This document provides an overview of political law and constitutional law concepts. It discusses that a constitution is the fundamental law that establishes the framework and principles of a government system. It also establishes that a constitution is the supreme law of the land that all other laws and actions must be measured against. The document then defines the key elements that comprise a state, including a people, territory, and government. It notes that the Philippines has a democratic republican form of government under a presidential system.
This document provides an overview of political law and constitutional law concepts. It discusses that a constitution is the fundamental law that establishes the framework and principles of a government system. It also establishes that a constitution is the supreme law of the land that all other laws and actions must be measured against. The document then defines the key elements that comprise a state, including a people, territory, and government. It notes that the Philippines has a democratic republican form of government under a presidential system.
This document provides an overview of political law and constitutional law concepts. It discusses that a constitution is the fundamental law that establishes the framework and principles of a government system. It also establishes that a constitution is the supreme law of the land that all other laws and actions must be measured against. The document then defines the key elements that comprise a state, including a people, territory, and government. It notes that the Philippines has a democratic republican form of government under a presidential system.
This document provides an overview of political law and constitutional law concepts. It discusses that a constitution is the fundamental law that establishes the framework and principles of a government system. It also establishes that a constitution is the supreme law of the land that all other laws and actions must be measured against. The document then defines the key elements that comprise a state, including a people, territory, and government. It notes that the Philippines has a democratic republican form of government under a presidential system.
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PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS meaning except where technical terms
are employed POLITICAL LAW – Branch of public law Ratio Legis Est Anima – Where there which deals with the organization and is ambiguity, the words of the operation of the governmental organs of the constitution should be interpreted in State and define the relations of the state accordance with the intent of its framers with the inhabitants of its territory Ut Magis Valeat Quam Pereat – The o Constitutional Law – treats of the constitution is to be interpreted as a nature of constitutions, and the whole validity of the legal enactments as The historical background and the tested by the criterion of their underlying rationale for the inclusion conformity to the fundamental law of certain provisions should be o Administrative Law – treats of that considered. “Intended to endure for part of public law which fixes the all ages to come” organization of government, determines the competence of the *In regarding: Immediate application of the authorities that execute the law, and Constitution indicates to the individual the – GR: The provisions of the Constitution are remedies for violation of his rights considered SELF-EXECUTING and do not require future legislation for their enforcement CONSTITUTION (FUNDAMENTAL LAW) - Right to Information – Provide a higher law by which all other - (Section 11, Article 12): limiting foreign laws, rules and government actions may ownership of capital of public utilities be measured against - Right to Health – Foundation of entire legal system, - NON SELF-EXECUTING: Used by the bedrock of legal order judiciary as aids or as guides in the exercise of – Social contract whereby the people its powers of judicial review, and by the have surrendered their sovereign legislature in its enactment of laws (If unheeded, powers to the state for common good the remedy will not lie with the courts; rather, the – SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND electorate’s displeasure may be manifested in their votes - Article 2 (State Principles and Policies) DOCTRINE OF CONSTITUTIONAL - Article 13 (Social Justice and Human SUPREMACY Rights) – The fundamental and paramount law of the nation _____________________________________________ – It prescribes a permanent framework of a system of government, assigns to the different departments their respective II. THE STATE powers and duties, establishes certain fixed principles on which government is STATE founded - Entity, which has been referred to as BODY – IF A LAW/CONTRACT VIOLATES any POLITIC, or society of men, united together norm of the constitution, that for the purpose of promoting their mutual law/contract whether promulgated by safety and advantage by joint efforts of their the legislative or by executive branch or combined strength entered into by private persons for - Community of persons more or less private purposes is NULL AND VOID numerous, permanently occupying a definite WITHOUT ANY FORCE AND EFFECT portion of territory, independent of external – North Star, the compass, by which control, and possessing an organized judiciary is guided in resolving the often government to which the great body of complex and labyrinthian legal issues inhabitants render habitual obedience presented before it – PEOPLE POWER CHARTER ELEMENTS OF A STATE – PH has written constitution: enacted at a People – Sufficient enough to be self- particular time sustaining but not so much as to be incapable of governance, there is really PRINCIPLES OF CONSTITUTIONAL no set rules as to number CONSTRUCTION Verba Legis – The word used in the Territory constitution must be given the ordinary – State must have a definite place to call its own, a space consisting of land (terrestrial), the waters (fluvial: rivers, maritime: sea) around it, airspace Government (aerial) above the territory – Entity which exercises power and with – The national territory comprises the appropriate authority to enforce and Philippine archipelago, with all the command obedience from people islands and waters embraced therein, – That institution or aggregate of and all other territories over which the institutions by which an independent PH has sovereignty or jurisdiction, society makes and carries out those consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and rules of action which are necessary to aerial domains, including its territorial enable men to live in a social state, or sea, the seabed, subsoil, insular which are imposed upon the people shelves, and other submarine areas. forming that society by those who The waters around, between, and possess the power or authority of connecting the islands of the prescribing them archipelago, regardless of their breadth – PH is a democratic republican state, has and dimensions, form part of the internal presidential type of government waters of the PH – FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT – PH territory includes those areas which a. Constituent: those which constitute were ceded to the US by Spain under the very bonds of society and are Treaty of Paris (10 Dec 1898: PH compulsory in nature (promote Islands) and Treaty Between Spain and government’s objectives as the US (7 Nov 1900: Cagayan, Sulu, expressed in our Constitution and Sibuto) and Treaty Between the US and which are exercised by it as an Great Britain (2 Jan 1930: Turtle and attribute of sovereignty) Mangsee Islands). Moreover Batanes, b. Ministrant: those that are those belonging by historic right or legal undertaken only by way of title, and the KIG advancing the general interest of society, and are merely optional ARCHIPELAGIC DOCTRINE – Concept which (government may exercise to considers the ENTIRE ARCHIPELAGO as one promote merely the welfare, integrated cohesive unit of territory, not as progress and prosperity of people comprising various disparate and separate like GOCCs) islands. Straight baselines are drawn joining the – LEGAL AUTHORITY: outermost points of the outermost islands and a. De Jure (by law): government is drying reefs of the archipelago rightfully and legally in possession A. Extent of different maritime zones – of the powers Territorial sea, contiguous zone, and b. De Facto (in fact): government of exclusive economic zone paramount force B. RA 9522 (adjustment of PH archipelagic baselines) PARENS PATRAE – The State as the parent or - Territorial waters (12NM from guardian of the country and the people. The baseline): exercise of sovereignty government has the obligation of protecting the - Contiguous Zone (24NM from less fortunate members of society who could not baseline): jurisdiction to enforce otherwise stand for themselves customs, fiscal immigration, and sanitation laws (Art 33) INHERENT AND FUNDAMENTAL POWERS – - Exclusive Economic Zone (200NM exist by the mere fact that the state has come to from baseline): right to exploit living and being nonliving resources A. Police Power – Power used to promote the public -Terrestrial domain or land area: By welfare by restraining and regulating Military Bases Agreement, it should be liberty and the use of property noted, the PH government merely – To invoke the exercise of police power consents that the US exercises (1) not only must it appear that the jurisdiction in certain cases. “consent interest of the public generally requires was given purely as a matter of comity, an interference with private rights, (2) courtesdy, or expediency over bases as but the means adopted must be part of the PH territory or divested itself reasonably necessary for the completely of jurisdiction over offenses accomplishment of the purpose and not committed therein” unduly oppressive upon individuals – Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex: the welfare of the people is the supreme law. Connotes the power to make, to improve the lives of people and ordain, and establish all manner of enhance their moral and material values wholesome and reasonable laws, – The exercise of power to tax constitutes statutes and ordinances, either with a deprivation of property under Due penalties or without, not repugnant to Process Clause, and the taxpayer’s right the Constitution, as they shall judge to to due process is violated when arbitrary be for the good and welfare of the or oppressive methods are used in commonwealth, and for the subjects of assessing and collecting taxes the same – It is also inherent limitation that the – Basically lodged in Congress. It may be power to tax proceeds will be for a delegated to the President, PUBLIC PURPOSE: It does not only administrative agencies, and local pertain to those purposes traditionally governments but only until the extent of viewed as essentially government their authority functions, such as building roads and – Police power to local governments: delivery of basic services, but also General Welfare Clause includes those purposes designed to – MMDA: No police power has been promote social justice (relocation of delegated yet, administrative in nature illegal settlers, low-cost housing and B. Eminent Domain urban agrarian reform). PUBLIC – Authority to take what the government PURPOSE IS THE HEART OF A TAX needs provided that it is for public use LAW and that there is just compensation – Motivation behind many taxation – It is a form of forcible taking justified by measures is the implementation of the higher purpose to be sub-served by police power goals the property in government hands or – Power to tax resides in legislature: the other authorized entity – it represents ones who determine whom or what to “the ultimate right of the sovereign tax, how much to tax power to appropriate any property within – LGUs have the power to tax given by its territorial sovereignty for public the Constitution, but it is limited purpose thru a method that partakes the nature of compulsory sale” Sovereignty – Lodged in the Congress. May be – Supreme power of the State to exercised by others through valid command and enforce obedience, the delegation. Legislature has delegated power to which, legally speaking, all the power to the President, LGUs, some interests are practically subject, and all public entities, and private corporations wills subordinate engage in public service (electricity, – Legal: authority based on the law water, telecommunications, etc.) – Political: authority of people themselves – Eminent domain requires just – Internal: ability of the State itself to have compensation but police power (on its wills imposed and followed by all taking of land) does not those within its jurisdiction C. Taxation – External: independence from an outside – In exchange for the protection extended authority by the State to the taxpayers, the Not necessarily complete freedom government collects taxes as source of because of auto-limitation (State revenue to finance its activities may agree to some restrictions on – The power to tax is a necessary what it may or may not do in attribute of a viable society, and as consistent with self-interest dealing taxes are what the people pay for a with other States) civilized society, they constitute the Almost every time a state enters into lifeblood of a nation an international agreement, it – Power of the state to impose a charge voluntarily sheds off part of its or burden upon person, property, or sovereignty property rights for the use and support – Sovereignty is characterized by of government permanent, exclusive, all- – Despite the natural reluctance to comprehensive, inalienable, surrender part of one’s hard-earned imprescriptible, indivisible and absolute income, every person who is able must contribute, The government, in return, is DOCTRINE OF ACT OF STATE expected to respond in the form of - The acts of a state may not be questioned in tangible and intangible benefits intended any other state. “Every sovereign state is bound to respect the independence of every other state, and the courts of one country – Suits against the State may be allowed will not sit in judgment on the acts of the if: (1) if it gives its consent, (2) waives its government of another, done within its immunity territory” – Waiver may be in the form of: - States prevent their national courts from A. Express: must come from deciding disputes which relate to the internal Legislature in the form of a general affairs of another State, the other two being law or special law immunity and non-justiciability B. Implied: when State enters into a - When there is change of sovereignty, the contract or commences litigation. It political laws are deemed abrogated is also implied when the government EXCEPT: if they are among “that great files a complaint, opening itself to a body of municipal law which regulates counterclaim (in between sovereign private and domestic rights", they or governmental function and continue to be in force until repealed by proprietary or commercial activities, present Government the former has the power to waive its non-suability) STATE (SOVEREIGN) IMMUNITY As for filing complaint by – Attribute of being non-suable, as a government: suability will result only general rule. The Constitution declares, where the government is claiming ”The state may not be sued without its affirmative relief from defendant consent”. There can be no legal right as With regard to contracts: it does against the authority that makes the law not mean that sovereign states may on which the right depends be sued in local courts at all time JURE IMPERII VS JURE GESTIONIS DOCTRINE OF STATE (SOVEREIGN) - Jure Imperii: Sovereign or IMMUNITY governmental activities Royal Prerogative of Dishonesty: “the - Jure Gestionis: Commercial, private, privilege it grants the state to defeat any and proprietary acts (mantle of state legitimate claim against it by simply immunity cannot extend in this act) invoking non-suability” may be abused RESTRICTIVE THEORY: came – Applies in regard to suits against the about when government enters into government itself, or any of its purely commercial activities remotely UNINCORPORATED AGENCIES (they connected with the discharge of have no independent personality, they governmental functions are part and parcel of government itself) – When the government itself INITIATES Only true for agencies not THE SUIT and enters into Compromise performing proprietary functions Agreement: – The defense of state immunity from suit It thereby descends to the level of does not apply in causes of action which private individual and thus opens itself do not seek to impose a charge or to whatever counterclaims or defenses financial liability against the State the latter may have given against it. The (preliminary injunction or mandamus) State may be sued even without its – INCORPORATED AGENCIES: express consent because by government-owned or controlled ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT the corporations are considered separate sovereign descends to the level of a and distinct from government itself citizen They could not invoke doctrine of – The doctrine of governmental immunity state immunity from suit cannot serve as an instrument – Applies also to complaints filed against perpetrating an injustice on a citizen officials of the state for acts allegedly performed by them in the discharge of SUABILITY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS their duty – Local Governments are separate and Government officials cannot hide distinct personalities that allow them to behind the doctrine if they are being sue and be sued given by their sued for having exceeded the CHARTER powers conferred upon them or – They cannot invoke the doctrine of non- abused their authority, or sued in suability their personal capacity. “Unauthorized acts of government officials are NOT ACTS OF THE STATE” SUABILITY AND LIABILITY – Does not necessarily imply or mandate – Waiver of sovereign immunity does not the setting up of absolute walls because amount to acknowledging liability. It only the Constitution blends, as well as means the state allows the suitor to separates the powers in its effort to prove his case in court create a government that will work for, – Suability: The consent of the state to be as well as protect the liberties of, its sued citizens (there is intermingling concerns – Liability: Applicable law and the as well as sharing responsibilities) established facts – The rule is SEPARATION AND COOPERATION, not mutual JUDGEMENTS AND EXECUTION antagonism – If the state is proven to be liable, then – This principle creates a crafted system that would necessitate another consent of checks and balanced powers within on the part of the government each branch – Government funds and properties may – Powers has to work with the other not be seized under writs of execution or branches to enable the State to move garnishment to satisfy such judgment, forward to bring about the kind of thus the power of the Court ends when policies and programs that would benefit judgment is rendered the people – Execution could be had as a matter of – In case of conflict, the JUDICIAL course, there must be appropriation by DEPARTMENT is the only constitutional Congress to satisfy the same (same organ which can be called upon to goes with LGUs) determine proper allocation of powers – Mandamus could be resorted for the between the several departments and purpose of having a local government among the integral or constituent units pay what has been adjudicated against thereof it Constitution adopted the American type: where written constitution is _____________________________________________ interpreted and given effect by the judicial department III. POWERS SEPARATE, BALANCED – Executive Department: powers of the President under the Constitution, such AND NON-DELEGABLE as power to appoint, control and There is a need to institute a system by supervise, as well as executive which the people are protected against clemency, and prerogative to command possible abusive, oppressive, and tyrannical the armed forces. Ascendancy in foreign exercise of power relations has been recognized, as he is This is done through powers being the face of the nation. The Congress distributed and not concentrated in the participates in the role of dealing with hands of an official or group of officials international community since its (providing a counterbalance and check on enactments could affect the ability of the the others) president PRINCIPLE OF NON-DELEGATION OF – There is a violation od the principle POWERS: Each branch must discharge and when there is impermissible (a) exercise its powers and authority as its own interference with and/or (b) assumption responsibility for which it is accountable and of another department’s function not try to pass it on to others EXECUTIVE V. LEGISLATIVE POWERS AND PRINCIPLE/DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION OF FUNCTIONS POWERS – The exercise of emergency powers, – Governmental powers are distributed such as the taking over of privately among the three branches: owned public utilities or businesses 1. Legislature: Congress as the affected with public interests, require a repository of this power, enacts delegation from Congress which is the laws with the authority to amend or repository of emergency powers repeal them (Section 17, Article 12) 2. Executive: President as Without any authorization from embodiment of this power, Congress, the President could not executes and enforces the law exercise such a power 3. Judiciary: The courts are vested The President’s power must stem with the power to interpret and either from an act of Congress or from apply the Constitution and the laws the Constitution itself. The Constitution limits his functions in the lawmaking may or may not be done, thus somehow process to the recommending of laws he making or unmaking the law but must thinks wise and vetoing of laws he also be careful so as not to cross over thinks bad and transform interpretation construction – When it comes to money matters, the into judicial legislation Congress raises and spends through – The Court simply applies the law no the power of taxation and the power to matter that they might have misgivings, appropriate funds. The President simply UNLESS it falls within the context of carries out the policy decisions made by constitutionally proscribed statutes such the legislature as to who or which and as when it prescribes excessive, cruel how much to tax as well as in the and inhuman punishments implementation of laws providing money – The Court should not pre-empt to be spent for specified purposes Congress and usurp its inherent powers – The enforcement of the national budget, of making and enacting laws as primarily contained in the GAA, is Court does not have the unbridled indisputably a function assigned to the authority to rule on just any and every Executive branch claim of constitutional violation (Imbong Budget execution: covers various v. Ochoa) operational aspect of budgeting, – The Supreme Court and its members includes the evaluation of work and should not and cannot be required to financial plans for individual activities, exercise any power or to perform any and the regulation and release of funds trust or to assume any duty not as well as other related activities pertaining to or connected with the – Upon approval and passage of GAA, administering of judicial functions Congress’s role comes to an end and If a member of Supreme Court sits as from there, the Executive’s board of arbitrators, he cannot act in implementation on National Budget behalf of Supreme Court as a whole begins – With regard to administrative agencies – From the moment the law becomes which have been vested with quasi- effective, any provision of the law judicial functions: “administrative that empowers Congress or any of its agencies are NOT considered courts; members to play any role in the they are neither part of the judicial implementation or enforcement of the system nor deemed judicial tribunals” law violates the principle of – In vesting the Supreme Court the power separation of powers, and deemed to promulgate rules concerning the unconstitutional protection and enforcement of – Informal practices, through which constitutional rights, pleadings, practice, legislators have effectively intruded into and procedure in all courts (1935 the proper phase of budget execution, Constitution), admission to practice of must be deemed as acts of grave law, the Integrated Bar and legal abuse of discretion assistance to the unprivileged (1973 – The power to spend public wealth Constitution), the 1987 Constitution took resides in CONGRESS and not in the out the authority of Congress to repeal, Executive alter, or supplement the laws “and Generate money for the government, enhanced the rule making power of this appropriate public funds, and spend the court” money SUBSTANTIVE LAW VS. PROCEDURAL Two principles of appropriation: MATTER 1. Principle of Public Fisc – all - Procedural is the Court’s domain while monies received from whatever Substantive is the domain of Congress source is public funds - When it comes to court fees, it is in the 2. Principle of Appropriations domain of Supreme Court Control – prohibiting Legal fee is a vital component of the expenditure without legal riles promulgated by this Court, cannot authorization be changed by Congress The other branches trespass upon JUDICIAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, AND this prerogative if they enact laws or POLITICAL POWERS AND FUNCTIONS issue orders that effectively repeal, alter – Judicial branch: interprets and applies or modify any of the procedural rules of the law, declare what laws or acts of this Court other branches of government are constitutional/legal, pronounces what – EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY (prerogative separate, co-equal, coordinate and to grant pardons) is the exclusive and supreme within its own sphere, under the prerogative power of the President legal and political reality of one The powers of the 3 branches to save overarching Constitution that governs life of a death convict do not exclude one government and one nation for each other for the simple reason that whose benefit all the three separate there is no higher right than the right to branches must act with unity life Keep the different branches within the – Policy Determination is the job for exercise if their respective assigned powers Congress. This means that the Court and prerogatives through RULE OF LAW cannot render judgment in the absence PRINCIPLE OF COMITY of a law governing the certain issue Practice of voluntary observing inter- departmental courtesy in undertaking their COMMUNICATIONS AND DELIBERATIONS assigned constitutional duties for the same PRIVILEGED harmonious working of government – There are certain things that cannot be disclosed to one of the branches to the CHECKS AND BALANCES other branches (executive, legislative, – Branches of the government also serve and judicial privileges) as a counterweight and check on the Essential to protect the independence exercise of the powers and functions of of decision-making of those tasked to the other branches exercise Presidential, Legislative and – Power of Judicial Review: power of Judicial power the judiciary to determine the validity of – Executive privilege may be invoked the other branches which would have the effect of – Political Question Doctrine: limitations exempting the executive from that are set out disclosure. This extends not only to – Each repository or holder of power military and diplomatic secrets, but also could, in the exercise of its prerogative, to documents integral to an appropriate hold itself as a counterweight or exercise of the executive’s domestic checking mechanism on the exercise by decisional and policy making functions the other branches of their assigned 2 kinds of executive privilege: power 1. Presidential Communications: – Monitor, inquire, or check into what the decision making of the President other branch or departments are doing 2. Deliberative Process: decision and undertake whatever it might find to making of executive officials be erroneous by the other departments (operational proximity to the and thereby maintain the balance or President) equilibrium in the governmental – The extraordinary character of the structure exemption indicates that presumption inclines heavily against SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES executive secrecy and in favor of – Each branch could not just do whatever disclosure it wants if the other branch would find – Elements of Presidential the act unwarranted, unwise, or Communications Privilege: downright unconstitutional 1. Must relate to a quintessential and non-delegable presidential power POLITICAL QUESTION DOCTRINE AND 2. Communication must be authored or JUDICIAL REVIEW solicited and received by a close o Judicial Review: adviser of the President or himself. - Essentially the maintenance and 3. Remains a qualified privilege that enforcement of the separation of may be overcome by a showing of powers and the balancing of powers adequate need, such that the among the three departments information sought likely contains through the definition and important evidence maintenance of the boundaries of DOCTRINE OF SEPARATION OF authority and control between them POWERS - Authority of the judiciary to Inures not by express provision of the determine and declare what the law constitution, but as underlying principle that is, and to pronounce whether the constitutes the bedrock of our system of acts of other branches and agencies checks and balances in government, are constitutional or legal whereby “each branch is considered - The only medium of participation delegated should not be further or intervention of the judiciary in delegated) balancing operation – A certain power could not just be exercised by anybody else other than POLITICAL QUESTION DOCTRINE they who had been so identified – A limitation to the power of Judicial – Apart from legislative, it could also apply Review to other powers Courts should keep their hands off in – This principle came from an ethical the resolution of questions or problems principle that such delegated powers that are basically entrusted to the constitute not only right but duty to be political departments performed by the delegate by the – Matters of wisdom, need or desirability instrumentality of his own judgment of certain measures for the nation are acting immediately upon matters of his for the Congress and President to own judgment and not through decide intervening mind of another Courts should not intrude into – Principle is not to be understood as questions of policy or wisdom of absolute prohibition because it might enactments and acts of other branches paralyze the government in certain – Political questions are associated with instances such as in the absence of a wisdom and not legality representative – Delivery of social services is endless in – PRINCIPLE OF SUBORDINATE the political arena LEGISLATION: There is a constant Courts have no judicial power to tendency towards the delegation of review cases involving political greater powers by the legislature, and questions toward the approval of practice by – ADVENT OF 1987 CONSTITUTION: courts Political question doctrine has undergone a substantive transformation EXCEPTIONS TO THE PRINCIPLE OF NON- – the authority of courts to look into DELEGATION: certain questions has been enlarged o People Through Referendum while constricting the areas where - If people had given the power to the political branches claim exclusivity legislature, then they in effect, Judicial powers include the duty of surrendered such power and therefore courts to settle actual controversies should not simply exercise it even if they involving rights which are legally want to demandable and enforceable, and to - People can legislate through initiative determine whether or not there has and referendum, then there is no need been a grave abuse of discretion for delegation from the Congress amounting to lack or excess of o Emergency Powers jurisdiction on the part of any - Even as emergency powers are branch/instrumentality of the belonging to the legislature, they may be Government (fundamental law exercised by the President, in cases of expanded the concept of judicial power) emergencies and fast changing – Political question should not be invoked developments that are critical to the in cases needed of judicial review in welfare, safety or security of nation order to evade decisions of certain - This kind of delegation may be done cases during war, or national emergencies, – TWO SPECIES OF POLITICAL allowing the President to exercise such QUESTION: powers, which are necessary and 1. Truly Political Question – Those proper to carry out a declared national beyond judicial review, for respect of policy for a limited period, and subject to doctrine of separation of powers to restrictions of Congress be maintained - Extraordinary conditions do not create 2. Not Truly Political Question – Courts or enlarge constitutional power can review questions which are not - Emergency powers belong to the truly political in nature (Section 1 legislature and it is only by delegation, Article 8 of Constitution) limited as to extent and time, that the President may exercise them DELEGATION OF POWERS o Tariff Powers – PRINCIPLE OF NON-DELEGATION - Congress may allow the Chief OF POWERS: Potestas delegate non Executive the ability to exercise some delegare potest (what has been authority to make necessary or desirable adjustments in tariff rates and agencies (principle of subordinate other trade concerns legislation) - There is a need for constitutional - While there is difficulty in limiting the permission from the Congress to extent of authority, Courts rule that it is delegate safe to decide each case according to - Tariff powers include: prerogative to fix its peculiar environment tariff rates, import and export quotas, - Administrative agencies are clothed tonnage and wharfage dues, and other with rule-making powers because duties or imposts lawmaking body finds it impracticable, if In order for this power to be vested to not impossible, to anticipate and provide the President, there are specified for multifarious and complex situations limitations and restrictions and the same that may be encountered in enforcing be within the framework of the national the law development program of the - Grant of rule-making power to the Government (Section 28 (2), Article 6) administrative is a relaxation of the - Generally, it is the Secretary of principle of separation of powers and Finance (an alter ego of the President in an exception to the non-delegation of the body of department secretaries) who legislative powers acts as the alter ego of the President - ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS/ - Even the President may be considered SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION: as an agent of Congress for the purpose Calculated to promote the public interest of imposing safeguard measures. It is are necessary because of the growing the Congress, not the President, complexity of modern life, multiplication which possesses inherent powers to of subject of governmental regulations impose tariff and imports. Without and increased difficulty of administering legislative authorization through the law STATUTE, the President has no power Must be in harmony with the to impose such safequard measures provisions of the law, and should be for because taxation is inherently the sole purpose of carrying into effect legislative, not executive its general provisions o Local Governments - Delegated administrative rule-making - It is State Policy to promote local authorities to implement agencies are autonomy, which objective could hardly for the limited purpose of filling up the be realistic without giving the local details of the law for enforcement governments the power and ability to (supplementary rule-making), or manage their own affairs ascertaining facts to bring law into - The inherent and fundamental powers actual operation (contingent rule- making) of the State, which had been lodged in Congress, may be given to local - Because of growing importance of governments administrative agencies, discharging not Police power (General Welfare only quasi-legislative, but also quasi- Clause), eminent domain, and power to judicial functions, it is referred to as the tax fourth department - Since powers are not inherent in the - Congress has also delegated certain Local Government, they must be regulatory powers such as the grant of exercised in accordance and in Temporary Permit of CPCN conformity with National Laws and - Even though amid increasing important policies roles, administrative agencies still have - Cannot create cities and provinces, to realize that they are merely subordinate power whose exercise is only national government has the subject to conformity of law inherent power o Administrative Agencies and Subordinate Legislature TEST FOR VALID DELEGATION - Congress could not always be in a – Signifies the limited scope within which position to attend to new developments, the delegate may exercise a portion of or to look into nitty gritty of certain legislative work or subordinate specialized areas of law, technology and legislation as means to carry out the law other concerns. Thus, the allowable itself delegation of a limited amount if – Completeness Test and Sufficiency legislative power to administrative Standard Test “are intended to prevent a total transference of legislative authority to the delegate, who is not allowed to step into the shoes of the – Article 2: Governing principles and legislature and exercise a power policies essentially legislative – COMPLETENESS TEST: Law must be REPUBLICANISM complete in all its terms and provisions – Section 1, Article 2: proclaims a basic when it leaves the hands of the and fundamental tenet of PH society, “a legislature democratic and republican State”. – SUFFICIENT STANDARD TEST: Sovereignty resides in the people and Defines legislative policy, marks its all government authority emanates from limits, maps out its boundaries and them. This provides for “how the specifies the public agency to apply it. It government and the governed are indicates the circumstances under which supposed to be treated” the legislative command is to be – REPUBLICANISM: Means effected representation, transparency and Express (the non-delegation accountability. objection is easily met) or Implied Representation: Should be open to public scrutiny OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Transparent: Hallmark of a truly – President is the one and only person republican state who can approve or veto bills, appoint Accountability: At the end of the day, certain officials, permit fund transfer, the government must render accounting commander-in-chief powers, declaring to the people martial law (cannot be delegated) – In Republicanism, governmental – Courts could not abdicate their judicial agencies and institutions operate within powers in favor of other agencies the limits of the authority conferred by – Legislature (Congress) cannot delegate the people to its individual members the power to – Essence of Republicanism: be exercised by it as a body Representation and renovation, the Power of appropriation which selection by citizenry of a corps of public involves (a) setting apart by law of functionaries who derive their mandate certain sum from public revenue and (b) from the people and act on their behalf, a specified purpose serving for a limited period only – President could not unduly delegate to – The people are not creatures of the himself (Section 8 of PD 910) State – Signifies certain characteristics of government such as the Rule of Law (ours is a government of laws, not of men), the conduct of periodic elections IV. STATE PRINCIPLES AND as means of ascertaining the popular will, existence of Bill of Rights, POLICIES observance of rule of majority, presence of principle of separation of powers, PREAMBLE checks and balances for accountability – Though not essential part of the of public officers Constitution, it could be a helpful guide – Treats every citizen as a “particle of in trying to understand what this sovereign” entitled to his own voice and primordial document in a state may aim a chance to participate in decision- to accomplish. It sheds light on how making, as part of the electorate, or as substantive provisions of the constitution an official in government mean and mandate – Republican Society has to be governed – First phrase: reference to the nature and in accordance with a set of rules which the character of the authors (sovereign could not just subject to the whims and people), highlight the reality of human caprices of whoever may be in power limitations, recognizes higher authority, – Obedience to the Rule of Law forms the divine guidance (Almighty God). bedrock of our system of Justice. – Thereafter, reference to what kind of Judges are guided by Rule of Law to society and Government the people “protect and enforce it without fear or would like to have, its principles, ideals, favor” qualities which should guide and – There is a need to abide by the characterize them as members of a free decisions and desire of the majority of and democratic nation the sovereign who are entitled each to their own voice and equal weight, instead of simply being pulled or pushed norms and principles. They are one direction or another by minority just peremptory and non-derogable because they might have the power of – Under the doctrine of incorporation, reins of government rules of international law are given the standing equal, and not superior to INTERNATIONAL LAW, INDEPENDENCE national legislation AND INTERDEPENDENCE – PH renounces war as an instrument of PEACE AND ORDER, PUBLIC SAFETY AND national policy, adopts generally SECURITY, AND CIVILIAN SUPREMACY accepted principles of international law – Necessarily, there is no need of an as part of law of the land and adheres to armed force to ensure the sovereignty of the policy of peace, equality, justice, the State and the integrity of the national freedom, cooperation, and amity with all territory but this force must be nations subordinate at all times to civilian – PH must abide by accepted rules of authority peaceful multi-national engagement, Article 2, Section 3 Constitution: thus adoption of the generally accepted Civilian authority is, at all times, principles of international law and the supreme over the military, The Armed adherence to the policy of peace, Forces of the Philippines is the protector equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, of people and the State. Its goal is to and amity with all nations secure the sovereignty of the State and – PH, in times of conflict, adopts the the integrity of the National Territory fundamental principle of non-deterrence, (Civilian Supremacy) thus the renunciation of war as an – It is to the mutual benefit of both instrument of national policy government and the citizens to help – PH adopts and pursuit, consistent with each other in the time of need. Thus, national interest, of the policy of citizens may also be called upon to help freedom from nuclear weapons in its in its undertaking of ensuring defense of territory State
DOCTRINE OF TRANSFORMATION – The separation of Church and State – Doctrine of Incorporation: Adoption of shall be inviolable. The framers felt the generally accepted principles of need to put up a strong barrier so that international law as part of law of the the state would not encroach in the land, contradistinguished from Doctrine affairs of church and vice-versa of Transformation – PRINCIPLE OF SEPARATION OF Applies when by mere constitutional CHURCH AND STATE IS BASED ON declaration, IL is deemed to have the MUTUAL RESPECT force of domestic law – Church: As a word, it is used in its most Article 2, Section2: provides for generic sense and that is the religious incorporation of the generally accepted congregation collectively principles of international law which – The State is not precluded to pursue its refers to the norms of general or legitimate secular objectives without customary international law which are being dictated upon by policies of any binding on all states one religion – Doctrine of Transformation: (1987 – The Courts have no jurisdiction to look Constitution) International law can into excommunication of members from become part of the sphere of domestic their church law either by transformation or incorporation. Transformation method SOCIAL ORDER, PUBLIC WELFARE AND requires an international law be SOCIAL JUSTICE transformed into domestic law through a – The welfare of everyone is a constitutional mechanism such as local responsibility of the government. Thus legislation the State concerns for a just and Treatise become part of the law of dynamic social order, even as it seeks the land greater prosperity and benefits for everyone. Progress must come with due – JUS COGENS (Compelling Law): regard to social justice in all aspects of norms that hold the highest hierarchical nation development position among all other customary – Social Justice: Promotion of the welfare of all the people, the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to custody of a minor child (may come to insure economic stability of all provide assistance only) component elements of the society – The Constitution must promote and It is not equality, but protection, and protect their development physically, that compassion for the poor is an morally, and spiritually. They must be imperative of every humane society shielded from things that might impair BUT only when the recipient is not a that objective rascal claiming an undeserved privilege WOMEN AND GENDER EQUALITY HUMAN DIGNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS – Recognition of the role of women in – Concept of human rights seems to nation-building, and the need to ensure closely identify the term to the the fundamental legal equality of men universally accepted traits and attributes and women of an individual, along with what is RA 9262 (The Anti-Violence Against generally considered to be his inherent Women and Children 2004) and inalienable rights RA 9710 (Magna Carta of Women) – Section 2, Article 2 of Constitution: The – “The accommodation of differences is State values the dignity of every human the true equality”, women are usually person and guarantees full respect for the victims rather than men human rights – The policy of not including the names of PH has responsibility of protecting rape victims and promoting the right of every person to libery and due process (Anti Torture RIGHT TO HEALTH AND HEALTHFUL Act 2009 RA 9745 and RA 9851 or ECOLOGY Crimes against Humanity) – The promotion of public health is the fundamental obligation of the State, it is FAMILY AND YOUTH the primordial government concern, and – A family is a basic social institution from along with this is the concern for which social institutions may build upon. healthful ecology It is part of State interest to protect and – Health is not only for individuals; it strengthen such core institution, would be useless if they live in a including, protecting the life of mother environment that is not conductive if not and the life of the unborn child, without outright detrimental to their well-being taking away from the parents their – Rules of Procedure for primary right to rear their children Environmental Cases: – Article 15: 1. Writ of Kalikasan – Remedy Constitution recognizes marriage as available to a natural or juridical an inviolable social institution and that person, entity, authorized by law, our family law is based on the policy that people’s organization, NGO, or any marriage is not a mere contract but a public interest groups accredited by social institution in which the State is government agency, on behalf of vitally interested the person whose constitutional State recognizes the Filipino family right to a balanced and healthful as the foundation of the nation ecology is violated, or threatened – Proper development of youth in nation with violation by an unlawful act or building omission of a public official or – “The clear and unequivocal intent of the employee involving environmental Framers of 1987 Constitution in damage or such magnitude as to protecting the life of the unborn from prejudice life, health or property of conception was to prevent Legislature inhabitants in 2 or more cities or from enacting a measure legalizing provinces abortion 2. Writ of Continuing Mandamus – – Marriage and Family are “institutions in When any agency or officer thereof that this society looks to for rearing of unlawfully neglects the performance our children, for the development of of an act which the law specifically values essential to the survival and well- enjoins as duty resulting from an being of our communities, and for office, trust or station in connection strengthening of nation as a whole with the enforcement or violation of – The State cannot, without a an environmental law or regulation compelling state interest, take over or a right therein, or unlawfully the role of a parent in the care and excludes another from the use or enjoyment of such right and there is no plain, speedy, and adequate SELF-RELIANT AND INDEPENDENT remedy in the ordinary course of NATIONAL ECONOMY law. The writ permits the court to – The country has to be guided by its own retain jurisdiction after judgment of national interest, not subordinate to their reliefs mandated under the those of other States. The country must court’s decision not be dictated upon others for obviously their own interest. PRIORITY TO EDUCATION, SCIENCE, – National economy must be effectively TECHNOLOGY, ARTS, CULTURE AND controlled by citizens themselves SPORTS – Article 12: National Economy and – Value of education is highlighted by the Patrimony Fundamental Law – Article 14: PRIVATE ENTERPISE State shall protect and promote the – Government could not possibly right of all citizens to quality education at undertake all conceivable projects all levels and shall take appropriate themselves, thus is needs participation steps to make such education and contribution of private sector accessible to all (Government must give incentives) Every citizen has a right to select a – Laisses-faire is NOT practiced in the profession or course of study, subject to Philippines because the Government fair, reasonable, and equitable needs to promote general welfare admission and academic requirements through State action (1935 repudiates Science and Technology are laisses-faire) essential for national development and progress. The state shall give priority to RURAL DEVELOPMENT research and development, invention, – Rural areas must similarly move forward innovation, and their utilization; and to in the event of industrialization science and technology education, This can be done through agrarian training, and services reforms as means to advance the lives Arts and Culture: State shall forever and welfare of those who toil in the soil, preserve enrichment and dynamic with the aim of eventually having them evolution of a Filipino national culture stay in a piece of land they could based on principle of unity and diversity proudly call their own (Article 13: Social in a climate of free artistic and Justice and Human Rights) intellectual expression Physical Education: Encourage INDIGENOUS CULTURAL COMMUNITIES sports programs, league competitions, – Indigenous communities/people are and amateur sports to foster self- homogenous societies who have discipline for healthy and alert citizenry continuously lived as an organized – State shall assign the highest budgetary community on communally bounded and priority to the education and ensure that defined territory teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS through adequate remuneration and – Encouragement of all stake holders to other means of job satisfaction and have a part or voice in the affairs of the fulfillment State (NGOs, which are similarly interested in the promotion of the LABOR AS PRIMARY SOCIAL ECONOMIC welfare of the nation) FORCE – Article 13, Section 15: State shall – Solicitous concern of the State for the respect independent people’s welfare of those who toil to make the organization economy move, guaranteeing them – Article 13, Section 16: The right of the certain rights to ensure that the playing people and their organizations to field is somehow leveled in order that effective and reasonable participation at they would not be exploited, or unduly all levels of social, political, and taken advantage by those who supply economic decisions shall not be the capital abridged – Constitution is fair so it should not be – They could contribute to nation building supposed that every labor dispute would by their advocacies automatically be decided in favor of the labor (justice is in every case for the deserving) COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION
LEGPROF 06 Re Letter of The UP Law Faculty Entitled Restoring Integrity A Statement by The Faculty of The UP College of Law On The Allegations of PL PDF
LEGPROF 06 Re Letter of The UP Law Faculty Entitled Restoring Integrity A Statement by The Faculty of The UP College of Law On The Allegations of PL PDF