Thesis Final Draft
Thesis Final Draft
Thesis Final Draft
English Proficiency is important especially to Senior High School students. The youth
is the beacon that can help mold the future and development of one’s country, with
enhanced English Proficiency, it will bring out the essence of professionalism to any
individual. In that way, the youth which includes Senior High School Students will cope
The purpose of study will help to encourage Senior High School students to enhance
their English proficiency skills and not be satisfied with informal English for instance, the
“English Carabao” that is also known as the informal English. The reason why the
researchers conduct this study is to broaden our knowledge about the benefits of
enhancing English proficiency but not only the researchers will gain the benefit but also
The researchers conducted this study to help the Senior High School students to
realize the benefits of enhancing English Proficiency and we strive to craft to their minds
that it will help them not only verbally but also in writing by using English language.
II. Statement of the Problem
English proficiency is being ignored by the Senior High School students. They are
satisfied on what they have in and does not interest in enhancing their proficiency skills.
Researchers strive that this study will be an eye opener for some Senior High School
students. The main questions that we want to be answered are the following:
How does enhancing English proficiency skills can help Senior High School
Why Senior High School students must improve their English proficiency skills?
In order for the researchers to acquire
Senior High Students ignores the data that is necessary and fortify the
importance of Enhancing English foundation of the study, the researchers
Proficiency skills. will use Interview Method; this method
will ensure the efficiency of the study.
It will improve their English
proficiency skills and bring out the
essence of professionalism.
IV. Significance of the Study
The Students
Students will be benefited by this study in a way that it will be an eye opener to
them that it will help them to hone their English proficiency skills. Therefore, this study will
serve as a tool to make students be interested and encouraged in enhancing their skills.
This study will also help the students to prepare them in the future and ready to leave the
nest and cope up with the fast-changing society and bring out the essence of
The Parents
Parents will be informed what is the benefits if they enhanced they’re English
Proficiency Skills. In that way, if parents have enhanced English Proficiency they can
have higher opportunities to have good jobs, in our society the people who are proficient
in English are in demand. Also, they can teach their children to learn English at early age,
but not in a way to discredit the Mother Tongue. But, to exploit their son/s or daughter/s
to a professional language.
The School
Schools is one of the center point where the students will be able to enhance their
English Proficiency skills. Schools will be benefited because they will be informed on what
V. Assumptions of the Study
In conducting this study the following assumptions were made. We assumed that:
-The target audience will realize the importance of English proficiency skills especially
-The respondents will understand the questions they will be asked and will give honest
This study is focused on Senior High School students at STI College Novaliches and
it will not include any other respondents. The topic of this study will remain solid and it will
not overlap any other aspects that may hinder our study. The study only focuses on the
benefits of Enhancing English Proficiency skills to the chosen respondents which is the
VII. Definition of Terms
Essence - the basic nature of the thing; the quality or qualities that makes a thing what it
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
We accumulated data from different authors & articles that can support our research
paper. The knowledge gathered in this Chapter will contribute to the understanding the
English is the language of the global community. English is the passport to landing
good jobs because it will help people in oral interviews and even in written examinations.
But some failed, not because they lack of knowledge in the field of specialization but
because of the inability to express themselves in clear and understandable manner. And
desire but has now become a necessity. English, being the international language, must
be learned well. Language incompetence will put us far behind our contemporaries who
are very articulate and proficient in its usage. Passing an oral interview is one determining
factor in landing a good job or pursuing a career. Establishing connections and being able
to approach people will mean a lot of difference in our search for the good life. Language
skill is thus very crucial in our quest for knowledge, in our search for better jobs, and in
Before we develop English Proficiency skills, we must first give adequate precision
for words as units of language. A knowledge of words and their place in the structure and
as the special functions of language in human life, for words are its fundamental
make a difficult deal come through and be successful with appropriate language use.
Professionals can look at more professional when they are proficient in the language of
The articles contain the advantages of English proficiency skills and the
opportunities. Enhancing your English proficiency skills is a passport that can lead you to
a wider horizon of opportunities. It can help you to find decent jobs in the foreseeable
future. Also, it is the key for the students to hone their skills and be competitive. The
relevance of the articles supports the study, the data within the articles helps to fortify the
II. Review of Foreign Literature
To improve one's English proficiency, acquiring the love for reading is necessary.
Learning vocabulary, grammar and sentence construction are just a few things one can
benefit from reading. If you are good at these then you will not have any problem when
giving an English test that will help to evaluate your skill. Begin your day reading a
newspaper and end your night reading some blogs online. These are simple things to do,
but the best things to learn and improve your English skills (Anonymous, 2014).
When it comes to business and matters of trade, the English language tends to be
the common currency. By studying English through a respected English school, you can
expect to be able to conduct business transactions, write and respond to documents such
as: emails, memos, contracts, agreements and reports and possibly pursue a career in
English is one of the most widely spoken language in the world. Gaining English
aviation to science. Even native English speakers can benefit from increasing knowledge
and improving writing skills. One of the most important aspects of gaining proficiency in
any language is speaking it regularly. Self-study can improve reading and comprehension
skills, but interacting with other English speakers is essential for boosting real-world
comprehension and practical use of the English language. If you live in a bilingual home,
designate a certain amount of time each day for speaking only in English. Making English-
speaking friends, perhaps those interested in learning a different language that you
It is assumed that international students from non-English speaking backgrounds
(NESB) who reside temporarily in a host country for the purpose of obtaining a degree
might take even longer to obtain academic skills in the second language, and their limited
language skills might be one of the determinants directly or indirectly influencing their
academic success. Therefore, their language proficiency might be a key factor in their
Yang, Noels, and Saumure (2006) highlighted the role of English self-confidence
academic environment.
The articles that came from different authors emphasizes the benefits, advantages
enhancing your English skills will help in many different aspect from business to aviation
Chapter III
Research Design and Methodology
I. Method of Research
Qualitative Research has five (5) types. Eventually, the researchers found out the
Qualitative Research that is suitable for the study. It can help the researchers to gather
data more efficiently by conducting interviews, reading documents and watching videos
that has a relevance to the topic. In this study, the researchers rely on sources from books
and conduct interviews to know the respondents’ insights about the topic and to validate
the study.
students composed of both female and male ages 16-18 years old from
IV. Research Instrument
The following are the research instruments that can help this study to become logical,
This instrument can help the researchers to observe the respondents in natural
setting. The researchers are able to see how the respondents speak, think, and react.
Observation gathers first hand data that can help this study to be successful and effective.
Interview is a tool to gather data that will be the foundation of the study. Using the
interview, the researchers can ask the specified respondents the questions. Also, it can
group of people, there are also larger chances that the answers of the respondents about
the questions can be dependable to support the study. Also, with FGD, the researchers
can know the personal experiences of the selected respondents on how they enhance
V. Construction of Research Instrument
(If no) If you have fluency in speaking the English Language would you use it
This question is for the researchers to determine if the target respondents want to
communicate in English. This question will serve as a tool for the researchers to know if
the Senior High School students are opted to communicate using the English Language
and to know if the respondents would communicate using English if they are fluent in
using it.
If the respondents are enjoying speaking in English, the researchers will come up
to the idea that the respondents have confidence in communicating in English. Also, if it
skills. The researchers also ask this question to the respondents to know what their
opinion is about the topic and to know if they are enjoying using it as a medium of
The researchers ask this question to know what their medium of communication is.
This question will serve as a tool if they want to be fluent speaking the English Language.
4. When someone is talking to you in English, do you always understand what he/she
is saying?
Understanding is the most basic part of communication. In order for the respondents
to give an appropriate and right answers, the researchers must know their choice of
words. For the respondents to express ideas clearly, they need to be knowledgeable in
using English language. The researchers ask this question to know the capability of the
respondents in decoding and understanding what is written and said in English Language.
The researchers made this question to know how fluent is the interviewee in speaking
the English Language. By this question, the number of students who are fluent and not in
speaking the English language will be identified. The researchers will also know the fluent
English speakers at STI College Novaliches. Also, the researchers can determine how
the respondents enhance their skills in becoming fluent in the English language. This
6. What are the ways you often do to enhance your English-speaking skills?
The researchers ask this question to know what are the ways that the respondents do
in terms of enhancing their English skills. Someday, if the respondents are good at
speaking English language, they can easily get a job and communicate to foreign people.
We all know that English is the Universal language. Also, the respondents will get a
7. As a Senior High School student, do you think you must improve your English
The researchers ask this question to the respondents to know what would be the
effects and how useful it will be to a Senior High School Student if they are fluent in
speaking English. The researchers want to know if the present education system is
an effective factor in developing the English proficiency skills of the students. Also, to
make the respondents realize the importance and benefits of English proficiency in
their current state. This question will help our respondents think that they must
improve their English Proficiency skills and this will be an eye-opener for them.
8. Do you think it will benefit you in your profession in the future? If yes, what benefits
The researchers ask this question to inform the respondents that enhancing English
Proficiency skills will have a future benefit for them; they can use this by having a decent
job in the future. This question will be an eye-opener for the respondents to realize the
future benefit that they will get if they enhance their English Proficiency skills. With this,
the respondents can have a wide array of opportunities because they can cope up with
English proficiency skills, they can use this in their profession in the future.
9. As a Senior High School student, how does enhancing English Proficiency skills
The researchers ask this to know that enhancing English Proficiency skills have an
impact to them in the present and in the future. This question will serve as a tool for the
respondents to realize on how they are going to come up with the fast-changing society.
This question will serve as a beacon for the respondents to realize the importance and
the benefit that they will get if they enhance their skills in the field of English.
Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data
I. Background
This Chapter overseen the Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data gathered
by the researchers. This study aims to know the “Benefits of Enhancing English
Proficiency Skills of Senior High School students at STI College Novaliches”. The
1.1 Age
1.2 Gender
1.3 Track
1.4 Residence
1.5 Hobbies
III. Research Respondents
This study has fifteen (15) Senior High School student respondents that is interviewed
at STI College Novaliches. They came from Information Technology (IT), Accountancy,
Business and Management (ABM), General Academic Strand (GAS) and Humanities and
Social Sciences (HUMSS). They are composed of both male and female and their age
English proficiency is being ignored by the Senior High School students. They are
satisfied on what they have in and does not interest in enhancing their proficiency skills.
Researchers strive that this study will be an eye opener for some Senior High School
students. The main questions that we want to be answered are the following:
How does enhancing English proficiency skills can help Senior High School
Why Senior High School students must improve their English proficiency skills?
Respondent #1:
Sub Question:
Respondent #2:
Analysis: The respondent want to communicate with other people using English
Respondent #3:
Respondent #4:
“Yes, I like speaking in English but di don’t necessarily hate Filipino language.
Analysis: The respondent like speaking in English, but she doesn’t necessarily hate
Filipino language.
Analysis: The respondent likes speaking English but she doesn’t necessarily hate her
native language.
Respondent #5:
Analysis: The respondent wants to communicate with other people using English
Respondent #6:
Analysis: The respondent wants to communicate using English language but it depends
on the situation.
Respondent #7:
Respondent #8
Sub Question:
Respondent #9
Sub Question:
Analysis: According to the respondent, she doesn’t want to communicate using English
language. She will use English language is she had a chance to have fluency in English
Respondent ##10
Sub Question:
Analysis: The respondent doesn’t want to communicate with other people using English
Language but if she had given a chance to enhance her English skill, she will use it as a
medium of communication.
Respondent #1:
“Yes, it’s fun.”
Respondent #2
“A little bit”
Respondent #3
“Sort of.”
Respondent #4:
Analysis: According to the respondent it is fun speaking in English because she watches
a lot of English movies.
Respondent #5:
Analysis: The respondent agreed that it’s fun to speaking English in communicating.
Respondent #6:
Respondent #7
Respondent #8:
“Quite sometimes.”
Analysis: According to the respondent, it’s fun speaking in English quite sometimes, it
depends on the situation.
Respondent #9
Analysis: The respondent sometimes feel that it’s fun speaking in English and sometimes
it’s not.
Respondent #10
Interview Question #3
Sub Question:
Analysis: The respondent is not fluent in speaking English but if she had given a chance
she will be happy to use English language as a medium of communication.
“Not so very fluent, but not bad.”
Sub Question:
“Yes, of course.”
Analysis: The respondent is not very fluent in English, but in average of speaking English
language. But if she had a chance to be fluent in English she will be more delightful.
“Sort of”
Analysis: According to the respondent, she is not that fluent in English, but she tries to
speaking and communicate in English.
Sub Question:
“Yes, I want to be fluent in speaking English.”
Analysis: The respondent is not fluent in speaking English but she wants to be fluent in
speaking in English.
“A little bit, but I can speak English.”
Analysis: The respondent is not so fluent in speaking English but he can speak English
based on the situation.
Sub Question:
Analysis: The respondent is not fluent in speaking English but she wants to be fluent.
“Not too much”
Analysis: The respondent is not so fluent but still have a knowledge in using proper
Analysis: The respondent is not that fluent in speaking English and it depends on the
Sub Question:
“Yes, of course”
Analysis: The respondent is not fluent in speaking English but if she had given a chance
to have fluency in English she will be delighted.
“Yes, but not that fluent”
Analysis: The respondent is fluent in English but not too much.
Interview Question #4
When someone is talking to you in English, do you always understand what him/her
is saying?
Analysis: The respondent has the capacity to understand if someone is talking to him in
Analysis: According to the respondent, she understands English when someone is talking
to her using the English Language.
Analysis: According to the respondent, she can understand English when some talks to
“It depends on the person that I talk to, if there are deep words I cannot understand
what him/her is saying.”
Analysis: The respondent does not understand the speaker when the speaker is using
deep words but she can understand English of the speaker is using understandable
Analysis: The respondent is able to understand English but he is not a good talker when
it comes it speaking English.
Analysis: According to the respondent, it depends on the person that she talks to.
Analysis: The respondent always understands other people when someone is talking to
him in English.
Analysis: The respondent understands English language but not at all the times.
Analysis: The respondents fully understands English when someone is talking to her.
Interview Question#5
What are the ways you often do to enhance your English-speaking skills?
Analysis: The respondent uses books and watch television to enhance his English
Proficiency skills.
“The teacher focus teaching the English language in the use of essay and any
written work for English subject.”
Analysis: According to the respondent, she enhances her English proficiency in written
like constructing correct grammar when she makes an essay.
Analysis: According to the respondent, reading dictionary and watching TV with English
subtitles are her ways of enhancing her proficiency in English.
Analysis: The respondent like watching movies and listening to music in English. In that
way, she can enhance her proficiency skills.
Analysis: The respondent is often read news in English and that will help him to enhance
his English-speaking skills.
Analysis: The respondent often reading English books to enhance her English Proficiency
“I always try to correct some English grammatical error that I print from the
Analysis: The respondents practices himself using printouts that has grammatical errors
to enhance her English Proficiency skills.
Analysis: Reading books and Watching English movies helps the respondent to enhance
his English-speaking skills.
Analysis: According to the respondent, reading book and watching movies are her ways
to enhance her English proficiency skills.
Analysis: According to the respondent, reading English novels are her ways to enhance
her skills in English.
Interview Question#6
Do you think it will benefit you in your profession in the future? If yes, what benefits
would it be? If no, why?
“Yes, I can get more opportunities to get a job in large companies because a lot
of companies are looking for professionals who are fluent in English.”
Analysis: English speaking skills has a benefit in his future and that benefit is that he can
get a job in larger companies in the future.
“It will be my future advantage in applying for a job because I have enhanced
English proficiency skills.”
Analysis: According to the respondent, it will benefit her when she is applying for a job in
the future, because most of the applicant that are using English language have more
advantage to hire.
Analysis: According to the respondent, it will benefit her in the future because it is the
language of all people and it will enable her to communicate to anyone.
“The benefits for me is going in other places and when you can speak English it is
easy to communicate with foreign people.”
Analysis: The benefits for her is that when she goes to other places, she can easily
communicate with other people.
“Yes, it will benefit my future profession because I am taking tourism operation and
it is important to have better communication skills.
Analysis: The respondent agreed that English proficiency skills will benefit his profession
in the future because as a tourism student it will help him to communicate with other
people easily especially in foreign places.
Analysis: The respondent thinks that the benefit she will get is useful to her someday.
Analysis: The respondent views English proficiency skills as a benefit in his profession
and when travelling in foreign countries.
Analysis: English speaking skills has benefit to the respondent and maybe it will help me
to have confidence to talk to other people.
Analysis: According to the respondent, it can help her to become an effective
communicator and be professional on her job in the future.
Interview Question#7
As a Senior High School student, how does enhancing English Proficiency skills
can help you in this fast-changing society?
“As a Senior High School student, I can communicate with other people and share
my knowledge so that it can help the society.”
Analysis: The respondent will share her knowledge and communicate better.
Analysis: According to the respondent, she can help the society by sharing her
“I can help the society by using my English skills for the greater good. I will use my
English skills by making powerful messages that will trigger that people to help the
Analysis: The respondent will help the society using his skills in making powerful message
to the people to help the society.
Analysis: According to the respondent enhancing English proficiency skills can help her
in his fast-changing society when she communicates with other people.
Analysis: The respondent oversees his future and himself as a skilled communicator.
“As a Senior High School student, I will share my skills through teaching other
people. If I’m in a business I can speak English confidently.
Analysis: According to the respondent, he can share his skills to other people and English
language can help him to be professional.
Analysis: According to the respondent, she can help the society by sharing her knowledge
to other people.
“I can help the society by sharing the knowledge to other people. Therefore, the
society is able to produce more professionals and help mold the society.”
Analysis: According to the respondent, she will lend her knowledge to other people so
that they can contribute in molding the society.
Interview Question#8
As a Senior High School student, do you think you must improve your English
Proficiency skills? Why?”
“Yes, so if I go outside the school and look for a job. I can get easily that job.”
Analysis: For him, as a Senior High School student, it is important to improve English
proficiency so that he can easily get a job.
“Yes, because I always use English language when communicating with others.
Analysis: According to the respondent, she must improve her proficiency in using the
English language when she communicates.
“Yes, because in this track we need to speak and learn English, is what STI is
teaching us especially using the English language.
Analysis: According to the respondent, as a Senior High School student, she must
enhance her English proficiency skills because it is needed.
“Yes, because for me learning is important and it’s not a waste to learn something.”
Analysis: The respondent agrees to improve her English Proficiency skills because for
her, learning new things is important and it is not a waste to learn.
Analysis: The respondent agreed to enhance or improve his English Proficiency skills
because it will help him in the future.
Analysis: According to the respondent, she must improve her English Proficiency skills to
communicate well to other people.
“I think yes, because I can use it in my future especially when I’m going to be
interviewed when I’m applying for a job.”
Analysis: The respondent thinks that he must improve his English Proficiency skills so
that it can benefit him when applying for a job in the future.”
Analysis: According to the respondent, it is his obligation to speak English in front of other
people and if he had a business in the future. In that way, he can be professional in
communicating with other people.
Analysis: According to the respondent, she must improve her English skills by listening to
her practical research teacher.
Analysis: According to the respondent, by improving English proficiency skills she can
communicate with other people easily.
V. Analysis and Interpretation of Data
The respondents have different opinions. Some of the respondents stated that they
like to communicate using English language but it depends on the person that he/she
will talk to and some respondents does not like to communicate in English. But all of
the respondents wants to be fluent in speaking English Language if they had a chance.
Based on our data collected, the majority of the answers of the respondents is that
speaking English is fun, some respondents stated that they are not fluent in English
speaking but all the respondents want to enhance their proficiency in English. They are
not fluent, but all the respondents can understand English language. The majority of the
respondents stated that they must improve their English Proficiency skills in order for the
respondents to communicate with other people easily and help them in their job in the
The data that have been collected shows that there are many ways of enhancing
your English proficiency skills like watching English movies, reading novels, watching
news, etc. With enhanced English Proficiency skills, the respondents realized that it can
help them in their future profession and have many benefits. They can easily
communicate with foreign people, have confidence, expand their vocabulary and get a
job in large companies and open a wide array of opportunities. Based on the respondent’s
answers, they can get a job in the future easily with enhanced English Proficiency skills.
Overall, the data shows that there are many benefits that will help the Senior High
School students to become professional and get a decent job in the future, ways on how
Chapter V
I. Summary of Findings
The purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of enhancing English
proficiency skills of senior high school students and how can it help in their future
profession. All interviewees were asked how English proficiency skills will benefit them
and how they enhance their skills in English. The researchers gathered data through
interview questions and the results were made. It is stated that English proficiency
skills can help students to communicate easily and express themselves using the
English language. And by these skills, the individual can easily find a decent job
because companies are looking for individuals who are fluent in English that has the
II. Conclusion
Based on the summary of findings, the conclusions are drawn. Throughout the study,
it’s purpose is to know what are the “Benefits of Enhancing English Proficiency Skills of
Senior High School students at STI College Novaliches”. The researchers come up with
the questions and that will serve as a proof to vindicate the study.
The majority of respondents will help the society if they have enhanced English
Proficiency is that they will be able to improve their intelligence and knowledge about the
English language. Also, it will help them to use it for their future job and to gain more
The majority of respondents stated that they must improve their English Proficiency
skills to communicate with other people easily and help them landing a good job in the
The majority of respondents stated that they can be benefited in enhancing English
Proficiency skills in a way that they can speak the language with competence and use it
to communicate and it is a way to communicate better with other people. Also, it will help
them for their future profession and it will serve as a passport for landing a good job in
III. Recommendation
practiced and implemented. In that way, it will bring out the essence of
professionalism of the students and produce mold their competence and fluency
4. As researchers, we recommend that the schools will be the center point for the
skills will be a helpful tool in landing a decent job in the foreseeable future.
The following recommendation are for the students:
1. As researchers, we recommend that the students will able to know what are the
gaining knowledge about the English language and enhancing their skills in
4. As researchers, we recommend that the students will able to realize that the
study will serve as an eye-opener and will be the beacon to enhance their
English skills.
gather data that supports the study and the instruments that the researchers used.
Interviewer Greeting:
Good Day!
We are from ABM 101. We would like to interview you regarding our topic
which is the “Benefits of Enhancing English Proficiency Skills of Senior High School
students at STI College Novaliches” We will conduct this interview for our thesis. We
assure you that this interview will be confidential and your answers will not be leaked out.
There are no correct and wrong answers, the answers are opinionated. Shall we start the
Interview Questions:
5. What are the ways you often do to enhance your English-speaking skills?
6. As a Senior High School student, do you think you must improve your English
Proficiency skills? Why?
7. Do you think it will benefit you in your profession in the future? If yes, what benefits
would it be? If no, why?
8. As a Senior High School student, how does enhancing English Proficiency skills
can help you in this fast-changing society?
The Researchers