RL0563 Gulsanga Farid Recommendation Letter by Gulrukh Tahir
RL0563 Gulsanga Farid Recommendation Letter by Gulrukh Tahir
RL0563 Gulsanga Farid Recommendation Letter by Gulrukh Tahir
It is a rare privilege to have a student who shows exemplary focus, dedication and love
for Psychology. Such a student is Gulsanga Farid and it is my pleasure to recommend
her to your institute. I have come to know Gulsanga in my working capacity as a
Psychology teacher at HeadStart. I have known her for almost a year and her
performance in the subject has been superlative.
Gulsanga has been doing exceptionally well academically. Her stance on research
papers and case studies is very insightful. Her immense knowledge about the subject
pours on papers she has written in class. She leaves me no room for deducting marks in
all her quizzes and assignments. In addition to her academic skills, I also believe she
has a number of personal qualities that would make her successful in the field of
psychology. In class, we discuss a number of sensitive topics, including the ethics of
animal research, the role of children in psychological research and practice. We talk
about moral relativism, i.e., the idea that standards of right and wrong are specific to
particular cultures and particular time periods. In some cases, students choose to share
deeply personal experiences that have shaped how they see a particular issue. So when
Gulsanga says that she is a great listener, I’ve seen that in practice. When she says that
she has a genuine interest in the perspectives of others, she has demonstrated that in the
Moreover, she is one of the most sincere, hardworking and dedicated students of her
batch. She has impressed me with her inquisitive mind and ingenious ability to
comprehend, analyze and assimilate various psychology concepts. She is a quick
learner. Her ability to grasp things conceptually and implement them practically is
worth to take cognizance of.
Her questions in class are incisive and insightful. Her keenness for achieving excellence
has helped her in picking up challenges. Because of her ability and willingness to
communicate what she knows; she has been nominated for peer tutoring Psychology as
well. She works with total dedication and professionalism.
She is a person with pleasing demeanor and gets along well with her group. She has
incredible creative energies and a refreshing idealism. I am certain that you have many
strong candidates and the decision for selecting students is likely very
difficult. However, if I had a vote in this decision, I could honestly say that I would
feel more than confident in selecting Gulsanga. Because she has demonstrated
maturity, creativity, and mastery of the material far beyond that expected of a typical
student of her level.
Gulsanga is well liked by her peers and other professionals. She presents with the rare
combination of exceptional academic/scientific skill, in addition to being socially
gifted. I am certain that she will be an asset to whichever program she attends. Further,
her ability to comprehend scientific literature will certainly be an invaluable asset to the
future patients she treats.
I am expecting big things from her in the years to come.
If I can provide any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Gulrukh Tahir
Psychological Counselor & Psychology Teacher
Headstart School