Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Award of The Degree of
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Award of The Degree of
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement For The Award of The Degree of
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
G.CHARAN SAI (16P61A0531)
This is to certify that the project report titled ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM FOR
COLLEGE ELECTIONS is being submitted by G.AJITH ROHAN(16P61A0506),
SAI (16P61A0531) in B. Tech IV I semester Computer Science and Engineering is a
record bonafide work carried out by them. The results embodied in this report have not
been submitted to any other University for the award of any degree.
(A UGC Autonomous Institution, approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUH,
Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), National Assessment and
Accreditation Council (NAAC) )
This is to certify that, Students of Computer Science and Engineering Department has
successfully completed the project entitled ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM FOR COLLEGE
ELECTIONS in this college towards partial fulfillment of the academic requirements for the
award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.
They successfully completed the project under the supervision of Ms. K. Keerthana during the
Self-confidence, hard work, commitment and planning are essential to carry-out any task.
Possessing these qualities is sheer waste, if an opportunity does not exist. So we whole-heartedly
thank Dr. G. Amarender Rao, Principal, Dr. Sreenivasa Rao, Head of the Department,
Computer Science and Engineering for their encouragement and support and guidance in
carrying out the project.
We thank our Project Guide, Ms. K. Keerthana for providing us with an excellent
project and guiding us in completing our project successfully.
We would also like to thank our project coordinator Mrs. K. Shireesha Reddy and Mrs.
Sravani for their valuable advice and suggestions from time to time and for being a constant
source of inspiration to us.
We would also like to express our sincere thanks to all the staff of Computer Science and
Engineering, VBIT, for their kind cooperation and timely help during the course of our project.
Finally, we would like to thank our parents and friends who have always stood by us whenever
we were in need of them.
1. Content diagram of project
2. Use Case diagram
3. Class diagram
4. Sequence Diagram
5. ER diagram
6. Deployment diagram
7. Actors
1.Design of test cases and scenarios
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Problem Definition
1.3 Proposed System
1.4 Objective of Project
1.5 Limitations of Project
3.1 Feasibility Study………………………………………………………………
3.1.1 Technical Feasibility…………………………………………………........
3.1.2 Operational Feasibility…………………………………………………….
3.1.3 Economic Feasibility………………………………………………………
3.2 Functional Requirements…………………...………………………….………
3.3 Non-Functional Requirements…………………………………………………
3.4 Systems Requirement ………………………………………………………….
4.1 Introduction
4.2 UML Diagrams
4.3 Module Design and Organization
4.4 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Explanation of Key Functions
5.3 Method of Implementation
5.3.1 Concepts and Techniques
5.3.3 Result Analysis
5.4 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Design of test cases and scenarios
6.3 Output Screens
6.4 Conclusion
7.1 Conclusion
7.2 Future Enhancements
Elections are believed to be the key pillars of democracy and voting is one of the electoral processes that
ensure the sustenance of democracy in any civil society. Online voting is an electronic way of choosing
leaders via a web driven application . It provides a platform for simplifying the electoral process for all
institutions that employ voting in decision-making. It is geared towards increasing the voting percentage
in Universities and Colleges since it has been noted that with the old voting method (the Queue System or
Manual System), the voter turnout has been a wanting case.
The Online Voting System contains a database which is maintained and in which all the names of
students with some basic information are stored. The individual votes are submitted in the database which
can be queried to find out which of the aspirants for a given post has the highest number of votes.
However, not just anybody can vote. For one to participate in the elections, he/she must have the
requirements. For instance, he/she must be a registered student in any of the departments of respective
College/ University . The registration should be done prior to the voting date to enable data update in the
database. The Online Voting System calculates the results faster, reduces time spent making long queues
at the polling stations during voting, reduces human efforts, and also enables voters to cast their votes
from any part of the globe. Occurrences of vote miscounts was drastically reduced since at the backend of
this system resides a well-developed database. It has several security requirements like access control as
well as user authentication incorporated into its design structure, making it have a higher measure of
security, reliability, and resilience. It also provides for user-friendly graphical interfaces and tools which
make voting easy and enjoyable.
This online voting system was designed to meet the electoral needs of universities and colleges, and also
tackles the inherent problems of the present manual voting system. This current system—manual voting—is
characterized by absenteeism, inconvenience, long queues, stress, a lot of paper work, error-prone human
effort involved in vote computation, omissions, delays and other election irregularities which plague the
system and defeat the whole aim of voting . In view of the rapid development of computer technology in
virtually all fields of operations and its use in relation to information management, it has become pertinent to
look into the development of an Online Voting System that can achieve the following:
· Conduct free and fair elections.
· Safeguard data and information in the system.
· Reduce workload in the process of conducting elections.
· Keep accurate record of votes.
· Reduce time wasted in announcing election results.
· Eliminate disenfranchising electorates.
· User Friendly.
The objectives of the proposed Online Voting System for Colleges and Universities is to use computer
technology or information technology to simplify the electoral process and to
· Review the existing/current voting process or approach in colleges/universities;
· Design an automated voting system that should be able to handle extremely large volumes of data;
· Implement an automated/online voting system that should support multi-user environment;
· Validate the system to ensure that only legitimate voters are allowed to vote.
The Online Voting system is made for the students to be able to vote for their representatives from any
part of the globe. It is done on the Internet and as such can also be called the Internet Voting (Kuye et al,
2013). It seeks (or should seek) to accurately reflect the voters' preferences. Online voting systems are
appealing for several reasons but mostly because people are generally getting more acquainted with using
computers to do all sorts of things, namely sensitive operations such as shopping and home banking, and
it allows people to vote at their convenience, helping to reduce the rate of absenteeism which ranks as the
highest malady plaguing the electoral process world over.
The current system is a manual system where everything is done minus computers. The aspiring
candidates apply through their various schools departments for the various posts of interests. They are
therefore vetted by the senior authorities and nominated for the posts. Afterwards they are given a
duration of campaign where they have to sell their policies and agendas to the voters and win their votes.
These campaigns are done through door to door campaigns where they literally have to walk from house
to house asking for votes and also some one to two rallies that are expected to tell their manifestos and
defend themselves for the posts. The rallies are always a challenge since the supporters of the opponents
may interfere with the speech of a candidate or just cause chaos or crannies to prevent others from
listening to the candidate. The debates organized in conjunction to the election are always ineffective
since they provoke conflicts and chaos from the opposite possible teams. Voting is done manually using
pen and ballot papers where a student is suppose to tick or put a mark alongside the candidate of choice.
This many times leads to so many spoilt votes due to ignorance or violation of rules of the students who
are hungry to vote. The students make long queues to cast their votes as voting is done one student at a
time. Counting of votes is done handily with the candidate’s agents witnessing the process. The candidate
with the majority of votes is declared winner and sometimes once the candidate with major votes is
noticed, the counting process is stopped. How then will the other candidates know they lost by how many
Does the electon held in a fair manner and unbiasedly. This is the reason for my proposed system. The
system is so slow, tiresome and with a lot of loopholes as there maybe some essence of manipulation of
results from the higher authorities in favor of their preferred candidates who may not be the choice of the
· Polling station E-Voting/Poll-site Internet voting: where voters cast their votes electronically on
an electronic machine within the polling booth and voting is physically supervised by representatives of
the electoral authorities.
· Kiosk E-Voting: where voters cast their votes at pre-selected stations through ATM-Iike terminals;
Voting machines would be located away from traditional polling places, in such convenient locations as
malls, libraries, or schools. The voting platforms would still be under the control of election officials, and
the physical environment could be modified as needed and monitored (e.g., by election officials,
volunteers, or even cameras) to address security and privacy concerns, and prevent coercion or other
forms of intervention.
· Remote e-Voting: where voters cast their votes anywhere and anytime there is Internet access; as
well as voting through mobile devices. Here, voting is performed within the voter's sole influence, and is
not physically supervised by representatives of governmental authorities (also called Internet-voting or
Online voting). It seeks to maximize the convenience and access of the voters by enabling them to cast
ballots from virtually any location that is Internet accessible
2.3 Types and Variation of Voting
Paper-based voting: this is the most common type of voting system where a voter gets a blank ballot
and uses a pen or a marker to indicate which candidate he/she wants to vote for. It is both time and labor
consuming, but it is easy to manufacture paper ballots and the ballots can be retained for verification. This
paper ballot system was first adopted in the Australian state of Victoria in 1856 and the paper ballot
system thereafter became known as the "Australian ballot." (Vermont, 2011)
Mechanical Lever Voting Machine: A Lever machine is a peculiar equipment, and each lever is
assigned to a corresponding candidate. The voter pulls the lever to poll for his favorite candidate. This
kind of voting machine can count up the ballots automatically. Since its interface is not userfriendly
enough, giving some training to voters is necessary. (Vermont, 2011)
Punch card: The voter uses metallic hole-punch to punch a hole on the blank ballot. It can count votes
automatically, but if the voter’s perforation is incomplete, the result is probably determined wrongfully.
OMR systems which are based on scanners that can recognize the voters’ choice on special
machinereadable ballot papers.
OMR systems:These can be either central count systems (where ballot papers are scanned and counted
in special counting centers) or precinct count optical scanning (PCOS) systems. (Gordon, 1998) Internet
voting system or Online Voting System where votes are transferred via the Internet to a central counting
server. Votes can be cast either from public computers or from voting kiosks in polling stations or—more
commonly—from any Internet-connected computer accessible to a voter.
2.4 Characteristics of a Good Voting System
Voting systems must be transparent and comprehensible enough that voters and candidates can
readily accept the results . This means that the veracity of a voting system is necessary for the
acceptance of the results of that election.
· Shamos (2004) gives a comprehensive assessment and states that for a voting system to be
considered transparent and comprehensible, some important criteria must be met, otherwise it
may lead to indecisive or inaccurate election results.
. First of all, the anonymity of a voter’s ballot must be preserved, in order to ensure that the voter
is safe when voting against a candidate, and also to guarantee that voters have no evidence that
proves which particular candidates received their votes.
· Secondly, the voting system must be tamperproof in order to prevent a wide range of attacks
both by voters and by insiders (poll officials).
· Thirdly, it should be user friendly. This means that it should be easily comprehensible and
usable by
Software requirement Specification is a fundamental document, which forms the foundation of
the software development process. It not only lists the requirements of a system but also has a
description of its major feature. An SRS is basically an organization's understanding (in writing)
of a customer or potential client's system requirements and dependencies at a particular point in
time (usually) prior to any actual design or development work. It's a two-way insurance policy
that assures that both the client and the organization understand the other's requirements from
that perspective at a given point in time. The SRS also functions as a blueprint for completing a
project with as little cost growth as possible.
Hardware Requirements:
User Requirements:
The user should be literate in English and eligible to use the system. The user should also access internet
in order to interact and use the system since it’s a application.
Security Requirements:
The security requirements of the system are:
· An individual not registered to vote must not be able to cast a ballot.
· A voter must not be able to vote more than once.
· The privacy of the vote has to be guaranteed during the casting, transfer, reception, collection,
and tabulation of votes.
· No voter should be able to prove that they voted in a certain way.
· None of the participants involved in the voting process (organizers, election officials, trusted
third parties, voters,