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Effect of Nano Silica On The Compressive Strength of Concrete

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 3 Issue 6, October 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Effect of Nano Silica on the Compressive Strength of Concrete

Bhupender1, Sunil Kumar2, Vikram3
1M.Tech Student, 2Assistant Professor, 3HOD
1Construction Technology and Management, 2,3Civil Engineering Department,

1,2,3Jan Nayak Choudhary Devilal Memorial College of Engineering, Sirsa, Haryana, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Bhupender | Sunil

Concrete is one of the most important materials in the construction world. In Kumar | Vikram "Effect of Nano Silica on
the present scenario, due to the various industrialization, especially in the the Compressive Strength of Concrete"
urban areas, the demand of construction work increases progressively. Due to Published in
which there is very high demand of concrete. So, it is very important to International
improve the durability and properties of concrete. For this there are various Journal of Trend in
admixtures which are partially replaced with the cement like fly ash, slag, Scientific Research
silica fumes, rice husk etc. However, in the present situation, Nano-technology and Development
comes as a very faithful approach for improving the strength and durability of (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
the concrete. 6470, Volume-3 | IJTSRD28090
Issue-6, October
In this project, M30 concrete is used and we use Nano-silica of size 236nm as a 2019, pp.222-225, URL:
partial replacement in concrete. Nano-silica enters into the pores of the https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd28
concrete and sets early due to which the permeability and strength of concrete 090.pdf
are improved. An experimental analysis has been done by replacing the
cement with Nano silica by increasing its percentage as 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
b.w.c. The results show that with increase in amount of Nano-silica, the International Journal of Trend in Scientific
compressive strength increases up to 3%, however, if amount of Nano-silica Research and Development Journal. This
goes beyond 3%, the compressive strength of concrete starts decreasing. In is an Open Access article distributed
these experimental tests, there are 10 cubes prepared with the sample and under the terms of
tested at 7 and 28 days. the Creative
Commons Attribution
KEYWORDS: Nano-silica, Compressive Strength, UPV test, etc License (CC BY 4.0)
In 21st century, due to the construction of various types of observed that the 7- and 28-day strength were much greater
structures whether from buildings to factories or from than that for plain concrete. The microstructure examination
bridges to airports, there is very wide application of illustrates that the nanoparticles enters into the pores and
concrete. Out of the various materials used for preparing due to the occurrence of pozzolanic reaction, it reduces the
concrete, cement is the most important material which plays amount of Calcium hydroxide
a very important role in attaining the strength of concrete.
H. Li et.al. (2006) performed an experiment to find out the
Cement is a very fine powder made from calcining of lime
change in behaviour of concrete when it is amalgamated
and clay which acts as a binder in the construction. However
with the Nano particles of silica and titanium dioxide along
the wide use of cement produces pollution causing emission
with some particles of polypropylene fiber. It was find out
of carbon dioxide which results into green house effect. So, in
that abrasion resistance of concrete can be improved
the recent times, scientists are searching for the partial
effectively by blending the concrete with Nano particles and
replacement of cement which helps in improving the
polypropylene fibers... It was observed that the effect of
compressive strength and durability of concrete. For this
Nano titanium dioxide in improving the abrasion resistance
they introduce Nano technology in this era. They find various
of concrete is much higher than the effect of Nano silicon
Nano materials like Nano silica, Nano alumina, Nano
dioxide particles.
titanium dioxide etc. which can be used as a partial
replacement of cement for the improvement of strength and M.Nill et. al. (2009) investigated the effect of micro silica
durability of the concrete. Out of the various Nano-materials, particles and colloidal Nano silica particles as a combination
Nano-silica is one of the most important materials which are on concrete properties and observed that maximum
the first Nano product used in place of micro-silica. Nano- compressive strength of the concrete is achieved when it has
Silica when added with cement, react with free lime and 6% micro-silica & 1.5% Nano-silica. The concrete has highest
forms C-S-H gel making the paste thicker and accelerate the electrical resistivity when it contains 7.5% micro-silica and
process of hydration which ultimately results into the Nano-silica. When the concrete contains the combination of
improvement of its compressive strength. A very small 1.5% Nano silica and 3% micro silica, it has lowest capillary
amount of Nano-silica is used to get the desired strength. absorption rate. .
2. LITERATURE REVIEW Alirza Naji Giv et. al. (2010) analysed the size effect of
H. Li et. al. (2004) experimentally explored the mechanical Nano silica particles. The cement was replaced with Nano
property of nano-Fe2O3 and nano-SiO2 cement mortars and silica particles of two different sizes 15 nm and 80 nm with

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28090 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 6 | September - October 2019 Page 222
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
0.5,1, 1.5 and 2%. b.w.c. He observed that the compressive  Fine aggregate
strength of the concrete was increased in which maximum  Water
compressive strength was attained when the concrete was
blended with 1.5% b.w.c. The various particle size of Nano Properties of Cement:
silica particles are compared in which he found out that the Specific Gravity-3.14
maximum strength for 80 nm particles was more than that Fineness by sieve analysis- 2.01%
for 15 nm particles. He also observed that there was also an Normal Consistency- 33%
increment in flexural tensile strength and split tensile
strength of concrete blended with Nano silica particles. Properties of fine and coarse aggregate:
Property Coarse Aggregate Fine Aggregate
A. Sadrmotazi et. al. (2010), have analysed the combined Specific Gravity 2.74 2.65
effect of PP fiber along with Nano SiO2 particles. The cement Bulk Density 1.44 1.408
mortar was mixed with 7% Nano silica which resulted in Void Ratio 1.0085 0.58
improvement of the Compressive strength of mortar by
6.49%. When PP fiber amount was increased beyond 0.3%, it Properties of Nano SiO2:
results in reducing the compressive strength of mortar but Standard Test
an increment of its flexural strength, which shows the Test Item
Requirement Results
usefulness of Nano Silica particles... pH value 3.7-4.5 4.15
Specific surface
Swami and Saikiran et.al. (2013) performed the 200+20 205
experiment by mixing the M60grade and M70 grade concrete Sieve Residue ≤0.04 0.03
with combination of micro-silica and Nano-silica and found
SiO2content (%) ≥99.8 99.9
the result that concrete formed with the combination of
Al2O3 ≤0.03 0.005
these materials are more superior than the plain concrete.
TiO2 ≤0.02 0.004
Fe2O3 ≤0.03 0.001
Tavakoli et.al. (2013) combines both the Nano-silica and
the micro-silica i.e., silica fume. He replaced the cement with
silica fume of amount 5% and 10% and Nano-silica of EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME
amounts 0.5% and 1% and totally 8 mixtures were prepared Specimens of M30 grade concrete were prepared and their
for doing the various experiments of water absorption and compressive strength was compared with different
compressive strength. By performing various experiments replacement levels of cement with Nanosilica (0.5%, 1%, 2%
he attained the result that replacing cement with combined and 3%).
10% silica fume and 1% Nano-silica increases the
compressive strength by 42.2%. Mix Proportions of concrete:
A. Cement = 390 Kg/m3
Hasan Biricika et.al. (2014)compared the use of various B. Water = 175 Kg/m3
materials such as fly ash, silica fume and nano-silica each of C. Fine Aggregate = 864.33 Kg/m3
amounts 5% and 10% by weight. By conducting the tests, he D. Coarse Aggregate = 1021.71 Kg/m3
found the result that 10% of each material silica fume, fly ash E. Water cement ratio= 0.45
and Nano-silica respectively produces 18%, 44% and 84%
compressive strength when compared to the controlled 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS:
concrete. 4.1. UPV Test Result
7-Day Test Results:
Dr. D. V. Prasad Rao et.al. (2016) introduced the combined Table 4.1.1: UPV Test for control specimenfor 7 days
use of Metakaolin and Nano-silica with cement for the Sample
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs)
preparation of concrete. Initially, he replaced the cement No.
with 5% and 10% metakaoline by weight. Further he 1 8.41 4700 31.91
replaced the cement with the combined weight of 2 8.54 4740 31.64
metakaoline (5% and 10%) and Nano-Silica (1%, 2% and 3 8.53 4775 31.49
3%). Then the result of various properties of M25 grade
concrete was noted down. From various results attained in Table 4.1.2: UPV Test for specimen with Nano silica
the test, it has been seen that the concrete prepared with the 0.5%b.w.c for 7 days
above sample shows more strength as compared to the Sample
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs)
controlled concrete. No.
1 8.10 4520 33.33
Summary 2 7.95 4495 33.37
The various literature reviews show the importance of Nano- 3 8.30 4390 34.20
technology in construction era. The various properties of the
concrete have been found to be improved. Table 4.1.3: UPV Test for specimen with Nano-silica
1% b.w.c for 7 days
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs)
The materials used in this project are: No.
 43 grade OPC 1 8.26 4590 32.68
 Nano silica 2 8.11 4600 32.61
 Coarse aggregate 3 7.02 4690 31.98

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Table 4.1.4: UPV Test for specimen with Nano-silica 4.2. Compressive Strength Test Result
2% b.w.c for 7 days Comparison of Compressive Strength Test Result:
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs) Table 4.2.1: Comparison of compressive strength for 7
1 8.40 4400 32.68 Strength Increase in
2 8.24 4430 32.61 Specimens
(MPa) strength (%)
3 8.31 4450 31.98 Control 21.58 -
NS 0.5%b.w.c 22.58 1.57
Table 4.1.5: UPV Test for specimen with Nano-silica NS 1%b.w.c 25.02 10.80
3% b.w.c for 7 days NS 2%b.w.c 26.90 7.51
Sample Weight NS 3%b.w.c 25.96 -3.49
Velocity (m/s) Time (μs)
No. (kg)
1 8.26 4495 33.37
2 8.30 4390 34.16 7 Day Compressive Strength
3 8.10 4385 34.20 30

Compressive Strength (mPa)

28 Day Test Results: 25
Table 4.1.6: UPV Test for control specimen for 28 days 20
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs)
No. 15
1 8.30 4795 31.28
2 8.20 4900 30.61
3 8.00 4805 31.22 5

Table 4.1.7: UPV Test for specimen with Nano-silica 0

0.5% b.w.c for 28 days Con NS NS NS
Sample trol 1% 2% 3%
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs) %
No. 7 Day
1 8.15 4700 31.90 Compressive 21.58 22.58 25.02 26.9 25.96
2 8.00 4750 31.59 Strength
3 7.90 4790 31.32
Fig. 4.1: 7-day compressive strength of four specimens
Table 4.1.8: UPV Test for specimen with Nano-silica
1% b.w.c for 28 days Table 4.2.2: Comparison of compressive strength for
Sample 28 day
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs) Strength Increase in
No. Specimens
1 7.95 4690 31.98 (MPa) strength (%)
Control 32.86 -
2 8.20 4610 32.53
NS 0.5%b.w.c 33.67 2.46
3 8.10 4650 32.26
NS 1%b.w.c 36.23 7.6
NS 2%b.w.c 38.83 7.17
Table 4.1.9: UPV Test for specimen with Nano-silica
NS 3%b.w.c 37.57 -3.2
2% b.w.c for 28 day
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs)
1 8.40 4650 32.26
2 8.90 4690 31.98
3 8.20 4700 31.91

Table 4.1.10: UPV Test for specimen with Nano-silica

3% b.w.c for 28 day
Weight (kg) Velocity (m/s) Time (μs)
1 8.10 4590 32.67
2 8.15 4570 32.82
3 8.00 4600 32.60

Comparison of UPV Test Results

From the UPV test results, we find that the quality of
concrete is very good. The 28-day quality is better than the
7-day quality. The blended concrete specimen is found to Fig. 4.2: 28-day compressive strength of four
have better quality compared to the control specimen. specimens

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28090 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 6 | September - October 2019 Page 224
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470

Splitting Tensile Strength


2.7 Splitting
2.6 Tensile

Fig. 4.3: Change in compressive strength of four

specimen from 7 day to 28 day
Fig. 4.5: splitting tensile strength of four specimen
Table 4.2.3: Flexural strength of concrete for 28 day 5. CONCLUSION
Flexural Strength of Concrete (28 days) 1. From the compressive strength results, it can be
Experimental observed that increase in compressive strength of
Concrete Theoretical Flexural
Flexural concrete is observed on addition of a certain minimum
Mix Strength (MPa)=0.7
Strength (MPa) quantity of Nano SiO2. The increase in strength is
Without maximum for NS 2% b.w.c and least for NS 0.5% b.w.c.
4.08 4.012
Silica 2. On addition of Nano SiO2 there is a substantial increase
0.5 % in the early-age strength of concrete compared to the 28
Nano 4.091 4.061 day increase in strength.
Silica 3. The UPV test results show that the quality of concrete
1 % Nano gets slightly affected on addition of Nano SiO2 but the
4.34 4.21
Silica overall quality of concrete is preserved.
2 % Nano 4. The results of splitting tensile strength experimental
4.45 4.36
Silica study for different concrete mixes at 28-day and
3 % Nano specimens under different confinement. It is clear
4.37 4.29
Silica that the relationship between splitting tensile
strength and compressive strength was similar for both
VC and SCC. Therefore, the same model can be applied to
both concrete types.
5. The results of flexural tensile strength experimental
study are given for different concrete mixes at 28-day
and specimens under different confinement. It is clear
that the flexural tensile strength increases when
the compressive strength and age of the concrete
increase. Moreover, the increase in the flexural strength
is lower than the corresponding increase in the
compressive strength at same age ofconcrete. The
percentage increase in flexural tensile strength
decreases with the increase of level of concrete strength.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28090 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 6 | September - October 2019 Page 225

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