Nutrition Study Guide - Nursing

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NLN nutrition practice exam part A study guide (items in parenthesis are the correct answers)

1 – how to calculate fluid intake for renal failure patients (urine output plus insensible water loss)

2 – differences between pureed & mechanical soft diets (texture)

3 – best diets for niddm patients (a balanced, kcal-controlled diet)

4 – pts on hemodialysis – best way to check for dietary compliance (compare the clients present wt to
the wt after the last treatment)

5 – pts on warfarin should avoid which foods (green, leafy veggies)

6 – why are milk products considered the preferred source of calcium? (the calcium in milk products is
well-absorbed and utilized)

7 – etoh c/ cirrhosis of liver – why should they refrain from etoh – and what are the physiological effects
of alcohol on the pt? (increased stress is placed on the liver in detoxifying alcohol)

8 – how does alcohol damage the liver?

9 – why would a dm1 pt need to have an evening snack c/ protein or milk exchange? (to avoid early
morning hypoglycemia)

10 – when is tpn the preferred mode of nutritional support? (when a pt requires complete bowel rest)

11 – know the gout diet (avoid red meats)

12 – know sodium-restricted diets (examples are one tbsp. Of corn oil, one raw apple, one half cup of
boiled rice and one cup of milk – milk is the one to be avoided on a low-na diet)

13 – know dm diets (meals & snacks must be eaten on a regular schedule)

14 – htn, hyperlipid/cholesterol diets – (with elevated cholesterol levels, they should be on a lower
cholesterol diet)

15 – why/how does radiation therapy impact nutritional status? What conditions may it cause?

16 – cholecystitis diet? (low-fat)

17 – dysphagia diets (thickened liquids)

18 – chf – what are causes of wt gain in one month? (fluid retention)

19 – diet modifications to control serum cholesterol levels? (avoid saturated fats)

20 – infectious liver disease - how to overcome side effects – which is more important – pain or
anorexia? (anorexia)

21 – cystic fibrosis – what do we need to supplement? (pancreatic enzymes)

22 – pku – what is eliminated from a child’s diet? – avoid aspartame – raises phenylanamine (avoid

23 – failure to thrive – how to best understand why a baby isn’t thriving? (observe the mother feeding
the infant)

23 – diet for dumping syndrome – what to avoid (avoid simple sugars)

24 - how to prepare potatoes to lower potassium? Peel & boil (boiling without the skin)

25 – ada food exchange – know where nuts fall in the american diabetes assn. Exchange. (fats)

26 – loss of intrinsic factor – what can’t they absorb? (vit b12)

27 – ascites diet considerations (fluid restrictions!)

28 – why shouldn’t mineral oil be used as a laxative? (mineral oil decreases absorption of vits a, d, e, k)

29 – hyperemesis gravidarium diet (frequent small, dry meals, with clear liqs in between)

30 – nephrotic syndrome diet (goal of preventing protein malnutrition)

31 – colostomy diet – how to reduce gas/odor? (avoid cruciferous vegetables)

32 – medium chain triglyceride oil – what is it? (an easily digestible form of fat)

33 =-dm food exchange diet (example- substitute for meat exchanges – choices are bagel & cream
cheese, mac & cheese, baked potato & sour cream & spaghetti/tomato sauce – answer is mac & chz)

34 – aids pts & their diet needs – (wt loss increases the risk of complications)

35 – dm1 – if you can’t eat breakfast – what do you do about your insulin needs? (store food in your
room that can be used in your meal plan)

36 – which interventions is essential in the nutritional tx of renal calculi, regardless of cause?

(maintaining a dilute urine)

37 - what labs are monitored with dm pts? (glycosylated hemoglobin)

38 – acute pancreatitis – what should you do initially? (npo)

39 – why do we use elemental diets? (provides balanced nutritional support while requiring minimal
intestinal function)
40 – why aren’t clear liq diets preferred?(diet is nutrtionally inadequate)

41 – enteral vs parenteral – what are the differences and when is it appropriate to use either? (maintains
the normal function of the gi tract)

42 – ibs diets – pt c/o not being able to eat the same foods as his peers – nursing advice: (you will have
to try foods and find what you can tolerate)

43 – vegan diets – what do they need to supplement? (vit b12)

44 – what could a protein deficiency put you at risk for? (infections)

45 – overweight children – what should we focus teaching on? (encourage the child to increase physical

46 – tpn – what is the purpose of the lipid emulsions? (essential fatty acids)

47 – kid on ritalin shows slowed growth – how do we track from previous year? What would best assess?
(diet history)

48 – burn victim diet in first 24- 48 hours (fluids/electrolytes replacement)

49 – duodenal ulcer diet – what should pts eliminate? (eliminate the consumption of alcohol)

50 – pregnant adolescent diet needs? (the adolescents growth needs to compete with those of the

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