Stage 1-Preliminary Test: You Are Advised To Appear For The Online Test at The Following Venue and Time

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( भयारतनसरकयारनकयानउदनमि A Government of India Enterprise )
CIN : U40104MH1987GOI149458
कयाकरयापयारनगगजरयातनसनस्‍थक्लिन KAKRAPAR GUJARAT SITE
डियाकन: अणगमियाक्लिया, वयानया: वननयारया, कजक्लियान: तयापपीन(गगजरयात) 394651
PO : Anumala, Via: Vyara, Dist. Tapi, Gujarat, Pin 394651
Advertisement No. : KAKRAPAR GUJARAT SITE/HRM/02/2018

Name of the candidate : Mr Shivam Shivam pandey Pandey

Name of the Post : ST/TM CAT-II - Fitter

Registration No. : 1829STFT001743

Push Button
Roll No. : 558091345708

Date of Birth : 17/02/1996 Category : GEN


You are advised to appear for the online test at the following venue and time :
Name and Address of the Test Centre Reporting Date and Time

Uka Tarsadia University (Bardoli),Maliba Campus, Gopal

Vidyanagar, Bardoli- Mahuva Road,TARSADI Dist. Surat -
394 350 , Gujarat, India 11.11.2019

07.30 AM


This e-admit card is issued to you for appearing in the online test solely based on the information furnished
by you in your online application submitted against the above referred advertisement, for the aforesaid post.
If at any stage of the recruitment process including after recruitment or joining, if it is revealed that the
information provided by you is incorrect / incomplete or is not in conformity with the eligibility criteria, or
if it is found that you have concealed / distorted any material information, your candidature / appointment
will be cancelled without assigning any reason thereof. Candidates must read carefully the instructions
attached with this e-Admit Card and shall keep a copy for your reference.

Signature of the Candidate

(Should be signed by Candidate Signature of the Invigilator
in the presence of Invigilator)

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1. Please bring this e-Admit Card (received through email or downloaded copy from the website) and
one valid original ID proof such as PAN Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Passport, Aadhar
Card or any other valid Govt. ID proof.

2. The candidate should report at the examination centre at the REPORTING TIME mentioned in cover
page of the admit card. No Candidate shall be allowed to enter inside the examination centre once the
gate is closed after one hour of the reporting time.

3. At the entrance of the examination centre, Candidate’s e-admit card & original Photo ID proof (PAN
Card/Driving License/Voter ID/Passport/Aadhar Card/any other valid Govt. ID proof ) shall be
verified. The candidate found meeting the requirement shall be directed to registration desk for
capturing the photo and biometric impression.

4. After registration and capturing of Photo & Biometric data, Lab No. & System No. will be assigned to
the candidates.

5. The e-Admit card, original Photo Id proof & pen will only be allowed inside the examination hall.

6. The Question Paper will be in trilingual form viz. English, Hindi & Gujarati.
7. The e-admit card will be collected by the invigilator during the test. Plain paper will be provided by the
invigilator for doing any rough work which is required to be submitted to the invigilator before leaving
the examination hall.
8. (I) STAGE 1- PRELIMINARY TEST: Preliminary Test will comprise of 50 Multiple Choice
Questions in the following proportion - Math & Science – 20 questions each and General Awareness –
10 questions. 03 (three) marks for each correct answer and 01 marks will be deducted for each
incorrect answer. Qualifying standards shall be for General Category (UR)-40% marks and for SC/ST
& OBC (NCL) – 30% marks. Candidates qualified in Preliminary Test shall only be allowed to appear
for Advance Test.
(II) STAGE 2- ADVANCE TEST : Advanced Test (Stage-2) will also comprise of 50 multiple choice
questions with 03 marks for each correct answer and 01 marks to be deducted for each incorrect
answer. The syllabus for Advance Test will be based on the Trade/Qualification. Qualifying
standards shall be for General Category (UR)-30% marks and for SC/ST & OBC (NCL) – 20% marks

9. The result of the Preliminary Test will be displayed on the screen instantly after completion of the test.

10. The admit card for Stage-2 (Advance Test), which is at the last page is required to be shown at
the time of registration for Advance Test, if the candidate qualifies in Stage-1 (Preliminary Test).
Further, the Admit card will be collected by the invigilator in the examination hall.

11. Candidates who are disqualified in the Preliminary Test should leave the Test Premises.

12. You may go through the mock test link at provided from 01/11/2019
onwards to make yourself familiar with online test. You will have the ability to navigate back and
forth between the questions as well as edit your responses to the questions. You will be allocated a
Computer Node, Log-in ID and password in the Examination Hall. On instructions of the
Invigilator, You shall log-in and start attempting the Test. The clock will be set at the server as
per duration of the exam. The countdown timer in the of screen will display the remaining time
available for you to complete the examination. When the timer reaches zero, the examination will
end automatically. You will not be required to end or submit your examination.


14. Candidates will not allowed to leave the examination hall till the end of the session.

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15. No TA/DA will be payable to the candidates for attending the online Written Examination.
However Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates called for Skill Test/Certificates verification
from out station and those who are not employed in Central / State Govt. / Public Sector Organization /
Corporation / Local Govt. / Panchayats will be paid to and fro Second class Railway fare by the
shortest route as per rules on production of original journey tickets along with a copy of Caste
Certificate. However, the reimbursement will be restricted to the place in respect of balance distance
exceeding 30 km both ways subject to production of tickets. The TA reimbursement format for SC /
ST candidates is available in our website. Eligible candidates must bring printout of TA Form
downloaded from our website duly filled in all respect.

16. The visually impaired candidates and candidates whose writing speed is adversely affected
permanently for any reason can use Scribe / Reader during the examination. If the candidate wishes to
avail Scribe / Reader facility then he / she shall be required arrange scribe and submit the declaration
form in the format provided to him in the examination centre.

17. The Orthopaedically, Visually and Hearing impaired candidates will be given compensatory time of 20
minutes per hour. Such candidates will also be allowed to bring permissible assistive devices subject to
approval at the center.

18. Question Paper and Answer Keys of the Advance Test shall be uploaded on website on 12/11/2019.
Discrepancies, if any, regarding Question Paper or Answer Keys of the Advance Test should be
brought to the notice through the link given on NPCIL website from 11.00 AM on 12/11/2019 till 05.00
PM on 15/11/2019. Representation submitted thereafter will not be entertained. Representation
received through any other mode will not be also entertained.

19. Candidates qualified in the Advance Test will be shortlisted in the order of merit for skill test /
certificate verification in the ratio of maximum 1 post : 5 candidates. The list of shortlisted candidates
for the skill test will be published on tentatively by last week of June and will
be sent through e-Mail & SMS separately for appearing for Skill Test as per the schedule. However,
the individual mark-sheet giving details of score will be declared subsequently which can be viewed by
candidate through individual login.

20. The list of empanelled candidates will be declared through NPCIL website

21. SC / ST / OBC (Non Creamy Layer) and PWD candidates shortlisted for Skill Test / Certificates
verification shall be required to produce the certificate in appropriate format as available in NPCIL
website The OBC (Non Creamy Layer) certificate should be latest i.e. issued
on or after 01/04/2019.

22. Please note that no request for change in the date of online Written Test or Venue will be entertained
on any account.

23. You may please note that this e-Admit Card does not constitute an offer of employment in NPCIL.

24. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with
regard to their selection/recruitment shall be considered as DISQUALIFICATION.

25. NPCIL reserves the right to cancel or postpone or to re-conduct the online test.

26. If candidates found committing malpractice, action will be taken against such candidate as per rules.

27. Corrigendum, Addendum, Notification or any further announcement, if any, shall be published only on
the website of NPCIL. Therefore, candidates are advised to visit for further
instructions / updates.

28. On behalf of NPCIL, we convey our best wishes to the candidates.

Manager (HRM)
For Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited

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( भयारतनसरकयारनकयानउदनमि A Government of India Enterprise )
CIN : U40104MH1987GOI149458
कयाकरयापयारनगगजरयातनसनस्‍थक्लिन KAKRAPAR GUJARAT SITE
डियाकन: अणगमियाक्लिया, वयानया: वननयारया, कजक्लियान: तयापपीन(गगजरयात) 394651
PO : Anumala, Via: Vyara, Dist. Tapi, Gujarat, Pin 394651
Advertisement No. : KAKRAPAR GUJARAT SITE/HRM/02/2018
(For those who qualify in Preliminary Test)

Name of the candidate : Mr Shivam Shivam pandey Pandey

Name of the Post : ST/TM CAT-II - Fitter

Registration No. : 1829STFT001743

Push Button
Roll No. : 558091345708

Date of Birth : 17/02/1996 Category : GEN


You are advised to appear for the online test at the following venue and time :
Name and Address of the Test Centre Reporting Date and Time

Uka Tarsadia University (Bardoli),Maliba Campus, Gopal

Vidyanagar, Bardoli- Mahuva Road,TARSADI Dist. Surat -
394 350 , Gujarat, India 11.11.2019

01.30 PM

Signature of the Candidate

(Should be signed by Signature of the Invigilator
in the presence of Invigilator)

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