Bisection Method

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Bisection method

A few steps of the bisection method applied over the

starting range [a1;b1]. The bigger red dot is the root of
the function.
In mathematics, the bisection method is a
root-finding method that applies to any
continuous functions for which one knows
two values with opposite signs. The
method consists of repeatedly bisecting
the interval defined by these values and
then selecting the subinterval in which the
function changes sign, and therefore must
contain a root. It is a very simple and
robust method, but it is also relatively
slow. Because of this, it is often used to
obtain a rough approximation to a solution
which is then used as a starting point for
more rapidly converging methods.[1] The
method is also called the interval halving
method,[2] the binary search method,[3] or
the dichotomy method.[4]

For polynomials, more elaborated

methods exist for testing the existence of
a root in an interval (Descartes' rule of
signs, Sturm's theorem, Budan's theorem).
They allow extending bisection method
into efficient algorithms for finding all real
roots of a polynomial; see Real-root

The method
The method is applicable for numerically
solving the equation f(x) = 0 for the real
variable x, where f is a continuous function
defined on an interval [a, b] and where f(a)
and f(b) have opposite signs. In this case a
and b are said to bracket a root since, by
the intermediate value theorem, the
continuous function f must have at least
one root in the interval (a, b).

At each step the method divides the

interval in two by computing the midpoint
c = (a+b) / 2 of the interval and the value
of the function f(c) at that point. Unless c
is itself a root (which is very unlikely, but
possible) there are now only two
possibilities: either f(a) and f(c) have
opposite signs and bracket a root, or f(c)
and f(b) have opposite signs and bracket a
root.[5] The method selects the subinterval
that is guaranteed to be a bracket as the
new interval to be used in the next step. In
this way an interval that contains a zero of
f is reduced in width by 50% at each step.
The process is continued until the interval
is sufficiently small.

Explicitly, if f(a) and f(c) have opposite

signs, then the method sets c as the new
value for b, and if f(b) and f(c) have
opposite signs then the method sets c as
the new a. (If f(c)=0 then c may be taken
as the solution and the process stops.) In
both cases, the new f(a) and f(b) have
opposite signs, so the method is
applicable to this smaller interval.[6]

Iteration tasks

The input for the method is a continuous

function f, an interval [a, b], and the
function values f(a) and f(b). The function
values are of opposite sign (there is at
least one zero crossing within the interval).
Each iteration performs these steps:

1. Calculate c, the midpoint of the

interval, c = a +2 b .
2. Calculate the function value at the
midpoint, f(c).
3. If convergence is satisfactory (that is,
c - a is sufficiently small, or |f(c)| is
sufficiently small), return c and stop
4. Examine the sign of f(c) and replace
either (a, f(a)) or (b, f(b)) with (c, f(c))
so that there is a zero crossing within
the new interval.

When implementing the method on a

computer, there can be problems with
finite precision, so there are often
additional convergence tests or limits to
the number of iterations. Although f is
continuous, finite precision may preclude a
function value ever being zero. For
example, consider f(x) = x − π; there will
never be a finite representation of x that
gives zero. Additionally, the difference
between a and b is limited by the floating
point precision; i.e., as the difference
between a and b decreases, at some point
the midpoint of [a, b] will be numerically
identical to (within floating point precision
of) either a or b.


The method may be written in pseudocode

as follows:[7]
INPUT: Function f,
endpoint values a,
tolerance TOL,
maximum iterations
either f(a) < 0
and f(b) > 0 or f(a) > 0
and f(b) < 0
OUTPUT: value which differs
from a root of f(x) = 0 by
less than TOL

N ← 1
While N ≤ NMAX # limit
iterations to prevent
infinite loop
c ← (a + b)/2 # new
If f(c) = 0 or (b – a)/2
< TOL then # solution found
N ← N + 1 # increment
step counter
If sign(f(c)) =
sign(f(a)) then a ← c else
b ← c # new interval
Output("Method failed.") #
max number of steps

Example: Finding the root of

a polynomial
Suppose that the bisection method is used
to find a root of the polynomial

First, two numbers and have to be

found such that and have
opposite signs. For the above function,
and satisfy this criterion, as

Because the function is continuous, there

must be a root within the interval [1, 2].

In the first iteration, the end points of the

interval which brackets the root are
and , so the midpoint is

The function value at the midpoint is

. Because is negative, is
replaced with for the next
iteration to ensure that and
have opposite signs. As this continues, the
interval between and will become
increasingly smaller, converging on the
root of the function. See this happen in the
table below.


1 1 2 1.5 −0.125

2 1.5 2 1.75 1.6093750

3 1.5 1.75 1.625 0.6660156

4 1.5 1.625 1.5625 0.2521973

5 1.5 1.5625 1.5312500 0.0591125

6 1.5 1.5312500 1.5156250 −0.0340538

7 1.5156250 1.5312500 1.5234375 0.0122504

8 1.5156250 1.5234375 1.5195313 −0.0109712

9 1.5195313 1.5234375 1.5214844 0.0006222

10 1.5195313 1.5214844 1.5205078 −0.0051789

11 1.5205078 1.5214844 1.5209961 −0.0022794

12 1.5209961 1.5214844 1.5212402 −0.0008289

13 1.5212402 1.5214844 1.5213623 −0.0001034

14 1.5213623 1.5214844 1.5214233 0.0002594

15 1.5213623 1.5214233 1.5213928 0.0000780

After 13 iterations, it becomes apparent
that there is a convergence to about 1.521:
a root for the polynomial.

The method is guaranteed to converge to
a root of f if f is a continuous function on
the interval [a, b] and f(a) and f(b) have
opposite signs. The absolute error is
halved at each step so the method
converges linearly, which is comparatively

Specifically, if c1 = a+b
2 is the midpoint of
the initial interval, and cn is the midpoint of
the interval in the nth step, then the
difference between cn and a solution c is
bounded by[8]

This formula can be used to determine in

advance the number of iterations that the
bisection method would need to converge
to a root to within a certain tolerance. The
number of iterations needed, n, to achieve
a given error (or tolerance), ε, is given by:

Therefore, the linear convergence is
expressed by

See also
Binary search algorithm
Lehmer–Schur algorithm, generalization
of the bisection method in the complex
Nested intervals

1. Burden & Faires 1985, p. 31
2. "Archived copy" . Archived from the
original on 2013-05-19. Retrieved
3. Burden & Faires 1985, p. 28
4. "Dichotomy method - Encyclopedia of
Mathematics" .
Retrieved 2015-12-21.
5. If the function has the same sign at
the endpoints of an interval, the
endpoints may or may not bracket
roots of the function.
6. Burden & Faires 1985, p. 28 for section
7. Burden & Faires 1985, p. 29. This
version recomputes the function
values at each iteration rather than
carrying them to the next iterations.
8. Burden & Faires 1985, p. 31, Theorem
Burden, Richard L.; Faires, J. Douglas
(1985), "2.1 The Bisection Algorithm",
Numerical Analysis (3rd ed.), PWS
Publishers, ISBN 0-87150-857-5

Further reading
Corliss, George (1977), "Which root does
the bisection algorithm find?", SIAM
Review, 19 (2): 325–327,
doi:10.1137/1019044 , ISSN 1095-7200
Kaw, Autar; Kalu, Egwu (2008),
Numerical Methods with Applications
(1st ed.), archived from the original on
External links

Wikiversity has learning resources

about The bisection method

The Wikibook Numerical Methods has

a page on the topic of: Equation

Weisstein, Eric W. "Bisection" .

Bisection Method Notes, PPT, Mathcad,
Maple, Matlab, Mathematica from
Holistic Numerical Methods Institute
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Last edited 3 days ago by an anony…

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