Comparison of Microcontroller
Comparison of Microcontroller
Comparison of Microcontroller
Microcontrollers have directly or indirectly impact on our daily life. Usually, But their presence is unnoticed at most of the
places like:
At supermarkets in Cash Registers, Weighing Scales, Video games ,security system , etc.
At home in Ovens, Washing Machines, Alarm Clocks, paging, VCR, LASER Printers, color printers etc.
At Toys, Cellular phones, Climate control, Fax Machine, Musical instruments, Stereo Equipment, etc.
At office in Typewriters, Photocopiers, Elevators, Transmission control, etc.
In industry in Industrial Automation, safety systems, Sewing Machine, Camcorder, etc
Traffic Signals, Railways platform etc
What inside them makes these machines smart? The answer is microcontroller.
Creating applications for the microcontrollers is different than any other development job in electronics and computing. Before
selecting a particular device for an application, it is important to understand what the different options and features are and what
they can mean with regard to developing the application [1].
2) The 16-bit microcontroller: It performs greater precision and performance as compared to 8-bit. These are developed for
the purpose of high speed applications such as servo control system, Robotics etc. Some examples of 16-bit microcontroller
are 16-bit MCUs are extended Intel 8096 and Motorola MC68HC12 families [2].
3) 32-bit microcontroller: It uses the 32-bit instructions to perform the arithmetic and logic operations These are developed
for the purpose of very high speed application in Image processing, Telecommunications , Intelligent control system etc [3].
Some examples are Intel/Atmel 251 family, PIC3x, ARM.
©IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
ports, serial communication, counters and timers and interrupts on the chip is an embedded microcontroller[2].
2) External Memory Microcontroller: When an embedded system has a microcontroller unit that has not all the functional
blocks available on a chip is called an external memory microcontroller. For example, 8031 has no program memory on the
chip is an external memory microcontroller [2].
1) CISC architecture: CISC means complex instruction set computer, it allows the user to apply 1 instruction as an alternative
to many simple instructions [6].
1) Harvard Memory Architecture Microcontroller: The point when a microcontroller unit has a dissimilar memory address
space for the program and data memory, the microcontroller has Harvard memory architecture in the processor. The RISC gives
a better execution than the CISC[8].
2)Princeton Memory Architecture Microcontroller: The point when a microcontroller has a common memory address for the
program memory and data memory, the microcontroller has Princeton memory architecture in the processor [8].
312 Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
B. PIC Microcontroller
Peripheral interface controller is a family of Microcontrollers by Microchip technology USA with Havard architecture.
Originally this was developed as supporting device for PDP (program data processor) computers to support for its peripheral
devices and therefore named as PIC. PIC Microcontrollers are RISC processors. An interesting thing about PIC is that its
machine cycle consists of only 4 clock pulses in contrast with 12 clock pulses in Intel 8051 Microcontroller. PIC
microcontrollers are finding their way into new applications like smart phones, audio accessories, video gaming peripherals and
advanced medical devices [5].
313 Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Fig.6 PIC 16F877
C. ARM Microcontroller
ARM is 32 bit Microcontroller whose core is designed by ARM Limited with RISC architecture. ARM has von Neumann
architecture (program and RAM in the same space). ARM Microcontrollers are extremely used in power saving and operate in
very low power consumption. ARM MicrocontrollersWidely used in modern handset for mobile communications. These are
also used in various other embedded sysstem likes iPOD,hand held gaming unit,disk driver and so on. 8051 and PIC need
multiple clock cycles per instruction. AVR and ARM execute most instructions in a single clock cycle [4].
D. AVR Microcontroller
The AVR is a modified Harvard RISC architecture 8-bit RISC single-chip microcontroller, which is developed by Atmel in
1996. The AVR is stands for Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan’s RISC processor. AVR takes only one clock per instruction
314 Volume 2 Issue XII, December 2014
ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
a) TinyAVR – Less memory, small size, suitable only for simpler applications.
b) MegaAVR – These are the most popular ones having good amount of memory (up to 256 KB), higher number of
inbuilt peripherals and suitable for moderate to complex applications.
c) XmegaAVR – Used commercially for complex applications, which require large program memory and high speed [5].
Fig. 8 ATMEGA 16
There are different microcontroller products are available, It is clear that these devices can be applied to many embedded system
designs from the simple hardware control applications to signal processing applications. The choice of devices available today
is vast. Therefore we must know what type of Microcontroller suitable for particular applications. This paper will help us to
select a particular Microcontroller for specific applications.
[1] M. A. Mazidi, R.D . M ckinlay and Danny Causey ,2013, “PIC Microcontroller and Embedded system using Assembly and C for PIC18, ” Pearson
publication, p.3 .
[2] Raj Kamal ,2009, “Microcontroller:Architecture,programming interfacing and system design,”Pearson education,pp.5-7
[3] Manas Kumar Parai,Banasree Das,Gautam Das, “An overview of Microcontroller unit:From proper selection to specific application,” International Journel
of soft computing and Engineering ,ISSN:2231-2307,volume-2,Issue-6,January.