Revised - Grade 7 Choir Long Range Plan

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The teacher wants the choir to experience the emotional benefits of singing together and to expose students to music from other cultures to foster understanding and respect.

The teacher wants the choir to engage with choral music from other cultures in order to start discussions about cultural similarities and differences in music and to increase students' emotional stability and happiness through group singing.

Assessments will include goal setting sheets, daily sight singing and ear training exercises, theory workbooks and quizzes, as well as sight singing, ear training, and singing tests.

Grade 7 Choir

Long Range Plan

(working list- will know exact rep when I have access to the choir room)

Vision/Rational: Essential Questions: Resources:

What is unique about music is that it is what I like to 1. What aspects of music  S-cubed Sight Singing Program
refer to as a universal constant; no matter the theory, that is not just  Teachers pay teachers
culture, music, of some kind, is a prominent aspect of reading notes, play large
it. With the world growing ever smaller, it is important roles in singing?
for teachers to show their students aspects of other 2. How does daily sight m/music_worksheets/worksheets.
cultures so that students can begin to understand singing and working with htm
and respect them. I believe that choir is a great place solfege help in reading  Curriculum Laboratory
to start teaching respect of other cultures because music?  JWPepper
music is something shared by all cultures, In my 3. In “Away from the Roll of 
choirs this year (as much as possible within the the Sea” how do the
confines of previously picked recital themes) I want musical aspects of the 
to engage my students with choral music from other piece paint a better portrait
cultures and to start the process of discussing of what the words are trying
similarities and differences present in cultural music. to convey? 
4. How can singers take care ral-resources/
Not only is music a universal constant, but singing, of themselves before a big
using the voice to make music, is the most primary performance?
and organic way of making music. It is incredibly 5. Does the way you breathe Concerts, Important Dates, and Field
emotional and spiritual in its own right, and in fact, in affect your instrument? Trips:
many studies done it is said that singing in a group Does it affect the sound you September 9-20 - Auditions for Alice in
increases emotional stability and overall happiness. create? How? Wonderland
Keeping this in mind, in all of my choirs this year, I 6. What is the history of “The
want my students to experience the emotional Parting Glass” and how November 21- Field Trip “All is Calm-
benefits that come along with singing in a group. does its history give insight Christmas Truce of 1914”
Middle school is a time of tumultuous change and if into Scottish culture?
students have a safe place where they can take risks December 9- Christmas Concert
safely, be vulnerable in front of their peers, and
experience true cooperation and friendship, the December 13- Festival of Nativities
chances of negative emotions decrease
substantially. This is what I want my choir to look
Assessments (Percentages Calculated Over Full Year NOT 4 months)

Title Goal Daily Sight Daily Ear Training Theory Theory Quizzes Sight Singing Ear Training Singing Tests
Setting Singing Exercises Workbook Tests Tests
Sheet Exercises

Type Formative Formative Formative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative


0% 0% 0% 0% 20% 20% 20% 40%


Assessment Tool Descriptors

Assessment Tool Brief Description Assessment FOR Assessment OF Learning

Goal Setting Sheet ● Just as the name suggests- students create

goals for themselves to meet throughout the ✔
year. Every now and again, I will refer to their
goals. They are to make another goal setting
sheet for the following semester

Daily Sight Singing ● Taken from the program S-Cubed- students

Exercises will go through various exercises to make ✔
them master sight singers in a super fun
way. Through games such as follow the
hand, forbidden pattern, and chaos, students
will learn the basics of sight singing.

Daily Ear Training ● This happens on Mondays and

Exercises Wednesdays. Just a short exercise where I ✔
sing a piece of a song that matches an
interval. They learn the intervals through
● Also there is a section for singing in tune
Theory Workbook ● Every Tuesday students are given various
worksheets that will deal with various theory ✔

Theory Quizzes ● Goes over everything that they have done in

their theory workbook. There should be one ✔
every approximately two months, meaning 5
total, making it 4% per quiz

Sight Singing Tests ● Essentially students are given one of the

melodies that directly link back to the ✔
intervals present in their S-cubed sight
reading exercises. Because of the nature of
S-cubed, this will not start until end of
September, early October. These are given
along with the Singing Tests

Ear Training Tests ● These go over the intervals. It is a written

test where I play the interval on the piano ✔
and they have to write the name of the
interval. There should be one approximately
every two months, making it 4% per quiz.

Singing Test ● Students are given phrases from their music

to learn. They are marked on rhythm, pitch ✔
accuracy, and attention to markings. There
should be one singing test every two
months, making the total 8% per test.
Students will always have the option to show
me their best work and will get the option of
what section to sing for me
Monthly Calendar
(In Red: All outcomes that are taught in that lesson)

Month Sight Singing (S-Cubed Program) Ear Training Theory Repertoire to Reinforce

Week 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week 1

Range Testing Range Testing No Ear Training Range Testing No Theory No Repertoire work, give
L1D1- proper positioning (VS1) out Rep and listen to piece
Away from the Roll of the
E Week 2 Week 2 Week 2 Away from the Roll of the
P Monday: L1D1- intro to hand No theory on Monday or Sea
T signals, proper singing, forbidden Wednesday: Teach M2 and m2 Wednesday -Listen again, what do you
E pattern of sol mi sol (VS1, VS2, based on scale and on hand Tuesday- Notes on the like about this piece? What
M AS1, AS3) signals (AS1, AS 4) Keyboard and on the staff do you not? (SS2)
B Rough Sing through of just top (TH1, TH 5) -Where is there a second
E line “Away from the Roll of the in our music? If not is there
R Sea” a minor second? (AS1, AS
Tuesday: L1D2- continuation of 4)
hand signals, proper singing, -Who can tell me what
forbidden pattern of sol mi la note we are starting on ?
(VS1, VS2, AS1, AS3) Vowels: “EE” (VS3)
Wednesday: L1D3 hand signals,
proper singing, sol mi re (VS1,
VS2, AS1, AS3)

Week 3 Week 3 Week 3 Away from the Roll of the

Monday: Begin L2D1- noticing Wednesday: Review M2 and Tuesday: Review of Notes on Sea
stepwise motion and leaps in m2 and teach P5 and P8 based the keyboard and staff- -work on clapping rhythms
scales, singing in tune, hand on scale and hand signals (AS1, musical math (quarter notes, from the piece
signals, proper singing, mi fa mi AS 4) half notes..etc)- how to count -notice perfect 5ths in the
(VS1, VS2, VS4, AS1) lines- this will be taken directly piece (AS4)
Tuesday:Begin L2D2 -noticing from the music (TH1,TH2, TH -What note do we begin
stepwise motion and leaps in 5) bar 5 on? (TH 5)
scales, singing in tune, hand Begin The Parting Glass
signals, proper singing fa la so Sight Reading on
(VS1, VS2, VS4, AS1) Wednesday
Wednesday: Begin L2D3- noticing Take the rhythms at the
stepwise motion, singing stepwise beginning and clap them
motion without assistance, singing (TH2)
in tune (bullseye), hand signals, Notice any intervals that
proper singing fa, mi mi (VS1, we know (AS4)
VS2, VS4, AS1, AS4, AS5)

Week 4 Week 4 Week 4 Parting Glass

Monday Begin L2D4 noticing Monday: M3, m3, M6, P4(AS1, Tuesday: Review of musical Notice the steps and leaps
stepwise motion, singing stepwise AS 4) math and notes on the (AS4)
motion without assistance, singing Wednesday: Review all learned piano/staff Breath Control and
in tune (bullseye) (VS1, VS2, thus far (AS1, AS 4) (TH1,TH2, TH 5) staggered breathing (IS 1,
VS4, AS1, AS4, AS5) VS 7, VS 2)
Tuesday: Review L2 ***explain the test tuesday
Wednesday: Review L2(VS1, next***
VS2, VS4, AS1)

Week 1 Week 1 Week 1 Away from the Roll of the

Monday: Begin L4D1- sight Monday- Review all intervals Tuesday- Quiz at beginning of Sea:
reading passages using solfege, (AS2, AS 4) class (TH1,TH2, TH 5) Notice legato
O continuation of everything above Wednesday - Review all Notice dynamic
C (AS 3) intervals quickly then aural test markings(VS7, TS6)
T Tuesday: L4D2- sight reading (AS2, AS 4) Notice Stresses and
O passages using solfege, Unstresses (VS7 IS1)
B continuation of everything above Attack of first syllable
E (AS 3) (VS5)
R Wednesday- L4D3- sight reading Parting Glass:
passages using solfege, Vowel Work (Ah vs A)
continuation of everything above (VS3)
(AS 3) Discuss characteristics of
Celtic inspired music
What stresses are put that
are not in other music?

Week 2 Week 2 Week 2 Away from the Roll:

Monday- L5D1- sight reading Monday: Begin L3D1 of S- Tuesday- Score markings- What are some markings
passages using solfege, cubed - recognizing sharp what they are, what they that we can see? What do
continuation of everything singing and flat singing (AS1 mean, what you should do they mean? (SSc1, SSp1)
above(AS 3) VS9) when you see them in your Vowel Work: Diphthongs
Tuesday- L5D2- sight reading Wednesday L3D2- recognizing scores (TH1,TH2, TH 5) (VS3)
passages using solfege, sharp singing and flat singing Parting Glass:
continuation of everything (AS1 VS9) Phrasing (VS7)
above(AS 3) Dynamics and markings
Wednesday- L5D3- sight reading (VS7, TS6)
passages using solfege,
continuation of everything
above(AS 3)

Week 3 Week 3 Week 3 Week 3

No Class Monday No Class Monday No Theory Class this Week No Class Monday
No Class Tuesday Wednesday: L3D3 - recognizing No Class Tuesday
Wednesday: Review of L5 sharp singing and flat singing Review Away from the Roll
(AS1 VS9) and Parting Glass,
tweaking things as
necessary (All VS used,
most IS used, and some
AS used)

Week 4 Week 4 Week 4 Week 4

Monday: L5D4- sight reading Monday: Finding the bass of a Score Markings Review Monday Review Away
passages using solfege, P8 and P5 (AS5) From and Parting Glass,
continuation of everything Wednesday: Review Finding the tweaking things as
above(AS 3) bass of a P8 and P5 necessary. Will Video choir
Tuesday: L5D5 Sight reading Find the bass of M3(AS5) and show them to see
passages using solfege, what they think they need
continuation of everything above to work on (All VS used,
(AS3) most IS used, and some
Wednesday: Take a sight singing AS used)
example from “Let it Snow” Tuesday is Vocal Testing-
WITHOUT telling them it is from it in pods, will be videoed.
Little Section of either
rAway From or Parting
Glass (VS8)
Wednesday begin sight
reading “Let it Snow”

Week 5 Week 5 Week 5 Week 5

Monday: L5D6- sight reading Monday: Find the bass of m3 Time signatures and “Let it Snow”- phrasing,
passages using solfege, and P4 (AS5) conducting patterns (TS2, Breathing, markings (VS7,
continuation of everything Wednesday L3D2- Review Find TS3) TS6)
above(AS 3) the bass of m3 and P4 and find Wednesday sight sing
Tuesday: L5 Review(AS3) the bass of M6 (AS5) “Nightmare Before
Wednesday: Take a sight singing Christmas Medley”
example from “Nightmare Before
Christmas Medley” WITHOUT
telling them it is from it

Week 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week 1

Monday L6D1 Individual silent Monday: Review finding the Time signatures and Nightmare Medley-
sight singing, taking control of bass of all intervals(AS1 VS9) conducting patterns and phrasing, Breathing,
ones music, as well as a Wednesday: Review finding the Score markings Review (TS2, markings (VS7, TS6)
continuation of all other outcomes bass of all intervals (AS5) TS3, TH1,TH2, TH 5) Let it Snow- Blend, texture,
(AS3) tuning, and finicky things
Tuesday L6D2 Individual silent (VS3, VS4, VS5, VS6,
sight singing, taking control of VS8)
ones music, as well as a Wednesday Sight Sing Mr.
continuation of all other outcomes Grinch
Wednesday Take a passage from
Mr. Grinch (AS3)

N Week 2 Week 2 Week 2 Week 2

O No Class Monday No Class Monday No Class No Class Monday
V No Class Tuesday Wednesday: Review of finding No Class Tuesday
E Wednesday: Take a passage from the bass of all intervals Wednesday: “Nightmare
M Believe Begin (AS 3) Medley” Blend, texture,
B tuning, and finicky things
E (VS3, VS4, VS5, VS6,
R VS8)
Mr. Grinch- phrasing,
Breathing, markings (VS7,
Sight Sing Believe

Week 3 Week 3 Week 3 Week 3

Monday: Begin L6D3- Individual Monday: Ear Test Time signatures and Monday: Mr. Grinch,
silent sight singing, taking control Wednesday: No Class conducting patterns and texture, tuning, and finicky
of ones music, as well as a Score markings Review and things (VS3, VS4, VS5,
continuation of all other outcomes Test VS6, VS8)
(AS3) Continuation of touching
Tuesday: Begin L6D4- Individual up all songs in preparation
silent sight singing, taking control for Christmas concert
of ones music, as well as a Tuesday:
continuation of all other outcomes Mr. Grinch Blend, texture,
(AS3) tuning, and finicky things
Wednesday is sight sing Holiday (VS3, VS4, VS5, VS6,
Film Fest (AS 3) VS8)
Let it Snow, texture,
tuning, and finicky things
(VS3, VS4, VS5, VS6,
Nightmare Medley, texture,
tuning, and finicky things
(VS3, VS4, VS5, VS6,
Sight Sing Holiday Film
Work on interpretation and
presenting skills (IS1)

Week 4 Week 4 Week 4 Week 4

Monday Begin L7D1- Rhythm and Done For Semester Done for semester All week is prepping for
Time Signature, as well as a Christmas Concert
continuation of all other outcomes ● Double Checking
(AS3, TS1) knowledge of
Tuesday Begin L7D2- Rhythm songs
and Time Signature, as well as a ● Instilling
continuation of all other outcomes interpretive ideals
(AS3, TS1) (IS1)
Review L7 (AS3, TS1) ● Blend, texture,
tuning, and finicky
things (VS3, VS4,
VS5, VS6, VS8)

D Week 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week 1

E Done for Semester NA NA All week is prepping for
C Tuesday: Tech Rehearsal Christmas Concert
E Wednesday: Tech Rehearsal ● Double Checking
M knowledge of
B songs
E ● Instilling
R interpretive ideals
● Blend, texture,
tuning, and finicky
things (VS3, VS4,
VS5, VS6, VS8)

Week 2 Week 2 Week 2 Week 2

Monday: Dress Rehearsal NA NA Dress Rehearsal and
Tuesday: Review of Concert- Concert Monday Night
Games day
Wednesday: Begin Watching
White Christmas

Week 3 Week 3 Week 3 Week 3

Monday: Continue White NA NA NA
Tuesday: Continue White
Wednesday: Continue White

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