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Alauddin Khilji

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Alauddin Khilji

manded forces across the Indian subcontinent. Sultan

Ala-ud-din Khilji is also noted in history for being one
of the few rulers in the world to have repeatedly de-
fended his empire against Mongol invasions. He defeated
large Mongol armies and then launched punitive expedi-
tions against them in Central Asia, around modern-day

1 Early life
Alauddin Khilji’s original name was Ali Gurshasp. He
was the eldest son of Shihabuddin Mas’ud, who was
the elder brother of the Khilji dynasty's founder Sultan
Jalaluddin. He had three brothers: Almas Beg, Qutlugh
Tigin and Muhammad.[10]
Alauddin was brought up by Jalaluddin after Shihabud-
din’s death. He married a daughter of Jalaluddin, who
appointed him as the governor of Kara. Alauddin was not
on good terms with his wife and his mother-in-law, and
disliked Jalaluddin’s family. He became determined to
dethrone Jalaluddin, and found allies among the support-
ers of Malik Chajju, the former governor of Kara who
had been deposed by Jalaluddin.[11]
Khilji dynasty

Ala-ud-din Khilji (Arabic: ‫ ;علاء الدین الخلجی‬died 1316),

2 As a general of Jalaluddin
born Juna Muhammad Khilji,[1] was the second ruler
of the Khilji dynasty reigning from 1296 to 1316.[1][2] To finance his plan to dethrone Jalaluddin, Alauddin de-
He is considered to be one of the most powerful rulers in cided to raid the neighbouring Hindu kingdoms. His first
Indian history.[3] major target was the Paramara kingdom of Malwa, which
had been weakened by Chahamana, Vaghela, and Yadava
ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn’s sent his lieutenant, Malik Kāfūr, on expe- invasions.[11] In 1293 CE, he reached the Paramara king-
dition to the south in 1308, which led to the capture of
dom via Chanderi, and raided Bhilsa, which had several
Warangal, the overthrow of the Hoysala dynasty south of richly-endowed temples. He obtained a large amount of
the Krishna River, and the occupation of Madura in the wealth, including precious metals and cattle. He surren-
extreme south. Malik Kāfūr returned to Delhi in 1311 dered the wealth to Jalaluddin to win the Sultan’s confi-
laden with spoils. Thereafter the fortunes of ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn dence. A pleased Jalaluddin gave him the office of Ariz-
and the dynasty declined. The sultan died in early 1316, i Mamalik, which his father once held. Jalaluddin also
and Malik Kāfūr’s attempted usurpation ended with his made him the governor of Awadh, and granted his request
own death.[4] to use the revenue surplus for hiring additional troops.[12]
A poetic tale of his attack on Chittor in 1303 CE to In 1295, Alauddin set out on an expedition against the
capture the queen of Chittor, Rani Padmini, the wife Yadava kingdom of Devagiri, leaving the administration
of Rawal Ratan Singh and the subsequent story have of Kara to Ala-ul Mulk (the uncle of Ziauddin Barani).
been immortalized in the epic poem Padmavat, written He reached Devagiri after 8 weeks of march through
by Malik Muhammad Jayasi in the Awadhi language in Bundelkhand, meeting little resistance at the frontier
the year 1540.[5][6] towns of the Yadava kingdom. A substantial portion of
He was a strategist and military commander who com- the Yadava army was away on an expedition under the


in-charge of the crown prince Singhana. As a result, the greatly expanded his authority. [...] Threat-
Yadava king Ramachandra offered a tribute to Alauddin. ened by the Mongol expansion from Central
But before Alauddin could collect the tribute, Singhana Asia, he successfully repelled several Mongol
reached the capital with his army and attacked Alauddin’s attacks on northwestern India between 1296
forces. Alauddin defeated Singhana, plundered the rich and 1308. [...] The Mongol invasions in 1305
city of Devagiri, and forced the Yadava king to pay a were also defeated, first at Amroha and then on
heavy war indemnity. Thus, Alauddin obtained a huge the banks of Ravi River, allowing Ala-ud-Din
amount of wealth, including precious metals, jewels, silk to launch punitive expeditions into Mongol-
products, elephants, horses, and slaves.[13] controlled territories in Afghanistan.”[7]
When the news of Alauddin’s success reached Jalalud-
din, the Sultan came to Gwalior, hoping that Alauddin 3.2 North Indian expeditions
would present the loot to him there. However, Alauddin
marched directly to Kara with all the wealth. Jalalud-
din’s advisors such as Ahmad Chap recommended inter-
cepting Alauddin at Chanderi, but Jalaluddin had faith
in his nephew. He returned back to Delhi, believing that
Alauddin would carry the wealth from Kara to Delhi. Af-
ter reaching Kara, Alauddin sent a letter of apology to
the Sultan, and expressed concern that his enemies may
have poisoned the Sultan’s mind against him during his
absence. He requested a letter of pardon signed by the
Sultan, which the Sultan immediately despatched through
messengers. At Kara, Jalaluddin’s messengers learned of
Alauddin’s military strength and of his plans to dethrone
the Sultan. However, Alauddin detained them, and pre-
vented them from communicating with the Sultan.[14]
Meanwhile, Alauddin’s younger brother Almas Beg (later
Courts to the east of Quwwat ul-Islam mosque, in Qutb complex
Ulugh Khan), who was married to a daughter of Jalalud-
added by Khilji in 1300 CE.
din, assured the Sultan of Alauddin’s loyalty. He con-
vinced Jalaluddin to visit Kara and meet Alauddin, say-
ing that Alauddin would commit suicide out of guilt if the
Sultan didn't pardon him personally. A gullible Jalalud-
din set out for Kara with his army. After reaching close to
Kara, he directed Ahmad Chap to take his main army to
Kara by the land route, while he himself decided to cross
the Ganges river with a smaller body of around 1,000 sol-
diers. On 20 July 1296, Alauddin killed Jalaluddin after
pretending to greet the Sultan, and declared himself the
new king. The king’s companions were also killed, while
Ahmad Chap’s army retreated to Delhi.[15]

3 Military Campaigns

3.1 Mongol invasions Alauddin’s Madrasa, Qutb complex, Mehrauli, which also has
his tomb to the south.
Further information: Mongol invasions of India

3.2.1 Ranthambor
Alauddin Khilji successfully defended his realm from the
Mongol invasion. He improved the border’s fortifica- In 1296, Jalaluddin was assassinated by his nephew Al-
tions and established garrisons. He defeated the Mon- laluddin Khilji, who won over the nobles by bribing them
gol armies at the battles of Jalandhar (1298), Kili (1299), and then crowned himself as the new Sultan of Delhi.[16]
Amroha (1305) and Ravi (1306). Muhammad Shah was instrumental in making this coup
successful and was rewarded for doing so. Allowed ac-
“During his 20-year-long reign Ala-ud-Din cess to the harem, he struck up a friendship with Chimna,
Khalji conducted a number of campaigns that a disaffect begum of Allaudin’s. The pair conspired to
3.3 Expeditions in southern India 3

kill Allaudin and have themselves as sultan and queen. 3.2.4 Malwa
Allaudin discovered the plot and Shah fled from Delhi
along with his brother. Alauddin Khalji’s conquest of Mewar, Ranathambor and
Shah obtained asylum from Hamir Dev, the Rajput ruler Gujarat caused concerns for the Indian Kingdoms of
of Ranathambor, which then caused Dev to be a focus of northern India. But Mahlak Dev refused to give in to
Allaudin’s ire. The fort of Ranathambhor was attacked Alauddin Khalji. He gathered 20,000 horsemen and
and the armies of Allaudin and Dev fought a battle on 90,000 infantry to confront Alauddin’s army. Harnanda
the banks of river Banas, which the Rajput forces won. Koka was the general of his army. On the other hand,
However, Dev’s army became disorganised due to a per- Ain-ul-Mulk Multani, Alauddin’s general and future gov-
sonal feud involving the Senapati (General-in-charge of ernor of Multan was on the head of a 160,000 Muslim
the army), Gurdan Saini, who was eventually killed by army. After a bloody war Harnana Koka was killed and
his opponent, the prime minister. Allaudin reorganised his forces retreated. Malwa along with Mandu,Dhara and
his forces and made a renewed attack on the fort, being Chanderi fell to Alauddin Khalji. Ain-ul-Mulk Multani
supplied with information about the state of the besieged was appointed the governor of Malwa.
forts supplies of food and water by unhappy officers from
Dev’s army. The fort structure was such that Allaudin was
unable to breach it, so he offered to return to Delhi if Dev 3.2.5 Marwar
would hand Muhammad Shah over to him. Dev thought
that breaking his promise to Shah would be dishonourable Alauddin Khilji invaded Marwar in 1308.[17] Satal Dev
but Shah persuaded him that it was better than continu- was the king of Marwar and the owner of the famous Si-
ing the gruelling siege, given the immense resources of wana fort. Alauddin Khilji sent Malik Kamaluddin as the
Allaudin’s army. Thus, Allaudin got his way. general of his army. After a fierce battle the Marwari
army was defeated. Satal Dev was captured and was ex-
3.2.2 Gujarat ecuted along with all Hindu priests.

Alauddin Khilji sent two of his general brothers Ulugh

Khan and Nusrat Khan, to Gujarat, which was conquered 3.2.6 Jalore
and annexed. The temples of Somnath and Rudra Maha-
laya were sacked. The wife of the king Karandev II, Ka- Alauddin Khilji invaded Jalore next. The first expedition
mala Devi, was captured and later married the Sultan.[17] was a failure, Khilji’s army was defeated by Kanhad Dev
Nusrat Khan started for Gujarat from Delhi on February Songara. Alauddin Khilji then sent Malik Kamaluddin.
24, 1299 AD, Ulugh Khan started from Sindh and joined The forces of Kanhad Dev Songara were defeated this
Nusrat Khan near Chittorgarh. Malik Kafur a slave, was time by Malik Kamaluddin’s forces. The book “Kahnad-
bought for 1000 Dinars.[18] He rose to position of general dev Prabhand”, written by Padmnabh, tells more about
in the army. this king.

3.2.3 Mewar
3.3 Expeditions in southern India

Sultan Alau'd Din put to Flight; Women of Ranthambhor commit

Jauhar; Rajput painting from 1825

In 1303, he attacked and subdued Chittor.[19] At that time Tomb of Alauddin Khilji, Qutb complex, Delhi.
Rana Ratan Singh was the king of Chittor.

3.3.2 Warangal

In 1303, the first attempt by Alauddin to conquer

Warangal ended in a disaster as the army of the Kakatiya
dynasty defeated him. The Kakatiya king, Prataparudra
II, raised a well-equipped army and Alauddin’s army,
which was led by Malik-ud-din and Jhaju.[20][21]
Six years later, Malik Kafur invaded Warangal for the
second time. Kafur was able to occupy the Warangal
fort with 100,000 soldiers,[22] and forced Prataparudra
to pay an indemnity and annual tribute.[17] Among the
treasures ceded by Prataparudra was the Koh-i-Noor dia-
mond, once the largest known diamond in the world. This
siege has been recorded by Amir Khusrow.[23]

3.3.3 Dwar Samudra (Halebeedu), Mabar and


After conquering Devagiri and Warangal, Alauddin

Khilji sent Malik Kafur (1311) against king Vira Ballala
III of the Hoyasala Kingdom of Halebidu. Veera Ballala
was surprised and forced to pay an indemnity and become
a vassal.[17]
But, in the case of Mabar, even this formal agreement
was not forthcoming. Malik Kafur was defeated by
the Tamil ruler Vikrama Pandya who was the younger
The army of Alaudeen on March to Deccan brother of Emperor Maravarman Kulasekara Pandyan I
of the Pandyan Dynasty.[24][25]
Within a decade after the death of Alaudin Khalji, sev-
3.3.1 Devagiri (Devigir) and Baglana eral south Indian rulers like Prolaya Vema Reddy of the
Reddy dynasty, Musunuri Kaapaaneedu, and Hakka and
Bukka of the Vijayanagara Empire, liberated whole south
In 1306–07, Alauddin Khalji completed two campaigns. India from the Delhi Sultanate. Additionally the Bahmani
The first was against Rai Karan who after his expulsion Sultanate also gained its independence in the Deccan in
from Gujrat, had been holding Baglana. Though his wife the 14th century.
Kamaladevi had become the chief begum of Alauddin,
her daughter Devala Devi was with King Karan in Baglan.
An expedition was launched to dethrone Karan and to
bring Devala Devi to Delhi. It was successful and De-
vala Devi was sent to Delhi where she joined her mother 4 Accounts of the massacre of
and eventually was married to Khijir Khan - eldest son of
Alauddin. The second expedition under his slave general newly converted Muslims
Malik Kafur was against Deogir, under King Ramachan-
dra, an ally of Rai Karan. Ramchandra was defeated, and Mongols from central Asia tried to invade Delhi during
Rai Ramachandra was restored to his dominions with the the reign of Alauddin many times. Some of these Mon-
title “Rai Rayan” by Delhi. He was also given the Gujrat gol people also settled near Delhi and accepted Islam.
and one of his daughters, called Jatyapali, was married They were called “New Muslims”. However, their finan-
to Alauddin Khalji. This alliance was to prove to be of cial condition was not good. Ala ud-din Khilji suspected
great value to Alauddin in his further aggrandizement in them of being involved in a conspiracy against him and
Deccan. of being a threat to his power. He ordered to kill them
But, after the death of Rai Ramachandra in 1315, his sons all in a single day. In 1298, between 15,000 and 30,000
threw off the yoke of Delhi. Malik Kafur quickly came people near Delhi, who had recently converted to Islam,
and crushed the rebellion and assumed direct administra- were slaughtered in a single day due to fears of an upris-
tion of the area. ing. Their women and children were made slaves.[26][27]
5.3 Market reforms and price control 5

5 Political and administrative 5.3 Market reforms and price control

changes Ala-ud-din Khilji’s military ambitions required a stand-
ing and strong army, especially after the Mongol siege of
Alauddin Khilji’s administrative and political reforms Delhi. Maintaining a large army at regular salaries, how-
were based on his conception of fear and control as the ever, would be severe drain on the treasury. A system
basis of good government as well as his military am- of price controls reduced the salary amount that needed
bitions. The bulk of the measures were designed to to be paid. Three separate markets were set up in Delhi.
centralise power in his hands and to support a large The first one for food grains, the second for cloth and
military.[28] items such as ghee, oil and sugar. The third market was
horses, cattle, and slaves. Regulations were laid out for
the operations of these markets.[32] He took various steps
5.1 Control over nobility to control the prices. He exercised supervisions over the
market. He fixed the prices of all the commodities from
On his accession to the throne Alauddin khilji had to face top to bottom. Market officers called shahna were ap-
a number of revolts by nobles including one by his own pointed to keep a check on the prices. The defaulters
nephew, Aqat Khan. Alauddin’s response was to increase were heavily punished. Land revenue was fixed and the
his level of control over the nobility. He reduced the eco- grain was stored in government granaries. These market
nomic wherewithal of nobels to launch rebellions by con- regulations and stability of prices were the wonders of his
fiscating their wealth and removing them from their bases age.
of power. Even charitable lands administered by nobles
were confiscated. Severe punishments were given for dis-
loyalty. Even wives and children of soldiers rebelling for 5.4 Tax system
greater war spoils were imprisoned. An efficient spy net-
work was set up that reached into the private households The tax system introduced during the Khalji dynasty had
of nobles. Marriage alliance made between noble fami- a long term influence on Indian taxation system and state
lies had to be approved by the king.[29] administration.

5.2 Agrarian reforms Alauddin Khalji’s taxation system was

probably the one institution from his reign
The area between Lahore and Dipalpur in the Punjab and that lasted the longest, surviving indeed into
Kara (near Allahabad) were removed from the purview of the nineteenth or even the twentieth century.
nobles and brought under the direct control of the crown - From now on, the land tax (kharaj or mal) be-
khalisa. Tax was assessed at half of the output payable in came the principal form in which the peasant’s
cash. No additional taxes were levied on agriculture. The surplus was expropriated by the ruling class.
direct relationship between the cultivator and the state — The Cambridge Economic History of India:
disrupted the power of local landowners that tradition- c.1200-c.1750, [33]
ally had power of collecting taxes and parcelling out land
within their ares. These landowners had grown prosper-
ous based on their ability to force their share of taxes onto Alauddin Khilji enforced four taxes on non-Muslims in
smaller landholders. Under Alauddin, these landowners the Sultanate—jizya (poll tax), kharaj (land tax), kari
were forced to pay their own taxes and prevented from (house tax) and chari (pasture tax).[34][35] He also decreed
passing on that cost to others. The cut landowners made that his Delhi-based revenue officers assisted by local
from collecting tax revenue for the state was also abol- Muslim jagirdars, khuts, mukkadims, chaudharis and za-
ished. While the cultivators were free from the demands mindars seize by force half of all produce any farmer gen-
of the landowners, the high taxes imposed by the state erates, as a tax on standing crop, so as to fill the sultanate’s
meant they had “barely enough for carrying on his culti- granaries.[36][37][38] His officers enforced tax payment by
vation and his food requirements.”[30] beating up Hindu and Muslim middlemen responsible for
To enforce the new system, a strong and efficient revenue rural tax collection.[36] Furthermore, Alauddin Khilji de-
administration system was set up. A large number of ac- manded, state Kulke and Rothermund, from his “wise
countants, collectors, and agents were hired to administer men in the court” to create “rules and regulations in order
the system. These officials were well-paid but were sub- to grind down the Hindus, so as to reduce them to abject
ject to severe punishment if found to be taking bribes. poverty and deprive them of wealth and any form of sur-
Account books were audited and even small discrepan- plus property that could foster a rebellion;[34] the Hindu
cies were punished. The effect was both large landowners was to be so reduced as to be left unable to keep a horse
and small-scale cultivators were fearful of missing out on to ride on, to carry arms, to wear fine clothes, or to enjoy
paying their assessed taxes.[31] any of the luxuries of life”.[36]

6 Coins

• Silver
Tanka Dar al-Islam Mint

• Copper
half Gani

• Silver
Tanka Qila Deogir Mint

• Copper
half Gani
7 Death
Ala-ud-din khilji died in January 1316, of oedema. It is
believed that his lieutenant Malik Naib Kafur hastened
his death. Malik Kafur blinded his two sons, and was
eventually killed when he attemped the blinding of Ala-
ud-din’s third son. Ala-ud-din khilji’s tomb and madrasa
dedicated to him, exists at the back of Qutb complex ,
Mehrauli, in Delhi India[39]

• Billion Gani 8 See also

• Siri Fort

• Thakkar Pheru

• Padmâvatî (opera), op 18 by French composer

Albert Roussel.

• 9SilverReferences
[1] “Khalji Dynasty”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved
2010-08-23. this dynasty, like the previous Slave dynasty,
was of [Khilgi/Ghilzai] origin, though the Khiljī tribe had
long been settled in what is now Afghanistan ... With the
title of ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Khaljī,He was the first Afghan Sul-
tan of Delhi who separated religion from politics. He
was the first sultan to have permanent army-paid soldiers
in cash, imported horses, detailed description of each sol-
dier(CHEHRA) and each horse (DAGH) was kept but
Aryan was more powerful than him BOTH AMIR KHUS-
• Bilingual coin RAU and MIR HASAN DEHLVI enjoyed his patronage.
Jūnā Khan reigned for 20 years.
9.1 Bibliography 7

[2] Sultan Alauddin Khilji The Muntakhabu-’rūkh by Al- [26] Vincent A Smith, The Oxford History of India: From the
Badāoni (16th century historian), Packard Humanities In- Earliest Times to the End of 1911, p. 217, at Google
stitute Books, Chapter 2, pp 231-235, Oxford University Press

[3] History & Civics 7 (Col. Ed.) By Consulting Editors - Be- [27] The Life and Works of Sultan Alauddin Khalji- By Ghu-
hula Khan, Subhadra Sen Gupta & Monisha Mukundan, lam Sarwar Khan Niazi
SJ Mitchell, p36.
[28] Chandra, pp 76-79
[4] http://www.britannica.com/topic/Khalji-dynasty
[29] Chandra, pp 76-77
[5] Salma Ahmed Farooqui, A Comprehensive History of Me-
[30] Chandra, pp 78-80
dieval India: Twelfth to the Mid-Eighteenth Century, (Dor-
ling Kindersley, 2011), 69. [31] Chandra, p 80
[6] Padmavat The Imperial Gazetteer of India, 1909, v. 2, p. [32] Chandra, pp 81-22
[33] Tapan Raychaudhuri, Irfan Habib and Dharma Kumar
[7] Mikaberidze, Alexander (2011). Conflict and Conquest in (1982), The Cambridge Economic History of India:
the Islamic World: A Historical Encyclopedia: A Historical c.1200-c.1750, Cambridge University Press, pp. 62-63,
Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 62. ISBN 1-5988-4337-0. ISBN 978-0-521-22692-9
Retrieved 2013-06-13.
[34] Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund (1998), A His-
[8] The state at war in South Asia By Pradeep Barua, pg. 29 tory of India, 3rd Edition, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-15482-
0, pp 161-162
[9] “How the Mohammedan Armies Invaded India”.
[35] Jackson, Peter (2003), The Delhi Sultanate: A Political
[10] Banarsi Prasad Sharma 1992, p. 326. and Military History, Cambridge University Press, pp.
196–202, ISBN 978-0-521-54329-3
[11] Banarsi Prasad Sharma 1992, p. 321.
[36] Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund (2004), A
[12] Banarsi Prasad Sharma 1992, p. 322. History of India, 4th Edition, Routledge, ISBN 978-
0415329200, pp 171-174
[13] Banarsi Prasad Sharma 1992, pp. 322-323.
[37] Elliot and Dowson (1871), The History of India as told by
[14] Banarsi Prasad Sharma 1992, p. 23.
its own Historians, p. 182, at Google Books, Vol. 3, pp
[15] Banarsi Prasad Sharma 1992, p. 324. 182-188

[38] N. Jayapalan (2008), Economic History of India: Ancient

[16] Jackson, Peter (2003). The Delhi Sultanate: A Political
to Present Day, Atlantic Publishers, pp. 81-83, ISBN 978-
and Military History (Reprinted ed.). Cambridge Univer-
sity Press. p. 56. ISBN 978-0-52154-329-3.
[39] Qutb Complex: Ala al Din Khalji Madrasa www.archnet.
[17] Sen, Sailendra (2013). A Textbook of Medieval Indian
History. Primus Books. p. 84. ISBN 978-9-38060-734-

[18] “Is Sanjay Leela Bhansali ignoring the most interesting 9.1 Bibliography
love story of Alauddin Khilji?".
• Banarsi Prasad Sharma (1992). “The Khaljis:
[19] Salma Ahmed Farooqui, A Comprehensive History of Me- Alauddin Khalji”. In Mohammad Habib and Khaliq
dieval India: Twelfth to the Mid-Eighteenth Century, (Dor- Ahmad Nizami. A Comprehensive History of India:
ling Kindersley, 2011), 69. The Delhi Sultanat (A.D. 1206-1526). 5 (Second
[20] Ancient Indian History and Civilization by Sailendra Nath
ed.). The Indian History Congress / People’s Pub-
Sen p.418 lishing House. OCLC 31870180.

[21] The Political Economy of Craft Production: Crafting Em- • Chandra, Satish (2004). Medieval India: From Sul-
pire in South India by Carla M. Sinopoli p.76 tanat to the Mughals-Delhi Sultanat (1206-1526)
- Part One. Har-Anand Publications. ISBN
[22] Texas 2001, p. 153. 9788124110645.
[23] Puri & Das 2003, p. 41. • Texas, Austin Cynthia Talbot Assistant Professor of
History and Asian Studies University of (23 August
[24] A Comprehensive History of India: Comprehensive his-
2001). Precolonial India in Practice : Society, Re-
tory of medieval India by B.N. Puri, M.N. Das p.42
gion, and Identity in Medieval Andhra: Society, Re-
[25] A military history of medieval India by Gurcharn Singh gion, and Identity in Medieval Andhra. Oxford Uni-
Sandhu p.236 versity Press, USA. ISBN 978-0-19-803123-9.

• Puri, B.N.; Das, M.N. (1 December 2003). A Com-

prehensive History of India: Comprehensive history
of medieval India. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN 978-81-207-2508-9.

10 External links
• Táríkh-i 'Aláí; or, Khazáínu-l Futúh, of Amír
Khusrú The History of India, as Told by Its Own His-
torians: The Muhammadan Period, by Sir H. M. El-
liot. Vol III. 1866-177. Page:67-92.

11 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

11.1 Text
• Alauddin Khilji Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alauddin_Khilji?oldid=769852580 Contributors: Dragons flight, Utcursch, Rich
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ish Smart 12, Alxeedo, GhilzaiAfghan, RedBot, Serols, TZ050327, Nariyal, Abc518, Faisalkhilji, Trappist the monk, ‫کاشف عقیل‬,
Jethwarp, , Tbhotch, Bane310, RjwilmsiBot, Bento00, Ripchip Bot, Ti2008, EmausBot, Look2See1, Bagwoosh, Kiran Gopi,
Hashemi1971, Kjanwar, Arnabp, Choonilal, Faisalpcs, Thouny, Vanished user qwqwijr8hwrkjdnvkanfoh4, IGeMiNix, HeratiPashtun,
ChuispastonBot, Rocketrod1960, Khestwol, ClueBot NG, Drnsreedhar1959, Hijinxs1, Harshit.kochar, Widr, Helpful Pixie Bot, Elec-
triccatfish2, Scalyarmadillo, Omer123hussain, Titodutta, BG19bot, Roberticus, Solomon7968, Mhakcm, Nishank.varshney, હમઝા ઘાંચી,
ULTRASTAR123, Aayush18, ThanMore, David.moreno72, Sheeraz07mba, Teammm, Vanished user lt94ma34le12, Mrt3366, Fatbuu,
Arcandam, 786b6364, Dexbot, FoCuSandLeArN, Rehanganatra, E445, ਰਾਜੇਨ੍ਦ੍ਰ ਸਿੰਘ, Khatary1, THE Rajiv, Graphium, Kuldeep singh
lunwa, Meluha66, ‫חן ג‬., Lucifer9852, Divyraj, Rockthemind, Awaisius, Piggy58, Indian raja, Oopppppp, Pi3.124, Saladin1987, 22 Male
Cali, Rajiv tulsiyan, Sleimok12, Crème3.14159, MANIKLAL GUPTA, Bilorv, MANGOSEEDSDATES, Ahendra, Tigercompanion25,
Bright Star 5001, Gunduu, Swingoswingo, Sunmist, Ghatus, DAVID2702, Kira0077, 0xF8E8, Kautilya3, Takafumi1, Yeasayer, Zppix,
Akash0612, 1989, Yashpanchal562001, Zabeekhan90, Sanjaysingh12, KasparBot, Capankajsmilyo, Sabani Das, Tariq353, TheEditor867,
Koodfaand, Satyaki Mukherjee (Rik), Chintu555, Skyllfully, Baddu676, Bender the Bot, Anurag chutiya, A129511, Pboddu and Anony-
mous: 309

11.2 Images
• File:046Alauddin_khilji2.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/046Alauddin_khilji2.jpg License: CC
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• File:047Alauddin_khilji4.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fe/047Alauddin_khilji4.jpg License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Drnsreedhar1959
• File:048Alauddin_khilji5.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/048Alauddin_khilji5.jpg License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Drnsreedhar1959
• File:049Alauddin_khilji6.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/60/049Alauddin_khilji6.jpg License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Drnsreedhar1959
• File:Alauddin’{}s_Madrasa,_Qutb_complex.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Alauddin%27s_
Madrasa%2C_Qutb_complex.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: originally posted to Flickr as Alauddin’s Madrasa Original artist:
Varun Shiv Kapur
• File:Alauddin_khilji.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Alauddin_khilji.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Mohammed Tariq
• File:Ambox_important.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Ambox_important.svg License: Public do-
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Alauddin_Khilji.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Ekabhishek using
CommonsHelper. Original artist: Drnsreedhar at English Wikipedia
• File:Courts_outside_Quwwat_ul-Islam_mosque,_Qutb_complex.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/
66/Courts_outside_Quwwat_ul-Islam_mosque%2C_Qutb_complex.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: originally posted to Flickr as
[1] Original artist: Abhijeet Rane
• File:Deogir.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Deogir.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own
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THE_ARMY_OF_ALA-UD-DEEN_ON_THE_MARCH.gif License: Public domain Contributors: Peeps At History Original artist: T.
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• File:Tomb_of_Alauddin_Khilji,_Qutub_Minar_complex,_Delhi.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/
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