Synopsis Online Shopping

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Online Shopping System(PAUL STORE) is the simple shopping solution. It’s a full-featured
website and shopping cart system that bends over backwards to give you the flexibility you
need to run your online store. This project is a web based shopping system for an existing
shop. The project objective is to deliver the online shopping application.

The basic concept of the application is to allow the customer to shop virtually using the
Internet and allow customers to buy the items and articles of their desire from the store.
The information pertaining to the products are store on an RDBMS at the server
side(store).The server process the customers and the items are shipped to the address
submitted by them. The details of the items are brought forward from the database for the
customer view based on the selection through the menu and database of all products are
updated at the end of each transaction.

Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a
seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the Internet. It is a form of
electronic commerce. The process is called business-to-consumer (B2C) online shopping.

The Project entitled "PAUL STORE" is a web-based application Software developed in PHP
LANGUAGE using PHP as front end and MYSQL as backend.

The main aim of "PAUL STORE" is to improve the services of Customers and vendors. It
maintains the details of customer payments, product receipts, addition of new customers,
products and also updating, deletion for the same. It also stores the details of invoices
generated by customer and payments made by them with all Payments details like credit

The main aim of "PAUL STORE" is to improve the services of Customers and vendors. It
maintains the details of customer payments, product receipts, addition of new customers,
products and also updating, deletion for the same. It also stores the details of invoices
generated by customer and payments made by them with all Payments details like credit

The primary features of the project entitled "PAUL STORE" are high accuracy, design
flexibility and easy availability. And also it uses database tables Representing entities and
relationships between entities.

The application was designed into two modules first for the customers(USER) who wish to
buy the articles. Second is for the storekeepers(ADMIN) who maintains and updates the
information pertaining to the articles and those of the customers.

1.1 Module Description:-

The project entitled “PAUL STORE” mainly broken into following modules.
1. Admin module
2. User module
3. Purchase module
4. Payment module
5. Validation and Security ,etc

These modules are meant to perform different functionality for the Admin end and User
end. At the time, I have done with Admin Window and somewhat about user window.

Admin module :-
 Admin LOGIN using username and password.
 Admin can change the password and need to enter old password then new password
with confirm password.
 Admin is one who can add, delete or modified the products.
 And he/she can add CATEGORY, SUBCATEGORY and PRODUCT .
 Admin is the one having overall control of the website.
 Only Admin comes to know about the order placed on the site and ensure the
delivery of the product at time.
 Administrator of Shopping Cart System has multiple features such as Add, Delete, Update
shopping Items.

User module :-
 This is a public link of the website used by the user for shopping purpose.
 Firstly user need to Login the account to order the product from the website if
he/she is not register then he/she cannot login firstly need to register the user ,
Otherwise, he or she (user) can see the products on the site but cannot order them.
 User can select amy category wise products.
 Both online payment methods and cash on delivery will be available to make a

Purchase module :-

 In this module user select the ADD TO CART option for purchasing the desired
 This module is very important because its main aim to purchase the product or item
by the user .

Payment module :-

 In this module user enable for select payment options like credit card and after
 The module takes care of the all the secured payments that should happen for the
purchases that happens online, so to implement a security algorithm is one of the
major concepts of the payment.

Validation and security :-

 The main challenge for online shopping portals is to provide security for the
transactions involved. Customers, usually need to enter their crucial information
such as, credit card number, debit card number etc. to buy products. Today, most of
the shopping portals make use of Secured Socket Layer (SSL) to transfer crucial data.
Existing system was capable of providing a very good end-to-end security. But, it
cannot encrypt only a part of information; hence a large cipher text is generated.
 Validation is very important concept for registration the user for valid transactions.

1.2 Technologies Used:-

1.2.1 Front-End:-

 What is PHP?
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting
language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.

The best things in using PHP are that it is extremely simple for a newcomer, but offers many
advanced features for a professional programmer. Don't be afraid reading the long list of
PHP's features. You can jump in, in a short time, and start writing simple scripts in a few

PHP is an acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". PHP is a widely-used, open source
scripting language. PHP scripts are executed on the server. PHP is free to download and use.

Features of PHP :-

 Open source:
Easily available on internet so can be downloaded.
 Error – Reporting:
Whenever an error occurs in any statement, it is reported at the same moment. And

can be corrected at the same moment.
 Simple:
Syntax is easy to remember, learn and understand.
 Platform – Independent:
It can run on any operating system without any change in syntax. LAMP for Linux
operating system, WAMP for windows operating system, XAMPP for both windows
and Linux operating system.
 Interpreted:
This language is already interpreted. It doesn’t take any extra time for compilation
or interpretation.

The most obvious characteristic of XAMPP is the ease at which a WAMP webserver stack can
be deployed and instantiated. Later some common packaged applications that could be
easily installed were provided by Bitnami. Officially, XAMPP's designers intended it for use
only as a development tool, to allow website designers and programmers to test their work
on their own computers without any access to the Internet. To make this as easy as
possible, many important security features are disabled by default. XAMPP has the ability to
serve web pages on the World Wide Web. A special tool is provided to password protect the
most important parts of the package. XAMPP also provides support for creating and
manipulating databases in MariaDB and SQLite among others. Once XAMPP is installed, it is
possible to treat a localhost like a remote host by connecting using an FTP client. Using a
program like FileZilla has many advantages when installing a content management system
(CMS) like Joomla or WordPress. It is also possible to connect to localhost via FTP with an
HTML editor.
XAMPP's name is an acronym for:-

X= (to be read as "cross", meaning cross-platform)

A= Apache HTTP Server



P= perl

1.2.2 Back End:-

 MySQL:-
MySQL is open-source relational database management system (RDBMS), it was the world’s
second most used RDBM, and the most widely used open- source client server model
RDBMS. The SQL stands for Structured Query Language, The MySQL development project
has made its source code available under the items of the GNU General Public License, as
well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQLwas owned and sponsored by a
single for profile firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation
for proprietary use, several paid editions are available and offers additional functionality.

MySQL is also used in many high-profile, large-scale websites, including Google (Not for
searches), Facebook, Twitter , Flickr , and YouTube.

MySQL has received position reviews, and reviewers noticed it “performs extremely well in
the average case.” And the “developers interfaces are there and the documentation is very -
very good”. It has also been tested to be a “fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded
SQL database server”. MySQL is open source database system. The database software’s can
be used and modify by any one according to their needs.

Relational Database System: Like almost all other database systems on the market,
MySQL is a relational database system.

Client/Server Architecture: MySQL is a client/server system. There is a database server

(MySQL) and arbitrarily many clients (application programs), which communicate with the
server; that is, they query data, save changes, etc. The clients can run on the same computer
as the server or on another computer (communication via a local network or the Internet).



One of the earliest forms of trade conducted online was IBM's online transaction
processing (OLTP) developed in the 1960s and it allowed the processing of financial
transactions in real-time. The computerized ticket reservation system developed
for American Airlines called Semi-Automatic Business Research Environment (SABRE) was
one of its applications. Here, computer terminals located in different travel agencies were
linked to a large IBM mainframe computer, which processed transactions simultaneously
and coordinated them so that all travel agents had access to the same information at the
same time.
The emergence of ONLINE SHOPPING as we know today developed with the emergence of
the Internet. Initially, this platform only functioned as an advertising tool for companies,
providing information about its products. It quickly moved on from this simple utility to
actual online shopping transaction due to the development of interactive Web pages and
secure transmissions. Specifically, the growth of the internet as a secure shopping channel
has developed since 1994, with the first sales of Sting album 'Ten Summoner's Tales'. Wine,
chocolates, and flowers soon followed and were among the pioneering retail categories
which fueled the growth of online shopping.
Researchers found that having products that are appropriate for e-commerce was a key
indicator of Internet success. Many of these products did well as they are generic products
which shoppers did not need to touch and feel in order to buy. But also importantly, in the
early days, there were few shoppers online and they were from a narrow segment: affluent,
male, 30+. Online shopping has come along way since these early days and -in the UK-
accounts for significant percents (depending on product category as percentages can vary).


As the revenues from online sales continued to grow significantly researchers identified
different types of online shoppers, Rohm & Swaninathan identified four categories and
named them "convenience shoppers, variety seekers, balanced buyers, and store-oriented
shoppers". They focused on shopping motivations and found that the variety of products
available and the perceived convenience of the buying online experience were significant
motivating factors. This was different for offline shoppers, who were more motivated by
time saving and recreational motives.



1. Service or product advertising

The main purpose of a business site is to promote company’s products, services or events
on the Internet. There are two main aspects to discuss. First, there are websites that don’t
directly sell anything but their objective is to create “buzz” or awareness. An example would
be, let’s say an event - a trance music performance taking place next month.

2. Selling a product or a service online

This is basically the main reason behind the existence of any business website. Selling
products and services is the most common objective. You have to provide full and
comprehensive information on what you sell, allowing prospective customers to easily order
from your site.

3. Providing product support and customer service

Due to its wold-wide nature, the Internet is a flexible structure allowing users to choose
from thousands of similar products they are just one click away. What actually makes the
difference between similar online businesses are the price and the customer support they

4. Establishing brand awareness and identity

Establishing brand awareness or company identity is an ongoing process with the purpose of
branding products with memorable names, eye-catching logos and maybe a slogan. In order
to establish brand identity, your website must address these elements in a unitary manner .



Feasibility is the determination of whether or not the project is worth doing. The process
followed in making this determination is called a feasibility study. Once it has been
determined that a project is feasible, the analyst can go ahead and prepare the project
specification which finalizes project requirements.

4.1 Technical Feasibility Study

The Project can be developed simply by using two platforms i.e. PHP and XAMPP as front-
end and MySQL Server as back-end. All the functions of a Online Shopping System can be
implemented in the new system. Hence it is technically feasible.

4.2 Economic Feasibility study

This feasibility study present tangible and intangible benefits from the project by comparing
the development and operational cost. The technique of cost benefit analysis is often used
as a basis for assessing economic feasibility. This system needs some more initial investment
than the existing system, but it can be justifiable that it will improve quality of service.

Thus feasibility study should center along the following points:

 Improvement resulting over the existing method in terms of accuracy, timeliness.

 Cost comparison
 Estimate on the life expectancy of the hardware.
 Overall objective
Our project is economically feasible. It does not require much cost to be involved in the
overall process. The overall objective is in easing out the recruitment processes.

4.3 Legal Feasibility Study

Since this project needs no copyrighting, patenting, and doesn’t have any relation with
anybody else’s property rights, it can be considered as a legally feasible project.

4.4 Time Feasibility Study

As it has been more probable (as per the requirements and functions specifications of the
system) that the project can be completed within the given timeframe, it is considered that
the undertaking this project is feasible in the context of time.

4.5 Operational Feasibility Study

If the system meets the requirements of the customers and the administratior we can say
that the system is operationally feasible.

The proposed system will be beneficial only if it can be turned into a system which will meet
the requirements of the store when it is developed and installed and there is sufficient
support from the users. The proposed system will provide a better market for different

4.6 Social/Behavioural Feasibility Study

This analysis involves how it will work when it is installed and the assessment of political and
managerial environment in which it is implemented. People are inherently resistant to
change and computers have been known to facilitate change.

The new proposed system is very much useful to the users and Social feasibility is
determination of whether a proposed project will be acceptable to people or not, So this
project is totally Social and Feasible



5.1 Methodology

The approach used in this project is top down approach.A top-down approach (also known
as stepwisedesign and in some cases used as a synonym of decomposition) is essentially the
breaking down of a system to gain insight into its compositional sub-systems in a reverse
engineering fashion. In a top-down approach an overview of the system is formulated,
specifying, but not detailing, any first-level subsystems. Each subsystem is then refined in
yet greater detail, sometimes in many additional subsystem levels, until the entire
specification is reduced to base elements. A top-down model is often specified with the
assistance of "black boxes", which makes it easier to manipulate. However, black boxes may
fail to clarify elementary mechanisms or be detailed enough to realistically validate the
model. Top down approach starts with the big picture. It breaks down from there into
smaller segments.

5.2 Planning

There are two users in this project:

1. User ( with limited access )

2. Admin ( with full access )

Functions that the user can perform:

 Register
 Login
 Change his / her login password
 Forgot his / her login password
 Manage his profile like phone no, email id, etc.
 View his / her shopping cart

Functions that admin can perform:

 Manage the products(Add,Update, Delete)
 Order Management System
 User Management ,etc

5.3 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM:- The DFD serve two purposes

(I) To provide and indicate how data are transform as they move from the system.
(II) To depict the functions that transforms that data flow.

ADMINISTR Data Input Stage

Data Storage

Data Out Put Stage

Data Out Put Stage UI Screens

User Data Out Put Stage

Shopping Cart



To be used efficiently, all computer software needs certain hardware components or other
software resources to be present on a computer. These prerequisites are known as
(computer) system requirements and are often used as a guideline as opposed to an
absolute rule. Most software defines two sets of system requirements: minimum and
recommended. Software requirements specification establishes the basis for an agreement
between customers and contractors or suppliers on how the software product should


 Premium200 MHz of processor

 1 GB RAM or higher
 512 GB Hard drive or higher


Platform: Windows

Operating System: Windows XP or any other

Front-End tool: PHP

Back-End tool: MySQL

Scripting tool: java script, css, html









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