Unit 1
1 a) Distinguish between the following (June –July 2015,June - July 2014, Dec 2013)
i) Plane surveying: curvature of earth is not taken into account small areas.
Geoditic survey: curvature of earth is taken into account large areas.
ii) Precision: Consistency with repetition
Accuracy: nearness to true value
iii) Systematic error: Reason for error known and correction can be computed. + or –
Random error: reason not known error will be + as well as – ve – probability method.
iv) Instrumental error: Instrument not in adjustment
Personal error: error in observations.
1. Engineering survey: The objective of this type of surveying is to collect data for designing
roads, railways, irrigation, water supply and sewage disposal projects. These surveys may be
further subdivided into:
a. Reconnaissance survey for determining feasibility ad estimation of the scheme.
b. Preliminary survey for collecting more information to estimate the cost o the project
selected, and
c. Location survey to set the work on the ground.
2. Military Survey: This survey is meant for working out points of strategic importance.
3. Mine survey: This is used for exploring mineral wealth.
4. Geological survey: this survey is for finding different strata in the earth’s crust.
5. Archaeological survey: this survey is for unearthing relics of antiquity.
Based on the instruments used, surveying may be classified into the following:
1. Chain Survey
2. Compass Survey
3. Plane Table Survey
4. Theodolite Survey
5. Tacheometric Survey
6. Modern Survey using electronic equipment like distance metres and total stations.
7. Photographic and Aerial Survey.
3. Explain briefly how the maps are numbered by survey of India.(june-july 2015 & Dec2013)
The entire area covered by India is divided into A 40 * 40 longitude and latitude and each grid is
numbered as shown in Fig.1. Each grid is further divided in 4 * 4 grid of size 1 0 *10 longitude and
latitude and they are numbered as shown in Fig 2.
The scale used for 40 * 40 grid map is 1:25000 and the scale used for 10 *10 grid maps is 1:50,000
the 10 *10 longitudinal nad lateral grids are further divided in 15’ * 15’ grids and are numbered.
These maps are available in 1:50,000 to 1:25000 scales. A map corresponding to 55 th A of 6th grid is
referred to as NH 55 A – 6, where NH refers to Northern Hemisphere.
Problems (Dec-2013)
1. The distance between two points measured along a slope is 800 m. Find the distance
between the points if,
i) The difference in level between the points is 60 m.
ii) The angle of slope between the points is 10 (06 Marks)
2 2 2 2
Dl h (
0) (
Horizontal distance = D7
1. Explain with a neat sketch the indirect ranging and direct ranging:(Dec-2013 ,June-july 2014,
June-july 2015 )
Direct ranging:
This is possible. If the first and last points on the survey line are intervisible. Fig. shows the end
points A, B in a survey line which is intervisible. Now it is necessary to locate point C on line AB,
which is slightly less than a chain length from A. It needs two persons. At points A and B ranging
rods are erected. The assistant of survey positions himself as close to line AB as possible at a
distance slightly less than a chain length and hold a ranging rod. The survey or positions himself
approximately 2 m behind A and sights ranging rods at A and B. He directs the assistant to move to
the left or right of line AB till he finds the ranging rods at A,B and C in a line. The surveyor should
always observe at lower portion of the ranging rods. The signals used in instructing the assistant at
C while ranging.
Indirect ranging: If the two end points of the line to be measured are not intervisible, the surveyor
has to go for indirect ranging. This is also called reciprocal ranging. The invisibility of points may
be due to unevenness of the ground or due to long distance Fig (a) shows cross – section of the
ground which is a typical case of invisibility of point B of the line from point A. Fig (b) shows the
plan .M and N are the two points to be fixed or AB such that both points are visible from A as well
as B. It needs four people to fix points M and N one person near each point A, B, M and N.
Positions are a fundamental element of geographic data. Sets of positions form features, . Positions are
produced by acts of measurement, which are susceptible to human, environmental, and instrument errors.
Measurement errors cannot be eliminated, but systematic errors can be estimated, and compensated for.
Land surveyors use specialized instruments to measure angles and distances, from which they
calculate horizontal and vertical positions. The Global Positioning System (and to a potentially
greater extent, the emerging Global Navigation Satellite System) enables both surveyors and
ordinary citizens to determine positions by measuring distances to three or more Earth-orbiting
satellites. As you've read in this chapter (and may known from personal experience), GPS
technology now rivals electro-optical positioning devices (i.e., "total stations" that combine optical
angle measurement and electronic distance measurement instruments) in both cost and performance.
This raises the question, "If survey-grade GPS receivers can produce point data with sub-centimeter
accuracy, why are electro-optical positioning devices still so widely used?" I
3. Explain methods of chaining on sloping ground.( June -July 2014)
In surveying horizontal distances are required. If the ground is sloping there are two methods to get
horizontal distances:
1. Direct method
2. Indirect method.
Direct method: This method is known as method of stepping also, since the line is measured in
smaller step length. Let AB be the length of line to be measured on a sloping ground the surveyor
holds the tape firmly at A and the leader goes with a convenient length l1 of tape say, 5 m, 10 m, 15
m, and a ranging rod in hand. After ranging, the leader holds the chain horizontally. He may be
guided by the surveyor or others in the party for horizontality of the tape. After stretching the tape,
with the help of a plumb bob or by dropping a pebble, the leader transfers the end of the tape to the
ground and marks. The length of te tape selected is such that the drop is never more than the
eyesight of the leader. The length l1 is noted and they move to measure next step length. The two
step lengths need not be the same. The procedure continues till the total length is measured. It is
preferable to measure down the slope rather than up the slope, since the surveyor can hold the tape
firmly, if the measurements are down the hill. In this method tape is preferred over chain since it is
light and hence can be stretched horizontally, keeping sag at minimum.
Indirect method: If the slope of the ground is gentle these methods may be employed. In these
methods linear measurement is along the sloping ground and it involves angular measurement also.
The following three methods are in common use:
a) First method: Total length to be divide into each segment having particular slope. D=Σlcosθ
b) Second method: The difference in level 'h' is measured by knowing the sloping ground length 'l'
c) Third method: This method is useful when intermediate points on a line are to be used for
taking offsets.
4. A 30 m chain was found to be 12 cms too long after chaining a distance of 1750 m. It was
found to be 23 cms too long at the end of day’s work after chaining a total distance of
3600 m. Find the true distance if the chain was correct, before the commencement of the
work. (Dec-13)
= 1753.5m
5.The length of the line measured with 20.0m chain was 1341.0m. The same line when
measured with 30.0 m chain was 20m too short was fond to be 1350.00m. Determine the error
in 20.0m chain.(June-july 2015)
Zero error
5. A tape 100 m long of standard length at 29C was used to measure a line, the mean
temperature during measurement being 14.4C. The measured length was 636.94 m, the
following being the slopes.(Dec-14)
2 20for 100 m 50 for 60 m
1 0for 100 m 340 for 100 m
7 20for 40 m 140 for 100 m
1 20for 100 m 140 for 36.94 m
What was the true length of the line? Assume the coefficient of expansion of the tape was
0.00001116/1C. The tape was used on the flat to measure the line. (08 Marks)
Ct = 636.94*0.00001116(14.4-29)
Ct = 0.1037 m (negative)
Correction for
sl l(1 co
0 0 0 0 0
001 co
s22 0' 6
01 co
s5 0' 1
001 co
s1 0' 1
001 co
s3 40' 4
01 co
s72 0'
0 0 0
001 co
s1 40' 1
001 co
s1 20' 3
41 co
s1 40'
sl 0
mn( eg
m bin edco
rrection=0 .1037+1.0
79 8
C =1.1
8 36m(neg
rrectedlength=m eam nedleng
th C
=6 3 6.94-1
= 6
3 5.756m
6. A steel tape of nominal length 30 m was suspended between supports to measure the length
of a line. The measured length of the line on a slope of angle 3 050’ is 29.859 m. The mean
temperature during the measurement was 120C and the pull applied was 100 N. If the
standard length of tape is 30.005 m at 200C and a standard pull of 45.0 N, calculate the
corrected horizontal length. Take weight of the tape as 0.15N/m, cross sectional area = 2.5
mm2, co – efficient of linear expansion = 1.15*10-5/0c and E = 2.0*105N/mm2.((June-July 2013)
1.With a neat sketch, explain the construction and working of an optical square. . (Dec 2014, June-
july 2015)
It is more accurate and convenient instrument for finding foot of the perpendicular or to set a right
amgle.It is a metal box of 50mm dia. And 120 mm deep.There three openings such as pin hole, a
small rectangular slot and a large rectangular slot.
3. List the point to be considered while selecting survey stations in chain surveying.(Dec 2013)
Chain survey suitable in the following cases1. Area to survey is comparatively small
2. Ground is fairly level
3. Area is open
4. Details to be filled up or simple and lets
Chain survey is not suitable in the following condition
1. Area to survey to large
2. Ground is quite UN – even
3. Area is crowded
4. Details the shows are to many.
1. Explain with neat sketches, how do you set out a perpendicular to the chain line from a
i) First method: Select any point D outside the chain line AB.a perpendicular distance of DC is
swung over chain line AB.
ii) Second method: Select any point the on the line join CD and bisect it at F. with F as centre &
CF or FD as radius draw an arc to cut the chain line at ‘C’, CD will be perpendicular to the chain
5. What are the sources of error in chaining? How to avoid them? (Dec2014)
Errors in chaining may be classified as:
1. Personal errors
2. Compensating errors, and
3. Cumulative errors
Personal errors: Personal errors like wrong reading, wrong recordings, reading from wrong end or
chain and miscounting of the chains are serious errors. It is not easy to detect unless they are too
big. Hence, care should be taken to avoid such errors.
Compensating errors: These errors can be positive or negative. Hence, they are likely to get
compensated when a large number of readings are taken. The following are the examples of such
1) Incorrect marking of the end of chain
2) Fractional parts of the chain may not be correct when the chain is corrected by adding or
removing a ring.
3) Graduation in the tape may not be exactly of same length throughout
4) In the method of stepping for measuring sloping ground, method of plumbing may be crude.
Cumulative errors: These are the errors which occur always in the same direction. Hence, as more
number of chain lengths is required while measuring a line they go on accumulating. Hence, even if
each one of such errors are small they are considerable when longer lengths are measured.
Examples of such errors are:
1. Bad ranging ( +ve)
2. Bad straightening
3. Non – horizontality
4. Sag in the chain
5. Erroneous length of chain
6. Temperature variation
7. Variation in pull.
First four errors are always + ve since they make measured length more than actual. Last three
errors may be + ve or –ve.
6. A tape 100 m long of standard length at 29C was used to measure a line, the mean
temperature during measurement being 14.4C. The measured length was 636.94 m, the
following being the slopes.
2 20for 100 m 50 for 60 m
1 0for 100 m 340 for 100 m
7 20for 40 m 140 for 100 m
1 20for 100 m 140 for 36.94 m
What was the true length of the line? Assume the coefficient of expansion of the tape was
0.00001116/1C. The tape was used on the flat to measure the line. (Dec-12)
7. The following are the bearings taken on a closed traverse. Compute interior angles. Find
the sum 9 the interior angles nad correct for observational errors assuming the error to be
equal in all the angels. From the corrected interior angles compute the bearing of the sides
assuming the bearing of CD to be correct (June-July 2013)
0 0 0 0 0
0' 1
' 9
Total correction : 25’ correction for each : 05’
Correct angles
0 0 0 0 0
' 1
5' 1
' 9
Corrected bearing
Line Bearing
CD 1700 50’
DE 2300 05’
EA 3100 50’
AB 800 40’
BC 1210 55’
i) Dependent t coordinates.
The latitude& departure co-ordinates of any point with reference to the preceding point are equal to
the latitude and departure of the line jioning the preciding point to the piont under consideration
.Such ordinates are called as dependent ordinates.
Independent ordinates.
The total latitude & departure of any point with respect to a common origin are known as
independent ordinates.
Bowditch's Method:
To balance a traverse where linear and angular measurements are required this rule is used and it is
also called as compass rule. The total error in latitude and departure is distributed in proportion to
the lengths of the sides.
ii)The Bowditch's rule is: Correction to latitude (or departure) of any side =
Total error in latitude (or departure) * length of that side /perimeter of traverse
Thus if, CL= correction of latitude of any side
CD= correction to departure of any side
ΣL= total error in latitude
ΣD= total error in departure
Σl= length of the perimeter
l= length of any side
CL=ΣL*(l/Σl) and CD=ΣD*(l/Σl)
Transit Method: It is employed when angular measurements are more precise than linear
The Transit rule is: Correction to latitude (or departure) of any side =
Total error in latitude (or departure) * latitude L(or departure D) of that line
Arithmetic sum of latitude LT(or departure DT)
CL=ΣL*(L/LT) and CD=ΣD*(D/DT)
iii) Latitude and departure.
Latitude It is coordinate length measured parallel to an assumed meridian direction.
Its ordinate length measured at right angles to the meridian direction.
3. Two stations P and Q on the main survey line, were taken on the opposite sides of a pond.
On the right of PQ, a line PR = 210 m long was laid down and another line PS = 260m long
was laid down on the left of PQ. The points R, Q and S are on the same straight line. The
measured lengths of RQ and QS are 85m and 75m respectively. What is the length of PQ?
(June-July 2013)
0 0 0 0 0
0' 1
' 9
Total correction : 25’ correction for each : 05’
Correct angles
0 0 0 0 0
' 1
5' 1
' 9
Corrected bearing
Line Bearing
CD 1700 50’
DE 2300 05’
EA 3100 50’
AB 800 40’
BC 1210 55’
4. Two stations P and Q were taken on southern side of ariver flowing west to east point. P is
westwards of pt Q at 75m apart. The bearings of atree R on the northern side of the bank is
observed to be to380 and 3380 from P and Q. Calculate the width of the river. . (June-July 2015)
Unit 5
What is local attraction? How is it detected with the data of compass survey?(Dec2013)
A magnetic meridian at a place is established by a magnetic needle which is uninfluenced by other
attracting forces. However, sometimes, the magnetic needle may be attracted and prevented from
indicating the true magnetic meridian when it is in proximity to certain magnetic substances. Local
attraction is a term used to denote any influence, such as the above, which prevents the needle from
pointing to the magnetic north in a given locality. Some of the sources of local attraction are :
magnetite in the ground, wire carrying electric current, steel structures, railroad rails, underground
iron pipes, keys, steel – bowed spectacles, metal buttons, axes, chains, steel tapes etc., which may
be lying on the ground nearby.
First method: In this method, the bearings of the lines are calculated on the basis of the bearing of
that line which has a difference of 1800 in its fore and back bearings. It is. However, assumed that
there are no observational and other instrumental errors. The amount and direction of error due to
local attraction at each of the affected station is found. If, however, there is no such line in which the
two bearings differ by 1800, the corrections should be made from the mean value of the bearing of
that line in which there is least discrepancy between the back sight and fore sight readings. If the
bearings are expressed in quadrantal system, the corrections must be applied in proper direction. In
1st and 3rd quadrants, the numerical value of bearings increase in clockwise direction while they
increase in anti – clockwise direction in 2nd and 4th quadrants. Positive corrections are applied
clockwise and negative corrections counter – clockwise.
Second method: This is more a general method and is based on the fact that though the bearings
measured at a station may be incorrect due to local attraction, the included angel calculated from the
bearings will be correct since the amount of error is the same for all the bearings measured at the
station. The included angles between the lines are calculated at all the stations. If the traverse is a
close one, the sum of the internal included angles must be right angles. If there is any discrepancy in
this, observational and instrumental errors also exist. Such error is distributed equally to all the
angles. Proceeding now with the line, the bearings of which differ by 180 0, the bearings of all other
lines are calculated.
1. The following bearings were observed while traversing with a compass.
Line FB BB
AB 1500 329 45
BC 77 30 256 0
CD 41 30 22245
DE 314 15 134 45
EA 22015 4015
At what stations do you suspect local attraction? Determine the correct bearings. Also
determine the true bearings if declination is 230E. (Dec14)
A ls o o n te rm e d F B u p A B c o rre c t
A dd 180 00 '
c o rre c t B B o f A B = 3 3 0 0 0 '
a ls o o n te rm e d B B o f A B 329 045 '
= 0 01 5 '
E rror v e , c o r r e c tio n ve
o b s e rv e d A B u p B C = 7 7 0 3 0 '
A d d c o rre c tio n = 0 01 5 '
c o rre c t A B o f B C = 7 7 0 4 5 '
A dd =1800 0'
c o rre c t B B o f B C = 2 5 7 0 4 5 '
o n s e rv a l B B o f B C = 2 5 0 0 0 '
q iff 1 0 4 5 '
E rror v e . c o r r e c tio n v e
TB=ton bearing
MB=magnetic bearing
2. In the following traverse ABCDEA, the length and bearing of EA is omitted. Calculate
the length and bearing of line EA. (June-July 2013)
Line Length (m) FB
AB 204.0 8730
BC 226.0 20 20
CD 187.0 280 0
DE 192.0 210 3
EA ? ?
Time Latitude Departure
+ - + -
AB 8.898 20381
BC 211.91 78.53
CD 32.47 184.16
DE 166.19 96.145
SUM 253.278 166.19 282.34 280.305
L'87.09 D'2.035
Latitude of EA = -L'87.09
Departure of EA =-D'2.035
Since the latitude and departure of EA are both negative, the time EA lies in 3rd quadrant SW
RB OF EA ta n D
2 .0 3 5
ta n
8 7 .0 9
2 .0 3 5
ta n 1
8 7 .0 9
102 0 ' S l 0 2 0 'W
W E B o f E A 1 8 102 0 '
L e n g th o f E A = L2 D 2
( 8 7 .0 9 ) 2 ( 2 .0 3 5 ) 2
8 7 .1 1 3 m
C hence
L e n g th E A la t o f E A s e c
8 7 .0 9 8 7 .1 1 m
co s 102 0 '
L e n g th E A D ep of E A cos
2 .0 3 5 8 7 .1 1 m
s in 10 2 0 '
3. Following are the bearings observed in a compass traverse. Identify the stations affected by
local attraction and determine corrected bearings.(Dec-14)
a) Stations D and E are not affected by local attraction. Other stations are suspected to be
appeared ad by local attraction but further investigation required (Dec-12)
4 An abstract form a traverse sheet for a closed traverse is given below. Balance the traverse using i)
Bowditch’s method; ii) Transit method.(June-July 2011)
B) L8.5D0
Departure requires no correction total correction for latitude = -8.5
Corrected latitudes: bowditch’s method:
-174.90, -1.105, 85.75, 247.88, -157.62
Corrected latitudes: transit method:
-175.41, 0, 85.492, 246.80, -156.88
5. Reciprocal leveling was done to determine the difference in elevation between two stations
C and D. the following observations were made. Find the difference in elevation and the error
due to line of collimation. Neglect other errors. :( June-july2015)
Position of cdumpy
d1 level
c2 d2 Staff reading s
h t
Near C 0.5375 m 3.250 2.730
Near DD at a higher elevation than c 2.505 1.950
c1 d1 c2 d2
h=0.535m 0.0175m
1. Explain the following :i) Types of adjustments of dumpy level. ii) Differential leveling and
profile lavelling. (Dec2013, June-july2014)
Adjustment of a level
1. Setting up
2. Leveling up
3. Focusing
Setting up: It is to set the tripod stand to a convenient height by bringing bubble to the centre of run
through the movement of tripod legs radially.
Levelling up: To make the vertical axis truly vertical the levelling is made with the help of foot
1. Loosen the clamp and turn the instrument until bubble axis is parallel to line joining any two
2. Turn the two screws inward or outward equally till bubble is centered.
3. Turn the telescope through 90 degrees so that it lies over the third screw.
Focusing: For quantitative measurements it is essential that the image should always be formed in
the fixed plane in the telescope where the cross – hairs are situated
Differential leveling and profile levelling.
profile levelling.
This type of leveling is known as – longitudinal section.
The reduced levels of various points at regular intervals are found along a line or a set of lines. Then
the engineers draw the sectional view of the ground to get the profile. This type of leveling is
commonly employed in deciding railways, highways, canal, sewage line routes.
After getting reduced level of various points along the line, profile of the ground is plotted on a
drawing sheet. Normally vertical scale is much larger than the horizontal scale to clearly view the
profile. Then when the engineers decide the formation level of the proposed project
The decision is mainly based on balancing, cutting & filling so that the transport of earth is
However the proposed gradient of formation level should not be more than as permitted. After
deciding the formation level & the gradient the difference between two consecutive points is known.
If RL of first point is known RL of other points are calculated.
Differential levelling: When the distance between two points is very large it may not be possible to
tak ethe readings from single setting of instruments. Each shifting facilitated by taking CP.
2. What is meant by sensitiveness of bubble tube? Describe how you would determine in the
field the sensitiveness of a level tube attached to a dumpy level. (Dec13, june-july14)
Sensitiveness of a bubble tube: When the difference in elevation between any two points is
determined from a single set up by back sighting on one point and fore sighting on the other. The
error is due to non parallelism. When the bubble is not in the centre of run and sensitivity is lost,
due to the error of curvature and refraction which is eleminated if lengths of 2 sides are made equal.
Error due to Curvature: The horizontal line of sight does not remain straight but it slightly bends
towards having concavity towards earth surface due to refraction.
CC = d2/2R
Error due to Refraction: As the line of sight is curved downwards towards the earth surface reading
gets decreased. To make the objects appear higher than they really are, this correction is applied to
staff readings, CR = 0.01121d2 where d is in Km.
i)Bench mark;A permanent reference object to which the mesurements are considered.
ii) 3. Back sight: It is sight taken on a level staff held at a point of known elevation with an
intension of determining plane of collimation or sight.
The sight is also known as +ve sight (add)
iii). Fore sight (F.S): This is the last reading – taken from instrument just before shifting the
instrument.This is also – ve sight.
iv) Reduced level: Reduced level of a point is the level of the point with respect to assumed
1. (Dec-13)
Back Inter Fore sight Rise Fall R.L Remarks
sight sight
0.675 100.000 BM
0.750 1.230 0.555 99.445
2.565 1.815 97.630
1.935 2.225 0.340 97.970
1.835 0.100 98.070
3.115 3.220 0.385 96.685
2.875 0.24 96.925 Last point
IBS = FS 9.55 Rise 0.68 Fal3.75
Antiemetic check
seF al
5 0.
68 3.
0753 .
After finding RL of many points on the ground and plotted the position of those points. Points on
contour lines are identified assuming uniform slope between any two neighbouring points is
uniform. In other words, the points on contour lines are interpolated linearly between the two
neighbouring points. For example, in Fig 100th contour lies between points D3 and E2 assuming
ground slopes uniformly form 100.3 it 99.8 between these two points contour point is located for
this purpose any one of the following three methods may be used.
i) Estimation
ii) Arithmetic calculation
iii) Mechanical or Graphical method.
Estimation: By eye judgment or estimation the point on contour is located between the two points.
For example, between D3 and E3 where elevations are 100.3 and 99.8 m, the contour point is
estimated at a distance . From E3. Similarly the point on DL E2 where RLs are 100.1 and 99.5 the
point should be at a distance This method is rough and is used for small – scale works. However, it
is very fast.
Arithmetic calculation: In this method, instead of estimating the position of points on contour,
arithmetic calculations are made for locating the points on contour.
Mechanical or Graphical method: Any one of the following two methods are used for linearly
interpolating contour points using tracing sheet.
Method 1: On a tracing sheet several parallel lines are drawn at regular interval. Every fifth or tenth
line is made dark for easy counting. If RL of A is 98. 4 m and that of B is 100.2 m assume bottom
most dark line represents 98 m RL and every parallel line is at 0.2 m intervals. Then hold a point on
second parallel line on A. Rotate tracing sheet so that 100.2th parallel line passes through point B.
then intersection of dark lines on AB represents the points on 99 m and 100 m contours similarly.
Contour points along any line connecting two – level points can be obtained and contour lines
interpolated and pricked. This method maintains the accuracy of arithmetic calculations, at the same
time is fast also.
Method 2 : In this method a line PQ is drawn on a tracing sheet from the mid – point of PQ say R a
perpendicular line RO is drawn. ‘O’ is selected at any convenient distance. PQ is divided into a
number of equal parts, say 20 parts. Then the radial lines from ‘O’ to these equally spaced points are
drawn.A number of guide lines 1-1, 2-2, etc. are drawn parallel to PQ. To interpolate between two
points A and B on drawing sheet, tracing sheet is held with its guide lines parallel to AB. OQ is
assigned a contour lien point just below that of RL of A. Of dark lines are at every 5 ray interval, and
contours are required at every 1 m interval, the interval between two consecutive rays is 0.2 m.
Appropriate ray is made to appear on A and tracing sheet is rotated till the ray corresponding to B
coincides with B. Then the contour points on AB correspond to the dark lines intersection with AB.
These points are produced and the contour points on line AB are obtained. Thus, in this case also
exact interpolation is made mechanically.
2. How do you trace a contour gradient of 1 in 50 on a map having contour interval 2.0 m.
(Dec13, june-july14)
i) Contour gradient on a map: The contour lines are at 20 m interval and the map is to a scale of
1:500. Since slope is assumed uniform between two contour lines, the length of gradient line
between two contour lines should be equivalent to 50 m on the ground, it should be 50/500 m on
paper, 40 mm from starting point a draw an arc of radius 40 mm to interest next contour line at b.
from b this procedure is repeated to get point c line joining a,b,c… is the desired gradient line.
ii) Contour gradient on ground: For setting contour gradient on ground level a clinometers may be
used.If a clinometers is used, it is set at the required slope. A person stands near point A, suspends
the sloping clinometers at a convenient height to view. The looks through clinometers, and directs a
person holding ranging pole, which is tied with a target at the same height as the height of instrument
from the ground point A. Tape is used to maintain the required distance from A. after getting next
point B, the clinometers is shifted to point B and the staff man moves to next probable point. The
procedure is continued till the last point is established. The method is fast but any small angular error
gets magnified.
3. a. Explain rise and fall method of entering the levelling data, with an example.
b. What is fly back levelling? Why is it performed? (june-july14)
Fly levelling: It is to carry out levelling with respect to temporary bench mark in convenient
direction taking number of CPs:
In this method difference in staff reading at a point with previous reading is found.If the present
reading is less than the previous reading it indicates – rise.If it is more it is fall in the level of
presenting point.If the reduced level of 1 st point is known using rise & fall values of consecutive
readings, the reduced level of all pointcan be calculated one after the other.
Note: 1. Previous reading - Present reading is +ve then it’s – Rise
2. Previous reading – present reading is - -ve then it’s – fall
1. Following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level on a continuously sloping
ground. 1.550, 1.955, 2.310, 2.655, 3.170, 0.530, 1.850, 2.755, 0.300, 1.730 and 2.150. Enter the
readings in a level field book and calculate the RL of points using rise and fall method. RL of
bench mark = +380.000. Apply usual arithmetic checks.(June-july-14)
1.550 380.000 BM
1.955 0.405 379.595
2.310 0.355 379.240
2.655 0.345 378.895
0.530 3.170 0.515 378.380 TP
1.850 1.320 377.060
0.300 2.755 0.905 376.155 TP
1.730 1.430 374.725
2.150 0.420 374.305
2. The following set of readings were obtained in a leveling job: 2.500, 1.000, 1.500, 1.800,
2.300, 2.900, 1.300, 3.200, 2.800, 2.000, 1.500. the instrument was shifted after 4 th and 7th
readings. The first readings was taken on a bench mark of RL = +250.000. Find the RL of
points using HI method. Apply usual arithmetic checks.(June-july-13)
2.500 252.500 250.000 BM
1.000 251.500
1.500 251.000
2.300 1.800 253.000 250.700 TP
2.900 250.100
3.200 1.300 254.900 251.700 TP
2.800 252.100
2.000 252.900
1.500 253.400
1. List the methods of plane tabling. Explain the radiation method.
(Dec-13,June-July15.,Dec14, )
In this method of surveying a table top, similar to a drawing board is fitted to a tripod and is
provided with a drawing sheet – the observations are made to the objects, distances scaled down
and objects re plotted in the field itself. Since both the observations and plotting are done in the
field simultaneously. i) Radiation: To fill up details of objects near station ‘O’, plan table is set on
station ‘O’ the plotted position ‘O’ approximately over the ground station. Then using alidade
pivoted at ‘O’ the rays are drawn in the direction OA, OB, OC with soft pencil. Then the distances
OA, OB< OC…. Are measured and scaled down to get the plotted positions a,b,c… of field
positions A,B,… thus, the objects are plotted by first drawing radial lines.
This method is suitable for small area and is convenient if the distances are small. This method has
wider scope if the telescopic alidade is used, where distances are measured tacheometrically.
ii) Intersection: In this method rays are drawn to an object form plotted positions of two stations
and the intersection is the plotted position of the objet. Thus, it needs linear measurements between
the two station points and there is no need to measure distances up to objects. O1 and O2 are the
plotted positions of stations. After setting the plane table at station O 1, the rays OA, OB etc. are
drawn. Then plane table is shifted to O2 and set on it by back sighting. Then intersection of lines
O2A, O2B, etc. with O1 A and O1B, locate the plotted positions a, b, etc. of the objects.
This method is commonly employed for locating:
i) Details
ii) the distant and inaccessible points
iii) the objects on the other side of river
iv) the stations which may be used subsequently.voids missing any measurement required for
Department of Civil Engineering, SJB Institute of Technology Page 25
Levelling: Sprit level is used to check the level of the table. The level should be ensured in two
positions of spirit level which are at right angles to each other. The legs of tripod are moved radially
or along the circumference to adjust the level of the table.
Orientation: Orientation is the process of setting plane table at a station such that all the line
plotted is parallel to corresponding lines on the ground. This is very important process in plane
tabling. Accuracy of plan table survey mainly depends upon how accurately at each station perfect
orientation is achieved. It can be achieved by any one of the following methods:
i) Using Trough compass
ii) by Back sighting
iii) by Solving two point or three point problems.
Orientation using trough compass: When the survey work begins form the first station, the table
is oriented in appropriate direction and the north direction is marked near right – hand top corner
using trough compass. This orientation is to be maintained at all subsequent stations. To get the
same orientation, through compass is placed along the north directon marked, and the table is
rotated till compass needle is along zero – zero readings. Then it is clamped. Thus, the required
orientation of the table is obtained.
This method of orientation is considered rough, since the local attraction to compass can affect
proper orientation. This method is used as preliminary orientation and finer orientation is obtained
by other methods.
Orientation by back sighting: It is a commonly employed method. Before shifting the table, from
station A to station B, line ab is drawn from plotted position of station towards next station B.
Distance AB is measured and plotted position b of station B is located. Then plane table is shifted to
station B, and centred such that point ‘b’ is exactly over station B. now keeping the alidade along ba
station A is sighted and clamped. This gives the required orientation. Checks may be applied by
sighting already plotted objects from point b.
3. What is three point problem in plane table survey? Explain Bessel’s graphical solution for
the same.
Resection: The principle of this method is just opposite to that of the method of intersection. The
rays drawn from the unplotted position of a station to the points of known location are called
resectors. This method is used to locate the plotted position of survey station by drawing resectors
from plotted position of the objects. If a, b and c are the plotted positions A,B and C to locate
instrument station P on the paper, after orienting the table resectors may be plotted. IF the
orientation at P is correct all resectors will pass through a single point. That point is the plotted
position P of station P. the problem, therefore, reduces to that of obtaining the correct orientation of
C. Resection can be done after orientation of table by any one of the following methods:
i) By compass
ii) By back sighting
iii) By solving two point problems
iv) By solving three point problem.