Whole Group Lesson Plan - Ela

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Workshop Lesson Plan-Samantha Byars 3rd Grade


Central focus: Essential literacy strategy: Related skills:

Students will be able to analyze text Student will analyze nonfiction text Prerequisite skills that students will need
features and use tools to comprehend a features to comprehend and answer include identifying the topic that the text
nonfiction text. questions . is about, paraphrase the text in their own
words, and understand what the question
Standard: Language Function: 21st century skills:

RL.3.1 Ask and answer questions to Comprehend and answer questions Critical Thinking
demonstrate understanding of a text,
referring explicitly to the text as the basis Collaboration
for the answers.

Objective: Students will be able to analyze text features and use tools to comprehend a nonfiction text through the reading and
answering of 7 questions that pertain to Candy Corn - A Unique Treat with 85% accuracy.
Performance: Students will know that details and examples from nonfiction text can be used as textual evidence to support an
answer by reading Candy Corn- A Unique Treat and answering 7 questions that accompany the text.

Conditions: Students will complete their Candy Corn- A Unique Treat activity in pairs and can refer to the text as needed to answer
the questions. Students will come back whole group and take turns answering the questions while using support from the text.

Criteria: Students will answer 7 questions that accompany Candy Corn- A Unique Treat that includes key details and direct
reference to the nonfiction text. Students are expected to answer 6 out of 7 questions correctly for 85% accuracy.

What theory/research supports using this objective/strategy to align with the needs of your student?
Students need to understand how to use the text to answer higher level thinking questions. There can be many ways in which a
student may answer a question, but they are more credible when they are able to show where they pull their answers directly from
the text.

The theory that align with this objective include active learning by C. Bonwell as the students are taking a hands-on (active) role
within this lesson.
How are the objectives, lessons, and materials related to students’ personal, cultural, or community assets?
The objective and lesson both relate to the students’ ability of using a literary text to answer deeper thinking questions. This call
for the students to use their own judgement and prior knowledge on the steps to pulling out important information from the text to
answer questions. Throughout this process students will begin to have a deeper understanding of the importance of using evidence
from the text to justify their thinking.

Vocabulary Discourse Syntax

Terms: Discourse required in this lesson: Syntax required in this lesson:
Reference During this lesson students will take turns As the teacher I expect the students to
Support reading the text aloud. They will also participate in both the whole group
Literary Text work in pairs to complete the questions reading of the nonfiction text and
Nonfiction that accompany the text. After they have working well in partners to get the
finished the questions we will come questions in the alloted time. I also
together whole group to go over the expect them to use direct references to
questions and ensure that all students the text when answering their questions
have the correct answer. with proper sentences.

How do you teach/support vocabulary How do you teach/support discourse How do you teach/support syntax
development? development? development?
Before working with the nonfiction text Students will work in whole-group During the reading of Candy Corn - A
Candy Corn - A Unique Treat, students format to create a KWL (know, want to Unique Treat, students will get the
will engage in a whole group discussion know, learn) chart highlighting the opportunity to listen, read aloud, and
on what they already know about using process of using a literary text to answer write during the different parts of this
the text to answer specific questions and deeper level thinking questions. They lesson.
what is important to succeeding with this will then engage with a nonfiction text as
assignment (evidence, support, a whole group and work in pairs to
reference). determine where in the text they can pull
their answers from.After the completion
of answering the questions students will
take turns sharing out their responses to
the questions and where they were able to
find the evidence within the text.

Supports, accommodations, and modifications (IEPs, 504s, other learning needs)

This will be filled out with the specific needs from your class, but should minimally support the needs identified in red.
Student Supports, accommodations, and modifications to be Supports, accommodations, and modifications to be
provided during instruction provided during assessment
ELLs Students will be provided a copy of the nonfiction text During the assessment, students will be provided with
in their native language along with the questions two formats of the instructions (English and their native
needed to answer. If the text is unavailable in their language). If possible they may test with their ELL
native language then the teacher will pair students with teacher or with their direct teacher. They could also
a dual language learner or provide text-to-speech make use of e-dictionaries that translate to them.
technology that will aid in translation. Students will be
encouraged to use English whenever they feel
comfortable in the assignment and be encouraged to
use e-Dictionaries to help with words/phrases they
may not feel completely comfortable with.
Struggling Student’s will be able to hear the text read aloud During the assessment the SR will be provided with
readers during the whole group reading. If they continue to accommodations that allow them to perform well on it.
struggle with the reading of the passage when This can include testing with the teacher, having a video
responding to the questions they can ask their partners of the teacher reading and giving brief explanations of
for help or raise their hand for the teacher to come help the questions being asked, or a different assessment
them. structure that the student is comfortable working with.
Readers The teacher will challenge these students to create a When finished with the assessment the students will be
performing flowchart that highlights the progression of how Candy challenged to provide a short summary of the nonfiction
above Corn was created and how it is made today with direct text using 1-2 direct references from the text.
expectations reference to the text.
Prior academic learning:
Students will have an accurate understanding of how to identify the main idea of the text and how to read the text for

Meaningful connection to prior academic Learning:

I want you to refresh your memory back to when we began pulling main ideas from the text last week and composed a KWL chart
for what we know so far, what we want to know, and what we learned. As a group we decided on 3 main questions that we still
wanted to know about how to use a text to answer deeper level thinking questions. As you can see from today’s lesson we are
going to be focusing more on using the text to support our answers for our questions.
Candy Corn - A Unique Treat, Pencils, Paper Plates, Crayons, Candy Corn

Whole-Group Instruction (focused mini-lesson) Differentiation:
Class, for the past few weeks we have been working on using the text to answer questions. We Teacher can be sure to take
have been underlining where we find our answers in the text using different colors and then notes of what she is saying as
working to answer the question without restating word for word what the text says. she talks for her visual
Since today is Halloween, I would like for us to work with a text that has something to do with learners. She may also make
Halloween! Today, we are going to be reading a nonfiction text that has to do with the history of use of a certain part of the text
Candy Corn. Can anyone tell me what nonfiction means? Correct, it means that it is based on true so that each student can focus
facts, so as readers we can know that what we are reading provides us with actual facts. So the on one part as whole group.
text that we are going to be engaging with today will be based on true facts and it will be our job
to read the short passage and answer a few questions that are based on the reading.
When we read a passage to answer questions it is beneficial for us as readers to first skim through
the questions to find any keywords that we may need to be aware of when we begin to read our
passage. Then we can begin reading our passage starting with the title. Once we have read the
passage completely then we can go back and re-read our questions and begin to go back to the
passage to underline where we can find the answer.
Teaching point: The teacher will provide
I will explain why it is important for us to use the text as a reference when responding to deeper several different formats of
level thinking questions as we are not always asked to provide our opinion. I will ensure that my questioning to allow students
students are aware of the different ways in which a question can be phrased when it is asking for to become familiar with the
a direct answer or when it is asking to state an opinion. I will also ensure that my students are wording and how best to
aware that they must answer the questions in complete sentences as this will become a respond.
requirement from here on out.

Explanation: The teacher will provide

I will provide a short passage on the DocCam that I will read through with the class that has two students the opportunity to
short questions that go along with it. I will model how you read the questions, then you read the turn and talk during the
passage, then go back to reread the questions and find the answers within the text. I will tell my explanation to ensure each
students that when they find the answers within the text they can make a note of it however it student is understanding the
works for them: content. Also, the teacher can
● underline have a photocopy present of
● mark with different colors for different questions the DocCam that will allow
● put stars or asterisks beside it students to follow along with
● circle it and place a number beside it in reference to the more ease and aid with
question it pertains to hearing impaired students.

Modeling: The students will be able to

I will provide another short story example that has one question that the students must answer on choose a short passage to
the DocCam. The discussion will then turn student-led as I allow them to take me through the review as a whole class.
same process with telling me what it is that we are looking for within the short passage that will
aid us in answering the question. I will then use the DocCam to make a note on the text example
as my students are talking. I will make sure to repeat back what my students are asking to ensure
that all students are understanding what their peers are saying.
Guided practice/active engagement: Allow students brief
Once we have read the nonfiction text Candy Corn - A Unique History as a whole class the conferences with the teacher
students will be able to put themselves into pairs to work on the questions that accompany the to help ensure that they are on
text. Students must show where in the passage they are getting the answer and they must answer the right path.
the questions in complete sentences. Once the students have completed the questions we will
come back together whole class and discuss the answers.

Independent practice (when appropriate):

Link/closing: The students will have copies
Today and every day when you are engaging in literature, you will be reading to answer of the text examples used to
questions. These may be formal questions that you turn in for a grade or questions that you may place in their reading
have within yourself. notebooks to use as
Small-Group Instruction (differentiated by data) Centers (Data-Driven)
- Center One: Students will be
The teacher will work with guided reading groups based on the student’s reading levels so he/she given two small passages on
can target student’s specific needs. the same subject to read and
answer the accompanying
During this small-group instruction the focus will be placed upon the students who are unable to questions.
use the text to make connections that would aid them in answering questions. - Center Two: Students will
create their own short story on
During small group the students will be given a slightly easier text to dissect so that they can their favorite activities to do
easily see where they are finding the answers within the text. This will help students to make outside and create 3 questions
that require the reader to pull
important connections while reading and ensure they are able to take away the big ideas as well information from their short
as answer any questions. story.
-Center Three: Students will
be asked to take a short story
that has a theme already
outlined within it and
substitute it for another theme
of their choosing. The theme
must make sense with the rest
of the story.
Group 1: Group 2: Group 3:
Time: Time: Time: Time:
Grouping characteristic: Grouping characteristic: Grouping characteristic:
ELL Students (having Struggling Readers Physical Disabilities
difficulty understanding the (struggling making key (limitations that may hinder
text as a whole) connections, not reading for them from reading/writing)
Needs based on data: Needs based on data: Needs based on data: The
The student will need help The student will need help student may struggle visually
with understanding the text as with making key connections or with motor skills to be able
it is not in their native and reading for to read or write.
language comprehension
Assigned students: Assigned students: Assigned students:
Student A Student A Student A
Student B Student B Student B
Student C
Student D
Instruction: The teacher will Instruction:The teacher will Instruction: The teacher will
pre teach the concepts to help students who struggle read the passage and answers
students to help them follow with comprehension. The to the students and allow them
along during the lesson. The teacher will help students use to answer the questions in any
teacher will provide scaffolds specific details from the text means that they can.
to help support ELL students to support their answers. The
during the lesson. The teacher teacher will model and
can also find an example of a demonstrate how to use the
short story and questions in a text to aid in answering the
text that is in the students question. The teacher will also
native language to help the use scaffolds to help support
student comprehend what it is students during the lesson and
that they are looking for. when reading.

Assessment: how will you measure students mastery (should align with criteria in objective)
Formative: Students will choose two questions that was proposed in the handout to elaborate on.
Summative:Students will complete the handout given (Candy Corn- A Unique Treat) that requires them to answer 7 questions.
Students are expected to complete this assignment with 6 out of 7 questions correct, or 85%.

How does it measure the essential literacy strategy? How does it measure the
related skills?
The essential literacy strategy is being measured by having students draw direct references from the Related skills will be
text when answering questions to provide support. measured by grading
students on the use of
complete sentences and
evidence of the text being
used in their responses.
Rubric: Include an analytic rubric that will offer students feedback on their strengths AND weaknesses for both the ELS and related
Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished Exemplary 4 Score

Making Students Students Student Student

marks in text accurately accurately accurately accurately
to show marks 1 to 2 marks 3 to 4 marks 5 to 6 marks the
where they places within places with places within passage for
found answer the text the text the text each question

Student uses Student uses Student uses 2 Student uses 4 Student uses 7
complete no complete to 3 complete to 6 complete complete
sentences to sentences sentences sentences sentences

Student Student Student Student Student

correctly answers 1 to 2 answers 3 to 4 answers 5 to 6 answers 7
answers questions questions questions questions
questions correctly correctly correctly correctly
The following is to be completed after implementing lesson:
Reflecting on students’ performance:
During the whole group lesson students remained engaged during the reading of the nonfiction text and volunteered easily to read
aloud. I allowed the students to choose their own partner for this assignment and they chose their partner pretty quickly. They each
have their own space in which they work during partner time so the students are able to hear one another and still work on the
passage. While the students were working on answering the questions I took this time to walk around and talk to each pair
independently and ask supporting questions. This allowed the students to begin making connections past the Candy Corn passage
and have a deeper understanding of the lesson.
I alloted 15 minutes for the students to complete the answers to the nonfiction text. 16 out of 20 (80%) students were able to
complete all 7 questions that were required of them to answer. The remaining 4 students were paired together (in groups of 2) and
they did not finish but 5 or 6 of the questions. While reviewing their answers to the questions 18 of the 20 students (90%) gave
complete sentences and made the correct notations within the passage to show where they got their answers from.
Students’ strengths in relation to essential literacy strategy Students’ strengths in
relation to related skills
90% of the students were successful in using the text to provide evidence for their answers. They 80% of students were
made use of underlining the text to show where they were receiving their information and used proficient in
complete sentences when responding to the question. understanding both the
text and what the text was
asking as well as using
complete sentences to
formulate their responses.
Students’ weaknesses in relation to essential literacy strategy Students’ weaknesses in
relation to related skills
10% of the students struggled with using the passage as a resource for answering their questions. 10% of the students
They were attempting to recall from memory the answers to the questions instead of looking back struggled with
into the passage for the correct answer. paraphrasing the answer
in their own words. They
copied the answer directly
from the text word for
Reflecting on lesson implementation (with justifications from student performance and lesson delivery)
Strengths Areas for growth
The strengths of this lesson included allowing the students to read both the questions and the passage If I were to teach this
before they began to work on it independently. This allowed the students to hone in on the details that lesson again I would
they knew they needed to know from the questions while we were reading from the passage. choose groups for my
students. The students
who did not finish may
have been due to not
staying on task or due to
having two struggling
readers as partners.
Given the students' in/ability to achieve the learning standard, describe your next steps to improve your practice
Next steps for teaching essential literacy strategy Next steps for teaching
related skills
My next step for teaching the essential literacy strategy would be to have students begin to work Students would be given
independently reading a nonfiction text and answering the questions. This will allow the teacher to small paragraphs that
see what they are capable of doing on their own when presented text and supporting questions. would require them to
locate the main idea and
Evidence of students’ use of language function? Evidence of students’ use
of vocabulary?
While the students were working in pairs to complete their questions I was walking around talking to When going over the
students about the question that they were on. I would ask them to read the question for me and then answers as a whole group
have the go back to the passage to read the part of the passage that gave them the answer. I did this the students made use of
for every group and each group was able to give me a direct reference back to the text. the vocabulary such as “I
referenced back to the
text” or “I found my
evidence in this

Evidence of students’ use of syntax? Evidence of students’ use

of discourse?
Students read aloud during the whole group reading of the passage as well as speaking to one another Students engaged in
when they were working in pairs to answer the questions. The students also used syntax when academic discourse
answering the questions on the handout given to them. through discussing the
answers with both their
partner and the teacher.

What theory/research supports using this objective/strategy to align with the needs of your student?

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