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Present simple •• Els adverbis de freqüència indiquen la freqüència amb

la qual es fa quelcom. Van darrere del verb be però
Afirmativa Negativa davant de tots els altres verbs.
I/You/We/They play the I/You/We/They do not She’s always late.  He sometimes chats online.
piano. (don’t) play the piano. •• En les preguntes, sempre van darrere del subjecte.
He/She/It plays the piano. He/She/It does not Do you always watch TV online?
(doesn’t) play the piano.
Love, like, don’t mind, hate + -ing
•• El present simple es fa servir per parlar de fets, hàbits •• Després de like, don’t like, don’t mind, love i hate es
i rutines. fa servir la forma -ing del verb.
I speak Italian. He goes to university. She loves making cakes. (NO She loves make cakes.)
•• La tercera persona (he/she/it) en present simple acaba •• Darrere d’aquests verbs també es poden utilitzar noms.
en -s. He doesn’t mind basketball, but he loves athletics.
eat > he eats  read > she reads Have got
•• En els verbs acabats en consonant + y, substituïm la
y per -ies en les formes de he/she/it. Afirmativa Negativa
study > she studies I/You/We/They have (’ve) I/You/We/They have not
•• La terminació de he/she/it dels verbs acabats en -ss, got a phone. (haven’t) got a phone.
-sh, -ch, -x i -o és -es. He/She/It has (’s) got a He/She/It has not (hasn’t)
kisses finishes teaches relaxes goes phone. got a phone.
•• Alguns verbs utilitzen una forma irregular per a la
tercera persona.
•• Have got s’utilitza per parlar de possessió i de relacions.
I’ve got five brothers.
have > she has  be > he is
•• Les frases negatives del present simple es construeixen
•• En les converses se solen utilitzar les formes contractes.
He’s got an uncle in the UK.
amb subjecte + don’t/doesn’t + infinitiu.
They don’t speak Italian. •• Per parlar de manera més formal es fa servir la forma
completa have got.
•• En la tercera persona es fa servir doesn’t (he/she/it).
He has got an uncle in the UK.
He doesn’t play in the school team.
•• Per construir la forma negativa es posa n’t (not)
Pregunta Resposta breu darrere de have i abans de got.
Do I/you/we/they like Yes, I/you/we/they do. We haven’t got a portable charger.
rugby? No, I/you/we/they don’t.
Pregunta Resposta breu
Does he/she/it like rugby? Yes, he/she/it does.
Have I/you/we/ Yes, I/you/we/they have.
No, he/she/it doesn’t.
they got a laptop? No, I/you/we/they haven’t.
•• Les preguntes de resposta Yes/No en present simple es Has he/she/it got Yes, he/she/it has.
construeixen amb do/does + subjecte + infinitiu. a laptop? No, he/she/it hasn’t.
Do you read magazines?
•• En les respostes breus es fa servir do/does. El verb
•• Les preguntes es construeixen amb have + subjecte +
got + objecte.
principal no es repeteix.
Have you got headphones?
A: Do you write a blog?  B: Yes, I do. (NOT Yes, I write.)
•• En anglès parlat es fan servir les respostes breus.
Adverbis de freqüència A: Have you got a tablet?
sempre  generalment  sovint  de vegades  mai B: Yes, I have. (NO Yes, I have got.)/No, I haven’t.
100%0% (NO No, I haven’t got.)

Present continu Present simple i present continu

Afirmativa Negativa •• El present simple es fa servir per parlar de fets, hàbits i

I am (’m) watching TV. I am (’m) not watching TV.
Water freezes at 0 °C.
You/We/They are (’re) You/We/They are not I listen to music when I walk to school.
watching TV. (aren’t) watching TV. She always goes shopping on Fridays.
He/She/It is (’s) watching He/She/It is not (isn’t)
•• El present continu s’utilitza per parlar d’accions que
TV. watching TV. estan succeint en el moment en què es parla.
•• El present continu s’utilitza per parlar d’accions que I watch a lot of TV. At the moment, I’m watching a great
estan succeint en el moment en què es parla. on-demand series.
You are learning about the present continuous. He usually works in an office, but he’s working at home
•• La forma afirmativa és subjecte + be + verb + -ing.
Tom’s watching a reality show.  We’re reading a blog. •• Alguns verbs no s’acostumen a utilitzar amb la forma
contínua: know, understand, like, love, prefer, hate,
•• En la forma negativa, es posa not darrere de be.
need, remember, think, want.
She is not (isn’t) downloading songs.
I like this programme. (NOT I’m liking this programme.)
Pregunta Resposta breu •• Amb el present continu es fan servir expressions com
Am I watching TV? Yes, I am. at the moment i right now.
No, I’m not. He’s doing his homework at the moment.
Are you/we/they watching Yes, you/we/they are. •• Amb el present simple es fan servir adverbis de
TV? No, you/we/they aren’t. freqüència.
Is he/she/it watching TV? Yes, he/she/it is. He always does his homework after dinner.
No, he/she/it isn’t. Adverbis de manera
•• Les preguntes es construeixen amb be + subjecte + •• Per dir com es fa alguna cosa utilitzem els adverbis de
verb + -ing. manera.
Are you watching cartoons? Carl can run very fast.
•• No utilitzem el verb + -ing en les respostes breus. •• Els adverbis de manera van darrere del verb o de
Yes, I am. (NO Yes, I am listening.) l’objecte, si la frase en té.
•• Les preguntes d’informació es construeixen amb la They don’t speak clearly.
partícula interrogativa que comença per Wh- davant Lia can draw animals well.
de be. •• Per construir els adverbis regulars s’afegeix -ly
Who are you reading about? a l’adjectiu.
What are you watching on TV? nice > nicely  loud > loudly
•• En la majoria de verbs, s’afegeix -ing a l’infinitiu. •• En els adjectius que acaben en -y, s’elimina la -y i
speak > speaking  read > reading  drink > drinking s’hi afegeix -ily.
•• En els verbs que acaben en -e, s’elimina la -e i s’hi happy > happily  noisy > noisily
afegeix -ing. •• En els adjectius que acaben en -l, s’hi afegeix -ly.
write > writing  have > having  give > giving careful > carefully  beautiful > beautifully
•• En els verbs que acaben en una vocal i una consonant, •• Alguns adverbis de manera són irregulars.
es duplica la consonant final i s’hi afegeix -ing. good > well  hard > hard  late > late
stop > stopping  shop > shopping  plan > planning

Passat simple •• Les preguntes en passat simple es construeixen amb
Afirmativa Negativa Did + subjecte + infinitiu sense to.
Did Tom enjoy the concert yesterday?
I/You/He/She/It/We/They I/You/He/She/It/We/They
went to a museum. did not (didn’t) go to a •• Les partícules interrogatives van davant de did.
museum. What did you do last weekend?
Be •• En les preguntes en passat amb be, es canvia l’ordre de
I/He/She/It was bored. I/He/She/It was not (wasn’t) les paraules.
bored. Were you late to class this morning?
You/We/They were bored. You/We/They were not There was/there were
(weren’t) bored.
Afirmativa Negativa
•• El passat simple es fa servir per parlar de fets acabats Singular There was a bowl/ There was not (wasn’t)
i d’accions en passat. some food. a bowl/any food.
He watched a history documentary last night.
We were tired after the journey. Plural There were some There were not
•• La terminació del passat simple de la majoria de verbs forks. (weren’t) any forks.
és -ed.
want > wanted  need > needed  show > showed •• There was i there were es fan servir per parlar d’allò
que hi havia en el passat.
•• En els verbs que acaben en -e, s’hi afegeix -d.
live > lived  hate > hated  phone > phoned •• There was s’utilitza amb els noms comptables en
•• En els verbs que acaben en consonant + -y, s’elimina singular i amb els no comptables.
la -y i s’hi afegeix -ied. There was a book here. There was milk in the cup.
study > studied  carry > carried  marry > married •• There were s’utilitza amb els noms comptables en
•• En els acabats en consonant + vocal + consonant, es plural.
duplica la consonant final i s’hi afegeix -ed. There were a lot of tourists in our town last weekend.
shop > shopped  travel > travelled  stop > stopped •• Amb els noms no comptables i amb els comptables en
•• Alguns verbs tenen el passat simple irregular. plural s’utilitza some darrere de there was/were.
become > became  come > came put > put There was some water in the bottle.
•• La llista de verbs irregulars és a la pàgina 128. There were some houses here years ago.
•• La negativa del passat simple es construeix amb •• Amb els noms no comptables i amb els comptables en
subjecte + did not (didn’t) + infinitiu sense to. plural s’utilitza any darrere de there wasn’t/weren’t.
Borja didn’t finish his homework last night. There wasn’t any money in the purse.
•• La forma negativa de be en passat es construeix There weren’t any cups.
afegint-hi not (n’t).
Pregunta Resposta breu
Mum wasn’t very happy about my exam results.
Singular Was there a bowl/ Yes, there was.
Pregunta Resposta breu any food? No, there wasn’t.
Did I/you/he/she/ Yes, I/you/he/she/it/ Plural Were there any Yes, there were.
it/we/they go to a we/they did. forks? No, there weren’t.
museum? No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they
didn’t. •• En les preguntes s’acostuma a utilitzar any amb els
noms comptables en plural i amb els no comptables.
Be Was there any bread at home?
Was I/he/she/it bored? Yes, I/he/she/it was. Were there any interesting objects at the museum?
No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.
•• En les respostes breus no es repeteix any.
Were you/we/they Yes, you/we/they were. A: Was there any news about Laura?
bored? No, you/we/they weren’t. B: No, there wasn’t (NO No, there wasn’t any.)

Passat continu: afirmativa i negativa Passat simple i passat continu

Afirmativa Negativa •• El passat simple i el passat continu s’acostumen

a utilitzar junts. El passat simple es fa servir per a
I/He/She/It was travelling. I/He/She/It was not
accions breus que van interrompre altres de més
(wasn’t) travelling.
llargues, aquestes últimes en passat continu.
You/We/They were You/We/They were not
Passat simple
travelling. (weren’t) travelling.

•• El passat continu es fa servir per parlar d’accions que Passat continu

estaven succeint en un moment del passat, o d’accions
que van ser interrompudes per una altra acció. I was cycling to school when I saw Lily.
We were doing homework at 5 pm yesterday. He was walking through the park when he fell and hurt
Chloe was reading when James texted her. his knee.

•• Les frases afirmatives es construeixen amb subjecte + •• Amb el passat continu s’acostuma a utilitzar when,
was/were + verb + -ing. while i as.
He was walking to school. Their computer broke when they were studying.
While she was having breakfast, she got a text from
•• Per construir la negativa es posa n’t (not) darrere de
was/were i davant del verb + -ing. Not acostuma a
As we were leaving the party, Lucas arrived.
aparèixer abreujat.
They weren’t listening to the teacher. •• When s’utilitza amb el passat simple per a accions més
Passat continu: preguntes When I saw Tom, he was arguing with Adele in the street.
(NO While I saw Tom …)
Pregunta Resposta breu
Was I/he/she/it Yes, I/he/she/it was.
travelling? No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.
Were you/we/they Yes, you/we/they were.
travelling? No, you/we/they weren’t.

•• Les preguntes es construeixen amb Was/Were +

subjecte + verb + -ing.
Were you reading in bed last night?
•• En les respostes breus no s’utilitza el verb + -ing.
A: Was he chatting online?
B: Yes, he was. (NO Yes, he was chatting.)
•• Les preguntes d’informació es construeixen amb la
partícula interrogativa que comença per Wh- davant
de be.
What were you doing this morning?

Could Superlatius
Afirmativa Negativa Adjectius curts: smart s’hi afegeix -est: the
I/You/He/She/It/ I/You/He/She/It/We/They
We/They could swim. could not (couldn’t) swim. Adjectius curts es duplica la consonant
acabats en vocal + final i s’hi afegeix -est: the
•• Per parlar d’habilitats, de la possibilitat de fer quelcom i consonant: big biggest
per demanar permís en passat utilitzem could/couldn’t.
Adjectius acabats s’hi afegeix -st: the safest
When I was four I could swim ten metres.
en -e: safe
He couldn’t call earlier because he was at work.
Adjectius acabats s’elimina la -y i s’hi afegeix
•• La forma de could no varia. La tercera persona (he/she/
en -y: easy -iest: the easiest
it) no acaba en -s.
Adjectius llargs: es posa the most davant
She could sing Happy Birthday in three languages.
interesting de l’adjectiu: the most
•• Per construir la negativa es posa n’t (not) darrere de interesting
Adjectius irregulars:
He couldn’t pay for his university books.
good bad the best  the worst
Pregunta Resposta breu
•• Els adjectius superlatius s’utilitzen per dir que una
Could I/you/he/she/ Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they persona o una cosa té el màxim o el mínim grau d’una
it/we/they swim? could. qualitat particular.
No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they
•• Davant dels adjectius superlatius es posa the.
Riley is the tallest person in her family.
•• En les preguntes s’intercanvia l’ordre de could i el
Too, too much, too many
Could you speak English in primary school? •• Per dir que hi ha excés d’alguna cosa s’utilitza too,
too much i too many.
Adjectius comparatius i superlatius
•• Too s’utilitza amb adjectius.
Comparatius I’m too excited to sleep – it’s my birthday tomorrow!
Adjectius curts: smart s’hi afegeix -er: smarter •• Too much, amb noms no comptables.
Adjectius curts acabats es duplica la consonant I’ve got too much homework so I can’t go out tonight.
en vocal + consonant: final i s’hi afegeix -er: bigger •• Too many, amb noms comptables en plural.
big Daniel’s got too many plans for the weekend – he
Adjectius acabats en -e: s’hi afegeix -r: safer doesn’t know which one to choose.
safe (Not) enough + nom
Adjectius acabats en -y: s’elimina la -y i s’hi afegeix •• Per indicar que tenim la quantitat adequada d’alguna
easy -ier: easier cosa o que és suficient utilitzem enough.
Adjectius llargs: es posa more davant de My brother has got enough experience to work there.
interesting l’adjectiu: more interesting
•• Per dir que necessitem una quantitat major d’alguna
Adjectius irregulars: cosa o que no és suficient utilitzem not enough.
good bad better worse I haven’t got enough time to do charity work at the
•• Els adjectius comparatius s’utilitzen per comparar una weekend.
persona o una cosa amb una altra.
•• La forma és verb be + adjectiu comparatiu + than.
Riley is taller than Amelia.

(Not) as + adjectiu + as Pregunta Resposta breu
•• Per comparar una persona o una cosa amb una altra Do I/you/we/they have to Yes, I/you/we/they do.
utilitzem (not) as ... as. do the ironing? No, I/you/we/they don’t.
This tablet is as expensive as a laptop.
Does he/she/it have to do Yes, he/she/it does.
•• Per dir que dues coses o dues persones no són iguals the ironing? No, he/she/it doesn’t.
en un aspecte utilitzem not as + adjectiu + as.
Being a carer isn’t as dangerous as being a firefighter. •• Les preguntes es construeixen amb Do/Does + subjecte
(= Being a firefighter is more dangerous than being a + have to + infinitiu.
carer.) Does your mum have to work at the weekend?
•• Per dir que dues coses o dues persones són iguals en •• En les respostes breus es repeteix do o does, no have to.
un aspecte utilitzem as + adjectiu + as. A:  Do you have to go to bed early during the week?
Being a nurse is as hard as being a doctor. (= Being a B:  Yes, I do. (NO Yes, I have to.)
doctor is as hard as being a nurse.)
(Not) + adjectiu + enough
•• Per dir que necessitem més quantitat d’alguna cosa o
que no és suficient utilitzem not + adjectiu + enough.
I’m not old enough to work there. You need to be 16 and
I’m only 15.
•• Per indicar que tenim la quantitat adequada d’alguna
cosa o que és suficient utilitzem adjectiu + enough.
This carpet is big enough to cover the floor.
Have to/don’t have to

Afirmativa Negativa
I/You/We/They have to do I/You/We/They do not
the ironing. (don’t) have to do the
He/She/It has to do the He/She/It does not
ironing. (doesn’t) have to do the

•• Have to s’utilitza per dir allò que és necessari fer.

My sister has to empty the dishwasher every day.
You have to drive on the right side of the road in Spain.
•• Don’t have to s’utilitza per dir que no és necessari fer
quelcom, però que es pot fer si es vol.
I don’t have to help at home, but it makes my parents
They don’t have to do after-school activities at their

Should/shouldn’t Condicional zero

should/shouldn’t Acció/Situació: Resultat:

Afirmativa Negativa present simple present simple
I/You/He/She/It/We/They I/You/He/She/It/We/They If a bee stings you, it hurts.
should be careful on the should not (shouldn’t) Resultat: Acció/Situació:
beach. swim in cold water. present simple present simple
It hurts if a bee stings you.
•• Should i shouldn’t es fan servir per donar consell i per
dir el que pensem que és una bona idea fer. •• El condicional zero s’utilitza per parlar de situacions el
You should put cold water on a burn. resultat de las quals és sempre veritat.
•• La forma de should no varia en les diferents persones. If you heat water to 100 °C, it boils.
Darrere de should s’utilitza l’infinitiu sense to. When you sprain your ankle, it usually bruises.
He should help his parents with the housework. •• Quan la frase de l’acció/situació va la primera, les dues
Must/mustn’t frases se separen amb una coma.
If you work hard, you get results.
Primer condicional
Afirmativa Negativa
I/You/He/She/It/We/They I/You/He/She/It/ Acció/Situació: Resultat:
must drive on the left in We/They must not present simple will + infinitiu
the UK. (mustn’t) swim when there If we see a jaguar, we’ll take a photo.
is a red flag. Resultat: Acció/Situació:
will + infinitiu present simple
•• Must i mustn’t es fan servir per a recomanacions
fermes i per parlar de regles. We’ll take a photo if we see a jaguar.
You must watch this TV programme; it’s great. •• El primer condicional s’utilitza per parlar de situacions
You must be 17 to drive a car. possibles en el futur i llurs resultats.
•• Mustn’t indica que alguna cosa no és permesa. If we pass all our exams, we’ll have a party.
You mustn’t use your phone in the cinema. You’ll lose your teeth if you eat too much sugar.
•• Must no varia en les diferents persones. Darrere de •• Quan la frase de l’acció/situació va la primera, les dues
must s’utilitza l’infinitiu sense to. frases se separen amb una coma.
He must remember to take his medicine every day. If it’s good weather tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.

Present perfet: afirmativa i negativa Will/won’t, may i might

Afirmativa Negativa Will/won’t

I/You/We/They have (’ve) I/You/We/They have not Afirmativa Negativa
finished. (haven’t) finished. I/You/He/She/It/We/They I/You/He/She/It/
He/She/It has (’s) finished. He/She/It has not (hasn’t) will (’ll) survive. We/They will not (won’t)
finished. survive.

•• El present perfet es fa servir per parlar d’accions amb •• Per fer prediccions certes sobre el futur es fa servir
un resultat present i d’accions dins d’un període de will i won’t.
temps no finalitzat. Computers will control our lives in the future.
I’ve found my favourite hat! The laptop will help me with my homework.
Logan hasn’t been to the dentist this year.
•• En la forma afirmativa s’utilitza subjecte + have/has +
Pregunta Resposta breu
participi passat.
I’ve burnt my hand. Will I/you/he/she/it/we/ Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/
they survive? they will.
•• La forma negativa s’expressa amb n’t (not) darrere de
No, I/you/he/she/it/we/
have/has i davant del participi passat. Not acostuma a
they won’t.
aparèixer abreujat.
Smartphones haven’t replaced human interaction •• En les preguntes s’intercanvia l’ordre de will i el
completely. subjecte.
•• La majoria dels participis passats acaben en -ed. Will we travel in cars in the future?
want > wanted  need > needed  play > played
May i might
•• En els verbs acabats en -e, s’hi afegeix -d.
Afirmativa Negativa
love > loved  hope > hoped  phone > phoned
I/You/He/She/It/We/ I/You/He/She/It/We/They
•• En els verbs acabats en consonant + -y, s’elimina la -y
They may have a flying may not have a flying car.
i s’hi afegeix -ied.
study > studied  try > tried  copy > copied
I/You/He/She/It/We/ I/You/He/She/It/We/
•• En els verbs acabats en consonant + vocal +
They might have a flying They might not have a
consonant, es duplica la consonant final i s’hi afegeix
car. flying car.
slip > slipped  travel > travelled  drop > dropped •• Per fer prediccions no certes sobre el futur es fa servir
•• Alguns participis passats són irregulars i no segueixen may i might.
cap patró. Rhinos may become extinct in the future, no one knows
see > seen  find > found  put > put for sure.
I might go to Bridget’s house this weekend; I don’t know
•• La llista de verbs irregulars és a la pàgina 128.
Infinitiu de finalitat
•• Per expressar el propòsit de fer quelcom es fa servir
to + infinitiu.
I use a car to get to work.
She bought a tablet to watch videos when she travels.
They saved money to pay for the wedding.
(NO They saved money for pay for the wedding.)


Present perfet per a experiències •• Per preguntar sobre una experiència, podem utilitzar
ever per expressar ‘en algun moment’, i never en les
Afirmativa Negativa
frases afirmatives per indicar ‘en cap moment’.
I/You/We/They have (’ve) I/You/We/They have not Have you ever seen a crocodile in real life?
seen this film. (haven’t) seen this film. I’ve never travelled outside of my country.
He/She/It has (’s) seen this He/She/It has not (hasn’t)
film. seen this film. Pronoms reflexius

I > myself I saw myself on TV.

•• Per parlar d’experiències utilitzem el present perfet.
He’s visited every country in Europe. you > yourself You saw yourself on TV.
Jayden and Layla haven’t met Mia. he > himself He saw himself on TV.
she > herself She saw herself on TV.
Pregunta Resposta breu
it > itself It saw itself on TV.
Have I/you/we/they Yes, I/you/we/they have.
seen this film? No, I/you/we/they haven’t. we > ourselves We saw ourselves on TV.
Has he/she/it seen Yes, he/she/it has. you (plural) > yourselves You saw yourselves on TV.
this film? No, he/she/it hasn’t. they > themselves They saw themselves on TV.

•• Les preguntes de resposta Yes/No es construeixen •• Els pronoms reflexius s’utilitzen quan el subjecte i
amb have/has + subjecte + participi passat. l’objecte d’una frase són el mateix, o per emfasitzar el
Has your mum been to Spain? subjecte de l’acció.
My dad talks to himself when he’s nervous.
•• En les respostes breus es repeteix have/has.
A:  Have you tried Turkish food? I made dinner myself in the end because Dad was late.
B:  Yes, I have. •• El pronom sol anar directament darrere del verb.
We enjoyed ourselves at Liam’s birthday party.
(NO We enjoyed at Liam’s birthday party ourselves.)
Pronoms indefinits

Persones Coses Llocs

Some-: per parlar d’una persona/ Someone/Somebody I want something to I want to go somewhere
cosa/lloc en una frase afirmativa called me earlier. eat. hot on holiday.
Every-: per parlar de totes les Everyone/Everybody Everything in your flat I’ve been everywhere in
persones, coses o llocs likes chocolate. is beautiful. London.
Any-: per parlar d’una persona/cosa/ I don’t know anyone/ I don’t have anything to I don’t want to go
lloc en una frase negativa o una anybody at this party. wear to the party. anywhere tonight.
No-: per indicar ningú, res o en cap No one/Nobody called Nothing happened last Nowhere is open for
lloc me yesterday. night. dinner tonight.

•• Els pronoms indefinits s’utilitzen per parlar de persones, coses i llocs sense especificar-los.
•• Els pronoms indefinits s’utilitzen amb el verb en singular.
Everyone is excited about the wedding. (NO Everyone are excited about the wedding.)
•• Amb no one, nothing i nowhere s’utilitza la forma afirmativa del verb.
There’s nothing to do here! (NO There isn’t nothing to do here!)
•• Amb anyone, anything i anywhere s’utilitza la forma negativa del verb.
I haven’t got anything to do today. (NO I’ve got anything to do today.)


Going to Present continu per a futur

Afirmativa Negativa •• El present continu es fa servir per parlar de plans

futurs ja fixats, sobretot quan els hem acordat amb
I am (’m) going to dance. I am (’m) not going to
altres persones.
I’m meeting my friends at 8 pm tomorrow. We’re seeing
You/We/They are (’re) You/We/They are not a concert.
going to dance. (aren’t) going to dance. We’re having lunch with my aunt next Saturday.
He/She/It is (’s) going to He/She/It is not (isn’t)
•• Amb el present continu s’acostumen a utilitzar
dance. going to dance. expressions temporals per indicar futur, com tonight,
•• Going to es fa servir per parlar de plans i intencions tomorrow, this weekend, this summer, next week,
futures. next month i after class/school.
I’m going to work in another country in the future. Aria and I are practising for the school show this
•• En la forma afirmativa es fa servir be + going to +
infinitiu. Present simple per a futur
We’re going to travel around Europe before university. •• El present simple es fa servir per parlar de fets que
•• En la forma negativa es fa servir be + not + going to + tenen un temps fixat en el futur.
infinitiu. The concert starts at 10 pm tomorrow. It finishes at
Ryan isn’t going to study French in France. midnight.
My plane leaves tomorrow morning at nine.
Pregunta Resposta breu
Their train arrives at 8.45 in the morning.
Am I going to dance? Yes, I am. Our summer holidays start on 24th June.
No, I’m not.
Are you/we/they going to Yes, you/we/they are.
dance? No, you/we/they aren’t.
Is he/she/it going to Yes, he/she/it is.
dance? No, he/she/it isn’t.

•• Les preguntes es construeixen amb be davant del

Are they going to get married this year?
•• En les respostes breus es repeteix be.
A:  Are you going to learn the keyboard?
B:  Yes, I am.
Will i going to
•• Will s’utilitza per a prediccions, i going to per a plans i
intencions futures.
Lidia will be the best singer in the school show.
We’re going to write the school play next year – Mr
Newsome has decided.


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