Portfolio in Work Immersion Undertaken at Davao Doctors College
Portfolio in Work Immersion Undertaken at Davao Doctors College
Portfolio in Work Immersion Undertaken at Davao Doctors College
in Work Immersion
Undertaken at Davao Doctors College
Submitted by:
Shylaine S. Bautista
XII- Magee
Submitted to:
Waiver …………………………………………………………………………… iv
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………… v
Dedication …………………………………………………………………………… vi
V. Reflections
Reflection 1: General Briefing and Orientation ……………………………
Reflection 2: My First Day in the Workplace ……………………………
Reflection 3: Professionalism in the Workplace ……………………………
Reflection 4:
Reflection 5:
Reflection 6:
Reflection 7:
VI. Appendices
Appendix A: Summary of Work Immersion Duty
Appendix B: Daily Time Record (DTR)
Appendix C: Gallery of Pictures with Captions
Appendix D: Application Letter
Appendix E: Updated Resume
Appendix F: Supervisor’s Curriculum Vitae
Appendix G: Supervisor’s Rating
Appendix H: Barangay Clearance
Appendix I: Police Clearance
Appendix J: Mayor’s Clearance
Appendix K: Portfolio Rubric
Appendix L: Reflection Rubric
This success of mine couldn't be turn into reality without the higher being
who help me in different ways. To our Almighty God who always guide and light
my way, without you I can do nothing in the world.
To all the workers in the clinic especially to my co-workers, thank you very
much for all the support and goodness. All those inspirational words and remark
able experiences that inspired us to work hard and guided us to continue our jour
To Ma’am Jerely C. Aporbo, Thank you so much for helping us making the
most of the program. This work immersion has allow us the opportunity to experi
ence and engage ourselves in a serious project.
Most especially to our parents who are always ready to give their support
and encouragement. Lastly to my friends and classmates who helped me in this
activity, this is not possible without your support.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my friends and especially my belo
ved family for their understanding and for their unconditional support morally and
financially and inspired me to be strong despite of many obstacles in life. Without
you all this work immersion would not have been made possible.
I would like to thank our supportive work immersion Ma’am Jerelyn Aporbo
for providing us a guidelines in making this activity not so difficult.
The purpose of this portfolio serve as requirement for our subject work im
mersion. A student portfolio is a compilation of what I have experienced. The imp
ortance of this portfolio is to help students to document the skills and to challenge
students to create their best work and also to reflect on what they have accompli
shed. This portfolio are helping the students reflect on their academic goals and
progress as learners.
The work immersion subject are very helpful to the students. It is also very
beneficial to us students because it helps us to develop our potential especially
our communication skills. Aside from gaining a lot of knowledge about the profes
sional qualities of being a worker. The goal of this subject is to expose the studen
ts in a work place.
To achieve the above objectives, Work Immersion is thus a requirement for grad
uation from secondary education. Learners are immersed in actual work environ
ments such as workshops offices and laboratories in which their prior training is r
Work immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career skills, and
will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or employment.
Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the Partner Institutions will provi
de learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on experienc
e, and additional learning resources. It aims to make the learners:
4. Develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.
By the time learners reach Senior High School, they would have already acquired
almost all the competencies and skills that would prepare them for the curriculu
m exits (higher education, employment, middle-skills development, and entrepren
eurship). Work immersion provides them with an avenue to test themselves and
apply what they have learned in a non-school scenario. In work immersion, learn
ers are not only able to apply their previous training but are also able to experien
ce the social interactions in a work environment. Their experiences during work i
mmersion will develop many skills and values that would help them as they transi
tion from high school to real life. To assure the achievement of the above objectiv
es of Work Immersion, this policy serves to guide schools in:
The Bangoy clan in Sasa played a vital role in the realization of this
barangay high school. It was due to a dire need of community since 1996. There
was an urgent need to cater the growing high school population which has only
Davao City High School as the nearest public high school institution at that time.
As revealed by the Sasa Barangay Council, 81% of the high school students
from Sasa who enrolled in Davao City High School dropped out in the middle of
the school year. This was due to far distance of the school and financial difficulty
of these students in sustaining for themselves all throughout the year. Thus, the
putting up of the first public high school in Sasa was realized. It was then named
“Francisco Bangoy High School”.
Classes of the pioneering high school students of one hundred twenty 1st
year and sixty two 2nd year students were conducted under the star apple trees
and in H.E. room. Elementary teachers took place as part-timers in high school.
In 1970, Cornelio B. Reta, Jr., grandchild of Francisco B. Bangoy with the
support of Pedro O. Sanvicente, Schools Division Superintendent requested full
time high school teachers in two year level secondary education. A six-classroom
building was put up to accommodate the increasing enrolment of students which
became a complete secondary education level in 1972.
Maka-Diyos Maka-Tao
Makakalikasan Makabansa
The Sword and Shield signify people’s bravery to protect and defend
their land.
The Ship and Airplane aim to provide education, which is needed by its
people and enable to spur growth and progress in the city as the strategic place
for development.
The White Color reflects the purity of intention of the eager and open
minds of the individuals to learn and to be tapped through efficient education.
F. Bangoy National High School is situated beside the road going to the Old
Aiport at Kilometer 9 Sasa Davao City, Davao del Sur, Region XI, Philippines.
School regulations are set for the preservation of discipline and for the
development of moral values, character and courtesy. Self-discipline is vital to
the personhood formation of the students. It is the concern of all the students to
abide the school rules and regulations.
a.) Boys: Cream polo with gray lining on the sleeves, with monogram and white
undershirt and gray pants, shoes, socks, and ID with prescribed sling.
b.) Girls: Cream blouse with lining on the sleeves, with gray ribbon, logo and
gray skirt ( 2 inches below the knee), black shoes, and ID with prescribed sling.
5. Wearing of school ID must be strictly observed in and outside of the
school campus.
6. School ID is valid for one (1) school year only.
7. A student without an ID must secure an admission slip from the adviser
8. A student who loses an ID must notify the class adviser immediately for
replacement. If an ID is lost twice, an affidavit of loss must be secured.
9. School ID should be worn properly. It should not be placed in the pocket
or in the polo shirt.
10. The school ID card is nontransferable. Any form of tampering,
defacement, unauthorized use, borrowing or lending to others is strictly
prohibited and may result to confiscation and disciplinary actions.
1. Hair must be properly groomed and trimmed. Prescribed haircut is strictly
2x3 flat top. (Hair must not go beyond the eyebrow and should not touch
the collar nor cover the ears.) Hair cut inspection will be done every first
week of the month.
2. Standing and punk hairstyles, intentional baldness, skin head, and
highlighting of hair are not allowed.
3. Beards, sideburns, goatees, mustaches, wearing of bull cap, colored or
dark glasses, earings, tounge and body piercing or markings (tattoo) are
strictly prohibited.
4. Ears must be trimmed short and not in color.
1. Standing and punk hairstyles, and highlighting of hair are not allowed.
2. Multiple earrings, tongue or body piercing or markings, wearing of bull
cap, wearing of colored dark glasses inside the campus are strictly not
3. Having make-up such as eyeliners, lipstick, blush on, eye shadows is not
allowed unless permitted by school authorities due to school activity.
4. Nails must be trimmed short and not in color.
5. Wearing of sandos under the uniform is encourage.
NOTE: Wearing of attire other than the prescribed school uniform is not
5. Attendance shall be regularly required in all classes.
6. In any form of absence, a student is required to present an excuse letter
using the prescribed form in the school handbook, duly signed by the
parents/guardians and to be noted by the adviser.
7. Cutting of classes is considered as an unexcused absence. A student is
considered to be on cutting classes when he/she is present in some
subjects and absent in others.
8. Absence do not excuse the students from fulfilling his/her assignments
and quizzes. However, absence with valid reasons shall be given
appropriate consideration thereof.
9. If a student incurs five (5) days of consecutive absences, the class adviser
should notify the parents for a conference.
10. If a student incurs 20% absences of the prescribed number of class or
laboratory period during the school year, he/she shall be given a failing
grade and given no credit for the course or subject (DECS Manual 2000,
page 90).
11. If a student incurs excessive absences for valid reasons he/she is
recommended to enroll in the Special Program under the alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM).
1. Every student is required to come to school on time.
2. The following disciplinary measures shall be applied fortardiness:
i. 3x tardy - warning
ii. 5x tardy -call parents/guardians for conference
iii. 10x tardy- considered a major offense
c.1) For morning shift students- For transfer in the afternoon shift
c.2) For afternoon shift students- Subject for appropriate action
This is our first day of our work immersion we are deployed at F.Bangoy N
ational High School. We told them that we are from Davao Doctors College to ha
ve an immersion at their school clinic. The teacher guided us to the school clinic,
we then introduced ourselves to the school nurse, and she is kind. The nurse told
us that on our second meeting we will be having a one by one check up with the
students in every classroom.
This is our second day for our work immersion we are all excited because
we will be having a checkup with the students in different sections and year level
s. During the second day we are not able to experience the individual interview b
ecause the nurse was not around. We stayed in the clinic and wait for the instruct
ion of the teacher who is in-charge in the clinic.
This is our third meeting we already had something to do which was the o
ne by one check up with the students in every classroom. The nurse instructed u
s what to do and what should we ask to the students. The nurse always remind u
s to wash our hands every after we finished the checkup. We assist some teache
rs and students who came in the clinic to ask medicine or check blood pressure.
This was the last meeting in our work immersion we assisted students wh
o would enter the clinic in getting their height and weight and we just had our one
by one check up with the students.
On our orientation, the things that have discussed was the list of activities,
and number of hours. It was also tackled about the number of hours that we will
be working. We are given 7:30-12am, then we should not extend. It also discusse
d that some of us will be assigned on public clinics. Our teacher also instructed u
s to wear our school uniform for the immersion. Ten students of our classmates
was assigned in the hospital in Davao Doctors Hospital. They also instructed us t
o get a requirements, which includes police clearance, barangay clearance and
mayor’s clearance. Our teacher also tells us that will be having a job interview as
one of the requirements in our work immersion subject. She also give us a copy
of the list of activities and a waiver.
1. Upon knowing that you will be deployed on that day, what did you feel? Narrat
e your experience.
I feel excited at the same time happy because this is my first job, to work o
n public school. I also feel scared because as I said this is my first job, I have no
experience. Also, I'm very happy because I have the chance to experience and d
o stuff like nurses do. On my first day, I'm not able to go to my workplace becaus
e I was not feeling well. I asked my classmates how their first day in the clinic wa
s. They told me the nurse had a monthly check up to the students. They also told
me that on our second day of immersion we will be having a one by one intervie
w and check up with the students. During the second day of immersion we are no
t able to experience the individual interview because the nurse was not around.
2. How did you find the workplace and the personnel/supervisor? Were you assis
ted accordingly? Were you given enough information regarding the institution’s p
rocesses and procedures? Discuss.
I find the workplace clean and the medicines are properly organize. The n
urse and the dentist in the clinic are very accommodating to us. They gave us en
ough information when we are doing the checkup. Yes, they assisted us properly
and they give us information on how to do checkup or what medicine should be g
iven to the students. They gave us time to rest and to have our snack.
3. At the end of the first day in the workplace, what were your realizations and ins
ights? Did you like the experience? Why or why not?
If you are a short tempered one, you really need to adjust. People says th
at patience is a virtue, in order for you to see the job not difficult you must embod
y this virtue. In my first day, I was nervous at the same time excited because I ha
ve my classmates with me who are deployed on the same workplace. I was nerv
ous because that was my first day as an employee. I have no experience yet that
’s why I'm scared and careful. I really love the experience because I gained more
Name: Shylaine Bautista Date: January 26, 2018
Subject: Work Immersion Rating:
For me, professionalism is being at your best at work even when you have
something in your mind. Carrying something in my heart while walking down the
street in no easy. Being one who has a job is a great privilege to have. All people
has a problem, but not all has a job. Professionalism must be practiced professio
nal at your workplace all time is a must, since you apply to be their employee. Yo
u need to dedicate all your effort to your job. They hired you because they believ
e in you. So don’t disappoint those people who believe in you.
2. How were you treated by your supervisors or any personnel in your workplace
? Were they professional in handling the clients and their colleagues? How was it
manifested? Discuss.
In my first day in the clinic we do the housekeeping because that was the t
eacher in the clinic told us to do. The treatment was nice, the nurse and the denti
st in the clinic was very nice. Every duty, we have the teacher on the clinic who al
ways told us to do the housekeeping like cleaning the table, wiping the floor, arra
nging the medicines. On our fourth day in the workplace, the teacher assigned us
what to do. I washed the things in the clinic that students used like cups. After th
e housekeeping we assisted the students to get their weight and height.
3. In the future, you might be one of the employees in a company or the boss. Gi
ven that you will be experiencing both, how are you going to treat your superiors
and subordinates? Why? Support your ideas with experiences/principles.
No matter what position you have at your workplace, I must act ethical tow
ards my people or co-workers. Treating other people fairly is not just for the sake
of ethic at workplace, but for it’s our moral duty. Fair and good all the time at all ki
nd of people. Being kind to all, is like working with integrity and loyalty to your co
mpany. Treating other people with a heart can’t lower your salary. Instead, it can
make you more human. In life the most important thing is humanity. We must not
forget humanity when reaching our dreams.
Name: Shylaine S. Bautista Date: January 26, 2018
Subject: Work Immersion Rating:
1. What major problems have you encountered in your workplace? How did you r
espond to them? Discuss.
During the first day in my workplace I've never encountered major problem
s until the last day of my work immersion. Because our immersion is on every We
dnesday, unfortunately, I was not satisfied we were only given half of the day to h
ave our work immersion. Sometimes small group of students came to the clinic, a
sking for medicines that's why we didn't encountered some problems or major pr
oblems. But if I encountered major problem, like a student pretending that he/she
was sick just for him/her to skip classes, I will inform right away the head nurse b
ecause she knows what to do in that case. I think that is the best thing to do, not t
olerating the wrong doings of the students. That is my way on how to give respon
d to any respond to any problems that will encounter as of now.
2. Was the working environment conducive for working? How did it contribute to t
he attainment of your learning goals? Discuss.
3. How did you interact with co-worker/s especially to your supervisor? Was the
working environment helpful in achieving harmonious relationship with your co-w
orker/s toward you supervisors?
In interacting with my co-workers I will simply treat them as a family, ofcou
rse as part of the company we should treat each other as important as a family s
o we will be confident in aiming our goals. To my supervisors whom am working
with, I will treat and interact with him/her same as to my co-workers however ther
e will be more respect and seriousness since she/he is the boss. For me, yes, be
cause we are all glad because we have a supervisor who is very kind and very p
assionate to her work and also very approachable. On our first day they welcome
us as a visitor and they also assisted us accordingly. They also inform us what t
o do to every student who come in the clinic and what medicines should the stud
ents take. Lastly, they are very accommodating and I thank them so much.
Name: Cersei Lannister Date: February 2, 2018
Subject: Work Immersion Rating:
1. What were the most unforgettable experiences you encountered during your st
ay? How did these experience influence your decisions in choosing your future c
areer? Cite experiences and discuss.
During my stay in the workplace I experience a lot but the most unforgetta
ble experience I encountered was the one on one interview and checkups with th
e students in every section and year level. This experience helped me in choosin
g my career because I found myself loving it. In my whole life I've never encounte
red and experience and do stuff like nurses do. I'm so glad and very excited beca
use actually Im a bit confused on what career I should take in the future. With the
help of this experience, I found where I am capable with and I found what my he
art desires. I really love the experience because I can gain knowledge that I can
apply in my future career. In my future career, I think that it will not be so difficult f
or me because I have experiences and I'm able to apply the knowledge I gain dur
ing my immersion. I can say that having this subject has an advantage because it
gives us confidence to pursue what we are planning to take in the future and it al
so gives an insights. This experience I encountered also help me to know advant
age and to know what to expect in reality.
2. What do you think are the qualities that an employee must possess to be consi
dered as an effective employee?
I think that the qualities that an employee must have is being a hard worki
ng individual, ethical and also being polite. Being a hard worker is not easy beca
use you motivate yourself to achieve your goals and also you're taking responsibi
lity for that position. Being a good employee, you must act ethical towards your c
o-workers and follow the rules or policies of the company you’re working with. To
be considered as an effective employee, you must learn from your experience or
mistakes it is essential to become a good learner. Being friendly and polite will ne
ver harm. In life, humanity is the most important thing. Treating other people fairly
is not just for the sake of your job. Treating other people with a heart is overwhel
ming. If you don’t have this qualities you are not considered as an effective empl
oyee. In order for you to be considered an effective employee you must have this
qualities working and improving traits is the best qualities. Being a good employe
e is the beginning which can help you long run and it also gives you chance to ac
hieve success.
3. In what way will you contribute to the success of the company you are working
with? Elaborate your answer using your experiences.
Reflection 6: Self-Evaluation
1. What risks did you take during your work immersion? Why? What happened?
The thing that I have done in our workplace that I can consider as a risk w
as, taking care of the patients and having a one by one check up with different st
udents in different sections without wearing any equipment like face mask and gl
oves and that would be a great issue if the disease will transfer to us.
2. What questions have arisen and major issues and/or concerns have you enco
untered? How did you resolve these matters?
The major issues and concerns I have encountered in our workplace is tha
t, whenever there is a question about medicine or medical terminology, I couldn't
answer because I'm a bit confused because I'm not so familiar of any medical ter
ms and their diagnosis. During the personal interview and check up with students
regarding their health I really don’t have any idea where to put their answers. Th
e head nurse thought the terms of any medicines so that for us to be familiar but
still were confused there are many terms we cannot familiarized them one by one
3. What is the most important learning/insight/lesson do you have about the cour
se that will surely inspire you in choosing your desired profession?
The most important learning I do have about the course that will surely ins
pire me in choosing my desired profession is that, how we react to something is e
verything this saying inspires me to achieve or choose my desired profession bec
ause it simply or exactly means to me that if you give up easily or the way you re
act if you are given a difficult situation and you give up because you think you ca
nnot make it then will simply affect all the desired profession you are going to ma
ke. That is why when I think of achieving my desired profession I always keep tjis
lesson in mind and that I will be always reminded to achieve for my dreams beca
use I don’t want that I will lose my dreams just because of a single reaction I mak
e and it take or destroy every decisions in my life
Name: Shylaine S. Bautista Date: February 9, 2018
Subject: Work Immersion Rating:
1. What are your overall insights/impressions about the subject? What are your g
eneral comments about the subject as a whole?
2. Do you think the Department of Education made the right decision in including
this subject in the new curriculum? Why or why not?
The department of Education did the right decision to include this in the ne
w curriculum because the work immersion was conducted for the beneficial of us
students to be able to be guided by the experts, to give way all the learning we've
got from school to enhance more our knowledge and skills, be more communicat
ive and socialized to our soon to be co-workers and most importantly, to develop
our work habit and our manner or attitude foe work, But in order to achieve all of t
his things, students like us should properly assess our own selves on how we de
al with work. So work immersion is a pathway to step closer to success of the yo
ung individual.
3. Would you encourage the next grade 12 students to participate in work immers
ion? Is it helpful or just a waste of time and money? Share your thoughts.
Shylaine S. Bautista
Dream village, Malagamot, Panacan Davao City
Shylaine Bautista
APPENDIX E: Updated Resume
Shylaine Bautista
Dream Village Panacan, Davao City
Computer Literate
Good Communication skills
APPENDIX F: Supervisor’s Curriculum Vitae
PERSONAL INFORMATION____________________________
GRADUATE SCHOOL : Master of Public Management ; Master of Arts in
Name : Mandaue City College;Southern University
Address : Mandaue City, Cebu; Urgello St., Cebu City
Year Graduated : 2015; Earned 12 units (2014)
Course : Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Name : San Pedro College
Address : C. Guzman St.,Davao City
Year Graduated : 2009
Name : Stella Maris Academy of Davao
Address : N.Torres St , Bo. Obrero, Davao City
Year Graduated : 2005
Name : Stella Maris Academy of Davao
Address : N.Torres St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City
Year Graduated : 2001
Nurse II
Department of Education. Division of Davao Ctiy
E.Quirino Ave.,Davao City
Oct.2017 to present
Nurse/Program Staff
Department of Health Regional Office XI
J.P Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Feb. 2012 to Sept. 2017
Staff Nurse
Southern Philippines Medical Center
J.P Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City
Mar. 2010 - June 2011
APPENDIX G: Supervisor’s Rating
APPENDIX H: Barangay Clearance
APPENDIX I: Police Clearance
APPENDIX J: Mayor’s Clearance
APPENDIX K: Portfolio Rubric
APPENDIX L: Reflection Rubric