SFS 2019 Advt 14.11.2019
SFS 2019 Advt 14.11.2019
SFS 2019 Advt 14.11.2019
gqar qftonar gggflra* ?t^ ^ gig aft gfif git^ y,i-wjd< ^/ f^t^rAg ^ tgrg if ancft f" at agaftar git ggar qftuiw
qit qg atfitqgr t 1 *jqf?id arvgf^gt ^r^Fnn qcftsn ^qg ggfSRr Hvgf^hqt ^ aristpRr agRtg
t^snait q?r angtar g^ qrrtr^ri ^t qjrfgift 9irr ^ qralttrT ftmaff ^ sndafti arcg ^/
qcftwr ^ arsqraff ISr^cT ^ qratr # anqtar ^ qgrgrr ;r qs^i
anaitar # qfreiT altr *iaR 7Mr?fr t^'sqa* qg qRg?ff t I 3lt egj^ ^gRr ^uiiplt qir ^qgr qR 1^ sarf^
^ pfTiT q|gT^ ^ ^wraag 7{p ^ 1 aR: f^r4t 3ft egf^ ^fttt gr f^Rft aR=g #> antgar ^ rr q^gi^ qg grgr
qnFTT t fit ^ sggfif^ ^ aRisig t \ ^ egf^ ^ g^qgt ^ r an^ afrrsR sgf^ ^ Ra^
ciRqgfr w^ qR ^jjtRT arf^Rg arrgtar q>r t ^ cgf^ergf ^ d«Hf3d qg^gift ^ rt 1 gi^
qg RRT FRIT qFTT aftqaftg cnqag 1
f^TTTqg qq qqq^R "^tRaiR afk fatR'ng" gangR qg ^ anaqaft afq» it f^rgr qnataq 1
^ H?ir STHH ^ ^ H?a" TTR^T 3773r #> 3il<^<i«bl ^ ^TRra" gSF ^STT^T ^
^ (Assistant Conservator of Forest) #r ^ ^Tcft 'TfrSTT c»qi<i ^ STT^cfsr
^ ^ aii^'i^d to" f I ^cff # wiw ^ sf^rttt ci:?i^ Tpfr ^ :-
q?r mr did md qg
f^todl 4?i cj/idK d^i
'||3^ v:;-;
d^iggi dH d^atm 6 2 1 1 1 1
3TrT5!TW 3TRm "JTt:2ra^r c^ (5i<HdJ5id 5rrfM, oidoiif^id! 3tk 31^^ tet g?if #5"
3THOT) 3f1^Pldd 1994" ^ 3^^ dtJT 3Trf^ W ^ <hdd1-l Jtt:3T^r % 3T^rR^
sfr- qg mr f^cRui-
(A) qg gq did dFram dTwm
(B) f^did mr did d^dq^^r ?iTdd gd
(C) tot <tioiMf^d tot
(D) qgtof^ dtot
(E) ^d<H«HW to" 15600-39100+5400/- ts't dm dod ?ndd gOT ddd-ddd qr y-HiUd
artoff % arddTT d^nf drdr ar^d ^ ^ 1 ddddid ^dd arrdtd ^
fT I dTd^ %dddTd ^ clr+^i^ ^dddld c(d ^t^TI
2. qtord
5fr g^ ^ qtol^ to ^ gd d?Ttomdra" 3t^ ^TTdd c^ ftotto
3d^ ddms" dHdgt #r tot att aidd qtom, gd Itordd" qtom
dddT .to ^ ^ g^ mr qtom toid ^ qrd mrdr to ^ todiddTT
f^atotd q^tSTT 3rcto" gtot siIjH 1
3. 9iTtrto
cftffT # TTTW^ cT^IT eTTTHT ^ "JldUldl
^^^TT?Tr^ 1 ^ snitlW ?mT ^rr^lte swdr
^ «tii4 I^iil oiiy<'iI 1
(G) 9)(^e5r «llfffl«(>l Wiuli wsiij<rl
^rq-- 3M44d qcT ^ fpHT SJT^ ^ qRT ^lart^tgr 3!fHFt, (^?5q) qflW ^ 3felTf^ 3?T^ q? q^
^ aifcW tcrf^r ^tnf^ i q^qrn afr tct^riqi qfr 3q=a" 3itHnj arf^ gr^ arr^ggr sqtRrT qgr ^
fpNr I^*JiI^ci ^ qi^rTT oi^ ^^^1 qftSTT/^TTSlTfiqiR ^ ^T^rf^H l^y Ijii^ qq 3itlRJ^ qjcUPT ^ STlcfctqi q^T qg ^
JHioi fotgr Tfqr ^ i ^<<4^1 ^ 3fr qr hi^ «jii^ qr 3ii^Gq> ^ ©J3!_^I_3LiS^j!&_l
^nfiftqr TTTq^
awcTT qfrm
■gR ^cirt ^rt<rii 25 14 f^.jfr.
^tq"- (1) Rlf^oHl JTBcT craro* 33=3talfr ^ TJ^ ^ ^ JTTq^ oTTt3t J<l-4lcidKl # -efgw
?il^d, ad f^^id] aif a ^ai' (3TT3»2r 5tT a4i) o-^^cid §lT^ti^q» <hih<;s qq qftiflW I^ai
(2) xj^(^d 3T3qifW qJT ^nftftqr srrq^ ^irttftq? eRTdr qftm sttxt^tt mir
3q^ qtrai# ^ ^rq^r ai^qr^ fr Pi-yf^d qrq ^1
'cfTT- (1) a^d'tjRid oTrf^r, addj^d oRonf^, 3T3=3r ^ qiTT* g^ ^ 3tr^ qg #jgR ?a"gq^r
^ 3^ 3M^ptR ^nf^, 5i5Rnf^ g^t ^ ^^R^^ ^1 t^ccHdJi^ s^g" q^fr
^ 353T t^rgRfr ^ sn^gq? git arq^ 35R l^rgRr ^ ^rgg" ^ oiddi(?i, 3t3=3T g^t ngr
3TT^ ^ qiTToTtr g^t ^ w # JTRg" ^ arrraTw ^ qrg Jrft f i 3?t aisTRl^ qgt ^ f^ijiUd tor di^di 1
o o
(2) JTtgq^r % giK ^ 3H<H-t|Rid onf^,a<«H-^Rid dddif?!, ar^qr g^t ?mr anl^ w ^ qiTrgfJr gat ^ s^qterr
arqTTT gat aRR^ 1
qra"- 3TtTiq^r ^ dl<Hlo-g ?I^) 1?PJ7T, 1961 ^ aRjtaTR aRt^T -
(ar) qitf §fr saqfrggR srflm# ^ arq^ qg f^-gtq" 6^-iigi w ^ gr qg qr Pigi^d ^
loR" qrg ^rft ^Rr:
qT5=5 gT?t 33=3ftggR ^ a-gigidg ^ ^ ttr#, ^ ctr 3^ 1^gf?d qg diddi arpRrf^ jtr^
qq arl^ ^ ciqi di-^aii 1
(g) q^ft §fr 33=?ttggR i^d4?i ^ ^ arl^ gfWr f, icR# # ggr qq oRR 26 oRgtr 2001 q^ gr q^gR
^gr gr qg qr Pi^lori ^ qrg fitgr 1
q^ qitt 3tr 33=?ftggR tcRr^ q^ ^ xTg? gftl^ ^rr t ^ aTRTatr qrrg 26 oRgfr, 2001 qit gr q^gRT
foR^ c*r gr gt ^ aif^iqr ddid qq orr pldi ^ai gr qg qr f^gfWd" ^ dft ?tgr 1
t?- aqg
21 gft^aqg^qRc^r^ 40 gi" ^ aqg ^ r ^ ^i
arrg wq^r 01.01.2020
art^dii^^?! aqg : o
62 gft
aqg^ftgr qftf^- "qr' ^1
dld- qft^tw- aq^gqft ^ lahri^ 02 gi- ^ qft^twr qr ^ Riftftt 1
1 ggf5R arf^tqq^t frg # qflrsRr i^f?dr ^ Ht. qflraqg qr ^ giRr rtrr s^ig ggpid arfttqqfr qft ggg
qft ctRT gfRr I
2 q1%erg gqrtd f^Rjg RFiggr gg ^ qg qr f^gRd rtrt ^ gq^ qr ggl^ arltJqq^ qft tftKR ^ 5
gft ^gr qgsq aiPiai4 fitgr 1
5ft- ggg qHqg-
^ m'tj -
(3T) TTFZT m ^(W&JT qtrSiTT) % 33=?fl^^ #r rTm ^ ^(5IRf3^^) (cJ-i-^1^^6 WT 3Tr.tI^T.3TR.
(9") '<l>x4| qfli -^cji fiTsT
H'JlttTr * 0
y^TR" O
y^tSTT Hifilc^ ^)
^ at^a/ar^ atf^ arTw i arf^ aasr ^%aR ^roa yfrarr nar Brencaar # yr^ aia^ % amiR yr
l^wd ^ oTT^ I yRl1^a> yfraiT #r arrtjR yr t^flw yaaf ^ f^anf^TcT yat ^ 15 ^ nar mm aiar ypRT
aR^ ar^ ar^yrl^J^ ait ^raa aR ^ar TRsa y^tsr"^ ar^ ylf^d t^>ar arr^ar i
o « o
qga yftar :-
yitf^ yftarr ^r arfHr yr^r ar^yrfW ^ xim m tm yfrarr aiialRid ^ anir^fr i yfraa # Pi.mm-hk cit
3acT y^a y^ 4i" aiai" f^STraRT a y^a* atarar f^^TTffRTR ^Rjt >
yan y?3T ya di<Hi«-a araaaR, Rta yt?r aa 7TT7TT?a yftaa, 100 200
TTTaTRayr - 50
ayr aia> :- 450
atiit y?3Tya arfatar^ ^i yft^y OMR (Optical Mark Reader) amnftR ?r?ft i ftRtT y^^r y-i-^Pi^6 (a^teay)
yaar % ?t^i y?^ y^?r 2 aia# ay ^i ?r yaar y?^ y??Tya ay ^jyffar 200 ^i ya^ y?R % aR i^a^y
(A.B.c.D) ^1 3T3a^ air yfr 3^ ay aay aRsy ?rari y^sm ^ aral^t 2^ ^r ^1
y?&a yfwr # 3txM ^ ar^yRif air Ur^ai y?Rya" ^ 40 yf?t?rR aiar yrRT aR^y atPiai^ ?JaTi fraa y^r ^
3JR teiyfr anl^r, ara^jf^ onayf^ nar ar^^r te?r a^t(% #Rtr ^ar)^ arayrf^Sat y?^ y^Rya
^ 30 yf^icT aiar yiRT aRar 3tPiai4 ffran
yftay aftuim ^ sSr aya^aar IStf^r :-
yRfS^iaT cTar Hca y^tsy y^Ry #^ aa y?yt ^ iryr im: ^aR yraf^ 3c^ J^Jt ctaR aR,
ayata ^aaifa viww.rnppsc,nic.in,www.rnppsc.corri Far www.mnnscdemn in CR yayf^ aR ayyfrcTar yiRT ^ vTRbft
I ?a 3Taf?t ^ y^aiH ypRr I^Rft §fr arsar^aa yr airf l^aR yaraR afr l^^ar syyar 1 yfcT y^y ayyf^
100 year ^^ nar yf^ yy ytty ?r^ ^jaar ^^^1 ayyfctT tg aar ?par syyf^ 47^
yr^" Tsn^ yr ai^yitff air aiRcyfy y^t^ aiyy f^^ar syyari yfe y?a7 f^Rfr alt f^af^ ^ ary^ yfr f^Rjr
dK'Jii I yRR aiNfrdal yr t^'ryy aaRT t4aR l^rar an^i
^ ^ 3T5RTTT chr4cil^| ^
f^>W ^RT ^RR^ 3R^l^ci<Hl qT ^ q^^HR 3tf^ 3c^ JsJt 3[n7# 317^
www.mppsc.nic.ln,www.mppsc.com cRttwww.mpDscdemo.in qr qqqflTR ^ sTK'jfl i
dH<Wciw-dK 7T#rf^ te" 71^ q^srt grr isl^qR §w % arrtjR qr ail^ 3?^^^ 3rrtr
3R^3rfW qq 3jp^i4><H qR qftSTT qfttruR y^i^H f^RTT 3TT^ I
qfterr it qiRr 3t^ ^ RtqRq^R ^ antjR qr qqqf ^ ^ ■H'MI ^ 3TTtiR qr qirffe qfrerr
# 15 ^ ara^qW q^r ^ q^rerr ^ cRir ^ q^tsrr 3^ 03 w ara^qWr qfr rnicqqr ^TqiR
(q) ^TTSTTcqiR -
Rz&q qfreq A qTRrrq^r ^ arrtiR qr ^unqqRT # wr^=h ^ arrt^q^t q^ q?jf ^ ^ ?1W ^qr aRrqiR
# cRq aiq^ arf^ qR^ gr^ aia^qf^hit q?r -Hiuiirqiu aii«Hf=id f^Rir omRir 1 diiHir=M< ^ qWrq^ 50
gR- R?Fg^ :-
• aqgW it qfraq qgirft" ^r w^pgigqi- qg mhjIumi qq qilf yiyUM B" it qiRT aRgr^ggf q^ qrtf
q^grfr ?rft ^ gnq^fr i
• ^q<n mT^^ii.h ^ ^ grg ait gfe qrij- q,3-i:^cn ^ ^ 3^ ^ Ttr arr^ ggg
mT^»m.h q^ ^gR^ qq ari^^qqr I ggi?fg aryg^^ ^ ngr q^ftgq ^ gg ggfitg an-g^htf »
gg f^ang aii<jVi qgiti ^fERT o^r4«ili ^ qrrjdi^ ^trtr %• gq f&ang g^nr ^ gn^^fti
qgg ^ / qcftwT ^ arag^ 15mf^ % ^ aqg^ ^ qgrgR g q>^i
TgR^- aq^gg qf^ - 3qg qg ^ aq^gg qg grg ^ grtzw ^ aqggifg gmr to" gq g%3t 1 afigg^ an^gg qg
3R^ ^ qWgr^ T^fc^d gngqqfr qftf^Tgg-tfr gq argeter q^t 1^
qR?"- q^r-qg qif^ qf^ :- f^gqqg ^ aig^^H l^dii^td qgt ^ ggg qRt^aRF qter fcRqqr 12.01.2020 qrr qc^^r
^ gait msgrggt qr arRftf^rg ^ gqq#! amifW qit qft:sq 20 ^ 3g#r ^ ggr ggr qltaq ?ifT ^
srrgqqft- ^ gngg# ggr q^ ^ qt^T qg feggr 08.ai.2020 ^ 11.01.2020 (gf^ 12:00 gt) gq^
www.mponline.gov.in,www.mppsc.nic.in,www.mppsc.com r^T www.mpDscdemo.in qr siaggtg tg 3qgr®g
arfgiurfr arr^ggr arq^ q^r-qg 3qg ^q-wi^d ^ siaggig qg I ^ q^r qg gfr gq^
q^r qg sraggftg qR^ ^ an^gq? q^ ^ggifg it I^I^d qr 3g^ arr^gg qg aRdgr gag gi3=g ^ ql^f^
qR^fr gt^ft I qg.^. anggr^ ^ arf^l^ I^RiRgr ^ gitjgg ^ q^r qg qrf^ 5 qttg ?p=qr ^ fitgri
ftgrqg ^ ^ arrg^ggr ^jggr^, qgflTqr q^tsrr cRit g^ qttw ^ qft^JTW arRiW # ^ggi^g
www.mppsc.nic.in,www.mppsc.com www.mppscdemo.in ^ sr^^rliTH
oTHtW I 3T3:3Rff qqKi 3TRc7T?sT 3TT^^ w E-mail Address c^f JTt^TftT TT E-mail
SMS cWKI 3iia?ijeti qr ^J^UTT oTT 3W92iqT ^qtriiJTT ^ 3iloHcHI$<H 3TT^^?r qq q? q?
arq^ t-^ q^^ qq 3im^ 3p^ cmr arRTt^r ^ qq arqetor ^i
^ffeF" ai^RRjf Clloiqil^l Rrf-irl hURi'^C -
(1) aq^^ ^^ qftf^-T?qT ^ I
(2) aii<^q«ri qq" H2ir aioRT qrwqqftqf qftf^T^ - ^
(3) aiir^ehrt ^f%3iT qqKi q^ 3n^ qic^r afr.qTT.aqr. 9frr ^ aqqW l^c^r ?Rir ai^qr ^qr q^r^"
2019 ^ fq^iH-n 3^ ap-c^i^sld ql^f^TiiS' '^T qq aiq^tq^sr q^tl
(4) qrifl^qT qfrsq ^ qloRr cRit m6qq><H qftUr^ - ?1W
(5) WPT qfrarr ^%s[^ h?it qr^qqi^r - grr
« SfW ^
(cit) mIoHI^H ^
(1) 3w^jpr?r HTf^, aid'tjRid ddojiQ i# f^sTRr # sraWr 1^^ m1ohi^<h #3Mr
^ 3TH#T M<-t^d OTfcnff ^ ?T?3TRfr # WMWH ^TRR ^ jIFT 3^#^ #-3/10/85/3/1,
fcWT^ 29.06.1985 ^ #J35" 3lt?I^KTH 311^ #7TT ^ 5 ^ ^ # 5?##l
(2) ^3?3T o
^ -HJ-^li^d # dWIWJ ^RiraST ^ -tTFR- #-3/18/85/3/1
fcidk 03.09.1985 ^ #;3t # 3#te3T 311^ #5Tr # 5 ^ ^
:- (1) qftf?T^-1 (#) ^ 3ic#cr 3#J^kW 31Tf #?Tr # #flw g^T#/ #5f5n3# ^ 3i?T#T ^r
^ 3^ #t 313^ ^ ^ 3Tf^ ^ ^ amm" ^ # 3# 3tw #w #
3TmTT (yloHl^d 51^) ^ 1^ ^ ^ fJr^l
(2) ^WTd" 3TRWJr cWT 3^ ^ 3TT^ #717 # ^ 7Tt?7 TTx^T #7 7T^ ^ 313T: oUlcr,
31d-tipld oidcllf?!, 317=^r #1537 37217 77f|^ 373^311^ # ^ 37TOW7 ST^jgrr 377^
#777 ^ ^ ^7537 77t-37 ^7^7 ^ 7^ fTTgif^qt # ^ ^ ^| 37737 ^I^ff % 3^ M ^ 373^
377777^ 771737 ^|
1. TT??: g^r^qftsiT 2019 ^ 1^ a<Mgii^>i an^gsr ^rgaj- ^ aiiditgcb arsr^r I^^m-hk %:-
•9 O
te te #r ante# g# 3qte" ?j?gT arfeftgg qfeg ^Rgr g. 40/- (teg gfeg) ariteg ^ tei
o# aT3^g^ ggg ^gr ggr gg ^qi ^igt an#gg gfe# 37# 3fr sqfegg anngR ^ gR ^ ^igr
te :- qRfegg> qfrsn" ^ qfenrg ^ gig angtg # ^ggi^ www.mppsc.nic.in.
www.mppsc.com ggr www.mppscdemo.ln qr 3qgw gRife gg anggifg gif^ ^
'H^Mdi fe g. 50/- 9]?gr gn" ^ggR gR arstef 3ter OMR §lfe Download gg teri
^ aifter ^ g^g qfefergi qfran* ^ OMR 9ffe ^ qiiten# qfeite qfrarr gg qfegyg
gtf#g te ^ q^gig qgig ^ snqfer ftei" gq^r fegr jRsg qfren ^ 3gR qfeggna# gg
0 0 o
argpfigig arfew ggg qfteg difeg te #> ^ an#ggr gggr anter gte qr ggigr gr
gte I teg 3cdgTfeggg ^ qgig gft ^ giteti
qRfesrgi qterr fe gq>g aia^tegf" g# ggg fegr trsr qfrag te ante" qg qfrarr ?T?gT gg
0 0 o
#>gg tenqg tegg te ^ fete it aiteW g# anfegg qg qffen ?Tgg? anggrsg qte # giqg
fter cnqgr, teg qfeg ?pg» tet 3ft fete # giqg gft f#RiT gnqgr i
1. tf^(R^ ■ti^^«j^d ^)
2. Rli/ Rit
ici^c ^ <Hit^<H ^ qtrarr ?jor rt 3trrr - 3tt^3R ^ Rt rr r ^ ^ rtwt ^
R3t RRT qfreir ?JeR RT 3TRRR ^ RT RRRT ^1 fR^ 3TT^5R ^ RR Rfe ^ 3TTR
^«h 3nR ^^ •^fqiiT flRT SlUtR^ f"l STT^cjR R^ ^ 3qTTH Proceed to Payment
RT RR 3RRiT| R 3^ inAi 3Tr=?R ^| f^RR R^ R g|r 3Tq^ fR 5W RR ^JpTT
3TTf" ^ RRpf SIRRT diRld ^| fR wf^-ili ^ STT^JfR 3Tq^ ^ 37Rl^ if ?TRR RT 3RlcTlR RT RRRT %\ RRRtT
o o
q^R RRcTFR wf^^i ^ «)id 31T^"^R Rt qT qracfr R^R 3ftT 3TT^2[R RT f^RTR IcpSlf" cfRTI fRRT Rfe"
otRT Tfltcf 37R?R ^ q^ RRTRRT R^l
Rii/tf^ Rlf % ^ qfiW ?JeR RT RRRIR - SIT^c^R l^i^ft 3fr fd-i<^<i ^ RT RT Mt R^ f3T^ ^
m-RR ^ R3=c3j^ arqRT RRt RT RRRT tl RT^ ^ jqTlH qfrSTT ?r?R RT RRdTR M" Mt ^ ^ #rtl3
RTi/lf^ Rri RTRRR f^^RT RT RRdT f I 3ll^ciR 5^^ qq3^ RT^ ^ 3qTTcT qfrSTT ?TRR RT RRRR R^ ^ fpt^T O O
Proceed to Payment RT R3R 3RT^ qT RRC^ t^t^t rt 3n|Tfi3TTf?fr3TTf ^ RT ifz^ IcJ^f ^RTI
Rlt/tl^ Rlt RT ftRTR RT^ #r 3qRR RR^t R3R SRIRT q^tSTT ?TRR RT RRHTR I^^RT f^TRT RT RRcTT %\ 3il^dR ^
o o
q^tSTT 9J?R RRHTR q1^ dRddl ^ ^ R^RTR RRR^TTfcT^ TtftST RRT fptt 1^ qT 3TT^ ?f^R
TT^ oTRRlft 3if^ fT'frl an^cIR ?R T^ q^T RRTRRT T^l
RRRRP^ RRHR qt^ ^ RT^ STT^RR Rt T^ qT qjRcft RRT SttT 3TTtoT RT t^RTR ^| fTtRf
Rfe 3TR?R ^1
8. wft ailddl^d f^»RtTR ^ RTtRR" ^ atl^RR RiTt / qte" $r?R RT^ ^ f^:-
1 gTT ^ qirl^ ifRTT # STT^sfqi qif qt^r qraf^ #, q^rftRr 3TTTfr7T siiddi^d qq" ^ ttw
qiT# 3fr qTTM qq Titir ?1?if5tqT 4ld-ydi/ 5r=jt1^/ 3i<H>ijRid orrf^r/ 3W7jf^ ddojif^/ 3t3=Tr tesr grt/ Piqi-^
qTmir qq-/ Rtrar/ qftrrj^nr/ nrnqj^jciT/ ^qr qTrrur qq 3it1^ ttttt sift ^ TRjt #i 31cT: 3i1ddi^d
3n^^ qq ^ ttttt q^f# 3fr qTnw qq tttrtt tt q^ i qTrrt qq -Hiwir^u ttw 3TT^sfq^r ajdw-niuid-
qqqi, o^Rddid RgrcT-qqqr snir ^ql^ricfr qqqr ^ Tim 9t;5RT # cWr ^TTSTTcqqr ^ twtt tr^cT: qrcTH q^TTrr # 1 o
3TT^cjq7 3Tq^ 5iqr q^ # qftqc^TT ^ TTqtT # §fr Stirfpr q^T dcq>ld RRld # TTcRT <\
qt^dqq ^ 3T7=Tr ^TTTT TT ST^qrJTTqr qr 3T3=q srqqr 3Tq7TT TTTTT qr 3T7q" THTT qr Rt# qqTT qq pRTT^^ sfr
4. toqxTT ^ aiHIMPd:-
3Tt t ?ntora- tor ^ w # to# ^ir aito# w ^ q^m- ^r- ^ ^ tot q^w ^ to" wt
qtontr t. (fSto arrq^toq? ^ ctr qr cqto ^iitor to ^ scto ^ t,
3tor w arftora" [Under taking](to f# ator^ antor qqr ^#w ^ t) q^ qRsrr to" 3to^ f^rW
^# ato qqqto" fto^r # a!t,-iraT qit ^jlto ^r: to ^ f# ato^ qcr # tor arrtor tor ^ 1 aj^c^dKl # tRw
gito to aiTtor qit xrr t^to 3fr ^rtt qr ato totqw 3to a^H qtor # to" arto^r qto ^ ?to
awtor qq torcrr I"# ator arto^ qq" atto^ ton" sir tonr ^/ator stoto^t^^ sit to# t"i
5. an^to # wl^to" qftffiT # 3imptt^ aii^n^i qq* # ^ipt qitf* totw qq* om# ^ anqqiqicn" to" ^i tov qfrsn" ^
tonc^nr ai^ an^qtff# 5^ sroq* q^ferr # qtom" it totor aito" ffrf^r to arq^ Jreq qftarr ^ artosr qq* tj#
aifl«*ii«m-qqqr/ ototoH toto qqqr ^^Itor arfStoa* vtoT qir airto qit u^hh qR^rr tor
aiT^ to# qtoT # to: - tosr amr #: atoi#/ qtor-qq fSto" sto#?r qq
FT^S" icc^'ia #, <nio-i< t^T^IT cii^dji I
^toto ato# » grtogq;- ^tos^t atir ato qicr #r a^r qto# #" fto an^to ^ a?##
ton" ^ qq toto ^ ^^tonto ato^toii aqrfil" -Hd-Jd gR^r and'jgch to tori
asM^qR"# qitotr q^ <Ht ^ ar^-tof JTtRto?r ^rito ^ qitoto qqHT qrrtt udi"i-qq" i
3!S_HHE!j5l- a^RBT 3m tor # flTf?i#qRur amr smi tofr U-ui^d # to ^rar qR^ to ai^toJ# ^ to^r
aitonfr ^rt tot 3qtod" qtor qq"^ tSRnqf^ qRsir qrtoi aw^jfto snl^, aw^jtto snnsto qr ai^ t^t5?r
qat qq oiil^ q^TTW qq" ato^^ntor arf^lqi# (^tsr^) qqRT sit f# Titqq^r ^nto" c^rt sttI^ qriM qq" sntt qR^ #
%, 3ioiM<HiuM-qq" # tor arf^qrto: toRR qR^ir xjif^y 1 Jitonait # juto" a^q^ ton #1 ^trt qn
acto qR^ qjsn" sto qtoi-qq" fr toqnr toir sirwi ai^q tost ^# antoM"# snf^ qtor-q# ?r rf qtow
anq^to 11# anton to^t to t sifr arer t I to qtor-q# ^ t r ato toit q^to qi# tot qr sr#
tot t tot # qqqR ^^ to=q 5# to snto") ai^q tos^r to" # to ar^#tor qit atRwuM qqqr ^ mj
RpPRT tot sto qrt" aif5r#at t qr^ t #qw-qq" (Declaration), y-^^d qRRT ton" to t ^irr ^^rt
arUtMito totoR Jirq^ # aR^iR tot tor #^ato:-
toft tor t ato qrt aRq tosfi to ^ aRtof aRRtocT t# ^ t Trrsq tot snto 1
#qpTT-qq" fPeclarationl qq vmr
# ^ torq^ qRto 04/2019, ftoto 14.11.2019 ^ aitod" an^R qq airto" qit y-tdd qR ^/#t ^1 #
todMRR #quTT qRdT/qR# ^
1. jt iHcii #- fto# ^jRT/qRqr/ 9i?T/ ton ,7Tt:q" qt^r qn/# rr
fto# I I # sito qq/# ^ sit ?IRR JT^RT qt?r 3jm to?r to ^ w t jtrr t T
2. ^ q?" ifr Rtfto qRdT/qR# ^ to ^ ^ dtodd" mkh^I sqRT pEjIUd dNci^l # aiddR ## tor #
andr/sn# ^i
tcT dqq
(aqq ^ton-qq rmr sn# qjiM-qq # TqqTuto" nto tod" diftiir+u i]t q^i^d tor snt nit aidsdRR-qq % ?nq toR qt)
^ ^TTSTTc^ ^ TTTra" 3JcT *TT W 3T3=3r ?RTM ^ ^ TFcTT f
^3^ 3R-"3T1^ 3J-Ml^d ^ ^r oITXT^^l" t^m#r fM 30^ ird<<il41 fF ^ 313-TItIif ^ g^ qg
aitrar amji-^cid qr srff 1^ ottw afrr qq^rw 1^ cttwi gfWr qsrpr.q^ % smg- ^r 1^
r^^Md qrqcTT ^ 611^ ^ f^giT oi^ snwrri
sn^^t qiTTofrr tcl - Ht."gq^r ?irh" #?
yifti<hiO ggRr gnfr qTTM-qg i
6. qjgrERnr aftr forrr qq^grft:-^amrtff, gjt amTr^r c^ R.KHf?il^ad qq cfrt qigr gnw ^-
01 3Tq5ft 3i9:gf9^ % qfiw qr mTTcqiiT afr W fttsStt 3^fS^q^:H ^ qr^ q^^
qq qqRT ?t, qr
02 yf^-i^Mui ^ qr
03 IWt EqUH ^ ylrl-^yui q^qrqr ?t; qr
04 t4<Rld (iWl^<d qr^ cR^dl^ qPfTd"
^ o
fclTT^ ^RqcToT qqi qi
05 ^qry^T ^ ofr qciH atk" ^ qr qq^r 4r afr qqjTT qr ?tr3j^ gjRqqfr fb:qrfr ?t, qr
06 qttsTT ^ y^=?r qi^ ^ Iciy q^t^ srsq arf^qf^H qr aidf^id qq arr-^rq fctqr qr
07 qtrsrr qrgr ^ aidf^d qq 3q^ tor ?t qr qr^ qq qqrqr torr qr
08 qfrgq Ttora"# qtorfr^ q^r q^iR tor ^ qr smqqqr ^ qr ^irfito srf^ q^qif qr
09 3^ qt^r-qq # ara^qtofr ^ to to qq tot §fr arTtoff qr ar5=q totit,o
-n^idd # %nr q^teiq?
qr a!3=q qtorfr^ c^rt Tfitor ^^ to qq ar^r di^fo^d f, artorpq toir qr
10 q^tsrr q^ ^ qr qrsTTcqqr ^ ar^q ^ f^>qr qr
11 q^tgrr ddim to" ^ q^qic^ qf^ ars^qtJt qqtorH arttoTqqtr (?q1^f^toq) ^ qRr 3tor art.qq.arR*. giqr
qq^ ^ aww ^?cq ^ qr ait.wr.aTTT. ?fl3 q^t to qjqiHr I", qr
12 qfrarr ^^ tofr ifr to ^ q?qqq artor^ qqqr f qr 3to to qqrq qqqr Ht arrqtq-
(qqr) 3^ 3d" dtor ^ to, t^ito to g?" 3toggn" t qtor attr/qr 3^ qr ?fr ?tot w ^ qr
qqqrgRr ^ f^q arrqtq q^Ki, ^ gn^ gi^ f^Rfr q^tsr ^ qr 3q^ cjgrqr gnW gitt" f^Rft qqq
^ l^gf^TH q>T d%qri
(cfr) qf^ g^ ?iidd ^ aRftq ^ ft ^gr 3t" ft ^ 3q^qfr Pi^-hI % artjtq sd" qr ar^ndl^qr qn^^grft fn
tonq q^r 3R?idr ^ gtoti
(cftq) ?d^ artfrftqd" ars^q^ ^ arrqdf^iqr arfstqlgrq" 3lt <;oi f^rqr on* d^>qri
qg qg ?TTdq g^ 3^ qr rfr dg^fr dq ^ qr g^ididPr ^ to 3d^ arto totg?q # toto tor gg dtor 1
7. q^r qg -
01 ara^qtfl" gfr qgq" gq to qrrfto qtor qr ths^ qtor # q^r to torr gnto. qllr;-
{qj") g?", arrqtq" ggnr gn^ t^^qr qqr q^r qg qidq q qRdr ft, attr
(^^) gF, arrqtq gri^t tonqq/ qt^r-qg # aP=df^d qto qtoq-q^ ^ qrtf qgr q^kt qfto-qg qirq q
qRcTT fr, afrr
(q) arito g^ grrfr to" qq q^r-qg ^ to^r qto 3d^ to ^ tonq q ftqr ft, attr
(g) arrqtq c^id" grrfr tor q^ qt?r-qg # 3tof^ qrd" qg qto qg, arrqtq gw 3d^ ggrq to qq
qtoqgq qtor-qg ^ 3tofto drq qg qto # torrq q to ?ti
02 q^r qg ggtoqq dq # to to gir^ 1 q^r qg arrqtq ^ ^gidi$d www.mppsc.com qg
www.mppsc.nic.in qqr https/; www.mponIine.gov.in qg togr O8.DI.2020 ^ 11.01.2020 qgr fkt
I arrto^ grt torrfg ^ ft qtor ^ q^r qg qr^r g^qr ft^ 1 ?d" tor t tor qqr g^rf §tr qgrgR drqq to
toi tor qg qq.ifr. arrqqrfq ^ arf^to ^^togr ^ drt:qd" ^ srsqto gto qr qtg dq^ qttq toi
. 03 qlcT q^r qg qr^ gto ^ g^it ddgqr an^ f dt arrto arqgr aUddi^d t tor grf 1
04 qkr tofr antggr gg qrd" diQtdd to # dtofto to ^ 3^ tor qg qr^ ft ggg f dt g^ ^r?gR:qgT ^
3N?Tr m •9
^i O
^^3^ 37fr^rt ^rfren ^ 1
05 3Trira" 7TF?g^ - 3TT^2;^ fW tTIR qte"^ tpT 5(^1 ^^ j^TT^T JTT3=q- Tf?r^ q^En^T
WF^^Tt^ 3B^ 3TT^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ 3R7Tf?r f?r^;-
1 6 dq4> to tdl-dW A lol4l«txll c;qKl vjll'Tl 4^,44
2 •Hdqicll Hftild H?t 7 qet' ai^qi HI+<. JIIISi^ tol tolci4«tc1 XJ|^«Je^
3 ^igfci'di dig+id 8 Qqixi ailM«hrl^ did qH Mq d4> clKI "H^qq
4 ^g" qto 9 <iyMf^d aiit:i4>to d^Kl WHliuld H<i)dd^ to<i1
5 antnr gto
^TfraraTt # ^ii?>?r 3tt^5^ ^ •ditdic^K ^ trr 3fr ^ ;rf^ cwr x?^ ^u^ifiJld
■«utilr«hK ^ |"| XT7 5^ ^ ^ 5T ^ 3TT^2f^ ^ dl^lr^bK
^ ^ 3?»Wl^ o
JTfr f%r oTT^I
06 Sii^Vi c3RT 3T1^7T xjiiffi ^5^ cUft" 5ri^ ^ 4'?^lct M-TlCT TTTSTTr^iR' ^ •^i4«fci 3T^ 'tjxTl 3ii^ci«f«l ^
3TT?M^ 3^Fm 3n^| 3TraW ^cTRT tJ^ awftTcT 7mj3T 3TT^5# ^ qftSTT
Pl'l'W ^r ctTXT^fr 1 37H: ^ 3TT^^ ^ 3T^ ^ 3i1ddl$d 3xiprsq' ^ oJTWI
07 JTt^ra^r ^ 7^ t^mfr ^ xsrt x?^ arrrf^ to" ttttI" M arto^ cfr ^
XR- 3TTf?JH 3TT^ ?iRq" ^ ) 35^ 3}^ ^ (7TWT 3itorJt ^ 1?mfe
W? ^) W cT^ ?5«T Plqi+i M<HI"I xt^ ^ ^THTTT 9t^»TT 3?T^5I^ ^ 1 fli<>^aii I^TvTCTHTT ^:-
(Undertaking) ^ ^rr?xxT
■OcH oigr
t-gRq^ ait"gg5T gR sto wa" ar^r^ft ^ sjtrtj Treg" xtor gn" arr^gTi" ^
*N 0 0 0
i^^r tof^ x^frsTr mUuiw
# 3ox^1to 7^ q^tarr to arto^r gto ^ arto tor ngr owr to crar ato qR^r amr traitor tor
o o
01. TTFR g^T to (H®g) qtor gq qtow tor "tow ato ftoW' mw qg h^t artoT to ton^
www.mppsc.nic.in,www.mppsc.com xr qtoto ton" .toRTl antoi to 3to qtor xrttoTT to ^jwr 3^
ftofr to -Jifri x^ ^ grtoto rRT h ^ ^ tof" ars-grto^ ?n?g" fton" gntoTTi
02. gq to (35^) qtor to xitor qtom to wr # mrTcgnr to to^" ^ -u^-h ang^ggr ^jqto qg*i^
to sntofri qtor xjRuiw ^ # Trrencgnr ar^rto gito to arto fcrfsf to f^rtoto totoi artto
f^R^TRw fSrtoto" arfto fcTfSr ngr arfirto anglg" to ^ftcr toto :-
2 ^in1^37^'TfrfiTT ^ STTter ^
3 cmr 3^ SfRT ^ 3^T ^TTTTd" ^ 311^^ ^ 3c^ W
dd-W ^ 3i<ti^Rl^i|
4 5^ f^ciid/^^gnsft? Piyi^ ydiui-^, 3nt^ ydiui-w, 3ri^ ^ ^ # 5t 3tt^
irtw-q^ ?Tt5r ^ hct f^m^fr t^)
5 3TT^J^ ^^ ebdcil-i ^^ TOm-tR #^\
6 ^Pl«h ^f^yf^ 1^ ^ ^ I
7 3lirtH<H|wiff1-Hsl«t» ^ ^
8 c^i^d^id toFT-T^ ^ Tj^ ^ 05 sTOTylcr ;r=^ ^
9 ^^ 5^jT^ dlWIHiK ^ ?W3r y-i^d ^1
10 y^xiid ^r3iM-^^ antjTT^^ ^ifcT i
11 3T3=zr 3lfS^^I
^ 3^ srfiTpn^ ^^^^ FJ^T-nrfulH w f^frraft^ ^ Pitjll^ci srrald" ^ f^T^r
^ ^ITdd ^:-
TTt^T ^l^r STT^fTd",
(3T) dtg g^r ^t*^3^f3TgT# aid^jf^dTf^, 3H<HdJtld-Jld^JlIld ddTSTdg" ?Ht»$l g3l'#^3liac;=dl g^Tg^fl" dc^Kd dfi" dtRT
gt^r 9ired #r gyfpid l^ddt % srtffd 3d^ z^irr srrddTfd sn^gd gg ^ 3p^1^d gc^did" g^ ^ ^iFT/rnd ^ 35=f sggfer
gfrarr ^r^r dgr 3tt^ ^ grgr ©gg* gg ddcr dddid grg^ grgr % ^ gfrarr ^ gT ^ftit^ar crgrrr f^djr on^tdr i g^
fd^f?r^^ga^:gaT g^rgff^gTgurrggangd'^FtdrdyrgTgrdc^^gTgdr ^dgl^t^fdda^r^gr^ gRdr fidT:-
1. 3Td3)prd drf^/ 3id^jJ^ dddTf^ d^T 3?dg te^T g^ ^ gdFid" ^ 3Tdf^d*r (ddrg) ^ttt drtt
T^Tzfr cnf^ gdM-gg # wwdifuid gfcTi
2. grgr gg ft^ fomri- grgr ^ f^, g^Ft ^ g^ dgr grgr ^ d# dm ^ ttRt gg FFSd: 3d(fe ^ i
(5:) srvjpff gr^ ^ gftaiw ^ gi^ mgr cgd gg dddid arfddTfd g^ ^ 3T3^ ^ ^
dTTTdri Fd" 3id^Qd dil^, 3rd3jf*td" ddoiiH^ ddT aTd^r Fimsi g^ ^ arddWt g>r snddifd sntgd gg ^f
TdTd gr arg^ ^ gg did, dridr grdigf dm fg? ^ IFSC Code gg 37^ gj^ dm did ^ arg^ ^ gidro
TTo^ ^^tSTT ^ STPT ^0^ QK^ ^ <10-^1 MKi^ST^ mCIsTT ^ 31PT cTtlT 3T^ ^ ^TTr^T
^759" H'Tliffl" cTyr -Hlitllr^K ^{1 Ml5^ ^1^1 1
o o
^TfrSTT -tjldijl
1. ^Tfr8=n" ^ d-t-df^^a (sj^f^+p^-u ;r?t) #r ^ 5Rr q^r i 5r^ 5RRqq ^ rawr Pi.Mfpii^d ^l-ddM-HK
^ vjiiiUfl:-
q?iR q^R-qq R|.HIo-q ilt-y-ild 2 qt 200 3iqr
1. q?R t^Rfqq qra1?Jq7 3rfR-j3it ^ fcC^ 3T^ raqic4l # ^ 7TRR 3^^ t f^q^qf ^ 3T5=R
l^qRR TTfr ^ Rq qrqftjqr 3cTR-Joft q^r R?frf?RT i^ oil-4'JIII
2. q^oT ^ t?<r(^i Rtir ST^qfr 3i<jiqic, ^ HRvTRT ^ ^ ^iqpl 3^dq|c; ft RTRq* fRlT 1
3. q?R foRrqir trT f^qrWr qq? ^ STf^Jqr Rft 3rrR f, Rft 3cfRt q^t RRR t^qi RT^RTI
4. q?R toRrqq fe^T fWFlt qqi 5lt Rft 3rRT R ft q^ q^Rqq ^ i^dlP^d RRRITI
5. f^qq* f^tqqr rsrr' 3ii-qi4<i,di qr f^RR qR^ ^ q?w 3Tf^ 3ctR ^ ^rt# qwfr cRir
3TRfRr ^«)-di§c www.mppsc.nic.in,www.mppscdemo.in Rtir www.mppsc.com qr qqqflRT ^
oTlVfr I Sliced 3rcR-q>qlt % qqqSIR ^ H?xjici q^rf" 8ft Siinlod/ qq-oqg^fR RTRR Rft I^RIT cTT^RTI f^qq"
^^qR dPifci qq arf^ ftRTi
6. SqtfqRTRRR RtSticT sj^ f^RtfRT 1^ q^sff qft X5t?qR ?tq q^sff #> 3TTVR qT 3ff^ 3rcR ^cft ^
3fRRR 3Tyqf9^ qq ^JFqiqRT qR qRfJJ8Tqr qftW qftWT dl4^lll
t^qq" t^>q?Tr -h-hw qr qR^ ^ q§RTR nfeR 3cRT Jqfr q^rf snq# r^ strtRt ^ a^iRi^d
www.mppsc.nic.in R^ www.mppsc.com qr qqqflTR ^ Riq# I 3tf^ 3RR q^ft 3TRTRr # ^qdi^d qr
3Tq^ ft^ ^ q^qiR qftf" 3f3-yi4cid Ftor Rft oii4jiii
4. R^&R qttBTT ^i" q^r qr^ ^ 33=?frqqT^ ^ r^ f^diHd ^ ^t Rf rrt qqt ^ qrf ^ Rtr qic^r
qRT ftf^RRt ^
^ 15 ^ O
Rtq RRIR 3iqT qRR (q^tqR/^pjftqR) a^dqiO qfT 8ft ?RsR qfrsq fR 31# Rtte
f^RIT cii-y^iij %qK # fr 33qfR:qR, foHFl 31RltR" t Rq1?tR fcldNd ^ 31tflR qRflfqT qfTCT ^ 31# qtf^d I^IRT fT, RlsR
qft8fq ^ q#?r qi^ #t qiq ft^i 5r&r
q^teq ^ qr^Ri #ro 3R?ft5qR qfr qrtfltqi qfrw ^ q?^ q?R qq ^ frrrr
40 qf^TR 3iqi wi"-d qRRT 3iiq^<ish ftRTj 31R?jf?jR vJiil^/did-tjRid olRRTfct/31Rq' r^y.$i vjq f^qjRRT #1 3R3ftciqR
#H R^RRR 31#qqft 3iq7 30 qf^lR ft^l
^tq-.- RRR qfraq #r citRt q?Rq^ ^ qiRi 3iqft ^ ^ #r RxxnRqRT ^ sirtr qr qiR RdiPfd q^fr % 15 rrt
o o o o
R^ RRTR-3iq7 qPRT qR^ qic^ 318qiflWt qft Ro^ qR JRSR qftsq #R 31# qtf% ^RTl oil4d||. SjRt ^3#, RRT RSR
O id
y^ffPnr. art'^ra^r
Questions on general science and Environment (Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity & Climate Change) will cover
general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of every day observation and experience as
may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline.
2 Current Events of National & International Importance
In current events knowledge of significant National and International level will be tested.
'3 History of India and Independent India
In History, questions of general knowledge related to social, economic and political aspects will be asked. Also,
there will be questions on Indian National Movement and Development of Independent India.
4 (a) Geography of India
There will be questions of general knowledge relating to Physical, social and economic geography. It will also
include questions on indian Agriculture and Natural resources. There will be questions pertaining to
demography and census of India.
(b) General Geographical awareness of world.
5 Indian Polity and Economy
Political system and constitution of the country, Panchayati Raj. social system, sustainable economic development,
elections, poiitical parties, plans. Industrial development,foreign trade and economic and financial Institutions.
6 Sports
Important games and sports tournaments. Awards, personalities and Renowned Sports Institutions of M.P., India.
Asia and World.
There will be questions related to the development of Mountains, rivers, climate. Flora and Fauna, Minerals
transportation in the Geography of Madhya Pradesh . It will also have questions relating to important dynasties of
M.P., Contribution of important dynasties in the Histroy & Culture of Madhya Pradesh. There will be questions on
Tribals, Arts, Architecture, Fine Arts and Historical personalities of M.P.
8 Polity and Economy of M.P.
Political system. Political parties and elections, Pachyati Raj, Social system and sustainable economic development
of M.P.. This will also include questions on Industry, Plans, Economic programmes, business, demography and
census of M.P.
{^) ^itSRT
(1) ytlH W
(2) ciJ^cil-iJ ^RJT-tra"
^WTT y^sT-tr^ Tj^ cii<j ^ ■h-h-w ^ ^ loo
9Rd- ^1 02 3T^ ^ ^1 ^ vmr W^ ^RJT-TT ^ 200 ^1 ^Tc^ g??r #7 xITT U'h<>^
(A.B.c.D) ^1 ^r95T ^ 3?aT (a.b.c.d) # 3n^i t W tj^ ^
3rBT ^i^ii
(2) ^RST-tT^ ^ cir ^ ^1 1^3=^ cmr 3t« sfurf armra# #
(^) raf^d q^t^TT ^ 3ixit* ;
f^f^cT ^T^VSTT ^ 3ccft^ 3TT^c^ ^ ^RST-Taf Jt 40 ^tI^IH 3T^ ^TT^ 3Tt^<J|j5 fit^I TJt^r
37f^-tjpid 3idtjR)d 3nf^, 31d-4rtld oiddll^ HtlT 373=q- ^ ^ 371^^^ ^ 3ft ?7t3r ^ 7^ p|c)|^
fprffe ^Tfr&TT # 3rcM ^ 3=^^TrW 30 ^Tf^IcT 37^ ^RST-T? ^ yFtT 37[^cj|4 ^T^ITI
cOTHT tifraTw ^r ttcpcT ^ t df^^l^d ^i
{^) ^TTSTTc^iR" :-
^rtuad ^rfrSTT ^ Wi=r7 37^ ^ STmiT *77 J|U|Msii<H ^ t^Ht^ urf ^ 3T^t 377^ gTott 5737 ^ ^^277 #r cfTJT" ^7377
d-HM 37^ Wl'-d ^7^ 3ll^citi tindlr=hl< ^ 3il-HRld 37T4^1 dli^lr^iK ^ ^ 3=^3Td?7' ircil"l'l'^ 37ft ft^i
(^) Tjiioi t^1?t :
37f^ fwKad 7T^t877 cT?I7 dUdirthK # ^ ^TF^cT 37^ ^ 3ft?^ ;T7^ 3M #> "Jioild^d #7 3T7tIR qr Ulf^d
- wns=q" 37t,-TOr (q?i7r q^sr-qq)
1. didlo-y fcldid M-4'ld-iUl
7777773=37 Tqjlld TJ^ H-qiqt"l 77^37 # Sidled (TtoTTT^t) 379377^737 TJ9 37^379 ^ d.MpU37 9537 3it 3ft flTf^ ctjf^d
^7TT 37^f?Ic7 f" 31^ ^ t^q^fr 977 37t."9937 37fr f^797 ft, df^f^d ft^l
2. d'^4 779 37<rd-if^(^3J 77Fr9 ^ dc^dld 9^3719
cRt?7737 933TT37t ^ 57^ 375=d^^i^ H7T ^ 37737 99 qff^ 1^797 377^1
3. 377737 977 ficl?7d" 99 d9cT9 STTTH
^frTFTd" 3t dldll^qi, 3T7f?597 99 ^737^t^ q?TO7t ■HdcJPtlH' dl3773=9 37737 ^ 9937 ft^[ 3773=5^73737 99 ^9379 377^
#7 te7d" ^ 9537 3ft 37Tt^|
4. (97) 3777^" 977 3J^
3fh^, dldll^ch TI9 377f^ 3j3ft(T % d73T73=9 37737 ^ 9537 ffTtl 3T7Tcft9 ^f^t 99 97^f^ d'dl^dl 977 77377^7
f)37T H9r 37rtrft9 373771^7^79 99 373T3TU737T ^ ddsjPUH 9537 ft^tl
(39) f^9 ^ d73773=9 3ft37tfp797 377379»7^tl
5. 3T77cft9 TI373frf^ 99 3755" c99^
W^ ^ 937^1^ C99T97 99 d1^t7737, 9979^ft 937, 979713197 c99d97, 37Tl5t97 1^9779, 93779, ■tld.^f?l9i cjcff, 91373719,
7. 31^,ff^FRT -H-^Q
^ ^ ^ I^=hi+i, dRiji, oToTm^, oftgoi5=^, wPioi, # FJ-siPticT' 5R?r ?V?ti JTt.'ga^^r
^ ?fri?RT Tt^ -d+^^ld ^i" m clHollPlJji, prfeRT gToTBTf W c^?^d^1 IT
3fr ^1
8. ?Tt3iy^f ^ Trgrsftfcf STS^ciicj-t-^ir
RcT^r ^ cgg^FtiT, cjpff xj^ qrn^Rter, ^.Hwirjicti cgg^TT,anf^h^ f^grRT ^
■tisiftJH u?51" 3^Jt^ gloRTT, 3lll^=b cJTFITT, ^ 5FTif^T^hT xj^ oRTMSTT RT 5R?r 3fr
9. -Hmi-r^ -UlJ-iJdl
<<M<^cii,H^, 3Tfg^^ gn* xj^ h?it grr ?wT^r ?t^i
10. ^^;g?Tr xj^ txirj;
?7T^ 3!f3^preTxjr, 5R]W attr ^icsrraf^, tgnfe, aiMdi^n ^ ff^, t-3^, 41[^-ul 3^, 4lf^-^1 chia-ih^. ,
attr Biggr mm ^ -h-hPur- dPdPd ^1
^ WTT5^
2. ^
qijg^ ^flcRTT3# ^ 3t3fr ^ f^i^<r<H q?^,f^fltHT cm4^^1 3lt XJ^ «m»41ui t^qiRT ^ ^ cRJT
3TTf?R7 qt3RTT3Tf ^ ^<r^i4id cRTT ^F ^ qft^ # ?Tt.-qq^r ^ ^ TT^RRF q?5F ^1
8. ^ q?TRTf^q> ^RxRTT
JTtqq^r ^ q^TRTf^ fqqf^t ^ BSTTTF, f^RFT, HF^ffcT Xj^ l^qFRT T3^ qq 3TTq^ xjq W^TRFI^
it ^iqf^ SFS-qul^M ^ TTRT qq qfrarxT qiw ifRin
9. ^TRffxq xra" 5RTRTf^
xRiRicfr qioF,?RR qrf^rqq xj^ ?rr f^RRT # d-ixjdi x?^ q^iidi^q> ^^ di<Hi«-^ ttrt ^ q?5F SFS^qrf^ ^ xj^
^ fel^ ^RT55T, qqtjJF qg" ^1^3# ^ ^Tqf^ aT^^qiWt ^ SfRRq^TF qq q^texq qRsq ?kq| ?Tt-qq^r
q7^=qq^,qqlWcR^ q^ cRq 3Rirt^ d'<Ji6dl #t ^ q?5F ^i
q^Q" oRF ciil^'ijl % ffii<H , 3Ffl^rttti«i , SFl^JqRT , <H<£r4 3^ xjq jftoF r4l^K cRFF FF^f^qF ^RqoTT ^ TTql^jR
■HldlWJ jTRF #F SjpqiqFq ^ q^q x^ XSFI^f^l JF.q. ?TRRT 4f EOT ad-tjfid oidoilf?ig1 #F 3rqR ^ XRqt^Jd"
qqx5qR# q^ afr q^q ^1
6. d-hj'lfl ^ ^ ^ JT.q. ?IRRF % qq^qiTT
3TyqTf9^ ^ -tiilpi^qch 37qqqf^rql" W 7R=qRf ?tq1^ dl«HI<r^ "TTRT ^ TJpqjqRF #7 q?R q^ 3IF^i d'jild cRlF
f^mqRTF ^ qrr^ ^rqte h^f -H+^fri 3^ x^ q??F ^1 dit^cy ,it^ xjg Rf^rcrq^na# ^ qro ^fPiOT
^ 1^4 9IRRF cqRT Ici4 sjiiiA qiT^ W^wF xRqgq^ ^ ^rqfx^H q^?F st^l
7. 'H\idilc^«^ f^TRTcF
q^ k!ideild=h, qriBrir^ x?^ 4-4<id ^=qrat ^ BqltRF HRRq "OT 4f q??F ^|
8. Trmtsr ^
^ "io-ri, ^ tioiq^fr tj^ 9rRT^ qr ^i wd^di 3ji"-cild<H ^ ^ .^jijicitid qr
• &fr q??T ^1
Population, Population Density, Urban and Rural population. Literacy and Labours.
4. Energy Resources
Questions will attempt to assess the general awareness of condidates about the conventional and non-conventional
sources of energy and their uses In human life.
5. Industries
Attempt will be made to assess the general awareness of candidates about the types and size of industries and their impact
on state economy.
6. Environment
Questions will be related to environment and its protection, pollution, natural climates and their impact on quality of human
The questions will be related to nature, types their salient features and impact on human life.
2. Literature
Questions of general nature will be related to characteristics of Rock painting, folk panting, modern painting school and
important painters. It will also have questions related to major folk and other theatres.
5. Major Scheduled Tribes
It will assess the general awareness of candidates related to names, characteristics, habitats, major fairs and festivals and
cultural structure of major scheduled tribes. It will also have questions related to different programmes of State Government
for the upliftment of Scheduled Tribes.
6. Programmes of State Government In the field of Culture
The questions will attempt to assess general knowledge of the candidate related to literasy academics and institutions. The
questions will also be related to different Music and Fine Arts Schools and Cultural festivals. There will be questions awards
given by the state for the significant contribution in the filed of literature, music and fine arts.
7. Archaeological Heritage
The questions of general knowledge will be related to significance and characteristics of major historical, archaeological and
tourist places.
8. Historical perspective of Madhya Pradesh
The questions will be related to creation of M.P. and important dynasties and rules of M.P., It will also have questions
related to contribution of M.P. in freedom movement.
Average profit and loss, simple and compound interest. Area Time, work and Labour, Time and distance; Square Root.
Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, use of log table, volumes of rectangular surface and solids.
Fundamental laws and first four rules additions, Subtraction, multiplication, division, simple formula and their use factors,
H.C.F.L.I.C.M. by factors, fractions, simple equations, factors of easy trinomial expressions of second degree.
Line and angles, parallels, triangles, congruence inequalities, parallelograms, applications of parallels, bisectors,
perpendiculars etc. Construction of angles, construction of triangles, construction of quadrilaterals, theorems of areas of
triangles and parallelograms. Areas of quadrilaterals, theorem of Pythagoras and its converse, reduction of quadrilaterals to
an equivalent triangle, reduction of a rectilimel figure to a triangle or rectangle of equal areas, construction of a rectangle of
given area and having one side of given length, miscellaneous construction, loci, Intersection of loci, exercises on loci.
Circular measure. Definitions o trigonometric rations, simple problems on heights and distance.
TOT -2019
crfMr - ^nr
mr 1 - Tj^
(1) -i-Hi-yn f^TiTST
■<i+ii<<Pl9^ ^r 2[T Wei TRTT'lf't^ WT- ^ cJT WKf^<Ti "5TW, cflfl <HC TRTRll^^
3TfSrisF^Tn7, B^iTT^jfRr TRTRTI^^ ^ilcl^i H<jifrl, 3i^rt ^7^ 8TTT pH
^TTIffTT (-H-trt Srrf^i^ ^?T) ^ 3^r1141 I <H6cei"^"'i TTWli^^ ^1Idi<ti-7Tnr W sfffiio^ ^
f^, 3Fqre5T (era", ^iqt ^ ^^ ^ Mi-K-i armi i^mW ^ wif
^ pl^loi-^. ^ tJT fFTTHi tIT^-3Tra«^ ^TTM" ^ ^ ^l<HI«r^ tJT^, ST^Tf^,
^f?tor 17^ ar^TT^ ^r atfRi o
^ 3TcSt yJiH<H ?fttj?i', grfqT tr^ an^Rsr ^ uth^,
^ ?WTTOT, yrrnri
arra^ ^ amiHaft
^T ^ ■Hwi.r^ -m,
arr^^jffoR ^ vi^I^i'^iichi •9
tr^ a^r^frr ^ o ^
^ aT3=er #
^■tl'lJIijllcHI f^, ^ 3q* ^ wn^ g|pR7, ^rf^ttfPT, ^TT^ t^TTTfcT 4-hVi^^, i4-HM, H|5T 17^
(RRTiRy oTRyyfr) ^yyr (sryf^rf^) ^m<^\ t^ry^ ^yyr ^ Ryl^ ^1 f^Phpy yy RRsyy-cM yy
^ RR»=yy mic;h gidTd, <Hd°^ yy Rf^yy Ry, ^ RyyRT yy yy^, ^^r^r ^ RyyRT yy <w4 yf^y^ f^Rrr,
a73=R: ;ri^ yf^yyf ?TRfR yy yy^i yaiRR yy ^-yyrRR ^ yyyr, arffiyr urrr, ayy^RR yy yR^c^HgR,
gtft Uoldd. -dd^ly^-dJI. yRW RRTRT, JJll^dd. aHPl^eh, VIddd, yRRR aTR (^) ^ RTEIRT yy
yflim (WTT5=2r oiWchiO) WT^r, Pl>^xJ<Hl ^TjUR ^ HtfT (WIT^ oTM^) aRgrflt# tj#O
f^o^ciiij", 3i^cjif^et>cii 5n" <*j«H 3TTtITT ^ui g^| cTTtRtT^) cJW, P|ii'i'<ui
chi^Rch ^ yRf?RT ?TR sM^^ ra^^kd)1
(4) yX'iflPi^?!
^ TT^fra- sftPr w sttfM # qr ^ gicir q1W?r, ^ strcT qq
STdte w ulcWJlPcRi, ^ g- 3\s=^ ici4ii-H gipS" g^enqt ^ ^ awq^, Tjg
dnt.aTTT. m rirgi Jji^ui stttf ^ ^jtRT qfspAPr^ ^ 3ji^gq, g^Foj^ armR^jcT tir, 5rtr^ #
gRC3j^, 3gP5gT ^^ #FstgT gq f^gw. arrt-^r.^ ^ SRq^i 3cfr ^witR- 3cfr ^ ttpt, d<j^cfi^d w
3R^Wr^cT 3ofr % FgTcT, eriila^efiM joit gr ^r ^ t^gnK sq^ftPwi wrh ^ g^TTR fW^TM ijg u1ciii"lRi«Pi gg
gg 34fg"i f^TTR ^ y^iQ gg 37t^ qSTrg, sHkci ^ Trggr f^TTR, fffPhrw gg frh ^ -{Pfr
(5) qg^g^
f^lttiHT gg 3^Tgg ^rogg- WTRg qftgg-qftHrqr, aRgffllg? qorrlH- gg
str^ gg
afPfif^ gyffgRUTi f^l^tinr gg RFrg-l^gRiggfr jqgW Scqrggr 3q*. tf^ t RRgi
l^g HTtrg ^ gg ^gpftg ^^^ ggr ^ gi^ ^ gq ^i
d'-ri -t-^oi I *^g l^f^tRg git srf^-aggR^tg, ftifri, ggg gftgg g^r yf^, HRg gg g^g gkfr •du"^ i §gTR ^
Rate of chemical reaction and chemical equilibrium - Preliminary knowledge of rate of chemical reaction. Fast and slow
chemical reactions. Reversible and in eversible chemical reactions. Reversible reaction and dynamic nature of
equilibrium. Acids and bases. pH scale [simple numerical questions. Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Some
important chemical compounds - properties and uses. Method of production manufacture [water, washing soda, baking
soda bleaching powder and piaster of Paris.) preparation of building material-lime cement glass and steel. Metals -
Position of metals in the periodic table and general properties. Metal, mineral ore. Difference between mineral and ore.
Metallurgy-concentration, roasting, smelting, refining of ores. Metallurgy of copper and Iron, corrosion of metals. Alloys.
Nonmetais - Position of nonmetais in the periodic table. Preparation properties and uses of Hydrogen oxygen and
nitrogen. Some important organic compounds - laboratory method of preparing alcohol and acetic acid, properties and
uses some general artificial polymers, polythene, poiyvinyi chloride. Teflon soap and detergents.
Source of Energy - Conventional and new sources of Energy, sourceof solar energy, causes of origin of energy in the
Sun, solar heating devices, solar cooker solar cell, wind energy, biogas, fossil fuels, ideal fuel properties of idea! fuel.
Nuclear energy, nuclear Fission, Fusion, chain reaction, nuclear reactor, uses and harms of nuclear energy. General
information about CREDA. Light - nature of light reflection of light, laws of reflection, reflection from plane and curved
surface, image formation by plane convex and concave mirror, relation between focal length and radius of curvature,
determination of focal length of concave mirror by single pin method. [Relation between u-v-f [numerical examples.
Refraction of light - laws of refraction, refraction by glass slab, critical angle, total internal reflection, use of total internal
reflection in daily life, lens [converging and diverging lens. Definition focal length optical centre image formation by lens
Human eye. its defects and remedies. Comparison between photographic camera and human eye. Simple telescope
and astronomical telescope. Construction working, uses, ray diagram [no formula derivation). Electricity and its effects -
electric intensity, potential,potential difference, electric cureni Ohm's law. Resistance specific resistance, influencing
factors, combination of resistance and related numerical examples thermal effect of current it's use, calculation of power
rlT'ZranT -P-i-ents. Che.ioa, e.eCs or electric
• con,t 'f Magnetic
M effect
° ' of current - Magnetic effect of current. Oersted experiment,<=""■electromagnetic
accomulator cell
electnc motor, working pnnciple and use of generator, general studies of alternating current and direct current electric
discharge ,n gases, discharge tube, cathode rays. X-rays and their properties. Magnetism - Magnet and it's types
artiticai magnet, methods of preparing magnets, molecular theory of magnetism, demagnetization, magnetic keepers
magnetic lines offeree and their properties. Plotting the lines offeree Terrestrial magnetism, magnetic storm, magnetic
meridian geographical meridian, relation between VH1 and^
Animal nutrition - Types of nutrition. Autotrophic Nutrition, Heterotrophic Nutrition. Holozoic, Parasitic Saprophytic
'symbiotic. Insectivorous, important terms of nutrition process. Digestion in uniceiluiar ceil animal [amoeba] and multi
cellular animal grass hopper. Human digestive system and digestive process. Photosynthesis, amin steps of the
process light reaction and dark reaction. Factors influencing Photosynthesis. Experiments related to photosynthesis.
Respiration - Definition, respiratory organs of animals breathing and respiration. Types of respiration. Aerobic and
anaerobic respiration, respiratory system of human being and mechanism of respiration [general information],
respiratory quotient [RQ] of carbohydrate, fat and protein. Transport of mineral and water in plants and animals [In
context of human being]
Composition and function of blood, structure and working of heart, structure and function of blood vessels [preliminary
knowledge] coagulation of blood, blood group, blood transfusion, blood bank, function of lymph system, diseases
related to heart. Excretion - excretion in plants and excretory product. Excretion in animal and excretory organs
Excretion system of man and excretion process [general information] artificial kidney dialysis. Osmo regulation.
Diseases related to kidney Control and coordination - coordination in plants and animal Phytoharmones. Nervous
system of human being. Structure and function of human Brain and spinal cord, reflex action, endocrine glands
hormone and their function. Reproduction and growth - type of reproduction Asexual reproduction fission, budding,
regeneration, vegetative reproduction, layering, cutting, grafting. Parthenogenesis, sexual reproduction in plants,
structure of flower and reproduction process [general information] pollination fertilization. Human reproductive system
and reproduction process. Heredity and evolution - heredity and variation, basis of heredity chromosome and DNA
[preliminary information] gene sex determination preliminary knowledge of organic evolution [Oparin's theory only].
National policy of science and technology and changes in the policy from time to time, purpose of technology. Space
programme in India and its applications with special reference to industrial, agricultural and other rural developmental
activities, INSAT and IRS systems. Role of Information Technology in Rural India, basic knowledge of computers,
computers in communication and broadcasting, software development for economic growth. Broad applications of IT.
Energy Resources: Energy demands, renewable and nonrenewable energy resources, nuclear energy, the
development and Its utilization in the country. Current Science& Technology developments in India, origin of agriculture.
Progress of Agricultural Science and its impacts. Crop science in India, Fertilizers. Control of pests and disease
scenario in India.
Bio-diverslty and its conservation - General introduction - definition, species and genetic diversity. Blo-geographic
classification of India. Importance of Bio-Diversity - Constructive and Destructive application. Importance of social,
moral and alternative vision. Global. National and Local level Blo-diversity. India as a wide diversity nation, Hotspots of
Biodiversity, threats to biodiversity. Residential damage, damage to wildlife, humans and wild animals struggle. India's
threatened (endangered) and local species. Conservation of bio-diversity. Topological and Non topologlcal
conservation. Environmental pollution - Reason effect and conservation - Air pollution, water pollution, see pollution, soil
pollution, sound/noise pollution, thermal pollution, nuclear pollution. Solid waste management- Urban and Industrial
solid waste management: reason, effect and control. Human role in pollution control. Disaster Management. Floods,
Earthquake. Cyclones and Landslide. Human Population and Environment, Population growth. Variation in the
population in various countries. Population explosion and Family Welfare Programme. Environment and Human health.