Adverbs:: Yrian Irtual Niversity
Adverbs:: Yrian Irtual Niversity
Adverbs:: Yrian Irtual Niversity
Adverbs or adverbial phrases come in three positions in the sentence:
1. At the beginning:
b. Time expressions:
c. Adverbs of manner:
2. In mid-position:
c. Adverbs of manner:
3. In final position:
a. Adverbs of manner:
Note: Adverbs of manner can go in all positions, but not before the verb and its object.
Adverbs of manner are: happily, quickly, clearly, gently, kindly, rudely, slowly,…
2. If the adjective ends with a (y), turn the (y) into an (i) and add (ly): easy easily
3. If the adjective ends with (ic), add (al). Then add (ly): automatic automatically
Adverbs of Frequency:
He is always happy.
Phrasal Verbs:
Phrasal verbs are verbs plus particles: look up, look for, give up ….
Find out: (discover) Let's find out what the problem is.
Break down: (collapse) Their marriage broke down. She got married again.
Look after: (take care of) Mothers always look after their children.
Look for: (search) I'm looking for my pen. Have you seen it?
Tense Form Example Use
actions in progress at a
specific moment in the
Present Continuous am/is/are + V + ing is going present
future plans
Present Tenses:
My train leaves at 6.
Note (1): Add (s) to the verbs in Present Simple Tense with the pronouns he, she and it.
He plays tennis every week.
Note (2): For negative add do or does plus not before the verb.
Note (3): Do is used with the pronouns he, she, and it.
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2. Present Progressive (Continuous): (Be (am, is or are) + v + ing)
a. Present continuous is used with actions that happen at the moment of speaking:
Note (2): Verbs which describe sates or feelings (not actions) are called non-action verbs.
Non-action verbs are NOT normally used in the present continuous. Common non-action
verbs are: want, like, agree, believe, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love,
matter, mean, need, prefer, realize, recognize, seem, suppose.
He is seeming sad.
He seems sad.
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3. Present Perfect: (Have/has + v3)
a. Present perfect is used with past experiences, but the time is not determined:
She has visited her grandmother. (the time of this visit is not determined)
b. Present perfect is used with recent past actions with consequences in the present:
Note (1): Has is used with the pronouns he, she, and it.
Note (2): since and for are used with this tense:
Since is used with a point of time: They have worked here since 1999.
For is used with a period of time: They have worked here for 12 years.
For months
For ages
For a while
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4. Present Perfect Continuous: (Has/Have + been + v + ing)
Present Perfect Continuous is used for unfinished actions, actions which happened in the past
and are still in progress in present:
I have been working for 3 hours. (I started working before 3 hours and I'm still working.)
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Past Tenses:
1. Past Simple: (v2)
Past simple is used with finished past actions:
Note: For negative add did plus not before the verb.
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2. Past progressive (continuous): (Be (was or were) + v + ing)
Past continuous is used to describe an action in progress at a specific time in the past.
She was reading at 6 o'clock. (She started reading before 6 and she was still reading when it
was 6.)
* * *
3. Past Perfect: (Had + v3)
Past perfect is used when we talk about the past, and we want to talk about an earlier past
May or might are used when we are not sure about a future action:
Go to bed early or you might get up late.
Modal Verbs:
Modal verbs are: can, could, shall, should, will, would, may, might, must ….
1. For questions modal verbs are put before the subject, and no auxiliaries are added.
Can he swim?
Does he can swim?
4. The (s) is NOT added to the modal with the pronouns he, she or it.
He must stay at home.
He musts stay at home.
Be / Get:
Be is used for states:
He was married in 2009. (His marriage was before 2009)
Get is used for actions:
He got married in 2009. (His marriage was in 2009) (He moved from the state of being
unmarried to the state of being married)
She travelled after she (got / was) divorced.
They have (got / been) married for thirteen years, but yesterday they (got / were) divorced.
Subject Object Possessive
Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives
I Me my
He Him his
She Her her
It it its
They them their
We us our
You You your
Subject pronouns come at the beginning of the sentence.
Object pronouns come after verbs and prepositions.
Possessive adjectives come before nouns.
Its: possessive adjective
It's = it is or it has
He is a doctor.
She works as a teacher.
They usually do their homework in the evening.
I want to write. Give me the pen, please.
Suzan doesn't know. Would you please send her an email?
They are happy because their mother are now fine.
We need some paint to paint our house.
I have a cat. Its tail is long.
13 years/ 13-year:
Verb to Be
Infinitive be
Present am is are
Present Perfect They have seen the film. The film has been seen.
Be Going to I'm going to clean the room. The room is going to be cleaned.
Will He will tell the story. The story will be told.
Have to You have to copy all messages. All messages have to be copied.
Note: If we want to mention the subject (the doer of the action), we use by:
His homework was done by his father.
English is spoken by Australians.
Gerunds / To Infinitives:
by Gerunds by To + Infinitives
like like
love love
hate need
bear expect
enjoy want
He enjoys reading.
I can't bear listening to him all the time.
Hope + to infinitive
I hope to be well.
1. Will (Formal)
Verb Noun
Prefer Preference
Refer Reference
Defend Defence/ Defense
Announce Announcement
Govern Government
Arrange Arrangement
Improve Improvement
Discover Discovery
Recover Recovery
Injure Injury
Would is used to talk about an imaginative case:
In reality Mary does not have much money, so she cannot buy a car. She says: I
would buy a car.
In reality Peter has to do his homework and he cannot go out. He says: I would go out.
Noun Phrases:
The Noun phrase is either one word (a noun) or more than one word.
Hope / expect:
Because / to + infinitive:
Adjectives /Adverbs:
He drives slowly.
He is terribly sad.
As + adj. + as:
This structure is used to tell that the two items are the same:
E.g. She is as beautiful as the moon. (She and the moon have the same
level of beauty)
As blind as a bat
As stubborn as a mule
As free as a bird
Useful Words:
Walk: short distance, city or country, day, short time, easy.
Hike: long distance, country, a day or a few days, not too long time, easy or difficult.
My finger aches. v.
1. This is the time for reading. Don't (lose, waste, spend, pass) time by playing.
2. I feel bored. I will read to (lose, waste, spend, pass) the time.