Material Balance Project Styrene Manufacture: H CHCH H C CH CH H C
Material Balance Project Styrene Manufacture: H CHCH H C CH CH H C
Material Balance Project Styrene Manufacture: H CHCH H C CH CH H C
Styrene Manufacture
The reaction is reversible and is limited by equilibrium. Reaction occurs at high temperatures
(800 K to 950 K) and at low pressures (0.4 bar to 1.4 bar) to shift the equilibrium to the right to
favor styrene production. The process uses a proprietary iron catalyst that minimizes side
reactions. However, side reactions become significant at higher temperatures. For simplicity, we
will assume that the only side reaction is hydrogenolysis of ethylbenzene to produce toluene and
The styrene production process is run with a mixture of steam and ethylbenzene. The steam
acts as a diluent to shift the reaction equilibrium to the right in favor of styrene and tends to limit
side reactions and extend catalyst life. Typical steam to ethylbenzene ratios entering the reactor
are 6-12.
The styrene reaction is equilibrium limited. The ethylbenzene-styrene equilibrium constant has the
yS y H P
K eq =
y EB
where, yS, yH and yEB are the mole fractions of styrene, hydrogen and ethylbenzene; P is the total
pressure in the reactor expressed in bar (1 bar = 100 kPa). The value for the equilibrium constant
is only a function of temperature. It is described by the following relationship.
ln K eq = 15.5408 −
The temperature units are degrees Kelvin.
You are expected to form small groups and to evaluate the process to determine operating
conditions that will produce a maximum profit for a plant that produces 1,000,000,000 lb of
styrene per year. You should assume that the reaction temperature range is 800-950 K, the
pressure range 0.4-1.4 bar, and the range for the steam to ethylbenzene ratio entering the reactor
is 6-12. The primary reaction is equilibrium limited. Assume that this reaction proceeds to 80%
of its equilibrium value. The selectivity to the side reaction is listed in Table 1. The flow sheet for
the process is provided in Figure 1. No information has been provided about operating costs, so
that you should consider profit to be the difference between product value and feedstock cost.
Prices and costs are listed in Table 2.
You, as a new process engineering team, have been asked to calculate the most profitable
mode to operate a styrene production process. You are to determine the operating temperature,
pressure, and steam to ethylbenzene ratio. There are a large number of cases that need to be
evaluated. You should report the profit (loss) for each case examined and provide stream tables
for the best operating conditions found.
You may not use CAD software, but are encouraged to use spreadsheet calculations. You
may write your own program if you prefer. If you write a program, any programming language is
acceptable. Whether you use a spreadsheet or program, you must turn in hand calculations for
one case to demonstrate that the program or spreadsheet was written correctly.
R-501 V-501 T-501 T-502
styrene three-phase toluene styrene
reactor separator tower tower
waste water
A group is to consist of at least 3 and no more than 4 members. No other combinations are
acceptable. You are free to make groups by yourselves. When you have formed a group, please
write the names of its members on the chart posted on Dr. Kugler's office door. Individuals who
do not form their own groups will be assigned to one.
Each group will be expected to prepare both an oral and a written report recommending best
operating conditions. The reports should follow the department's design-report guidelines. Data
should be in the form of graphs and tables since this serves both to condense the results and to
make them easily understandable. The appendix should include your spreadsheet or computer
program and a hand calculation for one representative case.
Report Authors
Although work on a group report can never be divided equitably, only those members of the
group making substantial contributions to the final report should be listed as authors.