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Olevel Geography Notes by Saleemferozi: Contact:03332157652

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Notes by
Email:[email protected]
Chapter 2 “Climate”
Weather: It refers to daily changes in atmospheric conditions
(temperature , rainfall ,humidity and pressure ) for a short period of
time locally

Climate : The generalization of day to day weather conditions of a

particular area/region over a long period of time (33years)

Pakistan is divided into four climatic zones with respect to altitude

1. Highland climate

2. Lowland climate

3. Arid climate

4. Coastal climate

Features of Highland climate

● It includes Northern ,north western and western highlands of
Pakistan (Kashmir ,gilgit,kpk,and Balochistan)

● Rainfall and temperature depends on altitude the higher the

altitude lower the temperature and higher the rainfall

● Northern Mountains range from 2000 to 8000 m having cold winters

mild summers and rainfall in all seasons

● Western mountains range from 1000 to 4000 m having cool to cold

summer ,mild to warm winters and rainfall in winters only

● Summers are short mild and wet in Northern mountains but dry in
western mountains
Features of Lowland Climate
● It includes the whole upper and lower indus plain excluding coastal

● Mostly consist of arid and extreme climate with hot summers cool
winters and summer monsoon rainfall

● Rainfall increases from south to north

● Also receives rainfall from western depression

● Comparatively most irrigated and fertile land of Pakistan lies under

upper indus plain

● Continental effect drives the climate

Features of Coastal Climate

● It includes southern coastal strip Indus delta Karachi and the
whole of makran coast

● Sea breezes dominates the climate throughout the year and keeps
it moderate

● Meritime effect dominates the climate

● Humidity level is mostly high reaching 50% in April to September

● Mean monthly temperature is 32 % May June are hottest months

● Rainfall is less and scanty mostly during monsoon season

Features of Arid Climate
● It includes south western desert of balochistan (Kharan)& South
eastern desert of Sindh (Tharparkar)

● Dominated by dry and hot climate throughout the year

● Hot Dusty wind prevails from may to September

● Low amount Scanty rainfall during winters in balochistan

● Summer monsoon brings little rainfall in Sindh

● Extreme heat dryness and dust storms are common

There are four climatic elements responsible for

seasonal variations in the climate of Pakistan
➢ Temperature

➢ Rainfall

➢ Pressure

➢ Winds

Factors effecting temperature of Pakistan

1. Angle of Sun and Latitudinal effect

Temperature and rainfall are both dependent either directly or

indirectly on the influence of the sun. The sun’s influence varies from
place to place due to factors like angle of sun at a particular place

As it is evident the Polar Regions or regions far away from the

Equator are generally cooler than the ones nearer the Equator. This
is because for solar radiation to reach the poles and heat them it has
to travel a larger distance in space, thus it loses its intensity
(energy). Also near the poles the radiation arrives at an oblique
angle so solar energy spreads over a large area. Since Pakistan lies
in subtropical areas it does receive most of intense solar radiation
concentrated on a small area thus the temperature in general is
warmer. So in general terms Faisalabad will be cooler than say

2. Altitude and temperature

The temperature is highly dependent on altitude, air density and
temperature.the air is densest at sea level due to water vapour ,dust
particles and solar radiation and least dense at high altitude because
of less solar radiation is absorbed with less air to absorb heat .there
is an average drop of 6.5 C in temperature for each 1000 metre
increase in altitude

3. Cloud cover and Temperature

Temperatures decrease when clouds appear and block out the Sun’s
rays, which are then reflected back into space. However cloud
ormation only takes place when air contains sufficient moisture and
has been sufficiently cooled. Thus cloudy days are much cooler than
sunny days during the same months.

4. Continental effect
It refers to all those areas having distance from the sea(interior
region) hence does not gets maritime influence of the sea on
temperature therefore the temperature is never moderate hence
extreme winters and summers are recorded.
Sources of rainfall in Pakistan

I. Monsoon Winds

II. The Western Depression

III. Convectional Currents

IV. Relief rainfall

V. Tropical Cyclones

● Monsoon Rainfall
Monsoons are seasonal winds that blow from sea towards land from
July to August (summers). After it they reverse their direction and
blow from land towards the sea (winters). . There are two monsoon
systems, one originating from the Bay of Bengal and other from the
Arabian Sea. Moist laden winds from high pressure areas of sea blow
towards land. From the east the monsoon clouds are deflected along
the Himalayas from Nepal to Pakistan. Along the way these clouds
rise, cool and thus condense eventually bringing rainfall to Pakistan.
They affect northern Punjab, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan
and Azad Kashmir

On the other hand another monsoon system that originates in

Arabian Sea also travels inland and delivers little rainfall to Sindh

● The Western Depression

These are wind systems that originate from the Mediterranean Sea
and travel eastwards towards Afghanistan and Pakistan. Since they
make a long journey they lose most of their water when they reach
Pakistan. During the winters (Late November to March) they bring
rainfall because during winters the Arabian Sea retains its warmth
and thus cold air from coastal areas flows towards sea. These
western depressions move from high pressure area (Mediterranean
Sea) towards the low pressure area (Indus Plains)

● Convection
Convection rainfall occurs when the sun heats up the land. The air
near the land absorbs heat by conduction, and thus gets less dense
and rises. The moisture in air condenses to form clouds, and when
this air is cooled to a certain minimum level rainfall occurs

● Relief Rainfall
Relief or orographic rain is formed when air is forced to cool when it
rises over relief features in the landscape such as hills or mountains.
As it rises the chilling causes condensationand precipitation on the
windward side and forms rain. The leeward side becomes

● Thunderstorm
Thunderstorms occur in the same fashion as convectional rainfall
with the main difference being that the air here rises very quickly
forming Cumulonimbus clouds, which are very tall and big. This is
followed by strong winds, lightning and heavy rainfall. Hailstones
may also be formed, when the water vapours are cooled multiple
times (to form water first and then ice).

● Cyclone
Cyclones are formed when the average temperature of large water
body exceeds 27° C, thus forming an area of very low pressure. This
area then draws further air from high pressure areas quickly. A cone
is formed when two oppositely travelling cold and warm winds meet.
Intense lightning followed by very strong winds and heavy rainfall
occurs. Their effects are similar to that of floods
Flood is a temporary covering of land by water which is dry. They
can be caused by variety of factors like

Heavy monsoon rainfall accompanied with melting of snow and ice in

glaciers causing excess of water in rivers, dam or barrage failure,
unusually high tides in coastal areas and by a tsunami

The indus tributaries overflow almost every year but only sometimes
the flood risk is serious.

Floods can also be caused by following human

● Deforestation

● Failure to heighten or strengthen embankments

● Poor medical and communication facilities in aftermath of disaster

● inadequate warning systems to allow people time for escape

Benefits of flood
● restoring underground water supplies

● filling reservoirs of dam

● makes the soil fertile by alluviam deposits

● increases fish production in the sea and land

Reducing Effects of Floods

● Dams could be built to contain and regulate the flow of water and
prevent flash floods
● Advanced warning systems should be installed in flood prone
areas to warn people to get out before it’s too late

● Medical and transport facilities be regularly updated and checked

● Embankments and levees should be heightened and strengthened

● Afforestation and reafforestation projects should be carried out in

Northern Mountains to reduce run-off and thus reducing chances of
flash floods

There are four types of droughts

● Permanent drought

Occurs when crop cultivation is highly dependent on irrigation only

● Seasonal drought

Occurs when rainy areas faces dry seasons for longer period then

● Invisible drought

Occurs when water deficiency reduces crop yield but does not
destroy them

● Unpredictable drought

Caused by abnormally low rainfall in areas of humid climate

● Crop yields can be dramatically reduced and livestock production
could fall (milk, eat etc). This can raise prices of goods and affect
price of exported goods making them uncompetitive in international
markets thus harming national interests
● Dust storms can occur, when drought hits an area suffering from
desertification and erosion. This can lead to siltation in reservoirs of
dam, hampering electricity generation and weakening dam’s

● Habitat damage, affecting both terrestrial and aquatic wildlife

● Malnutrition, dehydration and related diseases could affect millions

● Mass migration causing the increase in internal refugees or

international refugees

● Reduced electricity production could occur as reduced water flow

through hydroelectric dams leads to low industrial production and
less exports resulting in less foreign exchange

● Shortages of water for industries like (juice etc), which affects

employment and GDP

● Social unrest may follow leading to instability, which can

discourage foreign investment thus local sectors may suffer from
outdated machinery techniques etc resulting in low production

● War could occur over natural resources, including lakes and fertile
areas etc

● Wildfires can become common and can cause health hazard to


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