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FINACLE CBS – FAQs & User Guide

India Post
FAQ – User

Version History

Ver. Ver. Date Phase Revised By Description Reviewed By

0.1 12-02-2016 Padmashri A Initial draft Vanitha

Table of Contents

Finacle CBS FAQ’s & User Guide

FAQ – User

1. CONFIGURATIONS AND PROCESS.................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. DESKTOP SETTING ( BROWSER SETTING, SECURITY SETTINGS, JRE VERSION ETC.)........................................................3
1.2. PRINTER SETTING (PASSBOOK)..........................................................................................................................4
1.3. ATM PROCESS DOCUMENT AND PIN MANAGEMENT............................................................................................4
1.4. E-BANKING PASSWORD PRINTING AND PIN PRINTING..........................................................................................4
2. MIS/TD/SCSS INTEREST ISSUES...............................................................................................................................4
2.1. MIS/TD/SCSS INTEREST NOT GENERATED...............................................................................................................5
2.2. UNABLE TO PAY MIS/TD/SCSS INTEREST AMOUNT...................................................................................................7
2.2.1 VALUE DATE SHOULD BE PRIOR TO THE RESPONDING DATE.......................................................................................10
2.2.2 WRONGLY DEPOSITED IN TD/MIS/SCSS SUNDRY ACCOUNT...................................................................................11
2.2.3 ERROR DURING INTEREST PAYOUT THROUGH CASH MODE IN HTM...........................................................................14
2.3 MIS/SCSS/TD ACCOUNT CLOSURE ISSUES.............................................................................................................14
2.3.1 LESS PMI /OVER DUE INTEREST HAS BEEN PAID BY THE SYSTEM...............................................................................15
2.3.2 MATURED ACCOUNT CLOSURE ISSUES...................................................................................................................17
2.4 MIS/TD/SCSS INTEREST PAY-OUT ISSUE FROM OTHER SOL SUNDRY ACCOUNTS............................................................17
2.5 DEATH CLAIM CLOSURE FOR SCSS/MIS/TD OR PRATIAL CLOSURE ISSUES....................................................................18
2.6 TAX DEDUCTION (TDS) ISSUES FOR SCSS ACCOUNTS................................................................................................19
2.7 MIS/TD/SCSS ACCOUNT OPENING ISSUES.............................................................................................................22
2.7.1 CIF ID OF SAVINGS ACCOUNT DIFFERENT FROM MIS................................................................................................23
2.8 DIFFERENCE IN CLOSURE PROCEEDING OF MIS ACCOUNT............................................................................................23
2.9 SCSS ACCOUNT RENEWAL/EXTENTION ERROR ...........................................................................................................24
3. ACCOUNT OPENING ISSUES.....................................................................................................................................26
4. MINOR CIF MODIFICATION ISSUES............................................................................................................................27
5. PMSSS ISSUES..................................................................................................................................................... 27
6. SIGNATURE RELATED ERRORS...............................................................................................................................32
6.1. SIGNATURE VIEW ISSUES DUE TO DESKTOP SETTINGS NOT PROPER.................................................................................32
6.2. SIGNATURE VIEW ISSUES DUE TO ACCESS NOT PROVIDED..............................................................................................33
6.3. SIGNATURE/PHOTOGRAPH VIEW ISSUE.....................................................................................................................33
6.4. SIGNATURE VIEW ISSUES - STEPS TO IDENTIFY THE EXACT ISSUE.....................................................................................34
7. FORMATS...................................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2. Escalation Matrix..............................................................................................................................................35

1. Configurations and Process

1.1. Desktop Setting ( Browser setting, Security settings, JRE version etc.)

For the Finacle CBS application, the configuration details are specified in the below attached zip file.

Finacle CBS FAQ’s & User Guide

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Finacle Desktop
setting version1 1.zip

1.2. Printer Setting (Passbook)

For the proper printing of the passbook, the Passbook Printer needs to be configured as per the
below specified document.


1.3. ATM Process document and PIN Management

Please see below the word document for the complete ATM Process and its PIN management.

Creation of Interim process of

Placeholder ATM Suspense Account
4 Sol.doc
operations during Pilot.doc

text incomplete in above boxes

1.4. E-Banking Password Printing and PIN Printing

Please see below the word document for the complete E-Banking password and PIN printing.

Finacle Ebanking Ebanking-pin.pdf


2. MIS/TD/SCSS Interest issues

Issue Reported : For Example, Mis Account number 0008079307 interest is calculated by
finacle is Rs.
338/- . It is calculated manually that the actual interest is Rs. 344/-From that it is clear that Rs.
6/- is showing excess. The following are the of the account
Name: K Thuraichi
A/C Type: MIS
A/C no: 0008079307
Principal amount: 49500/-

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Opening date: 23-12-2011

The MIS accounts interest is applied during EOD by the batch job GEN18. Steps to find out the
reason for difference in interest amount
1. Check the SOL id of the account.
2. In the EOD reports of the interest run of the account, this account will also be present.
3. The .SUC report shows the total interest calculated amount till date. System deducts the last
interest applied amount (migrated data) and then applies the rest of the amount.
Example given is wrong as it is showing that Finacle is paying excess interest whereas the
solution saya that Finacle pays interest less due to excess interest paid before migration.

2.1. MIS/TD/SCSS Interest not generated

Issue Reported : The interest is not generated for MIS/TD/SCSS account


The recommended sequence to be followed by the user:

1. Check the next interest run date using HAINTINQ

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2. If the next interest run date is less than current date, then

a. check if there any pending modifications of the account by trying to cancel or verify
the account.Check in HAFI menu for the latest modification on the accounts.

b. cancel or verify the same and request DOP IT/CEPT team to run HACINT for this

3. If the next interest run date is greater than current date, then

a. check if the interest has run for the month already in HTDTRAN

b. If there is no record for the month, then

i. check the net interest credited for the account till date using HAITINQ

ii. compare the above figure against the net interest expected till date
(expected interest can be viewed in flow details tab of account modification
menu or HTDINT)

iii. If the numbers match, then the expected interest amount has already been
generated and hence no interest run happened

2.2. Unable to pay MIS/TD/SCSS interest amount

Issue Reported: Unable to pay MIS/TD/SCSS interest amount from Sundry Account


The recommended sequence to be followed by the user:

1. Check the interest amount generated and interest already paid using HTM :
a. HTM --> Add --> C/NP --> Sundry account as Account Id --> any amount --> Click on
Additional part tran details --> Go

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b. Give no values to Start and End amounts, and no values to Start and End Date
-->Filter as Select-->Ref No as MIS Account Number--> Submit

c. The interest generated amount will be displayed under 'Tran. Amt.' and interest paid
to the customer will be displayed under 'Reversed Amt.'

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d. If a generated interest has already been paid to the customer, that reversal
transaction can be viewed by clicking on the icon under 'Contra Tran Details' :

e. The 'Contra Part Transactions List' window gives the transaction details. By Clicking
on the icon under the first Column, further details of the reversal transaction can be

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2. If the interest amount generated is not reversed, then the user may payout the generated
interest amount

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2.2.1 Value Date should be prior to the responding Date

Issue Reported :The teller has tried to withdraw interest from HTM and it shows error
"Unable to debit. The value date should be prior to the responding date"


This Error Occurs when ever user is trying to withdraw interest amount from sundry account
by revesing the interest credit transaction of MIS/TD/SCSS account prior to the value date of
the Interest credit transaction. Hence please check the value date of the Interest credit
transaction in HTDTRAN menu.

System will allow to withdraw interest amount on or after the value date of the interest
credit transaction.

Inquire Tran value date in HTDTRAN.

2.2.2 Wrongly Deposited in TD/MIS/SCSS Sundry account

Issue Reported:During interest payment from MIS/TD/SCSS sundry account to SB account by mistake
user has debited SB account and credited Sundry account. Now how to withdraw this credited amount
from Sundry account.


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Here we have to reverse the correct transaction.

1.Invoke HTM menu and give debit account as MIS/TD/SCSS Sundry account


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2. Navigate to Additional Part tran details screen

Change Filter to "SELECT" and give Start date and end as Tran date of Sundry credit transaction date and
then click on Go then it will fetch all transactions of given amount and date.


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Click on Tran Details look up to cross check the transactions details.If this is the Sundry credit transaction
then reverse the transaction and pay to the customer.

2.2.3 Error During Interest payout through Cash Mode in HTM

Issue Reported:User is not able to do a Cash/Cash Transfer transaction and getting error


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Only teller can do a Cash/Cash Transfer transaction in HTM menu. Please try with teller who
has linked with CASH account.
If cash account is not linked to the teller then it can be checked in HGECM menu.

2.3 MIS/SCSS/TD Account Closure issues

Issue Reported: During closure of TDA type accounts user are not able to verify the closure and facing
below error


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The closure process has to be cancelled in HCAACVTD. User has to give the repayment account in closure
details tab which is opened on or before the closure value date in HCAACTD.

2.3.1 Less PMI /Over due interest has been paid by the system

Issue Reported: Less PMI /OverDueInterest has paid for MIS/SCSS/TD matured accounts.

Solution: PMI Calculation of SCSS/MIS/TD Accounts


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PMI/Over due Interest is applicable for Completed months after Maturity .

EXP: SCSS Account 0056584684 was matued on 17-Feb-2015 . This account was closed on 25-Aug-2015
with Closure Value date as 17-Aug-2015.

PMI/Overdue calculated by the system is - 5951.00

Overdue/PMI Calculation:

Total Number of completed months between maturity date and closure value date is given below.

18-feb-2015 to 17-Mar-2015 - 1 Month

18-Mar-2015 to 17-Apr-2015 - 2 Month

18-Apr-2015 to 17-May-2015 - 3 Month

18-Jun-2015 to 17-Jul-2015 - 4 Month

18-Jul-2015 to 17-Aug-2015 - 5 Month

Now total number of days between 18-Feb-2015(Matuirty Date +1) and 17-Aug-2015.

Here total number of days between 18-feb-2015 and 17-aug-2015 is 181

PMI = PNR/100 = 300000*4*181/35600 = 5950.68 = 5951/-.

This is how system calculates PMI.


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2.3.2 Matured account closure issues

Issue Reported : Not able do closure of SCSS/MIS/TD account and getting error Overdue deposit or
Interest or Tax deducted at source is not upto date


This error occurs during closure of a matured account if there is any pending interest run for the given
account. Please check 2.5.1 MIS/TD/SCSS Interest not generated section for pending interest run.

2.4 MIS/TD/SCSS Interest pay-out issue from other sol sundry accounts
Issue Reported: During pay-out of interest for TDA type accounts whenever they try to pay the interest
from the sundry account of other sol they get the error “This office account can only be inquired from
other SOLs” and gets the below error


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The debit/credit of other sol Sundry accounts not allowed.
1. Please contact the CEPT team or DOP IT team to do the sol switch to that sundry account sol using
2. Once sol switch is done then debit sundry account of that sol using HTM menu

2.5 Death Claim Closure for SCSS/MIS/TD or Pratial Closure Issues

Issue Reported: SB Interest is not getting calculated during Death Claim

For SCSS Acounts,the following procedure needs to be followed in case of Death Claim:
1.If account is not yet matured ( maturity date > EOD ).HINTTM changes to done:
a. Modify TDSCS record with end date as date of death
b. Add SBRAT record with start date as ‘date of death’ + 1
c. Verify the above HINTTM changes
After the HINTTM changes, with trial closure the SB interest can be observed , if applicable. The closure
value date needs to be the auto populated date(customization present) and not the date of death.
2. For matured accounts, the interest recalculation will not happen even if the HINTTM entries are
done. Therefore this value has to be calculated manually and credit or debit the required amount


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Please find the attached document for the screenshots and explaination of the process

SCSS death

For MIS/TD partial closure or excess amount withdrawal in case of death

No HNNTM set is required. Please give the closure value date as date of death and and closure reason
code as DTCLM to get the SB interest rate from the date of death till BOD date.

2.6 Tax deduction (TDS) issues for SCSS accounts

Issue Reported: TDS is deducted even after attaching 15H/15G form and Tax category is N-No Tax.

1. Inquire for that account in CSCAM menu and check for Tax Form and Tax Category. If Tax Form is
15G or 15H and Tax Category is N- No tax then go to step 2. Otherwise the TDS will get deducted
for the account as there is no tax form marked for the account.

2. Check in HAFI menu for the latest modification on the accounts where table is GAM or GAC. Click
on view details tab.


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3. Check for changes done for GAM and GAC by clicking again on view details tab. If Authorized
On/By is greater than interest transaction date then TDS is deducted as Tax form and Tax
category was attached after the interest run.


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2.7 MIS/TD/SCSS Account opening issues

Issue Reported: MIS/TD/SCSS account opened with wrong date by mistake, account opening date
to be changed


1. Once account has been opened and funded, account opening date and corresspoinding
interest flows cannot be changed

2. The wrongly opened account has to be closed and new account opened with

a. same CIF ID and amount as the closed account

b. Account open value date as the required (correct) date

3. The Supervisor and superior officers have to be consulted and required permissions taked
before doing the above

2.7.1 Cif id of savings account different from MIS

Issue Reported: While attaching Interest credit account or Repayment account to MIS/TD account in


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This issue occurs when ever value given for Interest credit account or Repayment account during account
creation(CMISAOP) or during account modification(CMISAM) does not belong to the main holder of
MIS/TD account. Hence we have to give SB account which belongs to the main holder of MIS/TD

2.8 Difference in closure proceeding of MIS account

Issue Reported: During closure of MIS account interest paid is recovered wrongly.


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Solution: Interest run happened till dec-2014 but during closure user has been given closure value date
as 01-Nov-2014 instead of 01-dec-2014. Hence as per closure excess credited interest(month of Nov) has
been adjusted.


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2.9 SCSS account Renewal/Extention error.

Issue Reported : “Interest Calculation not done .Run HACINT” Error is thrown while
renewal of SCSS accounts.


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Screenshot :


1) If interest is not run for the account up-to-date.

2) Please run HACINT manually to complete the interest run before proceeding with
3) Post HACINT interest run please proceed with renewal or extention.

3. Account Opening issues


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Issue Reported: While opening account in any scheme users are getting error as "The customer
record is not entered through HCCFM menu option".


User has to navigate the details page of CMRC for the CIF ID with which account needs to be created to
create entry into HCCFM if does not exist. No need to submit the CMRC screen. Post navigating to details
page try to create an account. If still error comes raise a ticket in Meops.

4. Minor CIF modification issues

Issue Reported: Unable to modify the CIF details for minor CIF in CMRC


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Whenever the person is becoming major then at that time first modify the Minor status in CMRC and
verify that. Post this only other details can be modified.

4.1 CIF Creation/Modificatio issue

1. Primary_Sol_ID is not a valid data category

Whenever we get this error “com.infosys.ci.comon.CINonFataException: CRMEJB0123. The value

provided for AccountBO.Primary_Sol_ID is not a valid data category” during CIF creation or
modification, then please check with environment team if WAS services have been restarted post
migration of the SOL (for which the above error is coming) or not.

5. PMSSS Issues
5.1. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Atal Pension

1. Q: Unable to create PMSSS scheme when we give the SB account number and error is coming like
Invalid SB account Scheme.

A: When creating any PMSSS scheme the SB account given for premium should not be part of the
below SB scheme codes.


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2. Q: Unable to create APY scheme from the SOL and it is showing the error “NLCC number is not
maintained for the SOL”

A: This is not an issue and a valid error message. If a SOL is not set up for NLCC, this issue will come.
Currently only the sols which are given by NSDL are set up. For rest of the sols this error message will
be shown.
It is mandatory that every SOL is to map to one NLCC number provided by the NSDL. For a new SOL
or SOL for which APY enrollments started. NLCC and SOL Mapping upload is to be performed for all
the SOLS using CAPYUP menu.

3. Q: Why does the below error come during upload of APYX1 subscription file & what is the

A: Note: NSDL expects the “File Sequence Number” in serial order for a given date i.e. consider if 3
attempts are made for uploading subscription file (APYX1) then File Sequence Number should be
“001” in first, “002” in second & “003” in third & so on.
This error will generally come in two scenarios, consider below cases:
a. APYX1 file is generated for a particular batch date (Sequence Number in the file for first time
will “001”) but encountered error in validating through utility. In this case, user will rectify
the error (say using CAPY modify & verify function) and then re-generate the APYX1. What
happens is since file is re-generated Finacle increments the Sequence Number to “002” in
the file but as it has not been uploaded even once in NSDL site (as it failed at utility
validation level itself), NSDL site will throw the above error message. In such cases, user
should open the file shared by DOP NOC Team and change the File Sequence Number to
“001” on the first line of the file which has tag ^FH^ (file header). Screen shot below:


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b. APYX1 file is generated for a particular batch date (Sequence Number in the file for first time
will “001”) & got validated successfully in validation utility but encountered error for say 2
records (PRANs). In this case, user will rectify the error (say using CAPY modify & verify
function) and then re-generate the APYX1 then as given in point a above, File Sequence
Number will be incremented to “002” and so the second time upload in NSDL will also
happen correctly. However, consider a case where the correction has to be made directly in
the generated file having sequence number as “001” (i.e. without actually doing it in CAPY
menu) then while uploading this in NSDL, it will expect sequence number “002” but since
correction is done manully in file directly, sequence number remains as “001”. In such cases,
user should change the File Sequence Number to “002” on the first line of the file which has
tag ^FH^ (file header).

4. Q: On doing second time upload of APYX1 file in NSDL site after error rectification for certain records
(PRANs), getting below error like “The PRAN is already issued to subscriber”?

A: Note: The behavior of NSDL upload of APYX1 file (subscription) is that it will accept all the valid
records & reject only the invalid/erroneous records.
Thus, in case of second time upload of subscription APYX1 file for same batch date, NSDL will reject
all the records which were successfully uploaded in first time upload and will throw such errors as
given in screen shot above. In such cases, please check the number of successfully uploaded records
in first attempt & second attempts through NSDL site and if total number of records uploaded are
correct then these errors can be ignored.

5. Q: Getting the error: “The given PRAN is not an existing Swavlamban Subscriber.” while uploading in
NSDL site as given in screen shot below. What are the steps to be taken in such scenario:


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A: Though DoP user registers a certain PRAN as Swavalamban PRAN (by selecting the “Is
Swavalamban” flag in CAPY menu as “Y”), it may not be eligible/valid Swavalamban PRAN as per
NSDL record. Thus such records fail during NSDL upload of Subscription file (APYX1) with the above
error. All valid records/PRANs get accepted in NSDL while these records are rejected. Below are the
steps to be followed in case such an error is encountered:

a. Note the PRAN number (highlighted in error file in red).

b. Go to menu CAPY and choose function modify and click “Go”. On details page, change the
“Status” field to value “R-Abandoned”, submit & do the verification also. Once this is done, this
PRAN will not be picked up in APYX2 and APYX3 contribution file generation. It will also be
skipped in APY collection batch job for subsequent collection. No need to re-generate the file
APYX1 again in case ONLY this error alone has been encountered in upload to NSDL site (as all
correct records would have already been accepted by NSDL, please check the status in NSDL for
the same). In case there are other errors also then it might have to be rectified and APYX1
subscription file has to be regenerated.
c. For PRANs which are abandoned, the reversal of first time premium collection has to be done
manually by DoP i.e. Cr Customer A/c & Dr APY collection office A/c.

6. Q: Getting error “Age Parameters not maintained in CSSPM for this policy” while doing new
enrolments in CAPY menu.

A: This error will be encountered on last working day of the month (e.g. 30-Jan-2016 is last working
day in January, 2016 as 31st is a Sunday) after Sansad Marg runs APYX1 batch job for subscription file
for batch date = (last working day + 1). For e.g. 31-Jan-2016 is Sunday and thus user will extract
subscription file, APYX1, of month end by executing it for batch date “31-Jan-2016” (which is given in
HBJSTM of APYX1 in Parameters field after the script name) on 30-Jan-2016 itself (as it is last working
day). After extracting the subscription registration file using APYX1 job for batch date = 31-01-2016,


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system will automatically stop any further enrollment for the day (this is cut-off). It will throw
message that “Age Parameter not setup in CSSPM” if new enrolment is tried from CAPY menu.
This is done because NSDL expects the subscription file (APYX1) and contribution file (APYX2 &
APYX3) for the month end (last working day of month) on same day. So once the month end
subscription file is generated, no further enrolments are allowed until the next day.
In order to enable to enrolments again, Sansad Marg user will have to execute a batch job “APYEN”
(i.e. APY Enable) which will again allow new enrolments.

7. Q: Getting error “File for this batch id is already uploaded” during upload of subsequent
contribution file (APYX3) in NSDL site.

A: APYX2 (first time contribution) & APYX3 (subsequent contribution) generates 2 different
contribution files for a given batch date. Both have to be shared by DOP NOC Team correctly. If team
shares the same file again (twice) and it is tried to be uploaded in NSDL site, it will give this error. In
such cases, please ask DOP NOC Team to share the other contribution file for that batch date
correctly (if it is already generated) or run the APYX3 to generate it (if not already run).

6. Signature related errors


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6.1. Signature view issues due to desktop settings not proper

Solution: Please check the desktop settings and then try viewing the signature.


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6.2. Signature view issues due to access not provided

Solution: The issue is present due to the access not provided to the particular user. The
changes have to done in the user creation by modifying the USER GROUP NAME to ADMIN

User to contact the DOP Operations team to get the issue rectified.

6.3. Signature/photograph view issue

Error Screen shot



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Check for the signature view from other user id and other location, preferably DOP Operations
Team. Issue may be with the desktop settings. The above issue is not occurring for the below
user id as per the screenshot attached.

Solution Screenshot

6.4. Signature view issues - Steps to identify the exact issue

Issue Reported : Signature is not displayed

Solution: The signature not displayed might be due to several factors like

 Desktop Setting not done properly ]

 Access not given to the user. ] Explained in 6.1 ,6.2 and 6.3 above

 Signature not uploaded properly

If signature is not uploaded in Finacle, system will show the below details:


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 Signature not migrated due to huge size.

Any signatures present in Sanchay Post database which is above 30kb size shall be dropped
while migrating in Finacle. After the data upload, as a part of the recon details, Infosys shall
provide the details of signatures dropped during upload. POs need to ensure that when the
customer whose signtaure is dropped comes to the PO, fresh signature mandate is captured
using a new 'account opening form' and customer's transaction is allowed based on the fresh
signature mandate. POs to ensure that the account opening form is clearly identified by writing
'Signature mandate' on top of first page of the form . They should also clearly mention the CIF id
and account number on the form. The form shall be sent to CPC for scanning and upload of
signature in Finacle.

7. Formats

7.1. Issue Reporting Format

Before raising the defect or while lodging the defect, the below specified word document needs
to be updated by DOP and the same uploaded by the HD team in Meops, so that the issue
resolution time is reduced.


7.2. Escalation Matrix

PFB the excel sheets for the escalation matrix.

Error! Not a valid link.


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