Saint Louis University School of Nursing Nutrition Return Demonstration
Saint Louis University School of Nursing Nutrition Return Demonstration
Saint Louis University School of Nursing Nutrition Return Demonstration
Nutrition Return Demonstration
Course Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Formal Evidences of Self -directed learning Adviser’s
Evidences comment
1 Integrate knowledge of Routes of Nasogastric SDL references:
physical, social, natural and Nutrition tube o
health sciences and support insertion-
humanities Diet & Nutrition Oral diets 26/28
therapy. Enteral Routes of nutrition support
Nutrition Removing a
2 Apply guidelines & Parenteral nasogastric The nutritional needs of patients are met through a variety of delivery
principles of evidence- Nutrition tube-19/20 routes and with an array of nutritional formulation components and
based practice in Diet & Percutaneous administration equipment.
Nutrition therapy. Endoscopic
Gastrostomy Enteral nutrition (EN)
3 Perform safe, appropriate, Percutaneous
humanistic and holistic care Endoscopic Long-term nutrition:
to individuals and families, Jejunostomy
population groups with Method of Gastrostomy
dietary concerns utilizing delivering the Jejunostomy
nursing process food
Gavage and Short-term nutrition:
4 Communicate effectively Lavage
in speaking, writing and Nursing Nasogastric feeding
presenting Nutrition& Diet Process in Nasoduodenal feeding
therapy using culturally- Tube Feedings Nasojejunal feeding
Saint Louis University
Nutrition Return Demonstration
6 Practice beginning
management and leadership
skills in the delivery of
client care with specific
nutritional needs
7 Apply techno-intelligent
care systems & processes in
diet & nutrition therapy
teams regarding nutrition & intestines. Enteral feeding may mean nutrition taken through the mouth
diet therapy of clients. or through a tube that goes directly to the stomach or small intestine.
10 Engage in lifelong
learning with a passion to
keep current with nation &
global developments, as
well as, nursing & health
developments related to
nutrition & diet therapy
11 Demonstrate responsible
citizenship & pride in being
a Filipino Louisan Nurse
13 Practice Christian
Values in their personal and Parenteral nutrition (PN) is intravenous administration of nutrition,
professional endeavors which may include protein, carbohydrate, fat, minerals and electrolytes,
vitamins and other trace elements for patients who cannot eat or absorb
enough food through tube feeding formula or by mouth to maintain
Saint Louis University
Nutrition Return Demonstration