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Research Paper On Internet Impact

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Internet is a worldwide organization of computer network. Internet has its own positive as
well as negative impact. The businessmen can flourish their business very rapidly
through internet. Many businessmen are selling their products online. The students can
get academic information they require, they can play various games. We can do online
shopping, collect information for our surveys or research etc. At the same time it is not
free from some negative impacts like addiction to online social networks which can
disturb a person's way of living and professional activity, people absorbed in their
activities online tend to forget that there are real people in their surroundings who need
their attention or have socialization needs.

The researcher through primary data has collected information from Mumbai region
about the use of internet for various purposes like education, chatting, social networking
sites and banking. The findings of the researcher shows that out of the total respondents
majority are students who are using internet more for chatting purpose than for
educational purpose and some are using social networking sites as a tool of collection of
educational information. If, students involve themselves vigorously throughout the day in
the internet itself or in chatting or using social networking sites like using drugs/alcohol
then it will prove to be a dangerous bane in their daily life. Students can use internet as a
medium of collecting notes, solving their queries, involving themselves on online
discussion where they can get knowledge on various topics. If, this is applied by students
then internet will prove to be a great asset in coming future.

Asst. Professor, Bunts Sangha’s S. M. Shetty College, Powai
Contact Details: 09004315883

Internet is a worldwide organization of computer network. When one is at an internet, one

becomes a part of that group of people who use the computer for exchanging their ideas and

We use internet on the regular basis in our daily life. It is a gift of modern science for common
people. It has created a revolution all over the globe in the field of exchange of ideas and

All the fields of daily human life have been touched by internet.

 The businessmen can flourish their business very rapidly through internet. Many
businessmen are selling their products online.
 The students can get academic information they require.
 We can apply online for jobs.
 We can share images and videos through internet.
 We can read online news websites and stay updated of what is happening around us.
 We can send and receive money over internet.
 The politicians can get desired information.
 People can send email from this end to that end promptly and at low cost. The use of
email which is getting popular to record office addresses.
 Our children can play various games.
 It is a fashion to have a website.
 We can purchase items of daily use from e - Commerce websites.
 We get entertained through internet by, watching movies, reading novels, listening music

So how is your Fitbit going to impact your life? Well, when you connect your fitness tracker to
your diet app, the two can work together to automatically tell you what and how much to eat to
stay on track with your goals. They do this by recording data and parsing it into information that
you or I can understand. When that information is put in the context of a fitness plan, you have a
lot more knowledge about your current fitness level, your goals, and your progress — all without
doing any research on your own.

Now imagine taking this example to a whole new level. As more and more of our devices and
“things” are connected, they share more and more data, translate it into information we can
understand, and deliver it to us in contexts that create more knowledge than we’ve ever had
access to before. With knowledge about our fitness and diet needs, the energy efficiency of our
homes and cars, and much more, we will no longer be constrained by our natural memories or
the time it takes to research these topics.

Instead, we can use the knowledge that’s being pushed to our phones, laptops, tablets, and smart
watches to work faster, exercise more effectively, and enjoy more time with our friends and

However, it still remains many negative aspects if it is abused by people especially student and
children. The Internet helps them not to wait and give them immediate results with a minimal
effort. These traits will not translate to the school, where teachers expect their students to work
for the grades. Students, as a result, are often unable to understand problems. In addition, they
also fail to control their time efficiently.

Online games on the internet can be addictive to teenagers, children, and adults. This can take
away their precious time that should be used for other things more productive. In addition, they
are addicted to an extreme level. Maybe it is the social networking websites or the gambling ones
that they use excessively on the net.


To study the overall impact of internet on daily life

To study the use of internet by students for educational purpose with special reference to
Mumbai region

To find out the overall time spent daily by current generation on social networking sites for
various reasons with special reference to Mumbai region
To study the negative impact of Internet on daily life of commoners


Universe Mumbai

Method of data collection Primary and Secondary

Method of Primary Data Collection Questionnaire by online sites (Open and close ended)

Method of sampling Random Sampling / Convenience Sampling

No. Of Sample Respondents 120

Method of Data Analysis Tables and Bar Graphs


Tool used for data collection

The tool used for data collection was a 14 item questionnaire developed by the researcher. The
questionnaire included respondent’s personal information, questions regarding their regularity of
use of internet, purpose of using Internet, time spent on internet on regular basis, use of internet
for Banking purpose and for educational purpose.


Chart 1: Type of respondents:




0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Chart 2: Daily internet usage:


2 - 5 Hrs.
9% 1 - 2 Hrs.
11% 5 - 8 Hrs.
> 12 Hrs..
25% 8 - 10 Hrs.
Less than a hour

From the above two charts it is clear that most of the respondents are students and 30% of the
respondents spend 2-5 hours on internet every day and 25% spend approximately 1-2 hours on

Chart 3:
Chart 4:

% Hours spent on Internet for Educational Purpose

1-2 Hrs.
2-5 Hrs.
5-8 Hrs.
6% 8-12 Hrs.
Less than 1 Hr.
4% 18%

Chart 5:

% Hours you spend on social networking sites like

Facebook, Whats App, Twitter etc. 1-2 Hrs
12% 4% 5%
2-5 Hrs.
5-8 Hrs.
8-12 Hrs.

More than 12

Chart 6:

% Using Internet facility for Net Banking/Mobile

Banking/ Any other payment option (Mobile Wallets)
Not using
8% Once in a month
Once in a week
29% Once in two days

The above charts from 3 to 6 shows that out of the total respondents 98% use internet for
Entertainment purpose, 95% of the people use Internet for chatting purpose also and 85%use it
for educational purpose also, which means there is almost equal use of internet for educational,
entertainment and chatting purposes.

Even the hours spent on internet for various purposes like education and chatting are also equal.
Almost 45% of people spend 1-2 hours daily on educational as well as chatting purpose. But, the
percentages of respondents who use internet for day to day banking purpose are very less around

Those who are using social networking sites every day, most of them are using the same for
educational purpose also, like for finding answers to their queries, getting subject related
information, for their project works, for reading articles and blogs, for latest news, exchanging
Notes or subject materials through whats app or any related apps, conducting surveys etc.

POSITIVE IMPACT: The Internet has some great positive effects. Some of these include:

 Internet search engines are the best information retrieval systems available. They bring
any kind of information for internet users, from local restaurants to international news.
 The Internet provides some of the most effective means of communication among people,
including online emailing and instant messaging.
 The Internet makes possible for business and companies to do transactions with their
clients and customers.
 Thanks to the internet, people can take action and avoid adverse circumstances. For
instance, hurricane, storms and accidents can be tracked through the internet.
 The internet has allowed the interchange of ideas and materials among scientists,
university professors, and students, in addition to provide servers, resource centers and
online tools for their research and scholar activities. Moreover, millions of books,
journals and other material are available through the internet because of the digitization
of public domains material from libraries in the States and Europe. This action enables
people to learn all new sorts of things.
 Internet is a great source of entertainment in the current world.
 It had made our Banking transactions less cumbersome with very less time involved in
transfer of money or payment of any expenses.


Sometimes, the internet can have negative effects, including:

 Illegal or inappropriate materials can be found in the internet.

 Some people in recent years have illegally downloaded music or other copyrighted
material for free. This action has had a negative impact on the music industry and has led
to several lawsuits.
 The addiction to online social networks can disturb a person's way of living and
professional activity.
 Some criminals use the internet for spreading computer viruses or even intercepting
credit card or bank details for spurious purposes.
 Anybody can easily upload pornographic material for commercial purposes or just for
fun. The young minds of children will be corrupted through their exposure to things
which are reserved for adults.
 People absorbed in their activities online tend to forget that there are real people in their
surroundings who need their attention or have socialization needs. Social networking
gives more importance to virtual friends than real ones.
 Unsuspecting internet users can fall victim to criminal elements that meddle with their
emails or do something nasty with their credit card information. Phishing or fooling other
people into believing that criminal-owned websites are legitimate led to millions of
money lost to misleading business transactions.


To make the dream of Digital India to be successful, we have to make the present generation to
use internet for Banking purpose also apart from educational, entertainment or chatting purpose.
We have to educate them to use Internet for paying of their daily expenses also through internet,
so that the Digital India dream will become successful in urban India at least, so that we can
educate rural areas later.

Internet in present generation has become the part and parcel of our daily life. It is like our basic
need without which we cannot live. If the internet is used in an effective manner and within a
time limit in a day, it can prove to be a great asset for the human being. At the same time, if, we
involve our self vigorously throughout the day in the internet itself or in chatting or using social
networking sites like using Drugs/alcohol then it will prove to be a dangerous bane in our daily
life. Students can use internet as a medium of collecting notes, solving their queries, involving
themselves on online discussion where they can get knowledge on various topics. Even using
alcohol in a very limited quantity sometimes will give a medicinal effect; same applies for
internet usage also. If all start using internet for all banking transactions even with entertainment
or chatting purpose, then the dream of Digital India becomes true very soon.


1. http://www.importantindia.com/20611/uses-of-internet-in-our-daily-life/
2. http://www.digitalistmag.com/cio-knowledge/2016/05/02/how-internet-of-things-will-
3. http://vkool.com/negative-effects-of-internet/
4. http://thecomputersimpact.weebly.com/the-positive-and-negative-effects-of-the-
5. https://internet-security-viruses.knoji.com/list-of-10-positive-and-negative-effects-

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