Department of Electrical Engineering Digital Signal Processing

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Department of Electrical Engineering

Digital Signal Processing

Home Work: DTFT DFT

1. Compute and sketch the discrete-time Fourier transforms of the

following signals:
(a) x[n] = sin 5π
3 n + cos 7π
3 n (b) x[n] = πn cos 7π
2 n

2. A particular discrete-time system has input x[n], and output y[n].

The Fourier transforms of these signals are related by the equation

Y(jω) = 2X( jω) + e−jω X( jω) − X( jω)

(a) Is the system linear and time-invariant? Justify.

(b) Consider a discrete-time system for which the transform Y( jω)
of the output is related to the transform of the input through the
relation Z ω+π/4
Y( jω) = X( jω)dω

Find an expression for y[n] in terms of x[n].

3. Consider a system consisting of the cascade of two LTI systems

with frequency responses

2 − e−jω
H1 ( jω) =
1 + 12 e−jω

H2 ( jω) =
1− 1 −jω
2e + 14 e−j2ω

(a) Find the difference equation describing the overall system.
(b) Determine the unit sample response of the overall system.

4. The autocorrelation sequence of a discrete-time signal x[n] is de-

fined as

Rxx [n] = x∗ [n]x[n + k]

(a) Show that for an appropriate choice of the signal g[n], Rxx [n] =
x[n] ∗ g[n], and identify the proper choice of g[n].
(b) Show that the Fourier transform of Rxx [n] is equal to |X( jω)|2 .
5. A discrete-time signal x[n] = 21 u[n] is passed through a lowpass
filter with frequency response

 1,
 |ω| < π6
H(jω) = 

6 < |ω| ≤ π
 0,

Find the energy Ex of the input signal, and the energy E y of the
output signal.

6. A continuous-time signal xc (t), with Fourier transform Xc ( jΩ)

shown in Fig., is sampled with sampling period Ts = Ω 2π
to ob-
tain the sequence xd [n] = xc (nTs ).
(a) Sketch the Fourier transform Xd ( jω) for |ω| < π.
(b) The discrete-time sequence xd [n] is to be transmitted across a
digital channel. At the receiver, the original signal xc (t) must be re-
covered. Draw a block diagram of the recovery system and specify
its characteristics. Assume that ideal filters are available.
(c) In terms Ω0 , for what range of values of Ts can xc (t) can be
recovered from xd [n].

7. In the system of Fig., Xc (jΩ) and Hd (jω) are as shown. Sketch and
label the Fourier transform of yc (t) for each of the following cases:
(a) T1 = T2 = 10−4
(b) T1 = 2 × 10−4 and T2 = 10−4

8. A continuous-time signal s(t), which is band-limited to Ω0 , and its

echo s(t − τ) arrive simultaneously at a TV receiver. The received
analog signal

xc (t) = s(t) + αs(t − τ), |α| < 1

is processed by the system shown in Fig. Is it possible to specify

Ts and Hd (jω), so that yc (t) = s(t)? (i.e., remove the reflected
component s(t − τ) from the received signal).

9. Fig. shows a finite-length sequence x[n]. Sketch and label the

(a) x1 [n] = x[(n − 2) % 4], 0 ≤ n ≤ 3
(b) x2 [n] = x[(−n) % 4], 0 ≤ n ≤ 3

10. Consider a finite-length sequence x[n] shown in Fig. 1.

(a) Sketch the finite length sequence y[n] whose 6-point DFT is

Y[k] = e−j 6 4k X[k],

where X[k] is the 6-point DFT of x[n].

(b) Sketch the finite-length sequence z[n] whose 6-point DFT is

Z[k] = <{X[k]}.

11. Consider two sequences x1 [n] and x2 [n] defined as follows:

 1,
 0 ≤ n ≤ 99
x1 [n] = 

 0,
 otherwise


 1,
 0≤n≤9
x2 [n] = 

 0,
 otherwise

(a) Determine and sketch the linear convolution x1 [n] ∗ x2 [n].

(b) Determine and sketch the 100-point circular convolution x1 [n]x2 [n].

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