Esthetic Crowns For Primary Teeth A Review PDF
Esthetic Crowns For Primary Teeth A Review PDF
Esthetic Crowns For Primary Teeth A Review PDF
* Sr. Lecturer
** Sr. Lecturer
*** Professor and Head
Department of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, St. Joseph Dental College, Eluru. India
A variety of esthetic restorative materials are available for restoring primary incisors. Each has distinct
advantages and disadvantages and the clinical conditions of placement may be a strong determining factor so
as to which material is utilized. Full coronal restoration of primary incisors may be indicated for a number of
reasons. Crowns available for restoration of primary incisors include those that are directly bonded to the tooth
which generally are made up of a resin material, and those crowns that are luted onto the tooth. This paper
reviews the published data on restorations of primary anterior teeth and various forms of full coronal restorations
for the same.
Direct Indirec
1. STAINLESS STEEL CROWNS It is available in upper and lower – right & left
central and lateral with 6 sizes.
Stainless steel crowns are considered to be the
most durable, economical and reliable for restoring Dura crowns
severely carious and fractured primary incisors. Crowns can be crimped labialy and lingually, can be
They are easy to place, fracture proof, wear easily trimmed with crown scissors, easily festooned
resistant and attached firmly to tooth until and has got a full-knife edge. Study has shown that
exfoliation. However there is a compromise in these crowns with veneer facings were
esthetics due to the unsightly silver metallic significantly more retentive than the nonveneered
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appearance. ones when cement and crimping were combined.
b. Veneered Stainless steel crowns Kinder Krowns are designed with IncisaLock™ - the
Here the composite resins and thermoplastics optimal union of state-of the-art bonding procedures
are bonded to the metal. This type of and mechanical retention. By adding mechanical
preveneered crown was developed to serve as retention and more composite, Kinder Krowns are
a convenient, durable, reliable, and esthetic strong without sacrificing form or function.
solution to the difficult challenge of restoring
severely carious primary incisors. Various PEDO PEARLS
commercially available veneered SSCs include These are beautiful heavy gauge aluminum crowns
Cheng crowns, Kinder krowns, Nu-smile and coated with FDA food grade powder coating and
Whiter biter, pedo compu crowns and Dura epoxy-resin. They serve as ultimate permanent
crowns. crown for primary teeth. Features include:
Universal anatomy--use on either side
Cheng Crowns Easy to cut and crimp, without chipping or
Cheng Crowns made their public debut in 1987. peeling.
These are Stainless steel pediatric anterior crowns Composite can be added
faced with a high quality composite, mesh-based Disadvantages include less durability and the
with a light cured composite. It presents a unique crowns are relatively soft.
solution for natural-looking Stain-resistant Crowns.
It is available for the right and left central and lateral BONDED CROWNS
as well as cuspids.
Most crown procedures can be completed in one a. Polycarbonate Crowns:
patient visit and with less patient discomfort. These are heat molded acrylic resin used to
restore primary anterior teeth. It is esthetic
It is available in short and regular lengths and sizes than SSC, easy to trim and can be adjusted
suitable for centrals, lateral and cuspids. They can with pliers. These crowns do not resist
undergo heat sterilization without significant effect strong abrasive forces thus leading to
on their bond strength and color. Disadvantages of occasional fracture, hence it is
all preveneered crowns are fracture of veneers contraindicated in cases of Severe bruxism
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during crimping and they are expensive. and deep bite.
Restoration of Severely Decayed Tooth Biological restoration was introduced by Santos &
Bianchi in 1991. Here, used teeth from the Human
1. Crown build up using resin composite short Tooth Bank are used as natural posts & crowns.
post technique The selected tooth from the tooth bank is reshaped,
Resin composites used directly or indirectly has roots strengthened by retro filling with flowable
been an excellent choice for severely carious teeth composites and autoclaved for 30min at 121 degree
due to their adhesive bonding and esthetic centigrade and 15 lbs pressure before cementation.
appearance. The technique involves placement of
light cured resin composite in the root canal and
crown region in several steps where the cervical
Vol. - II Issue 2 April – June 2010 - 90 -
Review article Annals and Essences of Dentistry
Pedo-compu crowns
Stainless Steel Crowns
Dura Crowns
Modification of Stainless Steel Crowns
Cheng Crowns
Kinder Crowns
Pedo Pearls
Strip Crowns
Pedo Jacket
Glass Tech