RK Sharma Book
RK Sharma Book
RK Sharma Book
(An Enhanced Competition Explorer)
Guide for Agricultural Competitive
(An Enhanced Competition Explorer)
Useful for:
∗ JRF (Agronomy) and other disciplines
∗ Ph.D. Examination of IARI, BHU & GBPUAT, IGKV etc.
∗ Under-graduate & Post-graduate Courses of Various Indian Universities
Includes Previous Years Question papers of JRF Examination
Edited and Compiled by
R.K. Sharma, N. Pandey, A.P. Singh
& R.S. Maitry
Daya Publishing House®
A Division of
Astral International Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi – 110 002
© 2013 PUBLISHER (AI-2887)
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
J) Agricultural drainage
7. Watershed Management
8. Weed Management
9. Dryland Agriculture
10. Soil and Water Conservation
11. Cropping and Farming Systems
12. Soil Science
A) Soil structure & texture
B) Soils of India
C) Soil fertility & productivity
D) Plant nutrients
E) Manures & fertilizers
F) Problem soils
13. Genetics
A) Cell organelles
B) Mitosis & Meiosis
C) Mendelian genetics
14. Plant Physiology
A) Photosynthesis
B) Respiration and Photorespiration
C) Transpiration
15. Biochemistry
A) Carbohydrates
B) Protein
C) Nucleic acid
D) Enzymes
E) Vitamins
16. Plant Protection
A) Major pests of crops & their control measures
B) Major diseases of crops & their control measures
17. Agricultural Extension
A) Important rural development programmes
18. Agricultural Statistics
A) Elements of Statistics
B) Principles of Field Experimentation
19. Agroforestry Systems
20. Organizational Set-Up of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension
21. Numerical Problems
22. Syllabus for ICAR-JRF 2012-2013 (Subject: E-1: Agronomy/Farming Systems
23. Previous Years Question Papers of JRF-Agronomy from ICAR (2000 to 2011–Memory
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
This copy of EBook is for use at UAHS, Shimoga only. Cannot be resold.
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma is Senior Research Fellow in MoWR Project,
BRSM College of Agril. Engineering & Technology Mungeli, IGKV, Raipur. He has
also worked as Senior Surveillance Inspector in the Department of Agronomy,
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, under National Invasive Weed
Surveillance Programme. He received his B.Sc (Ag.) in 2006 and M.Sc (Ag.) degree in
2008 in the field of Agronomy from Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur
(C.G.). He has qualified JRF (Agronomy) during 2006 and Ph. D. Exams of Banaras
Hindu University and GBPUAT during 2009-10. He has also qualified National
Eligibility Test (ASRB, ICAR) during 2010. He has published many research papers
and technical articles in many journals. He also worked with Department of
Agriculture as Rural Agriculture Extension Officer at Raipur (C.G.). He has lot of
experience of teaching of Under-graduate programme.
∗ U.P. has highest total fertilizer consumption.
∗ Crop under highest irrigation is 1st - wheat, 2nd - rice (50 per cent of total area).
∗ I rrigated area to net sown area highest in sugarcane (93 per cent) followed by
wheat (85 per cent).
∗ Largest imported fertilizer is potash (K2O).
∗ 26 per cent of the Indian population are under poverty line.
∗ The parameter to group under BPL is:
∴ In urban area - less than 2100 cal/day
∴ In rural area - less than 2400 cal/day
∗ Indian standard ratio for fertilizers has been assumed to be 4:2:1.
∗ I n I ndia, the N PK nutrients ratio being used is 6.5:2.5:1 as recommended ratio of
∗ State having maximum area under irrigation – Punjab
∗ Major source of irrigation in India – Canal
∗ Maximum area under fruit crops – Mango
∗ Maximum production under fruit crops – Banana
∗ First agriculture census in India conducted in – 1970
∗ A s per national forest policy, for ecological balance, the forests cover should be on
1/3rd area (i.e. 33 per cent) of the country.
∗ N obel Peace Prize (1970) for “Green Revolution” awarded to U.S . scientist N obel
Laureate Dr. Norman Earnest Borlaug for working on wheat.
∗ A nimal husbandry output constitutes about 30 per cent of the country’s
agriculture output.
∗ 11 March – Water Resource day
∗ 21 March – World Forest day
∗ 22 March – World Water day
∗ 22 April – World Earth day
∗ 5 June – World Environment day
∗ 1 July – National Agricultural day
∗ 16 July – ICAR day
∗ 16 Oct. – World Food day
∗ 17 Oct. – Rice day
∗ 23 Dec. – National Farmers day
Revolution Related to
∗ Green revolution : Food grain production
∗ White revolution : Milk production
∗ Yellow revolution : Oilseeds production
∗ Gray revolution : Manures and Fertilizers
∗ Blue revolution : Fish production
∗ Domestification of animal : (1) Dog (2) Sheep (3) Goat
∗ Cultivated crops in the world : (1) Wheat (2) Barley
∗ Hybrid pigeon pea : ICPH-8 (ICRISAT, Hyderabad)
∗ Hybrid sunflower : BSH-1 (Pro-Agro)
∗ Hybrid cotton : H-4 (Surat Farm, Gujarat)
∗ Semi dwarf variety of basmati rice : Pusa Basmati 1 (IARI)
∗ Aromatic Rice hybrid : Pusa RH 10 (IARI)
∗ Sorghum hybrid : CSH-1 and CSH-2 (IARI)-1964
∗ Public sector hybrid of forage sorghum : Pusa Chari Hybrid 106
∗ Mango hybrid for commercial : Mallika (Neelam × Dashehari)
∗ Public sector insect resistant multiple forage : PCH 106
∗ Viral disease : Leaf curl of Tobacco
∗ Plant Parasitic Nematode : Anguina tritici (on wheat)
∗ Plant Parasitic Bacteria : Fire Blight of apple
∗ Sorghum high yielding variety : CSV-1
∗ Rice variety introduced in India : IR-8
∗ I CA R, established on J uly 16, 1929 under the S ocieties Registration A ct, 1860 in
pursuance of the report of the Royal Commission on A griculture. I CA R
headquarters at New Delhi.
∗ I ncrease in production of foodgrains by 4 times, horticultural crops by 6 times, fish
by 9 times (marine 5 times and inland 17 times), milk 6 times and eggs 27
times since 1950-51.
∗ Initiation of the first All-India Co-ordinated Research Project on Maize in 1957
∗ Status of Deemed University accorded to IARI in 1958
∗ Establishment of the first State A gricultural U niversity on land grant pa ern at
Pantnagar in 1960
∗ Creation of D epartment of A gricultural Research and Education (D A RE) in the
Ministry of Agriculture in 1973
∗ Opening of first Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) at Puducherry (Pondicherry) in 1974
∗ Establishment of A gricultural Research S ervice (A RS ) and A gricultural S cientists’
Recruitment Board (ASRB) in 1975
∗ Launching of Lab to Land Programme and the N ational A gricultural Research
Project (NARP) in 1979.
∗ Initiation of Institution Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) in 1995
∗ Establishment of National Gene Bank at New Delhi in 1996
∗ The I CA R was bestowed with the King Baudouin A ward in 1989 for its valuable
contribution in the Green Revolution. A gain awarded King Baudouin A ward
in 2004 for research and development efforts made under partnership in Rice
Wheat Consortium.
∗ Launching of N ational A gricultural Technology Project (N ATP) in 1998 and
National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) in July 2006.
(Present Scenarios)
∗ Union Minister of A griculture is the ex-officio President of the I CA R S ociety.
(Present- Sharad Pawar)
∗ National Bureaux - 6 (2 New- NBAII, Bangalore and NBAIM, Mau, UP)
∗ D eemed Universities status - 6 (2 N ew- N A A RM, Hyderabad and N I A S M,
Malegaon, Maharashtra)
∗ N ational Bureau of A griculturally I mportant I nsects (N BA I I ) 2009 [formerly
Project D irectorate of Biological Control (PD BC)] is a nodal I nstitute at
national level for research and development on all aspects of work on
harnessing resources of insects including biological control of crop pests and
weeds, training, information repository, technology dissemination and
national/international cooperation.
∗ N ational Bureau of A griculturally I mportant Micro-organism (N BA I M), Mau, UP
∗ The Handbook of Agriculture updated as 6 edition (2009).
∗ N I A S M (N ational I nstitute of A biotic S tress Management), Malegaon,
Maharashtra, 2008
∗ Established a network of over 568 Krishi Vigyan Kendras (up to Dec. 2009)
∗ Deputy Director General (Natural Resource Management): Dr. A.K. Singh
∗ Union Minister for Agriculture: Shri Sharad Pawar
∗ New Director-General of ICAR: Dr. S. Ayyappan
∗ Project Directorates - 25 (upgraded NRCs -12)
∗ SAUs - 45
∗ National Research Centres (NRCs) -17
∗ AICRPs - 61
∗ National Institutes - 6
∗ Central Institutes - 49
∗ Directorate of Women in Agriculture - Bhubneshwar, Orissa
∗ Directorate of Floricultural Research - New Delhi
∗ Directorate of Information and Publication in Agriculture- New Delhi
∗ AICRP, Arid Zone fruit - Bikaner
∗ AICRP, NSP - Vegetable,Varanasi
∗ AICRP, Pesticide residue, New Delhi
∗ AICRP, Agrometeorology, Hyderabad
∗ AICRP, NSP (Crops), New Delhi
Agricultural Research Institute was established at P usa, B ihar by
L ord Curzon. T he land was donated by Mr. P hipps of US A after
∗ 1905: whom the place was named as P usa. T he P hipps laboratory in
division of S oil S cience and Agricultural Chemistry. IARI is named
after him.
∗ 1911: Renamed as Imperial Agricultural Research Institute.
∗ 1923: Institute started offering Diploma of Associateship.
∗ 1934: Major Earthquake damages the buildings at Pusa.
∗ 1936: Shifted to New Delhi.
∗ 1936: B. Vishwanath became the first Indian Director of the Institute.
∗ 1946: The Diploma of Associateship was recognised equivalent to M.Sc.
Name has been changed from Imperial Agricultural Research
∗ 1947:
Institute to Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
∗ 1958: Recognized as “Deemed University” under UGC Act of 1956.
∗ First transgenic plant - Flavr SavrTM tomato for delayed ripening was released for
commercial cultivation in 1994 by Calgene (Company).
∗ Area under transgenic plant in India (2008)-125 Mha
∗ Rank of India for transgenic plant - 4th (1st -USA, 2nd - Mexico, 3rd - Argentina)
∗ Crops having highest transgenic plant cultivation area – Soybean > Maize > Cotton
∗ Area under Bt cotton: 7.5 Mha (2008), 8.4 Mha (2009)
∗ First genetic engineering company established in 1976, Genentech.
∗ Bael fruit can be used to control – Rice blast disease
∗ Cow urine used for – Wheat termite and sorghum smut control
Table 1.1: Production of Field Crops (2010-11)
2nd Advanced Estimates of
Sl.No. Crops Final Production (Mt.)
Production (Mt.)
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
1. Rice 99.02 89.13 94.01
2. Wheat 80.70 80.80 81.47
3. Maize 19.70 16.70 -
4. Sorghum 7.2 7.0 -
5. Bajra 8.9 6.5 -
6. Course cereals 39.48 33.77 40.08
7. Arhar 2.3 2.6 -
8. Gram 7.1 7.3 -
9. Total pulses 14.60 14.66 16.51
10. Total foodgrains 234.40 218.20 232.07
11. Groundnut 7.2 5.5 -
12. Rapeseed and mustard 7.2 6.4 -
13. Soybean -
14. Sunflower -
15. Safflower -
16. 9 oilseeds (Total) 27.70 24.93 27.85
17. Cotton 22.30 24.22 33.93
18. Sugarcane 295.00 292.30 336.70
19. Jute and Mesta 10.30 11.82 10.08
∗ Solar constant: Energy falling in one minute in a surface area of one square cm at
the outer boundary of atmosphere. It is equivalent to 1.94 cal/cm2/min.
∗ PH O T O PERI O D I C EFFECT: I nfluence of crop growth by the relative length of
day and night especially for floral initiation.
∴ Long day plants: Plant requires longer day length (>14 hrs.) for floral initiation
(e.g. Wheat, barley oat, generally rabi crops)
∴ Short day plants: Plant requires shorter day length (<10 hrs.) for floral initiation
(e.g. Rice, sorghum, generally kharif crops)
v D ay neutral plants: I ntermediate day length (12-14 hrs) e.g. Co on, maize,
sunflower, safflower, groundnut, buck wheat etc.
∗ Infiltrometer : Infiltration
∗ Lactometer : Fat per cent in milk
∗ Lysimeter : Evapotranspiration
∗ Permeameter : Hydraulic conductivity
∗ Pycnometer : Soil specific gravity
∗ Pyrheliometer : Direct solar radiation
∗ Pyradiometer : Both long and short wave radiation
∗ Quantum sensor : PAR
∗ Psychrometer : Leaf water potential/RH
∗ Porometer : Transpiration rate (ET)
∗ Pyranometer : Total incoming solar radiation
Depth of water table, measuring hydrostatic pressure
∗ Peizometer :
of ground water
∗ Pulvimeter : Rainfall (RF)
∗ Pressure chamber/Thermocouple : Leaf water potential
∗ Pressure membrane apparatus : Field capacity
∗ Pyrgeometer Long wave radiation
∗ Rain gauge : Amount of rainfall
∗ Spectrophotometer : Wavelength of light
∗ Thermograph : Continuous measuring temperature
∗ Tensiometer : Soil moisture tension (0.8 bar)
∗ Wind vane : Wind direction
∗ Isotherm : Lines of equal temperature
∗ Isobar : Lines of equal pressure
∗ Isohyets : Lines of equal rainfall
∗ Isotach : Lines of wind speed
∗ Isopleths : Lines of equal water depth
∗ Isohels : Lines of equal sunshine duration
∗ Isonephs : Lines of equal cloud cover
∗ Isonomals : Lines of equal thermal anomalies
∗ Rainy day: If the rainfall received ³ 2.5 mm in 24 hrs., it is called as rainy day.
∗ Crop rainy day: One particular day, if RF received > 5.0 mm.
∗ IMD: Indian Meteorological Organization, situated at Pune (1932).
v EI Nino: Phenomena of Warming of eastern Pacific.
v LI Nino: Phenomena of Cooling of eastern Pacific.
∗ Agricultural drought: A period of 4 consecutive weeks from May to mid O ctober or
6 consecutive weeks during rest of the year or Yield reduction due to severe
soil moisture shortage.
∗ H ydrological drought: D epletion of level of water bodies, lowering of ground
water table.
∗ Drought year: Year for which the annual rainfall is less than £ 75 per cent normal.
∗ D rought prone area: A rea which suffer with severe/moderate drought for ³ 20 per
cent of year.
∗ Chronic D rought area: A rea which suffer with serious/moderate drought for ³ 40
per cent year.
∗ Most of the arid and semi arid regions fall in seasonal drought.
∗ Widely used index for classification of droughts – Palmer drought index given by
Palmer (USA, 1965).
∗ MAI : Moisture Availability Index =
where, ETa for reference evapotranspiration and ET for Evapotranspiration
∗ MDI : Moisture Deficit Index =
where, P for precipitation and PET for Potential Evapotranspiration.
∗ AI : Aridity Index =
where, ppt for precipitation
∗ NADAMS: N ational A gricultural D rought A ssessment and Monitoring S ystem,
established by NRSA, Dehradun.
∗ NRSA: National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad
∗ NDVI: N ormalized D eviation Vegetation I ndex, used for determining drought
2 µm dia of droplets, widely sca ered small drops are called
∗ Rain :
Rain of very light intensity with fine droplets (< 0.5 mm
∗ Drizzle :
diameter) and barely reach to earth.
∗ Mist : Water droplets completely evaporate before ground.
∗ Glaze/freezing rain : Rain at subfreezing temperature freezes into ice.
∗ Rime : Freezing fog
S ublimation of water vapour at sub freezing temperature & it is
∗ Snow :
a solid precipitation.
Rain which freezes as it falls through a cold layer near the
∗ Sleet :
Rain drops formed by intense condensation and levels where
∗ Hail :
coalescence of water droplets at higher they freeze.
I. Can Evaporimeter: used for estimating ET under field condition and scheduling of
I I . Portable Evaporimeter: developed in I srael, used to measure evaporation for
short period.
Given by the Scientist Based on
1. De Condole (1900) : Vegetation
2. Koppen (1936) : Temperature & Rainfall
3. Koppen & Thornthwaite : Annual Rainfall & Evaporation
4. Thornthwaite & Mother (1955) : Moisture Index
Temperature & monthly humidity (For
5. Troll (1963) :
Agriculture purpose)
∗ AGRICULTURE: derived from two Latin words i.e. Agric = soil, Culture =
“A n activity of human to cover primary aims like food, fibre, fuel etc by optimum
use of terrestrial resources is called as A griculture eg. crop production,
horticulture, agronomy, pomology, animal husbandry, apiculture, sericulture,
vermiculture etc”.
∗ AGRONOMY: consist of two Greek words i.e. Agros = field, Nomos = to manage
“A gronomy is the branch of agricultural science which deals with the principles and
practices of crop production for obtaining maximum economic returns from a
unit of area in a definite period without deteriorating the fertility status of the
“A gronomy treats the principles and practices of Crop, S oil and Water
∗ CROP: “A group of cultivated plant those are grown commercially on a large
“Cultivated plants or agricultural produce, such as grain, vegetables, or fruit,
considered as a group”.
Aromatic Crops
∗ Lemon grass : Cymbopogan flexuasus
∗ Mentha/Mint : Menthe arvensis
∗ Khus/Vetivar : Vetiveria zizanoides
∗ Citronella : Cymbopogan winterianus
∗ Tulsi/Basil : Ocimum sanctum
5) Pearl Millet/Bajra
(a) Bajra is a warm weather crop.
(b) Best suited temperature for crop growth is between 27-30ºC.
(c) Requirement of rainfall throughout growth period is 25-35 cm.
(d) It can tolerate hot temperature.
(e) Bajra is a short day plant.
6) Barley
(a) Barley needs cold weather during early crop growth period and warm and dry
weather at maturity.
(b) Water requirement for good crop growth is 35-50 cm.
(c) Barley is a long day plant.
7) Gram
(a) Gram is a winter season crop.
(b) It is a long day plant.
(c) Minimum temperature for germination is 6-8ºC.
(d) Suitable temperature for optimum crop growth is 20-25ºC.
(e) Requirement of water throughout growth period is 35-45 cm.
(f) S evere cold and frost at the time of flowering causes detrimental effect to gram
seed development.
8) Field Pea
(a) Field pea requires cool growing season.
(b) Minimum temperature for germination is 4-6ºC.
(c) Optimum temperature for its growth is 13-18ºC.
(d) Water requirement for proper growth is 40-60 cm.
(e) Field pea is a short day plant.
(f) Frost can damage the plant during flowering period.
(g) High humidity is harmful to pea crop due to incidence of disease.
9) Pigeon pea
(a) Pigeon pea grows well under warm tropical and subtropical climate.
(b) During vegetative growth, crop prefers a fairly moist and warm climate.
(c) D uring flowering and ripening stage, it requires bright sunny weather for proper
fruit setting.
(d) It is highly susceptible to frost at the time of flowering.
12) Soybean
(a) Soybean grows well in warm and moist climate.
(b) Optimum temperature for growth of most of the varieties is 26-32ºC.
(c) Water requirement for proper growth is 60-75 cm.
(d) Soybean is a short day plant.
13) Groundnut
(a) Groundnut is wide spectrum adoptable crop which grown in all 3 seasons.
(b) It requires tropical climate.
(c) It requires an average annual rainfall of 50-100 cm.
(d) Best suited temperature for crop growth is between 25-35ºC.
(e) Flowering and seed setting affected by cloudy weather.
(f) It is a day neutral plant.
(g) It resists drought and tolerate flooding for one week once it establish.
15) Sunflower
(a) Sunflower is also a wide spectrum adoptable crop, grown in all 3 seasons.
(b) It requires subtropical climate.
(c) The requirement of annual rainfall varies from 30-150 cm.
(d) Best suited temperature for crop growth is between 20-25ºC.
(e) During vegetative phase, crop requires cold temperature.
(f) Higher temperature (> 38ºC) during reproductive stage reduce the oil content.
(g) It is a day neutral plant.
16) Cotton
(a) Cotton is a warm season crop.
(b) I t requires an average annual temperature and rainfall of over 18ºC and 50-70 cm,
(c) A daily mean temperature of 16ºC for seed germination, 21-27ºC for proper
vegetative growth and 27-32ºC for fruiting phase.
(d) A bundant sunshine during boll maturation and harvesting is essential to obtain
a good quality crop produce.
(e) Heavy showers of rain or heavy irrigation during fruiting period causes shedding
of flowers and young bolls.
17) Sugarcane
(a) Sugarcane is a tropical plant.
(b) It requires an average annual rainfall of 250-300 cm.
(c) Optimum temperature for crop growth is between 32-35ºC.
(d) Besides temperature and rainfall, light (day length) plays a very important role in
proper growth and development i.e. tillering of cane.
(e) Short day length decreases number of tillers plant–1.
(f) Under long day length conditions, plant produces more dry matter.
18) Potato
(a) Potato is a temperate and cool climate crop.
(b) O ptimum temperature for germination and vegetative growth is 25 and 17ºC,
(c) For tuberization, it requires 17-20ºC temperature.
(d) Tuberization stopped, when temperature exceeds 30ºC.
(e) Cloudy weather, rainy days and high humidity is unfavourable for potato crop..
∗ C3 Plants: Rice, wheat, barley, pea, gram, mustard and rye, co on, A rhar, soybean,
sunflower, lentil, sugarbeet, tomato etc.
∗ C4 Plants: Maize, sorghum, Bajra, sugarcane, millets.
∗ CAM Plants: Pineapple, khajur, cactus, sisal.
1. Adequate soil aeration for gaseous exchange in the seed and root zone.
2. Adequate seed-soil contact to permit water flows to seed and seedling roots.
3. A non-crust soil contact to permit seedling emergence.
4. A low density soils that permit root elongation and proliferation.
5. A n environment that provides adequate light to the seedling (weed free
6. A pest and pathogen free environment.
7. Mixing the applied manures and fertilizers with the soil, and
8. Removing the hard pan, if any to increase the soil depth for water absorption.
The aim of the tillage is to produce as good a soil condition or tilth as possible for
crop establishment and initial shoot and root development.
Seed-bed: when soil is brought to such a condition ideal for crop growth, it is
called seed-bed and is said to be in good tilth. The ideal seed-bed is a soil in which
porosity of the mineral solid ma er provides an optimum balance between water
holding and freely drained. The optimum balance appears to be the one in which
capillary pores are in equal proportion.
1. Conventional tillage
A) Minimum tillage
B) Zero tillage
C) Conservation tillage
1) Conventional Tillage
Conventional tillage involves primary tillage to break, open and turn the soil
followed by secondary tillage to obtain seed bed for sowing or planting. With the
introduction of herbicides in intensive farming systems, the concept of tillage has
undergone radical change:
(a) The depth of tillage has been reduced and cultivator replaced the plough as
primary tillage implement, particularly on heavy soils.
(b) There has been an increasing trend to reduce the number of cultivations in order
to avoid undesirable results of over cultivation.
(c) Reduction or elimination of tillage has been accompanied by direct drilling of
(d) The greatest success and potential for restricted tillage appear to be on heavy
soils, where timeless of cultivation is so critical.
(e) The main disadvantages are that direct drilling favours proliferation of perennial
weeds and certain pests and diseases. N utrient leaching may be greater than
on ploughed land. Response of direct drilled crops to fertilizers is lesser
because of greater weed competition or slower crop establishment. S oil is
invariably more compacted and proportion of large pores decreases.
A) Minimum Tillage
Minimum tillage refers to growing a crop using only that tillage needed for
placing the seed at proper depth and then covering them. Thus minimum tillage
aimed that reducing tillage to the minimum necessary for ensuring a good seed-bed,
rapid germination, satisfactory stands and favourable growing condition.
Tillage can be reduce in 2 ways::
1. by omi ing operations which do not give much benefits when compare to the
cost, and
2. by combining agricultural operations like seeding and tillage.
Advantages of Minimum Tillage
1. Improves soil conditions due to decomposition of plant residues insitu,
2. I mproves soil physical condition due to incorporation of organic residues leading
to higher water infiltration into the subsoil,
3. Higher infiltration is caused by the vegetation present on the soil and channels
formed by the decomposition of dead roots,
4. Less resistant to root growth due to improved soil structure,
5. Lesser surface runoff of rain water,
6. Satisfactory crop stand establishment,
7. Less soil compaction by the reduced movement of heavy tillage vehicles and less
erosion compare to conventional tillage.
Disadvantages of Minimum Tillage
1. Seed germination is lower with minimum tillage,
2. I n minimum tillage, more nitrogen has to be added as the rate of decomposition
of organic matter is slow,
3. Nodulation is affected in some leguminous crop i.e. Fieldpea, Beans,
4. Sowing operations are difficult with ordinary implements,
5. Continuous use of herbicides causes pollution problem and dominance of
perennial problematic weeds.
Methods of Practising Minimum Tillage
1. Row zone tillage
2. Plough plant tillage
3. Wheel track planting
1. Row Zone Tillage
Row zone tillage means after primary tillage with MB plough, 2ndy tillage
operations like disking and harrowing are reduced. 2ndy tillage is done in row zone
2. Plough Plant Tillage
A fter the soil is ploughed, a special planter is used and run over the field. The
row zones is pulverized and seeds sown.
3. Wheel Track Planting
Ploughing is done as usual. Tractor is used for sowing and the wheels of tractor
pulverizes the row zone.
B) Zero Tillage
Zero tillage referred as no tillage in which the crop is planted in unprepared soil
by opening a narrow slot, trench or band only of sufficient width and depth to obtain
proper seed coverage. The weeds are controlled only by chemical means.
∗ The word ‘Zero tillage’ was given by Jethrotull.
∗ Zero tillage is possible where the soil has: (a) course textured surface, (b) good
internal drainage and (c) adequate quantity of residue as mulch.
∗ Problems of zero tillage are low seed germination, low mineralization and build up
of volunteer plants.
∗ Commonly used herbicides under zero tillage are paraquate and diquat both.
C) Conservation Tillage
Conservation tillage is a system of tillage in which organic residues are not
inverted into the soil such that they remain on the surface as a protective cover
against erosion and evaporational losses of soil moisture. I f stubbles from the
protective cover on surface, it is usually referred as stubble mulch tillage. The
residues left on the soil surface interfere with seed-bed preparation and sowing
Objective: To conserve soil from erosion along with water (moisture).
∗ Conservation tillage is also known as S tubble mulch tillage, Eco-fallow and
Reduced tillage.
Tillage Implements and their works:
1. Chisel plough – Subsoil breaking
2. Rotary plough – Cut and pulverizes the light soil
3. Ridge plough – Earthing-up and form ridges and furrows
4. Basin lister – Prevent runoff and form basins
5. Disc plough – Deep ploughing in grassed field
6. Tractor drawn cultivator – Destroy weeds and breaking clods
7. Sweep cultivator – Harvesting groundnut and used in stubble mulching
8. Harrows – Preparation of seedbed, destroy weeds
9. Planker – Micro levelling
10. Star weeder – Weeding in dry lands and groundnut field
∗ Improving aeration is the main objective of tillage.
∗ Due to tillage in soil, Bulk density of soil decreases.
∗ Good tilth has 0-5 mm size of aggregates.
∗ Iron plough was invented by James Small.
∗ Clean tillage means working of the soil of entire field in a way that no living plant
is left undisturbed.
∗ Infiltration of soil is with hard pan can be increased by Subsoiling.
∗ D ibbling – Pu ing of seed or seeds materials in a hole or pit or pocket made at a
predetermined distance and depth.
∗ D rilling – D ropping of seeds in furrow of a predetermined dimension, at a
predetermined distance and depth, covering with soil followed by compacting
is known as drilling.
∗ Seed drill and Horse-hoe was introduced by Jethro Tull.
∗ Blind cultivation – The cultivation after planting and before crop emergence.
∗ D eep tillage – soil tilled from the depth of 15-45cm, generally carried out in root
∗ Shallow tillage – when soil is tilled up to depth of 2.5 cm to 15 cm.
∗ I deal tillage – soil should be prepared in such a way that the tillage operation
carried out to the normal sequences of tillage and upon moisture and type of
∗ Fallow tillage and clean tillage are together known as Mulch tillage.
∗ Minimum tillage or no-till system reduces the availability of potassium due to
increased compaction, lessened reaction, lower temperature and positional
∗ The concept of minimum tillage was started in USA.
∗ Paddling is ploughing the land with 5-10 cm standing water with an object to
create an impervious layer below the surface to reduce deep percolation losses
of water and to provide soft seedbed for planting rice.
∗ USA is the 1 country to introduce zero tillage.
∗ Plough was invented during 2900 BC.
∗ Chisel plough is used to break hard pans present at 60-70 cm depth.
∗ More than 5 mm (> 5mm) soil aggregate size must be required for good crop under
irrigated conditions.
∗ The proportion of 50:50 (1:1) of capillary and non capillary pores is must for good
crop production.
∗ Generally roots occupy 1/10 of the soil mass.
∗ Primary tillage operations are deep tillage, sub soil tillage, year round tillage etc.
∗ Setline planting is practiced in Gujarat for cultivation of cotton and groundnut.
∗ Sub soiler works up to the depth of 50 cm.
Chapter 5
Cultivation Practices of Crops
∗ Azolla is applied in the rice field for nitrogen fixation and enhance the organic
matter in soil.
∗ Azospirrillium is a nitrogen fixing bacterium found on root surface of rice.
∗ T he most important critical stage for irrigation is tillering to flowering. The water
supply should be ensured in required amount during panicle initiation to
flowering stage.
∗ The critical stages of rice for both fertilizer application and irrigation are Tillering
and Panicle Initiation (PI).
∗ Rice crop requires 5 irrigations for its life cycle.
∗ Rice crop has 5 critical growth stages in respect of irrigation:
1. Seedling
2. Tillering
3. Panicle Initiation (PI)
4. Flowering
5. Dough/Maturity
∗ Rice crop is a lowest water use efficiency (WUE) and highest water consuming
crop, which requires 5000 litre of water to produce 1 kg of yield.
∗ IW/CPE ratio of rice is 1.20.
∗ Highest nitrogen loss in rice field occurs due to denitrification process.
∗ N2 loss in rice field can be reduced by placing the ammonical fertilizer (N H4+) in
reduced zone and nitrate fertilizer (NO3 ) in oxidized zone.
∗ In low land rice, fertilizer is applied in reduced zone only.
∗ Mutant variety of rice is Jagannath, Prabhavati.
∗ World’s first high yielding dwarf variety of rice evolved through conversion
breeding by IRRI is Pusa Basmati-1.
∗ Protein rich rice variety is Sabarmati.
∗ Aroma in rice is due to presence of “Di-acetyl 1 propaline” chemical.
∗ World first rice hybrid variety was developed by China in 1976, after that I ndia
developed rice hybrid variety of A PRH-1, A PRH-2, KRH-1 and MGR-1 during
Rice Varieties Suitable for Cultivation in Different Condition
∗ Saline-alkaline soil : CSR-10, CSR-13, CSR-27
∗ Salt tolerant : Lunishree, TRY1
∗ Post flood situation : Heera, Kalings-3
∗ Gall midge resistance : Phalguna, Surekha, Suraksha
∗ BPH resistance : Aruna, Chandana
∗ BLB resistance : Ajaya, PR-10
∗ Blast resistance : Tulsi, IR64
∗ Stem borer resistance : IR20, Ratna, Sweta, ADJ44
∗ Drought tolerant : Govind, Sabari
∗ Deep water rice : Punkaj, Jagannath
∗ The critical percentage of moisture for harvesting and storage of paddy is 15-20 per
cent and 10-12 per cent, respectively.
∗ Rice husk contains 15 to 18 percent silica, therefore, it is a potent source of silica
for the manufacture of silicates or in glass manufacture.
∗ Parboiled rice contains vitamin B12.
∗ Polish per cent of paddy is 2 per cent.
∗ Oil content in rice bran:
v Raw rice bran : 12-18 per cent
v Parboiled bran : 20-28 per cent
v De-oiled bran : 1-3 per cent
∗ Disease: 1. Akiochi disease: caused by H2S toxicity.
2. Khaira disease: caused by Zn deficiency.
3. Montek disease: caused by rice root nematode.
4. White eye: Fe deficiency.
∗ Dead heart and white ear is caused by yellow stem borer of rice.
∗ Killer disease of rice is Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) and tungro virus.
∗ Dapog method of rice:
∴ Originated and commonly prevalent in Philippines.
∴ The D apog nursery is constructed for the raising of seedlings without any soil.
Rice seeds contain sufficient food in the endosperm to permit the young
seedlings to grow for up to 14 days without receiving any outside nutrients
except air, water, and sunlight.
∴ 11-14 days old rice seedlings are used for transplanting.
∴ For nursery sowing, about 1.5 kg sprouted seeds m2 are required.
∴ Seedlings from 1m2 area are sufficient for transplanting in 200-250 m2.
∗ Beushening/Biasi in Rice:
I t is a prominent method of rice cultivation in Chha isgarh, Bihar and O rissa. Under
this system, rice seeds are broadcasted in ploughed field immediately after the
onset of monsoon and the standing crop is ploughed 4 to 6 times later when 4
to 5 cm water is standing in the field. The uprooted seedlings are transplanted
after biasi which is called as Chalai gap filling.
∗ Objectives of Biasi
1. To control weeds,
2. To create semi puddled conditions,
3. To arrest percolation loss of water, and
4. Adjust the plant population through chalai.
Sl.No. Particulars SRI Method
1. Seed rate/ha. 6-8 kg
2. Nursery area/ha. 1 per cent
3. Nursery raising Raised bed-dry nursery
4. Age of the nursery at transplantation 8-12 days
5. Stage of the crop at the time of transplantation Only 2 leaves
6. Spacing 25×25cm,16 hills/sq.m
P erfectly levelled with sticky muddy
7. Condition of the main field at the time of transplantation
S eedlings are lifted from underneath soil
8. Transfer of nursery gently & transferred as and when
S hallow-to be planted along with seed &
9. Method of transplanting
attached soil at required spacing
10. No. of plants/hill Single
Required all along the field to drain out
11. Channels
excess water
No weedicide application. Repeated inter
12. Inter-cultivation cultivation through rotary weeder and
line weeder
Intermi ent weeding & drying for
aeration. A thin film of water is
13. Water management
maintained from primordial initiation
stages to physiological- maturity
14. Water use More
15. Root development Profuse & deep
16. Pest and disease incidence Less
17. Availability of organic matter More
(2) Wheat
∗ Botanical name: Triticum spp.; Family: Poaceae
∗ Wheat is the largest staple food crop of world.
∗ India stands 2nd position in production of wheat after china.
∗ Generally, wheat is a self pollinated, C3 and hexaploid plant.
∗ The national average productivity of wheat is 26.5 qt/ha.
∗ Triticum spp:
Mexican dwarf wheat, everywhere grown,
∗ T. aestivum → 2n= 42 : evolved by Dr. N.E . B orlaug of Mexico,
covered 87 per cent of total wheat area
Tall wheat for Rainfed condition, typical
∗ T. vulgare → 2n= 42 :
wheat for alluvial soil.
Marconi wheat, very old spp., best for
∗ T. durum → 2n= 28 : drought condition, used for S uji preparation,
covered 12 per cent of total wheat area
∗ T. dicocum → 2n= 28 : Emmer wheat, used for
preparation, popularly grown in south India,
covered 1 per cent of total wheat area.
Indian dwarf/Club wheat, very short &
∗ T. spherococum → 2n= 14 :
compact heads
∗ T. monococum → 2n= 14 : Einkorn wheat
∗ T. aestivum, is the most important species, occupying more than 90 per cent of the
wheat area and 87 per cent of the total wheat production in the country.
∗ UP covers maximum area and production of wheat in I ndia, whereas in
productivity, Punjab gets 1st position.
∗ Research station of wheat spp:
1. Modern/Common bred wheat: CIMMYT, Mexico
2. Durum wheat: ICARDA, Syria
3. Directorate of Wheat Research: Karnal, Haryana
∗ Chapatti making/backing quality of wheat is mainly affected by Gluten strength.
∗ The flowering portion of wheat is known as Head/Ear/Spike and the central zigzag
axis is called as Rachis. Spikelets are composed flowers called Florets.
∗ The flower of wheat is closed by Lemma and Palea and awn is the extending
portion of lemma.
∗ Wheat plant has:
1. Seminal roots – Temporary roots, responsible for nourishment the plants
during early stage of crop.
2. Crown roots – Permanent roots, appeared 20-22 days after sowing (after
or at tillering stage)
∗ Wheat crop favours cold and dry climate with an optimum temperature of 20-25ºC.
∗ O ptimum temp. for germination, tillering and grain formation is 4-5, 16-20 and 23-
25ºC, respectively.
∗ Indo-gangetic plain is the most suitable region for wheat cultivation.
∗ 90 per cent of the wheat seed germination take place after 4 to 8 days of sowing.
∗ The shelling percentage of wheat is 60 per cent.
∗ Harvest index = 40-45 per cent (0.4-0.45)
∗ Dwarf gene introduced in wheat to develop dwarf wheat is Norin.
∗ Norin ® Nor (Rht) = Reduced height (Rht1 and Rht2)
∗ Source of dwarfing gene is (1) Norin from Japan (2) Olsen dwarf from S. Rhodesia.
∗ 1st dwarf gene wheat variety is Norin 10, developed by Dr. N.E. Borlaug in 1961-62.
∗ Sowing depth of dwarf wheat is shallow, directly depend upon length of coleoptyle.
∗ Coleoptyle (main part of wheat seed) is immediately seen after germination.
∗ Larma rojo is all three rust resistant variety of wheat.
∗ 1st time, Govt of I ndia imported 100 kg of Mexican dwarf wheat varieties (S anora-
64, Sanora-63 and Larma rojo) in 1963.
∗ Triple gene dwarf wheat varieties were released during 1970.
∗ Sowing:
1. Sowing date:
Irrigated: timely sowing : 2nd week of November
2 . Sowing depth: The dwarf wheats should be sown only at 5-6 cm depth as they
have shorter coleoptiles. S eeding depth of 8-10 cm results in poor
germination and reduced yield.
4. Seed rate:
Particular Row to Row Spacing Seed Rate (kg/ha)
Timely sown wheat : 22.5 - 23.0 cm 100 -125
Late sown wheat : 15- 18 cm 125 -150
(25% more of timely sown)
∗ Irrigation Management:
∴ Water requirement of wheat is 45-65 cm through its life cycle.
∴ Average no. of irrigation required is 6.
∴ For dwarf wheat – 30-60 cm
∴ Deshi wheat – 15-20 cm
∴ In light soil – 5 irrigation, each of 5 cm
∴ In heavy soil – 4 irrigation, each of 6 cm
v IW/CPE ratio is 0.90
v Percentage irrigated area of wheat in India is 85 per cent
Irrigation Management according to number of irrigation availability:
Critical Growth Stages No. of Irrigation Available
1 2 3 4 6
1st Crown root initiation (20-25 DAS) : √ √ √ √ √
2 Tillering stage (40-45 DAS) : √ √
3 Late jointing stage (60-65 DAS) : √ √
4th Flowering stage (80-95 DAS) : √ √ √
5 Milking stage (110-115 DAS) : √ √ √
6 Grain filling/Dough stage (120-125 DAS) : √
Complete basal
Unirrigated : 30:20:10 -
½ N as basal
Semi irrigated : 60:40:20 - application + ½ at CRI
* For obtaining 50 qt ha–1 production, wheat crop uptake 125, 45 and 165 kg NPK/ha.
∗ Wheat varieties:
∗ Single gene dwarf : Sonalika, UP-262, WL-711, Girja
∗ Double gene dwarf : Kalyansona, UP-215, Arjun, Pratap, Janak
∗ Triple gene dwarf : Jawahar, Jyoti, Hira, Moti, Sangam, UP-301, UP-319
S arbati sanora, S onalika, S afed lerma, UP -301,
∗ Late sown :
Sanora-64, Raj 3765, UP-2425, UP-2338
∗ Rainfed timely sown : C-306, Sujata, Mukta, K-8027, HW 2004, N59
∗ Marconi wheat : Jayraj, Meghdoot, Malvika, HD-4530, Bansi
∗ Bred wheat : C-306, C-3, K-65, K-68,
DWR-39, HI-977, HW-65, Kalyansona, NP 824, NP
∗ Chapati wheat :
∗ For Central zone : HI-1077, GW-190
Important varieties during Green
∗ : HD-2329, Kalyansona and Sonalika,
∗ For salt affected soil : Lok1, Raj 3077, KRL 1-4, PBW 19
∗ Baking purpose : K 65, K 68, NP 880, UP 310, UP 319, Sarbati sanora
S onalika, HD 2285, P B W 175, HD 2285, L arma roja,
∗ Biscuit purpose :
Safed larma, Chhoti larma
∗ Rainfed areas : C -306, Sujata, Shera, Mukta
Partially irrigated : GW 2004, GW 1034, GWV 17, HI 1277
Arpa, Ratan, B ilasa, L ok1, GW190, GW147, GW273,
Timely sown irrigated :
Kanchan, Swati
L ok1, S wati, GW173, Jayraj 1555, Raj 911, Meghdoot,
Late sown irrigated :
∗ Resistant to: : HD 2189, HD 2285
A. Blight and Rust : UP 2425, PBW 273, WH 291
B. Shoot fly : HUW 243, HUW 468
C. Heat tolerant : Raj 3765
D. Leaf blight : HD 2643
E. Drought : K 68, Narmada, NP 890
∗ Most suitable cropping system for wheat crop is mixed cropping (wheat + mustard
and wheat + chickpea).
∗ Four to Five rows of wheat grown in two rows of sugarcane is a popular intercrop
∗ Relay copping of wheat in an early planted potato crop is a high bonus cropping
∗ To obtain maximum yield of wheat, 500 tillers per m2 is required.
∗ Weeds of wheat crop:
1. Objectionable weed – Convolvulus arvensis
2. Associated weed – Phalaris minor, Avena fatua and Chenopodium album
3. Horrible weed– Sorghum halepense
4. Satelite weed – Phalaris minor & Avena fatua
∗ Phalaris minor is found with dwarf wheat.
∗ Common herbicide used to control weeds is 2, 4-D.
∗ Grain and straw ratio in Mexican dwarf wheat is 1:1.5.
(3) Maize
∗ Botanical name: Zea mays; Family: Poaceae
∗ Maize is known as queen of cereals.
∗ Quality protein maize (QPM) varieties released by using “opaque 2” genes.
Varieties – Shaktiman 1 & 2, HQPM 1, Sakti 1, Proteina, Ratan
∗ Maize is a cross pollinated crop.
∗ Percentage oil content in maize – 4 per cent
∗ Leading state of rabi maize - Bihar
∗ Maize species: (Sturtevant, 1899)
1 . Zea mays indurate–Flint corn (early and most widely grown in I ndia, soft and
starchy endosperm, Kernel is round and yellow)
2. Zea mays identata–Dent corn (grown in USA, both hard and starchy endosperm)
3. Zea mays everta–Pop corn (exceptional popping quality, small grains, small size
kernel but hard endosperm)
4 . Zea mays tunicata–Pod corn (primitive type of corn, each kernel enclosed by
5. Zea mays sacchrata–Sweet corn (sweetest among all and shrivelled when dry)
6 . Zea mays amylacca–S oft corn (kernels are soft and are mostly white and blue
7. Zea mays ceretina–Waxy corn (produce starch similar to tapioca, when endosperm
cut/broken, gives a waxy appearance)
(4) Sorghum/Jowar
∗ Botanical name: Sorghum bicolor; Family: Poaceae
∗ Sorghum is known as “Camel crop” because it has the capacity to withstand
against drought.
∗ D ue to higher Leusine (amino acid) content, higher dose of sorghum in food
causes “Pellagra disease”.
∗ Seed rate – 12-15 kg/ha
∗ Hybrids – CSH 1 to 6, CSH 9, 10,13, 16, 17, 18
∗ 1st Hybrid – CSH-1 in 1965
∗ Major pests – Shoot fly, stem borer, midge, ear head bug
∗ HCN (D hurin alkaloid) present in early stage (40-50 days) and in upper leaves of
∗ Varieties of sorghum:
1. Drought and Rainfed resistant – CSH1, 6, 9, 11 and 3
2. Sweet sorghum – RSSV 46, 53, 59, 84, 96, NSS 216
3. Both grain and fodder – CSH 13 and CSV 15
4. Low HCN – IS 208, IS 28450 and 288692
5. Multicut fodder – MFSH 7, 885 F, CO (FS) 29
(6) Barley
∗ Botanical name: Hordeum vulgare; Family: Poaceae
∗ Seed rate – 75-80 kg/ha
∗ Lugri is a fermented drink developed from Hull less barley grains.
∗ ‘Pearl barley’ is suited for kidney disorders
∗ Critical stage in barley is active tillering stage (30-35 DAS)
∗ Resistance variety: RD 2052 – Molya disease
∗ Alfa 93, RD 2503, Rekha – Malting quality
∗ Variety suitable for both fodder & grain – Kedar
∗ Variety suitable for malting and brewing – Vijay
∗ Non-shattering habit and frost tolerant – BSH 46
(7) Millets
∗ Millets belongs to C4 group of plants.
∗ Minor millets are mostly grown in dryland areas.
∗ Higher productivity among the millets – Finger millet
∗ Coarsest millet – Kodo (Paspulum scrobiculatum)
∗ Kodo – 6-8 kg/ha
∗ Kodo spacing – 20cm × 5cm
∗ Kodo: JK-1, 155, KK-1, Pali, IPS-147-1.
∗ ACRIP on small millets – Bangalore (Karnataka)
∗ Ragi variety – VL-147.
(1) Chickpea/Gram
∗ Botanical name: Cicer spp.
Cicer aeritinum – Desi/Brown Chickpea/Kala Chana
Cicer kabulium – Kabuli/White Chickpea
Family: Papilionaceae (Leguminaceae)
∗ Chickpea is also known as Gram or Bengal gram.
∗ Gram is originated in South-West Asia (Afghanistan).
∗ Chickpea consists of more than 1/3 of the area and 40 per cent of the total
production of pulses in India.
∗ Chickpea is called as King of Pulses and contains 22-23 per cent protein content.
∗ The sour taste in leaf of chickpea is due to presence of Maleic and Oxalic acid.
∗ I ts leaves are recommended for intestired disorder patient, due to presence of
Maleic and Oxalic acid.
∗ Types of Chickpea:
Desi: I t has small, darker seeds and a rough coat, cultivated mostly in the I ndian
subcontinent, Ethiopia, Mexico, and I ran. The desi type is used to make Chana
Dal, which is a split chickpea with the skin removed.
Kabuli: I t has lighter/white coloured, larger seeds and a smoother coat, mainly
grown in S outhern Europe, N orthern A frica, A fghanistan, Pakistan and Chile,
also introduced during the 18th century in India.
∗ D esi chickpeas have markedly higher fiber content than Kabulis and hence a very
low glycemic index which may make them suitable for people with blood
sugar problems.
∗ Chickpea is a self-pollinated and long-day plant.
∗ Chickpea is usually considered a dry-land crop.
∗ Chickpea has tape root system.
∗ It favours moderate rainfall with mild cold weather.
∗ Chickpea requires a loose and well aerated rough seedbed.
∗ Light alluvial soil is best for cultivation of gram.
∗ Chickpea may be cultivated as a sole crop, or mixed with barley, lathyrus
(grasspea), linseed, mustard, peas, corn, coffee, safflower, potato, sweet
potato, sorghum, or wheat.
∗ I n I ndia, chickpea is also grown as a catch crop in sugarcane fields and often as a
second crop after rice.
∗ When chickpea is grown as mixed crop, it checks blight disease.
∗ Shelling percentage is 49 per cent.
∗ The optimum time of sowing of chickpea is 15th to 20th October.
∗ Seed rate:
v Early sown – 75-80 kg/ha
v Late sown – 80-100 kg/ha
∗ NPK requirement (kg/ha):
v Normally – 20 : 60 : 30
v Rainted – 15 : 20 : 15
∗ Important varieties of Chickpea:
∗ Recently released from IARI : PDM-11, BG 2024
∗ Popular varieties released from ICAR : Pusa-209, DG-203
∗ Desi variety : JG-11, CO-3, RS-10, GCP-11
∗ Kabuli variety : Pusa-1003, K-551
∗ Early maturing and medium sized grain : Chaff chaff, JG-62
∗ Medium duration and high yielding : L-550, C-104, NP-58, RS-11, G-130
∗ Suitable variety for late sown : Radhey, Uday, Haryana chana 1
Culinary purpose : C 104
Both early and late planting : Mahamaya 2
Rainfed condition : Vishal, Anubhav
∗ Drought resistant (Most suitable) : NP-58
∗ Resistant to drought and wilt : G 24
∗ Resistant to Blight : C-235, Gaurav, Pusa 256,
∗ Resistant to Wilt : JG-74, JG-315, BG-256, Awarodhi
∗ Resistant to Pod borer : PBG 3
∗ Phosphorous should be applied at below or side of the seed to increase the gram
∗ The critical stages for irrigation is
1. Pre-flowering/Late vegetative phase
2. Pod development
∗ N ipping in Chickpea: I t is a process of plucking/tipping of apical buds with some
young leaves once from each plant at a height of 12 to 15 centimetre (30-40
D A S ) to check luxuriant growth and encourage more branching and fruit
∗ Late planting of chickpea is done to protect the seedlings from wilt disease. I n
such type of delayed planting, seed rate is increased by 25 per cent to obtain a
good yield.
∗ Sowing depth for checking wilt disease is 8-10 cm.
∗ Most important pest of gram is Pod borer (H elicoverpa armigera), which is
controlled by Endosulphan 0.07 per cent at fruiting stage.
∗ Yield: Rainfed condition – 500 to 600 kg/ha
Irrigated condition – 1200 - 1500 kg/ha
(2) Pigeonpea
∗ Botanical name: Cajanus cajan
Cajanus cajan flavus (early maturing)
Cajanus cajan bicolor (late maturing)
Family: Papilionaceae
∗ Pigeonpea is also called as Arhar, Tur and Red gram.
∗ Cajanus is derived from a Malay word ‘katschang’ or ‘katjang’ meaning pod or bean.
∗ Arhar crop works as mini fertilizer crop.
∗ I t is an often cross pollinated crop. A n average cross pollination is 20 per cent. A
plant produces many flowers of which only 10 per cent set pods.
∗ Pigeonpea is mainly grown in tropical and sub-tropical climate.
∗ Pigeonpea can be grown with a temperature ranging from 26° to 30°C in the rainy
season (J une to O ctober) and 17° to 22°C in the post-rainy (N ovember to
March) season.
∗ The length of growing season extends from 120 to 180 days.
∗ The prominent pigeonpea growing states are Maharashtra, MP, UP, Bihar,
Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat, AP and Tamilnadu.
∗ It requires light textured, well drained soil. It requires a soil pH range of 5-8.
∗ Pigeonpea is sensitive to salinity (>8 pH).
∗ I t has the capacity to tolerate moisture stress to a greater extent because of its
deep/tap rooted system.
∗ Seed germination is hypogeal type.
∗ Thermal energy is required to break the seedcoat.
∗ Sowing:
Sowing Time
Medium-early Pegionpea – 1st fortnight of April (for double cropping)
Late Pegionpea – 1st week of July
Pre-rabi Pegionpea – Sept or October
Punjab and Haryana – 1st week of June
UP and N. Rajasthan – 2nd fortnight of June
Seed Rate
Early Pegionpea – 15-18 kg/ha
Late Pegionpea – 10-15 kg/ha
For bunds planting – 2 kg/ha
∗ Comparison between Arhar and Tur:
Plant Characters Arhar Tur
Plant height (metre) : 5-6 2-3
Flowering : In Dec - Feb In Sept - Nov
Red veins : Present Absent
Pod maturity : Synchronized, same period Different period
Grain pod–1 : More, 5-7 numbers 3-4 numbers
Maturity : Late (150-180 days) Early (100-150 days)
∗ Crop rotation: Pigeonpea is grown in summer as a Kharif crop in N orth I ndia, and
Kharif and Rabi in South India.
The important crop rotations are:
∴ Paddy – Paddy – Pigeonpea
∴ Groundnut + Pigeonpea – Sorghum/Bajra/Maize
∴ Groundnut – Rabi Pigeonpea
∴ Urd bean – Rabi Pigeonpea
∴ Soybean – Rabi Pigeonpea
∴ Pigeonpea + Urd bean – Wheat
∴ Mung bean – Pigeonpea
∴ Pigeonpea – Cotton
∗ Important intercrops for pigeonpea:
Intercrops Cropping Pattern Ratio of Component Crops
Sorghum + Pigeonpea Paired rows at 30:30:60 cm 2:1
Pearl millet + Pigeonpea Paired rows at 30:30:60 cm 2:1
Maize + Pigeonpea P aired rows at 40:40:80 cm or uniform 2:1
Maize + Pigeonpea rows at 60 cm 2:1
Pigeonpea + Upland rice Uniform rows at 60-75 cm 2:2
Pigeonpea + Groundnut Uniform rows at 75-90 cm 2:2
Pigeonpea + Soybean Uniform rows at 75 cm or 2:2
Mung bean or Black gram Uniform rows at 50 cm 2:1
(3) Lentil
∗ Botanical name: Lens esculentum
Lens culnaris
Family: Papilionaceae (Leguminoceae)
∗ Lentil crop is also known as Cover crop and Dryland crop.
∗ Origin: Egypt, Asia minor
∗ Classification: (1) Bold seeded – Masur, Macrosperma
(2) Small seeded – Masuri, Microsperma
∗ Lentil crop is well cultivated in light loam and alluvial soil.
∗ Sowing time: Oct last week to November 2nd week
∗ Seed rate: 30-40 kg/ha (in Late condition - 50-60 kg/ha)
∗ Spacing: 30 x 5 cm and sowing depth is 3-5 cm.
∗ Irrigation: 1-3 irrigations
∗ Critical stages:
1. Flower Initiation stage (40-45 DAS)
2. Pod formation stage
∗ Varieties: JL-3, Pant L.-639, 209, 406, IPL-81, DL-62, Lens 4076.
∗ N utrient management: 20:50:20 kg N PK/ha at sowing time in furrow and spraying
of ZnSO4 0.5 per cent + Lime 0.25 per cent in standing crop.
∗ Lentil is intercropped with wheat, barley, linseed, safflower etc.
∗ Weed management: Fluchloralin @ 1.0 kg ai/ha followed by one hand weeding at 30
∗ Lentil is harvested after 100-120 days after sowing.
∗ Yield : 15-20 qt/ha
(6) Urdbean/Blackgram
∗ Botanical name: Vigna mungo (Latest name–Phasiolus mungo)
∗ Family: Papalionaceae
∗ Seed rate: 20-25 kg/ha
∗ Spacing: 40 cm × 10 cm
∗ Varieties of Urdbean: Pant U-30, JU-2, Type-9, Barkha, Gwalior-2
Mutant varieties - CO 1 and Sarla
Spring season - Prabha, Krishnayya, AKU 4
∗ 1st urdbean variety released in – T9 (1948)
∗ Yield: 10-12 qt/ha
(2) Sunflower
∗ Botanical name: Helianthus annus
Family: Compositae
∗ Helios = Sun and Annus = Flower
∗ Auxin activity is more in apical portion of flower.
∗ Sunflower is a day neutral crop.
∗ It has high seed multiplication ratio (>1:80).
∗ Sunflower has high quality edible oil (45-50 per cent).
∗ Sunflower has no unsaturated fatty acid content, so it is safe for heart patients.
∗ The head of sunflower is called as ‘Capitulai’.
∗ S unflower has ray and disc floret, in which Ray floret is for beautifulness
(a raction of pollinators) and D isc floret forms seed and have male & female
∗ Chaffiness means non filling of seed.
∗ Sowing time:
Kharif: July to 1 week of August
Rabi: November 1st to 2nd week
Summer: February 2nd week
∗ Seed rate: 5-7.5 kg/ha
∗ Spacing:
Kharif: 45 x 30 cm
Rabi: 50 x 20 cm
Summer: 60 x 30 cm
∗ Irrigation:
Kharif: no need
Rabi: 3-4 irrigation
Summer: 5-6 irrigation
∗ Critical stages:
1. Seedling stage (10-12 DAS)
2. Bud initiation/Button/Knee high stage (30-35 DAS)
3. Flowering stage (50-55 DAS)
4. Seed development stage (70-90 DAS)
∗ Varieties: Modern, MS FH-8,17, J walamukhi, KBS H-1, J S -1, S unrise selection, EC
∗ Sunflower is intercropped with groundnut, Arhar, urd etc.
∗ Weed management: Pendimethalin @ 1.5 kg ai/ha followed by hoeing at 30 DAS.
∗ S unflower is matured at 90-120 days after sowing, when 10 per cent of head
become brown and the disc floret a ached to the tip of the head drop down
the crop.
∗ Yield : 20-30 qt/ha
(3) Sesame/Til
∗ Botanical name: Sesamum indicum
Family: Pedaliaceae
∗ Sesame crop contains 18-20 per cent protein and 50 per cent oil.
∗ Seed rate: Line sowing - 3-4 kg/ha
Broadcasting - 5-7 kg/ha
∗ S owing of seed with sand mixture for uniform sowing followed by hoed in to cover
the seeds.
∗ Seed treatment: 1.5 gm Thirum + 1.5 gm Bavistin per kg of seed
∗ Spacing: 30 x 10 cm
∗ Water requirement: 50 cm (5-6 irrigation in summer)
∗ Critical stages:
1. 4-5 leaf stage (25-30 DAS)
2. Flowering stage
3. Capsule/Pod formation stage
∗ Varieties: Jawahar Til - 21, 7, Gwalior 5, 35, GT-17
∗ Nutrient management: 30:60:30 kg NPK/ha
∗ Weed management: Basalin @ 1 kg ai/ha or Alachlor @ 0.75 kg ai/ha.
∗ Sesame is matured at 85-90 days after sowing.
∗ Yield : 5-7 qt/ha
(4) Safflower
∗ Botanical name: Carthamus tinctorius
Family: Compositae
∗ Safflower crop is known as Fencing crop/Border crop.
∗ S afflower contains 32-36 per cent oil (used for food), 41 per cent linolic acid and
also used for making paint, warnish.
∗ Percentage unsaturated fatty acid – 78 per cent.
∗ Fruit of safflower - Achene
∗ Origin: Absinia/Afganistan
∗ Seed rate: 15-20 kg/ha
∗ Spacing: 30 x 20 cm
∗ Irrigation: 2-3 irrigations
∗ Critical stages:
1. Tillering stage
2. Flowering stage
3. Grain filling stage
∗ Varieties: JSF-1,2,5, JSI-7, EB-7, JSH-129
∗ Nutrient management: 40:40:30:20 kg NPKS/ha at sowing time.
∗ Topping: 40 to 50 days after sowing to increase lateral branching.
∗ Yield : 18-20 qt/ha
(5) Linseed
∗ Botanical name: Linum usitatisium
Family: Linaceae
∗ Linseed crop contains 40-42 per cent oil, 20 per cent protein, 50-60 per cent linolinic
acid and 5-6 per cent fibre.
∗ Fibre of linseed is called as Reflex.
∗ Origin: Afganistan
∗ Seed rate: 25-30 kg/ha (Utera crop – 35 to 40 kg/ha)
∗ Spacing: 30 x 5 cm
∗ Irrigation: 4-5 irrigations
∗ Critical stages:
1. 4-5 leaf stage
2. Tillering stage
3. Flower stage
4. Pod filling stage
∗ Varieties: Jawahar-7,17,18, 552, Kiran, Mukta, Sweta, Gourav, Shital
∗ Nutrient management: 60:40:20 kg NPK/ha.
∗ Intercropping: Wheat + Linseed (4:1)
Gram + Linseed (1:1)
∗ Weed control: Fluchloralin @ 1.0 kg ai/ha or Pendimethalin1.0 kg ai/ha.
∗ Yield : 12-18 qt/ha
∗ Retting: “It is a process of treatment of stalks for final fibre extraction”.
Process – Linseed stalked chopped at top end, tied in small bundle, and then
shifting in available water source, stalked tied and allowed to remain
immersed in water till re ing is completed. For uniform re ing, bundle
should be turned by replacement upper layer to lower layer after 2-3 days.
(6) Soybean ("Boneless Meat")
∗ Botanical name: Glycine max
Family: Papilionaceae
∗ Beany taste in soybean is due to sulfer compound.
∗ Soybean is called as wonder crop.
∗ The economic product of soybean crop is Oil, so called as oilseed crop.
∗ It contains 40-42 per cent protein and 20-22 per cent oil.
∗ Soybean contains the poly-unsaturated fatty acid – Linolic acid & Oleic acid
∗ Nitrogen fixation: 40kg N/ha.
∗ D ue to presence of enzyme Lipoxidase, soybean is not used as dal which produces
off flavour.
∗ N odule formation starts 2-3 weeks after sowing and nitrogen fixation starts 2
weeks after nodule formation up to 6-8 weeks.
∗ Nodule formation: by Rhizobium japonicum (gram–ve bacteria)
∗ Classification of soybean:
1. Manturian classification (based on seed colour) - Black, Green and Yellow colour
2. Martin classification (based on seed shape and size) - Soja elliptica, Soja spherical
and Soja compresia
3. Hertz classification (based on seed shape) - Soja platycarpa and Soja tumida
4. American classification (based on crop maturity period in days)
117 126 126 130 131 136 139 148 156 158
∗ Seed rate: Yellow seeded - 75-80 kg/ha
Black seeded - 50-60 kg/ha
∗ Spacing: 45cm x 5cm
∗ Irrigation: Kharif – No need, summer – 5 to 6 irrigations
∗ Critical stages:
1. Sprouting stage
2. Flowering stage
3. Pod filling stage
4. Grain development stage
∗ Varieties: JS-2, 335, Indira Soya-9, PK-472, 1024, Gaurav, Ankur, Brag, Clark, NRC-2
∗ Nutrient management: 40:60:40:5 kg NPKZn/ha.
∗ Intercropping: with cotton, Arhar, maize etc.
∗ Weed control: Nitrofen @ 1.5 kg ai/ha (PRE) or Fluchloralin @ 1.0 kg ai/ha (PPI).
∗ Harvesting: D one at 20 per cent seed moisture, when leaves start dropping, pods
∗ Pod formation stage is ideal to harvest for fodder purpose
∗ Yield : 20-25 qt/ha
Varieties of Cotton
∗ Indian/Old world : G-777
∗ Interspecific : Varalaxmi, DCH-32 (hybrid), HB-224, DHB-105
∗ Intraspecific : H-4, 6, Savita, Surya (hybrid), JKHY-1
∗ Egyptian cotton : Sujata, Savin (Non hybrid)
∗ American cotton : MCU-4,5,8,9
∗ Minimum Support Prize is fixed by govt. for varieties – H4, H 777, F 414
2. Planting material: Upper 1/3 to half part of cane is used for planting because it
contains higher nitrogenous and glucose which helps in better germination.
3. Planted setts should have 3 buds with 10 to 12 months age.
4. Planting Spacing: N.India – 60-90 cm
Planting Spacing: S. India & Adsali – 90-120cm
5. Seed/Sett rate: 3 budded – 35,000-40,000 setts/ha
Seed/Sett rate: 2 budded – 80,000 setts/ha
Seed/Sett rate: 1 budded – 1, 20,000 setts/ha
6. Planting Methods
Used in North India, S hallow furrow at 75-90 cm spacing with 8-10 cm
∗ Flat bed method :
Used in South India, Dead furrow with 10-15 cm depth, ridge is made,
∗ Ridge & Furrow :
end to end method.
Used in Coastal area, Deep ‘U’ shaped trench at 75-90 cm spacing with
∗ Trench method :
20-25 cm depth.
Developed at IIS R, L ucknow, single budded se s are planted in nursery
∗ Distant planting : @ 20 qt or 1800 se s ha –1. After 45-60 days, single buds are transplanted
in main field.
Developed cane shoots with transplanting of single sprouted bud, not
∗ Rayangans method :
adopted in India, used for gap filling.
IIS R, L ucknow, tractor mounted sugarcane planter puts a seed se &
∗ Mechanical planting : puts a fertilizer on the side of se and after that cover the soil over
planting material, Cheap method of planting.
Combine method of Flat bed and trench method, T renches are dug 45
∗ Skip furrow : cm apart and a gap of 90 cm is left after each two rows of cane planted
at 45 cm.
P ractised in sloppy land, 20-30 cm pits dug in row along the contour
∗ Pit method : with row-row spacing of 75 cm. Canes are placed in pit in triangle and
covered with soil.
∗ Sett treatments: To get better germination and reduce seed borne diseases.
1. Cold water treatment – Whole cane is dipped in cold water for 12-48 hours.
2. Hot water treatment – S e s soaked in hot water at 52ºC for 30-40 minutes (10
minutes for upper side of sett).
3. Chemical treatment – O rgano-mercurial i.e. A gallal and A reton @ 200 gm/50 lt. of
4. O ther – S e treatment with 0.1-0.5 per cent solution of KMnO4, MgS O4 for 12-24
5. Mud & Dung mixture is also used in treatment of setts for 12-48 hours.
* S oaking in cold saturated Lime solution + 450 gm MgS O4 for 8-12 hours results an
increase in 10 per cent germination and 12 per cent sugar yield.
Nutrient Management (Kg/ha)
N - 150-250 kg 50 per cent basal dose
25 per cent at 3 month after planting
25 per cent at 6 month after tillering stage
P - 100-150 kg
K - 100-150 kg As basal dose
S - 15-20 kg
ZnSO4 - 10 kg
(2) Lucerne/Alfalfa
1. Botanical name : Medicago sativa
2. Family : Leguminoceae
3. Origin : South West Asia
4. Optimum temperature required : 20 - 22 ºC
5. Sowing time : October
6. Sowing method : Broadcasting
7. Seed rate : 20 - 25 kg/ha
8. Seed treatment : By Rhizobium meliloti culture
Moopa, Rambler, Anand-2, 3, S irsa 1, 8, 9, T ype - 8,9,
9. Varieties :
NDRI – 1,2, IGFRI-5,54,244
10. Weeds : Cuscuta reflexa (Doddar/amarbel – parasitic weed)
11. NPK : 20-25:60-75:0-0 kg/ha
First cu ing at 50-55 days after sowing and
12. Cutting : subsequent cu ing is taken at 20-30 days after
previous cutting
13. Forage yield : 800 - 1100 qt/ha
14. Glucosides found : Saponins
15. Physiological disorder : “Lucern yellowing” (due to boron deficiency)
(3) Oats
1. Botanical name : Avena sativa
2. Family : Poaceae
3. Origin : Asia minor
5. Sowing time : Mid October to mid november
6. Sowing method : Broadcasting
7. Seed rate 100 -120 kg/ha (for bold seeded) : 80 -90 kg/ha (for small seeded)
8. Spacing : 20-25 cm (Plant to plant)
9. Irrigation (No.) : 3-4
Kent, Algerian, UP O 50, Craig, Afterlee, Fulgham,
10. Varieties :
Fleming gold, HFO-114, Brunker-10, UPD-90
HFO 114 – Both for Fodder and grain purpose
11. Weeds : Kasni (Chicorium intybus)
12. NPK : 80:30:20 kg/ha
13. Best stage for harvesting : Dough stage
14. Cuttings : 2-3 cuttings, cutting at 70-75 days after planting
15. Fodder yield : 400 - 450 qt/ha
∗ Indian tobacco:
(a) Flue cured virginia (FCV) – Cigara e tobacco, cover 30 per cent area & 20 per cent
production of total
(b) Non virginia – cover 70 per cent area & 80 per cent production of total tobacco
Sl.No. Types of Tobacco Prominent States
1. Cigarette tobacco AP, Karnataka
Gujarat, Karnataka,
2. Bidi tobacco
Maharashtra, AP
3. Chewing tobacco UP, TN, WB, Orissa, Bihar
4. Natu tobacco AP
5. Cigar & cheroot tobacco WB
6. Snuff tobacco TN, AP, Kerala
Japanese mint : 65-75 per cent Kalka (Hyb-77), Shivalik Himalaya (MAS-1),
Pepper mint : 35-50 per cent –
E c-41911, RRL 11813,
Spear mint : 70-80 per cent
∗ N orth I ndian varieties are generally alternate bearer and mono embryonic,
whereas Indian varieties are generally Regular bearer and poly embryonic.
∗ Regular bearer varieties are Ratna, Neelum, Himsagar, Gulab khas, Pairy, Totapari.
∗ I n I ndia, 10 poly-embryonic varieties are found which are namely O lour, Goa,
S alem, Bellary, Chandrakaran, Bappakoi, Kurkan, N ileshwar dwarf, S olan and
∗ Self incompatible mango varieties are Dashehari, Langara, Chousa, Bombay green.
∗ Hybrid varieties
Mallika – Neelam × Dashehari (NDM)
Amrapalli – Dashehari × Neelam (DNA)
Ratna – Neelam × Alphanso (NAR)
Sindhu – Ratna × Alphanso (RAS)
Arka puneet – Alphanso × Baganapalli (ABaAp)
Arka aruna – Baganapalli × Alphanso (BaAAa)
Arka Neelkiran – Alphanso × Neelam (ANAn)
Manjeera – Rumani × Neelam (RNM)
1 100 50 100
2-9 + 100 in N & K and +50 in P for each forwarding year
≥ 10 1000 500 1000
∗ The average yield of tomato crop is about 200-250 qt ha–1, where as for hybrid
tomato, it is 400-500 qt ha–1
∗ For artificial ripening, tomatoes are harvested at green stage and kept under room
temperature (15-25ºC) and then Ethrel @1000-2000 ppm/litre. of water is
sprayed for ripening.
∗ Methods of extraction of tomato seed:
1 . A lkali method – Best and safest method, S eed slurry treated with 10 per cent
washing soda (Ca. carbonate) and kept for overnight.
2. Fermentation method – Ripe fruits are crushed and then kept for 2-4 days at 15-
3. A cid fermentation method – 250 ml of HCL is treated with 10 ml of seed slurry
and kept for 30 minutes.
Storage Conditions
Mature Green Pink Ripe
Temperature 13–18 ºC 10–13 ºC 7–10 ºC
Relative Humidity 85–90% – –
Storage Period 2–3 weeks 7–10 days 3–5 days
L ess compact soils have higher number of total pore space which results
4. Soil compaction
in high water retention.
P resence of high soluble salts in the soil increase osmotic potential
5. Soluble salt
results in low available water content.
6. Soil depth High soil depth has high available water content.
∗ Saturation: O ccurs when all the voids in the soil are completely filled with water.
Although there is plenty of water available to the crop at saturation.
∗ Evaporation
"The process by which any liquid escapes from the surface into the atmosphere in gaseous
states is known as evaporation."
Evaporation of water from surface or free water surface is a diffusive process by which liquid
water in the form of vapour is lost in the atmosphere.
∗ Transpiration
Transpiration is the process in which soil water in the form of vapour leaves the
plant canopies and enters the surrounding atmosphere.
∗ Evapotranspiration
The cycle of water in the field consists of its entry into the soil (infiltration),
redistribution, downward drainage within the soil, uptake by the plants and
its return to the atmosphere in the twin process of transpiration and
The combine loss of water through evaporation and transpiration is called as evapo-
The period when water requirement is maximum is called as peak period of water
requirement/critical stages.
Critical Stages of Crops for Irrigation
1. Rice : Booting stage (PI to flowering)
2. Wheat : CRI, Tillering, Late jointing, Flowering, milking and dough stage
3. Maize : Tasseling and Silking to Dough Stage
4. Sorghum : Booting, Blooming, Milking and Dough Stage
5. Pearl millet : Heading and Flowering
6. Finger millet : Primordial Initiation and Flowering
1. Chickpea : Late vegetative phase and Pod development
2. Pea : Flowering and Early pod formation
3. Blackgram : Flowering and Pod setting
4. Greengram : Flowering and Pod setting
5. Lucern : After cutting and Flowering
6. Beans : Flowering and Pod setting
1. Groundnut : Flowering, Peg formation and Pod development
2. Soybean : Blooming and Seed formation
3. Sunflower : Buttoning, Knee high, Flowering and Early seed formation
4. Sesamum : Blooming to Maturity
Low : S1 <10
Medium : S2 10 - 18
High : S3 18 - 26
Very high : S4 26 - 31
The word “watershed” introduced in 1920 was used for the “water parting
boundaries”. Watershed is that land area which drains or contributes runoff to a
common outlet.
Watershed is defined as a geohydrological unit draining to a common point by a
system of drains.
A watershed is an area of land and water bounded by a drainage divide within
which the surface runoff collects and flows out of the watershed through a single
outlet into a lager river or lake. Watershed technology is used in Rainfed areas.
Watershed management implies an effective conservation of soil and water
resources for sustainable production with minimum non point resources (N PS )
pollutant losses. I t involves management of land surface and vegetation so as to
conserve the soil and water for immediate and long term benefits to the farmers,
community and society as a whole.
Catchment area is the water collecting area. “All the areas from which water flows
out into a river or water pool”.
Watershed is classified depending upon the size, drainage, shape and land use
1. Macro watershed : 1000 - 10,000 ha
2. Micro watershed : 100 - 1000 ha
3. Mini watershed : 10 - 100 ha
4. Mili watershed : 1 - 10 ha
∗ “Weed is an unwanted plant growing where it is not desired.” - Jethro Tull
∗ “Unwanted, undesirable plants that interfere with the utilization of land, water
resources and thus adversely affects the crop production and human welfare”.
1. Prolific seed production: Amaranthus spp. – 1,96,000 seeds/plant, Chenopodium sp.
72,000 seeds/plant
2. Dormancy in seed: Chenopodium sp. - 20-25 years, Phalaris minor - 4-5 years
3. Competitiveness and Agressiveness: High and fast growth rate, having higher leaf
4. Vegetative propogated: Propogated by rhizomes, bulbs, tubers, stolens, suckers
5. Mophological similarities: Phalaris minor in wheat and Echinochloa sp. in rice
6. D eep root system: Roots of Convolvulus sp. has up to 20 feet deep roots, whereas
Cyperus rotundus has 5-7 feet deep.
7. Early seed setting and early maturity
8. Evasiveness
1. Maintain soil fertility : Typha spp. (add 1-35 per cent nitrogen)
2. Control soil erosion : Cynodon dactylon, Convolvulus arvensis
3. Used as fodder : Cichorium intybus, Cynodon spp.
Leucas aspera is used in snake bite Striga spp. is used in diabetes
4. Have medicinal value : P hyllanthus niruri is used in Jaundice Argemone maxicana is used in skin
Roots of Cichorium intybus is used in adding flavour to coffee Cyperus
5. Have economical value : rotundus is used in making agarba i Saccharum spontaneum is used in roof
Argemone maxicana is used for making alkaline soil to acidic Rumex
6. Maintain pH :
acetocella is used for making acidic soil to alkaline
7. Used as ornamental plants : Lantana camara, Eichhornia crassipes
8. Used in cleaning water : Eichhornia crassipes
9. Adds organic matter to soil : Amaranthus viridis, Convolvulus arvensis
10. Used as vegetables : Chenopodium album, Amaranthus viridis
11. Religious purpose : Cynodon spp.
12. Useful for cottage industries : Saccharum spontaneum, Typha spp.
Donating genes to crop plants
13. : Saccharum spontaneum (used in sugarcane)
(crop breeding)
14. Used as nematicides : Crotolaria, Parthenium
15. Used as pollution indicator : Brassica kaber (Wild mustard) to indicate NO2 pollution
(A) Basis of Life Cycle
Annual: (a) Kharif: Eleusine, Echinochloa, Celosia, Cyperus
Annual: (b) Rabi : Argemone, Phalaris, Chenopodium, Euphorbia, Solanum sp.
Binnial: Dacus carota, Cirsium vulgare, Alternanthera pungens, Eichornia intybus
P errenial: Cyperus rotundus, Convolvolus, Cynodon sp., Ageratum conizoids,
Achyranthus, Saccharum spontanium, Zyziphus rotundifolia
(B) Basis of Site of Predominance
1. O bligate weeds : S uch weeds are grown in cultivated field, e.g. Anagallis,
2. Facultative weeds: Grown both in wild and cultivated field, e.g. Argemone, Euphobia
(C) Basis of Parasitic Nature
Parasitic Nature Weed Host Crop/Plant
1. Semi root : Striga spp. Sorghum & Sugarcane
2. Semi stem : Loranthus spp. Mango
3. Total root : Orabanchi spp. Tobacco
4. Total stem : Cuscuta spp. Lucerne
Aquatic Weeds
Submersed weeds : Weeds grow under water e.g. Lemma polyrrhiza
Emerged weeds : Anchored weeds growing in water with major foliage
on the above surface e.g. Nilumbium speciosum
Weeds grown mostly in shore line areas with a depth of 60-90 cm water e.g.
Marginal weeds :
Typha sp., Polygonum sp.
Weed leaves float on water surface either single or in cluster e.g. Echhornia
Floating weeds :
crassipes, Pistia, Nymphaea sp.
Noxious Weeds
1. Prohibited N oxious – Perennial weeds reproduce by the seeds, under ground
roots, stems or other parts and difficult to control.
2. Restricted N oxious – Perennial weeds objectionable in cropping areas but can be
Ex. Parthenium hysterophorus
∗ Most problematic weeds are Solvinia molesta, Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon,
Echinochloa colona, Sorghum helepense etc.
Exotic/Alian Weeds
∗ Parthenium hysterophorus – Introduced from USA
∗ Lantana camara – Sri Lanka
∗ Tribulus terrestris – Mediterranean region
∗ Eichornia cresipes
Weed Ecology: “I nterrelationship between weed plants and their environment”
or “Growth characteristics and their adoption that enable weeds to survive the
changes in the environment”.
A sound knowledge about the biology of weed plants that essential for their
effective management. This includes knowledge regarding propagation, dispersal
and persistency behavior of weeds.
Dormancy Mechanism of Weeds Seeds
1. Enforced dormancy – due to their presence in deeper layer
2. Innate dormancy – due to genetic factor (hard seed coat)
3. Induced dormancy – due to imbalance of O2 and CO2, and water logging condition
Major Weeds Flora Shifts in Cropping System
“I nhibition or stimulation of target plant due to different chemicals exuded by
the weeds or crop”.
∗ The A llelopathy compounds may be released from the plants into the soil as either
root exudates or as decomposition product of their dead worm out tissue.
S ome weed plants have also been found to release volatile compounds from
their foliage which prove unhealthy to the nearby crop plants.
∗ The A llelopathy chemicals are the derivatives of benzoic acids, cinnamic acids,
phenolic acids, benzo quinines, hydro quinines, cumarines, thiopens, cineoles
∗ Plants species show A llelopathy effect are Agrophyron repens, Sorghum helepense,
Lantana camara, Euphorbia maculate, Cyperus rotundus etc.
“The mutual adverse effect between crop (s) and weed (s) for utilizing common
resources which are in short supply and required for growth i.e. nutrients, space,
light, moisture etc is called as crop weed competition”.
∗ The competition may be interspecific and or intraspecific.
∗ Crop weed competition effect is always negative.
“ A stale seedbed is one where initial one two flushes of weeds are destroyed
before planting of a crop”. This is achieved by soaking a well prepared field with
either irrigation or rain and allows the weed seeds to germinate.
At this stage, a shallow tillage or a non-residual herbicide like paraquat or
glyphosate may be used to control the dense flushes of young weed seedlings. This
may be followed immediately by sowing a desire crop.
A) Acc. to Selectivity of Herbicides
1 . Selective herbicides : 2, 4-D , S imazine, Atrazin, Butachlor, Pendimethalin,
Fluchloralin, Fenoxaprop, Isoproturon etc.
2. Non-selective herbicides: Diquat, Paraquat, Pendimethalin etc.
B) Time of Application of Herbicides
1. Fallow application : A pplication of herbicides well in advance of sowing i.e. >10
days before sowing. It is applied for problematic weeds with higher dose.
2. Pre-plant incorporation: A pplied 1 days before sowing/planting i.e. Fluchloralin,
Alachlor etc.
3 . Pre-emergence : 1-4 days after sowing, i.e. S imazine, Atrazin, Butachlor,
Pendimethalin, Alachlore, Chlorimuron etc.
4. Post-emergence : 30-40 D A S ,i.e. 2, 4-D , D iquat, Paraquat, I soproturon, D alapan,
Sulfosulfuron, Fenoxaprop ethyl.
C) Their Chemical Groups
Sl.No. Chemical Groups Associated Herbicides
S ulpho sulfuron, Chlorimuron-ethyl,
1. Sulphonyl ureas :
Meta sulfuron-ethyl
2. Aliphatic : TCA, Dalapan
3. Amide : Alachlor, Butachlor and Propanil
4. Bipyridiums : Paraquat, Diquat
5. Dinitroanilines : Fluchloralin, Pendimethalin
6. Chloro phenoxy compound : 2, 4-D, 2,4,5-T, 2,4-5T etc.
7. Triazines : Atazine, Simazine
8. Ureas : Monuron, Diuron, Isoproturon
9. Dipheyl ether : Nitrophen, Oxyflorefen
10. Phenoxy phenoxy alkanoic acid : Clodinofop, Fenoxa prop-ethyl
11. Thiocarbamate : Benthiocarb
12. Organophosphorus : Glyphosate, Anilophos
13. Imidazolines : Imazethapyr, Imazapic
Chlosulfuron : Glean
Chlorimuron 10 per cent + Metasulfuron-methyl 10 per cent : Almix
Diuron : Cormex
Diquat : Reglone, Dextrone
Dalapan : Tafapan, Radapan
Ethoxy sulfuron : Sunrise
Fluchloralin : Basalin
Fenoxa prop-ethyl : Puma super, Whip super, Rice star
Glyphosate : Roundup
Linuron : Afalan
Metalachlor : Dual
Metribuzine : Sencor
Nitrofen : Toke E-25
Oxiflurofen : Goal
Oxadiazone : Ronstar
Paraquate : Gramoxone
Pendimethalin : Stomp
Propanil : Stam F-34
Simazine : Tafasine
Sulfosulfuron : Leader
2, 4-D : Plantgard, Weedmar
2, 4-DB : Butoxone
Herbicide Type Symptoms
Pre-emergence herbicides 1. Reduce germination
2. Suppresses crop growth
3. Produces deformility in crop plants
Post-emergence herbicides 1. Leaf injury
2. Wilting
3. Vein clearing
4. Necrosis
5. Epinasty
6. Hyponasty
7. Yellowing or chlorosis
8. Sunting or scorching
Commercialized Bio-herbicides
Product Content Target Weeds Controlled
1. DEVINE Phytophthora palmivora Strangle vine
2. BIPOLARIS Bipolaris sorghicola Johnson grass
3. COLLEGO Colletrotrichum gloesporiodes Saccharum spontanium
4. TRIPOSE Shrimp Echinochloa spp. in rice
5. DR. BIO SEDGE Puccinia coriculata Cyperus exculentus
6. LUBOE-2 Colletrotrichum gloesporiodes Cuscuta reflexa
Alfisols, Vertisols
3. Semi arid sub tropics 900 120-180 Intercropping
and Entisols
Alfi, Verti, E nti Inter/Double
4. Sub humid tropics 1200 210-300
and Inseptisols cropping
>700 in both
5. Bi-model rainfall area – Alfi and Vertisols Double cropping
The moisture deficit which results when the amount of water vapour available in
the soil is not sufficient to meet the demand of potential evapo-transpiration.
Drought condition initiate: (1) Accumulation of proline
Drought condition initiate: (2) Synthesis of ABA
Drought condition initiate: (3) K and Mg deficiency occurs
Remedies: (1) Spraying of 2 per cent DAP
Remedies: (2) Foliar spray of 0.5 – 1 per cent KCl
Remedies: (3) Use of Antitranspirents
Remedies: (4) Foliar spray of 500 ppm CCC
Any material applied to transpiring plant surfaces for reducing water loss.
2,4-D, Atrazine, P MA, P hosphon D, P otassium
1. Stomatal closure type :
2. Film farming type : Thin - Hexadeconol, Cetyl alcohol, Paclobutrazole
The problem of conserving soil and moisture (water) is having very great
importance in the extensive regions of low and uncertain rainfall forming parts.
These tracts are characterized by scanty, ill-distributed and highly erosive rains,
undulating topography, high wind velocity and generally shallow soils.
Wind erosion also has been responsible for destroying the valuable top soil in
many areas. Halting the march of desert in Rajasthan is one of the vital and
outstanding problems facing the country today. A n extreme example of sand
movement from the coast is to be seen in the S aurashtra region of Gujarat where the
once-flourishing ports are now covered with advancing sand-dunes.
I n addition to the erosion of the cultivated fields, neglected pastures and
wastelands, considerable roadside erosion also takes place owing to the defective
highway engineering. D efective drainage and water-logging throw appreciable areas
out of cultivation every year and indirectly increase the erosion hazards.
I n I ndia, there is very li le area free from the hazard of soil erosion. I t is
estimated that out of 305.9 million hectares of reported area, 145 million hectares is
in need of conservation measures. S evere erosion occurs in the sub-humid and per-
humid areas due to high rainfall and improper management of land and water.
A gricultural land in the major part of the country suffers from erosion. A part
from reducing the yields through the loss of nutrients, erosion destroys the soil
resources itself every year.
“Soil erosion is the wearing away of land surface by the action of such natural agencies
as water and wind”.
“D etachment and transportation of top soil particles by wind and/or by water is known
as soil erosion”.
The detaching agents are rain drops, channel flow and wind.
1) Natural or Geological Erosion
∗ This is a normal soil forming/soil weathering feature of any landscape.
∗ Geologic erosion takes place steadily but long time slowly which developed the
present topographic features like Valley, Plains, Stream channels etc.
2) Accelerated Soil Erosion
∗ I t occurs due to disturbance in natural equilibrium by the activity of men and
animals through land mismanagement, destruction of forests, over grazing
∗ N ature requires, on an average, about 1000 years to build up 2.5 cm of top soil, but
wrong farming methods may take only a few years to erode it from lands of
average slope.
A) Wind Erosion
∗ Wind erosion takes place normally in arid and semi-arid areas devoid of
vegetation, where the wind velocity is high.
∗ The soil particles on the land surface are lifted and blown off as dust storms. When
the velocity of the dust-bearing winds is retarded, coarser soil particles are
deposited in the form of dunes and thus fertile lands are rendered unfit for
∗ I n other places, fertile soil is blown away by winds and the subsoil is exposed, as a
result the productive capacity of the soil is considerably reduced.
Wind is responsible for three types of soil movement in the process of wind
erosion. They are known as: (i) Saltation (ii) Suspension and (iii) Surface creep.
(i) Saltation
∗ The major portion of the soil carried by the wind is moved in a series of short
bounces called “saltations”.
∗ The soil carried in a saltation consists of fine particles ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 mm
in diameter.
∗ About 50-75 per cent of soil erosion by wind carried out by saltation.
∗ S altation is caused by the direct pressure of wind on soil particles and their
collision with other particles. A fter being pushed along the ground surface by
the wind, the particles leap almost vertically in the first stages of saltation.
∗ S ome grains rise only a short distance; others leap 30 cm or higher, depending on
the velocity of the rise from the ground.
(ii) Suspension
∗ Very fine soil particles, less than 0.1 mm in diameter, are carried into suspension,
being kicked up into the air by the action of particles in saltation.
∗ About 3-4 per cent of soil erosion carried out by saltation mechanism of wind.
∗ The movement of fine dust in suspension is completely governed by the
characteristic movement of the wind. S uspended material is carried long
distances from its original location and is thus a complete loss to the eroded
area, especially when erosive winds are from different directions.
(iii) Surface Creep
∗ S oil particles, larger than about 0.5 mm in diameter but smaller than 3.0 mm, are
too heavy to be moved in saltation but are rolled and sliding along the surface
by the pressure of wind and hitting during saltation.
∗ 5-25 per cent of soil erosion is carried out by surface creep.
∗ About 90 per cent of the total soil movement in wind erosion is below the height of
30 cm, and about 50 per cent of it is within 5 cm of the ground level. The
control of wind erosion is mainly based on the reduction or elimination of
movement in saltation.
B) Water Erosion
∗ S oil erosion caused by rainfall is the result of the application of energy from two
distinct sources, namely (i) the falling rain drops, and (ii) the surface flow.
∗ The energy of a falling rain drop is applied slantingly or vertically from above,
whereas that of a surface flow is applied more or less horizontally along the
surface of the ground.
∗ The chief role of the falling rain drop is to detach soil particles, whereas that of the
surface flow (outside the rills and gullies) is to transport the soil.
∗ The falling rain drop also makes a major contribution to the movement of the soil
on unprotected sloping lands during the period of heavy-impact storms, by
splashing large quantities down slope and by imparting transporting capacity
to the surface water by keeping it turbid.
∗ More than 100 tones of soil per hectare can sometimes be lost yearly in this fashion
from a bare and highly detachable soil on sloping land.
S oil erosion caused by water can be distinguished in different forms, viz. (1)
splash erosion, (2) sheet erosion, (3) rill erosion, (4) gully erosion, (5) ravines (6) land
slides, and (7) stream-bank.
(i) Splash Erosion
∗ Removal of soil particles due to rain drops is called as splash erosion.
(ii) Sheet Erosion
∗ It is also known as Death of farmers.
∗ S heet erosion removes a thin and uniform covering of top productive/surface soil
from large areas, often from entire fields, more or less, during every rain
which produces a run-off.
∗ This type of erosion is very insidious, since it keeps the cultivator almost ignorant
of its ill-effects.
(iii) Rill Erosion
∗ Chanalization begins from rill erosion.
∗ When runoff starts, soil is lost from small channels or rills by water.
∗ The formations of rills depend on flow of rain drops (runoff).
∗ Rills can be removed by timely tillage operations.
(iv) Gully Erosion
∗ S ize of unchecked rills increase due to continuous and high volume runoff and
form gullies.
∗ Gullies are the most spectacular evidence of the destruction of soil. T he gullies
tend to deepen and widen with every heavy rainfall.
∗ They cut up large fields into small fragments and, in course of time, make them
unfit for cultivation.
(v) Ravines
∗ Prolonged and advanced stage of gully erosion leads to ravines found in deep
alluvial soils.
∗ Ravines are deep and wide gullies.
(vi) Landslides or Slip Erosion
∗ A landslide is defined as an outward and downward movement of the slope-
forming material, composed of natural rocks, soil, artificial fills, etc.
∗ The fundamental causes of landslides are topography of the region and geological
structure, the kinds of rocks and their physical characteristics.
∗ Mountains ranges with > 20 per cent slope areas suffer from land slides.
∗ The immediate cause of a slide may be an earthquake, or a heavy rainfall, which
unduly saturates the ground or a part of a road.
(vii) Stream-bank Erosion
∗ S tream banks are eroded by water either flowing over the sides of a stream or
scouring at the base.
∗ Usually, they are dry water-courses, except during the rainy season when with
every downpour in their catchments, they get very much swollen with flood
and subside almost to its normal tiny size immediately after the storm is over.
The key to soil and water conservation is the utilization and treatment of land
according to its capability.
Land-capability classification: A ny soil and water-conservation project includes
two distinct sets of operations, viz.
1. The mapping of land for classification according to its capability, and
2. Planning and executing measures to check erosion, improve land productivity and
reclaim wasteland.
The farm plans for effective soil and water conservation are based largely on the
capability of the land. The land-capability classification map is normally prepared by
interpreting a standard soil-survey map.
“Land-capability classification is a systematic arrangement of different kinds of
lands according to those properties that determine the ability of the land to produce
crops on a virtually permanent basis.”
T he factors determining land-capability: There are the major soil characteristics
of the land, e.g. the texture of the top soil, its effective depth, permeability of the top
soil and subsoil, and associated land features, e.g. the slope of the land, the extent of
erosion, the degree of wetness and susceptibility to overflowing and flooding.
The grouping of soils into capability classes is done primarily on the basis of their
capability to produce common cultivated crops and pasture plants without
deterioration over a long period.
Land-capability Classes
The land-capability classes are based on the intensity of hazards and the
limitations of use. The land-capability classes range from the best and most easily
farmed land to that which has no value for cultivation, grazing or forestry, but which
may be suited to wild-life, recreation or for watershed protection. They are fall into 2
broad groups: one suitable for cultivation and other land uses, and the other not
suitable for cultivation, but suitable for other land uses.
CLASS I (Green Color)
∗ Soils in class I have very few or no limitations that restrict their use.
∗ This type of land is nearly level (1 per cent land slope) and the erosion hazard is
∗ The soils are deep, well-drained, easily worked, hold water well and are either
fairly well supplied with plant nutrients or highly responsive to the
application of fertilizers.
∗ The soils are not subject to damage because of overflow.
∗ The local climate must be favorable for growing many of the common field crops.
∗ I n irrigated areas, the soils may be in class I , if the limitation of the arid climate
has been removed by relatively permanent irrigation works.
∗ These soils need ordinary management practices to maintain productivity. S uch
practices may include the use of one or more of the following: fertilizers, lime,
cover and green-manure crops, conservation of crop residues and crop
∗ S oils in this class are suited to a wide range of plants, may be used for cultivated
crops, pastures, forests, and wildlife, food and cover.
CLASS II (Yellow Color)
∗ S oils in class I I have some limitations which reduce the choice of plants or require
simple conservation practices.
∗ The limitations of soils in class I I may result from the effects of one or more of the
following factors: (i) a gentle slope, (ii) a slight susceptibility to erosion, (iii)
less than ideal soil depth, (iv) occasional damaging overflow, (v) wetness
which can be corrected by drainage, but existing permanently as a moderate
limitation, (vi) slight to moderate salinity or sodium, easily corrected but likely
to recur, and(vii) a slight climatic limitation on soil use and management.
∗ The length of slope of land is 1-3 per cent and the depth of soil is from 22.5 to
∗ These soils require careful management. The limitations are only a few and the
practices are easy to apply.
∗ They may need one or more of the following practices: terracing, strip cropping,
contour cultivation, water disposal area, covered with vegetation crop rotation,
cover and green-manure crops, stubble mulching, use of fertilizers, manure
and lime.
∗ These soils may be used for growing cultivated crops, A gri-horticulture, A lley
cropping, raising pastures, forests, and for wild-life, food and cover.
CLASS III (Red Color)
∗ S oils in class I I I have moderate limitations which reduce the choice of plants or
require special conservation practices.
∗ The length of slope of land is 3-5 per cent.
∗ S oils in class I I I have more restrictions than those in class I I and, when used for
cultivated crops, the conservation practices are usually more difficult to apply
and to maintain.
∗ Limitations of soils in class I I I may result from the effects of one or more of the
following factors: (i) a moderately sloping land, (ii) moderately susceptibility
to water or wind erosion, (iii) frequent overflow accompanied with some crop
damage, (iv) very slow permeability of the sub-soil, (v) wetness or continuing
water-logging after drainage, (vi) shallow soil depth up to the bed-rock, hard-
pan or clay-pan which limits the rooting-zone and water storage, (vii) low
moisture-holding capacity, (viii) moderate salinity or sodium, and (ix)
moderate climatic limitations.
∗ These soils may be used for Agri-horticulture and Alley cropping.
CLASS IV (Blue Color)
∗ S oils in class I V have severe limitations that restrict the choice of plants and
require careful management.
∗ The length of slope of land is 5-10 per cent.
∗ The restrictions in the use of these soils are greater than those in class I I I and the
choice of plants is more limited. When these soils are cultivated, very careful
management is required and the conservation practices are more difficult to
apply and to maintain.
∗ The use of these soils for cultivated crops is limited as a result of the effect of one
or more of the permanent features, such as (i) steep slopes, (ii) severe
susceptibility to water or wind erosion, (iii) severe effect of past erosion, (iv)
shallow soil, (v) low moisture-holding capacity, (vi) frequent overflow
accompanied with severe crop damage, (vii) excessive wetness or continuing
hazard of water-logging after drainage, (viii) severe salinity or sodium, and (ix)
moderately adverse climate.
∗ These soils can be used for close growing crops, forage cultivation, A gri-
S ilviculture, A gri-Horticulture, fish culture, pastures, forests, and wild-life
food and cover.
CLASS V (Dark Green)
∗ S oils in class V have li le or no erosion hazard, but have other limitations, the
removal of which is not practicable. They are used largely for pastures, forests,
and wild-life food and cover.
∗ The length of slope of land is 10-15 per cent.
∗ S uch land is nearly level and is not subject to more than slight wind or water
∗ Cultivation is not feasible because of one or more limitations, such as overflow,
stoniness, steep slope, wetness or severe climate. Examples of class V land are
(i) soils of lowlands subject to frequent overflows which prevent the normal
production of cultivated crops, (ii) nearly level soils with growing season that
prevents the normal production of cultivated crops,(iii) the level or nearly
level stony or rocky soils, and (iv) ponded areas where drainage for cultivated
crops is not feasible but where soils are suitable for grasses or trees.
∗ S oils in class V are not suitable for raising cultivated crops, but are suitable for
perennial vegetation (silvipasture). Pastures can be improved, and benefits
from proper management can be expected. Physical conditions of soils are
such that it is practicable to apply pasture improvements, if needed, such as
seeding, liming, fertilizing, and water control with contour furrows, drainage
ditches, diversions of water spreaders.
CLASS VI (Orange Color)
∗ S oils in class VI have severe limitations that make them unsuitable for cultivation
and limit their use largely for pastures, or forests, or wild-life food and cover.
∗ The land slope varies from 15-25 per cent.
∗ S oils in class VI have continuing limitations which cannot be corrected, such as (i)
steep slope, (ii)very severe erosion hazard, (iii) very severe effect of past
erosion (iv) stoniness, (v) shallow rooting-zone, (vi) excessive wetness or
overflow, (vii) low moisture capacity, (viii) salinity or sodium, and (ix) severe
∗ Soils in this class are subject to moderate limitations under grazing or forestry use.
CLASS VII (Brown Color)
∗ S oils in class VI I have very severe limitations that make them unsuitable for
cultivation and restrict their use largely to grazing, or forestation, or wild-life
food and cover.
∗ The land slope varies from 25-33 per cent.
∗ The soils in this class are subject to dry and marshy conditions, eroded and
undulated land and steep slope.
∗ After well care, the soils of this class can be used for forestry and pasture.
CLASS VIII (Purple Color)
∗ S oils and land forms in class VI I I have limitations that preclude their use for
commercial plant production and restrict their use to recreation, wild-life food
and cover or to water-supply, water shed protection or for aesthetic purposes.
∗ The land have highly steepness (>33 per cent).
∗ Limitations which cannot be corrected may result from the effects of one or more
of the following factors: (i) erosion or erosion hazard, (ii) severe climate, (iii)
wet soil, (iv) stones, (v) low moisture capacity, (vi) salinity or sodium.
∗ Bad lands, rock outcrops, sandy beaches, marshes, deserts, river wash, mine
tailings and other nearly barren lands are included in class VI I I in order to
protect other more valuable soils to control water or for wild-life or for
aesthetic reasons.
The land-capability class is indicated on the maps by roman numerals I to VI I I or
by standard colors or by both.
A land-capability class is determined by the degree of limitations in land use
together with the hazards involved. For example, in class I I I land, we have land
suitable for cultivation but subject to moderate hazard of water erosion because of a
steep slope or a moderate hazard of wind erosion on smooth land or moderate
hazard of water-logging or overflow and a shallow depth to the bed-rock. Each of
these kinds of limitations are recognized at the subclass. Four kinds of limitations
are recognized at the subclass level.
∗ SU BCLA SS (E) ERO SI O :NI t is made up of soils where the susceptibility to
erosion is the dominant hazard in their use. S usceptibility to erosion and
damage due to past erosion are major factors that govern the placing of soils
in this class.
∗ SU BCLA SS (W) EXCESS WAT: ER I t is made up of soils where excess water is the
dominant hazard in their use. Poor soil drainage, wetness, high water-table
and overflow are the criteria for determining which soils belong in this
includes soils which have such limitations as the shallowness of the rooting-
zone, stones, low moisture-holding capacity, low fertility difficult to correct
and salinity or alkalinity.
∗ SU BCLA SS (C) CLI MAT I C LI MI TAT I O : INtSincludes soils where the climate
(temperature or lack of moisture) is the only major hazard of limitations in
their use.
The land-capability subclass is designated by the small le ers which follow the
land-capability classes. Roman numerals, e.g. I I e, I I I s, I Vw capability class I has no
subclass. Where two kinds of limitation can be modified or corrected and are
essentially equal.
Broadly speaking, the practical methods of soil and water conservation fall into
two important classes, viz. Agronomic measures and Engineering measures.
A gronomic practices for soil and water conservation help to intercept rain drops
and reduce the splash effect, help to obtain a be er intake of water rate by the soil
by improving the content of organic ma er and soil structure, help to retard and
reduce the overland run-off through the use of contour cultivation, mulches, dense-
growing crops, strip-cropping and mixed cropping. A gronomical measures are
adopted where land slope is <2 per cent, which are followings:
1. Conservation Tillage
2. Deep tillage
3. Conservation Farming
4. Contour Farming
5. Mulching
6. Growing of cover crops
7. Strip cropping
8. Mixed cropping
∗ This umbrella term can include reduced tillage, minimum tillage, no-till, direct
drill, mulch tillage, stubble-mulch farming, trash farming, strip tillage,
∗ With advanced soil conservation programmes, the concept of conservation tillage
is the main theme of the recommendations for cropland.
∗ The application is mainly in mechanized high production farming with good
rainfall, or for the control of wind erosion where there is large-scale
mechanized cereal production. I t is less applicable to low input level crop
production, or subsistence agriculture.
∗ The principles are equally effective in any conditions - to maximize cover by
returning crop residues and not inverting the top soil, and by using a high
crop density of vigorous crops.
∗ Conservation tillage also has the advantage of reducing the need for terraces or
other permanent structures. However there are several disadvantages which
hinder the application of conservation tillage in semi-arid conditions:
∗ D ense plant covers may be incompatible with the well-tested strategy of using low
plant populations to suit low moisture availability;
∗ Crop residues may be of value as feed for livestock;
∗ Planting through surface mulches is not easy for ox-drawn planters although there
may be no problem with hand job planters.
∗ O ne of the reasons for low yields in semi-arid areas is the limited amount of
moisture available to crop roots.
∗ The available moisture will be increased if the rooting depth is increased and it has
been shown that in some cases deep tillage can help, for example on the dense
sandy soils.
∗ Deep tillage is beneficial for some crops but not all, and on some soils but not all.
∗ D eep tillage requires greater draught power which is usually in short supply in
semi-arid areas.
∗ Ripping or subsoiling can be beneficial, either to increase the porosity of the soil,
or to break a pan which is reducing permeability.
∗ The deep placement of fertilizer can also be used to encourage more rooting at
depth, but again the application of this technique to subsistence farming will
be difficult.
∗ I t includes any farming practice which improves yield, or reliability, or decreases
the inputs of labour or fertilizer, or anything else leading towards improved
land husbandry, which we have defined as the foundation of good soil
∗ I t includes strip cropping, crop rotations, alternate cropping, mixed cropping and
interplanting, surface and mulching, organic mulches, deep planting of
varieties, dry seeding etc.
∗ D uring intense rain storms, the soil cannot absorb all the rain as it falls. The excess
water flows down the slope under the influence of gravity. I f farming is done
up and down the slope, the flow of water is accelerated, because each furrow
serves as a rill. The major part of the rain is drained away without infiltrating
into the soil. The top fertile soil, along with plant nutrients and seeds, is
washed off. All this results in a scanty and uneven growth of a crop.
∗ “A simple practice of farming across the slope, keeping the same level, as far as possible is
technically called contour-farming.
∗ T he ridges and the rows of the plants placed across the slope form a continual series of
miniature barriers to the water moving over the soil surface. The barriers are small
individually, but as they are large in number, their total effect is great in reducing
run-off, soil erosion and loss of plant nutrients.”
∗ A dvantages: 1) Contour-farming reduces run-off and prevents soil erosion as
compared with the up and down cultivation in the major groups of soils in
India, viz. Alluvial soils, black soils and deep lateritic soils.
2) Contour-farming conserves soil fertility and increases crop yields.
∗ S urface mulches are used to prevent soil from blowing and being washed away, to
reduce evaporation, to increase infiltration, to keep down , to improve soil
structure and eventually to increase crop yields.
∗ I nter-culture kills weeds and produces a five or seven cm thick soil mulch which
helps to reduce evaporation from the top soil.
∗ It also breaks the surface crust which forms after each downpour.
∗ Cultivated legumes, in general, furnish a be er cover and hence be er protection
to cultivated land against erosion than ordinary cultivated crops.
∗ The crops and the cropping systems will naturally vary from region to region,
depending on the soil and climatic conditions.
∗ The mostly preferred cover crops are green gram, black gram, cowpea, groundnut
S trip cropping is the system of growing alternate strips of erosion permi ing
crops (row crop such as maize, jowar, bajra, co on etc) and erosion resisting crops
(close growing crops such as green gram, black gram, moth, groundnut etc.) in the
same field. This practice reduces the velocity of runoff and checks the eroded soil
from being washed away.
∗ S trip cropping is essentially for controlling the run-off erosion and thereby
maintaining the fertility of the soil is now universally recognized. S trip
cropping, in effect, employs several good farming practices, including crop
rotation, contour cultivation, proper tillage stubble mulching, cover cropping,
∗ Strip cropping is of the following different forms :
(i) Contour strip cropping
(ii) Field strip cropping
(iii) Wind strip cropping
(iv) Permanent or temporary buffer strip cropping
(i) Contour Strip Cropping
∗ Contour strip cropping is the growing of soil exposing and erosion permi ing
crops in strips of suitable widths and placed across the slopes on contour,
alternating with strip of soil protecting and erosion resisting crops.
∗ Contour strip cropping shortens the length of the slope, checks the movement of
runoff water, helps to desilt it and increases the absorption of rainwater by the
∗ Further, the dense foliage of the erosion resistant crops prevents the rain from
beating the soil surface directly.
∗ I t is advisable to rotate the strip planting by sowing a non-resistant crop, following
an erosion resistant crop and vice versa.
(i) Groundnut, Moth bean (Phaseolus acontifolius) and Horse gram (D olichos biflorus)
are the most efficient and suitable crops for checking erosion.
(ii) The normal seed-rates of leguminous crops, other than groundnut, do not give
sufficiently dense canopies to prevent rain drops from beating the soil
surface in many cases. The seed rate should be trebled.
(iii) The most effective width of the contour strips for cereals, such as J owar
and Bajra, is 21.6 m and for the intervening legume, it is 7.2 m
Strip Widths as Suitable for Erosion Permitting and
Resistant Crops on Different Slopes
Slope Width of Erosion- Permitting Crops Width of Erosion- Resistant Crops
1/2 per cent and below 45.0 m 9.0 m
Between 1 and 2 per cent 24.0 m 6.0 m
Between 2 and 3 per cent 13.5 m 4.5 m
Salient Features
∗ Slope ranges from 2 –8 per cent
∗ Around 16 m2 area surrounded by 15-20 cm dirtwall
∗ Bund height - 30 to 45 cm.
∗ Soil type - Light to moderate texture
∗ Insitu moisture conservation with staggered planting
∗ Suitable for dry land Horticulture & Agroforestry
∗ A low weir normally constructed across the gullies.
∗ Constructed on small streams and long gullies formed by erosive activity of flood
∗ It cuts the velocity and reduces erosive activity.
∗ The stored water improves soil moisture of the adjoining area and allows
percolation to recharge the aquifers.
∗ S pacing between the check dams water spread of one should be beyond the water
spread of the other.
∗ Height depends on the bank height, varies from a metre to 3 metre and length
varies from less than 3m to 10m.
To augment the ground water recharge
Salient Features
∗ S hallow depression created at lower portions in a natural or diverted stream
∗ Preferable under gentle sloping stream where narrow valley exists.
∗ Located in soils of permeable nature.
∗ A daptable where 20-30 ground water wells for irrigation exist with in the zone of
influence about 800 – 900m.
∗ Minimum capacity may be around 5000 m3 for the sack of economy.
∗ Also act as silt detention reservoir.
The broad bed and furrow system is laid within the field boundaries. The land
levels taken and it is laid using either animal drawn or tractor drawn ridgers.
Maize/Sorghum is grown in beds and rice in furrows.
Salient Features
∗ Conserves soil moisture in Dryland.
∗ Controls soil erosion.
∗ Acts as a drainage channel during heavy rainy days.
Classification of Gullies
Any system of gullies has an independent catchment, with a regular stream which
has been termed the “drainage system”. I n each drainage system, it has been
observed that gullies with defined side slopes, bed width and depths occur in a
regular order. I n the upper reaches of the drainage system, the gullies are wide and
shallow, with varying side slopes. The middle part of the drainage system is usually
deeper, wider and has uniform side slopes normally up to about 15 per cent. The
lower portion of the drainage system which is nearer to the main river is usually very
deep, has steep side slopes and is associated with intricate branch gullies.
The gullies have been classified as follows:
Symbol Description Specifications
G1 Very small gullies Up to 3 m deep and bed width 18 m.
G2 Small gullies Up to 3 m deep and bed width >18 m.
G3 Medium gullies Depth between 3-9 m and bed width > 18 m.
G4 Deep and narrow gullies 9 m deep with < 18m bed width.
“The repetitive cultivation of an ordered succession of crops or crops and fallow on the
same land”.
1. Crop rotation is the reverse of land rotation. In this, crop is rotated year after year.
2. The main objective of crop rotation is to maintain and even improves soil fertility
and stabilize income.
1. The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of crop and fallow on a given
2. Crop rotation practiced by the majority of the farmers in a given area or locality.
(A) Rice Based Cropping Pattern
1. This cropping pattern is found in heavy rainfall areas.
2. The most traditional areas for rice based cropping pa erns are UP, Bihar, MP, WB,
Orissa, AP, Tamilnadu, Kerala etc.
3. The non traditional areas are Punjab, Haryana and Western UP.
4. Total 30 rice based cropping patterns are adopted in India.
5. The most prominent and adopted cropping pattern in India is Rice - Wheat.
6. In Bihar, WB & Orissa – summer rice is emerging competing crop to Jute.
(B) Wheat Based Cropping Pattern
1. The non traditional areas are North West India.
2. Total 19 wheat based cropping patterns are adopted in India.
3. Wheat rotation – Rice – Wheat, Pigeonpea – Wheat, Moong – Wheat etc.
(C) Kharif Sorghum Based Cropping Pattern
1. The most prominent areas are Maharashtra, MP, Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan &
2. Total 17 kharif sorghum based cropping patterns are adopted in India.
(D) Rabi Sorghum Based Cropping Pattern
1. Total 13 rabi sorghum based cropping patterns are adopted in India.
(E) Pearlmillet Based Cropping Pattern
1. This cropping pa ern is most prominent in arid and semi arid tropics i.e. Gujarat
& Rajasthan.
2. 20 pearlmillet based cropping patterns are adopted in India.
(F) Maize Based Cropping Pattern
1. This cropping pattern is most prominent in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, MP & Punjab.
2. 12 maize based cropping patterns are adopted in India.
(G) Cotton Based Cropping Pattern
1. 16 co on based cropping pa erns are adopted in I ndia mostly in Maharashtra,
Gujarat & AP.
(H) Chickpea and Other Pulses Based Cropping Pattern
1. The non traditional areas are Karnataka, AP & Tamilnadu.
(I) Groundnut Based Cropping Pattern
1. The raditional growing areas are Gujarat, Karnataka, AP & Tamilnadu.
2. Total 9 groundnut based cropping pa erns are adopted in I ndia particularly in
rainfed condition.
The cropping pa ern used on a farm and its interactions with farm resources,
other farm enterprises and available technology which determine their makeup.
A n appropriate combination of farm enterprises viz. cropping system, livestock,
poultry, fisheries and the means available to the farmer to raise them for increasing
1. A system of farming on a particular farm which includes crop production, raising
livestock, poultry, fisheries, bee keeping etc. to sustain and safety as many
needs of the farmer as possible. The objective is subsistence while higher
profitability without altering ecological balance is important in farming
2. Cropping pattern which involve the raising of crops, animals and or trees.
O ne of the important methods of intensive cropping, allowing the stubbles of the
original crop to strike again after harvesting and to raise another crop.
Live mulch crop production involves planting a food crop directly into a living
cover of an established cover crop without tillage or the destruction of the fallow
1. It is opposite of intercropping.
2. “One crop variety grown alone in pure stands at normal density in a field”.
The repetitive growing of the same sole crop on the same land.
Multiple Cropping
1. “The growing of more than one crop on the same land in one year”.
2. Types of multiple cropping:
(a) Inter cropping
(b) Mixed cropping
(c) Sequential/non-overlapped cropping
(d) Relay/overlapped cropping
(a) Inter Cropping
“Growing of two or more crops simultaneously in alternate rows or otherwise in
the same area, where there is significant amount of inter crop competition”.
Advantages of Inter Cropping
1. Hreater stability of yield over different seasons,
2. Better use of growth resources,
3. Better control of weeds, pests and diseases,
4. One crop provides physical support to the other crop,
5. One crop provides shelter to the other crop,
6. Erosion control through providing continuous leaf cover over the ground surface,
7. It is the small farmers of limited means who is most likely to benefit.
Disadvantages of Intercropping
1. Yield decrease because of adverse competition effect,
2. Allelopathic effect,
3. Creates obstruction in the free use of machines for intercultural operations and
4. Large farmers with adequate resources may likely to get less benefit out of
(b) Mixed Cropping
Cultivation of two or more than two crops simultaneously on the same piece of
land without any definite row pattern or fixed ratio.
1. Scientific study of mixed cropping was firstly done by La-Flitze in 1929.
2. Mixed cropping is commonly practiced in Dryland areas of India.
3. Sowing of seeds is generally by broadcasting method.
4. Main objective is to lessen the risk of total crop failture, and to satisfy the farmers
in food and fodder.
5. Mixed cropping needs irrigation through out the year.
(c) Sequential/Non-overlapped Cropping
Growing of two or more crops in quick succession on the same piece of land in a
farming year. The swing of the succeeding crop and harvesting of the preceding crop
may be done simultaneously or in a quick succession e.g. J ust after the harvest of
Maize, Potato is sown and just after digging of potato, Chilli is sown.
(d) Relay/Overlapped Cropping
Relay planting is inter planting or inter sowing of seeds/seedlings of the
succeeding crop before harvesting the preceding/maturing crop.
1. Generally 2nd crop is planted after the first crop has reach its reproductive stage of
growth e.g. Potato is planted before the harvest of Maize and Radish is sown
before harvesting of Potato.
2. Paira (Bihar & WB) and Utera (MP) cropping are also referred as an example of
relay cropping. Paira/Utera cropping means sowing of Lathyrus or Lentil
before the harvest of rice in lowland area with an objective to use the residual
moisture of rice field.
Two or more than two crops of different heights cultivated simultaneously on the same
field. I t is generally practised in Karnataka and Keralae.g. S ugarcane + Mustard +
Such crops have different growth habits and zero competition to each other.
e.g. Urd/Moong + Maize
When the production of both inter crops is equal to that of its solid planting.
e.g. Mustard/Potato/Onion + Sugarcane
I n this type of cropping, yield of both the crops are higher than their pure crops
on unit area e.g. Sugarcane + Potato
C.I. =
Ratio of the area needed under sole cropping to one of intercropping at the same
management level to give an equal amount to yield. LER is the sum of the fractions
of the yield of the intercrops, relative to their sole crop yields. I ntercropping system
accepts advantageous, when LER is more than 1.0
Precision farming means high tech agriculture, spatial variability management
“Precision farming is a site specific crop management approach in modern crop
production for applying agro-chemicals to the field in an economical and
environmentally sound fashion”. I t is the technique or method to find out the use of
appropriate inputs, appropriate technology, decreasing cost of cultivation decisions,
optimizing outputs for safety and security of food acc. to site or soil condition.
Precision farming is useful in (1) be er fertilizer management (2) nutrient and
water management determination (3) pest and disease a ack detection and
management by infra red narrow band sensors.
Components: (1) Integration (2) Technology (3) Management
Technology Requirement
1. Computers – used as source for information gathering and processing.
2 . G lobal Positioning System – satellites based information received by a mobile
field instrument. GPS helps in identifying any location in the field to assess
the special variability and site specific application of inputs.
3. G lobal I nformation System – a tool used to capture, store, update, manipulate,
analyze and display all forms of geographically referred information.
4. Remote Sensing – a tool for collection, processing and analyzing data to extract
information from earth surface without coming into physical contact with it. I t
is based on either through satellites based sensors or CI R video digital
cameras hold on small aircraft.
Remote Sensing
∗ Remote S ensing is the sensing of objects or a phenomenon without being in
∗ In Remote Sensing, optical wave lengths ranges between 0.3 to 15 µm are used.
∗ N ear I nfra Red wave length ranges between 0.7 to 1.3 µm and Middle I nfra Red
ranges between 1.3 to 3.0 µm.
∗ Velocity of light in air : 3x108m/s.
∗ Simple Vegetation Index = Reflectance in Infra Red band/Reflectance in Red band.
∗ Vegetation I ndex is used in identifying the crop stress that can be used in crop
∗ Indian Satellites : IRS-1A/1B, IRS-1C, IRS-1D
∗ I RS -4 launched in 1999 is used to measure physical and biological oceanographic
∴ Human eye respond to wave length between 0.4 – 0.7, which is also same for
Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR).
∴ LISS stands for Linear Image Self Scanner
∴ WiFS stands for Wide Field Scanner
∴ Near infra red – wave length ranges between 0.7 to 1.3mm.
ORGANIC FARMING (Biological husbandry)
“I t is agricultural production system which avoids or largely excludes the use of
synthetically compounded fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and livestock
feed additives. To the maximum extent feasible organic farming system rely upon
crop rotation, crop residues, and animal manure, legumes, green manure, mineral-
bearing rocks and aspects of biological pest control to maintain soil productivity and
tilth to supply plant nutrients and to control insects, weeds and other pests”.
Aims of Organic Farming
1. To produce crop with a high nutritional value
2. To maintain and improve long term fertility and sustainability of farm land.
∗ LEISA is recent term related to organic farming.
Chapter 12
Soil Science
“Soil is the fine earth covering land surface that has the important function of
serving as a substratum of plant, animal and human life and acts as a reservoir of
nutrients and water”.
O r “S oil is the material on the earth’s surface that results from the interactions of
weather and biological activities with the underlying geologic formation. S oil is
produced from broken down rocks, organic ma er (decayed animals and plant life),
water, and air”.
∗ Igneous Rocks : Granite, Basalt and Syenite
∗ Sedimentary Rocks : Lime stone, Sand stone and Dolomite
∗ Metamorphic rocks : Gneiss, Marble, Quartzite and Slate
Gneiss from Granite, Marble from Lime stone, Q uar ite from S and stone and S late
from Shales.
∗ Weathering minerals: Most resistant - Quartz
∗ Weathering minerals: Moderate resistant - Feldspar
∗ Weathering minerals: Least resistant - Calcite
∗ Chemical composition of earth’s crust:
Sl.No. Element Percentage ((%) Sl.No. Element Percentage (%)
1. O2 49.20 2. Si 25.67
3. Al 7.50 4. Fe 4.70
5. Ca 3.39 6. Mg 1.93
Carbon C CO2
Hydrogen H H2O, H+
Oxygen O H2O, O2+
Nitrogen N NH4+, NO3–
Phosphorus ∗ H2PO4–, HPO42–, PO43–
Potassium K K+
Calcium Ca Ca
Magnesium Mg Mg2+
Sulfur S SO42–, SO2
Iron Fe Fe2+, Fe3+
Manganese Mn Mn 2+
Boron B H2BO3–, B 4O72–, BO33–
Zinc Zn Zn 2+
Copper Cu Cu 2+
Molybdenum Mo MoO42–
Chlorine Cl Cl–
Sulfur (S)
Yellowing of leave, leaves are paler than interveinal portion. Occurrence of ‘Downward
cupping of leaves in Tobacco and Tea.
Excess A premature senescence of leaves may occur.
Boron (B)
Yellowing/chlorosis starts from base of terminal bud leaf and extends to tip results in
appearance of ‘Whip like structure’ and become brownish/blackish brown. Deficiency
causes ‘Internal necrosis in Aonla and Mango’, ‘Hen and Chicken disorder in Grape’ and
‘Heart rot in Sugarbeet’.
Excess Leaf tips and margins will turn brown and die.
Chlorine (Cl)
Deficiency Younger leaves will be chlorotic and plants will easily wilt. For wheat, a plant disease will
infest the plant when Cl is deficient.
P remature yellowing of the lower leaves with burning of the leaf margins and tips. L eaf
Excess abscission will occur and plants will easily wilt. E xcess of Cl ions in water or excess of MOP
(KCl) causes ‘Leaf scorching’.
Copper (Cu)
L eaves including veins become yellow and tending towards whiteness. Occurrence of
‘Marginal leaf burning’. Deficiency causes ‘Dia back and Little leaf disease in Citrus’.
Excess Fe deficiency may be induced with very slow growth. Roots may be stunted.
Iron (Fe)
Veins remain conspicuously green and other leaf portion turn yellow and tending towards
Deficiency whiteness. Interveinal chlorosis will occur. Deficiency causes ‘Leaf bleaching in sugarcane
and ‘Ivory white of paddy’.
A bronzing of leaves with tiny brown spots on the leaves, a typical symptom frequently
occurring with rice.
Manganese (Mn)
Interveinal yellowing of young leaves but not tending towards whiteness. Veins remain
green. Deficiency causes ‘Marsh disease in Pea’.
Excess Older leaves will show brown spots surrounded by a chlorotic zone and circle.
Molybdenum (Mo)
Older and middle leaves become chlorotic first. T ranslucent spots of irregular shape between
Deficiency veins; spots become impregnated with resinous gum. Occurrence of ‘Typical interveinal
chlorosis’. Deficiency causes ‘Whiptail disease and Browning in Cauliflower’.
Excess Not of common occurrence.
Zinc (Zn)
Upper leaves will show chlorosis on midrib. Veins green and dead spots occur in all parts of
Deficiency leaf (veins, tips and margins). P lants appear bushy due to reduced internodal elongation.
‘White bud of Maize’ is caused by the deficiency.
Excess Fe deficiency will develop.
Fertilizers are the organic or inorganic materials of natural or synthetic origin
which are added to the soil to supply certain elements essential to the growth of
Classification of Fertilizers
Fertilizer which contains only one primary or major nutrient, e.g. Urea,
1. Straight fertilizers :
Amm. Sulfate.
2. Binery fertilizers : Fertilizers which contain two major nutrients e.g. Potassium nitrate.
Fertilizer which contains three major nutrients e.g. Ammonium
3. Termary fertilizers :
potassium phosphate.
4. Complete fertilizers : Those fertilizers having all the three major nutrients viz. N, P & K.
S uch fertilizers contain more than one primary or major nutrient
5. Complex fertilizers :
element e.g. DAP, Ammonium phosphate.
Contain less than 25 per cent of primary nutrients, e.g. S S P (16 per
6. Low analysis fertilizers :
cent), Sodium Nitrate (16 per cent).
Contain more than 25 per cent of primary nutrients, e.g. Urea (46 per
7. High analysis fertilizers : cent), DAP (18 per cent N & 46 per cent P 2O5).
∗ Fertilizer grade : “The minimum guarantee for the plant nutrient content in terms
of total N2, available P2O5 and K2O”.
∗ Fertilizer ratio : “The relative percentage of N2, P2O5 and K2O” in a fertilizer.
Nitrogenous Fertilizers:
(A) Nitrate form -
1. Sodium nitrate 16.0 - -
2. Calcium nitrate 15.5 - -
(B) Ammonical form -
1. Ammonium phosphate 16.0 20.0 -
2. Ammonium chloride 24-26 - - Used for coconut, oil palm
Oldest N. fertilizer, B est for top
3. Ammonium sulphate 21.0 - -
dressing in rice
4. Anhydrous ammonia 81.0 - - Most concentrated
(C) Ammonical form -
1. Ammonium nitrate 33-34 - - Explosive fertilizer
Nitro chalk/lime, Kisan khad, Neutral
2. Calcium ammonium nitrate 26.0 - -
3. Ammonium sulphate nitrate 26.0 - -
(D) Amide form -
Only organic N fertilizer, cheapest &
1. Urea 46.0 - -
suitable for foliar spray
2. Calcium cynide 21.0 - -
Phosphatic Fertilizers:
(A) Water soluble -
1. Superphosphate (single) - 16-18 - Oldest commercially
available fertilizer
2. Superphosphate (double) - 32.0 -
3. Superphosphate (triple) - 46-48 -
4. DAP 18 46 - Least hygroscopic
(B) Citric acid soluble -
1. Di calcium phosphate - 34-39 -
2. Basic slag - 14-18 -
S uitable for acidic & long duration
3. Bone meal - 23-30 -
(C) Insoluble -
1. Rock phosphate - 20-40 -
2. Rock bone meal - 20-25 -
3. Steamed bone meal - 22.0 -
Potassic Fertilizers:
1. Murate of potash/KCl - 60.0 -
2. Sulphate of potash - 48.0 -
S uitable for fertigation, also k/s S alt
3. Potassium nitrate - 44.0 -
petre or Nitre
Slow Immobile
Nitrification Inhibitors
For lowland : Oxamide (31 per cent N) & Thiourea (36.8 per cent N)
For upland : N-serve
Others : Nitropyrin, Neem cake (Mimbiolin)
Slow Released N Fertilizers
1. Urea farmal dehyde (UF – Urea form) : 38-42 per cent N
2. Oxamide
3. Sulpher coated urea, Neem coated urea
4. Formation of super granule (Modified form): Urea 1-4 gm of big granules
(e) Amelioration
∗ Lime as reclaiming agent: Lime is added to neutralize acidity and to increase the
pH, so that the availability of nutrients will be increased.
∗ Basic slag obtained from I ron and steel industry can be substituted for lime. I t
contains about 48-54 per cent of CaO and 3-4 per cent MgO.
∗ A mmonium sulphate and A mmonium chloride should not be applied to acid soils
but urea can be applied.
∗ Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) is suitable to acidic soils.
∗ A ny citrate soluble phosphate fertilizer is good source of phosphorous for acidic
∗ Eg. D icalcium phosphate (D CP), Tricalcium phosphate (TCP) Potassium sulphate
is a suitable source of ‘K’ for acidic soils. But MO P is be er than K2SO4
because Cl– of MO P replaces -O H ions, their by release of -O H ions tends to
increase the pH.
2) Alkaline Soils
A lkali soils are formed due to concentration of exchangeable sodium and high
pH. Because of high alkalinity resulting from sodium carbonate the surface soil is
discoloured to black; hence the term black alkali is used.
(a) Reasons for Alkalinity
∗ The excessive irrigation of uplands containing N a salts results in the accumulation
of salts in the valleys.
∗ In arid and semi arid areas salt formed during weathering are not fully leached.
∗ I n coastal areas if the soil contains carbonates the ingression of sea water leads to
the formation of alkali soils due to formation of sodium carbonates.
∗ Irrigated soils with poor drainage.
(b) Characteristics
∗ Saline soil have soil pH of more than 8.5
∗ Ec is less than 4.0 m.mhos/cm
∗ ESP (exchangeable sodium per cent) is more than 15
∗ It has black colour that why it is also called as Black alkali
(c) Injury to Crops
∗ High exchangeable sodium decreases the availability of calcium, magnesium to
∗ D ispersion of soil particles due to high exchangeable ‘N a’ leads to poor physical
condition of soil, low permeability to water and air, tends to be sticky when
wet and becomes hard on drying.
∗ Toxicity due to excess hydroxyl and carbonate ions.
∗ Growth of plant gets affected mainly due to nutritional imbalance.
∗ Restricted root system and delay in flowering in sensitive varieties.
∗ Typical leaf burn in annuals and woody plants due to excess of chloride and
∗ Bronzing of leaves in citrus.
∗ It effects the solubility of zinc (Zn).
(d) Crops Suitable for Cultivation in Alkaline Soils
∗ Barley, Sugarbeet, Co on, S ugarcane, Mustard, Rice, Maize, Redgram, Greengram,
S unflower, Linseed, S esame, Bajra, S orghum, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower,
Cucumber, Pumpkin, Bi erguard. Beetroot, Guava, A sparagus, Banana,
Spinach, Coconut, Grape, Datepalm, Pomegranate.
(e) Amelioration
∗ The process of amelioration consists of two steps:
∴ To convert exchangeable sodium into water soluble form.
∴ To leach out the soluble sodium from the field. A mendments used for
reclamation of Alkali soils.
∗ Gypsum
1. Gypsum is used to reclaim sodic/alkaline soil.
2. For every 1 m.e. of exchangeable N a per 100 gm of soil, 1.7 tones of Gypsum/acre is
to be added.
3. If the requirement is 3 tonnes/acre- apply in one dose.
4. If the requirement is 3 to 5 tonnes/acre- apply in 2 split doses.
5. If the requirement is 5 or more tonnes/acre - apply in 3 split doses.
∗ Gypsum contains 29.2 per cent Ca and 18.6 per cent sulfer.
∗ Use of Pyrites (FeS2)
∗ Sulphur present in pyrites causes decrease in pH of soil due to formation of H2SO4.
∗ Application of molasses.
∗ Drainage channels must be arranged around the field.
∗ Growing the green manure crops and incorporate in the field.
3) Saline Soils
The saline soils contain toxic concentration of soluble salts in the root zone.
S oluble salts consists of chlorides and sulphates of sodium, calcium, magnesium.
Because of the white encrustation formed due to salts, the saline soils are also called
white alkali soils.
(a) Reasons for Salinity
∗ I n arid and semi arid areas salts formed during weathering are not fully leached.
D uring the periods of higher rainfall the soluble salts are leached from the
more permeable high laying areas to low laying areas and where ever the
drainage is restricted, salts accumulate on the soil surface, as water evaporates
∗ The excessive irrigation of uplands containing salts results in the accumulation of
salts in the valleys.
∗ I n areas having salt layer at lower depths in the profile, seasonal irrigation may
favour the upward movement of salts.
∗ Salinity is also caused if the soils are irrigated with saline water.
∗ In coastal areas the ingress of sea water induces salinity in the soil.
(b) Characteristics
∗ Saline soil have soil pH of less than 8.5
∗ EC is more than 4.0 m.mhos/cm
∗ ESP (exchangeable sodium per cent) is less than 15
∗ Dominated by sulphate and chloride ions and low in exchangeable sodium
∗ Flocculation due to excess soluble salts.
∗ High osmotic pressure of soil solution
∗ Presence of white crust
∗ It has white colour that why it is also called as White alkali
(c) Injury to Crops
∗ High osmotic pressure decreases the water availability to plants hence retardation
of growth rate.
∗ As a result of retarded growth rate, leaves and stems of affected plants are stunted.
∗ Development of thicker layer of surface wax imparts bluish green tinge on leaves
∗ Due to high EC germination per cent of seeds is reduced.
(d) Crops Suitable for Cultivation in Saline Soils
∗ Barley, Sugarbeet, Co on, S ugarcane, Mustard, Rice, Maize, Redgram, Greengram,
S unflower, Linseed, S esame, Bajra, S orghum, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower,
Cucumber, Pumpkin, Bi erguard. Beetroot, Guava, A sparagus, Banana,
Spinach, Coconut, Grape, Datepalm, Pomegranate.
(e) Amelioration
∗ The salts are to be leached below the root zone and not allowed to come up.
However this practice is some what difficult in deep and fine textured soils
containing more salts in the lower layers. Under these conditions, a provision
of some kind of sub-surface drains becomes important.
∗ The required area is to be made into smaller plots and each plot should be
bounded to hold irrigation water.
∗ Separate irrigation and drainage channels are to be provided for each plot.
∗ Plots are to be flooded with good quality water upto 15 - 20 cms and puddled.
Thus, soluble salts will be dissolved in the water.
∗ The excess water with dissolved salts is to be removed into the drainage channels.
∗ Flooding and drainage are to be repeated 5 or 6 times, till the soluble salts are
leached from the soil to a safer limit.
∗ Green manure crops like D aincha can be grown up to flowering stage and
incorporated into the soil. Paddy straw can also be used.
∗ S uper phosphate, A mmonium sulphate or Urea can be applied in the last puddle.
MOP and Ammonium chlorides should not be used.
∗ Scrape the salt layer on the surface of the soil with spade.
∗ Grow salt tolerant crops like sugar beet, tomato, beet root, barley etc. Before
sowing, the seeds are to be treated by soaking the seeds in 0.1 per cent salt
solution for 2 to 3 hours.
Particular Saline soil Alkaline soil
Known as : Solan chalk Solanetz
Soluble salt concentration : ³ 0.1 per cent < 0.1 per cent
White coloured so also called white B lack coloured so also called black
Colour :
alkali alkali
Ions presence : Cl– and SO42– ions of Na+ CO32– of Na+
∗ N itrogen fixing organisms was 1st isolated by M.W. Beijerinck, who called the
organism Bacillus radicicola.
∗ Productive soil may always be fertile, but fertile soil may not always be productive.
∗ Band placement reduces the surface contact between the soil and fertilizer with a
consequent reduction in phosphorus fixation.
∗ I n submerged soil/rice field, application of A mmonium sulphate is benefited
compared to other nitrogenous fertilizers.
∗ Excessive N2 fertilization reduces the sugar content of sugarbeet.
∗ Bouley unit of NPK – 223, 45 & 76
∗ Mitscherlich factor – 0.112
∗ Mineralization of Nitrogen:
(a) A minization: Polypeptide ® A mino acid (due to activity of Bacillus,
(b) Amonificaion: Amino acid ® Ammonium (Nitrobactor)
(c) Nitrification: Ammonium ® Nitrate (Nitrosomonas)
(d) Nitrification: Nitrate ® Nitrite (Nitrobactor)
(e) Denitrification: Nitrite ® Nitrogen (Pseudomonas)
∗ I mmobilization of nitrogen is the reverse of mineralization and occurs when large
quantities of low nitrogen crop reduces begin decomposition.
∗ N2 fixation by a legume is at the maximum only when the level of available soil N 2
is at the minimum.
∗ C:N ratio - Humus and Normal soil – 10:1
∗ C:N ratio - FYM & legume – 20-30:1
∗ C:N ratio - Saw dust – 400:1
∗ The fertilizer which supplies 3 essential plant nutrients is SSP.
∗ Stem nodulation occurs in Aeschynomene afraspera (green manure crop).
∗ The rate of Rhizobium culture for– 20 gm/kg seed.
∗ Rhizobium stains for biological nitrogen fixation in different crops:
Rhizobium japonicum : Soybean, Cowpea, Groundnut
Rhizobium leguminosorum : Gram, Pea, Lentil, Sweet pea
Rhizobium meliloti : Alfalfa, Medicago, Melilotus
Rhizobium phaseoli : Rajma, Beans
Rhizobium trifoli : Berseem (Egyptian clover)
∗ Biofertilizers
∗ At nearly normal pH (6.5 pH), phosphate availability is the highest in the soil.
∗ Rice, tea and potato crops prefer acidic soil for their cultivation.
∗ Fertilizer application in lowland paddy – at reduced zone.
∗ Micronutrients responsible for root nodulation – Fe
∗ Micronutrients responsible for nitrogen fixation – Mo
∗ BBF evolved by ICRISAT used in Black soil.
∗ Pollen viability of wheat is related to supply of boron (B).
∗ I mmobilization of sulfer takes place, when the sulfer content of organic manure
exceeds 0.15 per cent.
∗ Nitrogen fixation in the soil by rhizobium is increased by phosphorus.
∗ Root nodulation occurs at 24ºC.
∗ Nitrification occurs at 25-30ºC.
∗ Conversion factors:
(a) N = NO3 × 0.22 NO3 = N × 4.54
(b) P = P2O5 × 0.44 P2O5 = P × 2.27
(c) K = K2O × 0.83 K = K2O × 1.20
(d) C = CaO × 0.71 CaO = Ca × 1.40
(e) Mg = MgO × 0.61 MgO = Mg × 1.63
(f) OM = OC × 1.724 OC = OM × 0.58
where, OM = organic matter, OC = organic carbon
∗ S unhemp (Crotolaria juncea) is most widely used green manure, suitable to mostly
all parts of India.
∗ ‘Tirak’ is the bad opening of cotton flower.
∗ ‘Black heart’ is a physiological disorder occurs due to oxygen starvation.
∗ ‘Blossom end rot’ (Buck eye rot) of tomato is caused due to Ca deficiency and
uneven moisture supply.
∗ Fruit cracking of tomato is due to ‘B’.
Chapter 13
“Genetics is the study of the way in which genes operate and the way in which
they are transmitted (heredity) from parents to offsprings”.
1. Nucleus : (a) Discovered by Robert Brown in 1983.
(a) T hey are small cellular particles which are the main site of
5. Ribosome :
protein synthesis.
(b) Ribosome rich in RNA contents.
6. Lysosomes : (a) The term Lysosome was 1st used by Dave in 1955.
(b) T hey are the cellular particles which contains several digestive
enzymes so that also known as Death bag of cell.
(c) Mostly found in animal cell.
7. Golgi : (a) st
1 described by Comillo Golgi in 1822 in nerve cells.
Complex/Body (b) Golgi body arises from Rough ER
(c) Its main function is packing & transport of food materials such
as protein, lipids
8. Centrioles : (a) They are confined to animal cell only.
(a) Cell wall is outer most layer and covering of the plasma
9. Cell wall :
membrane. Pectin is present in cell wall.
(b) The cell wall is entirely lacking in animal cells.
10. Plasma : (a) It composed of lipids and proteins.
Membrane (b) It enclosing cytoplasm of cell.
1. Discovered by Strasburger in 1875.
2. The term ‘Chromosome’ was coined by Waldeyer in 1888.
3. Chromosomes are composed of DNA, RNA on histone protein.
4. DNA is the major genetic constituent of chromosome.
5. Chromosomes are present in the nucleus and which become visible during cell
Greek word, Mito = thread
“Cell division, in which 1 cell gives rise to 2 daughter cells, each having a nucleus
with a set of chromosome genetically identical to the parent cell is known as
1. ‘Mitosis’ term was coined by Walter Flemming in 1882.
2. It occurs in somatic cells that’s why also known as Somatic cell division.
3. Segregation and recombination do not take place during mitotic division.
Phases of Mitotic Division
A preliminary stage where chromosomes are visible as shorter
1. Prophase -
and thicker.
Appearance of definite thread like structure in nuclei.
Nucleolus and Nuclear envelop disappear.
T he middle stage in which chromosomes are arranged in
2. Metaphase -
equatorial plate and nucleolus disappears.
3. Anaphase - During this stage, chromatids move towards the centromere
(at both the poles) through spindle fibres.
4. Telophase - During this stage, chromosomes reach to the opposite poles.
5. Interphase - It is the stage of DNA synthesis.
Inter phase having 3 substance (i) G1 phase; (ii) S phase; (iii) G2
Greek word, Meioum = to reduce
“Cell division of 1 somatic (2n) cell with 2 sets of chromosomes gives rise to 4
haploid (n) daughter cells with one set of chromosomes each is known as Meiosis”.
1. Mitosis is also called Reduction division.
2. The name meiosis was 1st given by J.B. Farmer in 1905.
3. Crossing over and recombination occur during meiosis division.
(A) First meiotic division:
(1) Prophase 1
(i) Leptotene Chromosomes start movement and looks like thread due
to condensation.
(ii) Zygotene : Pairing homologous chromosome takes place.
(iii) Pachytene T he longest sub-phase, P aired chromosomes become
coiled. Tetrad is seen during this stage.
T h e crossing over takes place between non sister
(iv) Diplotene Chromosomes starts to uncoil and separating each other
due to loss of synaptic force of attraction.
Chiasmata occur.
(2) Metaphase 1 : Spindle formation takes place.
Chromosome moves towards equator through
(3) Anaphase 1 : Tetrad separates into two dyads.
Chromatids assume the shape of ‘V’. T he process of
separation of chromatids called Disjunction.
T his divides the diploid cytokinensis mother cell into 2
(4) Telophase 1 :
haploid daughter cell.
It is similar to mitotic division where each haploid cell
turns to two haploid cells leading four haploid cells from
(B) Second meiotic division : two daughter cells (from first meiotic division). Division
completes in P rophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and
Telophase similar to mitotic division.
R RR Rr Red : White (3 : 1)
r rR rr
(a) Symmetrical distribution: Mean = Median = Mode
(b) Asymmetrical distribution: [Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean]
(c) Moderate skewed distribution: Mean - Mode = 3 (Mean - Median)
∗ Measures of distribution: Coefficient of variance (CV) = (SD/Mean) x 100
(A) Bionomial Distribution (BD)
∗ Random variable of BD is a discrete one.
∗ BD has Bernoulli trials containing two outcomes (i.e. success, failture).
∗ The BD is
x n–x
P (x) = n cx∗ q
where, n = no of trials (limited)
where, p = probability of success
where, q = probability of failure
where, x = no of successes in ‘n’ trial
∗ Mean (np) > variance (npq)
∗ Parameter: n & p
∗ I f n is large and if neither p of q is too close to 0, then BD approaches normal
∗ When n>20; p<0.05, BD approaches Poisson distribution.
∗ Degree of freedom is (n-1)
(B) Poisson Distribution (PD)
∗ Discrete probability distribution.
∗ Mean (np) = variance (npq)
∗ Parameter: m & n
∗ Uses of PD:
(a) Printing error in a book
(b) No. of deaths in a district in a given period
(c) Arrivals of trucks, aeroplanes at terminals
(d) Telephone calls
∗ Degree of freedom is (n-2)
(C) Normal Distribution (ND)
∗ Continuous probability distribution
∗ The normal curve is bell shaped and symmetrical
∗ Mean = median = mode
∗ Value of x in ND ranges from -a to +a
∗ Area under standard normal curve = 1; mean = 0; SD = 1
∗ Degree of freedom is (n-3)
∗ The measures of the direction and degree of asymmetry are called Measure of Skewness.
∗ Lack of symmetry - b1 = m23/m32ÖY1 = b 1
∗ Symmetrical distribution - Y1 = 0
∗ Negative skewed - Y1 = -Ve (when Mode >Median >Mean) s
∗ Positively skewed - Y1 = +Ve (when Mean>Median>Mode)
∗ Karl Pearson’s coef. of skewness = or
∗ It ranges from -3 to +3.
∗ Kurtosis give an idea about the flatness/peakedness of the curve.
∗ Measures of Kurtosis is b 2 and Y2
∗ Platycurtic curve: b 2 < 3, Y2 < 0
∗ Leptocurtic curve: b 2 > 3, Y2 > 0
∗ Mesocurtic curtic: b 2 = 0, Y2 = 0
(A) Correlation
To study the association or degree & deviation between two or more variables.
Properties of Correlation Coefficient
1. It lies between -1 to +1 if it is 0, there is no relationship between variables.
2. It is geometric mean of two regression coefficient.
3. Independent of change of scale and origin of the variable.
(B) Regression
To measure the average relationship between two or more variables.
Properties of Regression Coefficient
1. The value of regression coefficient should not exceed 1 or equal.
2. It gives the cause and effect of relationship.
3. Regression coefficients are not symmetric, b xy ¹ b yx.
4. Independent of change of origin but not of scale.
∗ Probability refers to chance of happening or not happening of an event.
∗ It is the science of Decision.
∗ Probability =
∗ I f a card is drawn from a pack of cards, the probability of ge ing a king or queen is
∗ Probability of an event uncertain to occur is 0.
E.g. Probability of 7 in throwing a die = 0
∗ Probability ranges from 0 to 1.
Additive Theorem
1. Mutually excusive events,
P (A or B) = P (A) + P (B), where P (AB) = 0
2. Not mutually exclusive events,
P (A or B) = P (A) x P (B) – P (AB)
Multiplication Theorem
P (A and B) = P (A) x P (B)
Ranges of Different Statistical Elements
X2 test : 0 to a
Regression Coefficient : -a to +a
Standard Deviation : 0 to a
Correlation Coefficient (CC) : -1 to +1
Probability/Multiple CC : 0 to 1
∗ Hypothesis : assumption about a population parameters
∗ Null hypothesis : H0 (No significant difference between two parameters)
∗ Alternate hypothesis : Ha (Significant difference between two parameters)
∗ Error:
∴ Type I error : hypothesis is true but our test rejects it
∴ Type II error : hypothesis is false but our test accepts it
∗ Standard error: measures of the mean difference between sample estimate mean
and population parameters. I t is measure of uncontrolled variation presence
in a sample.
(a) Replication : Repeated application of treatments
∗ The highest body controlling agricultural research and education in I ndia is”
I ndian Council of A gricultural Research(I CA R).” I t was established on J uly
16, 1929 with the name “I mperial Council of A gricultural Research” under the
S ocieties Registration A ct, 1860 in pursuance of the report of the Royal
Commission on Agriculture. ICAR headquarters at Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
∗ Union Minister of A griculture is the ex-officio President of the I CA R Society
(Present- Sharad Pawar)
∗ S ecretary, D epartment of A gricultural Research & Education Ministry of
A griculture, Govt. of I ndia &Director-General, I CA R is the Principal
Executive O fficer and chief administrative authority of Council I CA R.
(Present- Dr. S. Ayyappan).
∗ A gricultural S cientists’ Recruitment Board, Chairman-D r. C. D . Mayee (Plant
∗ Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture, New Delhi.
∗ Deputy Directors-General (8)
∗ Additional Secretary (DARE) and Secretary (ICAR).
∗ Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor.
∗ Assistant Directors-General (24).
∗ Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture, New Delhi.
∗ Directorates/Project Directorates - 25 (with upgradation of 12 NRCs).
∗ National Bureaux – 6 (New-NBAII, Bengaluru and NBAIM, Mau, UP).
∗ D eemed Universities status -6 (N ew- N A A RM, Hyderabad and N I A S M, Malegaon,
∗ N ational Bureau of A griculturally I mportant I nsects (N BA I I ) [formerly Project
D irectorate of Biological Control (PD BC)] is a nodal I nstitute at national level
for research and development on all aspects of work on harnessing resources
of insects. including biological control of crop pests and weeds, training,
information repository, technology dissemination and national/international
cooperation (2009).
∗ N ational Bureau of A griculturally I mportant Microorganism (N BA I M), Mau, UP
∗ There are 44 A gricultural Technology I nformation Centres (ATI C) established
under ICAR institutes.
∗ I CA R I ntroduced revised curricula and syllabi for 95 disciplines in Master’s and 80
disciplines in Doctoral programmes.
∗ Deputy Director General (Natural Resource Management) - Dr. A.K. Singh.
∗ Union Minister for Agriculture - Shri Sharad Pawar.
∗ Minister of State for Agriculture - Prof. K.V. Thomas.
Objectives of the ICAR
1. To encourage and co-ordinate education and research in A griculture, A nimal
Husbandry and Fishery and to help in utilization of result of research.
2. To act as a centre of distribution for researches related to agriculture and A nimal
Science and general information.
3. Establishment and maintenance of research and contact library.
4. To do all that is necessary for fulfilment of the above stated objectives.
5. To provide advisory service in education, research and training in A griculture and
related fields of science.
1. Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) : New Delhi
2. National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) : Karnal
3. Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) : Izatnagar
4. Central Institute on Fisheries Education (CIFE) : Mumbai
1. Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) : Cuttack
2. Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS) : Almora
3. Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR) : Kanpur
4. Central Tobacco Research Institute (CTRI) : Rajahmundry
5. Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research (IISR) : Lucknow
6. Sugarcane Breeding Institute (SBI) : Coimbatore
7. Central Institute of Cotton Research (CICR) : Nagpur
8. Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres (CRIJAF) : Barrackpore
9. Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI) : Jhansi
10. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) : Bangalore
11. Central Institute of Sub Tropical Horticulture (CISTH) : Lucknow
12. Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture (CITH) : Srinagar
13. Central Institute of Arid Horticulture (CIAR) : Bikaner
14. Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR) : Varanasi
15. Central Potato Research Institute (IPRI) : Shimla
16. Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI) : Trivandrum
17. Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI) : Kasargod
18. Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) : Port Blair
19. Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR) : Calicut
20. Central Soil and Water Conservation Research & Training Institute (CSWCRTI) : Dehradun
21. Indian Institute of Soil Sciences (IISS) : Bhopal
22. Central Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI) : Karnal
23. ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region including Centre of Makhana : Patna
24. Central Research Institute of Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA) : Hyderabad
25. Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) : Jodhpur
26. ICAR Research Complex : Goa
27. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region : Barapani
28. National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management (NIASM) : Malegaon
29. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE) : Bhopal
1. National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources (NBPGR) : New Delhi
2. National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Micro-organisms (NBAIM) : Mau
3. National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (NBAII) : Bangalore
4. National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSSLUP) : Nagpur
5. National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) : Karnal
6. National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) : Lucknow
1. Directorate of Maize Research : New Delhi
2. Directorate of Rice Research : Hyderabad
3. Directorate of Wheat Research : Karnal
4. Directorate of Oilseed Research : Hyderabad
5. Directorate of Seed Research : Mau
6. Directorate of Sorghum Research : Hyderabad
7. Directorate of Groundnut Research : Junagarh
8. Directorate of Soybean Research : Indore
9. Directorate of Rapeseed & Mustard Research : Bharatpur
10. Directorate of Mushroom Research : Solan
11. Directorate on Onion and Garlic Research : Pune
12. Directorate of Cashew Research : Puttur
13. Directorate of Oil Palm Research : Pedavegi,
West Godawari
14. Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research : Anand
15. Directorate of Floriculture Research : Pusa,
New Delhi
50. AICRP on Renewable of Energy for Agri. and Agro based lndus : Bhopal
51. AICRP on Utilization of Animal Energy (UAE) : Bhopal
52. AICRP on Application of Plastic in Agriculture : Ludhiana
53. AICRP on Post Harvest Technology : Ludhiana
54. AICRP on Goat Improvement : Mathura
AICRP Improvement of Feed Sources & Nutrient Utilization for raising animal
55. : Bangalore
56. AICRP on Cattle Research : Meerut
57. AICRP on Poultry : Hyderabad
58. AICRP - Pig : Izatnagar
59. AICRP – Foot and Mouth Disease : Mukteshwar
60. AICRP ADMAS : Bangalore
61 AICRP Home Science : Bhubaneshwar
15. Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology : Pantnagar, Uttaranchal
16. Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Science University : Ludhiana, Punjab
17. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya : Raipur, Chhattisgarh
18. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidyalaya : Jabalpur (MP)
19. Junagadh Agricultural University : Junagad, Gujarat
20. Kerala Agricultural University : Trichur, Kerala
21. Kerala University of Fisheries & Oceanography : Kochi, Kerala
22. Maharana Pratap Univ. of Agriculture & Technology : Udaipur, Rajasthan
23. Maharashtra Animal Science & Fishery University : Nagpur, Maharashtra
24. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth : Rahuri, Maharashtra
25. Manyavar Shri Kanshi Ramji Agriculture Tech. : Banda, U.P.
26. Marathwada Agricultural University : Parbhani, Maharashtra
27. Narendra Deva University of Agriculture : Faizabad (UP)
28. Navsari Agricultural University : Navsari, Gujarat
29. Orissa Univ. of Agriculture & Technology : Bhubaneshwar, Orissa
Q. 1. The N content of a soil is 0.5 per cent. Find out the quantity of N in 1 ha. Field
considering 15 cm soil depth and 1.5 g/cc BD of soil?
Solve: We know that the quantity of soil in 1 ha in 15 cm of soil depth with 1.5 g/cc
BD = 2.24 × 106 kg
So, N content in 1 ha =
= 1125.00 kg/ha
Q . 2. The nitrogen uptake of rice increased from 50 kg N /ha under control (no
nitrogen) to 70 kg N /ha application (treatment) of 40 kg N /ha. Find out the
apparent N recovery?
Solve: Apparent N recovery =
= 50.00 per cent
Q . 3. Three varieties of wheat with 4 N levels are replicated thrice in an experiment
under RBD, the error degree of freedom will be …..?
Solve: We know that, this design confirmed factorial RBD so,
Error degree of freedom (Edf) = (r-1) (t-1) [Here r = 3 and t = 4 × 3]
= (3-1) (4 × 3-1)
= 2 x 11
= 22
Q . 4. D ry ma er production of Maize is increased from 500 gm/m2 at 30 days of
growth to 750 gm/m2 at 45 days of growth. Find out the crop rate?
Solve: Crop rate =
= 16.06 gm/m2/day
Q. 5. A what soil test report revealed pH = 8, EC=12 ds/m and SAR=3.0?
Ans: Saline soil
Q. 6. What will be CPE value, if 6 cm irrigation is applied at 1.2 IW/CPE ratio?
Solve: IW/CPE ratio =
1.2 = 6/CPE
CPE = 6/1.2
= 5 cm or 50 mm
Q. 7. Chickpea and mustard yielded 10 and 6 qt/ha in intercropping system and 12.5
& 10 qt in pure cropping, respectively. The LER value is …. ?
Solve: LER =
= 1.40
Q. 8. I f core diameter is 4.4 cm, height 5 cm and weight of dry soil is 365 gm. What is
bulk density?
Solve: Bulk density =
= 4.79 gm/cc
Q . 9. Replication = 4; Treatment = 9; Grand total = 360, then Cumulative Frequency
(CF) is …. ?
Solve: CF =
= = = 3600
Q . 10. I f bulk density = 1.5 gm/cc, particle density = 2.65 gm/cc, then porosity per
cent is …. ?
Solve: Porosity per cent =
= = 43.3 per cent
Q. 11. If tillers/m2 = 230, test weight = 20 gm and grain/tiller = 100, then yield is …. ?
Solve: Yield (q/ha) = 230 × 10000 × × 100
= 4600 kg
= 46 q/ha
Q . 12. A farmer is having 10 acres area under irrigation. He grown 4 crops/acre/year
in 5 acres and 5 crops/acre/year in remaining 5 acres. The overall cropping
intensity (CI) is …. ?
Solve: CI (per cent) =
= 450 per cent
Q . 13. A location receives an average rainfall of 800 mm. I f the PET is 1500 mm, the
moisture availability index (MA I ), according to Thornthwaite and Mather
(1955) is …. ?
Solve: MAI =
= –46.66
Q . 14. I f the grain yield of wheat is 45 qt/ha and ET is 40 cm, then water use
efficiency (WUE) is ….?
Solve: WUE =
= = 112.50 kg
Q. 15. Find out the gross amount of water to be irrigated, if net amount of irrigation
is 25 cm and irrigation efficiency is 80 per cent.
Ans: Gross amount of water =
= 31.25 cm
Q . 16. What is the quantum of available water for a soil with field capacity 40 per
cent, wilting point 20 per cent and moisture percent 35 per cent ?
Ans: 75 per cent
Q . 17. I f the 1000 grain weight of a maize hybrid is 250 gm. Calculate the seed rate
required for obtaineing plant population of 60,000 plants/ha?
Solve: Seed rate (kg/ha) =
= 15000 gm
= 15 kg/ha
Q . 18. A soil contain 30 per cent moisture at field capacity (FC) and 10 per cent at
permanent wilting point (PWP). I f the irrigation is to be applied at 40 per cent
depletion of available water, what should be moisture content is soil at the
time of irrigation?
Solve: Moisture% =
= [Since BD = 1.5 gm/cc]
= 22 per cent
Q . 19. A field was irrigated, when available water was 12 per cent and after
irrigation, FC reaches upto 32 per cent, BD of soil was 1.5 gm/cc and depth (D )
of soil layer studied was 0-20 cm. Calculate water retained (N et I rrigation
Requirement) in root zone?
Solve: NIR =
= 6 cm
Q. 20. I f a crop of 100 days is irrigated at 10 days interval with 8 cm depth of water at
each irrigation, the delta of the crop is …..?
Solve: Delta (D) = No. of irrigations x Depth of water at each irrigation
= = 80 cm
Q . 21 I f the average panicle density/m2 is 260, the average no. of field grain/panicle
and test weight of rice are 136 and 20 gm, respectively. The rice crop will yield
(t/ha) …?
Solve: Yield (t/ha) = 260 × 136 × × 10000
= 7072000 gm = 7.072 t/ha
Q . 22. I f the germination (G) per cent, purity (P) per cent and test weight of wheat
are 95, 90 and 46 gm, respectively and the wheat crop was planted at 20 x 3 cm
spacing (S). The seed rate of wheat/ha will be …?
Solve: Seed rate (kg/ha) =
= 89.67 kg
Q . 23. I f the land utilization index (LUI ) of a crop is 0.5, then the duration of crop
(days) will be …?
Solve: LUI =
0.5 =
Duration of crop = 0.5 × 365
= 183 or 184
Q . 24. Potato tuber yield will be ….. qt/ha., if crop was spaced at 60 × 25 cm and
average no. of tubers/plant and average weight of tuber are 14 & 35 gm,
Solve: No. of plants/ha =
= 66,666
Yield (qt/ha) =
= 32666 gm
= 32.65 qt/ha
Q. 25. A tile drainage system draining 12 ha flows at a discharge capacity for 4 days.
I f the system is designed with a drainage coefficient (D C) of 1.25 cm, how
many cubic meters of water will be removed during the period?
Solve: Volume of water entering the drain/day =
= 1,500 m
Vol. of water passing the drain withine 4 days of flow = 1500 × 4 = 6000 m3
= 6 × 106 lt. (1 m3 = 1000 lt.)
Q . 26. Calculate the quantity required of urea, single super phosphate and muriate
of potash (potassium chloride) for 7.0 ha farm of wheat. I f the recommended
doses of N, P2O5 and K2O for wheat crop are 120, 60 and 40 kg/ha, respectively.
Solve: We know that, Urea contains 46 per cent N
Solve: We know that, SSP contains 16 per cent P2O5 and
Solve: We know that, MOP contains 60 per cent K2O
(a) Amount of urea required (kg)
= ×100 × 7
= 1,826.08 kg/ha urea
(b) Amount of SSP required (kg)
= × 100 × 7
= 2,625 kg/ha single super phosphate
(c) Amount of MOP required (kg)
= × 100 × 7
= 466.66 kg/ha muriate of potash
The requirement of urea, single super phosphate and muriate of potash for 7.0 ha
farm of wheat will be 1826.08 kg, 2625 kg and 466.66 kg, respectively.
Q. 27. A farmers has to apply 140 kg N , 80 kg P2O5 and 60 K2O per hectare to a high
yielding wheat variety. The available fertilizers are D A P, Urea and MO P. What
quantity of each fertilizer will be require to meet out his requirement.
Solve: We know that, DAP contains 18 per cent N + 46 per cent P2O5
Solve: We know that, Urea contains 46 per cent N and
Solve: We know that, MOP contains 60 per cent K2O
First we calculate amount of DAP required for P2O5
(a) Amount of DAP required (kg)
= × 100
= 173.90 kg/ha DAP
When we apply 173.90 kg DAP, some amount of N is also supplied.
(b) N supplied through DAP (kg)
= 31.30 kg
Requirement of N through urea (kg/ha)
= Total N required (kg/ha) – N supplied through DAP (kg/ha)
= 140 – 31.30 (kg/ha) = 118.70
(c) Amount of urea required (kg)
= 258.04 kg/ha urea
(d) Amount of MOP required (kg)
= 100 kg/ha muriate of potash
The requirement of D A P, urea and muriate of potash for 1ha farm of wheat will be
173.90 kg, 258.04 kg and 100 kg, respectively.
Chapter 22
Syllabus for ICAR-JRF 2012-2013
(Subject: E-1: Agronomy/Farming
Systems Management)
Aarya, R.L., Aarya, R., Aarya, K., Aarya, D. and Jatav, A.L. 2010. Indian Agriculture Competition Explorer.
Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Association of Indian Universities, 1999. Agronomy (Question bank book series). AIU. New Delhi, India.
Balasubramaniyan, P. and S.P. Palaniappan. 2002. Principles and practices of Agronomy. Agrobios publishers,
Jodhpur, India.
Bisw as, T.D. and S.K. Mukherjee. 1989. A Textbook of S oil S cience. Tata M cgraw-Hill Publishing Co., New
Delhi, India.
Chadha, K.L. 2006. Handbook of Horticulture. Publication of I.C.A.R., New Delhi, India.
Chandel, S.R.S. 2009. A. Handboook of Agricultural Statistics. Achal Prakashan Mandir, Kanpur, India.
Cheema, S.S., B.K. Dhaliw al and T.S. Sahota. 2006 . Agronomy: Theory and Digest. Kalyani Publishers,
Ludhiana, India.
Chaudhary, P.D., R.S. Dhayal, A.L. Dudi, R.S. Bana, R.L. Phogya, S.R. Rundla and G .L. Choudhary. 2010 .
Agronomy Treatise. Published for Surahee Trading Company, Jaipur, India.
Das, D.K. 1999. Introductory Soil Science. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Dutta, Ram. 2005. Agriculture Refresher. Jain Brothers Publishers, New Delhi, India.
General Agriculture: JRF/IARI Entrace Examination. Tamil Nadu Study Circle, IARI, New Delhi, India.
Gopal Chandra De. 2002. Fundamentals of Agronomy, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India
Gupta, O.P. 1998. Weed Management: Principles and practices. Agro Botanica, Bikaner, India.
Gupta, S.N. and Naik, K.B. 2005. Instant Horticulture. Jain Brothers Publishers, New Delhi, India.
ICAR, 2010. Hand book of Agriculture. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India.
Indian Horticulture Database, 2009. Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Gurgaon, India.
Jayanthi, C., N. Sakthivel, N. Sankaram and T.M. Thiyagarajan. 2002. Integrated Farming S ystems – A path to
sustainable Agriculture. TNAU publications, Coimbatore, India.
Kantw a, S.R. 2010. Objective Agriculture. New Vishal Publications, New Delhi, India.
Karhana, P.K. 2008. Agriculture Entrance. Arihant Publications PVT. Ltd, Meerut, India.
Katyayan, A. 2002. Fundamentals of Agriculture vol(1). Kushal Publications, Varanasi, India.
Katyayan, A. 2007. Fundamentals of Agriculture vol(2). Kushal Publications, Varanasi, India.
Kumar, A. and Sharma, J.P. 2007. Agriculture Update. International Book Distributing Co., Luchnow, India.
Maitri, R.S. 2010. Brief Book of Agriculture. IARI, New Delhi, India.
Maliw al, P.L. 2002. Agronomy - At a glance. Agrotech Publishing Academy, Udaipur, India.
Michael, A.M. 1978. Irrigation - Theory and Practices. Vikas Publishing House PVT. Ltd., New Delhi, India.
Mishra, R.D. and M. Ahmed. 1993. M anual on Irrigation Agronomy. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, India.
Morachan, Y.B 1993. Crop production and management. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
Palaniappan, S.P. and K. Sivaraman. 1996. Cropping system in Tropics: Principles and management. New Age
International (P) Limited Publishers, New Delhi, India.
Pratiyogita Darpan: Agriculture Science. 2010. Published by Pratiyogita Darpan group, New Delhi, India.
Radha Krishna Murthy, V. 2002. Basic principles of Agricultural M eteorology. BS R Publications, Hyderabad,
Rajendra Prasad, 2005. Text book of field crops production. ICAR, New Delhi, India.
Ramana Rao, K.V. 2009. General Studies for ARS. Jain Brothers Publications, New Delhi, India.
Rathore, Muniraj Singh, 2010. General Agriculture for JRF, ARS and Other Competitive Examinatins. Jain
Brothers Publications, New Delhi, India.
Reddy, S.R. 2004. Principles of Crop Production. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Reddy, S.R. 2007. Irrigation Agronomy. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Reddy, S.R. 2007. Principles of Agronomy. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Reddy, T. Yellamanda and G .H . Sankaran Reddi. 2004. Principles of Agronomy. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana,
Salaria, S.K. 2004. Horticulture at a glance. Jain Brothers Publications, New Delhi, India.
Sankaran Reddi, G .H . and T. Yellamanda Reddy. 2004. Efficient use of irrigation water. Kalyani Publishers,
Ludhiana, India.
Sasikumar, K. and Saravankumar, V. 2010. Agriculture M ade Easy. Jain Brothers Publications, New Delhi,
Sankaran S. and V.T. Subbaih Mudaliar. 1991. Principles of Agronomy. The Bangalore Printing and Publishing
Co. Ltd., Bangalore, India.
Shivay, Y.S. and D. Kumar. 2008. A Practical M anual of Field Crops M anagement. Indian Agricultural Research
Institute, New Delhi, India.
Singh, A.K. and N.P. Singh. 2003. Agricultural Terminology. Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi.
Singh, A.P., T. Chow dhury and S. G upta. 2010. Handbook of Weeds of Chha isgarh. Yugbodh Publishers,
Raipur, India.
Singh, B.D. 2009. Plant Breeding: Principles and Practices. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Singh, Chhidda. 2007. M odern techniques of raising field crops. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Limited,
New Delhi, India.
Singh, Mahendra. 2004. A Hand Book of Agriculture. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Singh, N . P. 2007. Question Bank of Agriculture for Competitive Exams. International Book Distributing Co.,
Luchnow, India.
Singh, S.S. 2002. Crop management under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Singh, S.S. 2006. Principles and Practices of Agronmy. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India.
Singh, S.S, P. G upta and A.K. G upta. 2002. Handbook of Agricultural S ciences. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana,
Survey of India – Govt. of India (2009-10).
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Websites of ICAR.