Hartron Service Rules
Hartron Service Rules
Hartron Service Rules
Presumable:- In exercise of powers conferred by Article 73 (i) and all other enabling of the
Articles of Association of Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited, the
Board of Directors of the Corporation hereby makes the following Rules regulating the
recruitment and conditions of service of persons appointed to service of the Corporation.
Short Title 1. These Rules may be called Haryana State Electronics Development
Corporation Limited Services Rules, 1998.
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Number and 3. The service comprise of the posts shown in Appendix - A to these rules
Character of
The Board would have powers to make additions to, or reductions in the
number of such posts or to create new posts with different designations
and scale of pay, either permanently or temporarily, subject to approval
of the Government as required from time to time.
Nationality, 4. (1) No person shall be appointed to any posts in the service unless he
Domicile is:-
character of (a) a citizen of India; or
candidates (b) a citizen of Nepal; or
to service (c) a citizen of Bhutan; or
(d) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st
day of January 1962 with the intention of permanently
settling in India; or
Provided that a person belonging to any of the category (b), (c), (d)
or (e) shall be a person on whose favour a certificate of eligibility
has been issued by the Government.
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Age 5. No person shall be appointed to any post in the service by direct
recruitment who is less than eighteen years or more than forty two (42)
years of age for posts upto the level of Manager and forty seven (47)
years of age for posts above the level of Manager, on or before
1st January every year of submission of application to the Corporation or
any other recruiting authority *.
Provided that the Board may, in any case, relax this condition having
regard to the qualifications and experience of the candidate.
Provided that the age limit for employment in the Corporation of
unmarried female enhanced to 45 years **.
Appointing 6. Appointment to the post in the service shall be made by the Managing
Authority Director subject, in the case of officers, with the prior approval of the
Qualifications 7. No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service, unless he is in
possession of qualifications and experience specified in Column 3 of
Appendix B to these Rules in the case of direct recruitment or by
transfer and those specified in column 4 of the aforesaid Appendix in
the case of appointment other than by direct recruitment.
** The State Government Notification No. 22/77/2009/3GSIII dated 11.02.2010 adopted by the Board
of Directors in it’s 119th meeting held on 06.06.2010.
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Method of 9. (a) Recruitment to the various posts under the Corporation shall be
Recruitment made by the Board/Recruiting Agency by any one or more of the
following methods as specified in Appendix B:-
(i) by direct appointment; or
(ii) by deputation from Government or any other Corporation;
(iii) by promotion or selection from amongst the Corporation
(iv) by transfer from one post to another
(b) No person, who has been dismissed from any public or private
employment or has otherwise ceased to be in the service of the
Corporation, shall be re-employed except with the express
approval of the Board.
(c) The direct appointment of every person to any post under the
Corporation shall be subject to production by such person of as
medical certificate of fitness from registered medical
practitioner or the medical officer of the Corporation.
Provided that the Appointing Authority shall have power to appoint on
contract basis on the terms and conditions as may be mutually decided
for a contract period, subject to maximum of one year at a time, in
order to execute a time bound project.
Probation 10. Persons appointed to any post in the Service shall remain on probation
for a period of one year.
Provided that
1. (a) Any period after such appointment spent on deputation on a
corresponding or a higher post shall count towards the period of
(b) Any period of work in equivalent or higher rank, prior to
appointment to any post in the service may, in the case of an
appointment by transfer, at the discretion of the appointing
authority be allowed to count towards the period of probation
fixed under this Ruler; and
(c) Any period of officiating appointment shall be reckoned as period
spent on probation, but no person, who has so officiated, shall on
the completion of the prescribed period of probation, be entitled
to be confirmed unless he is appointed against a permanent
(2) If in the opinion of the appointing authority the work or conduct of a
person during the period of probation is not satisfactory, it may,
(a) If such person is appointed by direct recruitment, dispense with
his services; and
(b) If such person is appointed otherwise than by direct
(i) revert him to his former post; or
(ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and
conditions of the previous appointment permit.
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(3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person, the
Appointing Authority may
(a) If his work or conduct has, in its opinion, been satisfactory.
(i) confirm such person from the date of his appointment, if
appointed against such a permanent vacancy; or
(ii) confirm such person from the date from which a
permanent vacancy occurs, if appointed against
temporary vacancy; or
(iii) declare that he has completed his probation satisfactory,
if there is no permanent vacancy;
Note: Files at Nos. (i) and (ii) shall be maintained by the office and
the files at No. (iii) shall remain in the custody of the Managing
Director or an officer authorised by him.
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Seniority 13. The cadre-wise inter - se seniority of employees shall be determined
with reference to the dates of their substantive appointment to the
posts carrying the same scale of pay in their respective cadre.
Provided that there shall be a common seniority list for promotion to
the post of the level of Deputy General Manager or equivalent and
above for all the Research & Development cadres i.e. Electronics,
General Maintenance, Mechanical, Drawing Section (Mechanical - 1),
CNC Tool Room /CAD/CAM (Mechanical-II), Optics and PCB &
Electroplating (Electrochemical).
Provided further that in the case of employees appointed by direct
recruitment, the order of merit determined by the Board or any other
recruiting authority shall not be disturbed in fixing the seniority.
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14. Every officer or other employee of the Corporation shall retire on
Superannuation attaining the age of 58 years except in case of Class-IV employees
and Retirement who will retire on attaining the age of 60 years*.
* The State Government Notification No. 34/1/2004-4GSI dated 26.11.2014 adopted by the Board
of Directors in it’s 138th meeting held on 18.12.2014.
** The State Government Notification No. 34/1/2006-4GSI dated 26.11.2014 adopted by the Board
of Directors in it’s 138th meeting held on 18.12.2014.
*** The State Government Notification No. 34/10/95-4GSI dated 26.11.2014 adopted by the Board
of Directors in it’s 138th meeting held on 18.12.2014.
**** The Finance Department, Haryana (HBPE) letter No. 30/3/2009/Acctt./HBPE(FD) dated
18.03.2009 adopted by the Board of Directors in it’s 119th meeting held on 16.06.2010.
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Pay, Leave 18. (18.1) For the purposes of this Chapter, the term:-
and other
matters (a) “Pay” means the monthly pay drawn in a time scale and include
Personal, Special, Dearness or Deputation pay but does not
include any allowances.
(c) “Substantive” pay means the minimum or stage pay in the time
scale substantively held.
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(18.4) The Appointing Authority may, in recognition of exceptionally
good service of an officer or other employee of the Corporation,
grant to him:-
Provided that the Board may award any amount of money or grant any
number of increments.
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(18.9) Special pay at a rate not exceeding 10% of basic pay to be
determined by the Appointing Authority may be allowed to a
person holding a charge of an independent post in addition to his
own duties for a period exceeding one month.
(18.10) (a) Service in another post other than a post carrying less pay
whether in a substantive or officiating capacity and
leave other than extraordinary leave count for increment
in the time scale applicable to the post on which the
employee is holding lien, and
(b) If an employee, while holding substantively a permanent
post or officiating on a post or holding a temporary post
on a time scale pay, is appointed to officiate in a higher
post or to hold a higher temporary post, his officiating or
temporary services in the higher post shall, if he is
re-appointed to lower post or is appointed or
re-appointed to a post on the same time scale of pay,
counts for increment in the time scale applicable to such
lower post. The period of officiating service in the
higher post which counts for increment in the lower is,
however, restricted to the period during which the
employee would have officiated in the lower post but for
his appointment to the higher.
(18.10) For fixation of pay, the officers/ employees of the Corporation
may be governed by the provision of C.S.R. Volume-I, Part-I as
amended by the Government of Haryana.
(18.11) The officers and the other employees of the Corporation shall
receive such allowances as may be sanctioned by the Board
from time to time.
(18.12) The Board may grant an honorarium or retaining fee to any
person for any service rendered by him or work done by him
for the Corporation.
(18.13) Any sum of money or pay or allowance due to any officer or
other employee of the Corporation that may have remained
unclaimed may be transferred to and held in the suspense
account for a period of three years from the date on which
the payment is normally due and will thereafter be treated as
lapsed to the Corporation.
(18.14) In respect of pay, leave, and all other matters, not expressly
provided for in these Rules, the members of the service shall
be regulated by such Rule and Regulations as may have been
or may hereafter be, adopted or made by the State
Medical 19. The officers and officials (and their dependent family members) of the
Attendance Corporation shall be entitled for reimbursement of expenses on account
of medical treatment as approved by the Board/ Government from time
to time.
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Traveling 20. Officers and other employees of the Corporation will be governed by
Allowance T.A. Rules of the Haryana Government unless otherwise as decided by
the Board of Directors of the Corporation from time to time.
Discipline, 21 (1) In matters relating to discipline, penalties and appeals, members
penalties and of the service shall be governed by the Haryana Civil Services
appeals (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to
Provided that the nature of penalties which may be imposed, the
authority empowered to impose such penalties and Appellate Authority
shall, subject to the provisions of any law or Rules made under Article
309 of the Constitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix - C
to these Rules.
An appeal against an order of the appointing authority imposing any
penalty shall lie to the Chairman within six months of the date of
servicing of the order and the Chairman’s decision on such appeal shall
be final*.
Provided that a joint appeal shall not be entertained. Provided further
that where a penalty has been imposed by the Appointing Authority
with the approval of the Board, the person on whom the penalty has
been imposed may apply to the Board for revision of its decision within
one month of the date of service of the order imposing the penalty.
Vaccination 22 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and
revaccinate as and when the Government so directs by a special or
general order.
Oath of 23 Every member of the service, unless he has already done so, shall be
allegiance required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution
of India as established by law.
Power of 24 When the Board is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do
relaxation so, it may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of
the provisions of these Rules with respect to any class or category of
Special 25 Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules the appointing
provision authority may impose special terms and conditions in the order of
appointment if it is deemed expedient to do so.
Reservation 26 Nothing contained in these Rules shall affect reservations and other
concessions required to be provided for scheduled castes, backward
classes, ex-servicemen, physically handicapped persons or any other
class or category of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the
State Government in this regard, from time to time.
Provided that the total percentage of reservations so made shall not
exceed fifty per cent at any time.
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General 27. (a) The whole time of an officer or other employee shall be at the
disposal of the Corporation. The working hours shall be fixed in
such a manner as may be deemed fit by the Corporation in
Corporation's interest.
(b) No officer or other employee shall directly or indirectly engage in
any other business, occupation, or employment nor shall he enter
into any partnership, accept any fees, endowment or commission
what so ever from any party other than the Corporation except
with the previous permission of the Appointment Authority.
(c) No officer or other employee of the Corporation shall take part in
polities or in any political demonstration or stand for election as
member of any House of the State Legislature or Parliament or of
any local Authority or indulge in such activities, which may cause
embarrassment to the Corporation.
(d) The Corporation shall in respect of acts done in good faith and in
the interest of the Corporation extend protection to an officer and
other employee of the Corporation in Court or elsewhere.
(e) All employees will obtain the prior permission of the competent
authority before applying for jobs in outside Organizations, failure
to do so will render them liable for disciplinary action.
(f) Revision of pay scales, creation/ upgradation of posts:- The
Corporation shall refer for consideration and approval all such
matters to the Finance Department/ HBPE through the
Administrative Department which are mandatorily required to be so
referred in accordance with specific instructions issued from time
to time such as revision of pay scales, creation/ upgradation of
posts, amendment in Service Rules etc. alongwith the
recommendations of the Board of Directors.*
(g) The Board may confer on the Managing Director or any other officer
of the Corporation any of its power in these Bye-laws by resolution.
The Managing Director may, with the approval of the Board, confer
on any officer of the Corporation any of his powers including his
delegated powered by written authorization. Delegated powers
shall be exercised subject to such conditions and limits as may be
prescribed in the resolution or authorization by the Board.
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Repeal and 28 Any Rule applicable to the Service and savings corresponding to any of
Savings these Rules which are in force immediately before the commencement
of these Rules is hereby repealed.
Provided that any order made or action taken under the Rules so
repealed, shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the
corresponding provisions of these Rules.
The Board shall have power to make, from time to time, such
additions, deletions, alternations or amendments in these Rules as it
may deem fit and relax any of the provisions contained therein.
The Power to interpret these Rules shall vest in the Board of Directors
who shall also be empowered to issue administrative instructions to
the Managing Director to enforce these Rules and to secure effective
control by devising subsidiary Rules, delegation of power, procedure or
forms, subject to revision by the Board at any time sue moto or on
representation by any employee.
State 29 The State Government issued notification No.42/164/2008-3GSII dated
Eligibility 22.09.2017, wherein, it has requested to comply with the following
Test in decision and issuance of required revised instructions/rules for SETC;-
Computer 1. Vide instructions dated 07.11.2013 the SETC (State Eligibility Test
Appreciation in Computer Appreciation and Applications) was prescribed on the
and “Clerks” etc. Vide this instruction the nomenclature of posts of
Application “Clerk-cum-computer operator”, “Office associate”, “Clerk-cum-
(SETC) Data Entry Operator”, Data Entry Operator and Clerk-cum-typist
was changed to a single and uniform nomenclature of “Clerk” in all
Government Departments and the departments were directed to
amend their service rules to this effect within one month of issue
of the instruction.
2. Vide the above mentioned instruction an exemption from SETC had
also been provided to persons who had already acquired degrees in
computers or had done a course in computers from reputed
institutions like NIELIT, HKCL, Hartron or any other agency
authorized by Government. It is clarified that these exemptions
shall continue. Persons already having computer qualifications from
reputed institutions (BCA/MCA/B.Tech/M.Tech. in computers from
Universities & Colleges, Diploma in Computers from Govt.
Polytechnics, HKCL, Hartron, DOEACC/NIELIT etc.) shall continue
to be exempted from SETC.
3. Now, on considering the matter Government has taken a decision
that passing of SETC (State Eligibility Test in Computer
Appreciation and Applications) shall be mandatory for being
eligible for Group `C` posts of Clerks.
4. Further, in case of Group C posts other that Clerks the SETC shall
not apply.*
* Approved by the Board of Directors in it’s 150th meeting held on 30.10.2017.
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[See Rule - 3]
2. ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER/SECRETARY 03 15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6000/-
3. SENIOR MANAGER 02 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/-
5. LIBRARIAN 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
8. LIBRARIAN-CUM-RECEPTIONIST 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
13. RECEPTIONIST-CUM-PBX OPERATOR 00 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/-
15. HELPER 17
4440-7440 (-IS) & 1300/-
TOTAL 69 --
1. PRIVATE SECRETARY 01 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/-
2. PERSONAL ASSISTANT 04 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
3. SENIOR SCALE STENOGRAPHER 02 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
4. JUNIOR SCALE STENOGRAPHER 04 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
5. STENO-TYPIST 01 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/-
Page 15 of 26
1. DRIVER 10 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
4440-7440 (-IS) & 1300/-
3. MALI 06
TOTAL 23 --
1. DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER 01 15600-39100 (PB-3) & 7600/-
2. ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER/ 01 15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6000/-
3. SENIOR MANAGER 02 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/-
4. MANAGER 01 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/-
5. SECTION OFFICER 02 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
6. ACCOUNTS ASSTT/CASHIER 13 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
7. SENIOR ACCOUNTS CLERK 00 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
8. ACCOUNTS CLERK 01 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/-
TOTAL 21 --
1. SENIOR SYSTEM ANALYST 03 15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6400/-
2. SYSTEM ANALYST 06 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/-
3. PROGRAMMER 05 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/-
4. JR. PROGRAMMER-CUM-COMPUTER OPERATOR 12 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
5. DATA ENTRY OPERATOR 02 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
TOTAL 28 --
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Sr. Designation of the Qualification & Experience, Qualification & Experience, if Vacancies to be filled by
No. post and Pay Band & if any for direct recruitment any for appointment other Direct/ Promotion
Grade Pay than by direct recruitment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Page 18 of 26
Sr. Designation of the Qualification & Experience, Qualification & Experience, if Vacancies to be filled by
No. post and Pay Band & if any for direct recruitment any for appointment other Direct/ Promotion
Grade Pay than by direct recruitment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
13. General Manager or Promotional Post Minimum five years 100% through promotion
equivalent experience as Deputy
General Manager or
Not specified by HBPE
equivalent/ Company
14. Chief General Manager Promotional Post Minimum five years 100% through promotion.
experience as General
Not specified by HBPE Manager or equivalent/
Company Secretary
Page 19 of 26
Sr. Designation of the Qualification & Experience, Qualification & Experience, if Vacancies to be filled by
No. post and Pay Band & if any for direct recruitment any for appointment other Direct/ Promotion
Grade Pay than by direct recruitment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. Senior Manager or equivalent Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Manager
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/-
7. Assistant General Manager or C.A. with 5 years Experience in Minimum five years experience 75% through Promotion
equivalent the Executive Position in the as Senior Manager 25% Direct.
relevant field
Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6000/-
8. Deputy General Manager or C.A. having seven years Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
equivalent experience out of which at least as Assistant General Manager 50% Direct.
five years in the executive
Rs.15600-39100 (PB-3) & 7600/- position in the relevant field
9. General Manager or Equivalent Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Deputy General Manager
Not specified by HBPE
10. Chief General Manager Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as General Manager
Not specified by HBPE
1. Data Entry Operator Graduate with Data Entry Minimum two years experience 100% Direct.
Course in relevant field.
Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
2. Junior Programmer/Computer 1st Class Graduate with one year Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
Operator P.G. Diploma in Computer as Data Entry Operator 50% Direct.
Programming from any
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/- recognized University/
equivalent DOE recognized
course or B.Sc.(Computer
Science) in 1st Class
3. Asstt. Programmer Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Junior Programmer
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
4. Programmer or equivalent 1st Class BE/ B. Tech. in Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
Computer Sc. / MCA having one as Assistant Programmer 50% direct
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/- year experience in relevant
5. System Analyst or equivalent Promotional post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Programmer
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/-
6. Sr. System Analyst or 1st Class BE/B.Tech. in Minimum five years experience 75% through Promotion
equivalent Computer Sc./ MCA having five as System Analyst. 25% Direct.
years experience in the
Rs.15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6400/-
Executive Position in the
relevant field.
7. Dy. General Manager or 1st Class BE/B. Tech. in Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
equivalent Computer Sc./ MCA having as Senior System Analyst 50% Direct.
seven years experience out of
Rs.15600-39100 (PB-3) & 7600/- which at least five years in the
Executive position in the
relevant field
8. General Manager or Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
equivalent as Deputy General Manager
Not specified by HBPE
9. Chief General Manager Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as General Manager
Not specified by HBPE
Page 20 of 26
Sr. Designation of the Qualification & Experience, Qualification & Experience, if Vacancies to be filled by
No. post and Pay Band & if any for direct recruitment any for appointment other Direct/ Promotion
Grade Pay than by direct recruitment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Junior Technician Promotional post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/- as Helper
2. Senior Technician Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/- as Junior Technician
3. Junior Technical Assistant 1st Class Diploma in Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/- Electronics/M.Sc with one year as Senior Technician 50% Direct.
experience in the relevant field
4. Senior Technical Assistant Promotional post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/- as Junior Technical Assistant
5. Technical Manager or 1st Class BE/B. Tech. in Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
equivalent Electronics having two years as Senior Technical Assistant 50% direct
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/- experience in relevant field.
6. Sr. Tech. Manager or equivalent Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/- as Technical Manager
7. Asstt. General Manager or 1st Class BE/B.Tech in Minimum five years experience 75% through Promotion
equivalent Electronics with five years as Senior Technical Manager 25% Direct.
experience in the Executive
Rs.15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6400/-
Position in the relevant field
1. Junior Technician Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/- as Helper
2. Senior Technician Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/- as Junior Technician
3. Junior Technical Assistant 1st Class Diploma in Civil/ Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/- Mech./ Electronics/or relevant as Senior Technician 50% Direct.
field/ M.Sc. with one year
experience in the relevant field
4. Senior Technical Assistant Promotional post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/- as Junior Technical Assistant
5. Technical Manager or equivalent Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/- as Senior Technical Assistant
6. Sr. Tech. Manager or equivalent Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/- as Technical Manager
7. Asstt. General Manager or Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
equivalent as Senior Technical Manager
Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6400/-
Page 21 of 26
Sr. Designation of the Qualification & Experience, Qualification & Experience, if Vacancies to be filled by
No. post and Pay Band & if any for direct recruitment any for appointment other Direct/ Promotion
Grade Pay than by direct recruitment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Junior Technician Matric with ITI Minimum five years experience 50% Direct.
as Helper 50% through Promotion
Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/-
2. Senior Technician Matric with ITI with minimum Minimum five years experience 25% Direct
three years experience as Junior Technician 75% through promotion
Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
3. Junior Technical Assistant 1st Class Diploma in Mech. or Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
related field with one year as Senior Technician 50% Direct.
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
experience in relevant field
4. Senior Technical Assistant Promotional post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Junior Technical Assistant
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
5. Technical Manager or 1st Class BE/B. Tech. in Minimum five years experience 50% through Promotion
equivalent Mechanical or related field as Senior Technical Assistant 50% Direct.
having two years experience in
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/-
relevant field
6. Sr. Technical Manager or Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
equivalent as Technical Manager
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/-
7. Asstt. General Manager or 1st Class BE/B.Tech in Minimum five years experience 75% through Promotion
equivalent Mechanical or related field with as Senior Technical Manager 25% Direct.
four years experience
Rs.15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6400/-
1. Draftsman 2 Years Diploma from ITI in - 100% Direct
Draftsman with five Years
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
experience in relevant field
2. Sr. Draftsman Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/- as Draftsman
Page 22 of 26
Sr. Designation of the Qualification & Experience, Qualification & Experience, if Vacancies to be filled by
No. post and Pay Band & if any for direct recruitment any for appointment other Direct/ Promotion
Grade Pay than by direct recruitment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Junior Technician Matric with seven years Minimum five years experience 50% Direct.
Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/- experience in the relevant field as Helper 50% through Promotion
2. Senior Technician Graduate with minimum five Minimum five years experience 25% Direct
years experience. as Junior Technician 75% through promotion
Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
3. Junior Technical Assistant 1st Class M.Sc. (Phy) or related Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
field with one year experience as Senior Technician 50% Direct
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
in relevant field
4. Senior Technical Assistant Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Junior Technical Assistant
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
5. Technical Manager or 1st Class M.Tech. (Optics/Opto- Minimum five years experience 50% through Promotion
equivalent Electronics) or related field as Senior Technical Assistant 50% Direct.
having two years experience in
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/-
relevant field
6. Senior Technical Manager or Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
equivalent as Technical Manager
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 5400/-
7. Assistant General Manager or 1st Class M.Tech. (Optics/Opto- Minimum five years experience 75% through Promotion
equivalent Electronics) or related field as Senior Technical Manager 25% Direct.
with four years experience
Rs.15600-39100 (PB-3) & 6400/-
1. Junior Technician Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Helper
Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/-
2. Senior Technician Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Junior Technician
Rs. 5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
3. Junior Technical Assistant 1st Class Diploma in Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
Electronics/ M.Sc. with one as Senior Technician 50% Direct.
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
year experience in the relevant
4. Senior Technical Assistant Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Junior Technical Assistant
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
5. Technical Manager or Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through Promotion
equivalent as Senior Technical Assistant
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/-
6. Senior Technical Manager or Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
equivalent as Technical Manager
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Sr. Designation of the Qualification & Experience, Qualification & Experience, if Vacancies to be filled by
No. post and Pay Band & if any for direct recruitment any for appointment other Direct/ Promotion
Grade Pay than by direct recruitment
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Junior Technician Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Helper
Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1) & 1900/-
2. Senior Technician Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Junior Technician
Rs.5200-20200 (PB-1) & 2400/-
3. Junior Technical Assistant 1st Class Diploma in Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
Electronics/M.Sc. with one as Senior Technician 50% Direct.
Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/- year experience in the relevant
4. Senior Technical Assistant Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Junior Technical Assistant
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 3600/-
5. Technical Manager or 1st Class BE/B.Tech. in Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
equivalent electronics having two years as Senior Technical Assistant 50% direct
experience in relevant filed.
Rs.9300-34800 (PB-2) & 4200/-
6. Senior Technical Manager or Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
equivalent as Technical Manager
8. Deputy General Manager or 1st Class BE/B.Tech. in Minimum five years experience 50% through promotion
equivalent Electronics having 7 years as Assistant General Manager 50% Direct.
experience out of which at
Rs.15600-39100 (PB-3) & 7600/- least 5 years in the Executive
position in the relevant field.
9. General Manager or Equivalent Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as Deputy General Manager
Not specified by HBPE
10. Chief General Manager Promotional Post Minimum five years experience 100% through promotion
as General Manager
Not specified by HBPE
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Minor Penalties
1. All Posts Managing Director (i) Warning with a copy in the personal Managing Director Board
file. (Character roll);
(ii) Censure;
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Sr. Designation Appointing Nature of Authority Appellate
No. Appellate of Authority Penalty empowered to Authority
Post Authority impose penalty
1 2 3 4 5
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