Staff Attendance Monitoring System Using Fingerpri
Staff Attendance Monitoring System Using Fingerpri
Staff Attendance Monitoring System Using Fingerpri
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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 179 – No.21, February 2018
provide a user-friendly interface to make the system easy to The Identix system uses a compact terminal that
use. incorporates light and Charged Couple Device (CCD) image
sensors to take high-resolution picture of a fingerprint. It
2. LITERATURE REVIEW is based on 68000 CPU with additional custom chips, but can
2.1 Biometrics also be configured as a peripheral for an IBM PC. It can
Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person operate as a standalone system or as part of a network [12].
based on his physiological/behavioural characteristics [2]. To enroll, a user is assigned a personal identification number
This method of identification is preferred for various reasons; and then puts a single finger on the glass or Plexiglas plate
the person to be identified is required to be physically present for scanning by a CCD image sensor. The 250-KB image
at the point of identification. Identification based on is digitalized and analyzed, and the result is approximately 1-
biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a KB mathematical characterization of the fingerprint. This
password or carry a token [13]. With the increased use of takes about 30 seconds. Identity verifications take less than 1
computers or vehicles of information technology, it is second. The equipment generally gives the user three attempts
necessary to restrict access to sensitive or personal data. By for acceptance or finds rejection. With the first attempt the
replacing Personal Identification Number, biometric false rejection is around 2-3 percent and false acceptance is
techniques can potentially prevent unauthorized access to less than 0.0001 per cent. Each standalone unit cab stores 48
fraudulent use of Automated Teller Machine, cellular phones, fingerprint templates which may be expanded to 846 by
smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer installing an additional memory package [11].
networks. Personal Identification Number and passwords may
be forgotten, and token based methods of identification like Fingerprints have overcome the stigma of their use in law
passports and driver’s licenses may be forged, stolen, or lost. enforcement and military applications. Finger print
Thus, biometric systems of identification are enjoying a recognition is appropriate for many applications and is
renewed interest. Various types of biometric systems are familiar idea to most people even if only from crime
being used for real–time identification; the most popular are dramas on television. It is non-intrusive, user friendly and
based on face recognition and fingerprint matching. relatively inexpensive.
However, there are other biometric systems that utilize iris
and retinal scan, speech, facial thermo grams, and hand 2.3 Benefits of Fingerprint
geometry. Today fingerprint devices are by far the most popular form of
biometric security in use, with a variety of systems on the
A biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition market intended for general and mass-market usage.
system, which makes a personal identification by determining
the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioural Long gone are the huge bulky fingerprint scanners; now a
characteristics possessed by the user [14]. An important issue fingerprint-scanning device can be small enough to be
in designing a practical system is to determine how an incorporated into a laptop for security.
individual is identified. Depending on the context, a
biometric system can be either a verification (authentication) 2.4 Fact and Findings of Attendance System
system or an identification system. There are two different Staff attendance software system is a software used to manage
ways to resolve a person’s identity: Verification and or monitor the time worked by employees for the purpose of
Identification. Verification (Am I whom I claim I am?) efficiency and punctuality of the employees. These systems
involves confirming or denying a person’s claimed identity. In may be integrated with existing payroll processing software.
Identification one has to establish a person’s identity (who am Also, these systems track employee that come late to work
I?). Each one of these approaches has its own complexities and the ones that come early. These systems usually are able
and could probably be solved best by a certain biometric to give reports of all the staff records concerning signing in
system. and out.
The advantages of staff attendance monitoring system are: it
2.2 Fingerprint Scanner can reduce the time needed to enter 'hours worked' data into
Perhaps most of the work in biometric identification has gone payroll system and can reduce errors in enforcement of
into the fingerprint. For general security and computer company attendance policies[6].
access control application fingerprints are gaining popularity
[5]. The fingerprint’s stability and uniqueness is well Staff Attendance Monitoring System is an easy way to keep
established. Based upon a century of examination, it is track of any organization's attendance records. It also works
estimated that the change of two people, including twins, very well as a member database. The program was developed
having the same print is less than one a billion. In verifying with three main goals in mind: versatility, ease of use, and
a print, many devices on the market analyze the position of security.
details called minutiae such as the endpoi{nts and junctions of
Versatility:-Not every organization has the same attendance
print ridges. These devices assign locations to the minutiae
policies, so this program easily allows you to specify your
using x, y, and directional variables. Some devices also
organization's policies. You can also store any information
count the number of ridges between minutiae to form the
you would like about each member.
reference template. Several companies claim to be
developing templates of fewer than 100 bytes. Other Ease of Use:-This program is very intuitive. It was designed
machines approach the finger as an image processing so that all of the instructions that are needed are right on the
problem and applying custom very large scale integrated screen. The finger print scanner which will be installed beside
chips, neural networks, fuzzy logic and other technologies to the computer is where employees will place their thumb in
the matching problem [15]. order to capture their details.
The fingerprint recognition technology was developed for
some 12 years before being matched in 1983 by Identix Inc.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 179 – No.21, February 2018
Security:- A non-registered staff will not be allowed to sign 3.1 Minutiae Matching
in and out even though he place his/her thumb on the finger Let T and I be the representation of the template and input
print scanner for years. fingerprint, respectively. Each minutia is considered as a
3. MATERIALS AND METHOD triplet m {x, y, } that indicates the x, y minutia location
Fingerprint identification system is mainly divided into three coordinates and the minutia angle θ:
modules; fingerprint image preprocessing, minutiae extraction
and minutiae matching [9]. The input fingerprint image is T {m1, m2,}, mi {x1, y1, 1},
processed for skeleton image by the fingerprint image
preprocessing stage and subsequently processed by minutiae
i 1,2......m
extraction stage for extracting minutiae using crossing number
concept. After minutiae extraction stage, if input fingerprint I {m'1, m'2, m'3........m' n}, m' j {x' j, y' j, ' j},
image is processed for enrollment then the skeleton image is
saved as template fingerprint image in database, otherwise j 1,2......n
skeleton image is given to matching stage. In matching stage where m and n denote the number of minutiae in T and I,
system compares skeleton image with template fingerprint respectively. A minutia m′j in I and a minutia mi in T are
images from database and make decision whether input considered “matching”, if the spatial distance (sd) between
fingerprint match or not. them is smaller than a given tolerance r0 and the direction
difference (dd) between them is smaller than an angular
Minutiae matching and detection is employed in this research tolerance θ0 [8].
which is the most common method of extraction using the
Crossing Number (CN) concept. This method involves the use P4 P3 P2
of the skeleton image where the ridge flow pattern is eight-
connected. The minutiae are extracted by scanning the local P5 P P1
neighbourhood of each ridge pixel in the image using a 3×3
window. The CN value is then computed, which is defined as P6 P7 P8
half the sum of the differences between pairs of adjacent
pixels in the eight-neighbourhood [3]. The CN for a ridge
pixel P is given by Figure 1: this figure displays 3 by 3 windows for minutiae
1 8
CN | Pi 1 |,P9 P1.
2 i 1
0 Isolated Point
4 Crossing Point
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 179 – No.21, February 2018
Input Fingerprint
Fingerprint Image
Fingerprint Image Preprocessing
Enhanced Image
Thinking Minutiae
Skeleton Image
Skeleton for
Enrollment or
Minutiae Matching
Template Database
Matching Decision
Figure 4: This figure display the Work Flow Diagram of Fingerprint Identification System.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 179 – No.21, February 2018
Welcome Screen
Main Page
Figure 5: System flow chart of the proposed Fingerprint Attendance Monitoring System.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 179 – No.21, February 2018
Figure 6 display the homepage where Staff Place their Finger fingerprint scanner for sign in and as well place his/her finger
on the Scanning Machine. This module performs three on the fingerprint scanner for sign out on this main menu
activities, the Main Menu module, the sign In and as well the module.
Sign Out. A staff will be asked to place his/her finger on the
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 179 – No.21, February 2018
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 179 – No.21, February 2018
[3] Feng Zhao and Xiaoou Tang, “Preprocessing and [14] Trucco E. (1998). Introductory Techniques for 3D
postprocessing for skeleton-based fingerprint minutiae Computer Vision. Prentice-Hall, Vision and Pattern
extraction”, Pattern Recognition Society, Published by Recognition.
Elsevier Ltd, 2006. [15] Zhang, Z. Shan, Y. and Shafer, S. (2001). Visual panel:
[4] Ishpreet Singh Virk and Raman Maini, “Fingerprint Image Virtual mouse keyboard and 3rd controller with an
Enhancement and Minutiae Matching in Fingerprint ordinary piece of paper. In Proceedings of Perceptual
User Interfaces.