Media and Globalization
Media and Globalization
Media and Globalization
1. Compare and contrast the social impacts of television and social media.
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based
input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and applications dedicated
to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are
among the different types of social media. While television is an electronics device that receives a
visual and audio signal and plays it for the viewer.
The social media impacts of television is Television for example not only causes children to see
inappropriate shows and commercials, but it also influences their health.
Social media is another forum that impacts society. There are many recent stories of online bullying,
among teens especially. It has also become a form of bragging or competition almost.
In contrast It helps people communicate, transfer information, learn, discover, and even save lives in
the medical field.
3. What strategies can you use to distinguish between fake and factual information on the
Fact Check!When in doubt, fact-check the information that you read! You can start with a simple
search to look into the keywords or the event that is being reported on. You can also use sites
like PolitiFact, FactCheck, and Snopes — all of which are extremely reputable fact checking sites for
a variety of issues and topics (not just politics)
Check the Author’s sources They contain interviews with individuals who can confirm or deny they
made the claim. They are supported by evidence, dates, and other data that can be fact checked. Be
wary of sources that cannot substantiate their claims.
Always remember that Fake news is created to influence public opinion or make money -- not to
educate. Real news is often not nearly as compelling as the world-ending conclusion that couldn't be