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Wireframe-“How to Upload a File to Google Drive”

Learning Path: YouTube

Course: Beginner-Online Tools
Duration: 3:30

Audience: The public and beginner users.

Description: This module is designed to teach the public how to use the product Google Drive.

Instructional Objectives
1. To teach learners how to upload files to Google Drive two different ways.
2. To teach what kinds of files can be uploaded and edited in Google Drive.
3. How to share files.
Wireframe-“How to Upload a File to Google Drive”


Topic Narration Onscreen text Suggested Implementation Notes

Hi, my name is Mija and I’m

going to be talking about how to
1. How to upload
upload files to Google Drive.
files to Google
Drive 1.
If you are new to using a cloud,
2. What kind of
you might be asking, what kind of
files can I upload
files can I upload to google drive? 2.
to Google Drive?
3. What’s the best
And what’s the best way to do it? 6. (Image of a word file
way to do it.
There are two main types of files speaking).
4. Editable files:
you can store on your Google
Word docs,
Objectives Drive:
PDFs, all text-
 Files you can edit, like
based files.
Microsoft Office files,
5. Files you cannot
PDFs, and other text-based
edit: Music,
videos, .zip files
 Files you cannot edit, like
6. Organize me! 7. (Image of laptop, iPad and
music, videos, compressed
Share me from iPhone).
archives (.zip files), and
most other files
7. (Syncing theme-
no next)
Once you upload a file—no matter
what type of file it is—you'll be
Wireframe-“How to Upload a File to Google Drive”

able to manage, organize, share,

and access it from anywhere.

What you will see in Google Drive

are synced documents across all
your devices. That means that if
you open google drive on your
iPhone, iPad or laptop, you’ll see
the most recent version of the file
as long as the device is online.

I’m going to talk about two ways

to upload files into Google Drive.

If you have slow internet, you can

upload files directly into google
Camtasia recording of uploading
Uploading from drive from Gmail. If you get an
No text a file from email.
Gmail. email with an attachment, hover
the cursor over the attachment and
you’ll see the option to download
or upload directly to google drive.

The second way is directly from

your computer Open a page in
chrome and click on the 9 dots in
the far-right corner. Find the icon
for google drive and click on it.
Uploading a file Camtasia recording of uploading a
No text
from the computer. file from the computer.
Click “new” and select “file
Locate and select the files you
want to upload, then click Open.
Wireframe-“How to Upload a File to Google Drive”

Once it is uploaded don’t forget to

organize it. If you are uploading a
lot of single files, it will take some
time to put them all into folders
individually. Alternatively you can
upload entire folders into google
drive if you already have filed
assembled into folders.

To upload a folder:
1. Click the “new” button,
then select Folder upload.
2. Note that this feature is Camtasia recording of uploading a
Uploading a folder No text
only available if you're folder.
accessing Google Drive
through Google Chrome.

Depending on your browser and

operating system, you may be able
Clicking and to upload files by clicking and Camtasia recording of clicking
Dragging dragging a file from your and dragging.
computer into your Google Drive.

1. Now I’d like you to show

your work. Open Google
1. Camtasia recording of
Drive and upload a
uploading a document and
Microsoft Office file.
I completed the sharing.
2. Now open the file as a
Google Drive 2. Entering my email
Show your work! google doc by clicking on
challenge! address (Camtasia
the file and selecting “open
Hoorah! recording).
with” and select google
docs. Click the blue share
button on the right-hand
side and enter my email
Wireframe-“How to Upload a File to Google Drive”

address. Select category

“can view” in the pencil
icon to the right of the
email bar and send.
Ideally, include a brief
message that says “I
completed the Google
Drive challenge!” and

Image of a word file speaking.

I have discussed two ways of

uploading files to Google drive, as Thank you for uploading
well as opening documents in and sharing me!
google docs and sharing.

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