Knowledge and Awareness On Hiv-Aids of Senior High School Students Towards An Enhanced Reproductive Health Education Program
Knowledge and Awareness On Hiv-Aids of Senior High School Students Towards An Enhanced Reproductive Health Education Program
Knowledge and Awareness On Hiv-Aids of Senior High School Students Towards An Enhanced Reproductive Health Education Program
ISSN 2454-5872
The study determined the levels of knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS of 369 senior high
school students of Los Banos Laguna, Philippines, towards an Enhanced Reproductive Health
Education Program using an adopted and modified questionnaire from the research study of Marc
Lester Quintana in 2018. The results were: high level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS in terms of
transmission, prevention and protection; high level of awareness about the effects of HIV/AIDS in
terms of physical, psychological, socio-economic and spiritual; there is a significant relationship
between the levels of knowledge and awareness about the effects of HIV/AIDS. It was
recommended that: senior high school students to become more knowledgeable and updated about
HIV/AIDS; they should participate in activities in school in partnership with their educators and
school administrators for the implementation of the Enhanced Reproductive Health Program, as
permitted by their parents; and lastly future researchers to use this study and its output as a
reference for similar future endeavors.
Available Online at: 1
LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences
ISSN 2454-5872
HIV/AIDS, Knowledge on HIV/AIDS, Awareness on HIV/AIDS, Knowledge and Awareness on
HIV/AIDS of Senior High School Students, Enhanced Reproductive Health Program
1. Introduction
It is said that knowledge is power. Cliché as it is but this is a saying that many times has
been proven true. In fact, knowledge and information have significant impact on people’s lives
especially to the youth of the society. This is so because accordingly, knowledge serves as a
personal value to every human in that it is the base of one’s individuality
According Dr. Robert Puff (2012), in his article entitled, “Awareness: The Cornerstone of
Changing our Behavior,” awareness is the powerful tool that brings about change in the lives of
humans. He emphasized that it is through awareness that we learn from our past actions or behavior
and with learning humans lead a happier and healthier life as mistakes are being managed better
( Both knowledge and awareness therefore, are ingredients
that play an important part in the everyday life of the youth. This is evidently true to the scenario
of the youth worldwide in their knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS.
HIV/AIDS for so long had been one major health problem that has detrimental effects on
humans and continues to be as it is to date. It can be acquired at any life stage among different
population with high risk behaviors. Vulnerable groups do not only include OFW’s, migrants, sex
workers, IV drug users sharing needles, men who have sex with men (MSM), incarcerated people
but also the youth (CDC, 2018). Here in the Philippines, according to the latest report from the
Department of Health Epidemiology Bureau, in June 2018 new cases were found as there were
993 new HIV antibody seropositive individuals reported to the HIV/AIDS & ART Registry of the
Philippines (HARP). More than half (52%, 512) were 25-34 years old and 29% (287) were 15-24
years old at the time of testing. Of all the newly diagnosed cases reported in the country in the
same month (June, 2018), Region 4A has been second, among the top six regions, in the number
of most cases having 167 or 17%. Other regions included are the National Capital Region (NCR)
(33%, 324), Region 3 (12%, 123), Region 6 (7%, 66), Region 12 (6%, 58) and Region 7 (6%, 55).
Together, they account for 80% of the total. In the same report, since 1984, there have been 56,275
confirmed HIV cases reported to the HARP. More than half (28,773 or 51%) were from the 25-34
year age group while 15,834 (28%) were youth 15-24 years old. Seventy-nine percent (44,603) of
the total diagnosed cases in the Philippines were reported from January 2013 to June 2018. Eleven
percent (6,040) of the total ever reported cases had clinical manifestations of advanced infection
at the time of reporting (WHO clinical stage 3 and 4).
Looking at the situation above and being a mother of teenagers (ranging from millennial to
generation Z), who are open to the influences of early engagement in sex or premarital sex with
the advent of technological media, the researcher observed that her children are not an exemption
to this phenomenon. As such, the fear of her children being inflicted with such illness, with
insufficient knowledge on HIV/AIDS served as the moving force to further investigate on how
much these teenagers know and how help can be administered amongst them. Specifically, the
researcher, being a resident in the same region, would want to address the increased number of
cases found in Region 4A, which is currently the second (2nd) to the highest with newly found
Through this study, the researcher would improve the Reproductive Health Education
Program initiatives already interspersed in the curriculum of the Senior High School (SHS) under
the Department of Education (DepEd). This program intends to help the senior high school
students and teachers of both public and private Senior High Schools in Laguna, specifically of
those belonging to the second district covering three (3) municipalities, that of Bay, Los Banos
and Cabuyao, in terms of better dissemination of knowledge and information about HIV/AIDS
through the use of various techniques and strategies that makes teaching and learning about
HIV/AIDS effective.
2. Method
This study utilized Sequential Explanatory Design mixed method. This research design was
used to determine the knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS of the 369 senior high school
students of the municipality of Los Banos Laguna towards an enhanced Reproductive Health
Education Program.
3. Results
3.1 What is the Profile of the Senior High School Students-Respondents?
Table 1 shows the profile of the senior high school students-respondents. In terms of age,
the highest belongs to those belonging to the age 17 – 18 years old with 72.4 per cent or 267 out
of 369; the lowest is those belonging to more than 20 years old with only 1.4 per cent or 5 out of
369. This suggests that the respondents were on their right teen age as senior high school students,
and few were only beyond this normal age for senior high.
In terms of gender, 68 per cent comprises the female population, while 30.6 per cent
comprises the male population; the lowest were those belonging to other type of gender with only
1.4 per cent. This finding indicated that female dominates the population of the senior high school
locales of this study.
In terms of source of information: from a person source of information, the highest is from
parents with 39.8 per cent or 147 out of 369; second highest is from combined sources (parents,
nurse and doctors) with 17.63 per cent or 65 out of 369; the lowest is from relatives with only 1.9
per cent or 7 out of 369. This finding depicted that parents were the most trusted person of the
senior high school student-respondents in terms of being the source of their information
specifically in terms of their health. This is attested by the works of Kim (2007) which said that
There is a correlation between parental values on teen sex and teen sexual behavior; and
that parents are the single largest influence on their adolescents’ decisions about sex. This is
because parents can enhance prevention of a variety of negative outcomes and enhance their child’s
overall health promotion;
In terms of institution as source of information, the highest is from Health Center with 61.5
per cent or 227 out of 369; second highest is from school with 16.8 per cent or 62 out of 369; the
lowest is from combined sources (Health Center and School) with only 2.98 per cent or 11 out of
369; This finding depicts that most of the respondents get their information from the Health
Centers, simply because the health functions were largely devolved to these primary care units
around provinces and municipalities in the country. Another reason was the presence of volunteer
health workers (trained by the doctors and nurses of the Health Centers) assigned in the specific
Health Centers in the community who roams around and visits the community every day. They are
partners in the community who entertain questions specifically about health; and they are
accessible every day of the week at all hours and usually lived within walking distance to the
service users that is why they could easily approach them when needed. This is confirmed by the
works of Bhutta, Lassi, Pariyo and Huicho (2010) which reported that the use of Community
Health Workers (CHWs) in healthcare provision is increasing worldwide; and that in particular,
CHWs have become a central feature of many Primary Health Care (PHC) programs in resource-
poor areas of low-income countries; they are also viewed as important contributors to achieving
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which aim to provide universal access to
reproductive healthcare.
In terms of media as source of information, the highest is from the Internet sources with
54.2 per cent or 200 out of 369; second highest is from radio with 28.5 per cent or 105 out of 369;
the lowest is from television with only 17.3 per cent or 64 out of 369. This finding indicates that
the respondents were using the internet mostly for information about their health. This is because
many of the evidence-based practices were posted in the net and can be accessed by anyone who
likes to be informed and learned. In addition, internet is a fundamental part of the daily life of
adolescents mainly because it is fast and easy and because it provides a great deal of information.
This finding is confirmed by Jiménez-Pernett et al (2010) who stated that the Internet is a
fundamental part of the daily life of adolescents, that they consider it as a safe and confidential
source of information on health matters.
Table 2 shows the level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS of senior high school students-
respondents in terms of transmission, with an overall mean score of 2.94 interpreted as high level
of knowledge.
The high level of knowledge when the statements are formed in a negative way (using the
myths about HIV/AIDS) means that the senior high school students-respondents still believe in
the misconceptions (mistaken ideas) about HIV / AIDS. This finding is supported by the works of
Tenkorang (2013) which reported that in Kenya and Ghana, they also believed in myths about
HIV/AIDs as they reported that some respondents believe the HIV virus which could be spread
through mosquito bites and touching an infected person. The implications for this finding suggests
that biomedical explanations of HIV transmission with exclusive focus on ABC prevention
knowledge may not be sufficient for dispelling misconceptions about HIV transmission The need
and that targeted education at eradicating myths and misconceptions about HIV transmission may
be emphasized. This finding is confirmed by the study of Bharat, Menendez, Hagen, Igonet,
Schorb and Briggs (2014) which suggested that a clear biological and conceptual understanding
of HIV transmission can be useful in rejecting misconceptions surrounding the virus.
According to the World Health Organization (2018), HIV can be principally transmitted
from a very infected of it to a non-reactive person through the following ways; unprotected sexual
intercourse, blood (sharing of contaminated needles, blood products, and transfusion), and mother
to child (pregnancy and breastfeeding). The aforementioned ways of HIV transmission become
possible because the four body fluids which can be carriers of the virus are present namely; semen,
blood, vaginal fluid, and breast milk.
3.2.2. Prevention
Table 3 shows the level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS of senior high school students-
respondents in terms of prevention, with an overall mean score of 3.01 interpreted as high level of
The result of high level of knowledge on HIV /AIDS prevention means that the senior high
school-respondents knows but not to the greatest or very high level how HIV/AIDS is being
prevented. This finding suggests that there is still a need for enhancement in the student’s learning
capacity to be able to acquire more knowledge about HIV/ AIDS prevention. This is supported by
the works of Tulloch et al., (2012) which suggested that increasing HIV knowledge has been an
effective HIV preventive behavioral intervention across different contexts. The authors added that
elevating HIV knowledge creates motivation for risk reduction and has been associated with
increased safe sex practices and HIV testing and treatment uptake.
Lack of rigorous evaluations about how HIV/AIDS can be prevented means lack of reliable
evidence to guide the selection of interventions that can be implemented. This is why the senior
high school students-respondents chose number 19, about knowing partner’s HIV status, as their
highest item on the table. According to the study of Appiah-Agyekum and Suapin (2013) it is now
accepted globally that knowing the person’s HIV/AIDS status can help prevent HIV/AIDS
transmission. Though knowing the person’s status cannot directly prevent infection from the virus,
knowing the person’s status is the key step in making decisions on their health. In other words,
knowing the person’s status means that they could make choices that can prevent persons around
them from contracting the virus (that is, if they are infected) or the know-how to live healthily to
prolong their life. The implication for this finding is that the senior high school students can
prevent being infected that they knew that their sexual risk decisions are affected by their sexual
partners’ HIV status. With this kind of attitude, they can also tell others that this is one way of
preventing the spread of HIV /AIDS infection.
3.2.3. Protection
Table 4: Level of Knowledge on HIV/AIDS of Senior High School Student-Respondents in terms
of Protection
Items Weighted Mean Interpretation
21. A person with HIV who has an undetectable viral load can pass HIV to
someone else 3.05 High Level of Knowledge
22. Unprotected male to male sexual contact is riskier in getting HIV than
2.96 High Level of Knowledge
unprotected male to female sexual contact
23. A person with HIV who is sick or who has no symptoms cannot pass HIV
2.21 High Level of Knowledge
to someone else
24. Drinking alcoholic beverages increases the risk of HIV infection 1.86 Low Level of Knowledge
25. Adolescents/young adults can be infected by HIV 3.27 Very High Level of Knowledge
26. Anyone who injects prohibited drugs is at risk of contracting HIV 2.50 High Level of Knowledge
27. Having a sexually transmitted infection increases the risk of getting HIV 3.15 High Level of Knowledge
28. Waiting for HIV signs and symptoms to appear before getting tested 2.13 Low Level of Knowledge
29. Dismissing or terminating an employee from being positive with HIV to
2.14 Low Level of Knowledge
protect his/her co-workers
30. Getting immunization and vaccination to protect oneself from acquiring
3.01 High Level of Knowledge
Overall Mean Score 2.63 High Level of Knowledge
Table 4 illustrates the level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS of senior high school students-
respondents in terms of protection, with an overall mean score of 2.63 interpreted as high level of
knowledge. This finding indicates that the senior high school students were knowledgeable on
HIV/AIDS risks and protection. It can be traced to the fact that as students they were lectured at
school on how the immune system of a person worsens, a variety of complication arises. These
lessons would tell them that the first sign of infection is large lymph nodes or “swollen glands”
that may be enlarged for more than three months. Other symptoms often experienced months to
years before the onset of AIDS include: lack of energy, weight loss, frequent fevers and sweats,
persistent or frequent yeast infections (oral of vaginal), persistent skin rashes or flaky skin, pelvic
inflammatory disease in women that does not respond to treatment, and short term memory loss.
With knowledge about the modes of protection, senior high school students can easily acquire
strategies on how to deal with people with HIV/AIDS or have activity with them. The implication
for this finding is reduction of the risks and increase in protection for the respondents. This is
supported by the works of CDC (2015) which reported that the most effective way of slowing or
stopping the progression of HIV is through early diagnosis and appropriate drug therapy.
3.3. What is the level of awareness of senior high students about the effects of HIV/AIDS in
terms of:
3.3.1. Physical
Table 5: Level of Awareness of Senior High Students about the Effects of HIV/AIDS in terms of
Items Weighted Mean Interpretation
31. HIV kills or damages the cells of the body’s immune system 3.45 Very High Level of Awareness
32. HIV infection causes large lymph nodes or “swollen glands” that
2.89 High Level of Awareness
may be enlarged for more than three months
33. HIV infection causes persistent skin rashes or flaky skin 2.76 High Level of Awareness
34. HIV infection causes persistent or frequent yeast infections (oral of
2.92 High Level of Awareness
35. HIV infection causes lack of energy 2.98 High Level of Awareness
36. HIV infection causes frequent fevers and sweats 2.86 High Level of Awareness
37. HIV infection causes pelvic inflammatory disease in women that
2.79 High Level of Awareness
does not respond to treatment
38. HIV infection causes weight loss 2.86 High Level of Awareness
39. HIV infection causes short term memory loss 2.21 Low Level of Awareness
40. HIV-positive people are vulnerable to other infections, diseases, and
3.15 High Level of Awareness
Overall Mean Score 2.89 High Level of Awareness
(Positive Statements)
Very High Level of Awareness
High Level of Awareness
Low Level of Awareness
Very Low Level of Awareness
Table 5 shows the level of awareness of senior high students about the effects of HIV/AIDS
in terms of physical, with an overall mean score of 2.89 interpreted as high level of awareness.
This finding means that the senior high school students – respondents were aware on how
HIV/AIDS can affect the physical statute of a person, although not to the greatest extent meaning
there are some information about HIV/AIDS that they do not know; this finding is consistent with
the other findings above of only high level of knowledge. It is also congruent to the result of the
study by Othman (2015) which reported that around 45% of students had good knowledge scores
about HIV/AIDS and were aware that HIV can be transmitted through blood transfusions, from
mother to child, and through sharing needles or syringes; however, they were confused about some
routes of transmission. The implication for this is that they still need enhancement in terms of
being educated about HIV/AIDS. A better understanding of these challenges will guide them
towards more effective self-care management. This is confirmed by the study of Li et al., (2006)
which stated that patient education is important to encourage the patients to use self-help strategies.
Group of senior high school students during the structured interviews, when asked about
the risk of having short term memory loss for people infected with HIV/AIDS; they answered that
they really do not know how extensive this memory loss is but when they look or understand what
HIV/AIDS can do to a man’s immune system, then definitely it can cause things like loss of short
term memories. The senior high school students expressed that they are aware about the risks of
HIV/AIDS; and that because of it the person infected may lose the strength of their immune
system, this in turn can cause memory loss; others feel that this memory loss is just a start of the
many things that can happen when people got to be infected with HIV/AIDS.
“I am aware that one of the risk of HIV infection is to lose the strength of the immune system.
Maybe this is the reason why we can lose our short term memory too if we have HIV/AIDS.”
“I believed that HIV/AIDS can be so dangerous to anyone and short memory loss is just a start.
There are still many things at risks in terms of our health when it is being related to HIV/AIDS.”
Another set of senior high school students verbalized that they does not know exactly why
there is loss of memory when a person is infected by HIV/AIDS. They feel that this can be
attributed to the fact that they are not the ones really affected with it.
“I barely know HIV/AIDS can cause loss of memory. Maybe because we are not the patient
ourselves or have not encountered yet person infected with HIV/AIDS.”
“HIV/AIDS is a very vague illness. Learning from our lessons in school, I feel that loss of memory
is one of the effects of the illness and many more adverse effects can come from having the illness.”
Another senior high school student expressed that she believed that HIV/AIDS is
dangerous and memory loss is just a part of its effects.”
“I believed that HIV/AIDS can be so dangerous to anyone and short memory loss is just a start.
There are still many things at risks in terms of our health when it is being related to HIV/AIDS.”
This finding is supported by the study of Hardy and Vance (2009) which stated that
memory is but one of many cognitive domains adversely affected by HIV, including executive
functioning (i.e., reasoning), speed of processing, attention, psychomotor ability, and language.
The authors added that the decline in one domain such as speed of processing may adversely affect
another domain such as memory. The incidence of forgetfulness and cognitive problems varies
and may increase by age, certain types of comorbidities (e.g., hepatitis C), substance use, and mood
disturbances (Vance, Ross et al., 2008).
3.3.2. Psychological
Table 6: Level of Awareness of Senior High Students about the Effects of HIV/AIDS in terms of
Items Weighted Mean Interpretation
41. HIV infected person usually confront fear and denial while maintaining
2.92 High Level of Awareness
42. HIV infected person may feel (or imagine) being victimized 3.01 High Level of Awareness
43. HIV infected person can experience a decrease in self-esteem as they are
3.34 Very High Level of Awareness
no longer confident in themselves or what they can achieve
44. HIV infected person are seen as lesser persons and are at times devalued 3.09 High Level of Awareness
45. HIV infected person feels frustrated and demoralized 3.05 High Level of Awareness
46. HIV infected person usually have emotional breakdown because their
3.25 Very High Level of Awareness
feelings continue to be suppressed
47. HIV infected person have to adjust to a new lifestyle 3.09 High Level of Awareness
48. HIV infected person feel loss of support by lovers, family, and friends 2.87 High Level of Awareness
49. HIV infected person feel the need to change their sexual practices 3.04 High Level of Awareness
50. HIV infected person need to take more precautions to protect themselves
3.38 Very High Level of Awareness
and others
Overall Mean Score 3.10 High Level of Awareness
Table 6 presents the level of awareness of senior high students about the effects of
HIV/AIDS in terms of psychological, with an overall mean score of 3.10 interpreted as high level
of awareness. This finding suggests that the senior high school students of were highly aware about
the effects of HIV / AIDS in terms of psychological aspect. The rationale for this is that nowadays,
people with HIV/AIDS do not anymore hide. They revealed themselves in order to help others in
combating the effects of HIV/ AIDS. This cause an increase in the awareness of every student
especially that in every school, this battle with HIV/AIDS is now being strengthen. Many
organizations are now leading the way to implement different programs that might help people
infected with HIV/AIDS. According to Walker and Gilbert (2010) AIDS is a disease that is feared
this was the most common reason patients hide their diagnosis is fear of stigma and exclusion.
Additional education is needed to help the patient understand that AIDS requires long-term
treatment and observation and that they can help control the disease with positive health-promoting
behavior. This is supported by the works of Li et al. (2006) which said that changes in attitude and
behavior can be achieved through patient education.
3.3.3 Socio-Economic
Table 7: Level of Awareness of Senior High Students about the Effects of HIV/AIDS in terms of
Items Weighted Mean Interpretation
51. HIV infected person see themselves as undesirable by others who view them
3.14 High Level of Awareness
as “contagious”
52. HIV infected person becomes socially isolated 3.01 High Level of Awareness
53. Families and communities of HIV infected person break apart and young
2.75 High Level of Awareness
people's future becomes insecure.
54. HIV infected person are restricted to travel specially abroad 2.57 High Level of Awareness
55. HIV/AIDS infected person require significant and costly medical care. 3.12 High Level of Awareness
56. HIV infected person rely heavily on family and friends for emotional and
2.92 High Level of Awareness
financial support
57.HIV infected person are not granted an opportunity to gain access to life
2.39 Low Level of Awareness
insurance policies
58. HIV infected person are not given chances to work because they cannot
2.43 Low Level of Awareness
engage in the normal activities
59. HIV infected person usually loss their job 2.66 High Level of Awareness
60. HIV infected person usually sells their assets to meet expenses 2.59 High Level of Awareness
Overall Mean Score 2.76 High Level of Awareness
Table 7 illustrates the level of awareness of senior high students about the effects of
HIV/AIDS in terms of socio-economic, with an overall mean score of 2.76 interpreted as high
level of awareness.
More often, person infected with HIV/AIDS complain of problems in socio-economics as
they progress through the stages of the illness. Medical check-ups and medications deplete their
earnings, some would ask for help because they cannot attend to the economic needs of their
family. Because of this, most of the people around them are aware that this suffering socio-
economically is brought about by the illness HIV/AIDS. This is the reason why even the senior
high school students knew that it affects so much the person infected with HIV/AIDS. This is also
the reason why they chose as number 1 or the highest the item about HIV infected person becomes
socially isolated, with mean score 3.21 interpreted as high level of awareness. This is because;
person infected with HIV.AIDS becomes isolated once they felt they cannot do anything anymore
especially in terms of work and earnings. This is supported by the works of Dray-Spira et al (2006)
which revealed that loss of employment appears in 46 % of the affected persons within 1 year after
HIV infection, which indicates that the risk of becoming unemployed is highest shortly after
infection. This also leads to the choice of the lowest item, about HIV infected person are not
granted an opportunity to gain access to life insurance policies, with mean score of 2.54 interpreted
also as high level of awareness. It was their last because the senior high school students believe
that employers would not want to isolate their employees with HIV/AIDS nor abandoned them.
They still have the right to be given or access their life insurance policies.
Group of senior high school students during the structured interviews, when asked about
their level of awareness about the effects of HIV/AIDS in terms of socio-economic; they answered
that they know that socially and financially person infected with HIV/AIDS are so affected. They
knew that other people would not support or help these patients because they blame them for
having the infections.
“I am sad those people infected with HIV/AIDS are not supported mostly by other people. They
even blame the patients that they were the ones that caused it.”
One senior high school student said that his mother is a nurse and she always tell him that
it is sad to know that people infected with HIV/AIDS are not given many chances at work. Usually
she would tell him that they are being fired or laid off.
“My nurse mother would always tell me, it is really sad to know that people infected with HIV/AIDS
are not given too many chances at work; that sometimes they are being laid-off from work because
they are infected.”
“I believed that HIV/AIDS can be fatal in all aspects. When people knew that someone is with
HIV/AIDS, they are being stereotyped and judged the infected person at once without knowing the
real reason for the transmission of the infection. Somehow, their work is the reason for it, like
needle prick as a nurse or as a doctor.”
Beyond the direct costs of medications, monitoring, and medical care, additional costs
include the long-term lost earnings of HIV-infected individuals as well as of their household
members who also provide care. One of the respondent said that these financial problems prevent
infected people to seek treatment. She quote and quote her uncle saying:
“I do not seek services beyond those provided here because they are expensive”.
With that verbalization, one of the student reacted that she feels that the infection caused
the patients to be broke and to not afford their means of daily living. Another student said that
people with HIV/AIDS are threatened socially and financially that they cannot get a good job to
support their means.
“I feel that the infection causes these patients to be broke and cannot afford their daily means of
“Socially and financially, these people with HIV/AIDS are threatened / affected. Because of the
disease, they cannot get good jobs that will make them pay their bills.”
Some of the student-participants told the researcher that if they knew how to protect
themselves especially in choosing the right partner, then they cannot be like that.
“I am aware that some people do have their wants and desires in life. However, they must be
choosy when it comes to sexual partner or having intimate relationships. Being cautious is good
enough to prevent the transmission of the infection.”
“I barely know HIV/AIDS can be so fatal that even socially and financially, these people will be
so much affected. Maybe because I am still young and my knowledge and awareness are too few
about HIV/AIDS.”
All these finding is supported by Watstein and Chandler (2008) which reported that there
are individuals, who might face catastrophic changes not only in their personal and job
relationships, but in their physical bodies and in their self-images and self-esteem. As a result of
these changes in both working and personal relationships, the behavior of those infected may
change. In lieu of the disruption in their jobs, these people infected with HIV/AIDS may encounter
problems with insurances especially medical ones. One student-participant said that her uncle was
demoralized when given a chance to talk to an HIV/AIDS infected person. This was because of
the dilemma of the patient that they cannot avail anymore of their insurance benefits due to the
fact that they have been infected with HIV/AIDS.
“My uncle when he was given a chance to talk to his HIV/AIDS infected friend told me that he was
so demoralized to know that the privilege of this HIV/AIDS infected friend were so low that even
insurance companies cannot give them opportunity to use theirs.”
The findings above were evidenced by the results of the study of Quyen et al (2017) which
found out that a high proportion of Person Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) was not covered by
health insurance (HI). The study mentioned that lacking information about HI and feeling
difficulty in accessing HI were primary barriers that should be resolved via timely educational
campaigns and consultations as well as supports from families in order to expand effectively the
HI coverage.
3.3.4 Spiritual
Table 8: Level of Awareness of Senior High Students about the Effects of HIV/AIDS in terms of
Items Weighted Mean Interpretation
61. HIV infected person makes spirituality become an important factor in their
2.83 High Level of Awareness
62. HIV infected person looks for a stronger connection with God 2.89 High Level of Awareness
63. HIV infected person seek spiritual support from religious group 2.81 High Level of Awareness
64. HIV infected person regularly attending worship services 2.79 High Level of Awareness
65. HIV infected person engaged in religious/spiritual activities such as praying 2.78 High Level of Awareness
66. HIV infected person reads scripture 2.41 Low Level of Awareness
67.HIV infected person practices spiritual reframing of stress 2.69 High Level of Awareness
68. HIV infected person practices faith healing 2.59 High Level of Awareness
69. HIV infected person rely more on God than biomedical treatment for healing 2.67 High Level of Awareness
70. HIV infected person has a feeling that one’s illness is a punishment from God 2.39 Low Level of Awareness
Overall Mean Score 2.69 High Level of Awareness
Table 8 illustrates the level of awareness of senior high students about the effects of
HIV/AIDS in terms of spiritual, with an overall mean score of 2.69 interpreted as high level of
awareness. This finding implies that the senior high school students were highly aware about the
effects of HIV / AIDS in terms of spiritual aspect. The rationale for this is that these students
believed that when a person is in crisis, the only savior that they would think of is God or the being
spiritually guided. This is why the highest item they chose is about HIV infected person looking
for a stronger connection with God. In terms of the lowest item chosen, about HIV infected person
having a feeling that one’s illness is a punishment from God was last because the senior high
school students of PNC believed that illness is not a punishment but something that was created
because of the lack of health information and attention. This finding is confirmed by Szaflarski
(2012) which defined spirituality as that which gives meaning and purpose to life, is often a central
issue for patients at the end of life or those dealing with a chronic illness such as HIV/AIDS.
Szaflarski (2012) also said that spirituality and religion are important to many people living
with HIV (PLWH).The author added that spiritual interventions utilizing the power of prayer and
meditation and addressing spiritual struggle are under way. Faith-based community interventions
have focused on stigma and could improve individual outcomes through access to spiritual/social
support and care/treatment for PLWH.
3.4. Is there a Significant Relationship between the Levels of Knowledge on HIV/AIDS and
Levels of Awareness about the Effects of HIV/AIDS of Senior High School Students?
Table 9: Table of Significant Relationship between the Levels of Knowledge on HIV/AIDS and
Levels of Awareness about the Effects of HIV/AIDS of Senior High School Students
N Sig. (2-tailed) Interpretation Decision
Level of Knowledge on
HIV/AIDS and Levels
of Awareness about the
Effects of HIV/AIDS 369 .549** .000 Significant Relationship Reject Ho
Of Senior High School
Table 9 presents the significant relationship between the levels of knowledge on HIV/AIDS
and levels of awareness about the effects of HIV/AIDS of senior high school students.
Data on the table illustrates that there is a significant relationship between the levels of
knowledge on HIV/AIDS and levels of awareness about the effects of HIV/AIDS of senior high
school students as determine by the sig. value of .000 which is lesser than 0.05 level of
significance. This finding indicates that the increase in knowledge (transmission, prevention and
protection) on HIV/AIDS of each senior high school student would mean increase in their
in secrecy and shame, but openly and with compassion. Their actions coupled with facts about
HIV/AIDS and how to prevent it will turn into the development of safety behaviors among teens.
Table 10: Table of Significant Relationships between the Items in the Level of Knowledge on
HIV/AIDS and Levels of Awareness about the Effects of HIV/AIDS of
Senior High School Students
Pearson Sig. (2-
N Interpretation Decision
Correlation tailed)
Level of Knowledge – Transmission and Level of Reject Null
Significant Relationship
Awareness - Physical 369 .313** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Transmission and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness - Psychological .329** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Transmission and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness – Socio-Economic .297** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Transmission and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness - Spiritual .176** .001 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Prevention and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness - Physical .457** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Prevention and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness - Psychological .393** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Prevention and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness – Socio-Economic .354** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Prevention and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness - Spiritual .308** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Protection and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness - Physical .510** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Protection and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness - Psychological .399** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Protection and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness – Socio-Economic .484** .000 Hypothesis
Level of Knowledge – Protection and Level of Reject Null
369 Significant Relationship
Awareness - Spiritual .462** .000 Hypothesis
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
4. Conclusion
It was concluded that senior high school students-respondents have high levels of
knowledge on HIV/AIDS in terms of transmission, prevention and protection; high levels of
awareness about the effects of HIV/AIDS in terms of physical, psychological, socio-economic and
spiritual; and there is a significant relationship between the levels of knowledge on HIV/AIDS and
levels of awareness about the effects of HIV/AIDS of senior high school students.
Future research involving other senior high school students from other schools in different
municipalities / locales is also needed to measure the knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS for
the entire region or country, since the study was limited to assess only 4 schools and only in the
municipality of Los Banos Laguna.
5. Recommendation
The study recommended that: 1) senior high school students to be more knowledgeable
and aware and updated about HIV/AIDS and that they be involved in school activities for the
implementation of the Enhanced Reproductive Health Program; 2) the educators to be equipped
on becoming more conscious on the level of understanding / knowing about HIV /AIDS; 3) parents
to approve the use of the Program as part of their children’s activities in school; 4) school
administration to use the Program to raise the knowledge and awareness specifically on HIV/AIDS
of their senior high school students; 5) future researchers to use this study and its output as a
reference for similar future endeavors.
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