Answers & Solutions: For For For For For
Answers & Solutions: For For For For For
Answers & Solutions: For For For For For
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3. Question paper has 80 multiple choice questions. Each question has four alternatives, out of which only
one is correct. Choose the correct alternative and fill the appropriate bubble, as shown.
Q. No. 22 a c d
4. A correct answer carries 3 marks whereas 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
6. No candidate should leave the examination hall before the completion of the examination.
NSEB 2018-19
(d) Light source Mirror Iris diaphragm (b) Total cross sectional area of vessels
Specimen Condenser lens Objective lens (c) Average blood pressure
Eye piece lens Eye (d) Velocity of blood flow
Answer (b) Answer (c)
Sol. The correct path followed by ray of light in a Sol. We know that total cross-sectional area of the
compound light microscope is : vessels increases from nearly 4.5 cm2 in the aorta
Light source Mirror Iris diaphragm to 4500 cm 2 in the capillaries which means
Condenser lens Specimen Objective lens maximum (total) cross-sectional area in capillaries.
Eye piece lens Eye Vessel diameter decreases from aorta to capillaries
but increases from capillaries to vena cava. Velocity
2. Rohit's teacher gave him a freshly prepared slide of a of blood flows decreases when blood reaches
vertical section of some unknown plant sample, to capillaries but then increases in vena cava. Average
observe. Rohit found some non-lignified cells which blood pressure in medium sized arteries falls very
were longitudinally elongated and tapering at both the slightly but falls rapidly in small arteries and
ends. These ends were overlapping with next cells. arterioles and further in vena cava.
The cells showed clustered perforations which were
4. During one study on rate of decomposition, litterbag
distributed uniformly over the cell surface. There were
experiment was carried out on three tree species P, Q
no chloroplasts in these cells. The specimen most
and R from same forest. In this experiment, 30 litterbags
likely represented : _______
were filled with 5.0 gms of senescent leaf litter for each
(a) Stem of Gymnosperm tree. These bags were made of fine mesh to allow
(b) Leaf of monocot decomposers to access litter but do not let the
decomposing material to fall out. These bags were
(c) Root of dicot buried in the litter layer of the forest. During a year, five
(d) Sporophyte of hornwort bags of each species were removed at 6 intervals and
their contents were dried and weighed. At the end of
Answer (a) the experiment, the percent of mass remaining was
Sol. Longitudinally elongated cells with tapering ends, found to be 75%, 50% and 45% respectively for given
overlapped with each other and with perforations are three species. The most appropriate reason for this
features of sieve cells. Since sieve cells are found difference is :
in gymnosperms thus given slide belong to stem of (a) The moisture content of leaves of ‘R’ species must
gymnosperms. be higher than others
Angiosperm root and stem both will have lignified (b) The lignin content in ‘P’ is maximum among all
cells. three species.
NSEB 2018-19
(c) The difference in types of decomposers involved (c) Non-coding DNA may predispose individual to
in process leads to variation in rate of cancer
(d) Non-coding DNA can be the causative agent of
(d) The mass of dead decomposers also added in Tuberculosis
case of species ‘P’.
Answer (d)
Answer (b)
Sol. Causative agent of Tuberculosis is Mycobacterium,
Sol. Chemical composition of detritus is a determining not the non-coding DNA.
factor for decomposition process.
7. While cloning a Eukaryotic gene in Prokaryotic
Detritus with high lignin or tannin (complex organic expression vector
compounds) content shows slow decomposition rate.
(a) Gene of interest is inserted in a cloning vector
Since remaining mass of P after decomposition is
with active prokaryotic promoter
highest i.e. 75% thus its lignin content is maximum.
(b) mRNA of gene of interest is inserted in a cloning
5. Southern flying squirrel ‘Glaucomys volans’ shows
vector with active prokaryotic promoter
variation in their daily activity period throughout the
year. As shown in the graph, the time of the day when (c) cDNA of gene of interest is inserted in a cloning
squirrel becomes active varies considerably. vector with active prokaryotic promoter
(a) The squirrel starts its daily activity with nightfall Thoracic 12 13
7 (abdominal)
(b) The delayed activity period in April-July Lumbar 5 6
corresponds to breeding season
Sacral 1 5 4
(c) Higher temperature during day time in spring
season leads to late beginning of activities Caudal 0 4 30
(d) The activity starts early at the beginning of the Animals I, II and III most likely are :
year due to more availability of food
(a) I : Human II : Frog III : Rat
Answer (c)
(b) I : Frog II : Human III : Rat
Sol. Graph shows that squirrel becomes active with
sunset, since time of sunset increases from winter (c) I : Human II : Rat III : Frog
to summer. Thus, higher temperature during day (d) I : Frog II : Rat III : Human
time in spring season leads to late beginning of
activities. Answer (b)
6. Following statements are made about Non-coding Sol. The vertebral formula in frog (Animal I) is
DNA. Mark the statement that is INCORRECT. C1Ab7S1Ca0
(a) Non-coding DNA can be transcribed into functional The vertebral formula in human (Animal II) is
non-coding RNA molecules. C1T12L5S5Ca4
(b) Non-coding DNA can contribute towards evolution The vertebral formula in rat (Animal III) is
of Genome C7T13L6S4Ca30-36
NSEB 2018-19
(b) Taq DNA polymerase can polymerize ss DNA in Enzyme O should be nuclease as its action on
3 5 direction. DNA stops the transformation and mice dies.
(c) Taq DNA polymerase does not denature at high 11. Oxygen-hemoglobin saturation curve can be obtained
temperatures. by plotting the amount of oxyhemoglobin present at
(d) Rate of DNA replication is much higher in presence different partial pressures of oxygen. The dashed line
of Taq DNA polymerase. indicates the oxygen saturation curve obtained for a
healthy individual (body temperature 37°C and blood
Answer (c)
pH 7.4).
Sol. – Taq DNA polymerase is a specialised
thermostable enzyme isolated from the
Hemoglobin saturation%
thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus. It
has both 5’ 3’ polymerase and exonuclease
activity which is not a unique feature as this P
property is also found in other DNA polymerases.
– Rate of DNA replication is much lower in
presence of Taq DNA polymerase w.r.t. DNA 50
polymerase III of prokaryotes.
– Taq DNA polymerase is routinely used in PCR
as it works in the range 90 – 94°C during
primer extension step.
20 40 60 80 100
10. In the famous experiments by Griffith, heat-killed
smooth (S) strain of Pneumococci were mixed with Oxygen pressure (mm of Hg)
the non-virulent rough (R) strain of Pneumococci and In which of the following conditions, will the curves P
then injected into healthy mice (Experiment 1). In further be obtained?
experiments, the filtrate obtained by homogenizing the
(a) pH 7.2 and temperature: 37°C
heat-killed smooth strain was treated with three different
enzymes and then mixed with the nonvirulent R strain. (b) pH 7.6 and temperature: 20°C
These mixtures were injected into healthy mice to study
(c) pH 7.2 and temperature: 40°C
the effect. (Experiments 2 – 4).
The results of these experiments are given in the table (d) pH 7.4 and temperature: 40°C
below. Answer (b)
Experiment Heat-killed S strain Effect on mice after injecting the Sol. – High pO2, low pCO2, less H+ concentration, high
treated with mixture of Heat-killed treated S
and the non virulent R strain pH and low temperature are the various factors
which favour formation of oxyhaemoglobin complex
1 No enzyme Mouse died
and shift the curve towards left side.
2 Enzyme M Mouse remained healthy
So, curve P will be obtained when the pH shifts
3 Enzyme N Mouse died
from 7.4 to 7.6 and temperature shifts from 37°C to
4 Enzyme O Mouse remained healthy 20°C.
NSEB 2018-19
12. Which of the following is the property of a Stem cell? 14. Colorimetry has widest applications in biological
sciences. While measuring the growth (rate) of a
(a) They can differentiate into all possible types of
bacterial culture, which phenomenon is taken into
cells and are found only in embryonic tissue.
(b) They can differentiate into other types of cells and i. Absorption of light by the bacterial media.
they are capable of dividing and renewing
ii. Absorption of a specific wavelength of light by the
themselves for long periods.
bacterial cells.
(c) Stem cells are unspecialized and they cannot be iii. Scattering of light by the bacterial cells.
grown in laboratory conditions.
Mark the correct option.
(d) All the above. (a) i and ii (b) ii and iii
Answer (b) (c) i only (d) iii only
Sol. Stem cells are not exclusively found in embryonic Answer (b)
tissues. Adult stem cells have been found in bone Sol. In spectrophotometer, cell growth is measured by
marrow, skin, liver etc. These cells can differentiate measuring the absorbance of cell suspensions. This
into other type of cells. Stem cells can be cultured principle is based on the fact that small molecules
in laboratory conditions in specialised nutrient scatter light proportionate to their concentration.
broths. Cells are composed of a variety of organic
compounds (DNA, proteins, lipids and
13. In an experiment to study the effect of a certain
carbohydrates). Light interacts with these
compound ‘X’, actively respiring plant cells were treated
molecules in different ways: reflection, absorption,
with ‘X’ after some time of the start of the experiment.
transmission and scattering. A bacterium absorbs
The pH gradient across the mitochondrial membrane
light at specific wavelength (600 nm).
was monitored throughout the experiment. Compound
X was known to specifically target mitochondrial ATP 15. Ananya wanted to isolate and study organelles involved
synthase and lead to complete inhibition of the in packaging and transporting of proteins to various
enzyme. Which of the following graphs would be the locations in a cell. Her colleague had carried out the
expected outcome of this experiment? The arrow in following experiment: she ground a piece of spinach
the graph indicates the time of addition of compound leaves and carried out differential centrifugation. A
‘X’. scheme of the protocol she followed along with the
centrifugation speed (in g) at every step is given below:
pH gradient across
pH gradient across
9000 g
(a) (b)
pH gradient across
Primates Birds 1X 2X
Ray finned Amphibians Rodents Crocodilians
1Y 2Y
Tube 1 Tube 2
Radioactive 32P and 35S are expected to be found
maximally in which of the following parts of the tubes?
(a) 1X and 2X (b) 1Y and 2X
(a) Vertebrae, sweat glands, amniotic egg.
(c) 1Y and 2Y (d) 1X and 2Y
(b) Bony skeleton, hair, eggs with shell.
Answer (b)
(c) Vertebrae, amniotic egg, feathers. Sol. Radioactive P32 will incorporate in DNA of virus so
(d) Notochord, four legs, amniotic eggs. it will be found in pellet (1 Y) i.e. at the bottom of
test tube in experiment 1.
Answer (b)
While radioactive S35 will incorporate in protein of
Sol. virus so it will be found in supernatant (2x) because
protein capsid remain outside the host.
Primates Birds 18. Pure water seems to be colorless in visible region of
Ray finned Amphibians Rodents Crocodile
fish Hair the electromagnetic spectrum. This is because
N (a) When a beam of visible light falls on it, the energy
O Two post orbital
fenestrae spectrum does not cause any change in the
Amniotic eggs molecule.
M Four limbs (b) No energy is absorbed.
Bony fishes (skeleton) (c) Water molecules lack chromophore.
Vertebrate (d) All of the above.
Answer (b)
M, N and O are bony skeleton, hair and eggs with
shell respectively. Sol. Water molecules are unable to absorb too much
energy. Therefore, when visible light pass through
17. In an experiment to test the component of a the water, it is unable to absorb too much of visible
bacteriophage that might be the hereditary material light energy. Therefore difference between the
that enters a bacterial cell to direct the assembly of energies of the two quantum states of water is very
new viruses, the following two experiments were less, and thus water seems to be colourless.
19. A living, colorless, unstained organism can be best
Experiment 1: Virus were labeled with radioactive viewed using :
phosphorus (32P) labeled virus were allowed to infect
(a) Brightfield light microscope
unlabeled bacteria mixture was agitated to detach
viruses from bacterial cells centrifugation was (b) Darkfield light microscope
carried out to form bacterial pellet while viruses (c) Fluorescent microscope
remained in the supernatant as indicated in tube 1.
(d) Scanning electron microscope
Experiment 2: Virus were labeled with radioactive
Answer (a)
sulfur (35S) labeled virus were allowed to infect
unlabeled bacteria mixture was agitated to detach Sol. Brightfield light microscope is a multipurpose
viruses from bacterial cells centrifugation was instrument and can be used for live unstained
carried out to form bacterial pellet while viruses materials as well as preserved and stained
remained in the supernatant as indicated by tube 2. materials.
NSEB 2018-19
Dark field microscope - to detect mainly cellular 22. Green world hypothesis suggests that despite many
organelles such as nuclei, vacuoles, mitochondria primary consumers feeding on plants, the terrestrial
etc. ecosystems maintain their greenery. The herbivores
Fluorescent microscope - for antibodies are able to consume only a small part of plant biomass
Scanning electron microscope - for study of dried because of several inhibiting factors. Some of the
specimens coated with metals. factors are listed below:
20. The graph depicts the relationship between alveolar 1. Plants have defences against herbivores
ventilation and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in 2. Abiotic factors limit herbivore feeding
alveolar air. Regions AB and AC respectively represent
3. Disturbances in breeding cycle limit herbivore
20 B 4. Intraspecific competition limits herbivore feeding
Which of the following is true?
PA CO2 (a) Statements 1, 2 and 3 are the inhibiting factors
(b) Statements 1, 2 and 4 are the inhibiting factors
(c) Statements 1, 3 and 4 are the inhibiting factors
5 C
(d) Statements 2, 3 and 4 are the inhibiting factors
NSEB 2018-19
NSEB 2018-19
30. Tattooing is a permanent coloration of the skin in which Answer (a)
a foreign pigment is deposited with a needle into
the__________. Sol. The given diagram shows adaptation for acquiring
maximum dim light such as in nocturnal animal like
(a) Epidermis (b) Dermis owl. Greater curvature of cornea converges more
(c) Hypodermis (d) Connective tissue light rays on lens for vision in dark (dim light).
Answer (b) 33. A bone scan is a diagnostic tool where small amount
Sol. Tattooing is performed by using needle, through of a radioactive tracer compound is injected
which ink is inserted into the dermis. If the ink intravenously and the degree of uptake of the tracer is
would be injected in epidermis a layer prone to cast measured by a scanning device. Normal bone tissue
off shedding (ecdysis) and the ink of the tattoo is identified by a consistent grey colour. Darker or
fades away. So for permanent coloration, tattooing lighter areas also known as “Hot spots” and “Cold
should be performed in dermis. spots” respectively may indicate bone abnormalities.
31. White coat color in guinea pigs is recessive (b) to By considering this fact, which of the following
black (B). Ovary from black homozygous guinea pig conditions would produce hot spots on X ray sheet?
is transplanted into a white ovarectomized female. If (a) Decalcified bone.
this white female is mated with a white male, the
offspring will be, (b) Paget's disease (disease that disrupts
displacement of old bone tissue with new).
(a) Black with the genotype BB.
(b) White with the genotype bb. (c) Bone cancer.
(c) Black or white with genotype Bb OR bb. (d) Degenerative bone diseases.
(d) Black with the genotype Bb.
Answer (c)
Answer (d)
Sol. Hot spots are darker areas representing the
Sol. White skin coat over ectomized female is
abnormality in bone tissue.
transplanted with the ovary from black homozygous
guinea pig. Condition like tumor/cancer (abnormal proliferation
Female Male (White skin coated guinea pig) of bone tissue) may produce hot spots on X-ray
BB bb sheet.
B B Cancerous regions show enhanced blood supply
b Bb Bb and angiogenesis. Rapid uptake of radioactive tracer
can be observed in region of cellular proliferation.
b Bb Bb
All progenies = Bb (Heterozygous black with Bb 34. There are two forms of UV radiation, UVA (315-400 nm)
genotype) & UVB (280-315 nm) that have different effects on
health. Which of the following statements is true?
32. Schematic eye is represented in the figure. Which of
the following statement is true? (a) UVA is not absorbed by the ozone layer and is
responsible for tanning.
NSEB 2018-19
35. The products of hydrolysis of chitin which is a major Cells P and Q are:
component of exoskeleton of insects is (a) P-xylem parenchyma; Q-xylem trachieds
(a) Galactosamine which is an amino sugar.
(b) P-companion cells; Q-phloem fibres
(b) Glucosamine which is an amino sugar.
(c) P-companion cells; Q-sieve tube elements
(c) Deoxyribose sugar which is a pentose sugar.
(d) P-companion cells; Q-xylem parenchyma
(d) Fatty acids and glycerol.
Answer (c)
Answer (b)
Sol. Companion cells are specialised parenchymatous
Sol. In chitin, the basic unit is a nitrogen containing
cells. They retain a nucleus throughout their life.
glucose derivative known as N-acetyl glucosamine
They contain a lot of mitochondria. A mature sieve
(NAG). Glucosamine is an amino sugar. (1,4)
tube element possesses a peripheral cytoplasm
glycosidic bonds are formed in chitin which is a
and a large central vacuole but lacks a nucleus. It
polymer of NAG found in exoskeleton of arthropods
does not have ribosomes and Golgi bodies.
and fungal cell wall.
38. Kangaroo rat is a xeric vertebrate which has higher
36. Select the correct match for items in part A to that in
metabolic rate than lizards. It usually does not drink
part B among the following:
water. Which of the following features is NOT shown
PART A PART B by this mammal?
P. Receptor mediated (i) Entry of maternal (a) It produces highly concentrated urine.
endocytosis antibodies across
(b) It shows lower basal metabolic rate than a non-
desert mammal.
Q. Phagocytosis (ii) Entry of HiV in helper
T cell (c) It utilises metabolic water and spends the day in
burrows which have temperature of 25°C.
R. Bulk phase (iii) Vital defence
endocytosis/ mechanism (d) It has cutaneous permeability to absorb moisture
Pinocytosis from the damp burrows during day and from cold
sand at night.
S. Transcytosis (iv) Absorptive cells of
kidneys & intestine Answer (d)
(a) P-(ii), Q-(i), R-(iii), S-(iv) Sol. In mammals like Kangaroo rat skin is lined by
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium which is
(b) P-(i), Q-(ii), R-(iv), S-(iii)
water proof and can not absorb water from damp
(c) P-(ii), Q-(iii), R-(iv), S-(i) burrows.
(d) P-(iii), Q-(iv), R-(ii), S-(i) 39. In the context of the following figure, which of the
Answer (c) statements below is true?
Sol. P. Receptor mediated endocytosis occurs during
the entry of HIV in TH cells as TH cells bear
CD4 receptor.
Q. In phagocytosis, cell engulfs foreign particles,
waste material to provide defence to our body.
R. Bulk phase endocytosis/pinocytosis/cell
drinking occurs by the absorptive cells of
kidneys and intestine.
S. Entry of maternal antibodies IgG across
placenta occurs through transcytosis.
37. Structural features of two types of cells; P and Q of
vascular tissue of a dicot plant are given below:
P: Presence of nucleus, membrane bound organelles
and large number ot mitochondria. (a) Mass specific metabolic rate decreases with
increased activity.
Q: No nucleus, cytoplasm is in the form of thin layer,
few small mitochondria, no ribosomes, no Golgi (b) Mass specific metabolic rate increases with
bodies. decreasing body mass.
NSEB 2018-19
(c) Mass specific metabolic rate increases with iii. mRNA migrates from the nucleus to the
decreased area/volume. cytoplasm.
(d) Mass specific metabolic rate decreases with iv. An aminoacyl tRNA binds to its specific codon
increase in food consumption rate. on mRNA.
Answer (b) v. mRNA is transcribed from its DNA template.
Sol. Body size of an individual is inversely proportional Identify the correct sequence from the following
to the basal metabolic rate. options.
40. In comparison to the mountain goats adapted to (a) v - iii - i - iv - ii (b) v - ii - i - iii - iv
climbing rather than running similar-sized pronghorns
(c) v - iii - iv - ii - i (d) v - iii - ii - iv - i
that are adapted to run fast, have a 5 times greater
rate of oxygen consumption. This is possible due to Answer (a)
the following adaptations with an exception of: Sol. The first step during protein synthesis begins when
(a) Larger surface area in the lungs. mRNA is available. So, first mRNA is transcribed from
(b) Greater cardiac output. its DNA template in the nucleus and then it is
transported to the cytoplasm from it.
(c) Larger and more abundant erythrocytes.
43. Porpoise (Phocaena spp.) is a group of small toothed
(d) Higher volume and density of mitochondria. whales found in Polar regions. The mammals is
Answer (c) adapted to low temperature conditions. Following four
schematic diagrams show possible arrangement of
Sol. In pronghorns, lungs have larger surface area, more
blood vessels in longitudinal section of their flippers.
cardiac output, higher volume and density of
Which one of them is the most appropriate for
mitochondria because all are helpful to increase
maintaining optimum body temperature?
oxygen consumption there by explaining high BMR,
but increase in size of RBCs decreases total
surface area for gaseous exchange which is not
(a) (b)
41. Which of the following insects have 2 pairs of
functional wings, shearing mouthparts and incomplete
(a) Butterfly (b) Mosquito
(c) Cockroach (d) Dragonfly (c) (d)
Answer (d)
Sol. Butterfly has 2 pairs of functional wings, siphoning
Answer (c)
type of mouth parts and shows complete
metamorphosis (Holometabolous condition). Sol. Porpoises found in polar regions are adapted for low
temperature by preserving body heat causing peripheral
Mosquito has 1 pair of functional wings, piercing
vasoconstriction. Figure (c) is correct as it has
and sucking type of mouth parts and shows
functional central blood vessel and peripheral capillaries
complete metamorphosis (Holometabolous
on flippers in spherical arrangement. Since sphere
has minimum surface area, it minimises heat loss.
Cockroach has 1 pair of functional wings, biting &
44. Birds like Albatross, spend months at sea drinking
chewing type of mouth parts and shows gradual
sea water. Their osmoregulation strategy includes:
metamorphosis (Paurometabolus metamorphosis).
i. Excreting salts through nasal glands.
Dragon fly has 2 pairs of functional wings, shearing
(cutting) mouth parts and shows incomplete ii. Having uric acid as excretory material.
metamorphosis (Hemimetabolous metamorphosis).
iii. Having an active ornithine cycle.
42. The following is a list of events in synthesis of protein
(a) i & ii
from a DNA template.
(b) i & iii
i. mRNA attaches to the ribosome.
(c) iii & iv
ii. The amino acid is attached to the growing
polypeptide by a peptide bond. (d) ii & iv
NSEB 2018-19
(a) Photosynthesis, respiration and luminescence.
NSEB 2018-19
Answer (b) 52. On an average a climax ecosystem has more organic
matter in the form of
Sol. Gonyaulax a dinoflagellate shows photosynthesis in
daytime, while it shows bioluminescence in night. (a) Primary producers
so curve Y = Photosynthesis (b) Consumers
Z = Bioluminescence (c) Decomposers
and X = Cellular activity that can occur in day or
(d) Dead organic biomass of all the above
night i.e, cell division/ reproduction
Answer (a)
So correct option that matches correct possibilities is
(b) Sol. Climax community is characterised by
50. An inverted pyramid of biomass is expected for High diversity
(a) Tropical rain forest
High organic matter
(b) Grassland
High humus
(c) Open ocean
But organic matter is not in the form of dead biomass.
(d) Desert As Biomass is measured as fresh weight or dry weight
Answer (c) of living matter.
Sol. For aquatic ecosystems pyramid of biomass shows Since organic matter and humus is high in climax
inverted pattern. community the primary producer will also be high.
(a) 3 (b) 4 P Q
(c) 6 (d) 8 45 45
Answer (d) 0 0
Sol. Phenotype minimum weight = 20 gm (due to all (a) Hypoventilation and bronchospasm
recessive allele),
(b) Hyperventilation and asthama
Maximum weight = 36 gm (due to dominant allele at
(c) Bronchospasm and hyperventilation
each loci)
Contribution of each dominant allele at each loci (d) Bronchospasm and hypoventilation
= 2 gm. Answer (c)
No. of dominant loci involved =
Sol. Bronchospasms obstruct air ways so that CO2 starts
max imum weight minimum weight to accumulate in the body fluids causing increase in
contribution of each dominant allele pCO2 results in condition known as hypercapnoea,
which is represented by waves of P type.
36 20 16
8 Hyperventilation is responsible for removal of
2 2 increased CO2 from body fluids causing decrease
Total dominant loci involved is 8. in H+ concentration as sure by Q wave.
NSEB 2018-19
54. Endocrine glands play major role in working of ovarian 56. Mechanism involved in volatilization of ammonia by
cycle. Following events have to occur in specific land snail Halix is shown, P, Q and R respectively
sequence in female mammals, especially humans. indicate:
The correct sequence of given events must be: Hornocyonin
(a) P Q R S H+
(b) S Q P R Q
NH 4
(c) R P Q S
NSEB 2018-19
58. If photosynthesizing algal cells are provided with CO2 Answer (a)
with heavy isotope of oxygen (18O2); which of the Sol. Peroxisome has enzyme catalase which is known to
following, produced by the algae will NOT contain detoxify H2O2 into H2O and O2.
18O ?
When liver is dropped in H2O2 solution, H2O2 will enter
(a) PGA (b) PGAL in hepatic cells where it get detoxified by catalase of
(c) Glucose (d) O2 peroxisomes. Oxygen will be released in the form of
bubbles. Thus option (b) is correct.
Answer (d)
61. Function of non-kinetochore microtubules is,
Sol. Oxygen released during oxygen comes from H2O and
not from CO2. (i) To help the chromosomes to get arranged at the
59. The diagram below represents the digestive system
from __________ group of animals. (ii) To elongate the cell during anaphase.
(iii) To help the separation of chromatids during
Which of the statements is/are correct?
(a) i only (b) ii only
(c) iii only (d) i and iii
Answer (b)
Sol. Microtubules attached to kinetochore, help in
separation of chromatids.
(a) Ruminant herbivore
While those which are not attached to kinetochore
(b) Non-ruminant herbivore help to elongate the cell during anaphase.
(c) Bird 62. The diagram below represents pattern of expansion
(d) Carnivore animal and reduction of major terrestrial plant groups identified
as P, Q, R and S during the 400 million years of plant
Answer (b) evolution. If S represents Angiosperms, P, Q and R
Sol. The diagram given represents the digestive system respectively represent :
from a non ruminant herbivore such as tadpole of frog Devonian Permian Jurassic Tertiary
as it has spirally coiled intestine. Also, the stomach Silurian Carboniferous Triassic Cretaceous
given in figure is not compound type i.e. a simple
stomach is shown. Compound stomach is a character
of ruminant herbivores. Carnivores have smaller 700
intestines as compared to herbivores.
Number of species
NSEB 2018-19
(c) ammonium ions are more readily absorbed by 71. The distribution of four types of bacteria grown in four
plants. different undisturbed tubes containing culture media
(d) ammonium nitrates are formed which do not is shown below. P, Q, R and R respective indicate:
dissolve in water and get precipitated.
Answer (a)
Sol. NH4+ being a cation is absorbed by negatively charged
soil clay particles. They are not leached through soil.
69. From a culture of mammalian cells, a cell in M phase
is made to fuse with a second cell in G1 phase. The
second cell will go into:
(a) S phase instantly.
(a) Aerobes, anaerobes, facultative aerobes and
(b) M phase skipping S phase. microaerophilic organisms.
(c) M phase after quickly completing S phase.
(b) Anaerobes, aerobes, facultative aerobes and
(d) G2 phase after quickly completing S phase. microaerophilic organisms.
Answer (d) (c) Microaerophilic organisms, aerobes, anaerobes
Sol. Initiation of DNA synthesis is induced by inducers and facultative aerobes.
produced in G1 phase. When a G1 phase cell comes
(d) Anaerobes, aerobes, microaerophilic organisms
in contact with cell in either G2 or M phase latter
and facultative aerobes.
induces DNA synthesis prematurely in G1 nucleus.
So when G1 Phase of cell get fused with M phase cell Answer (b)
then G1 nuclei quickly completes S phase and would Sol. P = Bacteria at the bottom of growth medium is
enter in G2 phase. surviving in unavailability of oxygen i.e. Anaerobic
So correct answer should be (d). bacteria.
70. In corn plants, a dominant allele ‘I’ inhibits kernel Q = Bacteria growing near the surface of medium is
colour, while the recessive allele ‘I’ permits colour. At surviving in the abundance of oxygen i.e.
a different locus, the dominant allele ‘P’ makes kernel Anaerobic bacteria.
purple while ‘pp’ makes kernels red. If plants
R = Bacteria being dispersed throughout the medium
heterozygous at both loci are crossed, what will be
are aerobes surviving in different possible
the phenotypic ratio of purple : red : colourless?
concentration of oxygen i.e. microaerophilic
(a) 3 : 1 : 12 (b) 12 : 4 : 0 organisms.
(c) 9 : 4 : 3 (d) 3 : 4 : 9 S = Bacteria surviving in less abundance of oxygen
Answer (a) i.e. facultative aerobes.
Sol. Heterozygous IiPp plant selfed to produce progenies- 72. A cross between a pea plant (Pisum sativum) with
IiPp × IiPp long stem and axial flower with short stem and terminal
flowers produce twenty-one seeds. From these seeds,
IP Ip iP ip 11 plants grew into plants with long stem and axial
flowers while 10 grew into short stem with axial flowers.
IP IIPP IIPp IiPP IiPp The genotype of the parents must be.
So, long stem - axial flower and short stem with axial Answer (b)
flower progenies in 1 : 1 ratio which according to
Sol. Alternate splicing leads to formation of different
question are produced in 11 and 10 respectively.
polypeptides from the same genes.
So, parental genotype was TtAA × ttaa
Post translational modification can also make the
73. Rejection of transplant is an immune response of the different proteins from the same genes.
76. A wind type fruit fly(heterozygous for grey body
(a) B-lymphocyte mediated humoral. colour and normal wings) is mated with a black fly
(b) Humoral, helper T lymphocytes mediated. with vestigial wings. The offspring have the following
phenotypic distribution : wild type = 998; black
(c) Cell medicated involving cytotoxic lymphocytes. vestigial = 994; grey vestigial = 208; black
(d) Cell mediated involving memory T lymphocytes. normal = 200
Answer (c) What is recombination frequency between the two
given alleles?
Sol. Graft rejection is function of T-lymphocytes, cytotoxic
killer T-cells(Tc) damage foreign tissue by perforin (a) 17%
action. (b) 15%
74. The percentage composition by volume of gases at (c) 20%
various stages of respiration in humans is tabulated
below. (d) 25%
Answer (a)
Oxygen 16.4 20.95 13.8 Sol. Among the obtained progenies
Caron dioxide 4.0
Nitrogen 79.6
Wild type = 998
Black vestigial = 994
combinations 1992
P, Q and R respectively represent: Grey vestigial = 208 or
(a) Expired air, alveolar air and inspired air Black normal = 200 New combinations 408
(b) Alveolar air, inspired air and expired air Total progeny = 1992 + 408 = 2400.
(c) Inspired air, alveolar air and expired air Recombination between two given genes alleles
(d) Expired air, inspired air and alveolar air New combination
= 100
Answer (d) Total progeny
Sol. The percentage of O2, CO2 and N2 in inhaled/inspired 408
= 17%
air is 21%, 0.04% and 79% as represented in Q column. 2400
Expired air is a mixture of air being exhaled that mixes 77. In an enzyme catalyzed reaction, it is possible to
with trapped air in conducting path of respiratory reverse the inhibition of a reaction by increasing the
system (dead space volume) as shown in column (P). substrate concentration in which of the following case/
Mixing of inhaled air with residual alveolar air leads to cases?
change in partial pressures of gases.
(a) Competitive inhibition
75. According to finding from the Human Genome
Project, there are about 25000 genes but there are (b) Non-competitive inhibition.
many more different polypeptides. Which of the (c) Uncompetitive inhibition
following processes might explain the discrepancy
between number of genes and polypeptides. (d) Allosteric inhibition