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MATERIALS Call for Papers


9th International Conference on Computational

Methods and Experiments in Material and
Contact Characterisation

22 – 24 May 2019 | Lisbon, Portugal

Organised by Sponsored by
Wessex Institute, UK WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
University of Groningen, The Netherlands International Journal of Computational
Methods and Experimental Measurements
University of Windsor, Canada
Lisbon University, Portugal
The aim of the conference is to facilitate interaction between the research and
industrial community and discuss the latest developments in this rapidly advancing
field. The meeting responds to the demand for high quality production for both
industry and consumer, which has led to rapid developments in materials science
and engineering. This requires the characterisation of the properties of the

Of particular interest to industry and society is Combinations of different experimental

the knowledge of surface treatment and contact techniques as well as computer simulation
mechanics of these materials to determine the methods are essential to achieve a proper
in-service behaviour of components subject analysis. A very wide range of materials,
to contact conditions. Modern society requires starting with metals through polymers and
systems that operate at conditions that use semiconductors to composites, necessitates a
resources effectively. In terms of components whole spectrum of characteristic experimental
durability, the understanding of surface techniques and research methods.
engineering wear frictional and lubrication
The conference is a result of a series of meetings
dynamics has never been so important.
that started as early as 1993 in Southampton
Current research is focussed on modifications on contact mechanics and previous meetings
technologies that can increase the surface on the wider field of material characterisation
durability of materials. The characteristics dating from the 2003 conference in Santa Fe,
of the system reveal which surface New Mexico. The papers presented at all those
engineering methods should be chosen and conferences are permanently archived in digital
as a consequence it is essential to study the form at where they
combination of surface treatment and contact are easily accessible in Open Access format to
mechanics. the international scientific community.

Conference Chairmen H Fang

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
S Hernandez
University of A Coruna, Spain M Horgnies
Member of WIT Board of Directors LafargeHolcim R&D Center, France
J De Hosson H Katogi
University of Groningen, Ntherlands Jissen Women’s University, Japan
D Northwood Z A Khan
University of Windsor, Canada Bournemouth University, UK
R Vilar A Klemm
Lisbon University, Portugal Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
A Koel
International Scientific Advisory Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Committee A Maheri
University of Aberdeen, UK
A Almeida
Lisbon University, Portugal V Ocelik
University of Groningen, Netherlands
C Bignardi
Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy J Ortiz-Lozano
University of Aguascalientes, Mexico
I Caminha
National Institute of Technology, Brazil Y Pei
University of Groningen, Netherlands
M Conte
CSM Instruments, Switzerland G Perillo
Wessex Institute, UK
P De Wilde
Free University of Brussels, Belgium A Saeed
Bournemouth University, UK
D Desai
Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa H Takagi
Tokushima University, Japan
B Djamila
University of Science and Technology of Oran - K Takemura
Mohamed-Boudiaf, Algeria Kanagawa University, Japan
Benefits of Attending Conference Topics
Publication of Papers Papers presented at The following list covers the topics to
Materials Characterisation 2019 will be published by be presented at the meeting. Papers
WIT Press in a Volume of WIT Transactions. Selected on other subjects related to the
papers will appear in an Issue of the International objectives of the conference are also
Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental welcome.
Measurements instead.
Computer methods and simulation
Reviews Abstracts and papers are reviewed by
Experimental and measurement
members of the International Scientific Advisory
Committee and other experts.
Mechanical characterisation
Open Access WIT Press is an advocate of Open and testing
Access which offers maximum dissemination of your
work. All WIT Transactions and Journal papers can be Polymers and plastics
downloaded for free of charge from the WIT elibrary
( Advances in composites

Indexing and Archiving Papers presented at Micro and macro characterisation

Wessex Institute conferences are referenced by
CrossRef and have appeared in notable reviews and Corrosion and erosion
databases. Papers are submitted to various indexing
services such as Web of Science, Google Scholar and Damage, fatigue and fracture
Scopus. All conference books are listed in the British
Library and American Library of Congress. Recycled materials

Emerging materials, incl. additively

Conference Proceedings At registration delegates manufactured; high entropy alloys;
will be given copies of the papers presented at the soft materials.
Conference on a USB Flash drive. Following the
Conference, delegates will receive an electronic copy Materials and energy
of the final publication in which their paper has
been published. Contact mechanics

Digital Archive All conference papers are archived Surface modification

online in the WIT eLibrary ( and treatments
elibrary) where they are permanently and freely
available to the international scientific community. Tribomechanics and
wear mechanisms
Networking Participants can present their research Biomechanical characterisation
and interact with experts from around the world, as and applications
part of a unique community.
Residual stresses and
Reduced Fee for PhD Students The Wessex fatigue processes
Institute believes in the importance of encouraging
PhD students to present and publish innovative
research at its conferences. As a result, the Institute
offers PhD students a much reduced conference fee.
© Xosema

Location modern transport hub at Gare do Oriente and

the Vasco da Gama Bridge (longest bridge in
Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in the Europe Europe). The hotel is just a few minutes from
and predates other European capitals such as the centre of the city and 3km from Lisbon
London, Paris and Rome. Its compact historic International Airport, it is also in the vicinity the
centre means that it is easy to explore through Oceanarium, the Vasco da Gama shopping mall,
the characteristic narrow and winding streets. and the marina. It has more than 200 rooms, a
The city boasts many museums, squares, towers, fitness centre, a private garage and Free Wi-Fi
gardens and cafes as well as the Castle of St access throughout the hotel.
George which overlooks Lisbon in is entirety.
The castle, dating back to the 6th Century, is one
of the city’s top attractions and visitors able to
climb the towers and walk along the walls. Due
to its coastal location there are also fantastic
beaches where it’s possible to make the most of
the warm summer climate.

The conference will take place at the TRYP
Lisboa Oriente. The hotel is located in the heart
of the Parque das Naçoes, alongside the ultra- © Morgaine

Submission Information
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible.
Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described
in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted for
publication must be presented at the conference.
The language of the conference will be English.
Online submission: Wessex Institute Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst
Southampton, SO40 7AA, UK
Conference Secretariat
Priscilla Cook Tel: +44 (0) 238 029 3223
[email protected] Fax: +44 (0) 238 029 2853

For more information visit:

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