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Benitez Vs Badua

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G.R. No.

105625 January 24, 1994 Are Articles 166 and 170 of the Family Code
applicable in this case?
vs. HELD:
FEODOR BENITEZ AGUILAR, respondents. No. Articles 164, 166, 170 and 171 of the Family
Code do not contemplate a situation, like in the
Reynaldo M. Alcantara for petitioner. instant case, where a child is alleged not to be the
child of nature or biological child of a certain
Augustus Cesar E. Azura for private respondents. couple. Rather, these articles govern a situation
where a husband (or his heirs) denies as his own a
child of his wife. Thus, under Article 166, it is the
husband who can impugn the legitimacy of said
PUNO, J.: child.

FACTS: As regards the Birth Certificate which lists Marissa

as the child of Isabel and Vicente, the court said
Spouses Vicente Benitez and Isabel Chipongian- that it is highly questionable and suspicions. Under
Benitez owned various properties in Laguna. Isabel Article 410 of the New Civil Code, is states that,
died in 1982 while Vicente died in 1989. Vicente "the books making up the Civil Registry and all
died intestate. documents relating thereto shall be considered
public documents and shall be prima facie evidence
After Vicente’s death, his sister and nephew filed a of the facts therein stated." The totality of contrary
case for issuance of letters of administration of evidence presented by the sister and nephew of
Vicente's estate. They claim that Isable and Vicente Vicente show that Isabel did not become pregnant
were childless and that one Marissa Benitez-Badua as testified to by the witnesses. Also the Deed of
who was raised and cared by them since childhood Extra-Judicial Settlement of the Estate of the
is not their child and was not legally adopted by Deceased Isabel Chipongian executed by Vicente
them. himself and by Isabel’s brother, stated that they are
the sole heirs of the deceased Isabel Chipongian
Marissa opposed the petition and alleged that she because she died without descendants or
is the sole heir of deceased Vicente and capable of ascendants". In executing this Deed, Vicente
administering his estate. She presented Certificate effectively repudiated the Certificate of Live Birth of
of Live Birth, as one of her evidences to prove her Marissa where it appeared that Vicente was
claim. Marissa’s father.

The trial court decided in favor of Marissa and Therefore, Marissa’s petition before the Supreme
dismissed the petition of Vicente’s sister and Court was dismissed.
nephew. The trial court relied on Articles 166 and
170 of the Family Code on impugning the
legitimacy of the child.

The appellate court reversed the trial court ad held

that Articles 166 and 170 of the Family Code are
not applicable.


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