Zero Emission From Coal in China
Zero Emission From Coal in China
Zero Emission From Coal in China
China depends for most of its energy on coal – a situation that is likely to persist in the light of
the abundance of its coal resources, the paucity of its oil and gas resources, and the reluctance of
the government to allow China to become overly dependent on energy imports. The challenge is to
find ways to use coal without the enormous air pollution damage caused by current conversion
technologies and with greatly reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. A coal energy system for
China is proposed that could ultimately be characterized by near-zero emissions of both air pollut-
ants and greenhouse gases.
The key enabling technology is oxygen-blown (O2–blown) gasification to generate synthesis gas
from coal. This technology is used in commercially ready integrated gasification combined-cycle
power plants that can provide electricity with air pollutant emissions as low as emission levels for
natural gas combined-cycle plants. O2-blown gasification is not yet used in China’s energy sector,
although the technology is well-established in China’s chemical process industry.
The key enabling strategy, which would often lead to attractive energy costs without further tech-
nological advances, is “polygeneration” – the co-production from synthesis gas of at least electricity
and one or more clean synthetic fuels (e.g., dimethyl ether (DME), Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) liquids,
hydrogen (H2)) and often also chemicals, town gas, and/or industrial process heat. The products
of polygeneration could be used in the near term to serve a wide range of energy needs with
extremely low levels of air pollutant emissions.
In such polygeneration configurations CO2 can often be produced in relatively pure streams as a
co-product as a result of processing to increase the synthetic fuel’s hydrogen-to-carbon ratio. In
the near term this CO2 might be used profitably for enhanced oil recovery or enhanced recovery
of methane from deep beds of unminable coal where resource recovery opportunities exist.
For the longer term the potential exists for evolving the coal energy system to the co-production
primarily of electricity and H2 for serving urban areas, with most of the carbon in the coal ending
up as CO2 that is sequestered in geological reservoirs such as in depleted oil and natural gas fields
and deep saline aquifers at low incremental cost – even where there are no opportunities for using
the CO2 for enhanced resource recovery. The H2 so produced would be used for fueling zero-pol-
luting fuel-cell vehicles, for distributed cogeneration (combined heat and power) applications in
stationary fuel cells, and for cooking and heating applications as well.
A third clean carbon-based synthetic fuel might also be needed for serving rural markets that would
be difficult to serve with H2, unless there are breakthroughs in H2 storage technology. DME is a
strong candidate for becoming the “third” clean energy carrier for China.
Evolving a coal-based energy system that would be characterized ultimately by near-zero emissions
of air pollutants and greenhouse gases would probably involve shifting the center of gravity for
central-station power generation to the chemical process industries that would ultimately be co-pro-
ducing as their major products electricity, H2, and (perhaps) DME. Ongoing structural reforms in
the electric power sector that encourage greater competition in power generation would facilitate
the realization of this vision for coal.
relation to coal, and reluctance on the part of China to al., 1999] have been carried out for the ExternE Pro-
become overly dependent on energy imports. gramme of the European Commission aimed at quantify-
Proved reserves of oil and natural gas in China amount, ing the external social costs of air pollution. These studies
respectively, to 4.3 and 1.6 years of total primary energy found that external social costs are dominated by health
consumption in 2000 [BP, 2001], compared to more than impacts and that the costs of health impacts from fine-
100 years for coal[2]. Median estimates made by the US particle air pollution are especially high. Most fine-parti-
Geological Survey of ultimately recoverable conventional cle air pollution is caused by fossil-fuel burning – both
oil and gas resources amount to 12 and 9 years of supply direct emissions of fine particles and sulfate and nitrate
at the 2000 primary energy consumption rate, respectively particles formed in the atmosphere from gaseous emis-
[Masters et al., 1994], compared to more than 600 years sions of SO2 and NOx.
for coal[3]. Unconventional heavy oil resources might add Rabl and Spadaro [2000] have generated both median
another 3 years of primary energy supply [Rogner, 2000]. estimates of costs and geometric standard deviations; for
Coal bed methane (CBM) resources in China are substan- aggregated morbidity and mortality, they found a geomet-
tial, although the fraction of these resources that might ric standard deviation of about 4, so that the 68 % con-
eventually be exploited is uncertain, and in any case the fidence interval for costs is the range 1/4 to 4 times the
energy content of these resources amounts to less than median cost. Their economic calculations reflect recent
proved reserves of coal[4]. epidemiological studies indicating that: (1) serious
Coal use in China is accounted for by industrial boilers chronic health effects (especially life-shortening) are
and furnaces (almost 1/2), power generation (almost 1/3), strongly correlated with fine particles (PM2.5 particles,
and heating and cooking in residential and commercial with diameters less than 2.5 microns) in the air that can
buildings – with power generation dominating coal de- penetrate into the deep lungs, and (2) the dose-response
mand growth at present. In the future coal may well be functions for health impacts are approximately linear, with
used to make transport fuels as well, because of rapid no evidence of a threshold [Pope et al., 1995; Wilson and
growth in transport energy requirements, limitations of Spengler, 1996].
domestic oil in meeting these needs, and concerns about Although causal factors for the adverse health effects
growth of oil import dependency. are not well established and there is considerable uncer-
tainty relating to the magnitudes of the health impacts
2. Coal, environment, and public health from small-particle air pollution, the economic value of
Although coal is abundant and cheap, its use typically the health impacts is expected to be high in densely popu-
causes major environmental damage. A recent World Bank lated regions of high-income countries. Results of these
study [World Bank, 1997] assessing the costs of local/re- environmental damage cost studies are summarized in Ta-
gional air pollution damage in China estimated total costs ble 1 for alternative fossil-fuel power plants that might
to be $ 48 billion in 1995 (7 % of GDP), including im- be built under typical European siting conditions. This ta-
pacts of acid deposition as well as health effects from air ble shows that new coal steam-electric plants equipped
pollution. The study found that the dominant cost was with best available control technologies (BACT) at typical
associated with the health impacts of both indoor and out- European sites would have environmental damage costs
door air pollution. that are about 2/3 the direct economic costs of producing
Health damage, mainly to women and children, as a this electricity (compare Tables 1, 2a and 2b). Although
result of indoor air pollution in rural areas from cooking health damage costs would typically be much lower today
with coal and biomass fuels was valued in the study at for coal plants equipped with BACT in countries like
about $ 11 billion for 1995, and damage for urban resi- China with low per capita incomes, incomes in China are
dents was valued at $ 32 billion (5 % of GDP). Moreover, rising rapidly, and damage costs will rise much more rap-
the Bank projected that under “business-as-usual” condi- idly than GDP[5], so such findings are relevant to thinking
tions (with a 2.7-fold increase in coal consumption, 1995- about China’s future.
2020) health damage to urban residents would increase to Climate change is another major environmental con-
$ 98 billion by 2020 at current income levels, or $ 390 cern. Coal is problematic in this regard because it is the
billion (13 % of GDP) with adjustment for expected most carbon-intensive fossil fuel, because its conversion
growth in income. (The estimated health costs increase to useful energy is typically not especially efficient, and
with income because the World Bank estimated costs on because China is so dependent on coal. Average (30%-ef-
the basis of the principle of “willingness to pay” to avoid ficient) coal power plants in China emit more than 3 times
adverse health impacts.) as much CO2 as state-of-the art natural gas combined-cy-
Pollution costs in China are high both because coal is cle plants. Only marginal gains are feasible by shifting to
the dominant fossil fuel and because there are relatively more efficient coal steam-electric plants: as shown in Ta-
low levels of pollution control on coal conversion equip- ble 1, new 37%-efficient coal steam-electric plants release
ment. However, even in countries where relatively high 2.6 times as much CO2 per kWh generated as combined-
levels of polluting emission control are mandated and en- cycle plants (see Tables 2a and 2b).
forced, health damage costs from coal steam power plants The US Energy Information Administration [EIA, 2001]
can be high. projects that between 1999 and 2020, China’s CO2 emis-
Recently, studies [Rabl and Spadaro, 2000; Krewitt et sions will increase from 71 % to 150 % of those for
Table 1. Emission rates for and estimated costs of environmental damage from air pollutant emissions of
fossil-fuel power plants (valuation for typical European conditions)
Primary air pollutant SO2 NOx PM10 SO2 NOx PM10 Total Total
Average US coal steam-electric plant, 1997 6.10[2] 3.47[2] 0.16[3] 6.36 5.56 0.28 12.2 82
New coal steam-electric plant with best 0.46 0.87 0.15[3] 0.48 1.40 0.24 2.12 14
available control technology[4]
Coal IGCC plant[5] 0.075 0.082 0.0025 0.080 0.132 0.004 0.216 1.5
Western Europe and from 44 % to 82 % of those for the for ammonia (NH3) manufacture. Interest in modern O2-
United States. Yet, on a per capita basis, China’s CO2 blown gasification technology in China’s chemical proc-
emissions in 2020 would be just 2/5 of those for Western ess industry arises in large part because nitrogen fertilizer
Europe and less than 1/5 of those for the United States. demand is growing and much of existing coal-based NH3
Still, if China is to remain heavily dependent on coal for production involves small, inefficient, and polluting
energy, ways must be found to provide useful energy from plants, many of which are targeted for replacement by
coal with greatly reduced CO2 emissions at affordable larger, cleaner, and more cost-competitive plants.
costs, if the long-term goal of achieving “stabilization of In the next section, the technology of syngas manufac-
the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere at a ture is described. This is followed by a discussion of how
level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic inter- syngas-based energy systems make it possible to provide
ference with the climate”, as set forth in Article 2 of the energy from coal with extraordinarily low levels of gase-
Framework Convention on Climate Change, is to be re- ous air pollutant emissions and quite manageable liquid
alized. and solid waste disposal problems. The following section
discusses how coal-derived syngas can provide clean en-
3. A syngas-based energy system for coal in China? ergy for essentially all sectors of the energy economy.
In this paper an energy system for China based on coal Then polygeneration is proposed for energy production as
is proposed that could evolve so that ultimately this sys- a strategy for reducing costs of this clean energy to at-
tem would be characterized by near-zero emissions of tractive levels without having to wait for major techno-
both air pollutants and greenhouse gases. The key ena- logical advances. The following section shows that a
bling technology is O2–blown gasification – a technology syngas-based energy strategy for coal offers a low-cost
perhaps most widely known as a component of coal in- approach to climate change mitigation if advanced H2 pro-
tegrated gasifier combined-cycle (IGCC) power plants. duction technologies and end-use technologies such as
The coal IGCC is a commercially ready technology, al- fuel cells enable H2 to become a major energy carrier
though no IGCC plant has been built in China. However, complementing electricity in the energy economy in a
O2-blown gasification technology is well established in greenhouse gas emissions-constrained world – because of
China’s chemical process industry: China has in opera- the favorable outlook for H2 energy strategies based on
tion, under construction, or on order, 25-30 modern O2- coal and the good prospects for sequestering CO2 in geo-
blown gasifiers; many are for gasifying coal and mostly logical formations at low incremental cost under these
Table 2a. Performance, generation costs, and CO2 emission rates for alternative fossil fuel power plants – for construction in the United States
Performance, costs, emission rates[1] Pulverized coal Coal IGCC plant Natural gas combined cycle
steam-electric (NGCC) plant
plant w/FGD
Air-cooled Steam-cooled Air-cooled Steam-cooled
turbine turbine turbine turbine
conditions. The penultimate section discusses why this that required for complete coal combustion (where the ma-
syngas-based energy strategy for coal is overwhelmingly jor products are water (H2O) and CO2 [11] instead of H2
preferable to alternative strategies for coal conversion and CO). Here the heating value[12] of the produced syn-
based on advanced conversion technologies in an environ- gas is 82.5 % of the heating value of the coal from which
mentally-constrained world. Finally, national and interna- it is derived. Notably, this so-called “cold gas efficiency”
tional collaborative strategies and policies for fostering is a net efficiency for gasification. Although making the
this approach to coal utilization in China are discussed. needed O2 from air is a very electricity-intensive process[13],
this electricity and other energy requirements of the gasifi-
4. Syngas manufacture cation process can be fully provided without burning extra
Gasification makes it possible to make use of most of the coal, by generating high-pressure steam from heat that is
energy in coal in a convenient gaseous form that has a recoverable in the gasification process[14].
wide range of potential applications, as will be shown. In
coal gasification, coal is reacted with water and an oxidant 5. Controlling environmental damage with a
– air or O2. In gasification the oxidant is used for partial syngas-based coal energy system
oxidation rather than complete combustion. As will be Coal contains many noxious contaminants. Some end up
clear below, there are great benefits to be exploited if coal as trace constituents of the syngas generated in gasifica-
is gasified not with air[6] but with O2 recovered from air tion – suspended small particles (fly ash), sulfur- and ni-
in an air liquefaction plant – typically at 95 % purity[7]. trogen-containing gaseous compounds, as well as
The product of O2-blown coal gasification is synthesis gas chlorides and other trace compounds. The rest are recov-
(henceforth called “syngas”) – a gaseous mixture made ered in ash removed from the bottom of the gasifier.
up mainly of H2 and carbon monoxide (CO). For example, Despite the nastiness of the chemical cocktail that is
when high-sulfur Appalachian bituminous coal[8] is gasi- coal, syngas-based coal energy systems can be made as
fied in the Destec gasifier (an entrained-flow gasifier[9] clean as natural gas energy systems without incurring
operated at a pressure of 25 bar and having a syngas exit large clean-up cost penalties – as will be shown by con-
temperature of 1040ºC), the overall process[10] can be sidering management issues relating to gaseous and water
summarized as [Simbeck et al., 1993]: effluents and solid wastes.
CH0.8253O0.0582S0.0166 + 0.257 H2O + 0.411 O2 → 5.1. Controlling gaseous effluents
0.630 H2 + 0.840 CO + 0.149 CO2 + 0.0112 CH4 + Removing trace gas contaminants from syngas is typi-
0.0166 H2S cally far easier than removing pollutants from stack gases.
The amount of O2 required for gasification is 1/3 of Consider first fly ash. Entrained-flow gasifiers operate at
Table 2b. Technical, economic, and environmental performance of alternative coal power plants in China
Only ESP ESP + dry ESP + wet ESP + wet FGD Air-cooled Steam-cooled
FGD FGD + NOx controls turbine turbine
Efficiency, LHV basis (%) 34.0 33.0 33.0 33.0 42.5 46.5
Installed capital cost ($/kWe) 600 709 764 788 1320 1091
Total levelized generation cost (¢/kWh) 2.81 3.20 3.37 3.40 3.60 3.17
SO2 emission rate (g/kWh) 10.9 4.5 1.1 1.1 0.082 0.075
NOx emission rate (g/kWh) 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.2 0.089 0.082
PM10 emission rate (g/kWh) 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.0027 0.0025
Relative CO2 emission rate 1.37 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.09 1.00
(IGCC with steam-cooled turbine = 1.00)
1. Technical, economic, and environmental performance are from Wu et al. [2001], except that the PM10 emission rate is assumed to be 13.61 g/GJ – see Note 3, Table 1.
2. Calculated according to the procedure outlined in Note 2, Table 2a.
3. The assumed coal price is $ 1.12/GJ, the levelized average price for electric generators in China for 2005-2030, assuming that the coal price increases 0.5 %/yr, 2005-2030, from
its 2005 price level of $ 1.07/GJ, as projected in Wu et al. [2001].
4. It is assumed that the value of air pollution damage per kg for SO2, NOx, and PM10 are in the ratio 1.00:1.53:1.63 – the same as for typical European power plant sitings, as presented
in Note 1, Table 1.
5. From Table 2a and Table 1.
temperatures higher than the ash fusion temperature. Most tially harmful trace components [Simbeck et al., 1993].
of this ash is recovered as a molten slag that flows out The sulfur in the coal ends up in the syngas mainly in
of the gasifier through a taphole at the bottom of the gasi- the form of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), along with some car-
fier; slagging coal gasification processes produce little or bonyl sulfide (COS). Higher levels of sulfur removal are
no fly ash. In contrast, fly ash makes up about 80 % of practically achievable when sulfur in these forms is re-
the ash in pulverized coal boilers [Simbeck et al., 1993]. covered from syngas than is feasible with either flue-gas
This distinction gives slagging gasification processes a desulfurization (FGD) or fluidized-bed combustion (FBC)
distinct advantage, because fly ash is more difficult to strategies, and the resulting solid waste disposal chal-
handle, use, and dispose of than slag. Nevertheless, some lenges are typically more manageable (see below).
fly ash containing some unconverted carbon is produced Note that for the coal gasification example described
in gasification. In the Destec gasifier, fly ash is recovered above (coal with 3.2 % sulfur), the H2S content of the
in sintered metal filters after some cooling of the syngas raw synthesis gas is at a concentration of 10,000 ppmv.
exiting the gasifier. This fly ash is recycled back to the These sulfur-bearing gases can be effectively and effi-
gasifier for recovery of the previously unconverted carbon ciently removed from cooled syngas and converted into
and eventually removed as slag. Any residual particles elemental sulfur via processes that are well-established in
that escape filtration are recovered in a wet scrubber. the chemical process industries [Simbeck et al., 1993]. If
Some other gasifiers use cyclones and/or scrubbers for the syngas is cooled to high ambient temperatures (30-
particulate removal. 50ºC), the sulfur-bearing gas concentrations can be re-
The scrubber also removes from the syngas chlorides duced to 10-50 ppmv (more than 99.5 % removal for the
(which could otherwise corrode downstream conversion example discussed above). Cold gas (sub-ambient tem-
equipment), NH3 and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) (trace ni- perature) clean-up systems that are somewhat more capi-
trogen-bearing contaminants that would otherwise form tal-intensive can reduce sulfur levels to 1 ppmv or less[15].
NOx when the coal syngas is burned), and other poten- Removing sulfur and other pollutants from syngas is
typically much easier and less costly than removing pol- Elemental sulfur is recovered using commercial proc-
lutants from stack gases because the pollutants are highly esses for recovery of sulfurous gases from syngas (see
concentrated in small volumes, undiluted by the large above). Initially this sulfur can be sold profitably in sulfur
amounts of N2 associated with coal combustion in air. If markets. In the United States about 80 % of the 11 million
the coal described above were burned in air at atmospheric tonnes (Mt) of sulfur consumed annually is converted to
pressure, the combustion process would be represented sulfuric acid for use in manufacturing phosphate fertilizer
by[16] – the demand for which is expected to grow as world
CH0.8253O0.0582S0.0166 + 1.691 (O2 + 3.76 N2) → food demand increases. However, it is reasonable to ex-
0.413 H2O + CO2 + 0.497 O2 + 6.358 N2 + pect that eventually the world market for sulfur would
0.0166 SO2; saturate and the sulfur price would collapse if sulfur re-
the concentration of SO2 in the stack gases would be only covery from clean-up of sulfurous fossil fuel-derived
0.2 %, and its partial pressure would be only 0.002 bar. gases were to become commonplace. Under such condi-
In contrast the concentration of H2S in the 25-bar syngas tions sulfur would have to be disposed of as a solid waste.
described above is 1.0 % and its partial pressure is 0.25 However, disposing of sulfur as a solid waste would be
bar. Thus the volume for sulfur recovery from stack gases far easier and would require dealing with much less bulk
is 0.25/0.002 = 125 times as large as that required for material than disposing of wastes associated with FGD or
recovery from syngas. FBC[17].
5.2. Controlling water effluents
Water used to scrub syngas removes various organic and 6. Opportunities for providing clean energy via
inorganic compounds – including residual quantities of coal-derived syngas
coal ash. Water purification removes most of the organic Converting coal to syngas makes it possible to provide
compounds; most of the water is typically recycled, and clean energy from coal for a wide range of potential ap-
a portion (“blow-down”) is sent to disposal to prevent plications – often at higher efficiency and lower cost than
build-up of salts and other dissolved minerals that come by cleaning up conventional conversion technologies with
from the coal feed – in the same manner that blow-down complicated “end-of-pipe” emission control technologies.
is required for water circulating in cooling towers of The possibilities are illustrated by considering in turn: di-
steam-electric power plants to prevent build-up of salts rect use of town gas for cooking and heating; central-sta-
and minerals. For the Destec gasifier, scrub-water exclu- tion power generation via IGCC; large-scale IGCC-based
sive of blow-down is recycled back to the gasifier. The cogeneration; distributed, town gas-based cogeneration;
net process water effluent, usually of higher quality than and the production of clean synthetic fluid fuels.
the blow-down from cooling-towers, is often disposed of 6.1. Syngas as town gas for direct fuel applications
with slag [Simbeck et al., 1993]. Although most potential applications of syngas involve
5.3. Solid waste management its conversion to other energy carriers for use by final
For gasification systems based on entrained-flow gasifi- consumers, syngas can also be used directly – e.g., for
ers, the only solids to be disposed of are ash recovered cooking and heating. In China direct use of coal by urban
as slag from the gasifier and elemental sulfur recovered households accounted for 75 % of residential energy con-
from the H2S and COS in the syngas (see above). These sumption and 9 % of total coal consumption in 1993; 3/4
facts imply an enormous solid waste management advan- of urban households use coal for cooking and heating us-
tage for gasification systems relative to direct combustion ing individual coal stoves [Fang et al., 1998]. These are
systems. perhaps the most environmentally damaging coal-using
As noted above, nearly all the coal ash is recovered as activities in China.
a molten slag at the bottom of the gasifier, where it flows Direct use of coal for cooking and space-heating in ur-
into a water-quench bath and is typically crushed and re- ban residences might be replaced by syngas piped as
moved as a slag/water slurry. If slag is to be disposed of “town gas” to individual residences from a central coal
as a waste material (e.g., in a land-fill), a concern is that conversion facility. If this were done, the use of primary
trace contaminants (e.g., arsenic, barium, cadmium, chro- coal for these applications would be reduced by 1/4 and
mium, lead, mercury, selenium, silver) not be leached into nearly 1/5, respectively[18], while particulate and sulfur
groundwater. However, long-term leaching tests on coal emissions would be reduced to near-zero, and NOx emis-
gasification slag indicate that slag is essentially non-leach- sions would be reduced 80-85 %[19].
able [Thompson et al., 1989]. If the slag is disposed of Using coal-derived gas for such purposes is not a novel
as solid waste, it is common practice to add 20-30 % idea – neither globally nor in China. Coal gas was widely
water by weight to the solid waste for dust control and used for more than a century in Western countries before
optimum bulk density – often blow-down from the syngas natural gas became readily available. And as of 1988
scrubber (see above), which contains small amounts of China’s total coal gas consumption was 19 billion Nm3
salts and minerals recovered from the scrubbed syngas. (Gm3), 9 % of which was used by urban residents [Fang
Because slag is essentially inert, it might be feasible to et al., 1998]. But most technology in use involves pro-
use it for commercial purposes – e.g., as a synthetic ag- viding coal gas without pollution controls. The “new” idea
gregate for use in road construction and concrete and ce- is that extremely clean town gas can be provided using
ment [Simbeck et al., 1993]. modern coal gasification technology together with modern
gas clean-up technologies that are well established in the from stack gases at very low partial pressures after com-
chemical process industries. Moreover, in the next major bustion (see Box 1).
section a polygeneration strategy is outlined showing how Table 2b shows how the cost of electricity in China
clean town gas might be provided in the near term at with imported IGCC technology would compare with the
attractive fuel prices. cost of electricity from domestically produced coal steam-
6.2. Syngas for central-station power generation electric plants having alternative levels of pollution con-
Consider next central-station power generation – the ac- trol. This table shows that the imported IGCC systems
tivity that dominates coal use throughout the industrial- are much more capital-intensive than the domestic coal
ized world and is the most rapidly growing coal-using plants but that the levelized lifecycle generation cost for
activity in China. O2-blown gasification technology the IGCC plant with steam-cooled turbine blades would
makes it possible to extend to coal, via IGCC power be less than the generation cost for domestically manu-
generating technology, the economic, thermodynamic, and factured coal steam plants equipped with flue gas desul-
environmental benefits of combined-cycle power generat- furization technology – although lifecycle cost savings
ing technology, which has become the technology of would be modest.
choice for thermal power generation throughout the world If China were to adopt coal IGCC technology, it would
wherever natural gas is readily available. probably seek to maximize opportunities for domestic
Since demonstration of IGCC technology with the 94- manufacture rather than import turnkey plants. Doing so
MWe Coolwater Project in Southern California (1984– should lead to reductions in capital cost relative to im-
89), there has been much progress relating to its ported technology. Stoll and Todd [1996] estimate that
commercialisation. Table 3 lists 5 large commercial-scale because of local labor and material cost advantages, an
coal IGCC plants around the world that produce electric- IGCC plant built in China would have an installed cost
ity or electricity and steam (cogeneration), as well as 9 30 % less than for a plant built in the United States – an
other large commercial projects that involve gasification estimate that is consistent with the ratio of installed capi-
of petroleum residues to co-produce electricity with H2, tal costs for coal steam-electric plants with FGD built in
syngas, or steam[20]. If all the syngas capacity in these 14 China and the United States (compare costs for steam-
plants (9,163 MWth) were dedicated to power generation, electric plants in Tables 2a and 2b). Yang carried out a
the equivalent electric generating capacity would be about detailed analysis of an IGCC plant designed for construc-
5,500 MWe. tion in the United States and concluded that if opportu-
Table 1 shows that environmental damage costs asso- nities for Chinese manufacture of components were
ciated with measured emissions at the Buggenum coal maximized, the installed cost in China would be 47 %-
IGCC plant in the Netherlands are less than 2 % of dam- 56 % of the cost in the United States [Yang, 1995]. Ex-
age costs for average coal-fired power plants in the United perience is needed to find out actual realizable savings
States, about 10 % of damage costs for coal steam-electric with efforts to maximize Chinese content of IGCC plants.
plants equipped with best available control technologies, Also, it may be necessary to build several IGCC plants
and comparable to damage costs for natural gas combined before realizing significant advantage from local manu-
cycles (NGCCs). facture. Economic benefits of IGCC technology could
For US-built plants, the electricity cost for IGCC sys- probably be realized sooner if the technology were de-
tems currently sold is somewhat higher than for coal ployed initially, not in stand-alone power plant applica-
steam-electric plants (compare Frame 7F IGCC and tions, but in applications involving the cogeneration of
steam-electric plant costs in Table 2a) when credit is not steam and electricity (see next sub-section) or in polygen-
taken for environmental benefits (which would probably eration applications (see next section).
tip the balance decisively in favour of IGCC – see Table 6.3. Syngas for cogeneration at large industrial plants
1). New turbine technology just now coming into the mar- O2-blown coal gasification probably has a better chance
ket, based on use of steam-cooled turbine blades (Frame of being launched in the market via applications other
7H technology), could tip the balance slightly in favour than power-only – for example, in cogeneration where
of IGCC even without environmental credits (see Table heat for industrial process use is provided as a co-product
2a). However, a shift from steam-electric to IGCC tech- of electricity. Table 4a llustrates the advantages offered
nology would be motivated to a large extent by the cost- by syngas- (IGCC-) based cogeneration. For this system,
effectiveness of the latter in achieving extraordinarily low fuel requirements are reduced 1/5 and and the net elec-
levels of air pollutant emissions. tricity generation cost is reduced 1/4 relative to electricity
IGCC technology also offers a much less costly route and steam production in separate facilities. Of course, co-
for achieving, via fossil fuel decarbonization and CO2 se- generation strategies can also be pursued with conven-
questration in geological reservoirs (see Section 9), deep tional steam turbine technology. However, as illustrated
reductions in CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants by the calculation in Table 4b for the same levels of elec-
than is feasible with coal steam-electric plants. The lower tricity and process steam generation as in the IGCC
cost arises because with gasification the CO2 can be re- case[21], the fuel savings rate (5 %) and the reduction in
moved before combustion at much higher CO2 partial the net cost of electricity (9 %) are far less than for the
pressures and thus much lower cost than is feasible with IGCC case. Moreover, a comparison of Tables 4a and 4b
coal steam-electric plants, where CO2 must be recovered shows that although there is little difference in efficiency
and cost for IGCC and ultra-supercritical steam turbine offered by IGCC and other high electricity-to-heat ratio
technologies in producing electricity only, IGCC technol- technologies [Williams, 1978].
ogy is a markedly better performer in cogeneration appli- 6.4. Syngas as town gas for distributed cogeneration
cations. The IGCC cogeneration systems described above are suit-
Large industrial firms in China’s rapidly growing basic able for very large plants that produce steam at rates ∼400
materials processing industries (e.g., basic chemicals, pe- MWth or more than 600 tph (tonnes of steam/hour). There
troleum refining), which tend to have high process heat are some sites in China that could host such large facili-
demands, represent attractive markets for IGCC cogenera- ties. But typical coal-fired industrial boilers in China are
tion technologies. much smaller. In 1990 medium- and small-scale boilers
Cogeneration technologies such as gas turbines, com- (defined as producing less than 65 tph) consumed over
bined cycles, and reciprocating engines that are charac- 350 Mt of coal (35 % of total coal use). There are about
terized by high electricity-to-heat output ratios tend to 500,000 industrial boilers in China, over half of which
offer much better economic performance than steam tur- have capacities in the range 1 to 4 tph; the average boiler
bines, which have low characteristic electricity/heat out- capacity is 2.3 tph or 1.5 MWth [GEF, 1996].
put ratios (see Figure 1). When such technologies are Many of the heat loads now served by such small boil-
sized to satisfy the on-site heat demand (often the most ers in small factories, commercial buildings, and apart-
attractive configuration) they typically produce more elec- ment buildings would be good candidates for clean, town
tricity than can be consumed on site. A public policy that gas-based cogeneration technologies having power output
makes competitive electricity prices available to these capacities at scales ranging from less than 100 kWe to a
producers for the electricity they wish to sell into elec- few MW. As in the case of coal-derived town gas targeting
tric grids is key to unlocking the cogeneration potential cooking and heating markets discussed above, the basic
Spain Repsol and Iberola Texaco 1,543 Vacuum residues Electricity 2004
France Total France, EdF, and Texaco Texaco 835 Fuel oil Electricity, H2 2003
Netherlands Shell Nederland Raffinaderij BV Shell 594 Visbreaker residues Electricity, H2 1997
Czech Republic SUV and EGT Lurgi Dry Ash 593 Coal Electricity, steam 1996
United States Public Service of Indiana Destec 551 Bituminous Coal Electricity 1995
United States Motiva Enterprises LLC Texaco 520 Fluid petcoke Electricity, steam 1999
Italy API Raffineria di Ancona S.p.A. Texaco 463 Visbreaker residues Electricity 1999
United States Tampa Electric Company Texaco 424 Coal Electricity 1996
United States Exxon USA Inc. Texaco 407 Petcoke Electricity, syngas 2000
Singapore Esso Singapore Pty. Ltd. Texaco 339 Residual oil Electricity, H2 2000
Source: Simbeck and Johnson [1999].
idea would be to pipe syngas produced from coal in large natural gas applications the low cost and high efficiencies
centralized facilities to distributed cogeneration facilities of these engines, with much less de-rating. Recent ad-
that might be located up to 30 km from the syngas pro- vances have reduced liquid-spark requirements for dual-
duction facility. Both reciprocating engines and micro-tur- fuel engines to 1 % of system fuel requirements for larger
bines show promise as near-term technologies for town engines. Such engine generator sets are commercially
gas-based cogeneration at such scales and are discussed available at scales of 1-16 MWe with efficiencies of 39-
here. In the future fuel cells offer promise for such dis- 42 %.
tributed cogeneration applications; these are discussed be- Air pollutant emissions, especially NOx, are a concern.
low in the section dealing with H2 technologies. Most lean-burning, spark-ignited natural gas engines and
6.5. Cogeneration using reciprocating engines micro-liquid-spark, dual-fuel engines can achieve NOx
From June 1997 through May 1998, world-wide sales emission of 1.4 g/kWh (100 ppmv at 15 % O2), which is
of reciprocating engines for stationary power markets comparable to the emission rate for central-station coal
totalled about 5,100 units (9.6 GWe of total capacity) – steam-electric plants equipped with NOx emission con-
a five-fold gain from 10 years earlier [Wadman, 1998]. trols but 15-20 times the emission rate for coal IGCC
Although most units use oil, 13 % use natural gas or will plants (see Table 2b). Some vendors now offer systems
be capable of using dual fuels. with half this level of emissions but at an energy effi-
Reciprocating engines can be used for cogeneration by ciency penalty of about 1 percentage point. Air emission
recovering both high-quality heat from engine exhaust and concerns with town gas firing would be similar to those
low-quality heat from engine jacket-cooling water. Like for reciprocating engines operated on natural gas, except
gas turbines and combined cycles, reciprocating engines that NOx emissions might be higher because of higher
are attractive for such applications because of their high adiabatic flame temperatures.
electricity-to-heat output ratios (see Figure 1). Such sys- 6.6. Cogeneration using microturbines
tems designed to satisfy the on-site heat load often pro- The microturbine is a gas turbine just entering the market
duce more electricity than is needed on-site, so that the for applications at scales in the range 25 to 500 kWe. The
key to economic success is often being able to sell excess system involves a low-pressure ratio (3 to 4) gas turbine
power into the electric grid at competitive electricity and compressor mounted on a single shaft[22]. The most
prices. promising models have variable speed generators (the out-
For spark-ignited engines, operation on natural gas or put of which is rectified and converted electronically to
town gas involves significant de-rating. Compression-ig- the AC line frequency), no gear-box, air bearings and thus
nition engines can also be converted to gas, either by add- no need for the lubricating oil that traditional bearings
ing a spark plug or by using a liquid spark (a small would require, and only one moving part. Turbine blades
amount of diesel fuel) for ignition. The latter approach is are not cooled, turbine inlet temperatures are modest
preferable with regard to both first cost and efficiency. (840ºC), but engine speeds are high – 80,000 rpm or
Compression-ignition engines with liquid sparks bring to more. Conversion efficiencies with natural gas-fuelling
Figure 1. Output ratios of power (kWe) to heat (kWth) for alternative cogeneration technologies.
The figures are for systems producing 10 bar steam. All steam turbines are back-pressure steam turbines with no steam condenser. BPST = back-pressure
steam turbine; MT = micro-turbine; Ind. GT = industrial gas turbine; HRSG = heat recovery steam generator; Aero. GT = aeroderivative gas turbine; RE
= reciprocating engine; FC = fuel cell; Adv. FC = advanced fuel cell.
Source: Simbeck [1999].
are 25 % at full power output – far less than for large producing clean synthetic fuels from coal. Per capita use
reciprocating engines but comparable to reciprocating en- of oil for transportation in China is 4 % of the industri-
gine-generator set efficiencies at scales of tens of kWe. alized-country average and 18 % of the world average
Efficiency falls off at part load – to 75 % of the efficiency [EIA, 2001]. Its low dependence on oil and correspond-
at full output when output falls to a third of the peak level ingly low level of oil-based transportation infrastructure
[Campanari, 1999]. Although electric efficiencies are not development combined with rapid demand growth for
especially high, promoters project that it will do well in transportation services make China a good candidate
emerging highly competitive distributed power markets country for evolving relatively quickly a transportation
[Craig, 1997]. The technology offers four attractive fea- system compatible with the environmental demands of the
tures: potentially low capital costs in mass production, 21st century.
because of the simple design; low maintenance costs Synthetic fuel manufacture from coal via syngas offers
(probably considerably lower than for reciprocating en- good prospects for addressing air pollution and climate
gines, because of the low combustion temperature and the change concerns. And if synthetic fuels are produced via
simple design’s expected higher reliability); suitability for polygeneration strategies, as discussed in the next section,
cogeneration, because all waste heat is of high quality, in there are also good prospects that coal-derived synfuels
the form of hot (230-270ºC) turbine exhaust gas; and the can be provided at attractive costs.
possibility of low NOx emission levels without stack gas What synthetic fuels should be emphasized? Methanol
controls[23]. (MeOH), dimethyl ether (DME), synthetic middle distil-
lates (SMD) produced via the Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) proc-
7. Clean synthetic fluid fuels from coal ess, and hydrogen (H2) are all examples of clean synthetic
Rapid growth in demand for and import of oil in China fuels that can be derived from coal via syngas. Here em-
(see Box 2) plus energy supply insecurity concerns about phasis is given to H2 and DME as leading candidate en-
becoming overly dependent on energy imports suggest ergy carriers that offer good prospects for addressing
that attention be given to making synthetic fluid fuels environmental challenges. The outlooks for MeOH and
from China’s abundant coal resources – especially fuels SMDs are briefly summarized in Boxes 3 and 4.
for transportation and cooking that will be compatible 7.1. Using and making hydrogen manufactured from
with growing environmental concerns. coal-derived syngas
China is well positioned to become a world leader in Dealing effectively with both climate change and air
(PSA) unit instead of burned in a combined-cycle power with CO2 sequestration, because the added capital costs
plant. for CO2 separation and compression to make the CO2 dis-
Making H2 from coal is more capital-intensive than mak- posal-ready are offset by capital cost savings from not
ing H2 from natural gas, but coal is typically a less costly having to convert the H2S recovered from syngas into ele-
feedstock. With current natural gas and coal prices in the mental sulfur. Under these circumstances the cost of H2
United States, H2 derived from natural gas is less costly than production increases about 20% relative to the CO2 vent-
H2 from coal, but natural gas prices are expected to rise ing case, to $ 6.7/GJ, which is equivalent, in terms of
slowly and coal prices are expected to fall slowly, so that energy content, to 22 ¢//liter (¢/l) of gasoline. For com-
by 2020 coal-based H2 is likely to be less costly, based on parison, the average U.S. wholesale (refinery gate) gaso-
near-commercial technology [Williams, 2001]. line price was 23 ¢/l in 2000. However, the cost to
Table 5 presents performance and cost estimates (as- consumers includes not just manufacturing costs but also
suming an appropriate Chinese coal price) for gasifica- costs for distribution to refueling stations and for refueling
tion-based systems that produce from high-sulfur coal, stations. The total consumer cost in this example is 51 ¢/l
using the near-commercial technology shown in Figure of gasoline-equivalent energy [Williams, 2001] – com-
2[32], both electricity and H2 plus an electricity by-product. pared to an average U.S. retail gasoline price (excluding
Calculations are presented both for the case where the retail taxes) in that year of 30 ¢/l. This high retail H2 cost
separated CO2 is vented and for the case where the CO2 is not a “show-stopper”, however, because H2 fuel cell
is sequestered in a geological reservoir. The calculations cars would typically be 2-3 times as energy-efficient as
presented for the CO2 sequestration cases are for co-se- typical internal combustion engine cars in use today [Ste-
questration of the H2S recovered from the syngas along inbugler and Williams, 1998], so that the fuel cost per km
with the CO2 – thereby obviating investments in convert- would be less than with today’s typical cars.
ing the H2S to elemental sulfur, as assumed for the CO2 The cost penalty estimated for CO2 disposal in Table 5
venting cases. It is uncertain at present whether this co- is for a case where the CO2 is transported about 100 km
sequestration strategy is viable, but if it is, the result is a from the coal conversion site and disposed of in a geo-
net near-zero capital cost increment for H2 production logical formation (e.g., deep saline aquifer) where there
Table 4a. Cogeneration via coal IGCC vs. separate production of electricity and steam[1]
Process steam production rate, 10–15 bar (MWth) - 400 400 400
First law efficiency, LHV basis (%) 46.8 90.5 61.6 77.1
Specific cost of energy (¢/kWh) For power: For steam: For power:
Table 4b. Cogeneration via coal steam-electric technology vs. separate production of electricity and steam[1]
Process steam production rate, 10–15 bar (MWth) - 400 400 400
First law efficiency, LHV basis (%) 44.0 90.5 59.2 63.9
Specific cost of energy (¢/kWh) For power: For steam: For power:
need new ICEV fuel options even if H2 turns out to be 2000; Ogden et al., 2001], so that there is a pressing need
destined to be the transport fuel of choice for the long for cleaner fuels (as well as cleaner engines).
term. DME is well suited[39] for use in compression-ignition en-
Compression-ignition (diesel-type) engine vehicles are gines – offering high cetane number and potentially low
more important in China’s transport sector than in the emissions without tailpipe emission controls. Because it has
United States, where spark-ignited engines dominate[38]. no carbon-carbon bonds, soot emissions from its combustion
Although compression-ignition engines are ∼25 % more are zero; also, NOx emissions can be much less than with
fuel-efficient, air pollution damage costs are far greater, ordinary diesel fuel. Truck engine emissions tests show that
especially from particulate and NOx emissions [Williams, NOx and particle emissions are down 55-60 % and
75 %[40], respectively, relative to diesel fuel [Fleisch and tories and transporting it to distant markets for use in
Meurer, 1995]. power generation would help mitigate the coal/rail bottle-
The need for pressurized canisters makes the infrastruc- neck problem that is impeding expanded coal use in
ture challenge greater than for fuels that are liquid at at- China. DME used in a state-of-the-art (60 % efficient)
mospheric pressure, but this should be much less a combined cycle would require only 40 % as much fuel
problem in developing countries (where well-established mass per kWh as a new coal steam-electric plant, and the
LPG infrastructures[41] can be adapted to DME) than in cost per tonne-kilometre (tkm) of transporting DME by
industrialized countries (where LPG infrstructures are large pipeline would be about 60 % as much as for trans-
relatively poorly developed). porting coal by rail, so that the cost of fuel transport per
In the longer term, if FCVs eventually come to domi- kWh would be less than 1/4 as much as for a coal steam-
nate transportation, DME would remain an attractive en- electric plant. This advantage together with the much
ergy carrier for transportation in rural areas where it is lower capital cost for the DME power plant implies that
not practical to establish infrastructure for H 2 (the a DME power plant located 2000 km from the coal mine
preferred energy carrier for FCVs) – because DME is eas- could compete on a lifecycle cost basis with a conven-
ily reformed on board FCVs into a H2-rich gas the fuel tional coal plant at the same site if the average plant ca-
cell can use[42]. pacity factor were 60 % or less without taking any credit
DME for central-station power generation. Use of DME for the environmental benefits of this strategy, even
in modern gas-turbine combined cycles for central-station though at the fuel production site the DME would be al-
power generation is proven technology, for which emis- most 4 times as costly as the coal from which it is derived
sions are as low as for natural gas combined cycles [Basu (see Table 6)! Thus, the DME power option could make
et al., 2001]. remote coal resources much more accessible than at
Moreover, making DME at large coal mine-mouth fac- present, while at the same time enhancing the economic
Table 7. Economics of polygeneration vs. single product energy production strategies based on coal[1]
Single-product facilities
Single-product cost (in “natural” units) $ 4.17/GJ 3.31 ¢/kWh 12 ¢/l $ 4.81/GJ
Polygeneration facilities
Cost via polygeneration (in “natural” units) $ 4.17/GJ 2.40 ¢/kWh 7 ¢/l $ 2.58/GJ
Source: Williams [2000]
1. The cogeneration calculations are the same as in Table 4a. The trigeneration and quadrigeneration calculations were developed by Robert Moore (formerly Air Products), building on
the analysis in Table 4a, assuming Air Products’ liquid-phase reactor for MeOH production. Engineering contingencies and general facilities are each 10 % of process capital equipment
costs; the annual capital charge rate is 11.5 %; the coal price is $ 1.04/GJ; the annual average capacity factor is 80 %.
development of the coal-producing region by generating Gas Authority of India, and the Indian Institute of Petro-
far more value added than if coal were simply extracted leum, with the goal of developing, producing, and mar-
and transported to remote markets. keting in India DME derived via Haldor Topsoe
Finally, this DME power option offers greenhouse gas technology from low-cost Middle East natural gas, focus-
mitigation as well as air pollution mitigation benefits, be- ing initially on power markets. In China, a project has
cause the primary coal requirements per kWh of electric- been proposed for building a large coal-to-DME produc-
ity generated from DME are about 1/6 less than for the tion facility in Ningxia Province (800,000 t/y capacity)
coal steam-electric option; the energy losses in DME that would use Shell gasification technology and liquid-
manufacture are more than compensated for by the higher phase DME synthesis technology from Air Products, with
efficiency of power plant conversion (see Table 6). significant investment from a Canadian company.
DME manufacture. Today, DME is produced by catalytic
dehydration of MeOH and is thus more costly than 8. Polygeneration strategies for syngas energy
MeOH. However, an advanced single-step process devel- Just as cogeneration can lead to improved economics rela-
oped by Haldor Topsoe would make it possible to make tive to production of electricity and process steam in sepa-
DME from natural gas at higher efficiency and less cost rate facilities (see Table 4a), so can synthetic fuel
than for MeOH. Haldor Topsoe and BP have estimated production economics be improved by polygeneration –
that if DME were produced in large plants in areas with including as co-products various combinations of electric-
low-cost natural gas, it could be produced at costs not ity, steam, town gas, and chemicals [Williams, 2000; Ni
much higher than comparable diesel prices, taking into et al., 2001].
account the environmental benefits of DME [Hansen et The polygeneration concept is illustrated here by dis-
al., 1995]. cussing synthetic fuel manufacture using new liquid phase
The Haldor Topsoe technology is based on use of gas- reactors in polygeneration configurations.
phase reactors for converting syngas to DME. Both Air As already noted, O2-blown gasification to produce
Products [Peng et al., 1997; 1998] and the NKK Corpo- syngas is the most important single enabling technology
ration [Adachi et al., 2000] are developing DME produc- that can make it possible for China to continue to exploit
tion technology based on the use of liquid-phase its vast coal resources with low (and ultimately near-zero)
reactors[43] that produce DME in a single step with more air emissions. Another important enabling technology is
efficient heat removal than is feasible with gas-phase re- liquid-phase reactor technology for producing clean syn-
actors – especially important for DME in the light of the thetic fuels. This technology is currently commercially
fact that all the major reactions in DME manufacture are available for producing both MeOH and SMDs from coal.
exothermic. As shown below, these reactors offer great Liquid-phase technology for making DME from coal can
promise in “polygeneration” configurations. be commercialized soon, because the same reactor already
In 1998 the India DME Project was launched as a col- developed for MeOH manufacture can be adapted to DME
laboration involving BP, the Indian Oil Corporation, the manufacture. Costs for MeOH produced in liquid-phase
reactors via once-through processes have been extensively demand is associated with much smaller-scale installa-
analysed [Drown et al., 1997], and the technology is rela- tions. However, to the extent that niche market opportu-
tively well developed[44]. nities exist at all they might be exploited early on as an
No technological breakthroughs are required to launch economically attractive option for launching coal syngas-
polygeneration strategies in the market. There are oppor- burning combined-cycle technology in China’s energy
tunities today for providing clean energy via polygenera- sector.
tion at costs that are competitive with conventional Polygeneration facilities that include town gas as a co-
energy. product could probably do more to reduce urban air pol-
Liquid-phase reactors are especially well suited for lution than any other energy strategy China might pursue
polygeneration applications. Because heat generated in in the near term. In the longer term, the major co-products
exothermic reactions of synthetic fuel manufacture can be of polygeneration facilities would be one or more carb-
effectively removed from these reactors, high conversions on-based liquid fuels (e.g., DME), hydrogen, and electric-
can be realized in a single pass of syngas through the ity. Because of the attractive economics offered and the
reactors, often making it attractive to limit conversion to prospective large market opportunities, polygeneration
what can be realized in a single pass. In such “once- could plausibly become the principal means of electricity
through” processes, the unconverted syngas might be generation from coal in the longer term – a prospect sug-
burned in a combined cycle to generate electricity or de- gesting that the chemical process industry (where gasifi-
livered via pipeline as town gas to distributed users. cation technology in China is already well established)
Polygeneration strategies based on use of liquid-phase might become the center of gravity for large-scale thermal
reactors in once-through configurations can lead to cost power generation in China in the future.
savings relative to single-product strategies both by means The main barriers to adoption of the polygeneration op-
of scale economies and by exploitation of potential syn- tion appear to be institutional rather than technological:
ergisms – notably, avoiding capital investments associated because the most economically attractive options will
with syngas recycling to improve conversion. often involve making electricity as a co-product at rates
Particularly important will be polygeneration configu- in excess of on-site electricity needs, economic viability
rations that include electricity as a major co-product. will often depend on the ability of the polygenerator to
Combined-cycle electricity from coal-derived syngas sell the electricity co-product into the electricity grid at
(which, as noted earlier, can be provided as cleanly as a fair market price. Reforms to promote more competition
electricity generated in natural gas combined cycles) will in power markets will be helpful in nurturing polygenera-
be less costly when generated in polygeneration configu- tion and thus the launching of syngas-based synthetic fuel
rations than in power-only configurations – and can com- technology in the market.
pete today with electricity derived from conventional coal
steam-electric plants equipped with end-of-pipe air pollu- 9. Outlook for CO2 disposal
tion control equipment. Moreover, the non-integrated Conventional wisdom is that effectively addressing the
gasifier/combined-cycle designs offering these economic climate change challenge requires abandoning fossil fuels.
benefits from polygeneration would be less complicated This is not so. As shown above, feasible technologies and
and more reliable than highly integrated IGCC designs strategies exist that make it possible to extract most of
that produce electricity only. the energy contained in fossil fuels while simultaneously
To illustrate polygeneration based on coal-derived syn- recovering the carbon as CO2 and preventing its release
gas, Table 7[45] presents calculations for product costs as- to the atmosphere. Moreover, as shown above, there are
sociated with various levels of polygeneration. advanced fossil energy technologies that can be brought
• The first option (400 MW of heat + 400 MW of elec- to market over the next decade or so that offer near-zero
tricity) presented summarizes the cogeneration calcu- emissions of air pollutants as well as near-zero green-
lations presented in Table 4a. house gas emissions – and such technologies could pro-
• In the second option, 400 MW of MeOH is added to vide energy services while incurring only modest
the first option, leading to a 43 % reduction in pro- increases in energy costs for CO2 disposal.
duction cost relative to producing only MeOH; the But what are the prospects for safe disposal of CO2?
resulting production cost (1.55 ¢/kWh or $ 4.3/GJ) is The options include CO2 storage in both the deep ocean
less than the average US refinery gate (wholesale, un- and porous geological media. Although ocean disposal has
taxed) gasoline price in 1999 ($ 5.3/GJ). received the most attention, environmental concerns and
• The third option adds 400 MW of town gas to the other large uncertainties in its prospects have led to a shift
second option, leading to a 46 % reduction in produc- of focus in recent years to geological (underground) stor-
tion cost relative to producing only town gas; the re- age of CO2 – in depleted oil and natural gas fields (in-
sulting production cost (0.93 ¢/kWh or $ 2.6/GJ) is cluding storage in conjunction with enhanced oil and
less than the average US city-gate price of natural gas natural gas recovery), in uneconomic (e.g., deep) coal
in 1999 ($ 3.2/GJ). beds (in conjunction with enhanced coal bed methane
The polygeneration market opportunities involving large- (CBM) recovery), and in deep saline aquifers [Williams,
scale applications of process steam are limited in 2000; Bachu, 2001].
China[46], where, as noted earlier, most of the process heat CO2 injection for enhanced recovery of oil [Blunt et
Figure 2. Hydrogen and co-product electricity generation from coal with near-zero emissions.
This is a schematic representation of the process described in the text. Performance and cost estimates are presented in Table 5.
Source: Chiesa et al. [2002]
al., 1993], natural gas [van der Burgt et al., 1992; Blok mostly used for EOR. However, recent analysis suggests
et al., 1997], and coal bed methane [Byrer and Guthrie, that for oil prices of about $ 20 per barrel (1 barrel =
1999; Gunter et al., 1997; Stevens et al., 1999; Williams, 136.4 kg), recovery of CO2 from flue gases of coal power
1999] might become profitable foci of initial efforts to plants and use for EOR in the region would often be prof-
sequester CO2. itable [Edwards, 2000]. It follows that EOR in the region
There are about 74 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) pro- based on CO2 recovered from syngas would typically be
jects worldwide, mostly (66) in the United States, where even more profitable, because separation of CO2 from
in 2000 oil production via EOR reached 29,500 t per day syngas would be less costly. Indeed, one project launched
(4 % of total US oil production), a by-product of which in 2000 involves transporting for EOR applications by-
is the sequestration of 30 Mt of CO2 annually. Most of the product CO2 from a North Dakota (United States) plant
injected CO2 comes from natural reservoirs of CO2 [47], but making synthetic natural gas (from coal) to the Weyburn
5 Mt per year comes from anthropogenic waste CO2 oil field in Saskatchewan (Canada); the 300 km pipeline
sources [Stevens et al.(b), 2000]. carries 1.5 Mt of CO2 annually to this EOR site in the
In western Canada, where natural reservoirs of CO2 are Williston Basin. This analysis and experience suggest that
not available, natural gas rather than CO2 injection is CO2 EOR projects be considered in China for appropriate
mature oil fields even where natural reservoirs of CO2 are million km2 (two-thirds onshore and one-third offshore)
not available, if economic conditions favor locating coal – more than half the 130 million km2 land area of the
syngas projects within a few hundred km of prospective inhabited continents. Some sedimentary basins offer better
EOR sites. prospects for CO2 storage than others [Hitchon et al.,
Perhaps more important to China is the potential use 1999; Bachu and Gunter, 1999; Bachu, 2001]. To achieve
of CO2 for enhanced recovery of methane from beds of high storage densities, CO2 should be stored at supercriti-
unminable coal. Large amounts of methane are trapped in cal pressures[50], which typically requires storage at depths
the pore spaces of many coals, and, as noted earlier, CBM greater than 800 m[51]. The aquifers at such depths are
resources in China are substantial. Injection of CO2 into typically saline[52] and not effectively connected to the
such coals can sometimes lead to efficient methane re- much shallower (depths less than ∼300 m) freshwater
covery because typically CO2 is twice as adsorbing on aquifers used by people.
coal as is CH4; it can therefore efficiently displace the Up until a few years ago it was generally thought that
CH4 adsorbed on the coal [Gunter et al., 1997]. As CO2 closed aquifers with structural traps would be required for
moves through the reservoir it displaces CH4; the limited effective storage. The potential global sequestering capac-
experience to date indicates that very little of the injected ity in such traps is relatively limited – about 50 GtC [Hen-
CO2 shows up in the production well until most of the driks, 1994], equivalent to less than 10 years of global
CH4 has been produced [Gunter et al., 1997], so that the CO2 production from burning fossil fuel at the current
prospects for permanent sequestration of the injected CO2 rate. However, a growing body of knowledge [Bachu et
appear to be good. Of course, CO2 sequestration in the al., 1994; Holloway, 1996] indicates that many large, re-
coal bed would prevent subsequent mining of the coal. gional-scale open aquifers with good top seals (very low-
However, deep or otherwise unminable coal beds for permeability layers) can provide effective storage, if the
which coal-mining is uneconomic might prove to be at- CO2 is injected sufficiently far from aquifer boundaries
tractive for CBM recovery and CO2 sequestration, and that it either never reaches the boundaries, or if it does,
large amounts of the coal in the ground are unminable[48]. the leakage rate would be sufficiently slow as to be of
Williams [1999] proposed that China consider siting new little consequence with regard to climate change, because
plants for making NH 3 from coal at promising CBM of the extraordinarily slow rates of CO2 migration in such
recovery sites, using the CO2 co-product of NH3 manu- reservoirs (typically of the order of 1 cm/y) – a phenome-
facture for enhanced CBM recovery. Another possibility non called “hydrodynamic trapping” of CO2 [Bachu et al.,
would be to site plants for making DME from coal at 1994]. For large aquifers, the CO2 will eventually dissolve
promising CBM recovery sites, using the CO2 co-product in the water (“dissolution trapping” of CO2). For sand-
of DME manufacture for enhanced CBM recovery[49]. The stone reservoirs containing certain clay minerals (but not
Ordos Basin, China’s largest coal basin, seems to offer carbonate reservoirs), the CO2 will, after dissolving in the
reasonably good prospects for using CO2 for enhanced water, eventually precipitate out as a carbonate mineral
CBM recovery; reservoir characteristics there are very (“mineral trapping” of CO2) [Gunter et al., 1993].
similar to those of the San Juan Basin of the United States If structural traps are not required for effective storage,
[Stevens, 2001], where since 1996 an independent CBM potential aquifer storage capacity might be huge; esti-
producer has been carrying out a commercial pilot appli- mates range from 2,700 GtC [Ormerod, 1994] to 13,000
cation of CO2 injection for enhanced CBM recovery GtC [Hendriks, 1994]. For comparison, estimated remain-
[Stevens et al.(a), 2000]. ing recoverable fossil fuel resources (excluding methane
Sequestration in depleted oil and gas fields is generally hydrates) contain 6,000-7,000 GtC [Rogner, 2000]. The
thought to be a secure option if the original reservoir pres- notion that large aquifers with good top seals can provide
sure is not exceeded [van der Burgt et al., 1992; Sum- effective sequestration is a relatively new idea that has
merfield et al., 1993]. One estimate of the prospective contributed to the growing confidence in the scientific
global sequestering capacity of such reservoirs associated community that long-term sequestration of a significant
with past production plus proven reserves plus estimated fraction of the next several hundred years of global CO2
undiscovered conventional resources is 100 and 400 GtC production from human activities might be feasible [Hol-
for oil and gas fields, respectively [Hendriks, 1994]; other loway, 1996; Socolow, 1997; PCAST Energy R&D Panel,
estimates are as low as 40 and 90 GtC for depleted oil 1997].
and gas fields, respectively, plus 20 GtC associated with There is a growing base of experience with CO2 dis-
enhanced oil recovery [IPCC, 1996]. The range is wide posal in aquifers. One large project being carried out by
because reservoir properties vary greatly in their suitabil- Statoil involves recovering the CO2 contaminant in natu-
ity for storage, and because oil and gas recovery may have ral gas from the Sleipner Vest offshore natural gas field
altered the formations and affected reservoir integrity. in Norway at a rate of 1 Mt of CO2/year and its injection
Much of the prospective sequestering capacity will not be into and sequestration in a nearby aquifer under the North
available until these fields are nearly depleted of oil and Sea [Kaarstad, 1992]. Another large aquifer disposal pro-
gas. ject that will commence in 10 years will involve recovery
Deep saline aquifers are much more widely available of more than 100 Mt/year (equivalent to 0.5 % of total
than oil or gas fields. Such aquifers are present in all global emissions from fossil fuel-burning) from the
sedimentary basins, the total area of which amounts to 70 Natuna natural gas field in the South China Sea (71 %
of the reservoir gas is CO2) [IEA, 1996]. analogy, like shifting from manual typewriters to laptop
There is also a rapidly growing number of smaller acid personal computers. Just as it makes no sense to limit
gas disposal projects. In Alberta[53] there are 31 such pro- laptop computer use to word processing, it makes no sense
jects[54] that involve recovery of CO2 along with H2S from to limit O2-blown gasification technology to power gen-
natural gas fields and injection of these acid gases (char- eration via IGCC – rather this technology should be used
acterized by a wide range of relative concentrations) un- for polygeneration as suggested in this paper.
derground for storage, in aquifers as well as in depleted Likewise, an alternative to syngas-based synthetic fuels
oil and gas fields. Underground disposal of CO2/H2S is (often referred to as “indirect liquefaction”) is direct coal
pursued in these projects as a less costly strategy for re- liquefaction, which involves adding H2 to coal in a solvent
sponding to sulfur air emission regulations than the alter- slurry at elevated temperatures and pressures. Direct
native of recovering H2S from the natural gas and liquefaction was commercialized in Germany and Japan
converting it to elemental sulfur [Longworth et al., 1996; to provide liquid fuels during World War II. Although in-
Wichert and Royan, 1997]. terest in the technology virtually disappeared when low-
The long history of experience with EOR, the growing cost Middle Eastern oil became available in the 1950s,
body of experience with aquifer disposal, and extensive interest was revived during the oil crises of the 1970s,
historical experience with underground gas storage are when several pilot and demonstration projects were car-
contributing to the growing scientific confidence in the ried out. Interest almost disappeared again with the col-
reliability of geological media for storing CO2. However, lapse of the world oil price in the mid-1980s. Today the
more research, field testing, modeling, and monitoring are technology is again being considered as an option for
needed to narrow the uncertainties relating to CO2 storage making synthetic fuels in natural-gas-poor regions such
in geological media. as China. However, the introduction of aromatic-rich fuels
Regulations that have been evolving for underground that are derived via direct liquefaction would represent a
gas storage provide a good basis for defining the issues step backwards for environmental management, because
associated with formulating regulations for CO2 storage new environmental regulations aim to propel a shift to
[Gunter et al., 1999]. Public acceptability issues are para- inherently cleaner fuels – for example, recent US regula-
mount. Fuel decarbonisation with CO2 sequestration is un- tions limit aromatic content of transport fuels [Williams,
familiar to most people as a strategy for dealing with the 2000]. A review of direct coal liquefaction technology by
climate change challenge. The scientific community has a panel convened by US President Clinton to advise him
a major responsibility to inform the public debates on the on energy research and development needs for addressing
various issues relating to safety and environmental im- the 21st-century challenges posed by conventional energy
pacts. Much can be learned from both natural events [Hol- [PCAST Energy R&D Panel, 1997] found that the tech-
loway, 1997] and from the extensive historical experience nology offered no advantages relative to indirect liquefac-
with use of CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery and tion, would lead to liquid fuels that generate twice as
with underground gas storage [Gunter et al., 1999]. But much CO2 as petroleum-based fuels, and (in contrast to
more research is needed to clarify the issues. syngas-based strategies that can evolve to where H2 is a
major energy-carrier with low-cost sequestration of the
10. Alternatives to syngas energy for coal in China separated CO2) would provide no obvious path to achiev-
A coal energy strategy based on syngas and polygenera- ing deep reductions in CO2 emissions over the longer
tion has been proposed for China. To be sure, there are term. Because of such considerations, the panel recom-
many other advanced coal technologies that could be pur- mended that the US Department of Energy terminate fed-
sued as well – but all come up short against syngas/poly- eral research and development funding for direct coal
generation in their prospects for addressing the multiple liquefaction and shift the freed-up resources to support
environmental challenges of the 21st century while simul- research and development on syngas-based technologies
taneously keeping clean energy affordable [Williams, that are consistent with a technological evolution over the
2000]. longer term to near-zero emissions for fossil fuels.
Consider that ultra-supercritical steam (USCS), pressur-
ized fluidized-bed combustion (PFBC), and air-blown 11. Conclusion
IGCC options are all major advanced power generating A syngas/polygeneration strategy for coal could put China
technologies that, like O2-blown IGCC, offer with current on an evolutionary path to a future in which coal energy
technology efficiencies in excess of 40 % – compared to systems could one day be characterized by near-zero emis-
the current average efficiency of ∼30 % for China today. sions of both air pollutants and greenhouse gases. Under
But none of these alternative options can offer the envi- this strategy coal could be made as clean as natural gas
ronmental benefits and flexibility inherent in the syn- in terms of air pollution with technologies that could be
gas/polygeneration strategy [Williams, 2000]. Shifting deployed cost-effectively in the near term. And making
from present coal steam-electric plants to coal-based syngas/polygeneration the cornerstone of this strategy
USCS, PFBC, or air-blown IGCC technologies can be lik- would facilitate a shift over the longer term to an energy
ened to shifting from manual typewriters to alternative system based primarily on H2, electricity, and at least one
variants of electric typewriters. But shifting to syn- clean high hydrogen/carbon ratio synthetic fuel such as
gas/polygeneration based on O2–blown gasification is, by DME – with most of the carbon in the coal feedstock
recovered as CO2 and sequestered in appropriate geologi- R. Dodge Foundation, the Energy Foundation, the W. Alton Jones Foundation, and the
David and Lucile Packard Foundation for research support.
cal formations.
It has been noted that if this syngas/polygeneration ap- Notes
proach to coal were to come to dominate coal conversion, 1. Recent World Bank-sponsored research indicates that the actual reduction in China’s
the center of gravity for power generation in China might coal use since 1996 is less than reported in these statistics, and, according to a news-
shift from the power industry as it is known today to the paper account, China will revise upward its estimates for coal consumption in 1999,
wiping out half the previously reported reduction [Pomfret, 2001].
chemical process industry, which already has considerable
2. Proved reserves of coal in China amount to 166 billion tonnes (Gt) = 119 Gt of coal
experience with O2–blown gasification, the key enabling equivalent (Gtce) = 3,487 EJ = 108 years of primary energy consumption at the 2000
technology. rate of 32.3 EJ/year [Ni and Sze, 1998].
It is also noteworthy that in the world at large the pe- 3. Estimated ultimately recoverable coal resources in China amount to 960 Gt = 685 Gtce
troleum industry is already moving ahead with syn- = 20,070 EJ = 621 years of primary energy consumption at the 2000 rate [Ni and Sze,
gas/polygeneration. Simbeck and Johnson [1999] have
4. China’s CBM resources to a depth of 2000 m are estimated to be 30-35 trillion Nm3
pointed out that there are already many polygeneration (Tm3) (1,200-1,400 EJ) at depths less than 2000 m [Rice et al., 1993; Sun and Huang,
projects worldwide based on gasification of petroleum re- 1995]; another estimate [Murray, 1996] is that the upper limit of the total CBM in place
siduals at refineries that are being carried out without sub- in China is 75 Tm3 (2,700 EJ), which is less than the energy content of China’s proved
coal reserves.
sidies (see Table 3). Moreover, the co-production of clean
5. For a fixed level of pollution control technologies, health damage costs from coal (in
synthetic liquid fuels and electricity has been identified $/yr)
as an economically attractive option for exploiting remote ∝ [pollutant emission rate (t/yr)] x [specific value of pollutant emissions ($/t)]
natural gas resources if markets are available for the elec- x [density of exposed population (persons/km2)].
Very roughly:
tricity co-product [Choi et al., 1997]. • Pollutant emission rate ∝ primary coal consumption (C)
Such considerations suggest that the way forward for ∝ [gross domestic product (GDP)]α
a syngas/polygeneration strategy in China might be out- • Specific pollutant emissions value measured on basis of “willingness to pay” to avoid
health damage
side the traditional electric power industry and might in- ∝ [per capita gross domestic product (GDP/P)]
volve using petroleum residuals and remote gas as well • Population density typically ∝ [population (P)]
as coal. But because achieving attractive economics in so that health damage costs ∝ (GDP)α+1. The US Energy Information Administration
[EIA, 2001] estimates for the period 1999-2020 that GDP in China will increase 4.1-fold
polygeneration will typically involve electricity as a major
at the same time that coal consumption increases 2.4-fold, so that α = 0.587, which
co-product, public policies that encourage competition in implies that health damage costs would grow 9.4-fold in this period if pollution control
electric power generation would be needed. levels in China are not increased.
Although the syngas/polygeneration approach to coal 6. Air is 20.9 % O2, 78.1 % nitrogen (N2), and 0.9 % argon (Ar).
can be launched in the market with existing technologies, 7. This O2-rich gas also contains 3.6 % Ar and 1.4 % N2.
long-term success will require high rates of technological 8. Coal with: a LHV = 29.6 MJ per kg; sulfur, ash, and moisture content by weight of
innovation. International collaborations in research, devel- 3.2 %, 7.0 %, and 5.5 %, respectively; the distribution of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen,
and sulfur elements in a “mole” of this particular coal that can be represented heuris-
opment, and demonstration, especially via industrial joint tically by the formula CH0.8253O0.0582S0.0166.
ventures involving the oil, gas, and coal industries, would 9. In entrained-flow gasifiers finely-divided coal particles react simultaneously with an oxi-
be desirable to bring the needed innovative capacity to dant (usually O2) and steam at high temperatures (well above the temperatures at
this challenge, with governments enacting policies that which coal slagging occurs). For this type of gasifier coal residence times are very
short. The present analysis is focused on entrained-flow gasifiers.
would facilitate such private-sector-based collaborations
10. The main reactions are: (1) partial oxidation (C + 1/2 O2 → CO, a highly exothermic
[PCAST Panel on ICERD3, 1999]. reaction that provides heat for coal devolatilization and various endothermic reactions
None of this will happen as long as the environmental involved in gasification; the produced CO has 72 % of the heating value of the carbon
problems posed by coal are allowed to fester. But if gov- from which it is derived); (2) the water-gas reaction (C + H2O → CO + H2, a highly
endothermic reaction); and (3) the water-gas-shift reaction (CO + H2O → H2 + CO2,
ernments were to set tough environmental goals for coal, a mildly exothermic reaction; the H2 generated has a slightly lower heating value than
the technology community could respond by transforming the CO consumed).
coal into an environmentally attractive energy source. It 11. Burning this coal with exactly the amount of O2 needed for complete combustion can
is not unreasonable to speculate that conventional wisdom be represented as:
regarding coal, as “the dirtiest of the fossil fuels – away CH0.8253O0.0582S0.0166 + 1.194 O2 → CO2 + 0.4127 H2O + 0.0166 SO2.
from which countries evolve as they get richer”, will be 12. In this paper the energy content of fuels is presented in terms of the lower heating
transformed into a view that coal offers, because of its
13. Providing the needed O2 requires nearly 350 kWh/t of O2, and the fuel-equivalent energy
abundance and low cost and the technological availability required to make this electricity amounts to almost 8.5 % of the energy content of the
of the syngas/polygeneration approach to conversion, “the coal consumed for gasification via the Destec gasifier described above [Simbeck et al.,
least costly route to near-zero emissions for energy”. 1993].
14. For the Destec gasifier, high-pressure steam with an energy content up to nearly 12.5 %
of the energy content of the coal consumed can be generated by heat recovered from
The author is indebted to his fellow members of the Working Group on Energy Strategies syngas cooling [Simbeck et al., 1993].
and Technologies of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and 15. Removing H2S from syngas lowers its energy value, but even so the LHV of the sul-
Development for the many discussions in recent years on syngas/polygeneration strategies fur-free syngas would be reduced only modestly (e.g., from 82.5 % to 80.8 % of the
for coal in China that helped shape the present analysis. Also, many of the ideas in this coal heating value for the example considered above).
paper were developed in conjunction with preparation by the author of the Advanced Energy
16. In this expression the amount of O2 involved is more than the stoichiometric amount.
Supply Technologies chapter of the World Energy Assessment; in conjunction with that
Typically there is 6 % O2 in combustion product gases (as is assumed here) to ensure
exercise the author is especially grateful to Dale Simbeck for cost estimates relating to
complete combustion as a response to regulations limiting CO emissions.
cogeneration and decarbonization options and to Bob Moore for cost estimates relating to
trigeneration and quadrigeneration. The author thanks Stefan Bachu, Paolo Chiesa, Tom 17. FGD strategies for sulfur removal involve reacting SO2 with limestone to produce cal-
Kreutz, and Ni Weidou for helpful comments on early drafts of this paper, and the Geraldine cium sulfate (gypsum): CaCO3 + SO2 + 1/2 O2 → CaSO4 + CO2, so that 4.25 t of
calcium sulfate are generated for each t of sulfur removed. In practice, when the calcium gasoline-equivalent fuel consumption is .022 l/km. H2 would be stored on board as a
sulfate is disposed of as a waste, the amount of sulfur-related solid waste (“sludge”) gas compressed to 345 bar in cylinders with an aggregate storage capacity of 3.75 kg
to be disposed is about 75-80 % more than this because of the presence of inerts in of H2 – providing a range of 680 km between refuelings. State-of-the-art system storage
limestone and bound and free water associated with the waste. An alternative to sludge densities for canisters (carbon-fiber-wrapped tanks with aluminum liners) are 7.5 % H2
disposal (e.g., in a land-fill) is to sell the recovered gypsum to wall-board manufacturers storage by weight, so that the loaded storage system weight is 50 kg. It is assumed
– in which case the sulfur-bearing waste volumes to be disposed of can be reduced that the H2 is stored in 3 cylindrical canisters, each of which is 103.4 cm long and has
to what is required for disposal of “off-spec” gypsum. However, under current market an outside diameter of 28.3 cm. The total storage system volume is 195 l. These
conditions the overall economics of FGD with by-product gypsum sales for wall-board cylinders might be stored in a compartment under the car’s roof – as demonstrated for
manufacture are less favorable than the overall economics of sulfurous gas removal the Daimler-Benz NECAR II fuel-cell passenger van.
from syngas with sulfur by-product sales [Simbeck et al., 1993]. 29. For MeOH or gasoline fuel-cell cars, the liquid energy carrier is converted on board the
FBC units make it possible to reduce SO2 emissions by adding limestone to the bed vehicle into a H2-rich gas that the fuel cell can utilize.
of the FBC unit – again according to the reaction: CaCO3 + SO2 + 1/2 O2 → CaSO4
+ CO2. Ideally, 1 mole of CaCO3 is needed to remove 1 mole of SO2. In practice, not 30. From ∼$ 2800/kW for automotive fuel-cell engines manufactured one at a time by hand
all the limestone is effective in removing SO2, so that the limestone added must be today to ∼$ 65/kW for mass produced fuel-cell engines that would make H2 fuel-cell
2.0-2.5 times the stoichiometric amount, so that the sulfur-related solid waste is 6 to cars competitive with gasoline hybrid electric cars [Ogden et al., 2001].
13 times the mass of sulfur removed [Simbeck et al., 1993]. With FBC technology it is 31. So called because in these reactors CO is reacted with steam (“water gas”) and the
not practical to recover gypsum, which is intimately mixed with other wastes. The large chemical energy in CO is “shifted” to H2 in the mildly exothermic WGS reaction: CO +
solid waste disposal problem posed by FBC systems limits the use of this approach H2O(g) → CO2 + H2.
mainly to low-sulfur coals and typical sulfur removal rates of no more than about 90 %. 32. The technology is described as “near-commercial” because the assumed gasifier pres-
18. For this calculation it is assumed that efficiencies are: (1) 80 % for town gas production; sure (120 bar) is higher than pressures for commercially available gasifiers. Texaco
(2) 30 % and 50 % for cooking with coal and natural gas, respectively, and 50 % and offers commercial gasifiers that operate at 70 bar and is exploring prospects for gasifiers
75 % for heating with coal stoves and new natural gas boilers, respectively [Wu et al., operated at up to 120 bar [De Puy et al., 1999].
2001]; and (3) for syngas use in gas-burning equipment, essentially the same efficien- 33. So that CO2 released in combustion is offset by that extracted from the atmosphere
cies as for natural gas.
during biomass growth.
19. According to Wu et al. [2001], NOx emission rates are 0.44 kg/GJ for coal consumed
34. Consider providing clean cooking fuel in the form of coal-derived DME to the 2 billion
in stoves and 0.11 kg/GJ for natural gas consumed in stoves and new boilers. It is people worldwide currently dependent on coal or biomass for cooking. At a clean cook-
assumed that the NOx emission rate for town gas equals that for natural gas. Taking ing fuel demand level of 2.5 GJ/y per capita [Goldemberg, 2000] some 5 EJ of DME
into account conversion efficiencies, NOx emissions would thus be reduced 85 % for would be needed, the manufacture of which from coal would generate (without seques-
cooking and 83 % for space-heating. tering the CO2 co-product of DME manufacture – see Section 9, “Outlook for CO2
20. These large syngas projects that involve electricity as a product or co-product are part disposal”) CO2 at a rate of just 0.2 GtC/yr (3 % of total global CO2 emissions from
of a recent global inventory of syngas projects compiled by Simbeck and Johnson [1999] fossil-fuel burning) – quite a modest environmental externality compared to the enor-
that involves 161 real and planned commercial-scale projects with a combined syngas mous quality-of-life benefits access to such clean cooking fuels would provide.
production capacity of 56,780 MWth.
35. At atmospheric pressure DME boils at -25ºC, so it must be stored in moderately pres-
21. For the cogeneration systems described in Tables 4a and 4b condensing and extraction surized tanks, as is the case for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which boils at -42ºC.
turbines rather than back-pressure turbines are needed; otherwise the ratio of electricity 36. It was chosen as an ozone-layer safe alternative (it degrades quickly in the troposphere)
to heat production would be less than 1 to 1. (In condensing and extraction systems, to fluorinated hydrocarbons. It is also non-toxic and non-carcinogenic.
some of the steam is bled from the turbine at the pressure appropriate for the process,
and the rest of the steam is used to produce more power and then condensed; for the 37. Athough DME-filled canisters would be heavier (18.7 kg of DME would replace 14 kg
steam that is condensed, there is no cogeneration fuel-saving benefit.) The fraction of of LPG) and contain less energy (532 MJ of DME would replace 645 MJ of LPG).
the steam that must be condensed is much greater in the steam turbine case than in 38. In the transport sector in 1999, diesel fuel use in China was 55 % of gasoline use,
the IGCC case, because of the much lower electricity-to-heat output ratios for steam whereas in the United States diesel fuel use was only 37 % of gasoline use.
turbines compared to combined cycles (see Figure 1). 39. The volumetric energy density of liquid DME (20ºC) is 19 MJ/l compared to 16 MJ/l for
22. Because the temperature of the turbine exhaust is higher than that of the air exiting MeOH and 32 MJ/l for gasoline.
the compressor, the turbine exhaust heat is often recovered to preheat the air exiting 40. Particle emissions are not zero despite absence of carbon-carbon bonds and zero sulfur
the compressor before it is delivered to the combustor, so that moderate efficiencies content. Some particles are apparently generated from engine lubricating oil [Fleisch
are achievable despite the low pressure ratio. and Meurer, 1995].
23. Less than 0.24 g/kWh (9 ppmv at 15 % O2) for the 28-kWe Capstone Model 330 using 41. In some developing countries (e.g., Brazil), LPG is used as a fuel for taxis using the
a non-catalytic staged combustion system. same storage canisters as are used for cooking applications and involving a swapping
24. Continued rapid growth in consumption of LPG (or its market equivalent) is suggested of empty canisters for filled canisters at refueling.
by an international comparison: although total LPG consumption in China in 1999 was 42. As noted earlier, some automobile companies are considering launching fuel-cell vehi-
highest among developing countries (with a consumption rate 20 % higher than in Mex- cles in the market using either gasoline or MeOH as the energy carrier that is reformed
ico, the second highest consumer), the per capita consumption rate in China was only on board the vehicle into a H2-rich gas the fuel cell can use. MeOH is much easier to
13 g/day, compared to 42 in Thailand, 73 in Taiwan, 97 in Malaysia, and 185 in South
reform than gasoline. And DME is even easier to reform than MeOH: both DME and
Korea. Moreover, satisfying just the requirement for clean cooking fuel with LPG implies
MeOH have no carbon-carbon bonds to break, but the first step in reforming MeOH is
a per capita LPG consumption rate of about 150 g/day.
to apply heat to vaporize it – a step that is not needed for DME, a gas at atmospheric
25. The CO2 co-product of making H2 from coal can be recovered in a nearly pure stream pressure.
suitable for geological disposal. With commercially available technology, the production 43. New liquid-phase reactors that involve bubbling syngas through a column of heavy oil
from coal of H2 and co-product CO2 is carried out in a manner similar to that described in which catalysts appropriate to the desired conversion are suspended offer outstanding
in Box 5 for the process involving CO2 removal from the “fuel gas” of a coal IGCC heat removal capability in controlling highly exothermic reactions and can achieve high
power plant. But the H2 production case (unlike the IGCC case) involves using a gase- conversions in a single pass of syngas through the reactor.
ous separation technology such as pressure swing adsorption (PSA) after CO2 removal
to separate out very pure (e.g., 99.999 % pure) H2 from the H2-rich syngas, along with 44. Air Products and Eastman Chemicals tested liquid-phase MeOH production technology
burning the residual syngas (containing CO, H2, and perhaps also some CH4) to make in a process development unit at LaPorte, Texas, which was designed to produce 6.9
power in a steam turbine or combined-cycle power plant. With current technology the kl/day and which operated for 7,400 hours. Following this, a commercial-scale plant
overall efficiency of making H2 from coal is about 63 %, including the energy penalties (designed to produce 288 kl/day) went into operation in January 1997, at Kingport,
for sequestering CO2 in geological reservoirs – see Table 5. Tennessee, under the US Department of Energy’s Clean Coal Technology Program, to
demonstrate the technology during a period of 4 years of expected plant operation.
26. A liter (l) of water would contain a fatal dose if it were contaminated with 2–7 % MeOH
by weight. 45. The calculations presented in Table 7 are based on well-established cost estimates and
cost-scaling exponents for each of the many components of these systems. However,
27. High cetane number (a measure of a fuel’s ability to auto-ignite) is desirable for com- it is assumed in these calculations that each component (for example, the coal gasifier)
pression-ignition engine fuels because it shortens ignition delay, lowering premixed burn- can be built in a single train to the required capacity. The maximum sizes of single-train
ing and resultant NOx emissions and noise. High-octane fuels have low cetane numbers, components that are commercially available today are less than the capacities
and fuels with high cetane numbers have low octane ratings. associated with many of the components for the polygeneration systems presented. To
28. Ogden et al. [1998; 1999] designed a H2 fuel-cell car which, relative to today’s typical the extent that multiple trains instead of single trains would have to be used for practical
cars, would have lower aerodynamic drag, less rolling resistance, and reduced weight systems, the cost savings would be less than indicated here. But these tables illustrate
– without compromising performance and interior space requirements. Its estimated the value of evolving towards systems based on large single-train systems and thus
represent good targets for development. De Puy, R.A., and Gulko, G.M., (Texaco Power and Gasification), Brdar, D., and Anand, A.,
46. Typically polygeneration strategies that do not produce process steam as a co-product (General Electric Power Systems), and Paolino, J., (Praxair), 1999. “Lower cost of electricity
will still often make economic sense. using IGCC with GE’s 9H gas turbine”, paper presented at the 1999 Gasification Technolo-
47. Most of the EOR in the United States takes place in the Permian Basin of Texas. Most gies Conference, San Francisco, California, October.
of the CO2 for these projects is transported by pipeline from natural reservoirs of CO2 Drown, D.P., Heydorn, E.C., Moore, R.B., Schaub, E.S., Brown, D.M., Jones, W.C., and
in Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming (e.g., via an 800 km pipeline from the McElmo Kornosky, R.M., 1997. “The liquid phase methanol (LPMEOHTM) process demonstration at
Dome in western Colorado – which contains 0.5 Gt CO2). Kingsport”, paper presented at the Fifth Annual DOE Clean Coal Technology Conference,
48. For example, 90 % of the nearly 6 Tt of US coal resources deposited at depths less Tampa, Florida, 7-9 January.
than 1800 m is unminable with current technology, either because the coal is too deep, Edwards, K., 2000. “CO2 in Alberta – a vision of the future”, Journal of Canadian Petroleum
the seams are too thin, or mining would be unsafe [Byrer and Guthrie, 1998]. Technology, 39(9), pp. 48-53.
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ends up at the conversion facility as a relatively pure stream of CO2. DOE/EIA-0348(97)/2, Washington, D.C., US Department of Energy.
50. The critical point for CO2 is 74 bar and 31ºC. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2000. Annual Energy Outlook 2001, with Projec-
51. Because the hydrostatic pressure gradient is typically about 100 bar per km. tions Through 2020, DOE/EIA-0383(2001), Washington, D.C., US Department of Energy.
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contained water is fossil water that has been there over geological time – time sufficient DOE/EIA-0484 (2001), March, Washington, DC, US Department of Energy.
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53. Recently an acid gas disposal project was launched in Texas [Whatley, 2000]. In this fossil fuels”, Chapter 3, pp. 119-165, in Energizing China: Reconciling Environmental Pro-
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