Method For Calculating Coupling Coeffici PDF
Method For Calculating Coupling Coeffici PDF
Method For Calculating Coupling Coeffici PDF
Abstract—Optimizing the efficiency of primary and secondary coil I. CURRENT TECHNOLOGICAL CHALLENGES
configurations for Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) in
Electric Vehicles (EVs) requires means for accurate calculation of
Although it seems that technology is in a fast-moving
the mutual inductance in an array of coils. Based on finite element direction towards achieving efficient, game-changing EVs, there
simulation method, we present a quick and accurate method for are still several problems that must be solved.
calculating the energy transfer capabilities of a given DWPT These include:
array. By consecutively switching on and off every coil and • Ensuring electrical safety in handling high power
driving them with a constant current ramp rate, mutual lines, especially in extreme weather
inductances and a coupling coefficient matrix of the whole • Increasing the speed of recharging
configuration is easily calculated. This method allows for
relatively easy optimization and up-scaling of DWPT systems to
• Decreasing the EV system's weight
multiple arrays of primary and secondary coils as well as Wireless energy transfer is an emerging technology that
implementing various coil designs and configurations. The data presents a solution to these problems [1], [4] and [5].
acquired using this method may also be used during real-time The DWPT solution is well based and is presented as one of
applications providing indications of vehicle relative alignment. the most promising technologies for EV solutions [6].
However, in order for this technology to be adopted, the
I. INTRODUCTION optimization process needs to overcome cost and efficiency
As electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more popular, challenges.
several technologies are competing to make their imprint in the Several methods for calculating optimization parameters for
market. Each EV technology has its advantages and DWPT systems have been proposed [7] and [8], focusing
disadvantages that may promote their use for different mainly on the calculation of the magnetic flux density, where
applications, optimizing their efficiency. the coils are chosen with common geometrical topologies in
A comprehensive assessment of modern inductive power order to ease the analysis [9].
transfer systems for transportation may be found in [1]. We propose to focus on the coupling parameter between the
ElectRoad Ltd. [2] is one of the few firms that are working on primary and secondary coils, while also being able to calculate
developing a system based on Dynamic Wireless Power the self-inductance of each coil with relative ease, unreliant on
Transfer (DWPT) [3]. using common geometrical coil topologies.
The DWPT technology is predominantly dependent on the It is apparent that the coupling of the coils is not the sole
magnetic coupling achieved between primary transmitting coils parameter optimized to achieve a cost efficient product.
within the road, and secondary coils situated under the vehicle However, using this parameter and applying the simple
chassis. method of calculation we describe below, more complex and
This makes optimization of the coupling between the coils a innovative designs can be tested with ease to determine the
decisive factor in the efficiency of the technology and its efficiency of the coupling factors and allow for a relatively
ultimate success in implementation. quick and simple optimization process.
It is the purpose of this article to introduce a method that
allows simulating the coupling coefficients between multiple
arrays of coils, regardless of their topology, yielding the
essential information needed to determine the design's power
transfer capabilities.
The method also takes into consideration the exact location of
the coils and effects of other structures/materials in the vicinity.
J. Linden acknowledges a fellowship granted by the Israeli
Ministry of Science allowing his active participation in this
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This case provides an example when the coupling between Administration, US Department of Transportation, August 2014.
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coupling between coils may lead to a loss in efficiency or other
[7] Jesús Sallán, Member, IEEE, Juan L. Villa, Andrés Llombart, and José
problems in the application’s performance.
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configurations with relative ease and short simulation times.
The goal in mind is to enhance the process needed to come
up with new and better topologies and allow relatively easy
optimization and up-scaling the system to multiple arrays of
primary and secondary coils.