2019 NEISS Coding Manual
2019 NEISS Coding Manual
2019 NEISS Coding Manual
Coding Manual
January 2019
NEISS – National Electronic Injury Surveillance System January 2019
Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
General Instructions ................................................................................................................ 1
General NEISS Reporting Rule................................................................................................ 2
Do Report ............................................................................................................................... 2
Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 2
Do Not Report ........................................................................................................................ 3
Specific Coding Instructions................................................................................................... 4
Treatment Date ...................................................................................................................... 4
Case Number ......................................................................................................................... 5
Comments/Narrative............................................................................................................... 5
Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 5
Incident Sequence .............................................................................................................. 6
Product Description and Brand Names ............................................................................... 6
Date of Birth ........................................................................................................................... 7
Age......................................................................................................................................... 7
Sex ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Hispanic ................................................................................................................................. 8
Race ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Diagnosis 1 and 2 ..................................................................................................................10
Diagnosis Coding Priority ...................................................................................................10
Discussion of Selected Diagnoses.........................................................................................13
Anoxia ................................................................................................................................13
Aspirated Foreign Object ...................................................................................................13
Burn Injuries.......................................................................................................................13
Choking .............................................................................................................................13
Dermatitis, Conjunctivitis ....................................................................................................13
Head Injuries......................................................................................................................14
Ingested Foreign Object .....................................................................................................14
Internal organ injuries ........................................................................................................14
Poisoning ...........................................................................................................................14
Other/Not Stated ................................................................................................................14
Submersion (including Drowning or Near Drowning) ..........................................................15
Body Part 1 and 2 ..................................................................................................................15
Discussion of Body Part Affected for Selected Injuries ..........................................................16
Back Injuries ......................................................................................................................16
Burn Injuries.......................................................................................................................16
Extremity Injuries ...............................................................................................................17
Eye Injuries ........................................................................................................................17
Injury Diagnoses Affecting the Entire Body ........................................................................17
Disposition .............................................................................................................................17
Products Involved (Product 1, Product, Product 3) ................................................................18
Product Information Needed ..............................................................................................19
Assignment of Product Code..............................................................................................19
Specific Product Codes ......................................................................................................19
“Other” or “Not Elsewhere Classified” Products in a Category ............................................20
“Not Specified” Product in a Category ................................................................................21
Product Categories Listed as “Also consider”.....................................................................21
The primary mission of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is to reduce injuries
and fatalities associated with consumer products. For more than 40 years, the National
Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS; pronounced “nice”) has been an essential tool in
identifying the number and severity of consumer product-related injuries to persons treated in
hospital emergency departments (EDs) in the United States. This system has also served as a
model for systems in other countries that track injuries.
Your hospital was statistically selected to participate in the NEISS to represent many similar
hospitals in the United States. Practically speaking, that means that every injury you report will
be important not only for itself, but because it will be multiplied by a weight to account for similar
injuries treated at the other hospitals you are representing. Your reports lay the cornerstone in
the effort to reduce injuries and deaths from consumer products. It is essential that each report
be as complete and accurate as possible. Please follow these instructions carefully.
General Instructions
The success of the NEISS depends upon accurate and timely data. Care must be taken to
identify, correctly code and successfully enter into the computer, all appropriate cases. Most
important is information about the patient, the incident, the injury and the product(s) associated
with the injury.
You will have to work closely with all persons who put such information on ED records. It is only
with their help that you will be able to get accurate and complete data and eliminate guesswork
or inadequate product identification.
Each day, review the records for all emergency cases seen in your hospital since the last time
you reported to determine whether an in-scope injury or illness is mentioned. Make sure that all
cases that are part of the hospital’s emergency system are reviewed for every treatment date.
Be aware that some places of emergency care may be physically separate from the main ED in
the hospital. For example, consider visits for emergency care to the adult and pediatric ED, the
trauma center, the burn center, and occupational clinics. Report all fatalities for which an ED
record was completed. Also report all ED cases where the patient was later admitted for
hospitalization in the same facility or transferred to a different facility.
Do Report
Do report all consumer product-related emergency visits to your hospital, including ED cases,
hospital admissions, trauma center and burn center cases, and cases transferred to other
hospitals. It is not necessary to determine that a product was at fault to report an
associated incident. If in doubt, report it. Do not hesitate to call your CPSC NEISS
Representative for guidance (1-800-638-8095).
If a patient visits the ED multiple times for a particular incident, only report the first visit.
However, if the patient returns to the ED (even on the same day) with an injury or illness
unrelated to the first incident, code each of the visits separately.
A consumer product is any article, or part thereof, produced or distributed for use by a
consumer in or around a home, school, or recreational area.
Reportable consumer products, sports, and recreational activities are listed in the Coding
Manual and the Coding Committee Index. If a product cannot be found in the Coding Manual
and you believe it is reportable, it can be reported with temporary product code 9999, pending
assignment of an appropriate product code. However, use product code 5555 instead of 9999
for poisonings and chemical burns to children under 5 years of age.
Some specific examples of scenarios which qualify for NEISS and should be reported are
listed below:
• Poisonings (ingestions) and chemical burns to children under age 5 associated with
drugs, medications or any other substances.
• Injuries that occur during sports or recreational activities.
• Injuries associated with bicycles, even if a motor vehicle was involved.
• Injuries associated with stairs, ramps, floors, walls, elevators, escalators, etc., wherever
available for use by consumers.
• Injuries that mention any kind of infant or nursery equipment.
• Injuries associated with toys and games.
• Injuries that result from fires of fabrics, household goods, home heating and cooling
equipment, etc.
• Injuries associated with house fires, even if no products are identified.
• Injuries associated with hot water from an unknown source.
• Injuries associated with carbon monoxide from an unknown source.
• Injuries associated with gas fumes or vapors from an unknown source.
• Injuries involving non-consumer products that qualify for special studies. For example,
injuries involving firearms qualify for a special study by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. See instructions for special studies.
Do Not Report
Do not report emergency visits where the patient was previously treated for the same incident in
this or any other hospital within the United States and its territories.
Do not report emergency visits associated with products listed as “Do not report” in the
alphabetic listing of the NEISS Coding Manual. Some examples of scenarios which do not
qualify for NEISS and should not be reported are listed below:
• Injuries associated with products not covered by CPSC and not included in a special
study. This includes:
o automobiles and motorcycles
o trains, boats, and planes
o food
o illegal drugs
o medical devices
• Injuries associated only with drugs, medicines, cosmetics, or pesticides
o EXCEPT do report poisonings or chemical burns to children under age 5.
• Assaults and suicide attempts
o EXCEPT do report cases that qualify for the firearms special study, or where the
victim and perpetrator are both age 12 and under.
• Occupational injuries
o EXCEPT do report cases that qualify for the firearms special study.
• Incidents where no consumer product is involved (e.g., fell to ground, fell on curb, hit
by rock).
• Injuries or illnesses from plants, unless the onset is associated with a consumer product,
sport, or recreational activity (e.g., hiking, running).
• Injuries from local government equipment or fixtures. This includes fire hydrants,
telephone poles, traffic signs, commercial mailboxes, sidewalks, streets, etc.
• Injuries from parts of products where the product is unknown (e.g., pieces of broken
glass, pieces of metal).
• Treatment Date
• Case Number
• Comment
• Date of Birth
• Age
• Sex
• Hispanic
• Race
• Diagnosis 1 and 2
• Body Part 1 and 2
• Disposition
• Products Involved
• Alcohol
• Drugs/Medication
• Whether Intentionally Inflicted
• Locale
• Fire Involvement
• Work-Related
Treatment Date
(8 spaces)
Code the date on which the patient was seen for treatment. Use two digits each for the month
and day and four digits for the year, in that order. Whenever the month or day is 1 digit (1-9),
add a zero in front of the number (e.g., 1 becomes 01, 2 becomes 02, etc.).
Date of Treatment Code
July 23, 2001 07/23/2001
March 14, 2015 03/14/2015
November 8, 2013 11/08/2013
March 17, 2004 03/17/2004
Case Number
(8 spaces)
Each case treated on a specific date must have a unique record number for NEISS
You can use up to eight digits for your ED record or case numbers.
If your hospital uses more than eight digits for its case numbers, code only the LAST eight
Do not code any letters of the alphabet, which may appear in your hospital's case number.
Substitute zeroes for any letters.
(up to 400 characters)
Every case must include a descriptive comment. Start each comment with the patient’s age
and sex, and include details about the product(s) and sequence of events, as well as the
associated diagnoses, affected body part(s), and alcohol/drug involvement. If the patient
used alcohol, also include the blood alcohol/level/concentration. Quote verbatim the words
actually used on the ED record.
Begin each comment with the patient’s age and sex using “Y” for year or “M” for months”,
followed by “O” for old, and then “M” for male or “F” for female.
30 year old male 30YOM
19 month old female 19MOF
Incident Sequence
The Comments should include a description of what the patient was doing when the incident
occurred (i.e., the sequence of events), the product(s) involved, and the locale. Refer to the ED
notes of the attending physician, nurse, and clerk for other pertinent information. When
available, include information about the use (or lack) of protective equipment and devices (e.g.,
“not wearing a helmet” or “smoke alarm sounded”). If the incident is intentional (e.g., assault,
suicide attempt, legal intervention), include this information in the Comments.
Never include personally identifiable information such as names in the Comments. If another
person is associated with the incident, refer to the other person by their relationship to the
patient (e.g., father, sister, classmate, or neighbor). If twins are involved in an incident, and both
twins are patients being coded, be sure to indicate “Twin A” or “Twin B” in the Comments.
• 31YOF tripped on small toy truck in her son’s bedroom last night and now has swollen
toe. DX: toe sprain
• 23YOM hit in mouth by basketball while playing pickup game at the city rec center. DX:
Lip laceration
• 3YOM twin A got into grandma’s heart pills with sibling. DX: Poisoning
• 3YOM twin B got into grandma’s heart pills with sibling. DX: Poisoning
All products involved in the incident must be mentioned in the Comment/Narrative field.
Whenever you code a product using an "Other" or “Not elsewhere classified” product code (e.g.,
1549 Other baby carriers; 4013 Other Furniture; 1381 Toys not elsewhere classified), describe
the specific product in the Comments.
Patient cut himself with a steak knife 0464, Knives, not elsewhere classified
In Comments: Cut himself with steak knife
Similarly, for general product codes such as 0474 Tableware and accessories or 0480 Manual
Cleaning Equipment, specify the particular item in the Comments (e.g., sugar bowl, broom).
Product codes for sports or recreational activities require identification of the activity involved as
well as any equipment or apparel associated with the injury. Whenever the product code is
1866 (General home or room involvement in fires), the Comments should include the room
involved (such as bedroom or kitchen), if known.
Date of Birth
(8 spaces)
Whenever available, enter the date of birth for the patient. This will automatically calculate and
insert the age of patient based on the treatment date. Use two digits each for the month and day
and four digits for the year, in that order. Whenever the month or day is 1 digit (1-9), add a zero
in front of the number (e.g., 1 becomes 01, 2 becomes 02).
(3 spaces)
When the date of birth is not available, enter the age of the patient based on the treatment date.
For children under two years old, record the age in completed months (e.g., code the age of
infants who are four to seven weeks old as one month). To show that the age is in months
instead of years, put a "2" in the first space of the age code. Code the age of infants who are
less than one month old as one month (“201”).
If the patient is older than 115 years old, code the age as 115 and indicate the actual age in the
Comments. If the ED record indicates the patient was born on January 1, 1900, please verify
the patient’s age with hospital staff – some hospitals use this date when the patient’s age is
(1 space)
Report the patient’s sex as it is recorded in the ED record. If a patient is transgender or intersex,
code the patient’s sex based on how it is entered in the ED record.
Sex Code
Male 1
Female 2
Not recorded 0
(1 space)
Hispanic? Code
Yes: The ED record indicates the patient is a person of 1
Hispanic, Latino/Latina or Spanish origin.
No: The ED record indicates the patient is not a person of 2
Hispanic, Latino/Latina or Spanish origin.
Unknown: The ED record does not indicate whether or 0
not the patient is of Hispanic, Latino/Latina, or Spanish
(1 space)
Report the patient’s race as it is recorded in the ED record. Use the codes below to classify the
patient's race based on information in the ED record. When the race is stated in the ED record,
and you cannot identify which of the race codes to use, refer to Appendix G for additional
information. If Appendix G does not include the suggested race code, then select code 3-Other
and enter the race information in the Other Race text field (up to 15 spaces).
Race Code
White: A person having origins in any of the original 1
peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
Black/African American: A person having origins in any 2
of the black racial groups of Africa.
Asian: A person having origins in any of the original 4
peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian
American Indian/Alaska Native: A person having origins 5
in any of the original peoples of North and South America
(including Central America), and who maintains tribal
affiliation or community attachment.
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: A person having 6
origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam,
Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Other: Use this code when: (1) the ED record indicates 3
more than one race, or (2) the race is stated in the ED
record and none of the above applies. Enter the specific
race(s) in the "Race Other" text field.
Not Stated in ED record: Use this code when there is no 0
information on the patient's race in the ED record.
Diagnosis 1 and 2
(2 spaces each)
The attending physician’s diagnoses should be used as the basis for selecting the
appropriate diagnosis code(s) for NEISS. However, do not assume that the diagnostic
words used at your hospital will always correspond to the same NEISS diagnosis codes.
Carefully review the Discussion of Selected Diagnoses section to learn how to interpret and
report selected incidents. Use all appropriate medical information available together with your
understanding of the NEISS diagnosis coding rules to choose the diagnosis code for NEISS.
Diagnostic information will usually be provided in the attending physician’s notes, but may be
found in other areas of the ED record (e.g., discharge summary) and may be referred to by
other names (e.g., clinical impressions, final diagnosis). If the attending physician’s diagnoses
are not available, then use diagnostic information provided by other medical personnel (e.g.,
radiologist, physician’s assistant, nurse). If the record contains no diagnoses by medical
personnel, review the patient's complaint and the treatment(s) given to choose the most logical
23MOF got into a bottle of liquid detergent, drank some, vomited and is lethargic.
DX: Accidental poisoning
Diagnosis 1: 68-Poisoning Body Part 1: 85-All Parts of Body
Diagnosis 2: - Body Part 2: -
15MOM was found chewing on a flavored children’s aspirin pill, sitting next to the bottle
of pills, might be up to four missing. DX: Ingestion of aspirin
Diagnosis 1: 68-Poisoning Body Part 1: 85-All Parts of Body
Diagnosis 2: - Body Part 2: -
61YOF fell off bed onto floor, had been drinking earlier in the evening.
DX: Fall, Acute alcohol intoxication
Diagnosis 1: 71-Other: “Not Stated” Body Part 1: 87-Not Stated
Diagnosis 2: - Body Part 2: -
32YOM riding a bike home from the bar when he hit a parked car, not wearing helmet.
DX: Fractured right clavicle, Mild head injury, Alcohol intoxication
Diagnosis 1: 57-Fracture Body Part 1: 30-Shoulder
Diagnosis 2: 62-Internal Organ Injury Body Part 2: 75-Head
86YOF became dizzy, slipped on some water and fell to floor in bathroom, hip hurts. DX:
Adverse reaction to blood pressure meds, right femoral neck fracture, Contusion to right
Diagnosis 1: 57-Fracture Body Part 1: 79-Lower Trunk
Diagnosis 2: 53-Contusion Body Part 2: 76-Face
19YOM was high on PCP and punched through a window. DX: Substance abuse,
Fracture 5th metacarpal, Multiple lacerations left hand
Diagnosis 1: 57-Fracture Body Part 1: 82-Hand
Diagnosis 2: 59-Laceration Body Part 2: 82-Hand
When multiple diagnoses are represented by the same Diagnosis code and Body Part code
combination, the Diagnosis code and Body Part code combination should only be entered once.
However, be sure to mention all of the diagnoses in the Comment. For example, when the ED
record indicates forearm fractures to the radius and ulna, the Diagnosis code 57-Fracture and
Body Part code 33-Lower Arm should only be entered once.
11YOM was playing volleyball yesterday & fell onto outstretched arms, pain & swelling to
both wrists. DX: fractures of bilateral wrists
Diagnosis 1: 57-Fracture Body Part 1: 34-Wrist
Diagnosis 2: - Body Part 2: -
The diagnosis codes are listed in the table below. Appendix B contains additional diagnosis
cross references. If diagnosis code 71 (Other/Not Stated) is entered, the cursor will tab to a
“Diagnosis Other” field (50 characters). You will be required to enter a text string into this field
that describes the diagnosis.
Diagnosis Code
Amputation 50
Anoxia 65
Aspirated foreign object 42
Avulsion 72
Burns, scald (from hot liquids or steam) 48
Burns, thermal (from flames or hot surface) 51
Burns, chemical (caustics, etc.) 49
Burns, radiation (includes all cell damage by ultraviolet,
x-rays, microwaves, laser beam, radioactive materials, etc.) 73
Burns, electrical 46
Burns, not specified 47
Concussions 52
Contusions, Abrasions 53
Crushing 54
Dental injury 60
Dermatitis, Conjunctivitis 74
Dislocation 55
Electric shock 67
Foreign body 56
Fracture 57
Hematoma 58
Hemorrhage 66
Ingested foreign object 41
Internal organ injury 62
Laceration 59
Nerve damage 61
Poisoning 68
Puncture 63
Strain or Sprain 64
Submersion (including Drowning) 69
Other/Not Stated 71
Burn Injuries
Try to get information about the kind of burn (chemical, electrical, scald, thermal, radiation). If
the attending physician’s diagnosis is inadequate, one can sometimes deduce the type of burn
from the kind of incident and product(s) involved. NOTE: For thermal burns, indicate in the
Comment if the burn came from flames or a hot surface.
Scenario Code
Burns from hot water, hot liquid, or steam
(excluding injuries from cold liquids). 48, Scald burn
Contact with acids, alkalis, or caustics. 49, Chemical burn
Chemical ignited causing injury from resulting flames. 51, Thermal burn
Burns from flammable liquids which ignited
(e.g., gasoline, kerosene or lighter fluid). 51, Thermal burn
Burns from arcing, electrical products. 46, Electric burn
Burn caused by exposure to sun lamp 73, Radiation burn
Burn caused by touching the hot surface of lamp 51, Thermal burn
Pulmonary burns 62, Internal organ injury
If the ONLY diagnosis is "choking" and there is no other information in the ED record, and the
object that caused it is insoluble (e.g., a toy) or semi-soluble (e.g., putty), code 42, Aspirated
foreign object.
Dermatitis, Conjunctivitis
Although dermatitis and conjunctivitis have an assigned diagnosis code (74), they are
considered illnesses (not injuries). Report dermatitis and conjunctivitis when a consumer
product, sport or recreational activity is associated with the onset, or the case qualifies for a
special study (e.g., poisoning or chemical burn to child under age 5). If the dermatitis is due to
ingestion of a substance, use diagnosis code 68, Poisoning.
Head Injuries
Code the most severe and specific diagnosis given. Internal head injuries, such as subdural
hematomas or cerebral contusions, should be coded as 62, Internal organ injury. Concussions
should be coded as 52, Concussions. External head injuries, such as scalp lacerations, should
be coded accordingly. Please note that ‘hematoma to the head’ typically refers to an external
head injury and should be coded 58, Hematoma.
If there is no specific diagnosis for the head injury, use 62, Internal organ injury. For example, if
the patient hit his head but left the ED before an ED diagnosis was recorded, use 62, Internal
organ injury.
Some commonly swallowed objects are coins, toy parts, buttons, nails, and crayons. The object
may or may not have lodged somewhere in the digestive tract (e.g., esophagus, stomach,
intestines). If the object is in the respiratory tract (e.g., trachea, lungs), use 42, Aspirated foreign
Use code 68, Poisoning, when the patient:
• Swallowed either a liquid or soluble chemical or drug/medication. Chemicals that may
cause poisoning include liquids such as furniture polish, bleach, lighter fluid, paint,
gasoline and alcohol. Poisoning can also be caused by non-liquid household
substances such as charcoal, powder detergents, toilet bowl cleaning tablets, spackling
compounds and solid room deodorizers. These substances dissolve in liquid.
• Inhaled vapors, fumes or gases (e.g., from chemicals, cleaners, or fuels). EXCEPTION:
Use code 65, Anoxia, for inhalation of carbon monoxide (CO), smoke from fires,
products of combustion (e.g., exhaust), natural gas, or methane.
• Swallowed either a liquid or soluble chemical or drug and had an “allergic reaction” (e.g.,
swelling, dermatitis, rashes, hives, urticaria, etc.).
Other/Not Stated
If none of the listed diagnoses in Appendix B is appropriate, use code 71, Other/Not Stated.
Record the exact wording of the diagnosis from the ED record in the DIAGNOSIS OTHER field.
Body Part 1 and Body Part 2 should be selected to match the corresponding Diagnosis 1 and
Diagnosis 2 codes. If more than one body part is associated with a diagnosis, code the body
parts with the most severe injuries and mention all of the affected body parts in the Comments.
55YOF had a large pot of boiling water with noodles on the stove, tried to pick it up and
dropped it because the handle was too hot. Water spilled on her arm, legs, and
abdomen. 25% TBSA. DX: Second degree burns to right forearm and both thighs, First
degree burns to abdomen.
Diagnosis 1: 48-Burns, Scald Body Part 1: 33-Arm, Lower
Diagnosis 2: 48-Burns, Scald Body Part 2: 81-Leg, Upper
The body part codes are listed in the table below, and rules for coding selected body parts are
discussed in the section which follows. Additional body parts and recommended codes are
listed in Appendix C. The body part diagram in Appendix D will help you visualize the
boundaries between the body part codes (e.g., upper vs lower trunk).
Back Injuries
For a diagnosed back injury, if possible determine whether the upper back (upper trunk/thoracic
vertebrae, code 31), or lower back (lower trunk/lumbar vertebrae, code 79), was involved and
code accordingly. Use the waist or navel as the dividing line to differentiate between upper and
lower trunk. If the diagnosis is simply “Back injury” and there is no more specific information in
the ED record, use code 31, Upper trunk. (Note: For cervical vertebrae, use Neck, code 89.)
Burn Injuries
If only one or two body parts were injured, code those body parts. If more than two body parts
were injured, code the body parts with the most severe burns. If no specific body parts are
identified, but the percent of the body burned is stated (e.g., “18% TBSA”), then use one of the
• 87, Not stated, for burns to less than 25% of the body
• 84, 25-50% of body, for burns to 25‐50% of the body
• 85, All of body, for burns covering more than 50% of the body
Only use 84, 85, and 87 when no specific body parts are mentioned in the ED record.
Extremity Injuries
For a diagnosed arm or leg injury, if possible determine whether the upper arm (code 80) or
lower arm (code 33), or upper leg (code 81) or lower leg (code 36), was involved and code
accordingly. If the diagnosis is simply "Arm injury" or “Leg injury” and there is no more specific
information in the ED record, use code 33, lower arm, or code 36, lower leg.
Eye Injuries
For injuries to the eyelids, eyebrows, or the area immediately around the eyes (periorbital), use
code 76, Face. For an injury to the eye itself, use code 77, Eyeball.
(1 space)
Use the codes given below to indicate the final disposition of the patient from the ED.
Disposition Code
Treated and released, or examined and 1
released without treatment*
Treated and transferred to another hospital 2
Treated and admitted for hospitalization (within 4
same facility)
Held for observation (includes admitted for 5
Left without being seen/Left against medical 6
Fatality, includes dead on arrival (“DOA”), died 8
in the ED, and died after admission
Not recorded 9
*Also use code 1 when the patient is not admitted, but transferred for
treatment to another department of the same facility.
Up to three associated product codes may be entered for each NEISS case. If more than three
products are involved, be sure to mention all of the products in the comment. Consult the
alphabetic product listing at the end of the Coding Manual to select the most appropriate
product code(s). The majority of consumer products can be classified using the codes in the
alphabetical index. However, if you need assistance in deciding on the correct coding of a case,
use product code 9999 or call your CPSC NEISS Representative for assistance. Your CPSC
NEISS Representative will respond to you providing guidance on how to code the case.
When only one product is involved, enter it as Product Code 1 and use zeroes for Product
Codes 2 and 3.
Example: 86YOF slipped and hit her head on wet tile floor in her kitchen.
Product 1 = 1807 (floor)
Product 2 = 0000
Product 3 = 0000
When only two products are involved, enter them as Product Code 1 and 2, and use zeroes for
Product Code 3. It does not matter which code is entered as Product 1 or Product 2.
Exception: When two or more of the involved products are coded with the exact same product
code, only enter the product code once.
When multiple products are involved, it does not matter in what order you enter them.
Example: 19MOF in a baby booster seat, not strapped in, reaching for something when
fell to floor, hitting eye on corner of the table.
Product 1 = 1556-Attachable high chairs
Product 2 = 1807-Floors or flooring materials
Product 3 = 4057-Tables
Product 1 = 1807-Floors or flooring materials
Product 2 = 4057-Tables
Product 3 = 1556-Attachable high chairs
Product 1 = 4057-Tables
Product 2 = 1556-Attachable high chairs
Product 3 = 1807-Floors or flooring materials
Use: Bedspreads, throws or comforters .............................. 0667
Use: Bedspreads, throws or comforters .............................. 0667
In addition, the alphabetic list also includes products that are similar to the coded products but
whose names are not part of the title.
Use: Bedspreads, throws or comforters............................... 0667
Use: Clothing accessories ................................................... 1647
When more than one code exists for a particular type of product, you are directed to choose
among the various eligible codes.
Choose among:
Pillows (excl. water pillows) .............................................. 4050
Waterbeds or water pillows .............................................. 0662
Nursing pillows
Use: Pillows (excl. water pillows) ................................... 4050
Baby pillow wedges/sleep positioners
Use: Baby mattresses or pads (excl.
mattress covers or mattress pads) .................................. 1542
Paintbrushes or rollers
Choose among:
Manual paintbrushes or rollers ........................................... 0925
Powered painting equipment
(incl. sprayers, rollers or brushes ....................................... 0887
If not specified as powered,
Use: Paintbrushes or rollers, manual ................................. 0925
Baby carriers
Choose among:
Baby slings and wraps .......................................................... 1560
Framed baby carriers (carried on the back) ......................... 1561
Other soft baby carriers ......................................................... 1562
Baby carriers (bicycle-mounted) ........................................ 1531
Other baby carriers ............................................................ 1549
Choose among:
Electric mixers .................................................................... 0231
Kitchen gadgets, not elsewhere classified ......................... 0428
Soldering Irons
Choose among:
Electronic soldering equipment .......................................... 0866
Non-electric soldering equipment ...................................... 0868
If type of soldering equipment is not specifically identified,
Use: Soldering equipment, not specified ........................... 0859
Choose among:
Manual filing or sanding tools ............................................ 0862
Power sanders .................................................................. 0803
If sander is not specifically identified as electric,
Use: Manual filing or sanding tools ................................. 0862
Carving knives
Choose among:
Electric or battery-powered knives .................................... 0218
Knives, not elsewhere classified ........................................ 0464
Adult Games
Choose among:
Video or electronic games
Use: Computers (equipment and electronic games) ....... 0557
Games or game parts (excl. marbles
and computer games) ...................................................... 5019
Also consider:
The entry for manual cleaning equipment indicates that there is a separate entry for buckets or
pails. This entry is shown below as it appears in the alphabetical list.
Product Parts
For injuries involving only a particular part or component of a product, code the product as a
whole. If the source product is not stated (e.g., pieces of glass, metal, wood, plastic, etc.), do
not code the product.
Batteries (0884) and battery chargers/adapters (0883) are an exception to this rule, and are
coded separately from the product with which they are being used.
Burned when toy car battery charger caught fire 5021, Toy vehicles, and
0883, Battery chargers/adapters
A product is considered a toy if it is specifically described as a toy (e.g., play money, toy watch,
toy car, etc.) or if you can clearly assume from the information recorded that the product is a toy.
Child fell and cut lip while playing in the yard 5020, Pretend electronics, tools,
at nursery school with a toy shovel housewares, and appliances
(record explicitly states “toy”)
2-year old child lacerated hand on miniature 5020, Pretend electronics, tools,
plastic shovel obtained in cereal box; occurred housewares, and appliance
in sandbox at neighbor’s home
(assume toy shovel from information in ED record)
• The source of the fire (e.g., stove, portable room heater, camping lantern, or other fire-
causing item), and
• The first item to ignite (e.g., blanket, clothing, draperies, slipcover, etc.)
In the field labeled "Fire", enter code 1, 2 or 3 to indicate whether or not the fire department
attended (see the section on Fire Involvement).
House Fires
If there is a house fire, code any consumer product(s) mentioned (e.g., stove, smoke alarm). In
the case of a house fire and/or smoke inhalation where no specific consumer product is
identified, use product code 1866, General home or room involvement in fires. Product code
1866 includes fires in single family homes, townhomes, manufactured (mobile) homes, and the
living areas of apartments and condominiums. Use this code, for example, when the ED record
describes the incident as "house fire" or "smoke filled apartment" and no other information is
available. If known, state the particular room in the Comments (e.g., flames in the basement,
smoke coming from the garage).
In the field labeled “Fire,” enter code 1, 2 or 3 to indicate whether or not the fire department
attended (see the section on Fire Involvement).
Hot Water
Report all injuries involving hot water using product code 1934 (Hot water), even if a specific
consumer product is not stated. If the source of the hot water is known, then code 1934 (Hot
water) along with the product code for the source (e.g., teakettle, sink, bathtub).
Carbon Monoxide
Report all injuries involving carbon monoxide that do not involve licensed motor vehicles,
whether or not the source is known. Code the source of the carbon monoxide when known (e.g.,
0310-Gas furnace, 0118-Gas water heater). If the source of the carbon monoxide is unknown,
use product code 1899. A second (or third) product code may be used as long as it is not the
source of the carbon monoxide (e.g., carbon monoxide detector).
Do not assume the source of the carbon monoxide was a licensed motor vehicle based on
location (e.g., garage) unless there is other evidence to support this assumption.
(1 space)
If the ED record indicates that the patient consumed alcohol prior to or during the incident,
select 1-Yes, and include the patient’s blood alcohol level/concentration (BAL or BAC) in the
Comment. If there is no BAL/BAC available, this should be stated in the Comment. If the ED
record indicates that alcohol consumption is suspected, but there is no BAL/BAC available, then
select 1-Yes and include this information in the Comment.
If there is no mention in the medical record of patient alcohol consumption, select 0-No. This
includes if there is no information on alcohol consumption.
19YOM drinking beer with friends and then went riding 4-wheeled ATV going 20mph
turned too fast, flipped over hitting head, was not wearing a helmet. BAL 192. DX:
Concussion, 8cm Laceration head
Alcohol: 1-yes
33YOF with buttock bruising after she fell down her basement stairs while intoxicated,
BAC 0.20. DX: fall, ecchymosis of buttock, alcohol intoxication
Alcohol: 1-Yes
51YOF running in a marathon and was struck by a car that crossed the barriers. Driver
was arrested for driving while intoxicated. DX: Fractured pelvis, pulmonary emboli.
Alcohol: 0-No
(1 space)
If the ED record indicates the patient used, or is regularly using, drugs or medication that
contributed to the incident or the severity of the injury, select 1-Yes and mention the
drugs/medication in the Comment.
59 YOM had been using heroin, states mattress caught fire, tried to put out, EMS pulled
patient out of smoke filled room. DX: smoke inhalation, opiate intoxication
Drugs/Medication: 1-Yes
67YOF in bedroom at home, had slip and fall, states hit left index finger on wall during
the fall, unable to stop the bleeding, patient is on warfarin. DX: laceration left index
finger, warfarin-induced coagulopathy
Drugs/Medication: 1-Yes
45YOM was riding a dirt bike in a parking lot and fell off, complains of left shoulder pain.
Denies drugs & alcohol, DX: left scapula fracture.
Drugs/Medication: 0-No
An intentional injury or poisoning is one that is inflicted with the aim of injuring or killing. The
injury may be either one that was inflicted by one person on another, or one that was self-
inflicted. Intentional injuries are only reportable when (1) a firearm is involved, or (2) the victim
and the perpetrator are both age 12 and under. An unintentional (“accidental”) injury or
poisoning is one that is not inflicted with the aim of injuring or killing, and includes unknown or
undetermined intent. Self-inflicted injuries can be either intentional or unintentional.
• 9 year old stabbed with knife while fighting with 10 year old classmate
• 8 month old burned when 11 year old brother set fire to his crib
• unintentional (“accidental”) shooting victim (code as intent=0)
• unintentional (“accidental”) drug overdose victim (code as intent=0)
• child shot playing with BB gun (code as intent=0)
• 24 year old man with self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head
• 12 year old slashing her wrists with knife in suspected suicide attempt
• teenager hitting wall with fist when upset with mom (code as intent=0)
• patient intentionally took pill to get high (code as intent=0)
Legal Intervention – Code 3: Includes injuries caused by police or other legal authorities
during law enforcement activities where a firearm is involved. NOTE: Legal intervention is only
reportable when a firearm is involved, regardless of age.
• burglar shot by police
• police shot spouse/partner with gun during domestic dispute (code as intent=1)
• police shot someone in fight while off duty (code as intent=1)
Unintentional or Unknown Intent – Code 0: Includes all injuries and poisonings not
inflicted by deliberate means, including incidents described as "accidents," regardless of who
inflicted the injury. Also includes cases where the ED record contains no indication of intent.
• 8 year old unintentionally shot self with handgun (code as 0)
• 62 year old painting his house when fell off ladder and fractured foot (code as 0)
Incident Locale
(1 space)
To show where the incident happened, use one of the codes given below:
Some examples of specific incident sites covered under each NEISS incident locale code follow:
Manufactured (Mobile) home
Farm/Ranch – Code 2:
Land, pasture, farm
Barn or other outbuilding
Farmhouse or driveway, yard, garden, etc., immediately surrounding a
farmhouse. (See code for Home.)
School – Code 8:
Children's day care facilities (including “in home” daycare)
All types of schools: nursery, elementary, high school, college, business school,
Fire Involvement
(1 space)
If there was not a fire, or the fire did not involve unexpected flames/smoke or unexpected
spread of flames/smoke, use code 0.
Use Codes 1, 2 or 3 (fire involvement) when the incident involved smoke inhalation,
unexpected flames or smoke, or unexpected spread of flames or smoke.
For a fire that was attended by the Fire Department, use code 1. For a fire, that was not
attended by the Fire Department, use code 2. For a fire where Fire Department attendance is
not recorded, use code 3.
Use this variable to indicate that an injury occurred while the patient was involved in a work-
related activity. Only firearm-related cases will be accepted as work-related (codes 1 &3).
Work-Related Code
Not recorded 0
Work-related; occurred on the job (excluding active military duty) 1
Not work-related; did not occur on the job 2
Work-related; active military duty 3
• it involves a firearm
• it occurred "at work," "on-the-job," was "occupational," or the ED record implies the
incident was work-related (e.g., "hit on head with gun while attempting to apprehend a
suspect," or "shot in hand while delivering a pizza"), or
• it happened during volunteer work for an organized group, such as a volunteer fire
fighter, volunteer in a hospital, or volunteer for a charity group (e.g., candy striper,
volunteer cook at a homeless shelter), or
• it occurred during farm or other family-business related work duties, even when the
patient is a child (e.g., "finger stuck in barrel of BB gun while trying to scare owls from
the barn," "shot by unknown assailant while clearing tables at parent's restaurant"), or
• it is covered under workman's compensation.
Assume the injury is not work-related when the patient is age 12 and under and there is no
other information.
Patient Confidentiality
The Consumer Product Safety Commission conducts telephone and/or on-site interviews to
obtain detailed information for selected cases. For the cases selected, the NEISS hospital coder
is requested to supply the patient's name, address, and telephone number.
Note that patient confidentiality is protected at all times. After an investigation has been
completed, information identifying the patient is removed from CPSC's records.
Abrasive cleaners ................................................. 0953 Additives, automotive
Also consider: Use: Automotive chemicals (excl. antifreeze,
Scouring pads or steel wool lubricants, waxes and windshield wiper fluids)....0955
Air compressors
If a separate unit, use:
Air compressors, separate...................................0823
If part of self-contained unit, use code for that product.
Animal traps .......................................................... 1432 Appliances, other and not specified ...................0482
Automotive lifts
Use: Hoists, lifts, jacks or jack stands ................ 0814
Automotive supplies
Choose among:
Antifreeze ............................................................ 0966
If antifreeze came directly from
a motor vehicle, ................................ Do not report
Automotive chemicals (excl. antifreeze,
lubricants, waxes & windshield wiper fluids) .... 0955
Automotive tools or accessories ......................... 0821
Automotive waxes, polishes or cleaners ............ 0978
Batteries .............................................................. 0884
Battery chargers/adapters .................................. 0883
Lubricants............................................................ 0913
Windshield wiper fluids ....................................... 0967
Use: Outdoor awnings or shutters ........................ 1808
Use: Hatchets or axes........................................... 1426
Baby activity centers, stationary (non- Baby chairs or seats
wheeled alternatives to baby walkers) Choose among:
Use: Baby exercisers ............................................ 1520 Baby bathtub seats or rings (not toys).................1557
Also consider: Baby booster seats
Infant and toddler play centers Use: Attachable high chairs
(incl. booster seats) .........................................1556
Baby activity mats, activity balls, or baby gyms Baby carriers (bicycle-mounted)..........................1531
Use: Infant and toddler play centers (excl. Chairs, other or not specified...............................4074
jumpers, bouncers and exercisers) .................... 1550 Also consider:
Baby bouncer seats (excl. jumpers)
Baby baths or bathinettes.................................... 1544 Baby carriers
Car seats (for infants or children)
Baby bathtub seats or rings (not toys) .............. 1557 Infant seats
Baby swaddlers
Use: Blankets, nonelectric .................................. 4008
Bicycle stand
Use: Exercise equipment (excl. weight
lifting and gymnastic equipment) .........................3277
Bikes, powered
Choose among:
Minibikes, powered ..............................................5035
Mopeds or power-assisted cycles .......................3215
Two-wheeled, powered, off-road vehicles
(incl. dirt bikes and trail bikes; excl.
mopeds and minibikes)......................................5036
Licensed two-wheeled motor vehicles
(excl. mopeds and trail bikes) .............Do not report
Also consider:
All-terrain vehicles
Billfolds Blankets
Use: Clothing accessories .................................... 1647 Choose among:
Blankets, nonelectric............................................4008
Billiards or pool (activity/apparel/equipment) ... 1260 Blankets or sheets, electric..................................0132
Blanket, wearable with sleeves
Billy clubs ............................................... Do not report Use: Blankets, nonelectric .............................. 4008
If type of blanket is not specifically identified,
Binder clips Use: Blankets, not specified ................................0689
Use: Desk supplies (excl. pens and pencils) ........ 1650
Bleaches, non-cosmetic .......................................0956
Binders or notebooks
Use: Books, magazines, albums or scrapbooks .. 4047 Bleachers ................................................................1294
Use: Cabinets, racks, room dividers, and
shelves, not elsewhere classified ........................4056
Cabinets Camphor
Use: Cabinets, racks, room dividers and Choose among:
shelves, not elsewhere classified ....................... 4056 Liniments or rubbing compounds; code
only for poisonings or chemical burns to
Cabinet or door hardware .................................... 1820 children under 5 years of age ............................1915
Metal polishes, tarnish removers,
Cable boxes (TV) or preventatives ...................................................0931
Use: Televisions ................................................. 0572
Camper trailer
Cable modems Use: motor vehicles or parts (licensed;
Use: Computers (equipment and four or more wheels) ......................... Do not report
electronic games) ............................................. 0557
Camping (activity) ..................................Do not report
Cable locks
Use: Padlocks, chain locks or other locks ............ 0707 Camping heaters
Choose among:
Cable ties Coal or wood-burning stoves ...............................0367
Use: Other specified plastic products ................... 1145 Kerosene or oil heaters .......................................0399
Portable electric heaters ......................................0348
Cables Portable gas or LP heaters..................................0391
Choose among: Gas or LP heaters, other or not specified ...........0392
Coaxial cable .................................................... 0567 If type of camping heater is not specifically identified,
Towing Cable Use: Heaters or heating systems, other
Use: Chains, not elsewhere classified.............. 0885 or not specified...................................................0393
Cables, not specified........................................... 7878
USB cables Camping equipment (excl. trailers, lighting
Use: Computers (equipment and equipment, sleeping bags, cots, hammocks,
electronic games)........................................... 0557 coolers, stoves and heaters) ................................5029
Car ramps
Use: Automotive tools or accessories ...................0821
Choose among:
Room-sized, wall-to-wall or outdoor
carpeting (excl. runners) ................................... 0613
Runners, throw rugs or doormats
(excl. bathtub mats) .......................................... 0612
If type of carpet is not specifically identified,
Use: Rugs or carpets, not specified.................... 0676
Churn, butter
Use: Kitchen gadgets, not elsewhere classified ... 0428
Cleaning equipment
Choose among:
Buckets or pails ................................................... 1143
Electric brooms ................................................... 0116
Manual cleaning equipment
(excl. buckets or pails) ...................................... 0480
Power cleaning equipment, not elsewhere classified,
Use: Appliances, other and not specified ....... 0482
Rug shampooers................................................. 0114
Vacuum cleaners ................................................ 0115
Cleaning fluids
Use: Spot removers or cleaning fluids.................. 0977
Cleaning pads
Use: Manual cleaning equipment
(excl. buckets or pails) ........................................ 0480
Computer printers
Use: Business and office machines) .................... 0571
Cultivators Cutters
Choose among: Choose among:
Hand cultivators Bolt cutters
Use: Other unpowered garden tools ................ 1403 Use: Pliers, wire cutters or wrenches ................0857
Power cultivators Box openers/cutters
Use: Power tillers or cultivators Use: Knives with replaceable blades ................0836
(not farm equipment)....................................... 1408 Brushcutters, powered.........................................1463
Fabric cutters
Cupboards Use: Knives with replaceable blades .............. 0836
Use: Cabinets, racks, room Food cutters
dividers and shelves ........................................... 4056 Choose among:
Food processors ..............................................0275
Cups Knives, not elsewhere classified .....................0464
Choose among: Slicers and choppers .......................................0469
Cups (drinking) Glass cutters
Use: Drinking glasses, cups, and mugs ........ 0478 Choose among:
Measuring cups Glass bottle cutting equipment ........................0532
Use: Kitchen gadgets, not Other manual workshop tools..........................0881
elsewhere classified ........................................ 0428 Lawn trimmers or edgers, powered
(excl. brushcutters) ............................................1464
Curlers, eyelash Paper cutters (not scissors)
Use: Manicure, pedicure, and make-up Use: Paper cutters .............................................1654
brushes and tools (excluding cosmetics) ........... 1659 Pill cutters .............................................Do not report
Rug cutters
Curlers, hair Use: Knives with replaceable blades ................0836
Use: Hair curlers, curling irons,
clips and hairpins ................................................ 1682 Cutting boards, kitchen
Use: Kitchen gadgets, not elsewhere classified....0428
Curling irons
Use: Hair curlers, curling irons, Cutting torches ......................................................0874
clips and hairpins ................................................ 1682 Also consider:
Soldering equipment
Curling (activity/apparel/equipment) .................. 3282 Welding equipment
Dancing (activity/apparel/equipment)................ 3278 Decorative yard equipment
Choose among:
Dart guns, toy Decorative yard equipment, excluding
Use: Toy guns with projectiles ............................ 1399 water features ................................................ 1465
Decorative water features, including
Darts or lawn darts man-made ponds and fountains ..................... 1466
Choose among:
Darts, for indoor use (activity or equipment)..... 3289 Decorators, cake
Darts, blowgun Use: Kitchen gadgets, not
Use: Darts, not specified ................................ 3291 elsewhere classified ......................................... 0428
Darts, lawn (activity or equipment) ................... 3290
Darts, not specified........................................... 3291 Deep fryers
Choose among:
Davenports Electric deep fryers ............................................ 0219
Use: Sofas, couches, davenports, Nonelectric deep fryers
divans or studio couches .................................. 0679 Use: Other cookware ....................................... 0465
Dispenser, toothpaste
Use: Bathtubs or showers (incl. fixtures Dollies, handtrucks, or luggage carriers .......... 1680
or accessories; excl. enclosures, Also consider:
faucets, spigots and towel racks) ..................... 0611 Grocery carts or shopping carts
Doorknobs Drawers
Use: Cabinet or door hardware .......................... 1820 Use: Desk, dressers, chests, bureaus,
or buffets ..............................................................0604
Doormats If part of a built-in cabinet
Use: Runners, throw rugs or Use: Use: Cabinets, racks, room dividers and
doormats (excl. bathtub mats) .......................... 0612 shelves, not elsewhere classified ........................4056
Duplicating machines
Use: Business and office machines.................... 0571
DVD players
Use: Video players and recorders
(excl. cameras) ................................................. 0576
Use: Compact discs (CDs) and DVDs.................. 0575
DVR recorders
Use: Video players and recorders
(excl. cameras) ................................................. 0576
Choose among:
Non-cosmetic dyes ........................................... 0957
Cosmetic dyes
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
to children under 5 years of age
Use: Cosmetics ............................................ 1913
Medical use dyes
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
to children under 5 years of age
Use Liquid drugs (excl. aspirin) ..................... 1927
Ear buds (headphones) Electric timers .................................................... 0710
Use: Stereo or hi-fi components or accessories
(excl. self-contained units)................................ 0546 Electrical outlets or receptacles ....................... 4061
End tables
Use: Tables (excl. baby changing tables, Exercise (activity or apparel, without
billiard or pool tables and television equipment), incl. aerobics, stretching, walking,
tables or stands) ............................................... 4057 jogging, running (excl. track and field) ............ 3299
Fabric cutters Favors, party ........................................................ 1720
Use: Knives with replaceable blades .................. 0836
Fax machines
Fabric softeners Use: Business and office machines .................... 0571
Use: Fabric treatment products (excl.
spot removers or cleaning fluids, Feeding table (for infants and children)
bleaches and dyes) ............................................ 0952 Use: High chairs .................................................. 1555
Fabric treatment products (excl. spot removers Feminine hygiene products................. Do not report
or cleaning fluids, bleaches, and dyes) ............ 0952
Fences or fence posts......................................... 1871
Fabrics (not part of finished item) ..................... 4045 Also consider:
Baby gates or barriers
Face paint Window or door security barriers
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
to children under 5 years of age Fencing (activity/apparel/equipment)................ 3260
Use: Cosmetics .................................................. 1913
Ferrous sulfates or glutamates
Facial and eye make-up Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns to children under 5 years of age
to children under 5 years of age Use: Preparations containing iron salts............... 1916
Use: Cosmetics .................................................. 1913
Facial cleansing brushes Choose among:
Use: Bath or facial cleansing brushes ................... 1678 Fertilizers and other chemicals for
outdoor use (excl. pesticides) .......................... 1053
Facial saunas Plant foods or fertilizers for potted plants .......... 1445
Use: Saunas......................................................... 1612 If type of fertilizer is not specifically identified,
Use: Fertilizers, not specified ............................ 1023
Falls, hair
Use: Wigs, falls or hairpieces ............................. 1605 Fertilizer spreaders
Use: Seed and fertilizer spreaders ...................... 1430
Fan-heater combinations
Use: Heaters or heating systems, other Fiberglass insulation
or not specified ................................................... 0393 Use: Thermal or sound insulation materials ....... 1803
Also consider: Also consider:
Heat pumps Construction materials
Fires Fishponds
Use: General home or room Use: Decorative water features, including
involvement in fires ............................................ 1866 man-made ponds and fountains........................ 1466
Use this code only for home fires where no
consumer product can be identified. Fitness/activity tracker, personal
(including pedometers and non-medical
Firearms heart rate monitors) ........................................... 5038
Choose among:
Gas, air or spring-operated Fittings, gas pipe (incl. flexible connectors)
guns (incl. BB guns) ......................................... 1237 Use: Pipes (excl. smoking pipes) ........................ 0374
Guns or other firearms ....................................... 3224
Guns, not specified ............................................ 3253 Fittings, gas tank
Also consider: Use: Propane, LP or butane gas
BBs or pellets tanks or fittings ................................................... 0131
Gunpowder or ammunition (excl. BBs and pellets)
Fixtures, light ..................... See: Lighting equipment
Use: Fireworks ..................................................... 1313 Flags
Choose among:
Firepits (manufactured) Decorative yard equipment,
Use: Outdoor patio heaters excluding water features.................................. 1465
and firepits, manufactured ................................. 0394 Miniature or desktop flags
Use: Toys not elsewhere classified ................. 1381
Fireplace equipment ............................................ 0663 For use on vehicles or vehicle antennas
Use: Automotive tools or accessories ............. 0821
Gadgets, kitchen Garden tractors ......................................................1405
Use: Kitchen gadgets, not elsewhere classified ... 0428
Gardening supplies
Galoshes Use: Greenhouse or gardening supplies
Use: Footwear ....................................................... 1615 (excl. hoses, sprayers, plant stands, tools
and chemicals).....................................................1413
Games or game parts (excl. Also consider:
marbles and computer games) ........................... 5019 Garden or yard tools
Also consider:
Sports Gargles
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
Garage door openers, automatic ........................ 0138 to children under 5 years of age
Use: Oral hygiene products ...................................2640
Garage doors
Choose among: Gargoyles
Garage doors (excl. automatic Use: Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns........... 0654
garage doors or door openers) ......................... 1886
Automatic garage doors or door openers ........... 0138 Gas connectors, flexible
If type of garage door is not specified as Use: Pipes (excl. smoking pipes) ..........................0374
manual or automatic,
Use Garage doors, (excl. automatic Gas fumes or gas vapors
garage doors or door openers) ..................... 1886 of unknown origin .............................................. 1898
Garbage disposers ............................................... 0237 Gas pipes, pipe fittings, or distribution systems
Also consider: Use: Pipes (excl. smoking pipes) ..........................0374
Trash compactors Gas tanks or tank fittings
Choose among:
Garden furniture...........................See: Lawn furniture Fuel storage tanks (excl. propane,
LP and butane tanks) ........................................0980
Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers.................. 1414 Propane, LP, or butane gas tanks
or fittings.............................................................0131
Garden or yard tools Also consider:
Consult entry for particular garden tool. Gasoline cans
If the specified power garden tool
is not listed elsewhere, Gas, air or spring-operated guns
Use: Other power garden tools........................... 1409 (incl. BB guns) .......................................................1237
If the specified manual garden tool Also consider:
is not listed elsewhere, BBs or pellets
Use: Other unpowered garden tools .................. 1403
If not specified if tool is a garden tool Gas-burning products
or workshop tool or not specified Consult entry for specific product.
if it is a powered or manual tool,
Use: Tools, not specified..................................... 0893
Use: General-purpose household cleaners
(excl. abrasives, ammonia, pine oil and
toilet bowl products) ............................................ 0954
Use: Knickknacks, statues, vases, or urns ........... 0654
Gun holster
Use: Clothing accessories .................................... 1647
Gun lock
When separate from gun safe
Use: Padlocks, chain locks, or other locks ......... 0707
Gunpowder or ammunition
(excl. BBs and pellets) ......................................... 1935
Hacksaws ............................................................ 0894 Hairpins
Use: Hair curlers, curling irons,
Hairbrushes clips and hairpins ............................................. 1682
Use: Combs or hairbrushes, unpowered ............ 1638
Halloween decorations
Hair beads (beads for use in hair) Use: Seasonal decorations (excl.
Use: Hair curlers, curling Christmas decorations) .................................... 1714
irons, clips, and hairpins ..................................... 1682
Hallways (fire)
Hair cleaning/coloring/straightening Use: General home or room
preparations involvement in fires .......................................... 1866
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns Use this code only for home fires where
to children under 5 years of age no consumer product can be identified.
Use: Cosmetics .................................................... 1913
Hair clippers and trimmers ................................ 1683 Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
to children under 5 years of age
Hair curlers, curling irons, clips Use: Substance ingested or inhaled by a victim
and hairpins (incl. bobbypins, clips under age 5 which could lead to a poisoning and
barrettes, headbands, and hairbands) ............. 1682 for which there is no current product code ..........5555
Hair dryers .......................................................... 1602 Halogen floor or table lamps ............................. 4070
Hiking Hooks
Use: Exercise (activity or apparel, without Choose among:
equipment), incl. aerobics stretching, walking, Cabinet or door hooks
jogging, running (excl. track and field))............. 3299 Use: Cabinet or door hardware ...................... 1820
Drapery or curtain hooks
Hinges Use: Drapery or curtain rods,
Use: Cabinet or door hardware .......................... 1820 hooks or rings............................................... 4055
Fishing hooks
Hobby horses Use: Fishing (activity/apparel/equipment;
Use: Non-wheeled riding toys, unpowered excl. fishing knives) ...................................... 3223
(e.g., rocking or bouncing horses) .................... 1327 Picture display hooks
Use: Nails, screws, tacks or bolts................... 1819
Hobby materials and equipment
Use: Art and ceramic supplies or Hors d'oeuvre picks
equipment (excl. paintbrushes) ........................ 0569 Use: Toothpicks or hors d’oeuvre picks ............. 0431
Hot pots
Use: Electric kettles or hot pots .......................... 0269
Also consider:
Slow cookers
Use: Cabinets, racks, room dividers and
shelves, not elsewhere classified ..................... 4056
Hydrochloric acid
Use: Acids (excl. drain cleaners
and battery acids) ............................................. 0936
Hydrogen peroxide
Code only for poisonings to children under 5
Use: Substance ingested or inhaled
by a victim under age 5 which could lead
to a poisoning and for which there is no
current product code ........................................... 5555
Ice bags (used as first aid equipment) .. Do not report Incense holder
Also consider: Use: Solid room deodorizers or fresheners ........ 0974
Heating or cooling comfort packs (nonelectric)
Incinerators......................................................... 0139
Ice, dry................................................................. 0914
Incubator, chicken
Ice crackers For home use,
Use: Bars and bar accessories (excl. gymnastic Use: Pet supplies (excl. foods/medicines..............1715
and weight lifting equipment) ............................ 4058 If used in an industrial setting ...................Do not report
Jack hammers Jigsaws (tools) ................................................... 0875
Use: Other portable or stationary power tools .... 0809
Jackets Use: Exercise (activity or apparel, without
Use: Outerwear .................................................. 1646 equipment) incl. aerobics stretching, walking,
jogging, running (excl. track and field).............. 3299
Jack-o-lantern (carved pumpkins) ..... Do not report
Jointers, power................................................... 0807
Jack knives
Use: Knives, not elsewhere classified ................ 0464 Judo
Use: Martial arts (activity/apparel/equipment) .... 3257
Choose among: Jugs
Games or game parts (excl. marbles Choose among:
and computer games...................................... 5019 Jars ......................................................See: Bottles
Hoists, lifts, jacks or jack stands ....................... 0814 Pitchers
Ski jacks Use: Tableware and accessories (excl. drinking
Use: Snow skiing (activity/apparel/ glasses, cups, and mugs)............................. 0474
equipment) ................................................... 3283 Thermal containers
Use: Vacuum containers ................................ 1102
Jambs, door Vases
Use: Door sills or frames .................................... 1878 Use: Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns ...... 0654
Karate Kickboxing
Use: Martial arts (activity/apparel/equipment) .... 3257 Use: Martial arts (activity/apparel/equipment) ... 3257
Choose among:
Book bags or back carriers (excl. baby
carriers, luggage or camping equipment) ....... 5011
Camping equipment (excl. trailers, lighting
equipment, sleeping bags, cots, hammocks,
coolers, stoves and heaters) .......................... 5029
Knee boarding
Choose among:
Waterskiing (activity/apparel/equipment).......... 1264
Surfing (activity/apparel/equipment) ................. 1261
Knee pads
If used for sports, code the appropriate sport activity.
All other knee pads
Use: Clothing accessories ................................ 1647
Use: Benches (excl. work benches) ................... 0687
Knife sharpeners
Choose among:
Electric knife sharpeners .................................. 0240
Nonelectric knife sharpeners ............................ 0421
If type of knife sharpener is not specifically identified,
Use: Knife sharpeners, not specified ................ 0444
Knitting needles
Use: Sewing basket articles (excl. scissors, pins,
needles and sewing machine accessories)........ 1671
Choose among:
Knives, electric or battery-powered .................. 0218
Knives with replaceable blades ........................ 0836
Utility knives
Use: Knives with replaceable blades .............. 0836
Kitchen utility knives
Use: Knives, not elsewhere classified ............ 0464
Toy knives
Use: Other toy weapons (nonprojectile) ......... 1389
All other knives
Use: Knives, not elsewhere classified ............ 0464
Use: Cabinet or door hardware .......................... 1820
Kung fu
Use: Martial arts (activity/apparel/equipment) ... 3257
Laboratory chemicals, school ...........................0982 Landings
Code only if part of a staircase or ramp.
Lacquer Use: Ramps or landings ..................................... 1843
Use: Paints, varnishes or shellacs......................0960
Lacquer thinner Choose among:
Use: Paint or varnish thinners Flashlights or battery-powered lanterns ........... 0639
(excl. turpentine)...............................................0908 Fuel-burning lighting equipment ....................... 4060
Also consider:
Lacrosse (activity/apparel/equipment) .............1215 Lighting equipment
Sky lanterns
Choose among: Lanyard
Attic ladders, (pull down) Use: Clothing accessories .....................................1647
Use: Ladders, other or not specified................4078
Extension or straight ladders ............................4077 Lapidary equipment ........................................... 0533
Fire escape ladders
Use: Ladders, other or not specified...............4078 Laser sight or gun scope
Stepladders (excl. step stools) .........................0618 If component part, code the product.
Step stools .......................................................0620 If separate from gun,
Swimming pool ladders Use: Telescopes, binoculars,
Use: Swimming pool equipment (excl. chemicals, microscopes, or magnifying glasses .............. 0529
diving boards and swimming pool slides) .....3262
Telescoping ladders Laser pointers .................................................... 0562
Use: Extension or straight ladders..................4077
Ladders, other or not specified .........................4078
Also consider: Laser tag
Fire escape devices (excl. ladders) Use: Amusement attractions
(including rides) ............................................... 1293
Lamp cords When used at home, also consider:
Choose among: Other toy guns.................................................. 5006
Floor lamps
Choose among: Latex gloves
Floor lamps or table lamps, electric Use: Clothing accessories .................................. 1647
(excl. halogen lamps) ................................ 4071
Floor lamps or table lamps, halogen ........... 4070 Lather-heating devices
If type of floor lamp is not specifically identified, Use: Electric heaters, not
Use: Floor lamps or table lamps, elsewhere classified ......................................... 0388
electric (excl. halogen lamps) .................. 4071
Heat or infrared lamps ......................................1634 Lathes, power ..................................................... 0805
Sun lamps ......................................... Do not report
Also consider: Laundry chute
Lighting equipment Use: Ceilings and walls (interior part of
completed structure) ............................................1884
Lamp oils ...........................................................0964
Laundry equipment
Lamps Choose among:
Choose among: Laundry baskets ............................................... 0438
Floor lamps or table lamps, electric Laundry carts
(excl. halogen lamps) .....................................4071 Use: Carts, other or not specified ................... 1684
Floor lamps or table lamps, halogen ................4070 Laundry hampers ............................................. 0672
Heat or infrared lamps ......................................1634 Laundry presoaks
Sun lamps ......................................... Do not report Use: Fabric treatment products (excl. spot
If type of lamp is not specifically identified, removers, cleaning fluids, bleaches
Use: Floor lamps or table lamps, and dyes) ..................................................... 0952
electric (excl. halogen lamps) .........................4071 Laundry soaps or detergents ........................... 0949
Also consider: Laundry tubs
Lighting equipment Use: Sinks (excl. faucets) ............................... 0648
Lime Longboard
Choose among: Use: Skateboards............................................... 1333
Fertilizers and other chemicals for Also consider:
outdoor use (excl. pesticides) .......................1053 Surfing
Plant foods or fertilizers for potted plants ........1445
Loofah or bath sponge/bath pouf
Lines, fishing Use: Bath or facial cleansing brushes ................ 1678
Use: Fishing (activity/apparel/equipment;
excl. fishing knives) ..........................................3223 Loom, for beading, jewelry, or weaving
Use: Art and ceramic supplies or
Linens equipment (excl. paintbrushes) ........................ 0569
Choose among:
Bed linens Lotions, skin care
Use: Sheets or pillowcases ............................4051 Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
Table linens ......................................................0651 to children under 5 years of age
Use: Cosmetics .................................................. 1913
Liniments or rubbing compounds ....................1915
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns Lotion or soap dispensers
to children under 5 years of age Use: Kitchen gadgets, not
elsewhere classified ......................................... 0428
Liquid drugs (excl. aspirin, aspirin
substitutes, iron preparations Loudspeakers
and antihistamines)............................................ 1927 Use: Stereo or hi-fi components or accessories
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns (excl. self-contained units) ............................... 0546
to children under 5 years of age
Liquid propane (LP) gas tanks or fittings Use: Window shades, venetian
Use: Propane, LP or butane gas blinds or indoor shutters ................................... 0638
tanks or fittings .................................................0131
Also consider: LP gas (liquid propane) products
Pipes Choose among:
Butane or LP gas meters ................................. 0623
Living rooms (fire) Gas or LP grills or stoves (for outdoor use)...... 3248
Use: General home or room Gas or LP heaters, other or not specified......... 0392
involvement in fires...........................................1866 Portable gas or LP heaters .............................. 0391
Use this code only for home fires where Propane, LP or butane gas tanks or fittings ..... 0131
no consumer product can be identified.
Lubricants ........................................................... 0913
Loading docks Also consider:
Use: Porches, balconies, open Personal/medical lubricants ............... Do not report
side floors or floor openings .............................1817
Luggage (excl. footlockers)............................... 1623
Lockers ...............................................................1726
Luggage carriers
Locks Use: Dollies, handtrucks or luggage carriers ...... 1680
Use: Padlocks, chain locks or other locks ..........0707
Loft beds If lumber is being used as a construction material,
Use: Bunk beds ..................................................0661 Use: House repair or construction
materials, not elsewhere classified....................1876
Log splitters ........................................................1457 Otherwise, ........................................... Do not report
Machetes Make-up, toy
Use: Knives, not elsewhere classified ................ 0464 Choose among:
If not applied to the body, or if identified as toy,
Machine oils Use: Toy make-up kits or
Use: Lubricants .................................................. 0913 cosmetics (excl. mirrors) .............................. 5013
If applied to the body (e.g., facepaint),
Macramé Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
Use: Rope or string (excl. climbing to children under 5 years of age
or jump ropes and kite string) ........................... 0852 Use: Cosmetics .............................................. 1913
Marijuana Mats
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns Choose among:
to children under 5 years of age Baby activity mats
Use: Substance ingested or inhaled by a victim Use: Infant and toddler play centers (excl.
under age 5 which could lead to a poisoning and jumpers, bouncers and exercisers) .............. 1550
for which there is no current product code ......... 5555 Bathtub mats (for use in tub or shower)
Use: Bathtubs or showers (incl. fixtures
Markers, sewing or accessories; excl. enclosures,
Use: Sewing basket articles (excl. scissors, pins, spigots and towel racks) ............................... 0611
needles and sewing machine accessories)........ 1671 Exercise mats
Use: Exercise equipment (excl. weight
Marking pens lifting and gymnastic equipment) .................. 3277
Use: Pens and pencils........................................ 1685 Floor mats
Use: Runners, throw rugs or
Martial arts (activity/apparel/equipment).......... 3257 doormats (excl. bathtub mats) ...................... 0612
Gymnastic mats
Masking tape Use: Gymnastics (activity/apparel/
Use: Tapes (with adhesive surfaces) ................. 0927 equipment) ................................................... 1272
Playground mats, manufactured
Masks Use: Other playground equipment ................. 3219
Choose among: Playpen mats
Costumes or masks.......................................... 1342 Use: Baby mattresses or pads (excl.
Dust masks mattress covers or pads) .............................. 1542
Use: Respiratory protection devices ................. 1618 Table mats
Scuba diving masks Use: Table linens ........................................... 0651
Use: Scuba diving (activity/apparel/ Yoga mats
equipment) ................................................... 1275 Use: Exercise equipment (excl. weight
Snorkeling masks lifting and gymnastic equipment) .................. 3277
Use: Swimming (activity/apparel/equipment; Also consider:
excl. flotation devices) .................................. 3274 Pads
Sports-related masks Rugs
If sport is specifically identified, code that sport.
If type of mask is unknown, Mattress covers or mattress pads, nonelectric
Use: Respiratory protection devices ................. 1618 Use: Other bedding ............................................ 4054
Matches Mattresses
Choose among: Choose among:
Matchbooks ...................................................... 1728 Baby mattresses or pads (excl.
Wooden matches ............................................. 1730 mattress covers or mattress pads) ................. 1542
If type of match is not specifically identified, Camping mattresses
Use: Matches, not specified ............................. 1731 Use: Camping equipment (excl. trailers,
lighting equipment, sleeping bags, cots,
hammocks, coolers, stoves and heaters) ..... 5029
Futons .............................................................. 4064
Mattresses, nonbaby (excl.
camping mattresses) ...................................... 4009
Waterbeds or waterpillows ............................... 0662
If type of mattress is not specifically identified,
Use: Mattresses, not specified ......................... 4010
Also consider:
Air mattresses
Use: Hammers .................................................. 0827
Mitts, oven
Use: Potholders, oven mitts or hot pads............. 0436
Nail brushes Netting, mosquito
Use: Manicure, pedicure, and make-up Use: Camping equipment (excl. trailers, lighting
brushes and tools (excluding cosmetics) ........... 1659 equipment, sleeping bags, cots, hammocks,
coolers, stoves and heaters) ............................ 5029
Nail files
Use: Manicure, pedicure, and make-up Newspapers
brushes and tools (excluding cosmetics) ........... 1659 Use: Paper products (excl. bags, cups,
straws and cardboard products) ....................... 1137
Nail guns or stud drivers ................................... 0882
Nickel cadmium batteries
Nail polishes or removers or other Use: Batteries..................................................... 0884
fingernail preparations
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns Nightwear ........................................................... 1644
to children under 5 years of age
Use: Cosmetics .................................................. 1913 Night lights ......................................................... 1533
Nets, fishing
Use: Fishing (activity/apparel/equipment;
excl. fishing knives) .......................................... 3223
Nursery lamps
Use: Electric table lamps, floor lamps or
desk lamps ....................................................... 4071
Also consider:
Night lights
Nursing pillow
Use: Pillows (excl. water pillows) .......................... 4050
Use: Kitchen gadgets, not
elsewhere classified ......................................... 0428
Use: Nails, screws, tacks or bolts ....................... 1819
Use: Day wear .................................................... 1645
Obstacle course Openers, box
When no other more specific product included: Use: Knives with replaceable blades.................. 0836
Use: Sports and recreational activity, Also consider:
not elsewhere classified ................................... 1200 Knives
Scissors `
Office machines
Use: Business and office machines.................... 0571 Openers, can or container
Also consider: Choose among:
Computers (equipment and electronic games) Can openers, electric ....................................... 0213
Can openers, manual ....................................... 0401
Official USCG-approved life-saving Containers with key openers ............................ 1116
flotation device .................................... Do not report Self-contained openers (e.g., openers
on zip-top or pull-top cans) ............................. 1103
Oils If type of can opener is not specifically identified,
Choose among: Use: Can openers, not specified ...................... 0453
Baby oil
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns Openers, door
to children under 5 years of age Choose among:
Use: Cosmetics ............................................ 1913 Automatic doors or door openers (excl.
Bath oils garage doors) ................................................. 0137
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns Automatic garage doors or door openers ......... 0138
to children under 5 years of age Cabinet or door hardware ................................ 1820
Use: Cosmetics ............................................ 1913
Cooking oils ....................................... Do not report Openers, letter
Fuel oils Use: Desk supplies (excl. pens and pencils) ...... 1650
Choose among:
Diesel fuels ................................................... 0962 Opera glasses
Kerosene ...................................................... 0963 Use: Telescopes, binoculars, microscopes
Lamp oils ...................................................... 0964 or magnifying glasses ...................................... 0529
If type of fuel oil is not specifically identified,
Use: Fuel oils, not specified.......................... 0965 Optical equipment
Lamp oils .......................................................... 0964 Use: Telescopes, binoculars, microscopes
Machine or engine oils or magnifying glasses ...................................... 0529
Use: Lubricants .............................................. 0913
Oil of wintergreen Oral hygiene products
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
to children under 5 years of age to children under 5 years of age ............................ 2640
Use: Liniments or rubbing compounds ........ 1915
Oral irrigators ...................................... Do not report
Oil tanks
Use: Fuel storage tanks (excl. propane, Ornaments
LP and butane tanks) ....................................... 0980 Choose among:
Artificial Christmas trees .................................. 1701
Oil warmer Christmas decorations (nonelectric) ................. 1729
Use: Liquid room deodorizer or freshener .......... 0973 Christmas tree lights ........................................ 1711
Christmas tree stands or supports ................... 1712
Open side floors or floor openings Electric Christmas decorations
Use: Porches, balconies, open side (excl. Christmas tree lights ............................. 1736
floors or floor openings ..................................... 1817 Seasonal decorations (excl. Christmas
decorations) ................................................... 1714
Openers, bottle ................................................... 0422
Also consider: Orthopedic shoes or orthopedic
Can openers shoe inserts ......................................... Do not report
Use: Footstools, ottomans or hassocks ............. 4079
Pacifiers or teething rings ................................. 1525 Pagers
Use: Telephones or telephone accessories ....... 0550
Packs, back
Choose among: Pails
Baby slings and wraps ........................................ 1560 Choose among:
Framed baby carriers (carried on the back) ....... 1561 Buckets or pails ................................................ 1143
Other soft baby carriers ...................................... 1562 Diaper pails ...................................................... 1528
Book bags or back carriers (excl. baby Lunch boxes or pails ........................................ 1719
carriers, luggage and camping equipment) .... 5011 Toy pails or toy buckets
Camping equipment (excl. trailers, lighting Use: Pretend electronics, tools,
equipment, sleeping bags, cots, hammocks, housewares, and appliances ........................ 5020
coolers, stoves and heaters) .......................... 5029
Paint ball
Packaged thermal air conditioner (PTAC) unit Choose among:
Use: Heat pumps................................................ 0365 Paint ball (activity)
Use: Sports and recreational activity,
Packaging material not elsewhere classified ............................... 1200
Choose among: Paint ball guns or pellets
Paper packing material Use: Gas, air or spring-operated guns
Use: Paper products (excluding bags, cups, (incl. BB guns) .............................................. 1237
straws, and cardboard products) .................. 1137
Cardboard packing material Paint
Use: Cardboard products ............................... 1114 Choose among:
Plastic or foam packing material Paints, varnishes or shellacs ............................ 0960
Use: Other specified plastic products ............. 1145 Art and ceramic supplies or
Non-specified packing material equipment (excl. paintbrushes) ...................... 0569
Use: Other specified plastic products ............. 1145 Face paint
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
Paddle ball to children under 5 years of age
Use: Squash, racquet ball or paddle ball Use: Cosmetics................................................1913
(activity/apparel/equipment) ............................. 3256
Paint chips from unspecified source
Paddleboarding Use: Paints, varnishes or shellacs ..................... 0960
Use: Surfing (activity/apparel/equipment)........... 1261
Paint removers
Paddles, table tennis Choose among:
Use: Table tennis (activity/apparel/equipment) .. 1269 Chemical paint removers
Use: Paint or varnish removers; paintbrush
Padlocks, chain locks or other locks ............... 0707 cleaners (excl. turpentine) ............................ 0972
Powered paint removers
Pads Use: Other portable or stationary
Choose among: power tools ................................................... 0809
Asbestos pads
Use: Potholders, oven mitts or hot pads......... 0436 Paint sets
Ink pads Use: Art and ceramic supplies or
Use: Desk supplies (excl. pens & pencils)...... 1650 equipment (excl. paintbrushes) ........................ 0569
Mattress pads
Use: Other bedding ........................................ 4054 Paint sprayers, powered
Playpen pads Use: Painting equipment, powered
Use: Baby mattresses or pads (excl. mattress (incl. sprayers, rollers or brushes) .................... 0887
covers or mattress pads) .............................. 1542 Also consider:
Saddle pads Aerosol containers
Use: Horseback riding (activity/apparel/
equipment) ................................................... 1239
Also consider:
Paper shredders
Use: Business and office machines ................... 0571
Partitions Peelers
Use: Cabinets, racks, room dividers Use: Kitchen gadgets, not
and shelves, not elsewhere classified .............. 4056 elsewhere classified ......................................... 0428
Pictures, picture frames or wall decorations ... 0652 Pine oil cleaning and disinfectant
preparations ....................................................... 0945
Piers ..................................................... Do not report
Piggy banks Choose among:
Use: Knickknacks, statues, vases, or urns ......... 0654 Bobby pins or hair pins
Use: Hair curlers, curling irons, clips
Pillars/columns and hairpins.................................................. 1682
If indoors, Pins (jewelry)
Use: Ceilings and walls (interior Use: Jewelry (excl. watches) .......................... 1616
part of completed structure) ............................. 1884 Safety pins ....................................................... 1554
If outside (not in MVA), Diaper fasteners (excl. safety pins) .................. 1551
Use Poles (excl. fence posts, fishing, Pins and needles (excl. safety pins
pole vaults, playground equipment and and knitting needles) ...................................... 1669
telephone poles) ............................................1865
Pipe cleaners (for crafting)
Pillowcases Use: Arts and ceramic supplies or
Use: Sheets or pillowcases ................................ 4051 equipment (excl. paintbrushes) ........................ 0569
Pill box/pill organizer .......................... Do not report Pipe fittings, gas (incl. flexible
Pill cutters ............................................ Do not report Use: Pipes (excl. smoking pipes) ....................... 0374
Pitchforks Plastics
Use: Other unpowered garden tools................... 1403 If plastic parts or pieces are of unknown or
unspecified origin .................................. Do not report
Pizza cutter Choose among:
Use: Kitchen gadgets, not Buckets or pails ................................................ 1143
elsewhere classified ......................................... 0428 Plastic bags ...................................................... 1130
Plastic bottles or jars
Planes or planers Choose among:
Use: Awls, chisels or planes ............................... 0870 Baby bottles or nipples ................................. 1509
Non-glass bottles or jars
Plant foods (excl. baby bottles) ..................................... 1127
Use: Plant foods or fertilizers for potted plants ... 1445 Plastic containers (rigid or semi-
rigid; excl. bottles and jars)............................. 1123
Plant stands Plastic cups or glasses
Use: Tables (excl. baby changing Use: Drinking glasses, cups, and mugs .......... 0478
tables, billiard or pool tables and Plastic curtains
television tables or stands) ............................... 4057 Use: Draperies, curtains or shower
curtains (fabric or plastic) ............................. 0617
Planters Plastic flatware
Use: Greenhouse or gardening supplies (excl. hoses, Use: Flatware (excl. knives) ........................... 0417
sprayers, plant stands, tools and chemicals).... 1413 Plastic molding sets
Use: Metal or plastic molding sets.................. 1319
Plants, trees and shrubs (living) ........ Do not report Plastic panels for doors or windows ................. 1854
Plastic wrapping products
Plants, artificial (excl. plastic bags) ......................................... 1131
Use: Artificial flowers or plants ........................... 0653 Other specified plastic products ....................... 1145
Use: Treehouses or playhouses......................... 1234
Play/pretend money
Use: Pretend electronics, tools,
housewares, and appliances ............................ 5020
"Playing ball"
Use: Ball sports (activity/apparel/equipment),
not specified ..................................................... 3236
Playing cards
Use: Games or game parts (excl. marbles) ........ 5019
Playpen pads
Use: Baby mattresses or pads ........................... 1542
Plow, snow
Snow plow should be coded according to what it is
attached to.
Poles Polo
Choose among: Choose among:
Fishing poles Horseback riding (activity/apparel/equipment) .. 1239
Use: Fishing (activity/apparel/equipment; Water polo (activity/apparel/equipment) ............ 3276
excl. fishing knives) ...................................... 3223
Light poles ........................................................ 7878 Pom-poms
Playground poles Use: Cheerleading (activity/apparel/
Use: Other playground equipment.................. 3219 equipment; excl. batons) .................................. 3254
Poles (excl. fence posts, fishing, pole vaults,
playground equipment, &telephone poles) ..... 1865 Ponchos
Poles, festivus Use: Outerwear .................................................. 1646
Use: Seasonal decorations (excl.
Christmas decorations) ................................ 1714 Pool (game)
Poles, vault Use: Billiards or pool (activity/apparel/
Use: Track and field (activity/apparel/equipment; equipment) ....................................................... 1260
excl. jogging or running for fitness)................. 5030
Telephone poles ................................ Do not report Pool alarm
Tent poles Use: Swimming pool equipment
Use: Camping equipment (excl. trailers, lighting (excl. chemicals) .............................................. 3262
equipment, sleeping bags, cots, hammocks,
coolers, stoves and heaters) ....................... 5029 Pool chemicals
Utility poles ........................................ Do not report Use: Swimming pool chemicals.......................... 0938
Powder compacts
Use: Clothing accessories .................................. 1647
Also consider:
Toy make-up kits or cosmetics
Power adapters
Use: Electrical wire or wiring systems (excl.
panelboards, receptacles or interrupters) ...........4062
Power plants
Use: Generators or power plants ....................... 0606
Also consider:
Residential alternative energy systems for
on-site power generation (e.g., solar panels or
wind turbines for residential power generation)
Pressurized containers
Choose among:
Aerosol containers............................................ 1133
Pressurized containers (nonaerosol;
excl. alcoholic beverage or soft
drink bottles and cans) ................................... 1138
These codes should always be used regardless of
contents if an aerosol or pressurized container
contributed to the injury.
Price tag
Use: Public use equipment .................................. 1738
Choose among:
Aquarium pumps
Use: Aquariums or accessories ...................... 1240
Balloon pumps
Use: Pumps, not elsewhere classified.............. 1462
Bicycle pumps
Use: Bicycles or accessories (excl. mountain
or all-terrain bicycles) ................................... 5040
Gasoline pumps
Use: Fuel storage tanks (excl.
propane, LP and butane tanks) .................... 0980
Heat pumps ...................................................... 0365
Pumps, not elsewhere classified ...................... 1462
Swimming pool pumps
Use: Swimming pool equipment (excl. chemicals,
diving boards and swimming pool slides) ..... 3262
Punching bags
Use: Boxing (activity/apparel/equipment) ........... 1207
Also consider:
Toy sports equipment
Use: Wooden matches ....................................... 1730
Choose among:
Air purifiers ....................................................... 0307
Water purifiers (appliances)
Use: Water softeners or
conditioners (appliances) ............................. 0125
Use: Clothing accessories .................................. 1647
Push pins
Use: Nails, screws, tacks or bolts ....................... 1819
Push toys
Use: Blocks, stacking toys or pull toys................ 1326
Putty knife
Use: Knives, not elsewhere classified ................ 0464
Use: Games or game parts (excl. marbles
and computer games) ...................................... 5019
Use: Other ball sports (activity/apparel/
equipment) ...................................................... 3235
Use: Bedspreads, throws or comforters ............. 0667
Quilt cutters
Use: Knives with replaceable blades .................... 0836
Use: Horseshoes (activity/apparel/equipment) ... 1257
Racing cars, toy Radios
Choose among: Choose among:
Riding toys ................................... See: Riding toys Amateur two-way radios ................................... 0545
Toy vehicles (excl. riding toys) ......................... 5021 Radios (self-contained units;
excl. two-way radios)...................................... 0555
Rackets/Racquets Stereo or hi-fi components or accessories
Choose among: (excl. self-contained units).............................. 0546
Badminton (activity/apparel/equipment) ........... 3222 If type of radio is not specifically identified,
Squash, racquet ball or paddle ball Use: Radios, not specified ............................... 0559
(activity/apparel/equipment) ........................... 3256 Also consider:
Table tennis (activity/apparel/equipment) ......... 1269 Clock radios
Tennis (activity/apparel/equipment).................. 3284
If type of racket is not specifically identified, Rafts, boating .........................................Do not report
Use: Ball sports (activity/apparel/equipment),
not specified ................................................... 3236 Rafts, pool or toy
Use: Flotation toys (excl. official
Racks life saving devices) ........................................... 3279
Choose among:
Cabinets, racks, room dividers and Rail buggies
shelves, not elsewhere classified ................... 4056 Use: Dune buggies............................................. 3288
Bicycle racks
Use: Bicycles or accessories .......................... 5040 Railings
Clothes racks Use: Handrails, railings or banisters................... 1829
Use: Cabinets, racks, room dividers and Also consider:
shelves, not elsewhere classified ................... 4056 Bathtubs or showers
Drying racks
Use: Clotheslines or clothes Railroad tracks .................................... Do not report
drying racks (excl. poles).............................. 1821
Magazine racks or bookends ........................... 0692 Rails, bed
Oven racks Use: Bed rails ..................................................... 4075
See: Ovens
Tie racks, belt racks or other Raincoats
clothes hangers .............................................. 0419 Use: Outerwear .................................................. 1646
Tool racks
Use: Workshop furnishings ............................ 0854 Rakes
Towel racks or bars .......................................... 0657 Use: Other unpowered garden tools .................. 1403
Rubber bands
Use: Desk supplies (excl. pens and pencils) ...... 1650
Sabers Sanders
Use: Fencing (activity/apparel/equipment) ......... 3260 Choose among:
Manual filing or sanding tools ........................... 0862
Sabre saws ......................................................... 0864 Power sanders ................................................. 0803
If sander is not specifically identified as electric,
Sacks ..........................................................See: Bags Use: Manual filing or sanding tools .................. 0862
Use: Tableware and accessories
(excl. drinking glasses, cups, and mugs) .......... 0474
Saws Sconces
Choose among: Use: Candles, candlesticks and
Band saws ........................................................ 0842 other candle holders......................................... 0463
Bench or table saws ......................................... 0841
Chain saws ....................................................... 1411 Scooters
Chop saws Choose among:
Use: Power saws, other or not specified ...... 0895 Hoverboards
Circular saws Use: Scooters/skateboards, powered ............ 5042
Use: Portable circular power saws ............... 0832 Standup scooter, unpowered ........................... 1329
Hacksaws ......................................................... 0894 Standup scooter/skateboard, powered............. 5042
Hand saws (unpowered) .................................. 0830 Mobility carts, electric (for use by the
Jigsaws ............................................................ 0875 elderly and disabled)
Miter saws, powered Use: Motorized vehicles, not elsewhere
Use: Power saws, other or not specified ...... 0895 classified (three or more wheels) ...................1744
Portable circular power saws ........................... 0832 Motorized cooler/scooter combination
Radial arm saws ............................................... 0843 Use: Motorized vehicles, not elsewhere
Reciprocating saws classified (three or more wheels) .....................1744
Use: Sabre saws ............................................ 0864 One-wheel scooter
Sabre saws ...................................................... 0864 Use: Unicycle (activity/apparel/equipment) .... 1283
Pole saw, powered Personal transporters (stand-up)
Use: Power saws, other or not specified ........ 0895 Use: Scooters/skateboards, powered ............ 5042
Power saws, other or not specified................... 0895 If not specified as powered, use:
Table or bench saws ........................................ 0841 Scooters, unpowered ....................................... 1329
If type of saw is not specifically identified, Also consider:
Use: Saws, not specified .................................. 0845 Motorbikes
Motorized vehicles
Scaffolding.......................................................... 1816 Mopeds
Electrical bicycles
Scalers, fish
Use: Knives, not elsewhere classified ................ 0464 Scouring products
Choose among:
Scales Scouring cleansers
Choose among: Use: Abrasive cleaners .................................. 0953
Scales, not electric or not battery operated Scouring pads or steel wool
or not specified (excl. baby scales) ................ 4068 Use: Manual cleaning equipment (excl.
Scales, electric or battery operated (excl. buckets or pails) ........................................... 0480
baby scales) ................................................... 4066
Baby scales ...................................................... 1515 Scrapbooks
Use: Books, magazines, albums or
Scarves scrapbooks ....................................................... 4047
Use: Clothing accessories .................................. 1647
Use: Cabinets, racks, room dividers, and
shelves, not elsewhere classified ..................... 4056
Sledgehammers Slips
Use: Hammers ................................................... 0827 Use: Day wear.................................................... 1645
Use: Hot tubs or home spas ............................... 0698
Also consider:
Whirlpools or jetted bathtubs (for indoor use)
Spatulas Spools
Use: Kitchen gadgets, not else- Use: Sewing basket articles (excl. scissors, pins,
where classified ................................................ 0428 needles and sewing machine accessories) ........1671
Speakers Spoons
Use: Stereo or hi-fi components or accessories Choose among:
(excl. self-contained units)................................ 0546 Spoons (excl. measuring spoons)
Also consider: Use: Flatware (excl. knives) ........................... 0417
Sound equipment Measuring spoons
Use: Kitchen gadgets,
Spear gun not elsewhere classified ............................... 0428
Use: Fishing (activity/apparel/or equipment;
excl. fishing knives) ..........................................3223 Sport or recreational activity,
not elsewhere classified .................................... 1200
Spigots See instructions for Sports
Use: Faucets or spigots...................................... 0699
Spin class See entry for specific game or sport and use that code.
Use: Exercise equipment (excl. weight lifting If type of ball sport is specifically identified and no code
or gymnastics equipment) ................................ 3277 exists for that ball sport, use:
Other ball sports (activity/apparel/equipment) .... 3235
Spinning toys If type of ball sport is not specifically identified,
Choose among: Use: Ball sports (activity/apparel/equipment),
Toys, not elsewhere classified.......................... 1381 not specified ................................................... 3236
Non-wheeled riding toys, unpowered If type of sport is not classified elsewhere,
(e.g., rocking or bouncing horse) ...................... 1327 Use: Sport or recreational activity,
not elsewhere classified ................................. 1200
Spinning wheels Also consider:
Use: Art and ceramic supplies or Toy sports equipment
equipment (excl. paintbrushes) ........................ 0569
Sports clothing
Splash pads If injury occurs during play of a sport or game requiring
Choose among: special clothing, use code for that sport.
Home use Otherwise,
Use: Water slides, backyard/home (not Use: Other clothing .......................................... 1677
swimming pool slides) .................................. 3294
Public use Sports equipment, toy
Use: Water slides, public (stationary Use: Toy sports equipment ................................ 1392
amusement rides)......................................... 3295
If type/location of splash pad is unknown Sports footwear
Use: Water slides, not elsewhere classified) .... 3293 If injury occurs during play of a sport or game requiring
special footwear, use code for that sport.
Splicers Otherwise,
Choose among: Use: Footwear .................................................. 1615
Film splicers Also consider:
Use: Photographic equipment (excl. Waders
chemicals and projectors) ............................ 0536
Tape splicers Spot removers or cleaning fluids ..................... 0977
Use: Sound recording, reproducing or
receiving equipment, not specified ............... 0547 Spray cans or containers, pressurized
Use: Aerosol containers ..................................... 1133
Splitters, log ....................................................... 1457 Always use this code (regardless of container contents)
if an aerosol container contributed to the injury.
Sponges Also, code the container contents if possible.
Choose among:
Manual cleaning equipment
(excl. buckets or pails).................................... 0480
Loofah or bath sponge/bath pouf
Use: Bath or facial cleansing brushes ............1678
Spreaders Stairs
Use: Seed and fertilizer spreaders ..................... 1430 Choose among:
Stairs or steps (excl. pull-down
Spring-operated guns and folding stairs) ........................................... 1842
Use: Gas, air or spring-operated Pull-down or folding stairs ................................ 1840
guns (incl. BB guns) ......................................... 1237 If type of stairs are not specifically identified,
Also consider: Use: Stairs or steps (excl. pull-down
BBs or pellets and folding stairs) ........................................... 1842
Springs, bed
Use: Beds or bedframes, other or Stair lift
not specified ..................................................... 4076 Use: Elevators or other lifts (excl. escalators,
hoists, jacks, forklifts, and automotive lifts ....... 1889
Springs, box
Choose among: Stakes
Baby mattresses or pads (excl. Choose among:
mattress covers or mattress pads) ................. 1542 Greenhouse or garden stakes
Mattresses, nonbaby (excl. Use: Greenhouse or gardening supplies (excl.
camping mattresses) ...................................... 4009 hoses, sprayers, plant stands, tools and
If type of box spring is not specifically identified, chemicals) .................................................... 1413
Use: Mattresses, not specified.......................... 4010 Tent stakes
Use: Camping equipment (excl. trailers, lighting
Springs, crib equipment, sleeping bags, cots, hammocks,
Choose among: coolers, stoves and heaters) ........................ 5029
Cribs, nonportable ............................................ 1543
Portable cribs ................................................... 1529 Standards (posts)
If type of crib spring is not specifically identified, If the standard is part of sports or game equipment,
Use: Cribs, not specified................................... 1545 use code for that activity;
Springs, door or cabinet Use: Poles (excl. fence posts, fishing, pole vaults,
Use: Cabinet or door hardware .......................... 1820 playground equipment & telephone poles) ....... 1865
Choose among:
Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers ................ 1414
Fire sprinklers ................................................... 0713
Spud guns
Use: Gas, air or spring-operated
guns (incl. BB guns) ............................................ 1237
Stockings Stoves
Choose among: Choose among:
Day wear .......................................................... 1645 Alcohol stoves
Support garments and stockings, Use: Other grills or stoves .............................. 3233
medical ............................................ Do not report Camp stoves ............. See: Camp Stoves, cooking
Coal or wood-burning stoves ........................... 0367
Stools Gas or LP grills or stoves (for outdoor use)...... 3248
Choose among: Kerosene grills or stoves .................................. 3230
Barstools or kitchen stools .................................. 4025 Pellet stoves
Step stools ....................................................... 0620 Use: Other grills or stoves .............................. 3233
Footstools, ottomans or hassocks .................... 4079 Ranges/stoves, kitchen .......................See: Ranges
If type of stool is not specifically identified, Toy stoves
Use: Stools, other or not specified................... 4080 Use: Pretend electronics, tools,
housewares and appliances ......................... 5020
Stoopball Other grills or stoves ........................................ 3233
Use: Other ball sports (activity/apparel/ If type of stove is not specifically identified,
equipment) ....................................................... 3235 Choose among:
Ranges or ovens, not specified ...................... 0281
Stoppers, door Grills, not specified ......................................... 3249
Use: Door stops.................................................. 0434 Also consider:
Storage areas
Use: Cabinets, racks, room Straight ladders
dividers and shelves ......................................... 4056 Use: Extension or straight ladders ..................... 4077
Sump pumps
Use: Pumps, not elsewhere
classified ......................................................... 1462
Swimming pools
Choose among:
Above-ground swimming pools
(excl. portable pools) ...................................... 3221
Built-in swimming pools .................................... 3251
Inflatable swimming pools
Use: Portable swimming pools ....................... 5043
Portable swimming pools .................................. 5043
Swimming pools, in ground
Use: Built-in swimming pools ......................... 3251
Swimming pool equipment
(excl. chemicals, diving boards,
and swimming pool slides) ............................. 3262
If swimming pool only described as “wading
pool” or “kiddie pool” and portability not known,
Use: Portable swimming pools ......................... 5043
If type of swimming pool is not specifically identified,
Use: Swimming pools, not specified ................. 1284
Also consider:
Diving or diving boards
Swimming pool slides
Choose among:
Swings or swing sets (excl. portable
baby swings) .................................................. 3246
Baby swings, portable (for home use) ............. 1553
Switchblade knives
Use: Knives, not elsewhere classified ................ 0464
Switches, electric
Use: Electrical wire or wiring systems (excl.
panelboards, receptacles or interrupters) ......... 4062
Use: Hypodermic needles or syringes ................ 1716
Sythes (scythes)
Use: Other unpowered garden tools................... 1403
Table knives Tablets (drugs)
Use: Knives, not elsewhere classified ................ 0464 Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
to children under 5 years of age
Table lamps Choose among:
Choose among: Antihistamines .................................................. 1928
Floor lamps or table lamps, electric Aspirin or aspirin compounds ........................... 1923
(excl. halogen lamps) .................................... 4071 Aspirin substitutes ............................................ 1930
Floor lamps or table lamps, halogen ............... 4070 Preparations containing iron salts .................... 1916
If type of table lamp is not specifically identified, If type of tablet is not specifically identified,
Use: Floor lamps or table lamps, Use: Tablet or capsule drugs (excl.
electric (excl. halogen lamps) ....................... 4071 aspirin, aspirin substitutes, iron
preparations and antihistamines) ................... 1931
Table linens ........................................................ 0651 Also consider:
Veterinary medicines
Choose among: Tableware and accessories
Baby changing tables ....................................... 1502 (excl. drinking glasses, cups, and mugs) ......... 0474
Billiard or pool tables
Use: Billiards or pool (activity/apparel/ Tackle or tackle boxes
equipment) ................................................... 1260 Use: Fishing (activity/apparel/equipment;
Folding tables excl. fishing knives) .......................................... 3223
Use: Tables (excl. baby changing tables,
billiard or pool tables and television Tacks
tables or stands) ........................................... 4057 Use: Nails, screws, tacks or bolts....................... 1819
Picnic tables
Use: Tables (excl. baby changing Tanks, air
tables, billiard or pool tables and Choose among:
television tables or stands) ........................... 4057 Cutting torches ................................................. 0874
Table tennis tables Oxygen tanks (non-medical use)
Use: Table tennis (activity/apparel/ Use: Pressurized containers (nonaerosol;
equipment) ................................................... 1269 excl. alcoholic beverage or soft drink
Television tables or stands ............................... 0519 bottles and cans) .......................................... 1138
If type of table is not specifically identified, Oxygen tanks (medical use) .............. Do not report
Use: Tables (excl. baby changing Scuba diving (activity/apparel/equipment)........ 1275
tables, billiard or pool tables and
television tables or stands) ............................. 4057 Tanks, fish
Use: Aquariums or accessories.......................... 1240
Table hockey / air hockey
Use: Toys, not elsewhere classified ................... 1381 Tanks, fuel storage
Choose among:
Table or bench saws .......................................... 0841 Fuel storage tanks (excl. propane,
LP and butane tanks) ..................................... 0980
Table tennis (activity/apparel/equipment) ........ 1269 Propane, LP or butane gas tanks or fittings ..... 0131
Tape decks
Use: Tape recorders or players
(self-contained units) ........................................ 0556
Tapes Teeter-totters
Choose among: Use: Seesaws or teeterboards ........................... 1243
Tapes (with adhesive surfaces) ........................ 0927
Electric heat tapes ............................................ 0390 Teeth cleaning devices ............. See: Toothbrushes
First-aid tapes or medical tapes ........ Do not report
Measuring tapes Teething rings or beads
Use: Other manual workshop tools ................ 0881 Use: Pacifiers or teething rings .......................... 1525
Recording tapes ............................................... 0531
VCR (video) tapes Telephone booths
Use: Recording tapes ..................................... 0531 Use: Public use equipment ................................ 1738
T-ball Terraces
Use: Baseball (activity/apparel/equipment; Choose among:
excl. softball) .................................................... 5041 Ceilings and walls (interior part of
completed structure) ...................................... 1884
Teakettles or teapots Floors or flooring materials ............................... 1807
Choose among:
Unpowered coffee makers or teapots............... 0405 Terrariums
Electric coffee makers or teapots ..................... 0217 Use: Greenhouse or gardening supplies
If type of teapot is not specifically identified, (excl. hoses, sprayers, plant stands, tools
Use: Coffee makers or teapots, not specified ..... 0452 and chemicals) ................................................. 1413
Also Consider: Kettles or hotpots, electric Also consider:
Tear gas guns or pens
Use: Personal protection devices ....................... 1619 Testing equipment, electrical ............................ 0815
Texting Timers
Use: Telephones or telephone accessories ......... 0550 Choose among:
Electric timers................................................... 0710
Thermal containers Kitchen gadgets, not elsewhere classified ....... 0428
Use: Vacuum containers .................................... 1102 Also consider:
Thermal or sound insulation materials ............ 1803 Clocks
Also consider:
House repair or construction materials, not Tires
elsewhere classified If the product the tire is associated with (e.g., bicycle,
lawn mower, motor vehicle, etc.) is known, then code
Thermometers that product.
Choose among: If product the tire is associated with is
Medical thermometers ........................ Do not report unknown, then ......................................Do not report.
Thermometers (excl. medical
thermometers) ................................................ 0477 Tire iron
Use: Automotive tools and accessories ............. 0821
Thermostats (for heating or
cooling systems) ................................................ 0340 Tissues
Use: Paper products (excl. bags, cups,
Thimbles straws and cardboard products) ...................... 1137
Use: Sewing basket articles (excl. scissors, pins,
needles and sewing machine accessories)........ 1671 Toaster ovens
Use: Electric counter-top ovens,
Thinners, paint broilers or toaster ovens ................................... 0216
Use: Paint or varnish thinners
(excl. turpentine)............................................... 0908 Toasters (excl. toaster ovens)........................... 0234
Also consider:
Turpentine Tobacco
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
Thread to children under 5 years of age
Use: Sewing basket articles (excl. scissors, pins, Use: Substance ingested or inhaled by a victim
needles and sewing machine accessories)........ 1671 under age 5 which could lead to a poisoning &
for which there is no current product code ..........5555
Throw rugs
Use: Runners, throw rugs or Toboggans .......................................................... 1273
doormats (excl. bathtub mats) .......................... 0612 Also consider:
Also consider: Sleds
Mats Snow boarding
Snow disks
Throwers or blowers, snow
Use: Snow throwers or blowers .......................... 1406 Toddler beds....................................................... 4082
Tracks, toy
Use: Toy vehicles (excl. riding toys) ................... 5021
Tractors (vehicle)
Choose among:
Farm tractors ........................................Do not report
Garden tractors ................................................ 1405
Riding power lawn mower ................................ 1422
Tractors, other or not specified......................... 1062
Tricycles Trowels
Choose among: Use: Other unpowered garden tools .................. 1403
Tricycles (children’s)......................................... 1301
Pedal-powered adult vehicles Trucks .................................................. Do not report
(3 or more wheels) ......................................... 3202
Trucks (models or toys)
Trimmers, hair Choose among:
Use: Hair clippers and trimmers ......................... 1683 Riding toy trucks........................... See: Riding toys
Toy vehicles (excl. riding toys) ......................... 5021
Trimming or pruning equipment
Power pruning or trimming equipment, Use: Footlockers ................................................ 0693
Choose among:
Brushcutters, powered ..................................... 1463 Tubes
Lawn trimmers or edgers, Choose among:
powered (excl. brushcutters) .......................... 1464 Fluorescent tubes or bulbs
Power hedge trimmers ..................................... 1427 Use: Light bulbs (excl. Christmas
Powered string trimmers tree light bulbs)............................................. 0627
Use: Lawn trimmers or edgers, Glass tubing or test tubes ................................ 1124
powered (excl. brushcutters) ........................ 1464 Innertubes (not used in snow or water tubing activity)
Other power pruning or trimming Use: Flotation toys (excl. official
equipment ...................................................... 1454 life saving devices) ....................................... 3279
If type of power pruning or trimming equipment is not
specifically identified, Tubing (activity)
Use: Power pruning or trimming Choose among:
equipment, not specified .................................. 1456 Snow tubing (activity/apparel/equipment) ........ 1299
Water tubing (activity/apparel/equipment) ........ 3200
Manual pruning or trimming equipment,
Choose among: Tubs (bathtubs)
Manual hedge trimmers.................................... 1449 Use: Bathtubs or showers (incl. fixtures or
Manual lawn trimmers or edgers ...................... 1450 accessories; excl. enclosures, faucets,
Other manual pruning or trimming spigots and towel racks)................................... 0611
equipment ...................................................... 1453 Also consider:
If type of manual pruning or trimming equipment is not Bathtub enclosures
Use: Manual pruning or trimming Tug-of-war
equipment, not specified .................................. 1455 Use: Sports and recreation activity,
not elsewhere classified ................................... 1200
If type of pruning or trimming equipment is not
specifically identified as power or manual, Tumblers, drink
Use: Pruning or trimming equipment, Use: Drinking glasses, cups, and mugs ............. 0478
not specified ..................................................... 1447
Tumblers, rock
Use: Lapidary equipment ................................... 0533
Tunnels, play
Use: Children's play tents, play
tunnels or other enclosures .............................. 1322
Turkey fryers
Choose among:
Electric turkey fryers
Use: Electric deep fryers .................................. 0219
Nonelectric turkey fryers
Use: Other cookware ......................................... 0465
If type of turkey fryer is not specifically identified,
Use: Other cookware .......................................... 0465
Turpentine........................................................... 0933
Also consider:
Paint removers
Use: Public use equipment................................. 1738
Use: Televisions ................................................. 0572
TV tray tables
Use: Trays (excl. food warmers).......................... 0432
Use: Manicure, pedicure, and make-up
brushes and tools (excluding cosmetics) ........... 1659
Use: Business and office machines.................... 0571
Umbrellas ............................................................ 1660 Utility lighters
Choose among:
Umbrella base, patio Multi-purpose lighters
Use: Umbrellas ................................................... 1660 Choose among:
Electric multi-purpose lighters ...................... 1689
Umbrella stands Fuel multi-purpose lighters ........................... 1688
Use: Cabinets, racks, room dividers and If type of multi-purpose lighter is not
shelves, not elsewhere classified ..................... 4056 specifically identified,
Use: Multi-purpose lighters, not specified..... 1690
Underground sprinklers Cigarette or pipe lighters .................................. 1604
Use: Garden hoses, nozzles or sprinklers .......... 1414 If not specified if a multi-purpose lighter
or a cigarette lighter,
Underwear Use: Lighters, not specified .............................. 1687
Use: Day wear .................................................... 1645
Utility meters or “smart” meter
Uneven bars If fire involvement,
Use: Gymnastics (activity/apparel/ Use: General home or room
equipment) ....................................................... 1272 involvement in fires ............................................1866
Otherwise ............................................ Do not report
Unicycles (activity/apparel/equipment) ............ 1283
Utility pipes
Uniforms Use: Pipes (excl. smoking pipes) ....................... 0374
For sports uniforms, use code for specific sport.
If uniform is not sports apparel, use: Utility poles (e.g., telephone poles) ... Do not report
Day wear .......................................................... 1645
Utility vehicles .................................................... 5044
Upholstered chairs Also consider:
Choose among: All terrain vehicles
Recliner chairs.................................................. 0670
Rocking chairs .................................................. 0671
Chairs, other or not specified ........................... 4074
Upholstery shampoos
Use: General-purpose household cleaners (excl.
abrasives, ammonia, pine oil and
toilet bowl products) ......................................... 0954
USB cable
Use: Computers (equipment and
electronic games) ............................................. 0557
Use: Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns .......... 0654
Utensils, kitchen
Use: Kitchen gadgets, not elsewhere
classified .......................................................... 0428
Also consider:
Tableware and accessories
Utility knives
Use: Knives with replaceable blades .................. 0836
Vacuum cleaners ................................................ 0115 Vaults
Includes workshop vacs and wet/dry vacs Choose among:
Safes ................................................................ 0709
Vacuum containers ............................................ 1102 Gymnastics (activity/apparel/equipment) ......... 1272
Use: Knickknacks, statues, vases or urns .......... 0654
Veterinary medicines
Code only for poisonings or chemical burns
to children under 5 years of age ........................ 1914
VCR cassettes
Use: Recording tapes ......................................... 0531
Use: Glass tubing or test tubes ............................ 1124
Use: Massage devices or vibrators
(excl. shower attachments) .............................. 1610
Video cameras
Use: Photographic equipment
(excl. chemicals and projectors) ....................... 0536
Video games
Use: Computers (equipment and
electronic games) ............................................. 0557
Waders (boots) Wallpaper cleaners, chemical ........................... 0970
Use: Fishing (activity/apparel/equipment; Also consider:
excl. fishing knives) .......................................... 3223 Household cleaners
Yard equipment, decorative
Choose among:
Decorative yard equipment, excluding
water features................................................. 1465
Decorative water features, including
man-made ponds and fountains ..................... 1466
Use: Other manual workshop tools .................... 0881
Use: Sewing basket articles (excl. scissors, pins,
needles and sewing machine accessories)........ 1671
Yoga balls
Use: Exercise equipment (excl. weight
lifting and gymnastic equipment) ........................ 3277
Yoga equipment
Use: Exercise equipment (excl. weight
lifting and gymnastic equipment) ........................ 3277
Yogurt makers
Use: Other cookware.......................................... 0465
Zapper, bug
Use: Insect traps, powered ................................. 1460
If zipper is attached, use code for clothing or
product to which zipper is attached.
If zipper is unattached:
Use: Sewing basket articles (excl. scissors, pins,
needles and sewing machine accessories)...... 1671
Zip lines
Use: Other playground equipment........................ 3219
Zip ties
Use: Other specified plastic products ................... 1145
Abscess Burns
Use: Other/Not Stated ...................................... 71 Choose among:
Chemical burn (incl. caustic burns) ................ 49
Abrasion ............................................................ 53 Electrical burn.................................................. 46
Friction burn
Acromioclavicular (AC) joint separation Use: Contusions, abrasions .......................... 53
Use: Strain or sprain ......................................... 64 Radiation burn (incl. all cell damage
by ultraviolet rays, X-rays, microwaves,
Allergic reaction lasers, radioactive materials) ........................ 73
Choose among: Scald burn (from hot liquid or steam) ............. 48
Ingested or inhaled substance Thermal burn (from flames or hot surface) .... 51
Use: Poisoning ............................................ *68 Burn, not specified .......................................... 47
Rash (contact with substance)
Use: Dermatitis, conjunctivitis ...................... 74 Bursitis
Other (e.g., swelling, inflammation) Use: Other/Not Stated....................................... 71
Use: Other/Not Stated .................................. 71
Cauliflower ear (if no more specific diagnosis)
Amnesia Use: Other/Not Stated....................................... 71
Use: Other/Not Stated ...................................... 71
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Amputation ........................................................ 50 inhalation or CO "poisoning"
Use: Anoxia ......................................................*65
Anoxia ............................................................... *65
Cardiac arrest
Asphyxiation, asphyxia Use: Other/Not Stated......................................*71
Use: Anoxia ..................................................... *65
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Aspirated foreign object ............................... **42 Use: Nerve Damage ......................................... 61
Use: Aspirated foreign object ........................ **42
Concussion ........................................................ 52
Conjunctivitis..................................................... 74
Use: Other/Not Stated....................................... 71
Infection Otitis
Use: Other/Not Stated .......................................71 Use: Other/Not Stated....................................... 71
Use: Anoxia ..................................................... *65
Use: Dislocation .................................................55
If cervical subluxation ........................................71
Use: Anoxia ..................................................... *65
Use: Other/Not Stated .......................................71
Tendon injury
Use: Strain or sprain ..........................................64
Use: Other/Not Stated .......................................71
“Tennis elbow”
Use: Strain or sprain ..........................................64
Tooth fracture
Use: Dental injury ..............................................60
Use: Other/Not Stated .......................................71
Abdomen Cheek
Above navel Use: Face .......................................................... 76
Use: Upper trunk ............................................ 31
Below navel Chest
Use: Lower trunk ............................................ 79 Use: Upper trunk (excl. shoulders) ................... 31
If unspecified above or below navel
Use: Lower trunk ............................................ 79 Chin
Use: Face .......................................................... 76
Achilles tendon
Use: Lower leg (excl. knee and ankle)............. 36 Clavicle
Use: Shoulder ................................................... 30
Adrenals/Adrenal gland
Use: Upper trunk .............................................. 31 Collarbone
Use: Shoulder ................................................... 30
Ankle .................................................................. 37
Antecubital fossa Use: Lower trunk ............................................... 79
Use: Elbow ........................................................ 32
Anus Use: Eyeball ...................................................... 77
Use: Lower trunk .............................................. 79
Arm Use: Lower trunk ............................................... 79
Choose among:
Upper arm (humerus) ..................................... 80 Diaper rash
Lower arm (ulna, radius) ................................ 33 Use: Lower trunk ............................................... 79
Elbow .............................................................. 32
Wrist ................................................................ 34 Diaphragm
If not specified, use Lower arm ...................... 33 Use: Upper trunk (excl. shoulders) ................... 31
Use: Neck ......................................................... 89
Femur Knuckles
Use: Upper leg .................................................. 81 Choose among:
Finger .............................................................. 92
Femoral Neck Hand ................................................................ 82
Use: Lower trunk .............................................. 79
Lap (if no other information available)
Fibula Use: Upper leg (femur) ..................................... 81
Use: Lower leg .................................................. 36
Finger ................................................................. 92 Choose among:
Upper leg (femur) ............................................ 81
Flank or side Lower leg (fibula, tibia) .................................... 36
Use: Lower trunk .............................................. 79 Knee ................................................................ 35
Foot (metatarsal) ................................................ 83 Ankle ................................................................ 37
If not specified, use Lower leg ........................ 36
Use: Lower arm ................................................ 33 Lip
Use: Mouth ........................................................ 88
Use: Face.......................................................... 76 Liver
Use: Upper trunk (excl. shoulders) ................... 31
Use: Pubic region ............................................. 38 Lower arm (ulna) ................................................ 33
Hamstring Lumbar
Use: Upper leg (femur) ..................................... 81 Use: Lower trunk ............................................... 79
Intestine Nose
Use: Lower trunk .............................................. 79 Use: Face .......................................................... 76
Jaw Pancreas
Use: Face.......................................................... 76 Use: Upper trunk (excl. shoulders) ................... 31
Knee (patella) 35
Pelvis Sternum
Use: Lower trunk .............................................. 79 Use: Upper trunk (excl. shoulders) ................... 31
Periorbital/eyelid Stomach
Use: Face.......................................................... 76 Use: Upper trunk (excl. shoulders) ................... 31
Sacrum Tongue
Use: Lower trunk .............................................. 79 Use: Mouth ........................................................ 88
Scalp Tonsil
Use: Head ......................................................... 75 Use: Mouth ........................................................ 88
Shin Trapezius
Use: Lower leg (excl. ankle and knee)............. 36 Use: Shoulder ................................................... 30
Spleen Ulna
Use: Upper trunk (excl. shoulders) .................. 31 Use: Lower arm ................................................. 33
Use: Mouth........................................................ 88
Use: Pubic region ............................................. 38
Wrist ................................................................... 34
Some examples of specific incident sites covered under each NEISS incident locale code follow:
HOME (house, townhouse, apartment, etc.) – CODE 1: MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOME – CODE 6:
Locale Code 1 Includes: Code only for location, not as product
• Patient’s own home
• Someone else’s home INDUSTRIAL PLACE – CODE 7:
• Rooms inside a home Locale Code 7 Includes:
• Porch or patio of a home • Factory
• Yard or garden of a home • Railway yard
• Garage or driveway of a home • Oil field
• Foster home • Warehouse
• Sidewalk of a house • Loading platform of factory or store
• Farmhouse • Construction site
(Excludes manufactured/mobile home)
FARM/RANCH – CODE 2: Locale Code 8 Includes:
Locale Code 2 Includes: • children’s day care facilities (including “in
• Land, pasture, farm home” daycare)
• Barn or other outbuilding • all types of schools, including: nursery,
elementary, middle school, high school,
Locale Code 2 Excludes: college, business school, etc.
• Farmhouse or driveway, yard, garden, etc.,
immediately surrounding a farmhouse PLACE OF RECREATION OR SPORTS – CODE 9:
(See code for Home.) Locale Code 9 Includes:
• Bowling alley
STREET OR HIGHWAY – CODE 4: • Amusement park
Locale Code 4 Includes: • Sports fields or stadiums
• Highway • Lake, mountain, or beach resort
• Alley • Park, beach, or recreation area (including
• Road (paved, unpaved, etc.) water)
• Public thoroughfare of any kind
OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY – CODE 5: Locale Code 0 Includes:
Locale Code 5 Includes: • locale not stated on emergency department
• Store record
• Office building
• Restaurant
• Church
• Hotel or motel
• Casino
• Hospital, nursing home, other medical facility
• Adult day care facility
• Fraternity/Sorority house
• Theater
• Sidewalk (excl. sidewalk of a house)
• Parking lots/Parking garages
• Other public property
• Condo/apartment common/public areas
*If the record states “Indian” and the state is AZ, CA, MT, NM, OK, WY, and there is no other information on the record regarding the
patient’s race, then it is categorized as American Indian/Alaska Native. For all other states it is categorized as Asian.
Substance ingested or inhaled by a victim under age 5 which could lead to a poisoning and for which there is no current
product code.