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THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN THE BLUE LoTuS MAMMOTHHISTORICAL NOTE. Hergé first published Le Lotus Bleu in the magazine Le Petit Vingtigme in Brussels in 1934-5: the story itselfis set in 1931. Act that time Japanese troops were occupying parts of the Chinese mainland, and Shanghai, the great seaport at the mouth of the Yangtze Kiang, possessed an International Settlement, a trading base in China for Western nations, administered by the British and Americans. Hergé based his narrative freely upon the events of the time, including the blowing-up of the South Manchurian railway, which led to further incursions by Japan into China and ultimately to Japan's resignation from the League of Nations in 1933. ‘The TINTIN books are published in the following languages: Ansan aan: rae hiece: gi esowart, Fr ne ‘est © 1980 by Meth Canaan Repu of Som Aca Sean Poruae: sean Pons gern Hua & ROUSSEAU. Cape To [OAR ALMAAREF, Care, MENEAIERO, Boas [D1GTRIBUDORA RECORD, Re de Janae CCASTERWAN, Pes. ‘EPOCH. Tape CCARLSEN IF Copehanen METHUEN CHILDREN'S BOOKS, Lncon ‘OCTOPUS AUSTRALIA Matboume ‘GENERAL PUBLISHING, Troma [TRANG 6 A BOOK ISTRIOUTORS, ohare, OCTOPUS ASIA. Snare CCASTERMAN, Pa. CCASTERMAN, Pes-Toura. SANENTUD, Byeaena CARLSEN, Rent Hmtus [ANGLONELLENC, Aone HOM Phi NORA Ivara [NOOERA PAIVTING HOUSE, Tener. CGaNOUS, Genoa FURUINKAN SHOTEN, Too LUNWVERSAL PUBLICATIONS Soa, ‘SeaRacaT UNITED, Puss Poang. ‘St18c, O26, CASTER, Ps, (CENTRO 00 LVR BRASILERO, Los UNENTUD, Barone NIRO, Geog (GWASG Y OREF WEN, cars Translated by Leste Lonsdale-Cooper ‘and Michael Tumor CoS sue see Samar si aT eo tren ap mn Monat Papas Maran ean mpi of Be Osos Pacing rap Pre by Cagerman Tra, Bajar teow nor SaHE BLUE LoTuS TINTINANDSNOWY | unaccounted for: he arein India, uess ofthe | disappeared over a cif. Maharaja of Gaipajama, enjoying a well-earned | Buc questions have stil rest. The evil gang of | to be answered. What of inwernational drug. | the terible-Rajaljah smugglers, encountered | juice, the ‘poison of in Cigars of the Pharaoh, | madness? Where were hasbeen smashed andits | the shipments of opium. members are behind | going, hidden inthe false bars, With one excep- | cigars? And who realy tion. Only the mys- | was the master-mind be- teriousgangleader is | hind the operation? How cana dog et a wink of seep? peace since he Fell for short- the station I've been trying to identify... 3 sense. i —Z 3 T By T ep There itis again Tears . i [fi aceane make any What can it possibly wea Te must a 5-39 have some meaning RRC” peat but what? ‘My direction-finder shows WSW, ENE. In theory the transmitter ‘should bealong a line in tie same direction, pas-| sing through Gaipajama, Tintin Sahib, the Maharaja requests your presenceMy dear Tintin... I've asked the famous Fakir Ramacharma to dex. He's quite extraordinary! ra 1| see anenemy! You think him dead, but he plans revenge .. Beon your, quardi you. He spies w weapon...and isnodefence. | From Shanghai? That's a fair distance just to talk co me... How peculiar. Mitsubirato... Someone needs you...1... Shanghai Remember that name, Mitsuhirato... Mitsu Mitsubirato Good . Then? Talso see afakir. a ]||( Beware... ace another disgrace to our brother hood, dedicated to your downfall. He is close toyou...very close te you...He has a terrible | Tintin sahib, there is a stranger inthe galery, asking for you He says he has come From Shanghai 5 Tp wan... man with a Yellow skin... His hair is black... He wears glasses... Take every care! He has sworn to destroy Pon. these | Yellow skin black hair... glasses| Careful, Tintin! We're quite alone = look dare Hes gone- Guick? Speak’ Whar Rajaijah juice..the || B He didn't hhave you Eo tell me? poison of madness] H waste any TI time... ite Tre- wember. nan ¢ per d Toor Fellow! He's gone mad.The other Fakir, Tintin Look...the poison oF madness! f By Brahma! ])|[ | must goto China at the one I sent to prison, How awful!... || once... Poor chap... Ke just |] had >» time to tell the one with the poisoned f we (Zi tm needed in Shanghai darts, he's escaped ' T thought pees ne mun Wemast pak I tie trunk, J quickly. ][ kidnapped! LAREN Ys CAA me Du search over there...1ll go this way .. [They They're bringing your trunk must have down...You've really wade taken hiv! up your mind to go?Snowy! My poor Snowy! Goodbye! Fust have shut you in Good luck! || the trunk!... Well, now >\_we cango! 4 ; uy ‘TO MR TINTIN™ at | Most peculiar’... now do we Find him? | How doce anyone know .. [3 certainly a.Jap- [Smhere yet... anese name, but: 2aT ers [aE zy ery SaadStop me punishing a useless nat ive, would you? Interfering bral You'll hear more of this, bet you will! peeved You look old chap! Peeved! Am 1 peeved! Get a a load of this! Some European kid had the | nerve to backup a rickshaw boy... He'd knocked ime Flying and i was teaching him a lesson!... Trying to stop me beating a native Intolerable! What's the world coming to? Can't we even teach that yellow rabble to mind their manners now? {t's up tous to civilise the savages! We soon H won't have any control atall.. and look what weve done For them. all the bencFits.. Superb western civilisatjon | «.. of our S, our Superb western civilisation = vei You did that on purpose, yellow scum!... ll each you respect for your betters! Where was b western civilisation 17... Oh, yes, our Ee % * Tl try to Find out tie name oF that young ruffian, the one who hhad a go at you. Since |'m Chief of Police of the Shanghai inter- national Settlement that shouldnt be difficult, Then fil teach our young Dou Quixote a lesson ' at{What was that all above. [IF Tve got ie right, the man who charged [This revive our spirits, seiner alThe shots came From this direBut I keep And I'w telling you telling you... | shut your trap! Hext moming Hell, Gibbons?... You remember your Don Quixote?..1es «Wel, ve got him! “licked up last ight by a patrol. By the way... that little ragamutfin you brought in last night... Did you know he clouted one of your chums... F I were " jou I'd spot of corrective treat. Still, | hope they That's great...Whatl you do with hivn 2 What... Let himgo? But...Ais! You're @ pal. Goodbye! don't knock him about too muchObviously they knew }) |( A telegram For you, All very Fwas innocent. And |] || Mr Tintin, aud a letter, mysterious. yet... they didn't 90 What's going and this parcel... on now’? Wrece atenckor or aN js Poisoned ?.... No, thank goodness! iis heart's i venting The teal... He must have drunk tea I spilt on the Floor But. That shor Peon dentait et eee it was You sleep it off, Snowy old fellow. And don't worry if Here we are... Not a very healthy- looking place ..Very odd! There's no answer — = = [Did you arrange to } [ Look here, are you Or ie thie some Bie Rp Excuse me, was it you who.-.? Hopeless!... Best thing 1 can do is go away (OK! IF you've nothing Are you going to Peculiar expression | to tell me, I'm off! say why you |! Rem sy pen oy 7 ee ¢ 6 ESE fT want to tell you Lao T2u said: ‘You , something ... must Find the way! J] Ht tive found ie. You must And not before Me ee ea Hi " Som going to cutoff | your héad. Then you'llez a Look, you needn't be afraid. eee Toniy have to cut your head off! It won't take a minute, you'll see... He's mad! If As { suspected... A A puncture on his neck, Rajaijah!... What can Officer, | found this poor Can you take care of him? Tne ponce wil T heard you were leaving, 201 came look after him to say goodbye. J wish you a calm ) and peacefial journey TEA DPB Thank you. my SERIE 900d wishes to 00 Well, | haven't learnt ) See that young man very much in Teaning on the rail? Shanghai... That's him!‘Are you coming Snowy? Let's take a stroll round the deck. There! It's done!... You haven't used too much chloroform, have youYou saw?... ‘They made the signal ! sampan is coming back last night, sailing to Bombay, Thi morning, Were i this ro0M THE MADMAN! very Soon we' Find out [Have you found th 600d"... Then Tl Cut o your head!Allow me to introduce myseif: Wang Ghen-yee. lam the Father of the poor oul you saw just now. He was attacked byour enemies and lost his mind tie Hight he arranged gy to mest you int Shanghai. He Leave us and behave! Stop that! es quite true owe hivw my life But pease, thy wae he guarding we nd why have [been preveted From maling Journey? Certainly Fewe you an apology for such a violent kidnapping. But the tele ‘gram recalling you to India was false. My son was to explain, te nat yeu saw hin, and toask yu to stay longer in Shanghai Alas, he was ab gle to doo, and you i Bt oust rmainin China Will you come with me?... You will understand, T imust remain in China? But why You stay here, Snowy, and be have yourself! eee [iow vr Tint, eis J time to give you an IL explanation ... Bw i Well, weil! Why don't 1 { practise ow wim? Me These are the headquarters of the Sons of the Dragon. Weare a secret ‘society dedicated to the Fight against opium, the terrible drug causing ‘such havoc in our country. Our great est adversary is a Japanese, with whew you arg acquainted. He is named IMitgunirato, What does he want with me?Yes, Mitsuhirato. He's a Japanese secret agent in China...and at Che same time, one of the most active and evil of men NOE content with spying he has joined forces with opium smugglers...He helps them distribute allover the world, but mostly herein China. P Hello?... Hello? } Tokyo here. way to India... recalled by telegram, sent byme, eater Those meddling Sons of i rome it erfect!... Now the const is clear for”. you know what. wid you will recieve, the Order oF Fujiyama, first class! T'm certain to succeed, Excellency] provided your propaganda is well organised... It will be?.. That i$ good! ... Goodbye then, Excellency... We hoped you would be willing 1 to help us, so we sent a mes= Senger to India... But Miteuhirat Spy network is excellent. THey attacked the messenger and he went mad...Yet you still came, and.. aya Fmt going to elp you to find theway. Don't worry, there's nothing to it... just weans ‘of F your head, Look how sharp theWell goand took in my Come in, Father, Son's room ‘and 3ee an interest: Fogether again, Forgive my poor son, MeTintin. He H Now, when Miteuhirato had Failed |) [f By radio? ‘Your trunk came tent responsible for Wis actions... || to stop you coming tochina,netried {I weil cts with you, dear fiew toscare you into leaving momedate) H Wat We would not wish ii at a pity reas eee Baa |||]. Men vu stayed etd tH my receitg || to derive yu oF ar Wal you, Now We Beliones you coy exesvin® I Neue are on the way back toindia. BN trunie aboard Sear oqood.Weknow he Hl] the "Ranchi? communicates by radiowith H S could i terrible poison... } Wis accomplices... Then.on ry journey, )| |(The word Yokohama ar “Take the First two iet- T managed to soive || || made me chink the ||| bli 2>' ters of each word...thnere it. Take the first |||| sender of the mes- ||! yo 0% ‘Blue Lotus ten tonight’ two lettersof each|| || sage was Japanese 10h |) welt, that doeswt word, and that aud... wait! A signal ||| [06% ay make much more ives you: Dispatch |||] onthe same wave: ||| + os sense... your goods. Listen ore again sams time ott ns cach week.” antl ineGood evenins || is waiting Here are 5000 dollars in advance. You get the same again when the job is done. But just remem ber, if you talk... you die!... You understand 2. we goare they doing?.. Taking cover?.. S wonder. Cheng Fu station?... bandits have just track...At post (3 Someone over there! Look!... A spy!.--Ministry of war || [f Damage 2 f Tokyo Stop ||| toyroperey “ | Eien Having blown tip the track, the brigands Chinese band not signifi- have blown up || Il cant Shanghai - ‘stop Navking rail- Japan] [f.the bandits, | |f Tokyo Exprees'...special™-] [Japan must never forget her duty as Wf || ese died. numbering more|| H Special..Chinese tandits ||} the guardian of law and civilisation thaw a hundred} f attack passenger train'.. in the Far East... Glory to eur brave Fled with tscie . Soldiers who have now gone to defend this nobleyeause! ... “and once again Japan has Ful Filled Wer mission as guardian oF law and civilisation in the Far Eat! AF wehave been forced, to our end troops is for the He! he! Don't say 1 didn't warn you!... China ig an unhealthy place for little Nosy Parkers!shanghai...1 have unfinished here and locked me |) business with our young Friend! WV || in... What will they do next? You are at my mercy. IF 150 wish, you will vanish... But all things considered, | don't want €o Kill you. No, on the contrary. Ive decided B to let you go Excuse me... 11 be back ina moment 1...oF course...AS you wish Tvs going to en joy myselt, dear Friend. Here on the outskirts of Shanghai no one Saw you arrive, ‘and voone will fer se you leave it thats what | decide I My dear aaa Wt for not paying ateonton 10 you sooner Me Well, what are APS yousing to Fa es LA aS finnisteny, 1 Do you know what}! |[ Just one little jab ] Dow be afin There). vow aye Te ] pn 209 alll cuts te? and Fi et you Fre..|||| Only littledose|| || didn't take tong ie. / a + We don't F The poison of | ped || ane cover. do things! = —— = — ‘And Chang?... Whatever Eachd peach pear J plum fo In 9 | ana now, my HiEEle man, He's still Hot Mappens, |! |] J comes JJ Tomd)J Thumb! ... ddd Lee am f simply nase Find Tintin! back either ? No, Venerable, not yet chick... chicken!Woah! Wooal! | es My dear old Snowy! Still, | wonder why T ‘you think I'd gone crazy? || || haven't ?... He very 4) definitely stuck needle in my arm.Chang went to rag went tO oe || 1 was hidden in the Seven euffering There! can’t have gone fa. bce. THN 500m Find hina } Samurai! next room. 1 pu Feats not shines coloured water in siaijah.. 50 place of the Rajaijah, wnat cli 12 and I've brought you the real poise. | took care of his knife and his gun too... | could have Sworn my aun was| oaded...Anyway, still have my knife!.. Kamikaze! The blade's ‘And perhaps that's made wr hour Lali Major Tb, 4 Japanese. Te made of rubber! of rubber as well vest Uaiauntod by «vain Elconanta Chinese spy! His dm name ie Tintin’! i § Bae There isn't a mom- ent to lose...) must get out ofthe city.Hello?...Yes?... Hide your- self! Quick! Thanks! ) =} [eicaved wife. Tshatinever roe i all Don't thank we... My brother is a rickshaw You rescued hime QD fiow a fervign devi _ [Blow me, if that rent Tintin!... topped we teach: ing manners to that Chinese chimpanzee! p= What's ne doing cut here, dressed ike a native?...Very Fishy!...IF 7d seen him sooner Td have knocked him Flat! See AtPERE ERD So Seo 1 sae Take me to your officer |... T know where Tintin is, see?2... You are sure oF IF we walk fast we'll your Facts ? V[f| Absolutely certain, Major... saw him clearly as I'm seeing you! beac wien Meany | by tonight. } Lucky for me | ( Twas hidden, Careful! Here We didn't Find hiv, comes that armour: sie. Nota chance ed car again! of his escaping 5 along thatSe = ‘You lied!...We found no trace of Tintin...Youwill | [Just tet me get out of inore and S'i'show hint what Vm made of, tn little swine! 50 this is the mysterious)| poison that's doweso much damage...And if it hadnt been for yourservant Idhavebeen a victim, too... ‘Our son is having another Fic of madness, Wang, Please, gry tocalmhin! aay ifonly someone — ‘and if I do that, }| | Dowt cry Mrs Wang... Tomorrow could do something it's only a |) W Fil have toget morning I'll go to Shanghai and I'll tocure his madness, || chance inamition)) } back trough tine |! have that poison analysed. Who but that’s inpoosile Japanese lines...) || knows, perhaps we may Find a cure son's madness. | T Fear for you. Dow Forget Hello?... Yee, )] |(Daweon here, chief of [it's a deal, major... x there isa price on your head! ||! Speaking...1o || M Police ofthe Internat You can count on Don't be aftaid...1FT ||| whom have 1 || ||ional Settlement... ||| were toking for |! ] we! a) an manage to each the | ||the honour... ||} believe youre holding |||] a spy, name of ‘chap called Gibbons i || Tintin. TF he takes 2Nee..From alarge { H rfuge inthe Inter ‘American company... || national Settle- think youd be wise ta |] ment, you'l hand let him go.- Could make sr ental SS International Settlement, Til be safe. They can't do anything to me there...You've really wade up { your mind, the Wx Yes. But don't worry Allwill be well...And a 1p in touch with you. Now, f Now. hew am going to att | to get Era into the city? a J tell you, Tintin, it's absoiutely erazy | eve What?... Stil not caught him?...5ev- ety suering Sam turais..Very well, double the reward ! Ten thousand yen for There's a new general coming here thie wor wing ona tour oF ing: ection. | want every thing in perfect onder «Turnout, barracks; se [ort Yes, General, 1 )] [Four days detention 71. havent had time |[--Very good. sie! = © eS Very sorry, sir. The paper ?..1e use blew ier, Genta! Four days” detention!” But sir, it’s only a Eight day: Very good, $i 37...Full oF charm, iswt he? And that’s our new general ! man who insists [Major, there's a little upon seeing you. He claims to be the gence. (But... but the | And I'm telling you, block) ‘general has | head, that I’M General Haranochi'...| was attack ed on the road by a young Chinese who stripped we || se) oF my uniform! ne ee Here we ge! Now let's release my false stomach, ‘Now to the Internat ional Settlement And make it snappy! All right, Snowy? Al's well made it! sapere! 4 “~< 7 a My identity papers?| Sorry! Chim afaid Damen | Nothing But look! You can see I'm a aropean problem? papers, sir. Whats the| The boy hasn't any (No use argu ing, sonny. ||] A Japanese patrol! Must kave ||If must get i. IF” proper papers ||) T don't... toenter the Settlement.° = = af There!... That boy, | | escaping on a bike Keep going, Snowy! 111 jump when we slow downLeft ?... Right?. Straight ahead? ‘At least they won't come to look For usin here! WORLDWIDE, NEw. INTERNATIONAL UNTRY WOOAH! WOOAH! (1) See Cigars of the Pharaoh ‘All! know, sir, hewas ayourg lad) dressed like a Chinese and he told Qa M6 Wis name was Tintin. Pou remember, in Arabia? Mr Rastapopouios| ‘hooting i Weiner rupted thaw “The Fresident of the Fil- chardanian Republic opes| the national 1...1'm very happy to have won... and... and I'll try to do better next time Shanghai Frofesor Fang | lecture tour in America. The world authority on madness enjoys a well- deserved rest in his exquisite garden... J want Professor Fang Hsi-ying!... You know where he lives?ig fofesser | Honourable master Fang Hsi- | has not yet returned ying at howe} But he will not be lng. ease? | Will You gum wait? My heart anxious. |||{ Yes, he went toa Honourable waster reception given in told me he would behome|| |] his honour by his by ten oclock. Now it |||! friend Mr Liu Ju-lin is after midnight inthe Street of the Do you know Purple Mountain sista fh 90 { L_tere y What? My honourable friend has not reached home ?... Strange....He left at about ten o'clock with one of our guests, Mr Rastapopoulos, Tve just come from MrLiu. He said You ieft his house with Professor Fang Hsi-ying. Is that righb ?... [1 ves, quite right. I gave the professor a lift inimy car and left him at the comer of the Street of Infinite Wisdom, where he lives. Why do youask ? A> Tintin! What a Pleasant surprise! Good evening Me Resiappets! | Professor Fang Hei-ying never got home. Didw't get howe ?... But it's only a few steps to his door from the place where I dropped hiraHello 2... ves, it's me... What ce What 2!8 You didn’ arrest h dott! is it? Dozy TE wasn't my fault, chief. The porter didn't warn mie 500m enough. He'd already gone Let's go over the eos ae Mawr maser ons etme ewe hasw' come home?... || ‘got out of Rasta Very odd... Well, hiss ® an Vil eeewhat | can ff] Porewlos’s car. ‘Aa! Apatc of il. ‘Acar most have pa adhere. Tcertain Wa. ewe sped avec 6 Canese ‘Tee. MCORPORATEO GiBBoNs svancia Sgn Gibbons. know, T don't that name. He didn't wish to give Nis name, sir, but he told me he'd only be a minute... OK, Let hi K We cibbons tant it? Mel, Infinite Wisdom near thehoust of Frofes: or Fang Hsiying He disappeared (ast night If | Disay wed ?... (GE evening... found itin the Street of at's news J mer hint last Gave wire my ¥ Hello!... Hello! Gee wie the Chie? of Police! Fast’ Take. Bro gotorhe Wisdo imand aime Hello?... Richards’ ‘ying house on te Street of Infinite ison his way there. Handcuff wena Fang Tintin bring here! Fang Hsi-ying's house! At the double!Oh, it ve you, sir... Come, “ Y'mt going to look forthe Fro- please!... I have just receiv fessor... While I'm gone will ed a letter From Honourable| emard'rd || you jook after this package? Mae Please, take the greatest care oF it... OK, Chief, we got) Tintin for you. Yes... yes. Tintin... You arrested hina? H Congratulations! Yes that’s right ff Excettent...fn haiFan Good bYE..- Tee disgraceful!...Tw on ) international territory | here and you have noright | to hand me over to the Japanese!... Ta like to know why you've || |{ Hello’... Japanese bor- arrested we... der post?...|s that you, Major?... Dawson her. Tust a second, old ‘man, and youll be in the picture... Excuse me, you're quite wrong... Have you papers allowing you tobe in the Settlement ?...No, you haven't...S0 | have the Fight toexpel you...IF the Japanese arrest you, that's none oF my | Hello... yes... Tin tin!... You got him?...His trial be-| gins tomorrow. How tong willit last? “Two davs?...Good!| ‘Venerable Master, Tintin i3 a prisoner of the Japanese and they've condemned hiv! to death! V saw posters in BERS RPS 2tae NOTICE Pinout Ws fie th CONDEMaeD TO DEATH ‘he praoner TINTIN, sed 2 Reig rio offre ipl eae orm For thee days restig shee Tomorrow a dawn Tintive de his carcer ean see sy my ge myoeitout of thie one. You really think we'Nl accept?, Seriously ? L come to youas a friend, dear Tintin No, no I'm wot joking. Ive come to offer you your Freedom! Yes, Put on two conditions First, tnat you join our counter-eapionage ser vice. Second, that you tell we where you've hidden the poison you stole... That's all? Thateall. Here are 10,000 dollars. You accept my prop sition, | getyou out tonight, and the moneyis yours...Well, that's torn i Now | know what's in store for me The mouse went down there. Perhaps there's a cellar... could try to lift a Flagstone. It's nouse All ve done is break my Don't make a noise... arid come quickly!... Mind, there's a ladder..J Oh welt, Ive nothing to lose..Are you Following me? How can 1 thank you? S6h! Not a sound ! We must hurry ! Follow me, Vil tead the Way ws. There |... Now you're in my house! Tima vaay ae | ‘one next to where you were imprisoned. As coon ae heard you'd been sentenced I rented this house, Then } madeuse of the turee days you were being paraded to dig this tunnel We must leave the city at once. Jt will alarm will be raised Ah, is everything 800n be light and the Vanished ? The prison er vanished ?...Block- ead!... When you're guarding a prisoner ‘ou don’t let hina escape | vA the major? | What's the major going | tosay? » 9 watch hime! general?. General going to-say? Escaped ?... Bungling lockheads!... hon youre warding a prisoner you ‘And the What's the ger... When yu‘ ANE prisoners you're on your cose %, guarding import: guard. Now dow fet this news get! My brother told we, and he had it from one of the guards — onthe gates... Iaughing - stock! He can't be Young Tintin escaped From prison, allowed to get their noses! out of the city. We'd be a ‘Aly go! That pest Tintin nas escaped Sve got to keep my eyes open.We'll see about that! Run your bayonet throug each sack! three Chinese? Yes, saw | it. why? ei | hidden in one ofthore cxcatf H .We bayonstied | every sack [[ Have you seen a cart go past “They've made a Foo o you, ff Now Fon in trouble.) Le sacks onit, pushed by | Lieutenanel.Tintin was’ || But | dowtt understand | Sergeant-major, thesentry)| |= guarding the armoured care |) has disap.| Hello?..Yes... what ? Someone stole an arm: ured car?... It isn't must be mad |...J.. Very well, Lm coming! Why didn't yeu go aFter them immediately ? Answer me! "Three. quarters of an hour since they 00k off! what are they doing? It's our lucky day! .. Tve had enough!... Enough, d'you hear ?... They'd Everything went like clockwork! |] steal'a whole regivnent ond oll'yord seen and would be a put of woke! Not ta mention Fading bur brave Snowy wma ing in the road... General. All the sake, why didn't other vehicles had |||| you send aero- been sabet: 2 aged Yes, General...we fund | [( Bunglers, punglers, | take it step by step. IF the armoured car halt- |} || bunglers!.. The lot going to save your son ed 20 kilometres of them!... Who we must Find Fang Hei-ying. away...Yes, we land- |||! knows where Tin- |||! Then we'll take care oF ed and had a look Fin is now? Mitsuhirato and vo Empty... No, 10 one at all... don't know... But Hello?... Hello?Tim going tomorrow } bo Hukow, on the Yang te Kiang. That's where the ransow For the ] professor is tobe paid teas the kidnappers. Didn't you know’... The river has broken its banks... Everyone is Flecing from the Floods... doubt} Whether you will beable to reach 3 | The tmin isn't | going any Further,Toren 1 Begin] [Bu ang ane Tou ivwceeswtied {|| Chong cs. bull | 2%18 mere wicked, ike | laren wicked. use, nal the river. What) eae eu | Hes wrod way | |diflecentpoeres dow Warnes Thatta || || savetoy ites ||| gramaacher and grand | know enough abou i any ‘nother long ago. Buring | |each other. Lots Eure the War of Righteous — | |peavsstiltioe gp. Fatuer said and Harmon(The Boxer ous Fistsm| Rebellion, sathat all chinese are cunning and cruel and wear pig tails, are always inventing tortures, ‘and eating rotten «designed to pre went their fet vale ing normally. Theyre | even convinced that Chinese rivers ‘are Full of unwanted | the same stupid Europeans are quite | convinced that all Chinese have tiny | feet, and even wow litble Chinese girls | about China! $0 that's what lors of people believe people in ‘your country chang, Shave news For ‘you, General, about Tintin... train this morning for Hukow. to Chinese territory. 50 | Jongas he's there we | Can't Couch him... are you going to do? (My parents are lose... Ve Ho- where to 90 Couldn't | come eggs and swallons’) | sufferagonies vabies, thrown in nests... with bandages... || when they are born, Hukow?...But thats deep H|[Now,Chang.what_ |||(1t's just... OK, then!... may be running into great dan gers OFF to Hukow![ What an excellent idea’ seen Police will agree. Oh, J can vouch Look for him, General. Mr Miteubirat. Very well, | Hance aay. show Mint in... 1 come to beg a Favour... IF eu | ‘agree to grant it, then in re- tury J Forget al about that trifling sum of woney you owe We. (Quite. simpy...Tintin is now in Hukow. And | want you to get him arrested... Thats Chinese Bterrivory’ my jurisdiction 1S lintel te lntaration Settle mene. ||| even outside the Of course, bue the | | chinese wouldn't | refuse you permis: sion to go after | 4 Exropean, [Settlemen.. = ‘A reason? example... How should { know? «=» What iF you suspect him oF involvement in the kidnapping of Frofessor Fang Hsi-ying, for That's an idea... 5 { we, aye nee.. But what reason can give? Tintin hasn't committed any ‘A happy arrangement. You arrest Tintin, and let him go for lack oF evidence nance, he falls into our hand nei = ight... and) AW vourcancel nat | SS trifling debt me of mine... My father had a Friend inthe town. We'll ask if we can stay with him...cours rae [You sandy have raw POLICE ‘greater happinces! || el permits. This's a 2 Hy Friend sonundell |) Safe conduc From the ||] Wea BBL MEADODARTER raptor ero. MAB [Cliorsore PR AP x |titotenser lo "9 | whatever as- a a Aa \Gerequirea” Hac { Just as well we came in disguise. 7 Quist Precisely! s feof... a [ Waxe morning What a tife. All night in the train. then three houre walk. Hukow at Imagine the sensation we'd have caused, coming toa place like this in European clothes... “There's a train later this evening That gives us time to get ourselves ready. someting tells being followedPoor soul, Pony T How to tell you knew: him? Come on, then... What’) the matter? And this. Allhinese [Pant ight, do what you authorities nave to |Il must’ im ready to G0 render assistance to |Il with you for my the bearer of this = arrest!... ||| pass.. T can't have put it away properly... I showed it tothe prisoner onal Here is our authorisation to operate in Chinese It isn't there [Weve just arrested this young wan, Your Honour ‘Goodness gracious! teritry..Oh dear! Where's it gone? cither!... What... What Tuck There it is!OF course ! [should | have realised immediately What's so Funny, | To be precise, why's Your Worship? Fe ] iF Making Fun of us ? You're funny, all right... Hal hatha! Here, you canhave your precious paper. Then you'd better gee out, fast |. Without YOU Piso or! 1 asset) We're a disgrace’. re antoinee a R's monstrous! ‘As for you, young man, you're Free togo, oF Course. Thank you very much, ‘Superintendent [Yea Free. bur Tcant imagine ) | why... The Superintendent took one | lookat thepape, roared with laughter, and throw the detect ies extraordinary, Not really. Youste,] wrote the paper they showed tothe B Superintendent... was like “Tue real doc Feil tothe grown | picked itp, anc fan tothe howe. | Found some paper Just the same, and wrote: In case you havent noticed we arelunatics and {his proves i.'Then put my paper place oFeaectherone.. good Friend you ‘are, Chang! Kindly send this tele- gram Co che Chief of Police, international Settlement, look For Professor Fang Hsi-ving Don't worry Tintin... They Shanghai.Botheration! Telegraph lines to Shanghai are cut because of the Floods. We'll have to go ourselves... Tobe precise...changhai will be Flooded wit tléarams because we cut oursenves...J Here's the storwr.. I think we'd be safer to go back down. “arrest failed Tintin Free. Instructions ‘awaited.’ Seventy. seven suffering J want this Finished | ) _- az Peaperate cases call > for desperate remedies! ‘Liquidate! Owe word, thats enough Here's my messenger! You've got news oP Tintin's arrest, that's for sure! - te aa a | What a beastly pusiness: The nent morning ‘Alot of tourists must visit this travelling all night old temple. Look, Chang. there's Y All because oF that rotten commissar'... That's the old even a photographer. temple they é re oF you together, ? dy iFive now. Watch the || birdiesInfernal machine! My Eonimy-gun ese... ll teach y | you to mind your own business! = a fi Now then, start talking! Jap- Janese, areut you..Mitsubitato pu ou yp tothis, didn't he? gangster or Tht photograph youae pome Frank range? | Yee, hes afrmid you You have rhe Rajaijah poison. Ifyou Find Fang Hsi-ying, hethinks the professor will develop fn antidote...Thats why Wa kidnapped the professor. y “The cansom lorter was a fake tolead the police on a false trail, ‘So Professor Fang Hsi-ying is not in the old temple... Where is he? All right, we'll 90 back down to Hukow. Nothing serious, isit Chang? Its the truth! swear'...Only Mitsuahirato knows where he professor| No, luckily the bullet only grazed ‘your ehoulder. (So tat was i, B00! What about the letter accusing “Tnae put mt behind bare. Now, Chav, lif Mitsubicato won't to come tous, Here we are again That's the police can handle Shamghai train this thug... To be precise here we aren't. we'll go to Mitsu. hhirato!... What do you think? It's three hours, walk to Hukow.. What a life, Thom 0m, what aliFe! |Twae behind hin... saw him tripover the suitcase and Fall on the platform. asilly GQ accident. [ ry UTNE [What about Tintin’... § t OT On the platform! Waiting forthe train! 1 The train! It's leaving) for Shanghai hope he doesn't { catch us! «1 was just catching iE, Bue | Tdidw't notice I'd ran out oF platform! I [ET] Oniy one thing to do: warn Shang, iat septa crt arse hint on arrivalNo luck, chief...He wasn't on the train. | reckon he hopped oF F en route... Infuriating! Wretched licte brat! Always outwits 4s at Che last imate! of the passen- gers...and I no sign of Tintin. Good thing we jumped ]} | Mr Mitsuhirato?)| || Policemen! ..| suppose] when the Crain slowed || ...Yes, it's me. FU have to do it my- outside the station. |}|| Sm afraid not... |||| self, for tne umpteench sure someone slipped through would have been wait-|) || our Fingers'... Yes, I'm as sorry 43 you are. What doyou expect? I did my best. ‘Master, Tintin is in Pity!... Listen, Yamato )||{ The gods be praised | we meet Shanghai! aw Wim «..Gtt busy...Try to ||| again!... You must rest Fora witha Chinese boy. They |||| discover where ve's ||| Few days... Give your wound a Got ito tai, but 5 gone to ground, and ||| chance to heal Couldn't hear the address || f} who's hiding him Twill... Then we they gave the driver Understand? ust deal with 3 Mire iat house. While I get inside, you keep Noone'!...50 ‘guard Far s0 goodWhy shouldn't he be?...] f You're right, Yamato, He's been there For it's just thac f'n over a week itching to get wy : io hands on the lot of Hl explain later, Chang...Hurry! We haven't a moment to lose. Look were, Fv mot ‘you see this is a private car? Doven't matter! For neaven's sake get They know everything, | heard nom. They know MrWang has been looking after us... They're {oing Eo kidnap him tomighE And us too, if they Find us there. All clear: you can com Quick, driver, quick ! to the Nanking road! Take usIt's Mr Wang's Servant... He's been chloroformed!The Blue Lots ?... It's a opium den in unghai...How do | get in without being recog rised?...1M disguise? indeed, Master. He has tried to disguise himself... fake beard and a biack wig, but Erecognised him... ‘Oh, my goodness! Someone seems to have ‘a bene to pick with mie! Not a bad idea, wae it, my Friend trick with the little bit oF paper, with aHi protest!...You've gotanerve, | IT Fajiyama'... Not Tintin! ] te hin No, Lam mot Tintin! Tamm the Consul For Foldavia!...Youll hear more oF this, Foraive me, Sir, it wasalla mis- | take...} tock you for somebody ese. Even for somebody else, that’s no may totreat f] Sanwurais!..Wat ell ij wai ? ‘Seven hundred suffering ‘get | Trt going Home|. Yamato, be ready with | thelorry at midnpie tomorrow, at godown No.9, THe ‘Harika Macu’ will moor alongside Load the goods and take them to the L warehouse tai! [dow think Tintin will co {Goodbye!... Telephone me there areany developments Sy fie Midnight: tomorrow?... FIN come with you. ‘Alls well, chow. 1 Aiscovered quite a lot..Come avickly, We mustn't stayhere “1 put you in tie picture. No, Chang, I eink it better if 1 90 alone... FU tell you why.. No, he'll be | suspicious, Ox € Ha! ha! None of) } that Fell on deaf | ears! a)It was a mistake to pit your wits against wine, my dear Wang!..A big wistake!..Bubit's to late now...The time has come for you to die! Please enter, dear 1 jes, just these tobe Toaded, and wecango. Take the opium |] owe of the barrel, J] get inside... and Bob's your uncle “You smile.\eu think it like ater, dow you. The hero cushesin at the last moment and saves your if. Fardow my laughter'...Ab Eis very swoment your hero Tintin is already in my We've been going for two MeWang'..We don't Want You to wise work, Master. The barrels are in bhere. So you can abandon all hope! ‘They say the Chinese aren't afraid to die. Well, 've prepared a Fitting tnd for yout... Your 3on, Wang, your own mad son, will cut ofF your head... Picture the scene. Your wife, Tintin, and you, all beheaded’ by your son! y dear Tintin, welcome to the end of the road!we got him, Grand Master. ‘he ‘Something tells me you weren't expecting this ‘ort oF rece emerged! Thnew perfectly well you were inthe barrel..You were atthe Blue Lotus last ight and had agood laugh fat my expense, no doubt .. You heard "the orders ave Yamato... Everything iad gone Your way... But ‘ne OF my mien saw You eave and alerted me. when you told Too true! Rostapopous! Roberto Rast poulos! Youve been trying t2 oie my gun fortong Ce Me, Rastapopoulos, king oF drug smugglers... Rastapopou' 3,whe went over a clFF nar Gaipajama...and you thought Taied Rastapopoules alive fond weil. And a alwove, com ing out on top. You, leader oF the gang? “wpossible! Told myself you certainly wad beable toresit sucha cod opportunity, so seta tra to thew toleave youalone, they loosened the top of one barrel, and everything wappenied as Tid Foreseen! Weil dove, Mr Mitsubirato. You're quite aclever Cleverer than you thowgt, anyway!...Ak, here's an ld Friend of yours... He doesn't want Fo miss ‘your execution ! You aren't convinced, eh?. Look at that... New do you believe ywe? The sign oF tae Pharaoh ih Osh! Were eae ts | WES in Am Lao Tzu said: ‘You must find the way. . ve found it...1t's quite easy. Tw going to Gut OFF your head. Then you GB too will know the truth... You're you're absolutely sure there isn't any risk for us? No, as 600n a6 he's cone tne job Yamato will take care of hhim.. (1) See Cigars of the PharaolYes, it went J bow my old head in eh | Loereattest ee ee a Now youare Free, on eae to say ‘Ouch’ t Three men stay here to keep guard over the prisoners. The others search the house. Chang and 1 will go this way |[ Welt gentlemen! It's my turn to | do the explaining, Mr Mics Were you really || to believe I'd walk straight into ie lion's jaws?...You must think ma very soul |. Only justin time, Chang! | thought you hadn't succeed ed T knew perfectly well been see leaving the Blue Lotus. None: theless, {decided tovisic godown No but I took a few precautions. Last night, tne crew oF the ‘Harika Mara" were surprised by the Sons of the Dragon ‘nd put in irons. Some of our Friends hid in the barrels Co be delivered toyou, Others || waited for your men, then || gave them a hand uiiloading || the barrels... You now tnd reste.SHANGHAI NEWS LH FANG HSFYING FOUND: Professor Prisoner in Opium Den SHANGHAL doy, pico PINTS OTOnY. Frofesor Fang Hsiying has been |'"A wires transmitter was found found! The goed news washed [by police at Blue Lots opium den pes acting The waremiter war used by the| This moceing, hero ofthe hour Me) man with an impish smile sk Lest week eminent scholar Fang drug smugglers wo. communiate| Tinting talked. to, us about his] “You must tll he word ii n> isappearedonhis way home rom faith dele sips on the high sas adventures. | iely de co hr that my if, my party ven by afriendPoliceffors [information radioed included a ‘The young] 10 ard [are alive coy! trace him |routn, porstobe oid, points ecportes ie the| With these words our interview Bees cf M| was concluded, an we sid farewell tang. “Cher| to the indy reporee and his see at his hot kindly hoe. embarkation and unloading. picturesque| BAI sis 00. t| Home of Japanese » sublet IMiesohirato was also searched. No| Feats xsea, Nanking oud. [Yow poem pte comment, say police on reports of Rrfaiafcepac” When wel eure of wopsecret_ documents [Unconfirmed rumours suggest the alled, out hero, young and sealing, ed us wearing Chinese dres| pers concern undercover politcal scewity by 2 neighbouring power [Speculation "mounes that they PEST ES JEG we ported ir |aicene reco Shanghai-Nanking|Could this really be che scourge sae” Cents invol Jealway incldent ass pretext fre tebe Shanghai gangeer? ing Tintin and the occupying fetended Japanese "occupation |, After our grestings and congrats Japanese forces. Secret society Sons [League of Nations offal in [ations we asked Me Tirin oll ofthe Dragon aided Tintin in the {Geneva will study the captured|how he succeeded in smashing the rescue. Fang. Hsiying was “ki: [documents moet dangerous organisation. rapped by an iternational gang of drug smugglers, now all safely in Me Wang, 2 ell, elderly, venerable "Tne conclusions of the Sub-Commit’)] |{1 anal be inter. )] |{ Centlemen, make wo ms Tam authorised to announce tee leave no room fordoube. Tue doc: || || ested to hear fake! | categorically deny that wy government hag ordered uments seized ix Shanghai provide || || the Japanese || || the atcusatione contained |||) ibs troops to withdraw from irrefutable proof. The attack upon ||| delegate's inthe report of the B13¢4 |||| Chinese territories occupied || thd Shengltas Nanking raiheey ome WO Cerne Sub-Committee. Tweee accus-||\| after the incident onthe Siang oo ations are an insule te wca)||| tati-Nanking railway. To Baal planned and executed bya Japanese sub- Jece working upon direct orders From his government... Japan declines to wake any response other than gam silence amd contewt! Nevertheless, to prove that the | integrity of county ig loon dou. Gentlemen, I must add with regret that in SEP solemn protest against the affront to my county, Japan Finds Wesel obliged to et From ene League of Nato Me,too. Look, Weis going to ‘peak now, Venerable Master, two gentlemen wish Thave wonderful news for )| || to speak to Mr you my 50m is cured. Professor Fang Hei-ying has discovered an antidote to the terrible poison oF mnadness! He vas?... Oh, \ how glad 1 + A am! ws /Good morning ...Er... Here } Yes, we've offer our we are at last congratulations, and to tell you We... We "To be precise: good os morning. Here We JI We never belioved Fora are, last as ‘minute you were guilty usual Ny | But what could we do? | We had to obey orders Temakes me sick! Look, Tintin... | tHE BLUE [Foor devi Having to help celebrate Read this | oTUS AFFAIR | |} sti, newas a the triumph of that ees | \ |] reat vitiain little shake! a What else do la you think we caw do? [Frrae reminds | Our fail... what me...i glad to | fall?. 8 you complete brome Oh, yes, on” recovered From | eantimons your Fall [0h yes, our fall in Hukow! [we shan't Forget that downfall..We've ‘Yes, yes, now I remember |. arnt cur lesson. Well be careful in future! oy ‘Yes, we're Fully recover: You cam be sure we shan't ( ed now, How could we fall for that again! py foe such eroypes 2 a We've never fallen 30 9 oS low: te No, we'll be keep: ing our eyes open, = fear! Now it's time ogo. Wemust leave you‘There is one who, if such is possible, wil) miss Yow even more tat Chang, whe as already known the eadrecs of losig nc parents. haa, ~ who found in you a brother. If he wishes, he Ae eae ey “incin. Yourcourage andl nobility have restored happiness to this humble house. Your emery will engraved upon our hearts ‘son to whom our honourable asin Finest crystal. Friend Fang Hsi-ying has restored his reason ... Farewell, noble Tintin. May other Friendships lighten your Hf days in your country in the West, ‘and accompany you along the way! What is the matter, Chang? Goodbye, Tint Ei there is a rainbow in} + Good luck 90 my heart, Venerable Lady... weep because Tintin is going but the sun shines because T have a new mother and father!ogee | HE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN | | | | by HERGE MammorH UK £2.99 NZ $8.95 nc. 6ST AUST. $6.85 (recommended) 704650) in TINTIN AND SECRET THE UNICORN ba ig hel ta Sy Co ae tele) DESTINATION ‘MOON THE RED SEA ss am eters , TINTIN Br TN) PICARO: Be J [Nenad LS) ‘Also in this series a Tintin film book based on the characters created by Hergé: TINTIN AND THE LAKE OF SHARKS. ’
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Science Unit 1 - The World of The Living (4. Where Animals Live - Adaptations)
Dhiman Dey
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Social Studies - Chapter 19. Emergence of The Un - The Organs of United Nations
5 pages
Social Studies - Chapter 19. Emergence of The Un - The Organs of United Nations
Dhiman Dey
No ratings yet
English Chapter 3 - Bravo! Amir Agha!
4 pages
English Chapter 3 - Bravo! Amir Agha!
Dhiman Dey
88% (17)
Science Formula Book 1
23 pages
Science Formula Book 1
No ratings yet
List of Homophones
3 pages
List of Homophones
Dhiman Dey
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Science Unit 4 - Natural Phenomena (8. Air and Water)
7 pages
Science Unit 4 - Natural Phenomena (8. Air and Water)
Dhiman Dey
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English Chapter 8 - Lucy Looks Into A Wadrobe
5 pages
English Chapter 8 - Lucy Looks Into A Wadrobe
Dhiman Dey
57% (14)
Playing With Numbers
1 page
Playing With Numbers
Dhiman Dey
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Science Unit 2 - The World of Living (2. Habitats of Animals)
3 pages
Science Unit 2 - The World of Living (2. Habitats of Animals)
Dhiman Dey
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20 pages
Dhiman Dey
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2 pages
Dhiman Dey
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Linear Equations
6 pages
Linear Equations
Dhiman Dey
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Science Unit 5 - Moving Things, People and Ideas (11. Force, Machine and Energy)
5 pages
Science Unit 5 - Moving Things, People and Ideas (11. Force, Machine and Energy)
Dhiman Dey
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Electricity and Circuits
3 pages
Electricity and Circuits
Dhiman Dey
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English Chapter 6 - Leisure
3 pages
English Chapter 6 - Leisure
Dhiman Dey
72% (18)
Questions With Answers: Science Unit 2-The World of The Living (5. Health and Hygeine)
1 page
Questions With Answers: Science Unit 2-The World of The Living (5. Health and Hygeine)
Dhiman Dey
No ratings yet
Social Studies - Chapter 21. Saving The Environment Questions With Answers
5 pages
Social Studies - Chapter 21. Saving The Environment Questions With Answers
Dhiman Dey
100% (2)
Social Studies - Chapter 21. Saving The Environment Questions With Answers
5 pages
Social Studies - Chapter 21. Saving The Environment Questions With Answers
Dhiman Dey
100% (2)
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)