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Assessment Task 1

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Task 01:

Identify the communication context

(Written Report and Presentation)
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this arrangement
must be approved in writing by your trainer.
See procedure and task specifications below for details.
You must submit both printed copy and soft copy of your answers in a word document.
Submit the printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the "Assessment
Cover Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of your documents.
Upload the softcopy on the link provide in the eLearning site.
The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of appropriate
quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity of your submitted work.

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Assessment Description:
In response to a simulated business case study and workplace scenario, you will plan and lead a
communications project team meeting in which you will present a communication issue, propose
solutions and solicit feedback from the team. You will then prepare a written reflection on your
leadership of the meeting.

Part A: Lead a team meeting.
1. Review the case study in Appendix 1, particularly the background to the simulated
organisation, current change issues, communication and consultation needs, and your role as
Communications Team Manager.
2. Review JKL Industries simulated business documentation, including strategic plans and
operational plans. Note what the organisation does, how it does it, what its goals and
objectives are, and who its stakeholders and customers are. Note policies and procedures
related to communications within the organisation.
3. Plan a communication package (a set of strategic communication activities including at least
one written component and one oral, interactive component) to meet the needs of the
simulated business. For example, consider:
a. podcasts, town hall-style meetings, team briefings, teleconferences and other oral
b. slides, letters, emails, bulletins, social media platforms, blogs, wikis, live chats and other
written formats.
Complete the planning template in Appendix 2.
Note that you will develop the communications package in Assessment Task 2.
4. Arrange a time and location to lead a team meeting on your proposed communication plan to
discuss and collaborate on possible improvements. Meet with your assessor to determine
your project team composition.
5. Develop an agenda for your meeting and send it to participants. Include in your agenda
discussion of your proposed communication package:
a. the purpose and organisational context
b. audience and stakeholder characteristics, and potential barriers to communication
c. communication objectives
d. message
e. an evaluation of proposed media and tactics to achieve outcomes, including personal
and electronic methods.
Follow organisational requirements for meeting agendas.

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6. Lead the team meeting. Ensure you deliver your presentation in accordance with deliverables
and quality specifications for oral communication and interpersonal interactions outlined
below. Ensure you:
a. follow business conventions for leading team meetings, as well as relevant
organisational policies and legal requirements
b. use interpersonal skills
c. use verbal and non-verbal communication skills
d. use active listening
e. take a collaborative and open approach to receiving feedback and suggestions for
7. Submit your meeting agenda and communication plan (revised in accordance with feedback
received from team) for approval by the HR General Manager (your assessor) in accordance
with quality specifications for reading and writing in an organisational context outlined below.

Part B: Prepare a written reflection on your leadership of the meeting with the
communications project team.
1. Prepare a written reflection on your leadership of the team meeting. Ensure that the
reflection includes the following elements.
a. List effective management communication characteristics that you exemplified.
b. Describe a range of electronic and non-electronic communication methods, including
situations where they would and would not be used.
c. Identify and explain effective listening techniques you deployed in the meeting.
d. Identify team leadership communication responsibilities that you fulfilled, called upon
others to fulfil in the context of the team meeting, or have planned for in your
communication plan as per scenario.
e. Explain barriers to communication in a workplace context that you anticipate for your
communication package and which you anticipated and overcame in leading the team
f. List verbal and non-verbal communication characteristics. Describe how you used at
least one of each to lead the meeting.
g. List at least one piece of relevant legislation and one organisational policy that could
impact on workplace communication and that you adhered to in the meeting.
2. Submit your reflection in accordance with quality specifications for demonstrating knowledge
outlined below.

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You must:
● lead a (simulated) team meeting

● submit an agenda for the meeting

● submit a revised communication plan based on team feedback and input

● submit a reflection on your leadership of the team meeting.

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of your ability to demonstrate the following.
● Demonstrate oral communication and interpersonal skills by participating in a team meeting
using structure and language to suit the audience.
o Interact with others by:
– cooperating, collaborating and consulting with others to clarify and confirm
understanding of the organisational context, and seek feedback on
communication plans
– selecting and using appropriate oral communication conventions and practices to
build rapport, seek or present information.
o Get the work done by:
– planning and implementing a team meeting to identify and establish
communication requirements
– using analytical processes to identify potential problems and generate solutions
for communications approaches in collaboration with team members
– systematically gathering and analysing all relevant information and evaluating
options in order to make decisions about communication processes and activities
in collaboration with team members.
● Demonstrate reading and writing skills in an organisational context.

o Demonstrate reading skills through analysing and evaluating textual information from a
range of sources, such as business plans, policies and procedures, print-based and
online research, to inform communication processes.
o Identify the context for communication and adjust approach and responses accordingly.
o Demonstrate writing skills by planning and preparing communication for relevant
stakeholders according to organisational formats.
o Navigate the world of work by adhering to organisational policies and procedures
relating to communications and the communications planning and approvals process.

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Demonstrate knowledge of:
o effective management communication characteristics
o personal and electronic communication methods
o effective listening techniques
o feedback processes
o team leadership communication responsibilities
o barriers to communication in a workplace context
o verbal and non-verbal communication characteristics
o legislation, regulation and organisational policies that impact on workplace

Appendix 1: Case study – JKL Industries

JKL Industries overview
JKL Industries is an Australian-owned company, selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to
industry. They also have a division that leases forklifts and small trucks.

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The company’s head office is in Sydney, and JKL has branches in Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth,
Adelaide and Canberra.

Change, communication, and a historical climate of distrust

After 12 years in business, focusing on forklifts and small trucks, JKL Industries has negotiated the
sales rights to a range of large and medium-sized trucks from an overseas supplier. This opportunity
will provide JKL Industries with an advantage in range over its competitors.
Taking the sales rights opportunity will, however, entail some significant changes, including
significant changes to the current organisational structure over the coming twelve months. The
company will reposition itself to focus solely on retail sales and service and exit the underperforming
rentals market in which forces such as competition and consumer choice reduce potential
In accordance with the organisation’s values, JKL Industries intends (to the extent feasible) to recruit
from within the company and up-skill or re-skill existing employees presently working in rentals who
wish to remain with the company.
Given the company’s previous history of employee grievances over pay and conditions and current
plans to restructure, JKL Industries has identified poor communications and an organisational
climate of conflict as a risk to business goals.

Communication and consultation issues

An internal management review of the organisation late last financial quarter uncovered the
following issues:
● lack of an overarching approach to information management that helps to promote common
understanding of team goals and organisational values and to build strategic relationships
● slow responses to internal and external customer needs

● slow and ineffective communication of and implementation of ideas for improved processes

● ineffective or no use of modern communication technologies and social platforms

● inadequate consultation, resulting in risks to compliance (particularly WHS consultation

requirements) and too little bottom-up information flow from employees to management.
The latter results in poor organisational take-up of improvement ideas identified by teams and
individuals at lower levels of the organisation and by customer-facing managers and
● inconsistent application by managers of grievance procedures, posing a risk to employee
● poor sense of employee engagement, empowerment and accountability for work
● distinct lack of trust that management intends to do the right thing by its workers, particularly
with respect to organisational transformation and restructure
● poor general awareness of (and therefore poor support of) organisational goals, ethics, values.

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Moving forward, to build trust, achieve a positive organisational culture, reduce risk and achieve
organisational goals, the organisation is in the process of transforming its approach to
communications by:
● developing an effective policy framework for managing internal communications and
consultation in accordance with organisational objectives, business ethics, and compliance
● communicating and building support for organisational initiatives and objectives

● managing information flow to:

o provide managers and employees with the information at hand to perform work
o communicate ideas for improvement (top-down and bottom-up)
o facilitate feedback both to and from employees and management on relevant work
performance and outcomes of consultation
● forming a new communications team to plan and implement strategic communications to
achieve organisational objectives.

Your role: Project MyJKL

You are the Communications Team Manager of the newly formed Communications Team at JKL
Industries. You report to the HR General Manager. The HR General Manager has asked your team to
develop a communication package for JKL employees (provisionally entitled MyJKL) outlining the
organisation’s restructure plans over the coming year and intention to retrain rentals employees.
The communication of this key message is seen by senior management as key to the organisational
restructuring plans. The communication will need to:
● gain the attention of employees with the organisation’s message

● underscore management commitment to fairness

● build understanding of the organisation’s plans and employee role within them

● win support for plans

● motivate employees to do their part in building a successful JKL brand.

Senior management is firmly behind this project and is ready to provide resources and personnel as
Your proposed communications will need to be in accordance with the new approach to
communications, relevant policies and procedures and legislative requirements.

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Appendix 2: Communications plan – MyJKL
Title: Project MyJKL (working title)


Project team:

Situational Analysis: SWOT

Strengths Weaknesses
List the organisation’s communication List the organisation’s communication
strengths. weaknesses.

Opportunities Threats
List the organisation’s communication List the organisation’s communication
opportunities. threats.

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Purpose and outcomes
Outline the overall purpose of the communication. List the relevant objectives, including
relevant organisation-wide objectives and specific objectives for communication and

Audience analysis

Internal audience characteristics External audience characteristics

List the organisation’s internal audience List the organisation’s external audience and
and stakeholder characteristics. stakeholder characteristics.

Key message/s
Outline key message/s.

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Strategies and tactics
Summarise the proposed communication package, including media channels and
formats, content and structure. Outline strategies and tactics associated with the
communications plan, including rationale behind media channels and formats selected.
Note: you should propose to use as elements of your communication package at least
one oral format such as a video, podcast or town hall meeting (including supporting
scripts, meeting notes or slides) and one written format, such as an email, letter from
the CEO, etc.

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Action planning
Outline key communication activities.
Action/activity Timeframe Person/s responsible Resources, if

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Monitoring and evaluation (to be completed as preparation for Assessment Tasks 2) and
Briefly outline monitoring and evaluation activities: (1) periodic checking to ensure
implementation is on track to meet audience requirements and organisational goals, and
(2) post-implementation evaluation activities to determine the success of the
communications plan against original purpose and objectives.

Goal/objective Measure/KPI When measured? Method (for

/milestone How often? example, feedback
monitoring of social
media responses,
focus groups,
analytics, business

Approval (HR General Manager)

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