Irrigation System of Pakistan - CSS Pakistan Affairs Notes
Irrigation System of Pakistan - CSS Pakistan Affairs Notes
Irrigation System of Pakistan - CSS Pakistan Affairs Notes
Table of Contents
1. Wells or Tube-wells:
2. Canals:
3. Perennial Canals:
4. Non-Perennial Canals:
5. Inundation Canals (Flood Canals):
6. Link Canals:
7. Karez:
1. Wells or Tube-wells:
It is the oldest method of irrigation in Pakistan. Wells and Tube-wells system is successful
where water level is high and where canal system is not common. Animal power and
electricity is used for to obtain water from wells and tube-wells. To utilize ground water 0.7
million tube wells have been installed.
2. Canals:
The irrigation system of Pakistan is one of the best one in the world due to the largest
irrigation system in the world. In Pakistan, almost 75% of the land which is in agricultural
use is covered by the irrigation system. Currently there are 3 large dams and 85 small
dams, along with these dams there are 19 barrages to fulfill the water need. From these
dams and barrages 12 inter link canals, 45 canals have been taken to provide water to the
3. Perennial Canals:
These canals supply water throughout the year. Perennial canals are the canals that are
used to supply water to the field and these are taken either from dams or barrages.
Important Perennial Canals of Punjab are Upper Bari Doab, Lower Bari Doab, Sidhnai
Canals, Upper and Lower Chenab, Upper Jhelum canals originating from Trimmu
Headworks and Canals originating from river Sutlej at Ferozpur, Islam, Suleimanki and
Panjnad Headworks.
4. Non-Perennial Canals:
These canals run during the summer and the rainy season. Sidhnai canals from the Ravi,
Haveli canals from the Chenab and some of the Sutlej canals fall in this category.
These canals run only during the rainy season when water level in river rises. The quantity
of water they supply is uncertain. These canals, like other canals, are taken from the rivers
but the difference is that they get water when there is a rise in the water level due to flood.
Many old canals from the Indus and the Chenab fall in this category.
6. Link Canals:
Link canals are those canals which creates link between one rivers to another river to fulfill
the shortage of water. There are a number of link canals constructed under Indus water
treaty in Pakistan.
7. Karez: