Assignment (Mppu 1034) Group Assignment (15%)
Assignment (Mppu 1034) Group Assignment (15%)
Assignment (Mppu 1034) Group Assignment (15%)
Group Members:
1. <name1>
2. <name2>
3. <name3>
Critique Set No.: <enter Set No.>
Study carefully the research report (critique set) you have selected and answer the following questions:
a. Re-write the research objectives, research questions, descriptions pertaining to the data (research
design, instruments used, data gathering and data analysis) and research findings. You may use
the following template or use your own preferences.
Research Objectives RO1 .………..
RO2 .………..
RO3 .………..
Research Questions RQ1 .………..
RQ2 .………..
RQ3 .………..
Descriptions of Data Collection Research Design:
Instruments Used:
a. ……………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………….
Data Gathering:
a. ……………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………….
Data Analyses:
a. ………………………………………………….
b. …………………………………………………..
c. ………………………………………………….
Summary of Findings i. ...………….
ii. …………….
iii. …………….
b. What do you think about the suitability and appropriateness of instruments used in this study (in
terms of scaling, clarification, suitability and appropriateness to answer the RQs)? Justify your
c. What do you think about the suitability and appropriateness of data gathered in this study (in terms
of types of data gathered, how the raw data were processed and suitability to answer the RQs)?
Justify your answer.
d. Give your comments on the statistical analyses performed and the way results were interpreted
and reported. Your comments must be made in the light of remarks of Item (a), Item (b) and Item
(c) stated above.
e. Suggest (with appropriate descriptions and rationale) further or additional analyses to be performed
by the researcher to improve the ‘correctness’ or accuracy’ of this research.
You are to work in a group consisting of NOT MORE than 3 persons
You are required to submit your answers (in both softcopy and hardcopy) before or on May 18 2018:
- The hardcopy comprising of full report is to be handed-in to your respective lecturer
- The softcopy (in either docx, pptx or pdf format) is to be uploaded onto your e-learning.