what sustainable products and a sustainable company would
look like.
Responsible Competitiveness Increasing business and industry competitiveness through responsible practices across
contracted factories.
ROI2 Business strategies that generate a combination of financial, environmental and/or social
returns on investment.
Scorecard A mechanism for measuring progress against vision and strategy that provides a
Title IX 1972 U.S. legislation, the Patsy T. Mike Equal Opportunity in Education Act, that opened
the door for female athletes to pursue sport and improve gender equality.
WE Portal Collaborative digital tool for employees to connect with community organizations and
one another and take on issues that are important to them. It enables employees to
volunteer, donate and give their voice to the organizations and communities they
care about.