By Laws

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21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]


In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful:

“Oh My Lord, place all Mourides under your inviolable protection and make them a cohesive community.” - Cheikh
Ahmadou Bamba

We, the Mourides residing in the Americas, disciples of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke, Khadimur Rasul, RA,
may Allah be pleased with him;

Inspired by the Qur’an and Sunnah to promote unity and cooperation, to shoulder the responsibility of preserving our
religious and cultural identity according to the teachings of Khadimur Rasul, RA;

Pledge to combine our resources to build a sound religious, social, economic, and cultural entity for the Mourides and
Muslims throughout the Americas.

And to work with other organizations with the same aims and objectives to promote unity, mutual understanding,
peace, and cooperation.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]



1.1 The Organization shall be called Foundation Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba of North America, organized under
the laws of the United States in accordance with the Federal Statute, 501(c) (3) and the State of Michigan,
(hereinafter, referred to as The “Foundation” the Organization").

1.2 Constitution and By-Laws: This document shall be known as the Constitution and by-laws of the
Organization, and shall serve as the authority that governs the members and officers of this Organization.


2.1 Principal Office: The principal office address of the Organization shall be located in Detroit, Michigan. The
Schoolcraft Road, Detroit, MI 48223.

2.2 Registered Office: The registered office of the Organization shall and continuously be maintained in Detroit,
Michigan. The registered office shall be identical with the registered agent’s office as required by the
Michigan Non-Profit Corporation Act. The registered office may or may not be identical with the principal
office of the Organization, and the address of the registered office may be changed as authorized by the

2.3 Other Offices: The Organization shall also have offices at such other places, both within and outside the City
of Detroit, as the Organization may from time to time determine, or as the business of the Organization may


3.1 The Organization shall be registered with the State of Michigan and the Internal Revenue Service as a Non-
profit Organization.

3.2 The Organization shall be non-profit and shall be governed by its Bylaws, and in accordance with the Laws
of the United States of America, and the State of Michigan.

3.3 All activities of this Organization will be charitable, involve religious, education and cultural issues, and the
full array of social institutions affecting and influencing the quality of life. This will be consistent with those
activities permitted for an Organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code (as may be amended); or by an Organization that may receive contributions that are
deductible to their donors under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code (as may be amended).


21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

4.1 The Organization is organized for charitable, scientific, cultural, literary, religious and educational purposes,
including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations
under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code), (or the corresponding provision of any
United States Internal Revenue Law).

4.2 The objectives and purpose of Foundation Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba of North America are:

i. To teach and practice Islam according to the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed (Peace
and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him), and according to the teachings of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba
Khadimur Rasul, RA;
ii. To encourage respectful relationships and mutual understanding among Muslim- Mourides, Muslims
non-Mourides, and with non-Muslim communities across the Americas;
iii. To promote and preserve the teachings of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke, Khadimur Rasul, RA;
iv. To carry out religious, educational, social, civic, charitable, and other Islamic and cultural values
according to the teachings of Khadimur Rasul, RA;
v. To establish and support an entity that facilitates our invaluable contribution to society, preserving
our Muslim and African identity while embracing diversity;
vi. To further cooperation among the existing Muslim organizations and communities;
vii. To establish and maintain for its members a place to worship and learn about their faith;
viii. To carry on the responsibilities of the work known as “Khidmah“ undertaken by Serigne Mourtalla
Mbacke, the designated “Jawrigne” (leader ), of the Mourides in the Diaspora. Following his
footsteps Serigne Mame Mor Mbacke (known in this document as the Diaspora Jawrigne), has been
approved and blessed by the Khalifs of the Mouridiyah in past and present;
ix. To adhere fully to the belief that the “Khidmah” is a Trust by Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Mbacke
Khadimur Rasul, RA, to all of his disciples, which must be preserved in accordance with the Mouride
tradition of following “Ndigal”. Therefore, whomever is designated as the leader of the Diaspora is
to be followed as the moral authority of the Foundation, and is expected to remain a reference of
Khadimur Rasul, RA;
x. To Search for and acquire opportunities that secure the financial stability of the Khidmah;
xi. To establish and maintain an updated database of all members for the sole purpose of supporting the


5.1 All Mouride Entities known as Dahiras are considered full members of the Foundation, while preserving all
autonomy to conduct their local affairs as usual, and are expected to fully support the establishment of a
North American membership database, by providing a list of their members to the foundation,
coordinate a monthly membership drive of $28.00 or any other agreed amount, and update the Treasurer on
collection of funds.
Organizational membership will be unique per city to ensure local unity and inclusiveness among Mourides
in each city.
Continued membership is contingent upon being up-to-date on membership dues.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

5.2 Full Member: All individual Mourides shall be eligible for membership in the Foundation, if so chosen. All
Muslim non-Mouride organizations or Muslim non-Mouride individuals are eligible for membership upon
approved request, and are bound by these bylaws.

5.3 Junior Member: Any Muslim who is less than 18 years old shall be eligible to become a Full member, subject
to the conditions as laid down in the bylaws, and subject to parent or guardian approval.

5.4 Associate Member: All persons who accept the purposes of the Foundation shall be eligible to become
associate members, subject to the conditions as laid down in the bylaws and upon approved request.

5.5 Honorary Member: Any person, who by the judgment and discretion of the board of directors has rendered
an outstanding contribution to the purposes of the Foundation, shall be conferred with honorary membership.


6.1 Structure

The Organization’s structure shall consist of the following entities or select part(s) of them:
1. General Assembly
2. Board of Trustees
3. Board of Directors
4. Executive Committee

The General Assembly shall consist of 5 representatives from each Dahira of the zones, comprised of all
Mouride organizations across North America as demonstrated below:

 Northeast & Canada = Touba

 Northwest = Darou Rahmane
 North Central = Darou Salam
 Southeast = Darou Mouhty
 Southwest = Darou Minane
 South Central = Darou Khoudoss

6.2 General Assembly

General Assembly meetings shall be held annually, and will be held on the last weekend of October of every year or
any other date selected by the General Assembly. General Assembly meetings shall take place in any location
designated by the Board of Directors, at least 6 months prior to the meeting date.

I. The Purpose of the General Assembly Meeting shall be to:

a. Bi-annually elect or select the Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, and the Executive committee.
b. Present all Annual reports by the Board of Directors, Treasurer and Committees.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

c. Conduct any other business deemed necessary;

d. Select five (5) representatives who must attend the Board of Directors Committees, and Share the message,
coordinate all actions from the Foundation with their local organization; And
e. Amend the Bylaws if necessary.

II. All decisions made by the General Assembly shall be done by a majority consent of its members. Amendments
to the Constitution shall require three-fourth (3/4) of the General Assembly members’ votes.
The decisions adopted will be binding upon all organizations including those whose representatives were absent
during the adoption.

III. Special General Assembly Meetings: The purpose of the Special General Assembly Meeting shall be to address
any pressing concerns, or to amend the constitution by a three-fourths (3/4) vote, if the quorum requirement is met.
Special General Assembly Meetings shall be held at agreed-upon locations.

IV. A Special General Assembly Meeting may be called by a one-third (1/3) of either the Board of Directors, Board
of Trustees, or the General Assembly.

6.3. Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall consist of, but not be limited to nine selected Full members in addition to all Jawrigne of
each Dahira, and shall meet the following requirements:
a. Trustees shall be Full members of their respective organizations in good standing according to their local
constituencies, for at least 36 months.
b. Trustees shall hold regular meetings as needed to review the affairs of the Foundation.
c. There shall be no compensation for services rendered by the Board of Trustees.
d. All Trustee members shall have the authority to call for a special meeting by obtaining the agreement of one-third
(1/3) of Trustees.
e. Trustees shall be selected by a simple majority taken at the General Assembly bi-annual meeting, as outlined in
Article IX of the Constitution.

6.4. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of, but not be limited to nineteen selected Full members, a number of which
shall come from the Executive Committee of the Foundation. The affairs of the Organization shall be managed by
the Board of Directors, in conjunction with the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Directors shall meet the following requirements:

a. Directors shall be Full members of their respective organizations in good standing according to their local
constituencies, for at least 36 months prior to the selection.
b. The Board of Directors shall hold regular meetings as needed. Board members shall meet at an agreed-upon
physical or virtual location.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

c. All Board Directors shall attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of all meetings in order to be eligible for new term.
Three consecutive unexcused absences shall result in the constructive evaluation of any member of the Board
of Directors. The decisions adopted will be binding upon all organizations including those whose
representatives were absent during the adoption.
d. There shall be no compensation for services rendered by the Board of Directors.
e. All Board of Directors Members shall have the authority to call for a Special General Assembly meetings by
obtaining agreement of one-third (1/3) of Board of Directors.
f. Resolutions shall be taken by a majority decision of the Board of Directors.
g. Board Directors shall be selected at the General Assembly bi-annual meetings by a simple majority decision
taken by the Foundation members or their representatives, as outlined in Article IX of the Constitution.

6.5. Executive Committee

A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer,
Financial Auditor and Program Manager, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Internal Relations Coordinator,
Spokesperson of the Foundation, and Chairpersons of the following Outstanding Committees.

 Social Affairs Committee

 Keur Serigne Touba (KST) Committee
 Organization Committee
 Membership, Technology and Communication Committee

B. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the execution of the policies of the Organization, and
achievement of the Foundation’s purposes as outlined in Article IV of the Constitution. The officers of the
Executive Committee shall be comprised of the following:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. General Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Financial Auditor and Program Manager
6. Chairman of the Board Trustees
7. Spokesperson of the Foundation
8. Internal relation Coordinator
9. Chairperson of Social Affairs Committee
10. Chairperson of Keur Serigne Touba (KST) Committee
11. Chairperson of the Organization Committee
12. Chairperson of the Membership, Youth, Technology and Communication Committees.

C. The Executive Committee shall be selected by a majority decision of the Board of Directors and the Board
of Trustees, in accordance with Article IX of the Constitution.
D. The Foundation Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity is an apolitical organization.
An executive leadership position holder in any political organization shall not be eligible to participate in the
Executive Committee.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]



7.1 Duties & Responsibilities - Board of Trustees:

The Board of Trustees shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. Trustees shall maintain careful oversight of the Foundation’s resources.
b. Work closely with local organizations to ensure that local resources are properly maintained, and put to
effective use.
c. Review and approve, or suggest changes by simple majority, the annual budget of the Organization duly
prepared and submitted by the Board of Directors.
d. Review and approve, or suggest recommendations for any real estate transactions, including selling, buying,
financing, and construction, when properly prepared and submitted by the Board of Directors.
e. Decide on appointment of the Executive Committee in conjunction with the Board of Directors.
f. Sign the contracts and approve the salaries of the employees of the Foundation when recommended by the
Board of Directors.
g. Select a Chairman and Secretary from amongst themselves.
h. The Chairman shall conduct the meeting, while the Secretary shall keep records of all proceedings.
i. Have the authority to call for Special General Assembly Meetings by obtaining a one-third (1/3) vote of
Trustee members.
j. In case of deadlock, the Executive Committee shall choose to submit for a vote to the General Assembly for
a decision to be adopted by 3/4 of the representatives.
k. Ensure and secure all properties known as “Keur Islam” or “Keur Seg Touba”, hereby recognized as Assets
entrusted to the Foundation as the properties of Khadimur Rasul, RA, usable only to advance the Khidmah,
which cannot be the personal inheritable property of anyone, but shall remain under the name of Foundation
Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba of North America.

7.2. Duties & Responsibilities - Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Plan, manage and execute activities to accomplish the purposes and objectives for the Foundation.
b. Execute the policies and decisions of the General Assembly.
c. Appropriate funds for various activities in consultation with the Board of Trustees.
d. Recommend appointments and salaries of employees of the Organization to the Board of Trustees for its
e. Establish procedures in routine matters and recommend amendments to the bylaws according to the
f. Establish procedures for electing or selecting officers according to the by-laws.
g. Decide on appointment of the Executive Committee in conjunction with the Board of Trustees.
h. Review and approve, or reject Foundation associate membership.
i. Supervise the Executive Committee to ensure that Foundation tasks are being responsibly managed.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

j. Approve or disapprove subcommittees created by Committee chairpersons.

k. Prepare the Organization’s annual budget.
l. The decisions adopted will be binding upon all organizations including those whose representatives were
absent during the adoption.
m. Ensure and secure all properties known as “Keur Islam” or “Keur Seg Touba”, hereby recognized as Assets
entrusted to the Foundation as the properties of Khadimur Rasul, RA, usable only to advance the Khidmah,
which cannot be the personal inheritable property of anyone, but shall remain under the name of Foundation
Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba of North America.


8.1 The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice president, General Secretary, Vice
General Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Auditor and Program Manager, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees,
Spokesperson of the Foundation, Internal Relations Coordinator, Chairperson of Social Affairs Committee,
Chairperson of Keur Serigne Touba (KST) Committee, Chairperson of the Organization Committee, and
Chairperson of the Membership, Technology, Youth and Communication Committee.

8.2 The President shall be aided by a Vice President who will also stand in his position in the event of an absence.
If both are absent, then the General Secretary will stand in their position.

8.3 Functions of the Executive: The office bearers of the Executive Committee shall have the following duties
and responsibilities:

1. The President shall:

a. Be responsible for the general management of all activities of the Foundation.
b. Implement the Constitution and decisions of the Organization, by formulating the overall plans, policies,
and organizing efforts and resources.
c. Call and preside over the meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and General
d. Designate members and/or seek outside help to carry out any special task, (Such as Soutoura Committee,
Legal, Religious jurisprudence, etc.), and nominate non-voting members as needed.
e. Present the Annual Reports to the General Assembly.
f. Be the spokesperson, representative and correspondent in all external affairs.
g. Coordinate activities with all other external Organizations.

2. The Vice President shall:

a. Act in the absence of the President and shall be vested with all Presidential Powers.
b. Assist the president in performing his duties, perform other duties and tasks assigned by the President, or
prescribed by the Executive Committee, and stand in his position in case of absence.
c. In the event that the President is unable to complete his term of office, the Vice President shall complete
the President’s remaining term and shall become eligible for new term following the successful
completion of the President's unexpired Term of Office.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

3. The General Secretary shall:

a. Plan Board of Directors and General Assembly meetings, including agenda preparation.
b. Review financial reports submitted by the Treasurer, and update the Boards of Directors and Trustees of
these reports, as well as recommend any needed actions based on the reports.
c. Act as the custodian of all corporate and legal documents of the Organization.
d. Maintain correct and complete records available for inspection upon reasonable request from Foundation
representatives and Board members.
e. Ensure that resolutions, recommendations, and decisions taken by Organization entities are properly
f. Maintain close connection with the General Assembly by way of regular visits and other means of
g. Act as a liaison between the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees.
h. Keep records of all activities of the Organization.
i. Prepare and circulate within a reasonable time, minutes of all Board of Directors, Executive Committee
and General Assembly meetings.
j. Keep attendance at all meetings.
k. Oversee all general correspondence of the Organization.
l. Performs other duties as directed by the President.

4. The Treasurer shall:

a. Be responsible for overseeing Organization funds, preventing and detecting fraudulent transactions, and
taking necessary steps to protect the Foundation’s resources.
b. Manage both the asset and operation accounts, and have the authorization to transfer funds between the
two accounts and disburse funds.
c. Maintain records of financial transactions of the Organization, including collecting and depositing all
funds received on behalf of the Organization in the asset account.
d. Maintain accounts in the name of Organization with an accredited financial institution.
e. Co-sign with the General Secretary and/or president on any necessary documents.
f. Act as the custodian of the Foundation with financial institutions.

5. The Financial Auditor and Program Manager’s responsibilities shall include:

a. Reviewing the Organization’s financial transactions, detecting fraudulent activities, and taking necessary
steps to protect Foundation’s resources quarterly and annually.
b. Overseeing and coordinating the Foundation’s annual external audits, including appointment and
gathering external audit forms.
c. To Review and follow up program implementations and provide milestones checkpoints.
d. Liaison with Directors for program status and update the Executive Committee.
e. Any other tasks assigned by the President.

6. The Chairman of the Board of Education’s responsibilities shall include: promoting education in general,
helping to establish a unified curriculum for all students and adults, and having regular visits to all
communities across the Americas, to deliver the vision and objectives of the foundation.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

7. The Spokesperson of the Foundation’s responsibilities shall be to speak on behalf of the foundation in all
media and social outlets as approved by the foundation. The Executive Board shall designate the

8. The Chairperson of Social Affairs Committee’s responsibilities shall include: being the main contact person
for any needs in the community that has to be addressed in a proper and timely fashion on behalf of the
foundation. The scope of work outlined by the committee and approved by the Executive Board is for the
term defined.

9. The Chairperson of Keur Serigne Touba (KST) Committee’s responsibilities shall include: reviewing,
zoning and verifying eligibility of land or building before any acquisition. Providing adequate
recommendations to the board of directors, board of trustees, as well to any other interested parties. The
scope of work outlined by the committee and approved by the Executive Board is for the term defined.

10. The Chairperson of the Organization Committee’s responsibilities shall include: coordinating the cultural
week known as Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Day throughout the Americas, and making sure all necessary
measures are taken in a proper and timely fashion. Coordinating the Foundation’s efforts in regard to other
events that take place in the Americas, and promoting inter-relationships between Dahiras within the same
zones. The scope of work outlined by the committee and approved by the Executive Board is for the term

11. The Chairperson of the Membership, Technology and Communication Committee’s responsibilities
shall include: safeguarding the foundations needs for anything related to technology and communication, and
using them to develop membership and establishing a database consisting of those members. The scope of
work outlined by the committee and approved by the Executive Board is for the term defined.


The members of the Board of Directors, the members of the Executive committee, and the members of the Board of
Trustees shall be elected or selected by the General Assembly at the biannual General Assembly meeting. All
candidates must submit their names for election or selection to the Secretary, no less than 45 days prior to the General
Assembly meeting.

9.1. Selection of Board of Trustees

i. Board of Trustee selections shall take place at the bi-annual General Assembly meeting.
ii. The Board of Trustees shall be selected by the General Assembly, by a simple majority decision, for a four
(4) year term.
iii. Trustee members shall be eligible to run for new term up to a maximum of four (4) terms.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

iv. Members experience shall include Islamic jurisprudence, Finance and Legal expertise and others needed

9.2. Selection of the Board of Directors

i. Board of Directors selection shall take place at the bi-annual General Assembly meeting.
ii. The Board of Directors shall be selected by the General Assembly for a two (2) year term.
iii. Board of Directors members shall be eligible to run for a maximum of 3 terms.

9.3. Selection of Executive Committee

i. Selection for the Executive Committee shall take place at the bi-annual General Assembly meeting, following
the selections of the Board of Trustees and Board of Directors.
ii. Executive Committee members shall be selected by the simple majority decision of both the Board of
Directors and Board of Trustees. Executive Committee terms shall be two (2) years, and Executive Committee
members shall be eligible to run to a maximum of 3 terms.


10.1 In case of prolonged overseas absence, ANY office bearer shall be released from all duties invested in that
position. It shall be the president’s decision to nominate an officer to fulfill that officer’s day to day
responsibilities until they return.

10.2 In case a vacancy occurs in the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors shall be authorized to fill in
such a vacancy from among the selected members of the Board of Directors, by a simple majority decision.
The new office bearer shall complete the unexpired term for the office bearer he replaces.

10.3 In case a vacancy occurs in the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall be authorized to fill in such
a vacancy by a simple majority decision. The new member shall complete the unexpired term for the Director
he replaces.

10.4 In case a vacancy occurs in the Board of Trustees, the Board of Trustees shall be authorized to fill in such a
vacancy by a simple majority decision. The new member shall complete the unexpired term for the Trustee
he replaces.


11.1. The finances of the Organization shall be budgeted for the fiscal year by the Board of Directors, and approved
by the Board of Trustees.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]

11.2. The Board of Directors shall accept or designate any member, to accept contributions and donations from
sources consistent with the purposes of the Foundation.

11.3. Annual Financial Statements shall be conveyed to the Foundation members by the Secretary. Financial
Statements shall also be presented by the Treasurer at the Bi-annual General Assembly meeting, for the
information of the Foundation.
11.4. A fiscal year for accounting purposes shall be from January 1st through December 31st.

11.5. For accounting purposes, the Organization shall maintain two accounts designated as:
a. Asset Account
b. Operating Account

11.6. All contributions and donations received by the Foundation shall be deposited in the Asset Account.

11.7. The Board of Trustees shall be authorized to approve the transfer of funds from the Asset Account to the
Operating Account.

11.8. Disbursement of funds from the Asset Account shall require the joint signatures of the Treasurer, and either
the President or General Secretary of the Foundation.

11.9. Disbursement of funds from the Operating Account shall require the joint signatures of the Treasurer, and
either the President or General Secretary of the Organization.


12.1 The books of the Organization will be subject to an external annual audit before the biannual General
Assembly meeting. An external auditor shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the
Board of Trustees.


13.1 The Board of Directors shall have the authority to amend the Constitution at any time by virtue of a three-
fourths (3⁄4) vote.
13.2 The General Assembly shall have the authority to repeal or amend the Constitutional amendment by obtaining
a three-fourths (3⁄4) vote of the General Assembly, at either the biannual General Assembly meeting, or by
calling a Special General Assembly Meeting.
13.3 No amendment contrary to the teachings of Khadimur Rasul, RA, shall be entertained.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]
21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189

Website: email: [email protected]


14.1 The presence of at least three-fourths (3/4) of Foundation members or representatives at any General
Assembly meeting, shall constitute the quorum for the meeting.

14.2 The presence of at least four-fifths (4/5) of Trustees at any Board of Trustees meeting shall constitute the
quorum for the meeting.

14.3 The presence of at least three-fourths (3/4) of Directors at any Board of Directors meeting shall constitute the
quorum for the meeting.


15.1 Each person who is a Full member of the General Assembly shall have the right to vote as required.

15.2 Junior, Associated or Honorary members may participate in the General Assembly meetings, but they shall
not have the right to vote, or to hold any office.


16.1 No person or entity is permitted to use the Foundation, its assets, name, seal, logo, trademark, etc., for personal
profit. Any such action shall authorize the Board of Trustees to take the warranted action to the full extent of
the law.

16.2 No individual, who previously served as an official or an executive in a political party shall be voted in or
selected, to the Executive committee of the Foundation Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, for at least five years
from their official separation from said party.
The Board of Trustees is hereby authorized to take any actions necessary to effectuate the purpose of this
section and in accordance with the Foundation Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba’s Bylaws.

16.3 No Dahira, member of the FONCAB shall reject, nor neglect any majority decision, financial,
organizational or otherwise made by the organization for all members common good, which is binding to
all members and necessary for the Foundation roadmap and objectives implementation.

16.4 Any action by an individual in the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, or
executive nominated functions of the Foundation not conform to the purpose and objectives of the
Foundation stipulated in article IV of the Constitution, empowers the Executive Committee of the
Foundation to take appropriate disciplinary actions to the fullest, including expulsion.

21500 Schoolcraft Road Detroit MI 48223 USA Tel: 8104796189 Website: email: [email protected]

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