Properties of Pile: 4.0 Design Calculation of Pile Foundations Calculation of Pile Input
Properties of Pile: 4.0 Design Calculation of Pile Foundations Calculation of Pile Input
Properties of Pile: 4.0 Design Calculation of Pile Foundations Calculation of Pile Input
Structural Calculations for Rammed Pole Foundations
Calculation of Pile
Properties of Pile
Type of Pile Bored Cast-in situ concrete Pile
Dia. of Pile, B 350 mm
Cross - sectional area of profile, A 96211.28 mm2
0.10 m2
Perimeter of section, P 1100 mm
1.10 m
Length of pile above ground level, L1 1.000 m
Length of pile below ground or embedment depth, L 2 3.000 m
3000.000 mm
Total Length of pile, L 4m
4000 mm
Embedded surface area of pile, A s 3.2986722863 m2
Moment of inertia, I 736617574.343 mm4
Grade of Concrete M25
Compressive strength of material, fc 25 N/mm2
Unit weight of concrete, γconcrete 25 kN/m3
Modulus of Elasticity, E 23500 N/mm2
Weight of Pile, Wp 9.62 kN
The ramming profiles are designed to withstand the above loads and the below table shows the load from
tracker and the maximum capacities of pile.
Load to pile Pile capacity
Max. Compression or downward force, Pd 16 kN 66.35 kN
Max. Uplift or upward force, Pt 12 kN 23.52 kN
Max. Shear or Lateral force, H 8 kN 31.47 kN
Max. Moment, M 6 kNm #REF! kNm
Type of Pile
As per Section 6.3.1 of Tomlinson book, the pile may be classified as Long flexible pile and Short rigid Pile based
on the Stiffness Factor, T.
Factor for Angle of friction between pile and soil, δ 0.80 (Considering Smooth steel)
Cohesionless Soil
η = 5√nh/EI 0.78 (From Eq.6.47 of Tomlinson)
nh is the coefficient of subgrade modulus 5000 kN/m3
H, is the Lateral load or shear force from structure 8 kN
e is the eccentricity of pile 0.75 m
L, is the length of pile below ground 3m
ηL 2.34 check
For Short Piles with free head and ηL <2 use short pile
For Long piles with free head and ηL >4 Not Applicable
Intermediate pile as length of pile >2T but less than 4T