Water Shed Management

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Lecture No. 12 Watershed management – objectives and approaches

of watershed management
12.1 Introduction

Soil, water and vegetation are the three important natural resources. As these
resources are interdependent there is a need to have a unit of management for most
effective and useful management of these resources. In this context, watershed is an
important unit for the management of the natural resources

12.2 Concept of watershed management

A watershed is defined as any spatial area from which runoff from

precipitation is collected and drained through a common point or outlet. In other
words, it is a land surface bounded by a divide, which contributes runoff to a
common point (Fig.12.1). It is defined as unit of area, which covers all the land, which
contributes runoff to a common point. It is synonymous with a drainage basin or
catchment area. The basic unit of development is a watershed, which is a manageable
hydrological unit. The watershed is also known as ridgeline in U.K.

Fig. 12.1 watershed with main and sub drains

As the entire process of Agricultural development depends on status of water

resources, watershed with distinct hydrological boundary is considered ideal for
planning developmental programmes. It is essential to have various developmental
programmes on watershed basis in conjunction with basic soil and water
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conservation measures. The developmental activities need to be taken up from

ridgeline to outlet point (ridge to valley). Watershed management programme in
drylands aimed at optimizing the integrated use of land, water and vegetation in an
area for providing an answer to alleviate drought, moderate floods, prevent soil
erosion, improve water availability and increase food, fodder, fuel and fibre on
sustained basis.

Watershed management implies the wise use of soil and water resources
within a given geographical area so as to enable sustainable production and to
minimize floods.

Watershed management is the rational utilization of land and water

resources for optimum production with minimum hazard to natural resources.

Watershed management has been taken up under different programmes

launched by Government of India .The Drought Prone Area Development Programme
(DPAP) and the Desert Development Programme (DDP) adopted watershed
development approach in 1987. The Integrated Watershed Development Project
(IWDP) taken up by the National Wasteland Development Board (NWDB) in 1989
also aimed at development of wastelands on watershed basis. The fourth major
programme based on watershed concept is the National Watershed Development
Programme for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA) under the ministry of Agriculture .The
ministry of Rural development funds watershed development schemes under DDP,

Based on the size the watersheds may be classified as

Micro watersheds: The size of the watershed range from few hectares to hundreds
of hectares. These can be designed within the crop fields.

Small watersheds: The watershed has few thousands of hectares as drainage area.

Large watersheds: The river basins are considered as large watersheds.

12.3 Principles of watershed management

- Utilizing the land based on its capability

- Protecting the fertile top soil

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- Minimizing the silting up of the reservoirs and lower fertile lands

- Protecting vegetative cover throughout the year

- Insitu conservation of rain water

- Safe diversion of surface runoff to storage structures through grassed

water ways

- Stabilization of gullies and construction of check dams for increasing

ground water recharge.

- Increasing cropping intensity through inter and sequence cropping.

- Alternate land use systems for efficient use of marginal lands

- Water harvesting for supplemental irrigation

- Ensuring sustainability of the ecosystem

- Maximizing farm income through agricultural related activities such as

dairy poultry, sheep, and goat farming

- Improving infrastructural facilities for storage transport and agricultural


- Setting up of small scale agro industries and

- Improving socio-economic status of farmers.

12.4 Objectives of watershed management

The term watershed management is synonymous with soil and water

conservation with the difference that emphasis is on flood protection and sediment
control besides maximizing crop production. The watershed aims ultimately at
improving standards of living of common people in the basin by increasing their
earning capacity, by offering facilities such as electricity, drinking water, irrigation
water, freedom from fear of floods, drought etc.,

The objectives are

- Recognition of watershed as a unit for development and efficient use of
land according to land capabilities
- Flood control through small multipurpose reservoirs and other water
storage structures at the headwater of streams and problem areas.
- Adequate water supply for domestic, agricultural and industrial needs
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- Reduction of organic, inorganic and soil pollution

- Efficient use of natural resources for improving agriculture and allied
occupations so as to improve socio- economic conditions of the local
residents and
- Expansion of recreation facilities such as picnic and camping sites.
The objectives of watershed management programme can also be described in
symbolic form by the expression: POWER. Here the letters symbolize the following:

P= Production of food-fodder-fuel-fruit-fibre-fish-milk combined on

sustained basis
- Pollution control
- Prevention of floods
O= Over exploitation of resources to be minimized by controlling excessive
biotic interferences like over grazing
- Operational practicability of all on farm operations and follow
up programmes including easy approachability to different locations in
W = Water storage at convenient locations for different purposes
- Wild animal and indigenous plant life conservation at selected places
E = Erosion control

- Ecosystem safety

- Economic stability

- Employment generation

R = Recharge of ground water

- Reduction of drought hazards

- Reduction of siltation in multipurpose reservoirs

- Recreation

12.5 Action plan for watershed development (steps in watershed

1. Identification and selection of watershed: The boundary of the watershed has
to be marked by field survey starting from the lowest point of the water course and
proceeding upwards to the ridge line. The area may vary as low as 100 ha to as high
as 10000 ha.
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2. Description of watershed.

Basic information has to be collected on

Area, shape and slope
Soil - geology, hydrology, physical, chemical and biological properties, erosion level
Vegetation-native and cultivated species
Land capability
Present land use pattern
Crop pattern, cropping system and management
Farming system adopted
Economics of farming
Man power resource
Socio economic data
Infrastructural and institutional facilities

3. Analysis of problems and identification of available solutions

4. Designing the technology components

a. Soil and moisture conservation measures

b. Run off collection, storage and recycling
c. Optimal land use and cropping system
d. Alternate land use system and farming system
e. Other land treatment measures
f. Development of livestock and other allied activities
g. Ground water recharge and augmentation

5. Preparation of base maps of watershed incorporating all features of geology,

hydrology, physiography, soil and proposed development measures for each part of

6. Cost-benefit analysis to indicate estimated cost of each component activity, total

cost of project and expected benefit.

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7. Fixing the time frame to show time of start, duration of project, time frame for
completion of each component activity along with the department / agency to be
involved in each component activity

8. Monitoring and evaluation to assess the progress of the project and to suggest
modification if any

9. On-farm research to identify solutions for site-specific problems.

10. Organizational requirement: Crucial component of watershed development

project is the organization. Land use problems can only be tackled in close
association with owners. As such local people should be involved in the project. To
promote such an interaction the size of watershed should be 300-500 ha at micro
level and a cluster of about 10 such watersheds could be managed by a single
organizational unit. Watershed development agency at unit level may be an ideal
organization for implementing the project. Since no project can be successful without
people’s participation, the watershed development agency should incorporate
selected representatives of the local people. The organizational requirement include

a. Water shed development agency with multidisciplinary staff

b. Training to personnel

c. Training to farmers

d. Credit institution

e. Farmers forum /village association

f. Non governmental organization

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Lecture No. 13 Components of watershed management programme

and land capability classification
13.1 Components of watershed management programme

The main components of watershed programme are:

1. Soil and water conservation

2. Water harvesting

3. Crop management and

4. Alternate land use systems

13.1.1. Soil and water conservation measures

These measures coupled with water harvesting help to improve the moisture
availability in the soil profile and surface water availability for supplemental
irrigation. Based on the nature and type of hydraulic barriers and their cost the
conservation measures in arable lands can be divided into three categories:

Permanent treatments (Hardware treatments)

Semi permanent treatments (medium software treatments) and

Temporary treatments (software treatments).

a. Permanent measures: These measures are provided for improvement of relief,

physiography and drainage features of watershed, aimed at controlling soil erosion,
regulating surface runoff and reducing peak flow rates. Bunds, terraces and
waterways are the permanent measures in watershed management project.

Waterways: both with and without vegetation- grassed waterways for safe
disposal of runoff water.

Bunds: contour bunds –Suitable for low rainfall areas (< 600 mm) and in
permeable soils having slope up to 6%.

Graded bunds – Suitable for high rainfall areas (> 600 mm) and for poor
permeable soils having 2-6% slope and for soils having crust like ,chalka soils of
Telangana region of A.P.

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Terraces: Bench terracing: suitable for soils having slopes 16 to 33%. Bench
terraces reduce both slope length and degree of slope. At Ootacamund erosion
rate decreased from 39 t/ha to less than 1.0 t/ha on 25% sloping land by bench

b. Semi permanent measures: These are usually interbund treatments where field
sizes are large in conventionally bunded area. They are adopted to minimize the
velocity of overland flow. These measures may lost for 2 to 5 years.

i. Small section / key line bunds: A small section bund may be created
across the slope at half of the vertical bund spacing, which needs to be renovated at
an interval of 2-3 years.

ii. Strip Levelling: Levelling of about 4 to 5 m strips of land above the bund
across the major land slope help in reducing the velocity of surface flow. Strip
levelling can be done by running blade harrow at an interval of 2 to 4 years.

iii. Live beds: One or two live beds of 2-3 m width on contour or on grade
also serve the purpose. The vegetation on the beds may be annual or perennial or

iv. Vegetative or live barriers: One or two barriers of close growing grasses
or legumes along the bund and at mid length of slope can filter the runoff water or
slow down over land flow. Khus grass is widely recommended as vegetative barrier.

c. Temporary measures (Software treatments): These are simple treatments for

in situ moisture conservation and needs to be remade or renovation every year.
Simple practices like contour farming, compartmental bunding, broad bed and
furrows, dead furrows, tillage and mulching have gained wide acceptance in the
recent past.

13.2. Water harvesting: The water harvesting structures and the use of harvested
water for life saving irrigation in watershed areas is discussed in detail in lecture No .15

13.3 Crop management

Location specific package of practices for dryland crops have been developed
by dryland research centres and state agricultural universities for all the crops and
cropping systems which include.
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a) Selection of crops and cropping systems to suit length of growing season

b) Optimum sowing time
c) Fertilizer schedules and balanced use of plant nutrients for crops and
cropping systems
d) Weed management and package of practices for aberrant weather
e) Contingent cropping
13.4 Alternate land use systems: Alternate land use systems are discussed
separately in lecture No.16

13.5 Land use classification (land capability classification)

Land capability classification is grouping of soils into different classes

according to their capability for intensive use and treatments required for sustained
use. It emphasizes the need for using the land only for what it is suited best to realize
optimum returns, without land degradation. Land capability classification system
developed by USDA is useful for Agriculture. Eight land capability classes are
recognized and designated by Roman numericals from I to VIII. The Roman
numericals indicates increasing limitations and fewer choices for practical field crop

Land capability classes from I to IV are suitable for arable crop production
Land capability classes from V to VIII are suitable for alternate land use systems

CLASS I: This group of soils has few limitations on their use. They are deep (> 90cm),
well drained and nearly levelled. They are fertile or responsive to fertilizer
application. There is no limitation on the type of crops grown. A variety of crops can
be grown intensively with recommended management practices. They are suitable
for intensive cultivation. This group of soils is represented by light green colour in
land use maps

CLASS II: Soils have moderate limitations such as gentle slope, moderate erosion
problem, inadequate depth (22.5–45cm), slight salinity and alkalinity and relatively
restricted drainage. Less intensive cropping systems must be followed. Simple
management practices such as contour cultivation will maintain the soil for crop
production. They are represented by yellow colour in land use maps.

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CLASS III: Soils have moderate to severe limitations. The soil erosion, shallow water
permeability, low moisture retentively, moderate salinity and low fertility are the
limitations for their use. Soils can be used for crop production with special
conservation practices like terracing. Smothering crops such as legumes are more
ideal than row crops. They are represented by red colour in land capability maps.

CLASS IV: These soils will have very severe limitations that reduce the choice of
crops. Steep slope, severe erosion, shallow soil depth, salinity or alkalinity restricts
their use for profitable crop production. These lands should be used for close
growing crops or grasses with special soil conservation practices.

CLASS V: These soils generally not suitable for grain crops due to limitations such as
rocky soil, faded areas with no drainage facilities. Pastures can be improved on this
class of land.

CLASS VI: These soils are suitable for growing grasses and forest trees. Limitations
are same as those for class V but they are more rigid. Their use may be restricted to
woodland or wild life.

CLASS VII: These have severe limitations even for growing grass and forest trees.
They are steep soils of extremely shallow depth, used for woodlands and wild life.

CLASS VIII: Not suitable for forest trees and grasslands as they are steep, rough
stony mountains. Land use is restricted to recreation, wild life etc.,

Capability classes can be sub divided into sub classes with in each class based
on special limitations. They are designated by adding small letter c, e, s or w to roman

c : shows that chief limitation is climate, low rainfall, too cold or too dry
(very high or very low temperature)
e : chief limitation is soil erosion
s : main limitation is soil character like depth (shallow depth, stony, salinity,
w : soil wetness, excess water in or on soil interferes the plant growth

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Lecture No. 14 Soil and water conservation measures in watershed

14.1 In situ soil moisture conservation practices

Storage of rainfall or rain water at the place where rainfall occurs for its
effective usage is known as in situ moisture conservation. This can be achieved by
different measures. Improving the soil surface conditions to increase infiltration of
rainfall and reduction of runoff are the two basic requirements in dry lands. Hence
land configuration determines the ease with which water can enter the soil. The
different in situ moisture conservation practices which result in changed land
configuration are as follows.

14.1.1 Ridges and furrows: The field must be formed into ridges and furrows.
Furrows of 30-45 cm width and 15-20 cm height are formed across the slope. The
furrows guide runoff water safely when rainfall intensity is high and avoid water
stagnation. They collect and store water when rainfall intensity is less. It is suitable
for medium deep to deep black soils and deep red soils. It can be practiced in wide
row spaced crops like cotton, maize, chillies, tomato etc. It is not suitable for shallow
red soils, shallow black soils and sandy/ gravelly soils. It is not suitable for broadcast
sown crops and for crops sown at closer row spacing less than 30 cm. Since furrows
are formed usually before sowing, sowing by dibbling or planting alone is possible.

14.1.2 Tied ridging: It is a modification of the above system of ridges and furrows
wherein the ridges are connected or tied by a small bund at 2-3 m interval along the
furrows to allow the rain water collection in the furrows which slowly percolated in
to the soil profile

14.1.3 Broad bed furrows (BBF): This practice has been recommended by ICRISAT
for vertisols or black soils in high rainfall areas (> 750 mm). Here beds of 90-120cm
width, 15 cm height and convenient length are formed, separated by furrows of 60
cm width and 15 cm depth. When runoff occurs, its velocity will be reduced by beds
and infiltration opportunity time is increased. The furrows have a gradient of 0.6%.
Crops are sown on the broad beds and excess water is drained through number of
small furrows which may be connected to farm ponds. It can be formed by bullock
drawn or tractor drawn implements. Bed former cum seed drill enables BBF

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formation and sowing simultaneously, thus reducing the delay between receipt
rainfall and sowing (Fig 14.1). Broad bed furrow has many advantages over other

• It helps in moisture storage

• Safely dispose off surplus surface runoff without causing erosion

• Provide better drainage facilities

• Facilitate dry seeding

• It can accommodate a wide range of crop geometry i.e. close as well as

wide row spacing.

• It is suitable for both sole cropping and intercropping systems.

• Sowing can be done with seed drills.

Fig. 14.1 Alternate crop and row arrangement on broad beds

14.1.4 Dead furrows

At the time of sowing or immediately after sowing, deep furrows of 20 cm

depth are formed at intervals of 6 to 8 rows of crops. No crop is raised in the furrow.
The dead furrows can also be formed between two rows of the crop, before the start
of heavy rains (Sep – Oct). It can be done with wooden plough mostly in red soils. The
dead furrows increase the infiltration opportunity time

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14.1.5 Compartmental bunding

Small bunds of 15 cm width and 15 cm height are formed in both directions to

divide the field into small basins or compartments of square or rectangular shape of
6 x 6 m to 10 x 10 m size using bund former .They are useful for temporary
impounding of rain water which facilitates high infiltration resulting in high moisture
storage in the soil. Recommended for black soils with a slope of 0.5 to 1%. Maize,
sunflower, sorghum perform well in this type of bunding (Fig 14.2).

Fig 14.2 Compartmental bunding

14.1.6 Scooping

Scooping the soil surface to form small depressions or basins help in retaining
rain water on the surface for longer periods (Fig 14.3). They also reduce erosion by
trapping eroding sediment. Studies have shown that runoff under this practice can be
reduced by 50 % and soil loss by 3 to 8 t /ha.

Fig. 14.2 Scoops for insitu moisture conservation

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14.1.7 Inter plot water harvesting

Water is drawn from part of a small catchment and used in lower portion for
crop production. There may be 1: 1 cropped: catchment area or 1:2 catchment:
cropped area.

14.1.8 Zingg terracing or conservation bench terracing

These are developed by A.W.Zingg, in USA. Zingg terracing is practiced in low

to medium rainfall areas in black soils with contour bunds. It is a method of land
shaping where lower one third portion of the land adjacent to the contour is leveled
to spread to the runoff water coming from the remaining two third portion of the
field .This rainfall multiplication technique ensures at least one good crop in one
third area even in low rainfall years. Usually during medium rainfall years water
intensive crops (like paddy) are cultivated in the levelled portion (receiving area)
while dry crops are cultivated in the unlevelled (donor) area.

14.2 Mechanical / Engineering measures of soil conservation

When Agronomic measures alone are not adequate, mechanical measures are
to be adopted to supplement the agronomic measures. Mechanical measures usually
involve construction of mechanical barriers across the direction of flow of rainwater
to retard or retain runoff and thereby reduce soil and water loss. The mechanical
measures include:

- Contour bunding
- Graded bunding
- Bench terracing
- Gully control / plugging
- Vegetative barriers etc.

A bund or terrace is an earthen embankment or a depression or a combination

of both constructed across the land slope to control runoff and minimize soil erosion
by reducing the length of slope. By reducing the slope, the velocity of runoff is not
allowed to attain critical value, which initiates scouring.

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14.2.1 Contour bunding

It is most popular in the country. Contour bunding consists of narrow based
trapezoidal bunds on contours to impound runoff water behind them so that it can
gradually infiltrate into the soil for crop use. Contour bunding is generally
recommended for areas receiving <600 mm rainfall (low rainfall areas) and for
permeable soils up to slopes of about 6%.Spacing between two bunds is commonly
expressed in terms of the V.I.(vertical interval) which is the difference in elevation
between two similar points on two consecutive bunds. The following formula is used
for determining spacing of bunds.

V.I..= S/a + b
V.I.= vertical interval (m) between consecutive bunds
S = % slope of land
‘a’ and ‘b’ constants depends on soil and rainfall characteristics
The height of the contour bunds depends on slope of land, spacing of bunds
and maximum intensity expected. In deep black soils, contour bunds have been a
failure due to cracking of bunds during dry months and water stagnation above the
bunds for prolonged periods during rainy season (Fig. 14.4).

Fig 14.4 Contour bunding

14.2.2 Graded bunding:

Graded bunds or channel terraces are constructed in high rainfall areas of

>600 mm where excess water has to be removed safely of the field to avoid water

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stagnation. In case of highly impermeable soils like deep black soils graded bunds are
recommended even in lesser rainfall area (500 mm) as in case of Bellary region of
Karnataka. Water flows in graded channels constructed on upstream side of bunds at
non-erosive velocities and is led to safe outlets or grassed waterways. Channel
portion of the graded bunds is put under cultivation and the grassed waterways are
permanently kept under grass.

14.2.3 Bench terracing:

Bench terracing is practiced in steep hill slopes, where mere reduction of

slope length is not adequate for reducing the intensity of scouring action of runoff
flowing down. In addition to slope length reduction, the degree of slope is also
reduced. Bench terracing consists of transforming relatively steep land into a series
of level strips or platforms across the slope to reduce the slope length and
consequently erosion. The field is made into a series of benches by excavating soil
from upper part and filling in the lower part of terrace. It is normally practiced on
slopes > 14% i.e. from 16 to 33%.

Depending on soil, climate and crop requirements bench terraces may be

table top or level, sloping outwards or sloping inwards (Fig. 14.5).

Type of bench terrace Suitability

Table top or level terraces Suitable for medium rainfall areas
(750mm) with even distribution and
highly permeable deep soils.

Sloping outwards terraces Constructed in low rainfall areas (<750

mm) with permeable soils of medium

Sloping inwards terraces Constructed in heavy rainfall areas

(>750 mm) and soils with poor
infiltration rate.

Fig 14.5 Types of bench terraces

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14.2.4 Gully control:

Gullies the result of sheet and rill erosion left unchecked. The basic approach
to gully control involves reduction of peak flow rates through the gully and provision
of channel for the runoff water. Agronomic measures of soil conservation like
contour cultivation, strip cropping, cover crops, mulching etc., aid in reducing the
peak flow rates through gullies. The provision of the stable channel for the flow that
must be handled is accomplished by stabilizing the gully sides and bed by
establishing vegetation. Temporary structures such as brush check wood dams, loose
rock dams, rock fill dams and woven wire dams, and permanent structures such as
chute spill ways, drop spill ways, concrete check dams and pipe spill ways are
practiced for reducing channel gradient to maintain velocities below erosive level
(Fig. 14.6 and 14.7).

Fig. 14.6 Concrete check dam for gully control

Fig. 14.7 Loose boulder check dam for gully erosion control
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14.2.5 Vegetative barriers:

These are the rows of closely planted grass or shrub along the contours for
erosion control in Agricultural lands. They check the velocity of runoff and retain the
sediment by acting as barrier to runoff. Khus Khus (Vetiveria zyzynoides) is the most
recommended plant for this purpose.

Grassed waterways: These are drainage channels either developed by shaping the
existing drainage ways or constructed separately for effecting drainage of
agricultural lands. They are used to handle runoff, discharge from graded bunds,
broad base terraces and bench terraces. Objectives of grassed waterways

1. To provide drainage to agricultural lands

2. To convert unstable channels or gullies into stable channels by providing

grass cover

3. For leading water at non erosive velocity into farm ponds

Grassed water ways are normally dug to a shallow depth of 0.15 to 0.5 m.
They are constructed one or two seasons ahead of the construction of channel

14.3 Forestry Measures:

Forest lands are usually found at higher elevations where the slopes are
steepest, soils are less stable and easily eroded and precipitation is heavy. The
leaves and branches of trees and shrubs intercept the rain and reduce the impact of
raindrops. Contour trenching and aforestation is recommended for improving the
productivity of forests. Contour trenching is done by excavating a trench along the
contour and forming soil bank. Rain water thus held up in these trenches for some
time and facilitate the growth of vegetation. Plants are sown in trenches taking
advantage of water (Fig. 14.8 and 14.9 ). Tree species suitable are Pinus patula, Pinus
kesia, Acacia nilotica, Eucalyptus camaldulensis etc.

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Fig. 14.8 Regenerating degraded land with contour trenching in Anantapur, A.P

Fig . 14. 9 Continuous contour trenching

14.4 Agrostological Measures:

Grasses prevent erosion by intercepting rainfall and by their binding power of

the soil particles. A grass-legume association is ideal for soil conservation. Legumes
build 67up soil fertility by fixing atmospheric N in root nodules. Grasses have several
uses in soil conservation like:

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- Stabilizing the surfaces of water ways, contour bunds and front faces of
bench terraces

- Stabilizing the gully slopes and sides

- Preventing wind erosion

The desirable characters of grasses for soil conservation are:

o Should be perennial

o Drought resistant

o Rhizomniferous

o Develop good canopy

o Deep root system

o Prostate growth habit

o Less palatable to cattle

o Useful for cottage industries

Useful grasses:

Cenchrus ciliaris, Chloris guyana, Cynodon dactylon, Dicanthium annulatum,

Heteropogan contortus, Iseilema laxum, Panicum antidotale


Atylosia scarbaceoides, Centrosema pubescence, Stylosanthus hamata,

Grass + legume

Cenchrus ciliaris + Stylosanthus hamata, is best for A.P.

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Lecture No. 15 Water harvesting and life saving irrigation

15.1 Introduction

Rainwater is the key input in dryland agriculture. In a tropical country such as

India which experiences extreme variation in rainfall both in space and time, rain
water management assumes vital importance in cutting down risks and stabilizing
crop production in dry areas. When rains are received with an intensity far reaching
infiltration rate, runoff is inevitable. It varies from 10 to 40% of total rainfall. Of this
at least 30% can be harvested into water storage structures.

15.2 Water Harvesting

The process of runoff collection during periods of peak rainfall in storage

tanks, ponds etc., is known as water harvesting. It is a process of collection of runoff
water from treated or untreated land surfaces/ catchments or roof tops and storing it
in an open farm pond or closed water tanks/reservoirs or in the soil itself (in situ
moisture storage) for irrigation or drinking purposes.

Runoff farming and rainwater harvesting agriculture are synonymous terms,

which imply that farming is done in dry areas by means of runoff from a catchment.
Runoff farming is basically a water harvesting system specially designed to provide
supplemental or life saving irrigation to crops, especially during periods of soil
moisture stress.

Collecting and storing water for subsequent use is known as water harvesting.
It is a method to induce, collect, store and conserve local surface runoff for
agriculture in arid and semiarid regions. All water harvesting systems have three
components viz., the catchment area, the storage facility and the command area. The
catchment area is the part of the land that contributes the rain water. The storage
facility is a place where the runoff water is stored from the time it is collected until it
is used. The command area is where water is used.

Water harvesting is done both in arid and semi-arid regions with certain
differences. In arid regions, the collecting area or catchment area is substantially in
higher proportion compared to command area. Actually, the runoff is induced in
catchment area in arid lands whereas in semi-arid regions, runoff is not induced in
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catchment area, only the excess rainfall is collected and stored. However, several
methods of water harvesting are used both in arid and semiarid regions.

15.2.1 Inducing Runoff

Rain water harvesting is possible even in areas with as little as 50 to 80 mm

average annual rainfall. Ancient desert dwellers harvested rain by redirecting the
water running down the slopes into fields or cisterns. This small amount of runoff
collected over large area may be useful for supplying water to small villages, house-
holds, cattle etc., For collection of higher amount of rainfall, runoff is induced either
by land alteration or by chemical treatment.

a) Land Alterations: Clearing away rocks and vegetation and compacting the soil
surface can increase runoff. However, land alteration may lead to soil erosion except
where slope is reduced. When erosion is not excessive and low cost hill side land is
available, land alteration can be very economical way to harvest rain water in arid

b) Chemical Treatment: A promising method for harvesting rain water is to treat

soils with chemicals that fill pores or make soil repellant to water. Some materials
used for this purpose are sodium salts of silicon, latexes, asphalt and wax.

15.2.3 Methods of Water Harvesting

The different methods of water harvesting that are followed in arid and
semiarid regions are discussed separately. Arid Regions

The catchment area should provide enough water to mature the crop, and the
type of farming practiced must make the best use of water. In general, perennial
crops are suitable as they have deep root systems that can use runoff water stored
deep in the soil which is not lost through evaporation.

a) Water Spreading: In arid areas, the limited rainfall is received as short intense
storms. Water swiftly drains into gullies and then flows towards the sea. Water is lost
to the region and floods caused by this sudden runoff can be devastating often to
areas otherwise untouched by the storm. Water spreading is a simple irrigation

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method for use in such a situation. Flood waters are deliberately diverted from their
natural courses and spread over adjacent plains. The water is diverted or retarded by
ditches, dikes, small dams or brush fences. The wet flood plains or valley floods are
used to grow crops.

b) Microcatchments: A plant can grow in a region with too little rainfall for its
survival if a rain water catchment basin is built around it. At the lowest point within
each microcatchment, a basin is dug about 40 cm deep and a tree is planted in it. The
basin stores the runoff from microcatchment.

c) Traditional water harvesting systems: Tanka, nadi, khadin are the important
traditional water harvesting systems of Rajasthan. Tanka is an underground tank or
cistern constructed for collection and storage of runoff water from natural catchment
or artificially prepared catchment or from a roof top.

The vertical walls are lined with stone masonary or cement concrete and the
base with 10 cm thick concrete. The capacity of the tank ranges from 1000 to
6,00,000 l, Nadi or village pond is constructed for storing water from natural
catchments. The capacity of nadis ranges from 1200 m3 to 15000 m3- .Khadin is
unique land use system where in run off water from rocky catchments are collected
in valley plains during rainy season. Crops are grown in the winter season after
water is receded in shallow pond on the residual moisture. Semiarid Regions

Water harvesting techniques followed in semi-arid areas are numerous and

also ancient.

a) Dug Wells: Hand dug wells have been used to collect and store underground
water and this water is lifted for irrigation. The quality of water is generally poor due
to dissolved salts.

b) Tanks: Runoff water from hill sides and forests is collected on the plains in tanks.
The traditional tank system has following components viz., catchment area, storage
tank, tank bund, sluice, spill way and command area. The runoff water from
catchment area is collected and stored in storage tank on the plains with the help of a
bund. To avoid the breaching of tank bund, spillways are provided at one or both the

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ends of the tank bund to dispose of excess water. The sluice is provided in the central
area of the tank bund to allow controlled flow of water into the command area.

c) Percolation Tanks: Flowing rivulets or big gullies are obstructed and water is
ponded. Water from the ponds percolates into the soil and raises the water table of
the region. The improved water level in the wells lower down the percolation tanks
are used for supplemental irrigation (Fig.15.1)

Fig. 15.1 Percolation tank

d) Farm Ponds: These are small storage structures for collection and storage of
runoff water. Depending upon their construction and suitability to different
topographic conditions farm ponds are classified as

 Excavated farm ponds suitable for flat topography

 Embankment ponds for hilly terrains and

 Excavated cum Embankment ponds

There are three types of excavated farm ponds – square, rectangular and
circular. Circular ponds have high water storage capacity. Farm ponds of size 100 to
300 m3 may be dug to store 30 per cent of runoff. The problem associated with farm
ponds in red soils is high seepage loss. This can be reduced by lining walls. Some of
the traditional methods for seepage control are the use of bentonite, soil dispersants
and soil-cement mixture. Bentonite has excellent sealing properties if kept

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continuously wet, but cracks develop when dried. Soil-cement mixture can be used. A
soil-cement lining of 100 mm thickness reduces seepage losses up to 100 per cent.
The pit lined continuously develops cracks but no cracks develop when applied in
blocks. The other alternative sealant for alfisols is a mixture of red soil and black soil
in the ratio of 1: 2.

In arid and semi-arid regions, rains are sometimes received in heavy down
pours resulting in runoff. The runoff event ranges from 4 to 8 during the rain season
in arid and semi-arid region. The percentage of runoff ranges from 10 to 30% of total
rainfall. The size of the farm pond depends on the rainfall, slope of the soil and
catchment area. The dimensions may be in the range of 10 m x 10 m x 2.5 m to 15 m x
15 m x 3.5 m. The side slope 1.5: 1 is considered sufficient. A silt trap is constructed
with a width of slightly higher than the water course and depth of 0.5 to 1 m and with
side slope of 1.5: 1.

The different types of lining materials are soil-cement, red and black soils,
cement-concrete, bricks, Kadapa slabs, stone pitching, polythene sheet etc.,( Fig.15.2
to 15.4) In alluvial sandy loam to loamy sand soils of Gujarat and red sandy loams
soils of Bangalore, a soil + cement (8 : 1) mixture is" the best lining material. At

Fig. 15.2 Farm Pond Lined with Kadapa Slabs

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Fig .15.3 Farm Pond lined with Cement Bricks

Fig. 15.4 Farm Pond Lined with Fire Bricks

Anantapur (A.P.), soil without sieving and cement in 6:1 ratio (Fig. 15.5) is
very effective and cheap lining material for red sandy loam soils. In laterite silty clay
loam soils of Ooty, medium black soils of Kota, bitumen was effective. Water can be
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stored for two months in deep heavy soils with out lining at Nandyal (AP). Clay soils
linings are generally the most economical. Evaporation losses can be reduced in farm
ponds especially in arid regions by rubber or plastic floats. White plastic sheet is
economical and easily available. Farm pond technology is economically viable.
Studies undertaken in the Jhanwar model watershed in Rajasthan showed that water
harvesting in a farm pond of size 271 m3 and utilizing the water for supplemental
irrigation is economically viable.

Fig: 15.5 Farm Pond lined with soil + cement (6:1 ratio)
15.3 Supplemental irrigation / life saving irrigation:

The runoff collected from different water storage structures is of immense use
for protecting the dryland crops from soil moisture stress during prolonged dry
spells. Supplemental or life saving or protective irrigation is given to sustain the dry
land crop during the drought periods and take the advantage of subsequent rains. In
dry areas, water, not land is the most limiting resource for crop production.
Maximizing the water productivity but not the yield per unit land is the better
strategy for dry farming areas. Supplemental irrigation is a highly efficient practice
for increasing productively of crops in arid regions. The response to supplemental
irrigation varies with crops, time of irrigation, depth of irrigation, method of water
application and fertilizer application.

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a) Quantity of irrigation water: Crops differ in responding to amount of irrigation

water by supplemented irrigation during dry spell. Groundnut responds to 10 mm of
irrigation through sprinkler on affisols during pod development stage. The benefit of
supplemental irrigation lost for one week. Cotton needs a minimum of 30 mm of
water to respond to irrigation applied either by sprinkler or drip irrigation system on
vertisols. Chickpea similarly need 30 to 40 mm of supplemental irrigation applied as
drip or sprinkler irrigation during flowering. Pigeonpea responds to 20 mm
irrigation water applied at pod development stage with drip irrigation. Irrigation can
be provided near the row, covering about 20% of the cropped area, leaving 80% of
interrow zone. Pot watering, applying small quantity of water (around 250 ml)
manually to each hill, is highly useful either for sowing or for transplanting in widely
spaced crops like cotton, Redgram, castor, tomato, tobacco etc. Similarly, pot
watering to protect the seedlings during early crop growth stage is highly useful. The
amount of water, if calculated over the entire area, works out less than 5 mm. For
example, pot watering cotton seedlings at 250 ml/ hill works out 5,000 1/ha which
works out to 5 mm. Productivity of harvested water can be increased by applying
small quantity of water to large areas than heavy irrigation to small area. If rains
occur immediately after irrigation, there will be no impact of irrigation and in black
soil, it may reduce yield.

b) Time of irrigation: Unlike in irrigated agriculture, the critical stage concept does
not suit well, as dry spell may reduce the growth and yield of crop at any stage.
Vegetative stage is considered as, non-critical stage in irrigated agriculture but in
arid regions, dry spell during vegetative stage prolongs the crop duration which may
ultimately result in crop failure due to end season drought. Death of seedlings also
cause reduction in yield due to dry spell in vegetative stage, therefore, the strategy
for getting successful crop is providing small quality of water, if available, at any
stage if the dry spell is more than 10 days in light soils and 15 days in heavy soils.

c) Method of irrigation: Surface methods of irrigation like check basin, basin, and
furrow methods are not suitable for supplemental irrigation, mainly for three
reasons : the rainfed lands are uneven, conveyance losses may go up to 30% and
limited amount of water available for irrigation. Drip and sprinkler irrigations are
more suitable because small amount of water can be delivered, even on uneven soils

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with out conveyances losses (Fig15.6). Subsurface drip irrigation is very efficient for
providing supplemental irrigation. The main drawback of micro-irrigation system is
high initial cost of the system. Pot watering is another efficient method being used by
the farmers for transplanting crops like tobacco, chilly, tomato etc.,

Fig: 15.6 Supplemental irrigation to tamarind by drip irrigation

d) Economics of water harvesting: Water harvesting and use of water for sowing
and supplemental irrigation increase the productivity of wheat and onion in
mountainous watershed in Himachal Pradesh. The benefit-cost ratio ranges from
0.41 to 1.33 for water harvesting structures of different sizes with an estimated life of
25 and 40 years respectively.

15.4 watershed Problems

a) Physical problems: Steep slopes, bad lands, weak geological formations etc., can
be found by observation of the existing maps. Problems such as heavy and intense
rainfall, excessive runoff and strong winds can be identified from the weather and
hydrological data.

b) Resource use problems: Problems such as shifting cultivation, forest destruction,

fire, over grazing, poor road construction and uncontrolled mining should be

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c) End problems: The final effects of watershed degradation i.e. soil erosion, land
slides, heavy sedimentation, water pollution, floods and droughts must be identified
as quickly as possible. By analyzing the information like history, frequency and
extent of these problems can be determined.

d) Socio economic and other problems: Serious sicio economic problems can be
major obstacles in carrying out watershed work. Any serious problem should be
identified at the beginning of the stage. These may include land tenure, poverty, lack
of education, low acceptance of innovations, seasonal shortage of labour etc.,

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Lecture No. 16 Alternate land use systems – agroforestry systems

16.1 Introduction

Land use planning is a scientific evaluation of land area in question, study of

existing land use and their capabilities, suggesting alternative uses and predict the
possible impact to arrive at sound decisions for sustained land use. Land use is the
application of human control of natural ecosystems in a relatively systematic manner
in order to derive benefits from it.

Soils of the SAT regions are poor in fertility, structurally degraded, undulating
in topography and mostly shallow in depth. Since land resources vary spatially, all
drylands are not suitable for arable farming. Soils belonging to land capability classes
IV and above are not very suitable to arable farming due to certain inherent
limitations. Sustainable dryland agriculture demands land capability based alternate
land use technologies and management strategies.

16.2 Alternate land use systems

A pattern of land use that is different from the existing or the conventional can
be described as an alternative land use system. The term alternate land use is
applicable to all classes of land to generate assured income with minimum risk
through efficient use of available resources. The advantages of alternative land use
systems are

• Optimising resource use by enhancing biological productivity and


• Conserving and enhancing the quality of resource base,

• Integrating crops (arable and pastoral) and livestock,

• Making agriculture less dependent on off-farm inputs,

• Generating employment potential, and

• Improving overall quality of farm life.

Commonly known alternate land use systems are agroforestry

(agrisilviculture, silvipasture, agrihorticulture and alley cropping), tree farming and
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ley farming. The possible alternate land uses as per land capability classification and
rainfall is furnished in Fig.16.1

Fig. 16.1 Possible alternate land uses as influenced by resource

(LCC and mean annual rainfall) capability (Katyal et al., 1994).
16.3 Agroforestry

Agroforestry may be defined as an integrated self sustained land management

system, which involves deliberate introduction/retention of woody components with
agricultural crops including pasture/livestock, simultaneously or sequentially on the
same unit of land, meeting the ecological and socio-economic needs of people. It is
also defined as a collective name of land use systems and technologies where woody
perennials are deliberately used from the same land management units as
agricultural crops and/or animals in some form of special arrangement of temporal

In agroforestry systems, there is both ecological and economic interaction

between different components. An agroforestry system is more acceptable than tree
farming alone, since the intercropped annuals regulate income when the trees are
too young to yield beneficial produce.

The different agroforestry systems are:

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16.3.1 Agri-silviculture

This alternate land use system combines perennial arboreals with annual
arable crops. It integrate crops and trees. Tree component gives fodder, fuel or
timber, including green leaf manure. It is ideal for class IV soils of drylands with
annual rainfall around 750 mm.

Eg: Leucaena leucocephala + Sorghum

Sesbania aegyptica + Pulses

16.3.2 Silvi-pastoral system

This system is primarily meant for augmenting the scarce fodder supply. This
system integrate pasture and/or animals with trees (Fig.16.2).

Eg: Acacia + Cenchrus + Stylosanthus

Sissoo + Cenchrus + Stylosanthus

Fig. 16.2 Silvipasture system

16.3.3 Agri-silvi-pastoral system

This system integrate crop, pasture and/or animals with trees. Woody
perennials, preferably of fodder value, are introduced deliberately. Such systems can
be used for food production and soil conservation besides providing fodder and fuel.
16.3.4 Agri - horticultural system

It is one form of agroforestry in which the tree component is fruit tree. It is

also called as food-cum-fruit system in which short duration arable crops are raised
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in the interspaces of fruit trees. Some of the fruit trees that can be considered are
guava, pomogranate, custard apple, sapota and mango. Pulses are the important
arable crops for this system (Fig.16.3). However, depending on the requirements,
crops like sorghum and pearl millet can be grown in the interspaces of fruit trees.

Fig. 16. 3 Mango + groundnut

16.3.5 Horti - pastoral system
Horti-pastoral system is an agroforestry system involving integration of fruit
trees with pasture. Guava, custard apple and ber suits well in an horti pastural
system with grasses like Cenchrus ciliaris (anjan), Panicum antidotale (blue panic),
Dicanthicum annulatum (marvel) and Chloris gayana (rhodes) and legumes like
Stylosanthus hamata (stylo) Stylosanthus scarba (stylo) and Macroptilum
atropurpureum (siratro) ( Fig.16.4).

Fig 16.4 Guava + Cenchrus ciliaris

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16.3.6 Alley cropping

Food crops are grown in alleys formed by hedge rows of trees or shrubs in
arable lands. It is also known as hedgerow intercropping or avenue cropping.
Hedgerows are cut back at about one meter height at planting and kept pruned
during cropping to prevent shading and to reduce competition with food crops. It is
recommended for humid tropics, primarily as an alternative to shifting cultivation. In
semiarid regions of India, alley cropping provide fodder during dry period since
mulching the crop with hedgerow prunings usually does not contribute to increased
crop production. Advantages of alley cropping are:

• Provision of green fodder during lean period of the year

• Higher total biomass production per unit area than arable crops alone
• Efficient use of off-season precipitation in the absence of a crop
• Additional employment during off-season
• It serves as a barrier to surface runoff leading to soil and water

Based on the objectives, three types of alley systems are recognised.

• Forage-alley cropping,
• Forage-cum-mulch system, and
• Forage-cum-pole system.

a) Forage alley cropping system: In this system, both yield of crop and forage
assume importance. The tree species suitable for hedge rows are Leucaena
leucocephala, Colliendra and Sesbania. .Pigeon pea or castor crops are suitable for
growing in the alleys of Leucaena.

b) Forage-cum-mulch system: In this system, hedgerows are used for both forage
and mulch. Loppings are used for mulching during the crop season and used as
fodder during off season. Substantial increase in crop yields of sorghum, groundnut,
greengram and blackgram have been observed at several places.

c) Forage-cum-pole system: Leucaena alleys are established at 5 m intervals along

the contours. Hedgerows are established by direct seeding and topped every two
months at 1.0 m height during crop season and every four months during the off
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season. A Leucaena plant for every 2 m along hedgerows is allowed to grow into a

16.3.7 Tree farming

Trees can flourish and yield abundantly where arable crops are not profitable.
Farmers of drylands are inclined to tree farming because of labour cost, scarcity at
peak periods of farm operations and frequent crop failure due to drought. A number
of multipurpose tree systems (MPTS) have been tested for their suitability and
profitability under different situations.

Trees for areas where annual rainfall less than 500 mm: Acacia nilotica,
Acacia aneura, Acacia tortilis, Acacia albida, Prosopis cineraria, Prosopis juliflora,
Pithecallobium dulce, Leucaena leucocephala,. Tamarindus indica etc.,

Trees for areas where annual rainfall less than 500 mm: Acacia nilotica,
Acacia ferruginea, Albizzia lebbek, Azadirachta indica, Casuarina equisetifolia, Cassia
sturti, Dalbergia sissoo etc.,

16.3.8 Timber-cum-fibre system (TIMFIB)

It involves growing trees and perennial fibre crops together on the same piece
of land.Subabul intercropping with agave appears to be more remunerative at
Bijapur area of Karnataka..

16.4 Ley farming

This system involves rotation of legume forages with cereals. A rotation

system which includes pasture (ley) for grazing and conservation is called alternate
husbandry or mixed farming. It is a low risk system for drylands. Inclusion of
Stylosanthes hamata (legume fodder) in rotation improved soil fertility besides
increasing sorghum yield.

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AICRPDA : All India Coordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture,

AISSLUP : All India Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, New Delhi
CAZRI : Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
CGWB : Central Ground Water Board, New Delhi
CIAE : Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal
CIDA : Canadian International Development Agency
CRIDA : Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad
CSWCRTI : Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training
Institute, Dehradun
DDP : Desert Development Programme
EGP : Effective Growing Period
GIS : Geographical Information System
ICARDA : International Centre for Agriculture Research on Dry Areas,
Aleppo, Syria
ICRAF : International Centre for Research on Agroforestry, Nairobi, Kenya
ICRISAT : International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics,
IGFRI : Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi
IWDP : Integrated Watershed Development Project
LCC : Land Capability Class
NBSS & LUP : National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur
NRCAF : National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi
NRSA : National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad
NWDB : National Wasteland Development Board, New Delhi
NWDPRA : National Watershed Development Programme for Rainfed Areas
UNDP : United Nations Development programme
USDA : United States Department of Agriculture

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Arnon I, 1992. Agriculture in Drylands- Principles and Practices, I, Elsevier Pub. Co.,

Dhruva Narayana V V, Sastry G S and Patnaiak V S, 1999. Watershed Management

in India, ICAR, New Delhi

Gupta U S, 1975. Physiological Aspects of Dryland Farming, Oxford and IBH

Publishers Co. Ltd., New Delhi

ICAR, 1970. A new Technology for Dryland Farming, ICAR Publication, New Delhi

Mohd Shahid and Mohd Raza, 1987. Dryland Agriculture in India, Rewa
Publications, Jaipur

Murthy J V S, 1994. Watershed management in India, Willey Eastern Publishers,

New Delhi

Sharma B L, 1991. Dryland Farming- Perspectives and Prospects, Daya Publishing

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Somani L L, Vittal K P R and Venkateswarlu B, 1992. Dryland Agriculture – Status

Research in India, Scientific Pub., Jodhpur

Yellamanda Reddy T and Sankar Reddy G H, 1995. Principles of Agronomy,

Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana

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