Student Support Services For Iscdd (Sao and Guidance)
Student Support Services For Iscdd (Sao and Guidance)
Student Support Services For Iscdd (Sao and Guidance)
C.1 Anti-Bullying To provide the students and teachers October, 2019 Students
Seminar knowledge and skills on how to handle Teachers
and respond to bullying and on how to
help other people who are victims of
C.2 Parents’ Seminar To help and give parents tips on how to February 23, Parents and Teachers
respond to the needs and behavior of 2020
their children.
C.3 Fire Prevention To inform students of the measures to March, 2020 Students and Personnel
Seminar/Fire Drill prevent and manage fire.
C.4 Earthquake Drill To provide the students with a simulated February, 2020 Students and Personnel
activity where they can learn timely and
appropriate responses when an actual
earthquake occurs
II. Individual A. Personal Data Sheet To have an updated profile of all the August 13-16, Students and Parents
Inventory students and have an easy access of the 2019
background of the students.
B. Anecdotal Report To record the observations of teachers As needed Teachers
regarding the behavior of their
C. Cumulative Folder To compile the records of students in a August 20-23, Students
System cumulative folder as an aid to 2019
III. A. Administration, To measure the mental ability of July-August Junior and Senior High
Appraisal/Testing Scoring and students 2019 School students
Interpretation of IQ Test To help improve the performance of
students with low IQ and to maximize
the potentials of students with high IQ.
B. Administration, To help students assess their interests January ,2020 Junior High school students
Scoring and and inclination which will assist them in
Interpretation of career pathing.
Interest Test
C. Administration, To measure the ability of the students January, 2020 Junior High school students
Scoring and in future performance.
Interpretation of
Aptitude Test
IV. Placement A. Academic Placement To address the academic concerns of All throughout Students
students for them to realize their the school year
B. Career Placement To help students discover their All throughout Junior and Senior High
strengths and weaknesses that will lead the school year School Students
to positive attitude in choosing their
path and career.
C. Personal/Social To help students be more involve in All throughout Students
Placement their school activities and allow them to the school year
build harmonious relationship with other
V. Counseling A. Individual Counseling To equip the individual with healthy As needed Students
coping skills in his/her concerns and to
help them in processing life experiences
and choices.
B. Group To equip the individuals with healthy As needed Students
Counseling/Group coping skills in their concerns and to
Guidance Sessions help them in processing life experiences
and choices.
C. Monitoring of To monitor students’ As needed Students
Students after progress/developments after the
Preliminary Counseling preliminary counseling sessions
VI. Wellness A. Zumba To allow students to have fun while February Students
Program being fit and healthy.
B. Meditative Exercises To teach students meditative exercises Every Month Students
that will help them cope with stress and
C. Family Day To strengthen the relationship between February, 2020 Students, Teachers and
parents and students. Parents
D. Volunteer Days To instill the sense of volunteerism December Students
(Pamaskong Handog among students enabling them to help 2019
and Date with Special those who are in need. February 2020
Friends) To help students appreciate more what
they have in life.
VII. Student A. Leadership and To equip student leaders with the
Development Team Building/ necessary skills in organizing student September, SSC
Program Induction of activities. 2019 Officers of the different
Officers To inculcate to student leaders the sense clubs/organizations in the
of school
responsibility, volunteerism and
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