Whole Group Lesson Plan - Ela
Whole Group Lesson Plan - Ela
Whole Group Lesson Plan - Ela
Students will be able to analyze text Student will analyze nonfiction text Prerequisite skills that students will need
features and use tools to comprehend a features to comprehend and answer include identifying the topic that the text
nonfiction text. questions . is about, paraphrase the text in their own
words, and understand what the question
Standard: Language Function: 21st century skills:
RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to Comprehend and answer questions Critical Thinking
demonstrate understanding of a text,
referring explicitly to the text as the basis Collaboration
for the answers.
Objective: Students will be able to analyze text features and use tools to comprehend a nonfiction text through the reading and
answering of 7 questions that pertain to Candy Corn - A Unique Treat with 85% accuracy.
Performance: Students will know that details and examples from nonfiction text can be used as textual evidence to support an
answer by reading Candy Corn- A Unique Treat and answering 7 questions that accompany the text.
Conditions: Students will complete their Candy Corn- A Unique Treat activity in pairs and can refer to the text as needed to answer
the questions. Students will come back whole group and take turns answering the questions while using support from the text.
Criteria: Students will answer 7 questions that accompany Candy Corn- A Unique Treat that includes key details and direct
reference to the nonfiction text. Students are expected to answer 6 out of 7 questions correctly for 85% accuracy.
What theory/research supports using this objective/strategy to align with the needs of your student?
Students need to understand how to use the text to answer higher level thinking questions. There can be many ways in which a
student may answer a question, but they are more credible when they are able to show where they pull their answers directly from
the text.
The theory that align with this objective include active learning by C. Bonwell as the students are taking a hands-on (active) role
within this lesson.
How are the objectives, lessons, and materials related to students’ personal, cultural, or community assets?
The objective and lesson both relate to the students’ ability of using a literary text to answer deeper thinking questions. This call
for the students to use their own judgement and prior knowledge on the steps to pulling out important information from the text to
answer questions. Throughout this process students will begin to have a deeper understanding of the importance of using evidence
from the text to justify their thinking.
How do you teach/support vocabulary How do you teach/support discourse How do you teach/support syntax
development? development? development?
Before working with the nonfiction text Students will work in whole-group During the reading of Candy Corn - A
Candy Corn - A Unique Treat, students format to create a KWL (know, want to Unique Treat, students will get the
will engage in a whole group discussion know, learn) chart highlighting the opportunity to listen, read aloud, and
on what they already know about using process of using a literary text to answer write during the different parts of this
the text to answer specific questions and deeper level thinking questions. They lesson.
what is important to succeeding with this will then engage with a nonfiction text as
assignment (evidence, support, a whole group and work in pairs to
reference). determine where in the text they can pull
their answers from.After the completion
of answering the questions students will
take turns sharing out their responses to
the questions and where they were able to
find the evidence within the text.
Whole-Group Instruction (focused mini-lesson) Differentiation:
Class, for the past few weeks we have been working on using the text to answer questions. We Teacher can be sure to take
have been underlining where we find our answers in the text using different colors and then notes of what she is saying as
working to answer the question without restating word for word what the text says. she talks for her visual
Since today is Halloween, I would like for us to work with a text that has something to do with learners. She may also make
Halloween! Today, we are going to be reading a nonfiction text that has to do with the history of use of a certain part of the text
Candy Corn. Can anyone tell me what nonfiction means? Correct, it means that it is based on true so that each student can focus
facts, so as readers we can know that what we are reading provides us with actual facts. So the on one part as whole group.
text that we are going to be engaging with today will be based on true facts and it will be our job
to read the short passage and answer a few questions that are based on the reading.
When we read a passage to answer questions it is beneficial for us as readers to first skim through
the questions to find any keywords that we may need to be aware of when we begin to read our
passage. Then we can begin reading our passage starting with the title. Once we have read the
passage completely then we can go back and re-read our questions and begin to go back to the
passage to underline where we can find the answer.
Teaching point: The teacher will provide
I will explain why it is important for us to use the text as a reference when responding to deeper several different formats of
level thinking questions as we are not always asked to provide our opinion. I will ensure that my questioning to allow students
students are aware of the different ways in which a question can be phrased when it is asking for to become familiar with the
a direct answer or when it is asking to state an opinion. I will also ensure that my students are wording and how best to
aware that they must answer the questions in complete sentences as this will become a respond.
requirement from here on out.
Assessment: how will you measure students mastery (should align with criteria in objective)
Formative: Students will choose two questions that was proposed in the handout to elaborate on.
Summative:Students will complete the handout given (Candy Corn- A Unique Treat) that requires them to answer 7 questions.
Students are expected to complete this assignment with 6 out of 7 questions correct, or 85%.
How does it measure the essential literacy strategy? How does it measure the
related skills?
The essential literacy strategy is being measured by having students draw direct references from the Related skills will be
text when answering questions to provide support. measured by grading
students on the use of
complete sentences and
evidence of the text being
used in their responses.
Rubric: Include an analytic rubric that will offer students feedback on their strengths AND weaknesses for both the ELS and related
Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished Exemplary 4 Score
Student uses Student uses Student uses 2 Student uses 4 Student uses 7
complete no complete to 3 complete to 6 complete complete
sentences to sentences sentences sentences sentences
What theory/research supports using this objective/strategy to align with the needs of your student?