Civil Engineering Design (1) Civil Engineering Design
Civil Engineering Design (1) Civil Engineering Design
Civil Engineering Design (1) Civil Engineering Design
1 Dr. C. Caprani
Civil Engineering Design (1)
1. Introduction ...................
........ 3
1.1 Background..........
Background ...................
..... 3
1.2 Failure Modes ...................
......... 5
1.3 Design Aspects ....................
...... 7
1.4 Background Information...................
.... 8
2. Short Braced Axially Loaded Columns..................
............ 10
2.1 Development..........................
... 10
2.2 Example ...................
........ 11
2.3 When loaded by Beams ...................
.. 12
3. Short Braced Columns Resisting
Resisting Axial Load and Moment ....................
...... 13
3.1 Introduction...................
... 13
3.2 Case 1: 0.9x ≤ h ...................
..... 14
3.3 Case 2: 0.9x > h ....................
... 15
3.4 Combination of Cases...........................
....... 16
3.5 Description of Interaction Diagram.........
Diagram ...................
.... 18
3.6 Example ...................
........ 21
3.7 Design Using Standard Interaction Diagrams ....................
...... 30
4. Biaxial Bending..........
Bending ....................
......... 33
4.1 Introduction...................
... 33
4.2 Method 1 – Resolution of Moments ....................
............ 34
4.3 Method 2 – 3-D Interaction Diagrams...........................
... 37
4.4 Method 3 – Code Methods ....................
...... 39
4.5 Example ...................
........ 41
2 Dr. C. Caprani
Civil Engineering Design (1)
1. Introduction ...................
........ 3
1.1 Background..........
Background ...................
..... 3
1.2 Failure Modes ...................
......... 5
1.3 Design Aspects ....................
...... 7
1.4 Background Information...................
.... 8
2. Short Braced Axially Loaded Columns..................
............ 10
2.1 Development..........................
... 10
2.2 Example ...................
........ 11
2.3 When loaded by Beams ...................
.. 12
3. Short Braced Columns Resisting
Resisting Axial Load and Moment ....................
...... 13
3.1 Introduction...................
... 13
3.2 Case 1: 0.9x ≤ h ...................
..... 14
3.3 Case 2: 0.9x > h ....................
... 15
3.4 Combination of Cases...........................
....... 16
3.5 Description of Interaction Diagram.........
Diagram ...................
.... 18
3.6 Example ...................
........ 21
3.7 Design Using Standard Interaction Diagrams ....................
...... 30
4. Biaxial Bending..........
Bending ....................
......... 33
4.1 Introduction...................
... 33
4.2 Method 1 – Resolution of Moments ....................
............ 34
4.3 Method 2 – 3-D Interaction Diagrams...........................
... 37
4.4 Method 3 – Code Methods ....................
...... 39
4.5 Example ...................
........ 41
2 Dr. C. Caprani
Civil Engineering Design (1)
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
• Slenderness ratio: The effective length divided by the lateral dimension of the
column. Low values indicate a crushing failure, while high values denote
The two kinds of bracing are:
• Braced:
Lateral loads on the structure are resisted by elements other than the columns
in the structure; e.g. lift cores, shear walls. Hence these columns mainly take
axial load; however, bending moments may result in the columns due to
unsymmetrical arrangements of loads.
• Unbraced:
Lateral loads are resisted by the bending action of the columns. The axial loads
are also taken by the columns.
Slenderness ratio
The slenderness ratio is the ratio of the effective length le to the lateral dimension of
the column in that direction. We have two directions on plan, and we can have two
• Long side of column: slenderness ratio = lex h ;
• Short side of column: slenderness ratio = ley b .
3 Dr. C. Caprani
Civil Engineering Design (1)
Standard Column
The effective length is calculated from a table in BS8110 and depends on the end-
conditions of the column, for each axis:
4 Dr. C. Caprani
Civil Engineering Design (1)
We define:
• N uz as the crushing load of a perfectly axially loaded column;
• N crit as Euler’s buckling load for the column.
The following graph is typical and shows how for different slenderness ratios,
different forms of failure are possible:
5 Dr. C. Caprani
Civil Engineering Design (1)
6 Dr. C. Caprani
Civil Engineering Design (1)
At SLS, the axial compression tends to close up the cracks, which is beneficial.
Hence crack widths do not normally need to be checked in columns (crack widths are
checked in beams and slabs in water retaining structures and bridges, but don't need
to be for columns). Further, deflections do not normally need to be checked in
It is ULS conditions that govern the design of columns, i.e., their strength.
Cross Sectional areas of groups of bars (mm )
7 Dr. C. Caprani