Irrigation Ass
Irrigation Ass
Irrigation Ass
Water Resources
This study included a programme of drilling and testing of eight boreholes, together with observations of surface features and existing
wells and springs, so as to investigate the groundwater under the Kesem-Kebena plain in relation both to its interaction with any future
irrigation scheme and to its use as a water source.
Surface Water
The only significant surface water source for large-scale irrigation is the Kesem river. The Kebena has a smaller catchment, lower dry-
season flow, and no suitable site for a seasonal or overyear storage reservoir, so it is only of interest for medium-scale irrigation in
conjunction with groundwater.
Human Resources
The area's traditional inhabitants are mostly pastoralists. Members of the Afar group of tribes, they are transhumants who own and live
off large quantities of livestock: camels, cattle, sheep and goats. The Kesem-Kebena plain serves about 12 000 of them as dry-season
pasture: they graze their herds there during the dry months, making use of the vegetation resulting from seasonal flooding of the flat
land. During the rainy season they take most of their livestock into the hilly country to the north, west and south.
Existing Agriculture
In the Kesem-Kebena plain at the present time there are three forms of agricultural enterprise, all irrigated, which use only a fraction
of the available land. The first is the Awara Melka State Farm, which has three units at Awara Melka, irrigated by run-of-river
abstractions from the Kesem, and a fourth unit called Yalo some 15 km to the north-east, on the Kebena. The second is official
"settlement schemes" for Afar, attached to the state farm units and drawing water from them. The third is a number of very small
spontaneous schemes started by some of the Afar pastoralists, mainly in response to the recent sequence of hungry years.
Almost all of the existing infrastructure and services on the Kesem-Kebena plain are associated with the Awara Melka State Farm.
There is an all-weather road some 32 km long linking the farm's headquarters at Saboret with the Addis Ababa/Assab highway.
Passing round the north and west sides of Fantale volcano,it is gravelled and usable in all seasons, although it occasionally suffers
slightly from flows in small watercourses coming off the volcano.
Government departments already involved in the Kesem-Kebena plain are the Ministry of State Farm Development (MSFD) as
operators (until very recently) of the state farm, the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) as successors to RRC in taking responsibility for
the settlement farms, and the Water Resources Development Authority (WRDA) which operates river gauges and organised this study.
In accordance with the Terms of Reference and with the objectives of the Ethiopian Government, the starting point for the formulation
of the project was the maximisation of the use of the resources.
The area covered by the soil survey was extended by almost 25% to take in all of the Kesem-Kebena plain, some 21 800 ha. The
topographic mapping was also extended to cover the whole reservoir area and the whole plain. The soil survey and land suitability
classification showed that only about 17 000 ha of the plain is suitable for irrigation, and some of this is out of command. The
maximum practicable net irrigated area is about 14 000 ha, of which only about 10 000 ha is suitable for cash crops. The project was
initially formulated to use all of this.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the proposed project in summary form. Details can be found in the relevant annexes in
Volumes 2 to 5, and in the drawings in Album 1 (irrigation, drainage and flood protection) and Album
(Dam). The reasoning behind these feasibility-study-stage designs has been discussed in the previous chapter, so this one is generally
confined to aconcise and quantitative description of the proposed project.
the project has initially been designed to make maximum use of the land resources of the Kesem-Kebena plain, in accordance with
government policy. This concept is called the Large Project to distinguish it from alternative scenarios called the Medium and the
Small Projects, which are based on the alternative strategy of selective land use. Because much of the land on the plain is of poor
quality, the selective approachturns out to be economically more attractive, so the Medium Project must betaken seriously. The
scheme of that name which is described here, irrigating 8 920 ha net, is one representative of a range of possible schemes that could
beformulated. Depending on the criteria used, the best size might be anywhere between about 7 000 and 11 000 ha. The Small Project
represents the potential for a scheme with no dam for seasonal storage of river flow, relying only on the natural flows of the Kesem
and the Kebena plus supplementary pumping from groundwater in the dry season: at 4 315 ha it is probably near the upper size limit
for such a run-of-river scheme with normal cropping intensities.
The dam and hydropower station would be the same for the Large or Medium Project. Many other project elements would differ little
between those two cases. Unless stated otherwise this report refers to the Large Project, but the
differences are mentioned when they are significant.
Irrigation Scheme
Layout and Cropped Areas
The extent of the Kesem-Kebena plain which can be commanded by a gravity offtake from the Kesem river at the Aware Melka gorge
is about 21 000 ha. The quality of much of the land is, however, significantly worse than was thought at the time of the 1965 report
which estimated a gross irrigable area of 17 550 ha. The much more detailed soil survey and suitability classification done as part of
this study indicates that, when topographic limitations are also taken into account, only about 15 700 ha gross can be usefully
irrigated, and of that only about 10 000 ha gross are suitable for annual cash crops.
Irrigation System
Irrigation water will be extracted from the Kesem river by a gravity headworks structure in the Awara MeIke gorge, approximately at
the site of the existing and partially broken weir. The intakes can be combined with the weir abutments, and it will probably be
convenient to combine the necessary road bridge with the same structure Drainage and Flood Protection Most of the land will need
subsurface drainage installed at the time of initial Construction.
The evaluation of the project has been carried out by an economic cost-benefit analysis using border pricing. The methodology
follows the relevant guidelines published by the Ethiopian Government in 1981 (Ref. 13). It has been discussed with the responsible
department (DPSA, authors of the guidelines) and with the WRDA/FAO economists: the guidelines are under review in 1987 but no
changes had been issued at the time this analysis was done. The treatment of foreign exchange is that it is not itself shadow-priced, but
all local currency elements are multiplied by a Standard Conversion Factor of 0,75, which is equivalent to a 1.33 factor on foreign
exchange. Unskilled labour is shadow priced by applying a factor of 0.67 relative to other local costs, giving a Specific Conversion
Factor of 0.50 to convert unskilled labour wages to border prices. The border prices of traded inputs and outputs have been calculated
by allowing for freight and insurance in the usual way
The soil's moisture-holding capacity, intake rate and depth are the principal criteria affecting the type of system selected. Sandy soils
typically have high intake rates and low soil moisture storage capacities and may require an entirely different irrigation strategy than
the deep clay soil with low infiltration rates but high moisture-storage capacities. Sandy soil requires more frequent, smaller
applications of water whereas clay soils can be irrigated less frequently and to a larger depth. Other important soil properties influence
the type of irrigation system to use. The physical, biological and chemical interactions of soil and water influence the hydraulic
characteristics and filth. The mix of silt in a soil influences crusting and erodibility and should be considered in each design. The soil
influences crusting and erodibility and should be considered in each design. The distribution of soils may vary widely over a field and
may be an important limitation on some methods of applying irrigation water.
The quality and quantity of the source of water can have a significant impact on the irrigation practices. Crop water demands are
continuous during the growing season. The soil moisture reservoir transforms this continuous demand into a periodic one which the
irrigation system can service. A water supply with a relatively small discharge is best utilized in an irrigation system which
incorporates frequent applications. The depths applied per irrigation would tend to be smaller under these systems than under systems
having a large discharge which is available less frequently. The quality of water affects decisions similarly. Salinity is generally the
most significant problem but other elements like boron or selenium can be important. A poor quality water supply must be utilized
more frequently and in larger amounts than one of good quality.
Agriculture is a human activity that is intimately associated with climate. It is well known that the broad patterns of agricultural
growth over long time scales can be explained by a combination of climatic, ecological and economic factors. Modern agriculture has
progressed by weakening the downside risk of these factors through irrigation, the use of pesticides and fertilizers, the substitution of
human labor with energy intensive devices, and the manipulation of genetic resources. A major concern in the understanding of the
impacts of climate change is the extent to which world agriculture will be affected. Thus, in the long term, climate change is an
additional problem that agriculture has to face in meeting global and national food requirements. This recognition has prompted recent
advances in the coupling of global vegetation and climate models.
In the last decade, global vegetation models have been developed that include parameterizations of physiological processes such as
photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration and soil water in-take. These tools have been coupled with General Circulation Models
(GCMs) and applied to both paleoclimatic and future scenarios. The use of physiological parameterizations allows these models to
include the direct effects of changing CO 2 levels on primary productivity and competition, along with the crop water requirements.
In the next step the estimated crop water demands could serve as input to agro-economic models which compute the irrigation water
requirements (IR), defined as the amount of water that must be applied to the crop by irrigation in order to achieve optimal crop
All the above factors and constraints compel decision-makers to review the strengths and weaknesses of current trends in irrigation
and drainage and rethink technology, institutional and financial patterns, research thrust and manpower policy so that service levels
and system efficiency can be improved in a sustainable manner.
Agriculture will have to meet the future challenges posed by food security by increasing production while conserving natural
In the past, the increased demand for food has been satisfied by the expansion of agricultural land. Today, the prospects of increasing
the gross cultivated area, in both the developed and developing countries, are limited by the dwindling number of economically
attractive sites for new large-scale irrigation and drainage projects. Therefore, any increase in agricultural production will necessarily
rely largely on a more accurate estimation of crop water requirements on the one hand, and on major improvements in the operation,
management and performance of existing irrigation and drainage systems, on the other.
The failings of present systems and the inability to sustainably exploit surface and ground water resources can be attributed essentially
to poor planning, design, systems management and development.
With a population that is expected to grow from 6 billion today to at least 8 billion by the year 2025, bold measures are essential if the
problems of irrigation systems and shortage of food are to be avoided.